Chiuchisan 2015
Chiuchisan 2015
Chiuchisan 2015
Telemedicine and home monitoring have an important role 4.1 Medical applications
in management of chronic diseases, such as asthma, heart
diseases and diabetes [10]. Information and communication The platform K53 Tower System from Freescale
technologies (ICT) including various smart sensors, Semiconductor Inc. (Fig. 2) supports hardware and software
monitoring devices, technologies, portable medical devices, for understanding the functioning of representative medical
provide the venue for electronic transmission of health applications, and development of custom monitoring
parameter of patients to doctors who can thus monitor the applications [16]. The family of microcontrollers (MCU)
patient health condition (e.g. heartbeat, blood pressure, Kinetis K50 has a core ARM Cortex M-4 type and can be
blood sugar, etc.) from distance. In this manner, the quality used for data acquisition in industrial, networking,
of self-care can be improved: the patient is able to automation and medicine [17].
communicate frequently with medical specialists; the This platform can be used for prototyping medical
physician is notified when needed, may prescribe necessary application, which can be loaded into a micro-miniaturized
medication, may carry other procedures and may also form afterwards and used to remotely monitor or diagnose
schedule face-to-face meetings in a manner much more patients. Applications developed on this platform are well-
appropriate and efficient than in the ITC absence. By using suited for monitoring people with risk or elderly in hospitals
these new ICT technologies, telemedicine systems and as well as at home, for connecting patients with doctors and
portable medical devices for home monitoring can family.
stairs etc.; for the home mo
onitoring of patients with
risk the most importtant function of the
accelerometer is detecting a possible falls that may
require the intervention ofo a medical team [19],
Fig. 4 Holter monitoring for the old femaale patient: blood pressure: SYS – systolic pressure and DIA – diastolic pressure
measured in millimeeters of mercury; pulse measured in beats per minute (bpm m)
In reference [15], a medical image processsing system was anthropometrical measurements acqquired using the KinectTM
proposed using Verilog HDL and FPGA (Field sensor for measuring abdominal circumference, biochemical
Programmable Gate Array) based the novel hardware data or other medical examinationss, in order to describe an
architecture of a real-time configurable syystem for digital algorithm capable to elaborate and
d generate a personalized
image processing. This system was used too obtain real-time diet (daily nutritional requiremennts and disease status)
results more suitable than the originaal images with adapted to one type of cancer.
applications in medical devices. In the article [24] was
presented a health care system for Neurollogical Disorders 6. CONCLUSIONS
Screening and Rehabilitation. The system m manages data
acquired from the patients with Parkinson’ss disease in order The use of Internet of Things teechnologies in medicine
to support physicians in diagnosis, treatmennt and monitoring offers a rapid flow of information between the patient and
the patients and also to facilitate the innteraction at the the doctor, enables easy and instanttaneous access to current
distance between doctors and patients. Other proposed patient health parameters as well as to patient health history,
system [25] combines data about patient’s medical history, reduces overall healthcare costs and
d can drastically improve
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