Handout Job Interview Questions Feb 2018
Handout Job Interview Questions Feb 2018
Handout Job Interview Questions Feb 2018
The most effective preparation for interviewing is to practice with sample questions. Below are sample questions to help you
prepare, as well as tips on how to approach some of the most common interview questions.
Situation/Task: description of specific situation, project or task related to the skill sought
Action: description of specific steps you took
Result: outcome resulting from the action taken (be as specific as possible, how did you know you were successful?)
Technical questions
For science and engineering positions, it is common to be asked technical questions to gage your abilities and problem solving
skills. To best prepare for these questions review the job description, if you are asked technical questions they most likely will
be related to the skills listed (for example, if they are seeking C++ experience they may ask you to solve a programming
problem). When asked a technical question, the most important thing is to demonstrate your analytical and communication
skills. If you don't know the answer (sometimes there isn't a right answer), be honest and describe how you would approach
the problem.
Individual career coaching, job search and interviewing assistance is available to all UNC postdocs
through the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
1114 Bioinformatics Bldg UNC-Chapel Hill and 301B Bynum Hall UNC-Chapel Hill
Website: postdocs.unc.edu Tel: (919) 962-9982