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Course Accreditation Document

National Certificate in Machine Shop

Practice(NTVQF Level 1)

June, 2014
Bangladesh Technical Education Board

Course Accreditation Document

National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
This Course Accreditation Document is prepared usingthe recommended format for the
development of courses for the accreditation/re-accreditation of courses under theNational Quality
Assurance Framework (NQAF) and for the registration of the accredited/re-accredited courses/
qualifications under the National Technical and Vocational Qualifications Framework (NTVQF).

The documenthas three parts (A, B and C) which together form the Course Accreditation

The Course Accreditation Document is the nationally recognised specification for the Course. It
provides the basis for the development of strategies for competency based training and
assessment by each accredited training establishment (College/Institute/Training Centre) and
describes essential course information.

• Part A of the Course Accreditation Document provides information on the Course Developer,
Standard Setting Body, the Quality Assurance Body, and course classification and accreditation

• Part B of the Course Accreditation Document contains details of industry need, and the rules
and requirements under which the course may be structured, delivered and assessed.

• Part C of the Course Accreditation Document includes the units of competency or modules that
are contained in the course.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

Table of Contents

PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 5

1. COURSE DEVELOPER .............................................................................................................................. 5

2. COPYRIGHT OWNER ............................................................................................................................... 5
3. PURPOSE OF SUBMISSION ....................................................................................................................... 6
4. COPYRIGHT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. 6
5. DELIVERY OF THE COURSE........................................................................................................................ 6
6. QUALITY ASSURANCE BODY ..................................................................................................................... 6
7. STANDARD SETTING BODY....................................................................................................................... 6
8. COURSE CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 7
9. PERIOD OF ACCREDITATION ..................................................................................................................... 7

PART B: COURSE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 7

1. NOMENCLATURE ................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 NAME OF THE COURSE: .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 NOMINAL DURATION OF THE COURSE .............................................................................................................. 7
1.3 NAME OF THE QUALIFICATION......................................................................................................................... 8
2. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE ....................................................................................................................... 8
3. DEVELOPMENT OF THE COURSE ................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 INDUSTRY/ENTERPRISE/COMMUNITY NEEDS ..................................................................................................... 9
3.2 DUPLICATION OF QUALIFICATION................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 REVIEW FOR RE-ACCREDITATION..................................................................................................................... 11
4. COURSE OUTCOMES .............................................................................................................................11
4.1 VOCATIONAL/EMPLOYMENT/SOCIAL OUTCOMES ............................................................................................. 11
4.2 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ............................................................................................................. 13
4.4 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES............................................................................................................... 14
4.5 PROFESSIONAL/INDUSTRY RECOGNITION (IF APPLICABLE) ................................................................................... 14
4.6 LICENSING/REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS (IF APPLICABLE)................................................................................... 14
5. COURSE RULES AND REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................................14
5.1 COURSE STRUCTURE..................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.1 Requirements for Award of the Qualification ..................................................................................... 15
5.1.2 Exit Qualification ................................................................................................................................. 16
5.1.3 Statement of Achievement ................................................................................................................. 16
5.1.4 Reporting, Quality Assurance and Certification .................................................................................. 16
5.2 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS AND SELECTION CRITERIA .............................................................................................. 16
5.2.1 Entry Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 16
5.2.2 Selection Criteria .................................................................................................................................. 17
6. ASSESSMENT RULES AND REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................17
6.1 ASSESSMENT STRATEGY ................................................................................................................................ 19
6.2 RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL) ........................................................................................................ 22
6.3 WORKPLACE ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................................. 22
6.4 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT AND VALIDATION PROCESSES .................................................................. 23
7. DELIVERY RULES AND REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................23
7.1 DELIVERY STRATEGIES................................................................................................................................... 23
7.2 MODES OF DELIVERY .................................................................................................................................... 24
7.3 WORK PLACEMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 24
7.4 STUDENT GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT ................................................................................................................... 25
Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
8. RESOURCES RULES AND REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................25
8.1 PHYSICAL RESOURCES .................................................................................................................................. 25
8.2 HUMAN RESOURCES .................................................................................................................................... 25
8.2.1 Teachers, Trainers and Assessors:........................................................................................................... 25 Vocational Qualifications ................................................................................................................. 26 Certificate in Competency Based Training and Assessment ............................................................ 26 Industry Experience.......................................................................................................................... 26
8.2.2 Assessor Certification and Registration ............................................................................................... 26
8.2.3 Student - Trainer Ratio: ........................................................................................................................... 26
8.2.4 Support Staff: ...................................................................................................................................... 27
8.2.5 Professional Development .................................................................................................................. 27
8.3 LEARNING RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................. 27
9. VALIDATION OF UNITS OF COMPETENCY ..................................................................................................27
10. PATHWAYS AND/OR PROGRESSION ......................................................................................................27
11. ONGOING MONITORING, EVALUATIONAND REVIEW ....................................................................................28
12. ACCESS AND EQUITY .............................................................................................................................29

PART C: UNITS OF COMPETENCY (OR MODULES) CONTAINED IN THE COURSE .......................................30

APPENDICES .........................................................................................................................................31

Appendix 1: Terms of Reference for the Industry Skills Council (ISC)................................................................ 32

Appendix2: List of Members of the Industry Skills Council ................................................................................ 35
Appendix 3: Selection Criteria for the Technical Sub Committee (TSC)............................................................. 39
Appendix 4: List of Members of the Technical Sub Committee ......................................................................... 40
Appendix 5: Terms of Reference for Standards and Curriculum Development Committee (SCDC).................. 41
Appendix 6: List of Members of the SCDC ........................................................................................................ 45
Appendix 7: Possible Assessment Methods for Gathering Evidence ................................................................. 46
Appendix 8: Recommended List of Machinery, Equipment, Tools, Facilities etc .............................................. 47
Appendix 9: Recommended List of Training and Learning Resources for Machine Shop Practice.................... 52

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

Part A: General Information

1. Course Developer
State the name of the legal entity as well as the individual who led the development of this course for
accreditation. The organisational contact details should be current.
The Chairman
Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB)
Agargoan, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar
Dhaka -1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: +88 02 9140645
Fax: +88 02 8113345
e-mail: [email protected]

Director (Curriculum)
Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB)
Agargoan, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar
Dhaka -1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: +88 02 9140645
Fax: +88 02 8113345
e-mail: [email protected]

Name and Address of the Trade Expert

Mr. Kim, Sang-Jin
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Daelim University College
Ph:82-31-467-4843, FAX 82-31-467-4800
Cell: 82-10-2282-1794
Email: [email protected]
Name and Address of theLocalExpert
Engr. Md. Nazrul Islam
Chief Instructor
Technical Training Centre
Nasirabad, Chittagong
Ph:682082, Cell: 01711-273708
Email: [email protected]

2. Copyright Owner
State the address (street/postal, phone and email) of the legal entity or individual that is the copyright
The Chairman
Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB)
Agargoan, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar
Dhaka -1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: +88 02 812 2056
Fax: +88 02 8113345
e-mail: [email protected]

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

3. Purpose of Submission
State whether the submission is for accreditation or re-accreditation.

4. Copyright Acknowledgement
Materials such as Units of Competency, the Course Accreditation Document and the Training and
Learning Resources owned byGovernmentof The People’s Republic of Bangladeshare available
foraccredited training establishments (Institutions/Institutes/Training Centres) on cost recovery basis.

For details, Contact

The Chairman
Bangladesh Technical Education Board.
Agargoan, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar
Dhaka -1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: +88 02 9140645
Fax: +88 02 8113345
e-mail: [email protected]

5. Delivery of the Course

The accreditedtraining establishments (Colleges/Institutes/Training Centres) offering this course leading to
a national qualification must meet the National Quality Assurance Framework (NQAF) requirements for
delivering this course.

6. Quality Assurance Body

State the name and address of the quality assurance body responsible for the quality assurance of
technical vocational education and training (Include Street/Postal, Phone and Email address).
Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB)
Agargoan, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar
Dhaka -1207, Bangladesh
Telephone: +88 02 812 2056
Fax: +88 02 8113345
e-mail: [email protected]

7. Standard Setting Body

State the name and address of the standard setting body responsible for the industry sector
(Include Street/Postal, Phone and Email address; Delete whichever is not applicable).
Transport Equipment Industry Skills Council (ISC)
Mr.Md. SakhawatHossain
ISC Chairman & Managing Director
Western Marine Shipyard Ltd.
Amin Future Park
1440/A-8. Strand Road
Bandar, Chittagong
Tel: 031-712177, 726579, Res: 031-637715, Cell: 01711 823705 ; Fax: 031-720248
Email:[email protected], [email protected]

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

Thenational course classification codeidentifies the industry, occupational

8. Course group,the field, the level and serial number.
Information ISCEDCode Insert code and description
National Course Code To be provided by the course accrediting
body once the course is accredited

9. Period of Accreditation
State the period of accreditation requested by the course developer.

The course approval and provider accreditation is granted for a specified period (e.g. 1-5 years depending
on the nature of the course and the industry). At the end of the specified period, the accreditation will
The accreditation dates will be confirmed by the Quality Assurance Body at the time of accreditation.
[Typically a course may be accredited for 3 years except in occupations where changes are very fast and
substantial e.g. Information Technology.If the provider wishes to continueto offer the course beyond the
period of accreditation, an application for re-accreditation must be made at leastthree months prior to the
end of the accreditation period. The re-accreditation application must demonstrate that the reviewed
course will meet the current needs of the stakeholders and address the criteria for accreditation. Refer to
the Quality Assurance Body’s (BTEB) standards/requirements and processes for accreditation of courses.]

One year.

Part B: Course information

1. Nomenclature

1.1 Name of the Course:

State the name(s) of the course(s) included in this document. The title of the course must accurately
reflect the contents and outcomes of the course including the qualification awarded on successful
completion of the course. The name of the course should meet the relevant Standard for Accreditation of
The number of specializations included within a certificate will depend upon:
• the industry expectations of the range of competencies/specialization expected of a typical
employee in the workplace of the relevant occupation
• the time required by a typical student to successfully complete the specialization(s) included in
the course/qualification and meet the specific requirements for the award of this certificate
qualification and the national guidelines for award of various levels of certificate qualifications in
Bangladesh (i.e. 360 hours for NTVQF Level 1 and additional 270 hours for each higher level
NTVQF qualification).

National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1)

1.2 Nominal Duration of the Course

State the nominal duration of the course in hours. [The nominal duration of the course will indicate the
number of hours of Off Job training at the accredited training establishment (College/Institute/Training
Centre) comprising face to face instruction, learning, practice and assessment. In addition to Off Job
training, the course may contain On Job (i.e. workplace based) training. The nominal duration of the
course (Off Job and On Job) should be in accordance with the national guidelines, which is explained

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
later in this section.]
• The nominal duration of the course will depend upon the time taken by a typical student for
developing the competencies covered in the course to the specified level for and within each Unit
of Competency. That will be transparent from the assigned National Technical Vocational
Qualification Framework (NTVQF) level, elements, performance criteria, range of variables and
the evidence guide of each Unit of Competency, and the time required for the award of the
qualification at the NTVQF level of the course. The Units of Competency contained in the course
are included in Part C.
• It is very likely that the length of training required for achieving a given level of the qualification
could vary from occupation to occupation. For example, welding competencies may take a longer
time to develop than machine operations competencies. The length proposed for each
qualification, though nominal, must be based on a clear and sound logic.
• The recommended Off Job training for a National Technical Vocational Qualification Framework
(NTVQF) Level 1 course is a minimum of 360 nominal learning hours. A higher level NTVQF
course must have at least 270 nominal hours of additional learning for each higher NTVQF level.
For example, a Level 2 NTVQF course will have (360 + 270 =) 630 nominal hours of learning and
a Level 3 NTVQF course will have (360 + 270 + 270 =) 900 nominal learning hours.
• The recommended work experience/On Job training is a minimum of 0 hours for a NTVQF Level
1 course, and 216 hours for each higher NTVQF level course.
• If the length of the Off Job and/or On Job training is more than the recommended minimum, there
must be adequate justification. Very strong justification is required if the nominal duration of the
course is more than 20% of the recommended minimum. Generally the nominal duration of the
course should not be more than 25% of the recommended minimum.

Nominal duration of the National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1) is

– Off Job =420 hours
– On Job =0 hours

If the course is delivered under the apprenticeship model, the training and assessment will occur mostly at the
workplace and may include some ‘block courses’at training institutions depending on the needs of the stakeholders.

1.3 Name of the Qualification

State the name of the qualification that will be awarded on successful completion of the course.
• The name of the qualification should meet the relevant Standard for Accreditation of courses
including the general requirements for the award of National Technical Vocational Qualification
Framework (NTVQF) qualifications at the particular level.

National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1)

2. Purpose of the Course

State the intended purpose of the course (i.e. Why the course is offered, for whom and what
competencies will be developed?) The intended purpose should meet the relevant Standard for
Accreditation of courses.
• The purpose of the course must contain adequate information to help the stakeholders
make informed decision on whether or not the course and/or the graduates will be of
value to them.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
The intended purpose of the course is to ensure that the graduates acquire the knowledge,
skills and attitude required of an operative level employee in the Machine Shop Practice section
of the Transport Equipment industry sector. The graduates will be able to, among other things,
use basic mathematical concepts for Machine Shop Practice occupational purposes, interpret
technical drawing, use hand and power tools and graduated measuring instruments, Perform
bench work, Grind cutting tool, Perform Lathe operation (Basic), Perform shaping operation
(Basic), Perform Milling operation (Basic),in Machine Shop Practice of Transport Equipment
industry sector, in particular.

The target students/trainees are those who meet the course specific entry requirements and
have an understanding of the potential employment and employers/enterprises in the Machine
Shop Practicesection of the Transport Equipment industry sector. The graduates of this course
will meet the huge demand for operative level Machine Shop Practices in Bangladesh and
overseas, and contribute towards the positive economic and social outcomes of our nation and
our peoples.

3. Development of the Course

3.1 Industry/Enterprise/Community Needs

Identify the major client and/or industry groups.
• The processes followed for the identification of the priority occupations are explained (e.g.
national/local data, surveys, research reports, global trends,focus groups, interviews, job
• The rationale for the composition and processes followed for the formation of the Industry Skills
Committee/Council (ISC) are explained. (Terms of Reference for the ISC may be included as an
• The processes followed for identifying the titles of the Units of Competency for each occupation,
which reflect the generic/key and vocational skills required to be successful at the workplace by
the Technical Sub Committee (TSC) and the endorsement by theIndustry Skills Council (ISC)
are explained. [The criteria used for the selection of Technical Sub-Committee (TSC) and the
Terms of Reference, if any, are included as an appendix].
• The processes followed for the development and review of the Units of Competency including
the selection of national consultant(s)for drafting the Unitsof competency, the formation of the
Standards and Curriculum Development Committee (SCDC) for reviewing the units of
Competency and finally the validation of the Units of Competency by the Industry Skills Council
(ISC) are explained (The Terms of Reference for the National Consultant and the Standards and
Curriculum Development Committee (SCDC)areincluded as appendices).
• The processes followed for development of the curriculum documentation and the endorsement
by the SCDC and the validation processes are explained.
The Project for Enhancing the Vocational Training Program of TTC, Chittagong of the
Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, which is funded mainly by KOICA (Korea
International Cooperation Agency) and MoEWOE Jointly identified Occupations followed to
SDP and TVET Reform Project; such as Machine Shop Practice, Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning, Automotive Mechanics under Transport Sector; Sewing Machine Operator under
RMG Sector; Consumer Electronics Technician under Light Engineering Sector and IT Support
Technician under Information Technology Sector.
Representative groups of the stakeholders in the Transport Equipment industry sector were
identified. The Terms of Reference for the Industry Skills Council (Refer: Appendix 1) was
prepared and distributed among the representative groups of stakeholders. The nominations for
membership in the Industry Skills Council were received from the representative groups of
stakeholders. The members of the newly formed Industry Skills Council for the Transport
Equipment industry sector elected the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of the Transport
Equipment Industry Skills Council. In addition, representatives of the Federation of Bangladesh
Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), Bangladesh Employers Federation (BEF),
National Coordination Committee on Workers Education (NCCWE), Bangladesh Technical
Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
Education Board (BTEB), Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training (BMET), and
Executive Committee of the National Skills Development Council (ECNSDC) attend the
meetings of the Transport Equipment Industry Skills Council as general members and
participate in discussions. The list of members of the Transport Equipment Industry Skills
Council is attached (Refer: Appendix 2).

The members of the Industry Skills Council for the Transport Equipment Industry sector
deliberated extensively and selected the following six occupations out of which sl no. 1-3 was
selected under TVET Reform Project and sl. No. 4-6 was selected under the Project for
Enhancing the Vocational Training Program of TTC, Chittagong. within their industry sector for
capacity building:
1. Machine Shop Practice
2. Consumer ElectronicsThechnician
3. Automotive Mechanics
4. IT Support Technician
5. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
6. Sewing Machine Operator

Provide evidence of industry/enterprise/community need and support for the course. Describe the
consultation and validation process completed before and during the course design and development
process. The process for identifying Industry/enterprise/community needs and the outcomes should meet
the relevant Standard for Accreditation of courses.
TheIndustry Skills Council for the Transport Equipment industry sector and the Bangladesh
Technical Education Board organised the development of the competency standards/Units of
Competency and the course accreditation documents for the Transport Equipment industry
sector through a systematic process.
The first step in the process was the identification of the industry relevant skill sets for the
particular occupation or the titles of the Units of Competency for the occupation. For that
purpose,a Technical Sub Committee was formed by informing the Industry Skills Council
nominated comprising technical experts specialising in the particular occupation, Machine
ShopPractice. The selection criteria for the Technical Sub Committee (TSC) are attached
(Refer: Appendix 3). Members of the Technical Sub Committee (TSC) wereappointed by
theIndustry Skills Council (ISC). The list of members of the Technical Sub Committee
forMachine Shop Practiceoccupationis attached (Refer: Appendix 4). The titles of the Units of
Competency for each occupation were identified by the respective Technical Sub Committee.
The titles of the Units of Competency recommended by the TSC for Machine Shop Practice
occupation were vetted and validated by the Transport Equipment Industry Skills Council.
The second step in the process was the development of the Units of Competency. For
developing the Units of Competency, local Experts who is a specialist in the Machine Shop
Practiceoccupation, was appointed. The local Experts for the occupation, under the guidance
prepared a draft version of the Units of Competency. When the draft version of the Units of
Competency for the occupation was completed, those draft documents were reviewed by the
Standards and Curriculum Development Committee (SCDC) for the occupation comprising
three representatives from the Industry, one representative each from to the training institutions
managed by the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) and Bureau of Manpower
Employment and Training (BMET), and a Privately managed TVET institution, and BTEB, the
Quality Assurance Body. The Terms of Reference for the Standards and Curriculum
Development Committee (SCDC) is attached (Refer: Appendix 5).The list of members of the
SCDC for theMachine Shop Practice occupationis attached (Refer: Appendix 6). The refined
Units of Competency were recommended by the SCDC to the Industry Skills Council for
validation. This whole process was supported and monitored by the Local and Trade Expert.
Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
Subsequently, the Transport Equipment Industry Skills Council, in consultation with specialists
in the industry, vetted and validated the SCDC-endorsed Units of Competency for the Machine
Shop Practiceoccupation.
The third step in the process was the development of the Course Accreditation Document by
the national consultant/Local Expert for the development of curriculum documentation under the
guidance of an International Consultant. This process involved the expansion of the Units of
Competency to collect a range of curricular information and consolidation into the Course
Accreditation Document. The draft version of the Course Accreditation Document prepared by
the national consultant was reviewed by the Standards and Curriculum Development
Committee. Subsequent to the SCDC’s review of the Course Accreditation Document, it was
refined by the national consultant and submitted to the SCDC for endorsement and
recommendation to the Bangladesh Technical and Vocational Education Board (BTEB) for
approval. The BTEB approved this Course Accreditation Document, in consultation with
curriculum specialists and the Transport Equipment Industry Skills Council.

The Fourth step in the process was the development of Course Accreditation Document by the
national expert under the guidance of Trade Expert. This process involved the expansion of the
Units of Competency to collect a range of curricular information and consolidation into the
Course Accreditation Document. The draft version of the Course Accreditation Document
prepared by the Local experts was reviewed by the Standards and Curriculum Development
Committee. Subsequent to the SCDC’s review of the Course Accreditation Document, it was
refined by the Trade Expert and submitted to the SCDC for endorsement and recommendation
to the Bangladesh Technical and Vocational Education Board (BTEB) for approval. The BTEB
approved this Course Accreditation Document, in consultation with curriculum specialists and
the Transport Equipment Industry Skills Council.

3.2 Duplication of Qualification

There is no competency based training course leading to the National Certificate in Machine
Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 2) in Bangladesh.
3.3 Review for re-accreditation
Refer to the relevantStandard for Accreditation of courses.
If applying for re-accreditation, provide details of the monitoring and evaluation undertaken, including a
summary of the findings, and how those findings have been addressed in the revised course.

Not Applicable

Details the transition arrangements from the existing course to the new course necessary for learners
currently enrolled in the existing course.

Not applicable

4. Course Outcomes

Refer to the relevantStandard for Accreditation of courses. The course outcomes must reflect the
industry/enterprise/ community needs, the level and the nature of the course.

4.1 Vocational/Employment/Social Outcomes

Describe the outcomes a typical graduate of the course will be able to demonstrate on successful
completion of the course leading to the proposed NTVQF qualification. The outcomes must be in

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
agreement with the level and duration or nominal learning hours of the course.
• The course outcomes identify what valuable outcomes are achieved as a result of completing the
course. It could include specific and valid information on
o The vocational training outcomes (a summary of the knowledge, skills and attitude
possessed by successful graduates, training pathways/advancement. The titles of the Units
of Competency could throw some light on this. The highlights of the elements and the
required underpinning knowledge, skills and attitude contained in the UoCs may provide
additional information, if found very valuable and essential. The outcome statement must be
concise. The educational outcomes must be appropriate to the level of the course (Cf. Level
Descriptors of the NTVQF).
o the economic outcomes (national and/or overseas employment, promotion/career
advancement, industrial productivity and national gross domestic product increase), and
o the social outcomes (poverty alleviation/quality of life for self and family, community
cohesion) outcomes.
● The outcomes of the course must collectively achieve the aim of the course and should be
monitored as part of the evaluation of the course.

Vocational Training Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, the graduates of the National Certificate in Machine
Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)will be able to:
• Use basic mathematical concepts for the machine shop practice occupational purposes
• Apply osh practices in the workplace in general and the transport equipment industry in
• Interpret technical drawing
• Work in the manufacturing industry (including osh) in the context of the machine shop
practice occupation
• Use hand and power tools
• Use graduated measuring instruments
• Perform bench work
• Grind cutting tool
• Perform Lathe operation (Basic)
• Perform shaping operation (Basic)
• Perform Milling operation (Basic)
demonstrate the underpinning knowledge, skills and positive attitude required of a
competent operative level Machine Shop Practice

Economic Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the graduates of the National Certificate in Machine
Shop Practice

• getting opportunities for local and/or overseas employment as a competent operative

level Machine Shop Practice
• getting opportunities for promotion and/or career advancement in the Machine Shop
Practice occupational context
• creatingself employment for themselves in the Machine Shop Practice occupational
• creating opportunities for employment of othersin the Machine Shop Practice
occupational contextand

contributing towardsincreased productivity in the Machine Shop Practicesection of the

Transport Equipment industry sector and the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
Social Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the graduates of the National Certificate in Machine
Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1)will be able to contribute towards:

• poverty alleviation for self,immediate family and the nation as a whole and
• providing enhanced quality of services to the employersin the Machine Shop Practice
section of the Transport Equipment Industry and to thecitizens and residents of the
4.2 Occupational Safety and Health
Explain how the Occupational Safety and Health learning outcomes of the course will be achieved.
• National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level1)course includes one
generic Unit of Competency GN1002A1 Apply OSH Practices in the Workplace, which
addresses generic OSH practices such as general hazards (fire, heat, light, noise, dust,
floor condition) fire safety, manual handling, ergonomics, earthquake, first aid and OSH
initiatives in Bangladesh including Laws and Regulationsrelevant to OSH.
• Occupation specific OSH practices include hazard identification and control, risk
assessment and implementation of risk reduction measures specific to tasks relevant to
this course, and may include but are not limited to adherence to the standard operating
procedures, use of appropriate personal protective equipment, safe materials handling,
taking rest breaks, ergonomic arrangement of workplaces, understanding the industrial
coding of markings and responding accordingly (e.g. following marked walkways and
avoiding hazardous zones), safe storage of equipment, housekeeping, reporting of
accidents and incidents, and environmental practices. The Occupational Safety and
Health specific to the Machine Shop Practiceoccupation [e.g. Industrial safety (through
5S system - sort, straighten/set in order, shine/systematic cleaning, standardise,
sustain), fire safety,chemical safety, machinerysafety, electrical safety, radiation safety,
etc.] will be included within almost all the UoCs.
• The assessment of demonstration of safe practices will occur over a long period of time
and multiple assessments will be used to collect sufficient evidencefor the competency.

Teachers should incorporate in their delivery of the course health, safety and security concepts
and initiatives relevant to Bangladesh. This willinclude the essential underpinning knowledge,
skillsand attitude required by students to develop competencies in the generic Occupational
Safety and Health (OSH) module and the OSH related components of all other modules
embedded in this course. Care should be taken to refer to suitable workplace texts that can be
integrated into delivery and assessment strategies.

In a nut shell, the strategies to control risks may include but are not limited to:
- Understanding and following OSH guidelines issued by the College, Institute and/or Training
- Carrying out hazard identification and risk assessment, wherever applicable
- Formulating a Work Method Statement for all activities, wherever applicable
- Ensuring that Material Safety Data Sheets are available, accessible and used, wherever
applicable and
- Ensuring that equipment operating instructions are readily available, accessible and used,
wherever applicable

Management of the time spent onpersonal computers and other equipment should be in
accordance with appropriate safety guidelines relating to repetitive strain injury.
4.3 Transferable/Generic/Soft/Key Skills Necessary to be Successful in
Refer to the relevantStandard for Accreditation of courses.
Provide a summary of the transferable skills necessary to be successful in workplace which must be
Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
achieved in this course.
• The skills necessary to be successful at workplace could include communication
including interpersonal communication skills, literacy, numeracy, digital literacy, critical
thinking and problem solving, planning and organising, self-management including time
management and teamwork. These skills should be delivered in an applied and
integrated manner and assessed at the appropriate levels within this course.

4.4 Environmental Responsibilities

Refer to the relevant Standard for Accreditation of courses.

Learning and assessment events should be designed to avoid excessive consumption of

materials and resources and to minimise waste. Where possible, materials should be re-cycled.
Waste should be collected and processed or disposed of to minimise adverse or harmful impact
on the natural environmentand meet the relevant regulations of the Directorate of Environment.

Students should be made aware of their responsibilities with respect to the protection of the
environment. Recycling of paper and toner cartridges for printers, photocopiers and fax
machines, appropriate disposal of chemicals and wastes should be encouraged and practised.

In addition, students should be encouraged to restrict the amount of printing and photocopying
they undertake, as well as to remember to use power saving devices and equipment, and to
ensure responsible use of water and of plastic/foamutensils and materials.

Competency development activities and assessment practices need to be designed and carried
out to comply with relevant aspects of government legislation and regulations for environmental

All materials used in competency development and assessment should be recycled. Wastes
should be collected and processed or disposed of to minimize harmful impact on the natural
environment. Extra care should be taken in the management of toxic wastes.

4.5 Professional/Industry Recognition (if applicable)

Refer to the relevant Standard for Accreditation of courses.
State the recognition given to the course(s) by professional or industry bodies; if applicable (e.g.
opportunity to students for associate membership of professional bodies such as institution of
engineers/food technologists or vendor certifications or opportunity for international course/programme
This course is recognisedby the Transport Equipment Industry Skills Council.
4.6 Licensing/regulatory requirements (if applicable)
Refer to the relevant Standard for Accreditation of courses.
State the extent to which the course satisfies licensing/regulatory requirements, if applicable

Not Applicable

5. Course Rules and Requirements

Refer to the relevantStandard for Accreditation of courses.

5.1 Course Structure

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

The course structure should ensure that the combination of Units of Competency and/or Modules provide
training for the range of job functions and tasks identified in the occupational analysis.
All qualifications identified in the structure must be accredited in their own right and assigned a national
qualification code.
Course structure may be presented in table format or as a combination of text and table, including
guidelines on sequencing (pre-requisite, co-requisites), clustering and nominal hours.
• Outline the structure of the course and rules for completion. Course structure will reflect the
intended skill and knowledge outcomes of the course and may be:
o generic
o industry sector specific
o occupation specific and/or (specialised) job role specific - compulsory
o occupation specific and/or (specialised) job role specific - elective

Course Structure
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1)
Table: 1
Sl. No. Unit Code and Title Duration
Generic (2 UoCs required) 70
1. GN1001A1 Use basic mathematical concepts 1 40
2. GN1002A1 Apply OSH practices in the workplace 1 30
Sector Specific (4 UoCs required) 120
3. TRASS1006A1 Interpret technical drawing 1 40
4. TRASS1007A1 Work in the manufacturing Industry 1 20
5. TRASS1008A1 Use hand tools and power tools 1 40
6. TRASS1009A1 Use graduated measuring instruments 1 20
Occupation Specific – Compulsory (5UoCs required) 230
7. TRAMACH1011A1 Perform bench work 1 40

8. TRAMACH1012A1 Grind cutting tool 1 40

9. TRAMACH1013A1 Perform Lathe operation (Basic) 1 60

10. TRAMACH1014A1 Perform shaping operation (Basic) 1 30

11 TRAMACH1015A1 Perform Milling operation (Basic) 1 60

Total Nominal Learning Hours 420

NOTE As more and more UoCs are developed there may be the need and opportunities for compulsory
and elective UoCs in generic, sector specific and occupation related clusters.

Detailed Information on the UoCs to be successfully completed for the award of this national certificate
should be identified.
Detailed information on each Unit of Competency isincluded in Part C.
5.1.1 Requirements for Award of the Qualification
To be eligible for the award of the National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level
1), the student should successfully completethe Units of Competency as required in the above
tableusually through

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

• 420 hours of Off Job training

• 0 hours of On Job training

If the course is delivered under the apprenticeship model, the training and assessment will occur mostly at the
workplace and may include some ‘block courses’at training institutions depending on the needs of the stakeholders.

5.1.2 Exit Qualification

Any exit point from the course that provides for vocational or educational outcome should be identified.
There is no exit qualification if a student leaves the course before successfully completing the
requirements for award of theNational Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1).

5.1.3 Statement of Achievement

Indicate that only a Statement of Achievementwill be issued for any unit of competency/module
completed if the full qualification is not completed.
Any student who did not meet the requirements for the award of the National Certificate in
Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1) will be eligible to receive a Statement of Achievement
containing the details of the successfully completed Units of Competency.
5.1.4 Reporting, Quality Assurance and Certification
The training institutions and/or assessment centres, which are accredited to train and/or assess
students, will report the results of successful students to the Controller of Examinations, BTEB
within two weeks of finding the student competent in a Unit of Competency.
The Controller of Examinations in cooperation with Director of Quality Assurance, BTEBwill
ensure that the quality of the assessmentsand the results reported by the Registered Training
Providers/Assessment Centres meet the national standards, through selected external
assessment for validation purposes.
BTEB is responsible for the NTVQF certification of the successful students and the Controller of
Examinations will manage that certification process.
5.2 Entry Requirements and Selection Criteria
Refer to the relevant Standard for Accreditation of courses

5.2.1 Entry Requirements

Describe entry requirements which are essential for enrolling in the course.
Entry requirements should be fair and justifiable. (i.e. The entry requirement should not become an
unnecessary barrier to potential learners. However, anyone enrolling in the course must have reasonable
likelihood of success). Entry requirements may include language, literacy and numeracy skills that are
likely to facilitate successful and safe completion of the course by an intending participant.
In addition, the entry requirements should recognise that there could be more than one route to enrol in
the course (e.g. equivalent qualifications, mature student entry). Wherever possible, these should be
expressed in terms of competency levels, relevant industry experience or equivalent.
The entry requirement may vary from course to course and may include age, legal and health
requirements. The National Skills Development Policy for Bangladesh recommends that the Grade 8 pre-
requisite is removed from formal skills programmes. Instead course specific entry requirements and
challenge tests that are closely aligned to the level of training delivered is recommended. Mature
students with relevant industry experience will be eligible for admission if they have adequate literacy and
numeracy skills and have the likelihood of success in the course.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

It is expected that usually the entry requirement for a higher level NTVQF course will be the immediately
lower NTVQF qualification in the occupation or specialised job role, if applicable and available, or
equivalent competence determined by a valid process [e.g. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)].
Any entry requirement must be verifiable through appropriate evidence or any other suitable means.
It is also expected that a NTVQF course is not ‘an exclusively terminal course’ and a typical student in
Bangladesh will aspire to pursue higher training and advance further. The regulations must provide the
opportunity for the academic and career advancement/progression and to meet the rights of aspiring
individuals who are able to demonstrate likelihood of success at various levels.

The minimum entry requirement for the National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF
Level 1) is
• SSC Pass or evidence of equivalent achievement or
• Grade 8Course Completed and Pass in a relevant Challenge Test or
• Pass in a relevant Pre-vocational course or
• At least 3 years relevant work experience in the Machine Shop Practice sectionand pass
in a relevant Challenge Test.
The potential employers are the enterprises/industriesin the Machine Shop Practicesection
of the Transport Equipment Industry sector and the age required for full time employment in
the Machine Shop Practice occupation within the Transport Equipment Industry sector will be
determined by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
When the course is advertised, the potential applicants must be informed of any age or other
restrictions for full employment.

5.2.2 Selection Criteria

Selection criteria applied when there are more applicants than the number of spaces available for training
must be transparent.It is expected that for some courses (e.g. Graphic Design, Web Design, Supervision,
etc.) students with relevant abilities (e.g. creative thinking,logical thinking, supervisory) may be given

If there are more applicants than the number of spaces available preference will be given to
those who have greater likelihood of success as indicated by previous educational achievement
and/or recent relevant industry experience.
However, special consideration will be given to a reasonable number of physically,economically
or socially disadvantaged groups of people to ensure equity,if there is no health and safety risk
to the applicant and/or fellow trainees and the rights of other students are not hinderedor
crushed in an unfair and/or unethicalmanner.
A screening/challenge test and/or interview may be administered to select the deserving

6. Assessment Rules and Requirements

Refer to the relevantStandard for Accreditation of courses.
In Competency Based Training, the assessment must be student centred and criterion referenced [e.g.
the student performance is assessed against standards defined in the Units of Competency by the
Standard Setting Bodies (i.e. ISCs)].

1. Describe the course assessment strategy in terms of how it effectively judges participants’
achievement of outcomes. The strategy should outline the approach to assessment and evidence
gathering to be followed by the assessors, including any mandated and/or recommended modes of
Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

2. Describe how assessment of the course will be consistent with the relevantStandards for
Accreditation of Courses and identify course assessment strategies which:
• are consistent with the specifications included in the nationally endorsed UoC
• ensure that work placement and regulatory requirements
• justify mandatory workplace assessment, or assessment through simulation if these are to be
used and include advice on how they may be achieved

• identify any special arrangements that may facilitate Recognition of Prior Learning. Recognition
of Prior Learning (RPL) could include ‘assessment of prior learning’ or ‘pre-arranged recognition
of learning’ (e.g. transfer of credit/cross credit/specific exemption).

Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence in Competency Based Training

The assessment must be:
• valid
• reliable
• fair
• flexible and follow the rules of evidence

Assessment should:

• be criterion-referenced and cover all the elements included in the UoC and collectively
address the performance criteria considering the identified rangeof variables and the
required underpinning knowledge, skills and attitudes to demonstrate competency
• integrate knowledge, skills and attitudes, wherever possible, in the form of work related
practical/hands-on activity
• include assessment covering appropriate aspects of on- and off-job components of
training included in the course
• generally involve evidence collection on more than one occasion and cover a variety
of contexts or situations especially, considering the scope identified in the range
statements and, in certain cases, will be ongoingover a longer period of time (e.g. OSH,
generic/key skills).
• beequitable to all groups or individuals by including reasonable adjustments
• be monitored, evaluated and reviewed to ensure that there is consistency in the
interpretation of evidence
• provide for the recognition of competencies no matter how, where or when they have
been acquired – e.g. Structured Training in the training establishments
(Colleges/Institutes/Training Centres), Apprentice Training, Non-formal Training etc.
• be made accessible to individuals so that they can progress with their learning and/or
gain the national qualification within a reasonable period of time
• have a participatory approach to assessment (i.e. the process of assessment should
be jointly developed/agreed between the assessor and the candidate) and make
reasonable adjustments (i.e. flexible within reason).
• allow individuals to appeal against assessment decisions, with provision for

Assessment Methods:

• Appropriate (Valid – e.g. an assessment on ‘performinglathe operations’ to specified

requirements under a range of variables requires ‘actually performing lathe operations’
tothose specified requirements under thatrange of variablesand not ‘justknowing how
to perform lathe operations’tothose specified requirements under thatrange of variables)
• Fair (Not hinder individuals or groups in ways unrelated to the evidence requirements)
Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

• Integrated with work and learning in an ongoing way (not one-off assessment occasion)
• Manageable (will not compromise learning, must be easy to administer)

Assessment methods could involve observation, simulation, questioning, presentation and

written assessment (assignment, targeted tests/exams).
Rules of Evidence:
• Valid (Refer: Elements, PCs, Evidence Guide of the current version of UoC)
• Sufficient to make a sound judgment [The evidence collected must be of sufficient
quality and quantity (i.e. meet the requirements and current standards/UoC – range
and level; no under- or over-assessment (i.e. not too many or too few assessments),
appropriate mix of direct and indirect evidence)].
• Recent and Current (The candidate’s evidence must be recent and meet current
• Authentic (Verification – drafts, progress monitoring, declaration, third party attestation)
• Consistent and Reliable (Multiple evidence)

Assessment process should involve planning, preparation and validation of assessment tools,
evidence collection, judgement making and validation of results.
Assessment procedures and the criteria for judging performance must be made clear to all
individuals seeking assessment.
• Consistent
• Systematic
• Transparent/Open

This is ensured through regular monitoring of assessments.

6.1 Assessment Strategy

Regardless of assessment contexts (e.g. on job or off job) or Recognition of Prior Learning, for
a student to be declared competent in the Unit of Competency the student should demonstrate
competency in the elements of competency contained in the Unit of Competency.The
assessment strategy must ensure that the evidence is sufficient butnot excessive to show
competence, collected over a period of time in the range of contexts specified in the Unit of
Competency, and cover all elements of competency.

The assessment strategies could include:

• Real Time/Workplace Observation, where applicable
• Work Related Practical Demonstration/Simulation/Case Study/Role Play
• Verified Competency Based Log Book, where applicable
• Third Party Report, where applicable
• Assignment
• Project Report
• Exam (Theory)
• Questioning (Verbal and Written)
• Structured Interviews
• Products (Work Sample - Installed/Operational Machine)
• Portfolio (Product, Production/Quality Check Sheet)
• Direct/Indirect

Recommended Assessment Strategies

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0


Written Test/Exam
Oral Questioning

Practical Project



Code and Title of UoCs/Modules

Use basic mathematical
1. GN1001A1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Apply OSH prac ices in
2 GN1002A1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
the workplace
3. TRASS1006A1 Interpret technical drawing ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Work in the manufacturing
4. TRASS1007A1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Use hand tools and power
5. TRASS1008A1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Use graduated measuring
6. TRASS1 09A1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
7. TRAMACH1011A1 Perform bench work ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
8. TRAMACH1012A1 Grind cutting tool ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Perform Lathe operation
9. TRAMACH1013A1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Perform shaping operation
10 TRAMACH1014A1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Perform Milling operation
11 TRAMACH1015A1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Detailed information on Elements Assessed/Aspects of Evidence using each Assessment Tool

will be prepared by the trainer-assessor before commencing the delivery of the course.

Additional information on “Possible Assessment Methods for Gathering Evidence” could be

found in Appendix 4.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1) Version 1.0

Template for Assessment Activities and Identification of the Learning Outcomes Assessed in each Assessment Activity

Job Related Assessment Activity/Product/Project 3

Job Related Assessment Activity/Product/Project 1

Job Related Assessment Activity/Product/Project 2

Job Related Assessment Activity/Product/Project 4

Job Related Assessment Activity/Product/Project 5

Job Related Assessment Activity/Product/Project 6

Job Related Assessment Activity/Product/Project 7

(Observation and Oral Questioning)

(Observation and Oral Questioning)

(Observation and Oral Questioning)

(Observation and Oral Questioning)

(Observation and Oral Questioning)

(Observation and Oral Questioning)

(Observation and Oral Questioning)

Log Book (Where Applicable)

Written Test/Exam
S. Code and Title of UoCs/Modules

National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1) Elements Covered in the Assessment
1. GN1001A1 Use basic mathematical concepts
2. GN1002A1 Apply OSH practices in the workplace
3. TRASS1006A1 Interpret technical drawing
4. TRASS1007A1 Work in the manufacturing Industry
5. TRASS1008A1 Use hand tools and power tools
6 TRASS1009A1 Use graduated measuring instruments
7. TRAMACH1011A1 Perform bench work

8. TRAMACH1012A1 Grind cutting tool

9. TRAMACH1013A1 Perform Lathe operation (Basic)

10. TRAMACH1014A1 Perform shaping operation (Basic)

11 TRAMACH1015A1 Perform Milling operation (Basic)

NOTE The results of assessment will be reported as C for Competent or NYC for Not Yet Competent in the Competency Based Training Model in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

6.2 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Learning (RPL) could be through the Assessment or Accreditation of Prior Learning
(APL) of the student/trainee by matching and evaluating the evidence provided by the
student/trainee and/or the competencies possessed by the student/trainee with the Units of
Competency/Modules for which credit is sought.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) could involve the matching and evaluation of the
competencies included in the course delivered by institution/department seeking Transfer of Credit
(ToC) with the Units of competency for which Transfer of Credit (ToC) is sought, in addition to
evaluating the institution’s/department’s Quality Management System and monitoring its
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) may involve only the matching and evaluation of the
competencies included in the course delivered by institution/department seeking Transfer of Credit
(ToC) with the Units of competency for which Transfer of Credit (ToC)is sought, if the institution
seeking ToC is confirmed to be implementing a Quality Management System comparable and
acceptable to the institution granting RPL through ToC.

Considering APL, where a student is able to demonstrate competency in a Unit of Competency,

the student can be granted recognition of prior learning. Evidence gathering processes may vary,
but the following four (4) primary approaches should be utilised either separately or in combination
depending on time, cost and context factors.
• Samples of Performance (e.g. constructed through simulations, activities, skill tests or
gathered through portfolios, documented evidence from workplace supervisor)
• Observation of Performance in the Workplace or Simulated Workplace (e.g. Third party
report, logbook or journal)
• Evidence of Prior Performance (e.g. recognition of prior learning and recognition of current
competencies via portfolios, projects, reports and work history)
• Supplementary Information (e.g. questioning, test, case studies and presentations).

International – recognition and validation processes vary significantly between education providers
and across countries. For specific RPL, a negotiated agreement is required. Agreements should
be negotiated on an individual basis by the graduate and the chosen overseas institution or an
authorised representative of the overseas institution. RPL is reached by matching relevant
learning outcomes of the courses offered by an institution and the applicant’s current
competencies or the competencies covered by the applicant’s course.

Additional information on RPL could be found in Section 13of the National Skills Development
Policy for Bangladesh.

Teachers can access advice, from BTEB, on RPL processes and existing agreements at national
and international levels.

6.3 WorkplaceAssessment

The National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1)course includes usually 0 hours
of On Job training in addition to 420 hours of Off Job training. Therefore, this course does not
require any work placement. However, where applicable (e.g. apprenticeship training), the
workplace based learning will be closely monitored by using a competency based logbook and
assessed through appropriate assessment tools. Certified and registered assessors will be
involved in the assessment of achievement of the learning outcomes by the students at the

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

If the course is delivered under the apprenticeship model, the training and assessment will occur mostly at the
workplace. However, it may include some ‘block courses’comprisingtargeted training and assessment at training
institutions depending on the needs of the stakeholders.

6.4 Internal and External AssessmentandValidation Processes

Samples of assessment tools will be developed as part of training and learning resources
development at the national level. The nationally developed assessment tools will be
contextualised/customized by a certified CBT trainer-assessor and internally quality assured by a
certified CBT assessor before using them for assessment purposes. Decision on the samples of
the evidence collected from the students as part of assessment will also be internally quality
assured at the institutional level.

Certified and registered CBT assessors contracted by the Quality Assurance Body, BTEB, will
regularly visit the training institutions to carry out selected external assessments for validating the
assessment results reported by the institutional CBT trainers – assessors for quality assurance

7. Delivery Rules and Requirements

Refer to the relevantStandard for Accreditation of courses

7.1 Delivery Strategies

1. Identify and justify any delivery modes essential to the delivery of this course. [The delivery methods
should have significant emphasis on work-related hands-on practice (i.e. work tasks as practical
activities) and adequate underpinning theory; will normally include ‘off job’ and ‘on job’ training; It may
include ‘face to face’, ‘distance’, and ‘mixed’ modes of deliverydepending on the needs of the
stakeholders; Similarly the delivery could be part-time or full-time depending on the needs of the
2. Identify any limitations to the delivery modes that may be chosen for this course and provide
justification[i.e. Work Experience, Distance Delivery Method]
3. Identify any educational support mechanisms for maximising participants’ completion of the course
[Extended Practice Times, Tutorial Support, Literacy Numeracy Support, Peer Support/Buddy System].
4. Indicate how the course may be varied to reflect the needs of learner groups through the
contextualisation of units or other means where appropriate.
The delivery strategy may include but is not limited to some of the delivery strategies listed below:
• Workshop/Laboratory Instructions and Demonstrations
• Workshop/Laboratory Practice
• Individual/Group Projects
• Industry Visits
• Laboratory Practicals
• Instructions/Lectures
• Guest Lectures
• Group Discussions
• Case Studies
• Role Play
• Peer Teaching
• Presentations/Seminars
• Video/CD/Multimedia/Computer Assisted Learning,
• Work Placement, where applicable

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

If the course is delivered under the apprenticeship model, the training and assessment will occur mostly at the workplace
and may include some ‘block courses’andassessment at training institutions depending on the needs of the

Before the training commences, the students will be adequately informed of the nature of
competency based training and assessment and its differences from traditional training. They will
also be well informed of the rules and regulations of the Registered Training Provider
(College/Institute/Training Centre), the course requirements including learning, assessment, and
certification, available guidance and support services, and their rights and responsibilities.

7.2 Modes of Delivery

The nominal duration of the National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1)is
usually 420 hours of Off job training and 0 hours of On job training, if it is delivered by any
accredited training provider. This course could be delivered on a full time or part time basis. Full
time courses will have a maximum of 36 hours of training per week on a ‘continuing’ or ‘block’
basis depending on the needs of the stakeholders. The course could also be offered to individual
or groups of students on part time basis depending on their circumstances. It is expected that a
student who starts the course must finish within three years of initial enrolment. Any student who
fails to successfully complete the course within this time limit will be expected to demonstrate
current competency in the relevant Units of Competency.

This course could also be delivered under the apprenticeship model. The delivery under the
apprenticeship model will be governed by the rules and regulations governing apprenticeship, the
apprenticeship trainees will be registered with the Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training
(BMET) and the employer will meet the relevant requirements of BMET for apprenticeship training.
The trainees will be mentored by the industry based trainers, who meet the BTEB requirements for
providing competency based training of this course. The rights and responsibilities of the
apprentice, mentor, their employer, BMET and BTEB will be clearly identified and communicated
to the stakeholders before the apprenticeship training commences. The progress of the training of
the apprentice will be monitored closely using a competency based logbook.

Apprentices seeking NTVQF certifications will be registered with the BTEB for appropriate external
assessment and validation for NTVQF certification purposes. The assessment of apprentices
against the standards specified in the Units of Competency will be conducted by certified and
registered workplace assessors and quality assured by the quality Assurance Body, BTEB.
Students who successfully meet the requirements for any NTVQF certification will be awarded the
appropriate certification.

7.3 Work Placement

The National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1)includes usually 0 hours of On
Job Trainingin addition to420 hours of Off Job training. Therefore this course does not usually
include any work placement.

If the course is delivered under the apprenticeship model, the training and assessment will occur mostly at the workplace
in accordance with the apprenticeship training regulations (Cf. Section 7.2). However, the course may include some
‘block courses’ and assessment at training institutions depending on the needs of the stakeholders.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

7.4 Student Guidance and Support

At the start of the course, the students will be made to understand the unique and significant
features and demands of competency based training and provided with detailed information on the
course including its structure, the competency standards defined in the Units of Competency
contained in the course, the delivery plan, the guidance and support services available to students
including Occupational Safety and Health and medical facilities, internet access to learning and
assessment resources, employer networking and/or employment assistance services, the work
placement, progress through the course including minimum and maximum time required to
complete the course, the assessment plan, the reassessment and appeal procedures, the
requirements for award of the qualification, and the opportunities for recognition of prior learning,
the potential for articulation/further education and career advancement (e.g. Jobs Fair, Campus
Interviews, Job Placement Cell, Web based Job Links).

They will also be advised of the opportunities for social, cultural, sporting and environmental-
awareness activities.

The students at risk should be identified early and support mechanisms set in place to ensure the
success of all the committed students.

8. Resources Rules and Requirements

Refer to the relevantStandardfor Accreditation of courses

8.1 Physical Resources

Provide details of specialised facilities, tools and equipment essential for the delivery of the course.
• List the number of classrooms, laboratories, and workshops required for a class of 30 students.
• List the number of tools and equipment required for each classroom, laboratory, and workshop for a
class of 30 students.
• Summary of the consumables and materials required for practice (e.g. Machining, Computer spares
and parts) for a class of 30 students.
The machinery, equipment, tools and facilities required for offering the National Certificate in
Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1) are included in Appendix 5.
8.2 Human Resources
State the minimum recommended qualifications and experience of trainers and support staff. Please include
training and experience relating to both vocational competency/qualifications and competency based training
and assessment competency/qualifications and industry experience. Any recommended requirements must
be justifiable and also meet the NQAF standards for registration of training establishments
(Colleges/Institutes/Training Centres) and accreditation for delivering nationally registered courses.

8.2.1 Teachers, Trainers and Assessors:

• Vocational Qualification (The thumb rule is one vocational NTVQF level higher than the NTVQF
level of the vocational course taught, or evidence of equivalent competence. However, in
exceptional cases, at least the NTVQF level of the course taught or evidence of equivalent
competencemay be accepted depending on the relevant industry experience of the teacher, trainer
and assessor, and the scarcity of teachers, trainers and assessors in the occupation).
• An accredited Competency Based Training and Assessment Qualification (NTVQF Level 4 or
• Relevant Industry experience – (e.g. must have at least 1-3 years of relevant industry experience
depending on the industry. Evidence of ongoing exposure to industry practices is required).

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
Teachers, trainers and assessors who are involved in delivery and assessment should
have: Vocational Qualifications

The teachers, trainers and assessors who are involved in the delivery and assessment of this
course should have a vocational qualification at least one NTVQF level above the level at which
they are teaching. Certificate in Competency Based Training and Assessment

The teachers, trainers and assessors who are involved in the delivery and assessment of this
competency based training course should have successfully completed an accredited Certificate in
Competency Based Training and Assessment course as required by the Quality Assurance Body,
BTEB, in consultation with the Standard Setting Body, the Transport Equipment Industry Skills
Council. Industry Experience

Teachers, trainers and assessors must have had at least1 or 2 years of relevant industry
experience and should keep abreast ofthe current technology through ongoing exposure to
relevant practices in the industry(e.g.Machine Shop Practice/Fabrication/Welding Technology,
Mechanical Engineering etc.).

Teachers, trainers and assessors should also have current knowledge and awareness of access
and equity issues relevant to students needs arising from a variety of factors including socio-
economic status, disability status, ethnic background, race, family differences, sexual preferences
and gender specific differences.
In Bangladesh, during the transition period, the typical trainers and assessors for this course are
expected to hold the following:
• Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical/Marine/Shipbuilding/Power)with at least1 or 2 years of
relevantindustry experience, and training in Competency Based Training and Assessment.
• Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Mechanical/Industrial Production/Marine/Naval
Architect) with at least1 or 2 years of relevant industry experience and training in
Competency Based Training and Assessment.
8.2.2 Assessor Certification and Registration
Refer to the relevant Standard for Accreditation of courses
1. Explain that the compliance with the requirements for the competence of staff involved in training and
assessment in the relevant Standards for the Registration and/or Accreditation of Training
establishments (Colleges/Institutes/Training Centres) and, the relevant Standard(s) for Accreditation of
2. Justify the specific requirements, if any, above the requirements in the relevantStandards for
Registration, relating to the competencies of assessors.
The assessors must be certified and registered on completion of an accredited training for
assessing in a competency based training environment as required by the Quality Assurance
Body, BTEB, in consultation with the Standard Setting Body, the Transport Equipment Industry
Skills Council.

8.2.3 Student - Trainer Ratio:

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National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

State the proposed student - trainer ratio.

Normal classroom size of 30 students is recommended for trade classes. Larger classes, if any, for
general courses must be complemented with tutorial sessions.In workshops where there are safety
risks, a student - staff trainer of not more than 10:1 is recommended.

8.2.4 Support Staff:

• Include technical and administrative support staff.
Technical and administrative support staff should be available to run the courses as per course

8.2.5 Professional Development

Arrangement must be made for the ongoing professional development of teachers,trainers and
assessors so that they are abreast of the current industry practices. Records of planned and
completed professional development must be available at the Registered Training Provider.

It is expected that the Transport Equipment industries in general and the Transport Equipment
Industry Skills Council in particular will play a key role in ensuring that the trainers and assessors
are abreast of the modern Machine Shop industry practices.

8.3 Learning Resources

Identify a list of teaching and learning resources required for offering the course.
• The list must include the text books, workbooks, in-house resource packs/customised trainee
guidebooks, relevant national/industry standards, laws and regulations, manufacturer’s instruction
manuals, and audio, video and digital media (if any) included which are suitable for the students.
• In addition, additional reference books, audio, video and digital media and URLs of relevant
websites, which could be used by teachers and gifted students must be included.
• The list must cover each Module/Unit of Competency (Subject) included in the course and
emphasise the practical components of the training.
• APA (American Psychological Association) style of referencing is recommended for listing teaching
and learning resources.
The list of teaching and learning resources recommended for delivering this course are included in
Appendix 6.

9. Validation of Units of Competency

If Units of Competency developed by other industry sectors are embedded in this course, such Units of
Competency must be validated by the Industry Skills Council relevant to this course as suitable for this
Industry Sector.
All the sector specific and occupation specific Units of Competency included in this course have
been developed under the supervision of the Transport Equipment Industry Skills Council and
thegeneric Units of Competency have been developed under the supervision of the of the Industry
Skills Councils for the four priority sectors.
All Units of Competency including those developed by other industry sectors have been validated
as relevant to this course by the Transport Equipment Industry Skills Council.

10. Pathways and/or Progression

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National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

Refer to the relevantStandard for accreditation of courses

1. Provide details of potential pathways for course participants/graduates, including horizontal and vertical
articulation on completion of this course. Details of formalised articulation and/or credit transfer
arrangements including twinning arrangements, if any.
2. If this course contains nationally developed and validated Units of Competency, identify any overlap with
other national qualifications or pathways for further and/or additional training.
3. Highlight any potential for reverse articulation into this course (e.g. degree holders seeking vocational
NTVQF qualifications).
Generally there are possibilities of vertical articulation (i.e. Progression from a lower level NTVQF course to
a higher level NTVQF course usually within the same occupation). In an occupation where more than one
strand is available, horizontal articulation is also possible. In addition, the generic and sector specific Units of
Competency could be cross credited unless otherwise specified in the course accreditation document.
Where there is an overseas demand for the skilled workforce in an occupation, reverse articulation of
diploma and degree holders to NTVQF qualifications will become quite common in Bangladesh.
Students who successfully complete the National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF
Level 1) will have the opportunity to progress to the National Certificate in Machine Shop
Practice(NTVQF Level 2).
The National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1) has only one strand. Therefore
there is no opportunity for horizontal articulation within this course. However, the National
Certificate(s) in Weldingand Machine Maintenance (Transport Equipment Sector) could provide the
opportunity for horizontal articulation in the Transport Equipment and Leather and Leather Goods
Industry sectors.
In addition, generic and sector specific Units of Competency could be cross credited to relevant
It is anticipated that due to increasing industrial demand for the Machine Shop
Practiceprofessionals in the Transport Equipment Industry in Bangladesh and overseas, there is
scope for reverse articulation into these NTVQF courses in the Transport Equipment industry
sector, by attracting diploma and degree qualified applicants.

11. Ongoing Monitoring,Evaluation and Review

Refer to the relevant Standard for Accreditation of courses

1. Describe the monitoring and evaluation processes, which will be undertaken by the Registered
Training Provider (College/Institute/Training Centre) offering the course and the Quality Assurance
• the relevance and current nature of the course (e.g. The mechanism for ensuring relevance and
current nature of the course could include an active industry advisory committee and other
ongoing networking and engagement with industry through work placement, industry visits,
guest lectures, information on national skills shortage, international skills demand, global trends,
current technology)
• the quality of delivery of the course (e.g. students feedback, staff feedback)
• the quality of assessments leading to the award of the qualification(e.g. internal and/or external
validation of assessmentbefore and after assessment)
• the quality of graduates (e.g. employment rate, employer satisfaction level)
The Colleges/Institutes/Training Centresoffering this course will form an active industry advisory
committee for providing industry feedback on various aspects of the course including the relevance
of the curriculum and the quality of delivery of the course and the graduates. Industry feedback will
also be received throughongoing networking and engagement with industry through work
placement, industry visits and guest lectures and responded promptly and appropriately.
The Colleges/Institutes/Training Centreswill regularly receive the feedback from staff and students

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
of the course and respond promptly and appropriately.
Systems will be developed to monitor the employment rate of the graduates and the employer
satisfaction level of the graduates.
Information available on national skills shortage andtraining needs, international skills demand,
and current national and global advancement/trendsin industrial technologywill be used by the
Industry Skills Council and the Bangladesh Technical Education Board for ensuring relevance and
current nature of the course.
2. Explain the process available for notifying the Industry Skills Council and the Bangladesh Technical
Education Board of the significant changes required to the course resulting from course monitoring and
evaluation procedures.
• The balanced and consolidated summary of the changes/improvements to be made, which
are based on the stakeholders’ feedback received from and/or through the Heads of
Registered Training Providers, Departmental Heads of Machine Shop Technology,
students of the National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice(NTVQF Level 1), the
employers, the Transport Equipment Industry Groups/Industry Skills Council and the
Chairman of the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (e.g. Graduate Destination
Information, Employers’ Satisfaction Survey, Industry Focus Groups, Recommendations of
Key Stakeholders such as Industry Advisory Committees, Students, Staff etc), will be
prepared by the Curriculum Specialist/Director (Curriculum) at the BTEB.
• Considering the current competency needs, challenges, problems, superior practices and
new developments in the industry, what aspects of the course work well and what aspects
of the course do not work well, the recommended changes to the Units of
Competency/Course must be communicated to the Transport Equipment Industry Skills
Council and/or the Chairman of BTEB for appropriate actions. As a result, the Units of
Competency and the Course must be reviewed in a periodic manner by the Transport
Equipment Industry Skills Council and the Bangladesh Technical Education Board.
12. Access and Equity
Refer to the relevant Standard for accreditation of courses

Principles of social justice must be appropriately addressed in all aspects of course

implementation including student assessment. For example, the design, development, delivery
and student assessment of this course must consider access and equity issues for the
following key groups:
• People from rural or remote locations (e.g. Children of subsistence farmers, labourers
and homeless)
• Women under-represented in the industry sector
• Disabled persons
• Displaced workers
• Indigenous, tribal and other minority populations
• Economically, socially and/or other disadvantaged groups.
Moreover, support mechanisms will be provided to students from disadvantaged groups such
as the people from rural or remote locations including the children of subsistence farmers,
labourers and homeless, women under-represented in the industry sector, disabled,
displaced, indigenous, tribal and otherminority populations, economically, socially and/or other
disadvantaged groups to maximise their ability to complete the course successfully (For
example: Access and EquityPolicies,Additional Resources, Bridging Courses, Use of

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National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

PartC: Units of Competency (or modules) contained in the course

The following must be included:

Units of competency included in the course (Current versions must be used)

(Please see the attacheddocument for Part C)

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Version 1.0


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National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

Appendix 1: Terms of Reference for the Industry Skills Council (ISC)

Industry Skills Committee: Background and Terms of Reference


A key driver of current efforts to reform technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in
Bangladesh is the need to strengthen linkages between industry and the national training system

The EC-ILO TVET Reform Project is currently working to strengthen the TVET system in
Bangladesh through a wide range of activities. These include initiatives to improve productivity
through skills development and efforts to improve the quality and relevance of training for priority
skilled occupations in key industry sectors.

To this end, Industry Skills Committees are being established by the project in four economic sub-
sectors: agro-food processing, transport, leather & leather goods, and information technology. In
the coming months, the ADB funded Skills Development Project also plans to establish similar
committees in a further three sectors; building & construction, light engineering and readymade

The potential for these committees to promote skills development in the economy of Bangladesh
has also been recognized by the recently established National Skills Development Council
(NSDC), which has included in its Action Plan the establishment of the industry advisory bodies in

In Bangladesh, skills are increasingly recognized by government, industry and donors as crucial for
poverty reduction, productivity improvement and the nation’s continued development. Industry
Skills Committees can work as key agents of change in this regard as they provide a forum for
broad sector wide discussions on skill issues. Consequently, the formation of the Industry Skill
Committee should be recognized as an important step in strengthening skills development in

It is important that industry provides strategic input to government and training providers so
industry skill needs are met and the training system supports ongoing industry development.


In order to guide formation of these Skills Committees, the EC-ILO TVET Reform Project has
developed a draft Terms of Reference (TOR). It is envisaged that draft TOR will be discussed and
endorsed at the first meeting of each committee.

The establishment and operation of the Industry Skills Committees is supported by the
Government of Bangladesh who has approved these activities in the Project Work Plan.

Industry Skills Committees:

To ensure the effective operation of the committees, the TVET Reform Project will invite individuals
to participate who have a high level of enthusiasm for industry skills development and a strong
commitment to the goals of the project.

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In the first six months of 2009, the initial work of committees will focus on key outputs for the TVET
Reform Project, including the identification of the industry skills training practices and identification
of deficiencies, the development of a sector skill development plan and the development of new
skills standards and curriculum for priority occupations and trades identified by the sector skill plan.
After that work has been substantially advanced, it is envisaged that the committees will focus on
broader industry development issues as they relate to skills and TVET. As the committees
establish themselves, it is expected that they will attract funds from government and or donors to
undertake specific activities.

Terms of Reference:

The following TOR has been developed to guide the initial operation of the committees. Industry
Skills Committees will undertake to:

General Tasks:

1. Monitor and review skills development practices in the industry sectors and identify and
overcome deficiencies;

2. Develop industry specific skills development policies and practices;

3. Develop industry’s capability to deliver in the skills training and upgrade their employees in
order to improve productivity and enhance the welfare of employees;

4. Provide leadership and strategic advice to the TVET system on skills development needs and
priorities for those industry sectors covered by the committee;

5. Support the delivery of industry relevant training and/or professional development programs for
TVET teachers;

Specific Tasks

6. Contribute to the development and review of skills standards and qualifications and participate
in the development and review of new training curriculum;

7. Advise key government TVET agencies on the industry sector demand for skills;

8. Advocate and facilitate workforce development activities in industry;

9. Develop sector skills development plans as required on a regular basis;

10. Support the strengthening of industrial apprenticeship programs; and

11. Develop partnerships with TVET providers and support improvement of TVET programs in
schools, colleges, industry and enterprises.


It is envisaged that each committee will involve between 8-12 members, depending on the
structure of the industry and the representative bodies that exist in each sector.

It is expected that membership will be drawn from individual enterprises, representing large and
small enterprises, industry associations and union bodies. Membership of committees will be
decided by project staff in consultation with industry representatives. It is envisaged that
membership of the committee will initially be for 12 months at which time a review of the
committees will be undertaken.
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Version 1.0

Committees will be encouraged to co-opt additional members as they see fit and/or invite key
stakeholders to participate in meetings as observers. Government will not be represented on
committees. Membership of each Industry Skill Committee will include seats for the Federation of
Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FBCCI) and the Bangladesh Employers
Federation (BEF). This will ensure close and ongoing dialogue between committee members and
the FBBCI and BEF representatives on the TVET Reform Project Steering Committee.

Selection of Chairperson:

The selection of committee Chairperson and Deputy-Chairperson will occur at the first meeting of
each committee. ILO project staff will open the first meeting and call for nominations. A vote will be
taken if more than one nomination is received. If the vote is tied, discussions will be held out of
session with members to resolve the impasse. The ILO will not vote on the selection of committee
Chairperson or Deputy-Chairperson.


It is envisaged that meetings will initially occur every month in the first instance with an ongoing
commitment to be determined by the members in consultation with project staff.


It is envisaged that the Industry Skill Committees will establish sub-committees as required. Sub-
committees may be established, for example, to review skills standards for technical accuracy or to
provide input into new curriculum. Membership of these sub-committees will be determined by the
parent committee.

Support to be provided by the TVET reform project:

Whilst sitting fees will not be paid, the travel, accommodation and meeting expenses of members
will be covered by project funds. As the committees become operational, contracts may be issued
for the implementation of agreed technical activities. The Industry Skills Committees will be free to
manage any contract funds to ensure that the agreed activities are implemented by competent
professionals. The TVET project team will also provide training to members of the Skills Committee
as well as information resources regarding the agreed activities to be implemented. The project
may also engage local technical specialists in the implementation of agreed activities.

Financial support to the Industry Skills Committees from the government will also be sought by the
TVET Reform project. As Industry Skills Committees develop their capabilities, opportunities will be
examined for raising industry training levies to ensure sustainable financial support for skills
development in economic sectors of Bangladesh.

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Appendix2: List of Members of the Industry Skills Council

Members for Transport EquipmentIndustry Sector

1. Capt. ABM Fazle Rabbi

Operation Director, New Western Marine Shipbuilders Ltd.
Amin Future Park
1440/A-8. Strand Road, Bandar, Chittagong
Ph.:031-712177, 726579
Fax: 031-720248
Cell:01713 124709
Email:[email protected]

2. Engr. M.A. Rashid

Managing Director, Karnaphuli Shipyard (Pvt.) Ltd.
944/A, Strand Road, Majirghat, Chittagong
Ph:031-616869, 627866
Email:[email protected]

3. Mr. S.M.A. Hannan

Chief Technical Officer, Fishers Shipyard Ltd.
Sea Resources Group
CPA complex, Sadarghat
Ph: 031-614404, 614405
Cell:01711 799692
Email:[email protected]

4. Mr. Md. GolamSarwar

Managing Director, Prnatik Marine Services Ltd.
Akhtaruzzaman Centre (7th floor)
21/22, Agrabad C/A, Chittagong
Ph:710525, 716674
Email:[email protected]

5. Engr. EnamulBaqui
Managing Director, Chittagong Dry Dock Ltd.
East Patenga, Chittagong
Ph:740375, 740652, 2501110-11, 2501119-21
Email:[email protected]

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Version 1.0
6, Mr. Mohammed Yousuf
GM, Ship Repair Dept.
Bangladesh Shipping Corp.
Saltgola Road, Bandar
Ph: 031-2521162-68

7. Mr. Abu Md. Fazle Rashid

Dy. Managing Director, Western Marine Services Ltd.
H.B.F.C. Building (Gr. Floor)
Amin Future Park
1440/A-8. Strand Road, Bandar, Chittagong
Ph:031-712177, 726579
Cell: 01670 369825
Email:[email protected]

8. Mr. Md. FirozUddin

Proprietor, Bogura Electric &Engg. Works
1108, Dhaka Trunk Road
Near Rashid Building
Email: [email protected]

9. Mr. Md. Shabuddin

Proprietor, MER Works
1104, DT Lane, West Madarbari, Chittagong

10. Mr. Syed Md. ManzurHossain

Managing Director, Mongla Engineering & Ship Reparis Ltd.
2406/1, Golondaz Road
Artillary Moor
Halishahar, Chittagong
Ph: 031-725898, 2512968
Cell: 01819 325877
Email: [email protected]

11. Mr. AJM Saleh

Managing Director, Pacific Marine Services
H.B.F.C. Building (1st Floor)
1/D, Agrabad C/A
Cell: 01819 311543
Email: [email protected]

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
12. Mr.NasirUddin
Proprietor, Atlantic Marine.
Plot # 01, Road # 02
Block-C, Halishahar
Agrabad Access Road, Chittagong
Ph: 031-801124

13. Mr. Mohammed Abdul Mobin

Managing Director, MM Marine Engg. Works Ltd.
BSCIC Industrial Estate
Block-B, Sagorika Road
Ph: 031-712177, 726579, 751122
Email:[email protected]

14. Mr.Shafiul Islam

Workshop Manager, Wartsila Bangladesh Ltd.
Bahir Signal, Arakan Road
Ph:66 6300 0537
Emali:[email protected]

15. Mr.MahbuburRahman
Managing Director, HR Engineering
1208/A, Ananda Bazar Road
South Middle Halishahar
Bandar, Chittagong
Email: [email protected]

16. Mr.SakhawatHossain (Chairman, Industry Skills Council)

Managing Director, Western Marine Shipyard Ltd.
H.B.F.C. Building (Ground Floor)
1/d, Agrabad C/A
Ph: 031-712177, 726579
Cell: 01670-369825
Email:[email protected]
[email protected]

17. Capt. K.M. HafizurRahman

Proprietor, PSP Marine Services
H.B.F.C. Building (4th Floor)
1/D, Agrabad C/A
Cell: 01713 030020
Email: [email protected]

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National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
18. Mr. AHM Nizamuddin
Resident Director
Fisher Shipyard Ltd.
Cell: 01711 875364

19. Engr. M. Shahjahan

General Manager (Ship Repair)
Chittagong Dry Dock Limited

20. Maj. Jalal Khaled (Retd)

Quality Management Director
Western Marine Shipyard Ltd.
Cell: 01713 240903
Email:[email protected]

21. Capt. K.M. HafizurRahman

RSP Marine Services
HBFC Building (4th Floor)
Agrabad, Chittagong
Cell: 01713 030020

22. Mr.ManzurMorshedChowdhury
Managing Director
Western Marine Institute
Sagarika Road, Halishahar
Cell: 01711 750619

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Version 1.0

Appendix 3: Selection Criteria for the Technical Sub Committee (TSC)

• The member must be familiar with the current industry best practices, trends and challenges
• The member must be able to identify the competency standards and underpinning knowledge,
skills and attitude required of the graduates of NTVQF qualifications
• The member must be able to commit the necessary time and efforts for effective participation in
the proceedings of the technical sub committee

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

Appendix 4: List of Members of the Technical Sub Committee

The Project for Enhancing the Vocational Training Program of TTC, Chittagong

Name of the Occupation: Machine Shop Practice

1. Mr. Kim, Sang-Jin

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Daelim University College
Ph:82-31-467-4843, FAX 82-31-467-4800
Cell: 82-10-2282-1794
Email: [email protected]
2. Name and Address of the Local Expert
Engr. Md. Nazrul Islam
Chief Instructor
Technical Training Centre
Nasirabad, Chittagong
Ph:682082, Cell: 01711-273708
Email: [email protected]
3. Mr. Md. Sanauddin Sheikh
Chief instructor
TTC Nasirabad, Chittagong.
Ph- 01818 996945
Email: [email protected]
4. Mr.MintuKantiDebnath
CBC Optronics (bd) Co. Ltd.
CEPZ, Chittagong
Ph- 01819034938
5. Engr. Md. Jahangir Alam
Executive Engineer.
BITAC, Sagarika Road, Chittagong.
Ph- 01712755890
6. Mr.RatanBhattacharjee
Sr. Instructor
TTC Nasirabad, Chittagong.
Ph- 01911 266343
7. Mr.BorhanUddin
Sr. Instructor
General Mechanics
TTC Nasirabad,Chittagong.
Ph-01818 524959
8. Mr. Mohammad Kaium
General Mechanics
TTC Nasirabad, Chittagong.
Ph- 01711198979

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National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

Appendix 5: Terms of Reference for Standards

andCurriculumDevelopment Committee (SCDC)


A key driver of current efforts to reform technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in
Bangladesh is the need to strengthen linkages between industry and the training system. It is
important that industry provides strategic input to government and training providers so industry
skill needs are met and the training system supports ongoing industry development.

The EC-ILO TVET Reform Project is currently working to strengthen the TVET system in
Bangladesh through a wide range of activities. These include initiatives to improve productivity
through skills development by improving the quality and relevance of training for priority skilled
occupations in key industry sectors.

Standards and Curriculum Development Committees (SCDCs) are being established by the TVET
Reform Project in twelve occupational areas in four industry sectors, agro-food processing,
transport, leather & leather goods and information technology, to contribute towards the
development of the competency standards and curriculum.

These committees are being established with the full support of a range of stakeholders including
the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) and the recently established Industry Skills
Committees (ISCs). Therefore the SCDCs comprising representatives of BTEB, ISCs and the
technical vocational education and training agencies will strengthen tripartite communication,
cooperationand development of TVET.

In Bangladesh, skills are increasingly recognised by government, industry and donors as crucial for
poverty reduction and the nation’s continued development. The SCDCs will make a significant and
ongoing contribution towards skills development in Bangladesh by developing locally relevant and
internationally credible competency standards and curriculum documentation in the respective
occupational areas.


In order to guide formation of these committees and pilot the implementation of competency based
training in Bangladesh, the EC-ILO TVET Reform Project has developed the draft Terms of
Reference (TORs) for the thirteen committees. It is envisaged that the TORs will be discussed with
the key stakeholders and endorsed by BTEB.

The establishment and operation of the SCDCs is a key step in ensuring that the TVET training
providers, ISCs and BTEB work together at various levels to successfully implement the National
Technical and Vocational Training Framework (NTVQF) using the competency based training
approach and enhance the quality and relevance of the technical and vocational education and
training in Bangladesh.

Standards and Curriculum Development Committees (SCDCs):

To ensure the effective operation of the committees, BTEB, with support from the TVET Reform
Project, will invite specialists from industry and key technical and vocational training agencies.
Members will have a high level of commitment to personal professional and national development
and collectively have competencies in the specific occupational areas expertise in curriculum
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National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
development, and technical documentation editing. The members of the committee will also have
adequate English literacy to interpret internationally available relevant documentation.

Terms of Reference:

The TORs have been developed to guide the initial operation of the SCDCs.

SCDCs will

12. Provide specialist advice on competency standards and curriculum documentation to the
relevant Industry Skills Committee (ISC) and BTEB, based on current needs and potential
future demands.

13. Draft the details of each Unit of Competency in the format of the approved template for Unit of
Competency under the titles identified for the occupation, for endorsement by the relevant ISC
and approval by BTEB.

14. Draft curriculum documentation for the national qualifications in the respective occupation for
approval by BTEB.

15. Regularly report to the agency employing or engaging them (e.g. BTEB, ISC, DTE, BMET,
TVET institution) on the achievements and/or challenges of the Standards and Curriculum
Development Committee (SCDC).

16. Provide timely advice and feedback on any quality related issue in the implementation NTVQF
to BTEB, for timely and appropriate actions and effective communication to the affected

17. Serve as a link between the relevant ISC, TVET training agencies and BTEBandthereby
improvethe cooperation between the industry, TVET training providers,and the quality
assurance agency.

18. Continually participate in the review processes of the competency standards and curriculum
documentation for the national qualifications to ensure that the competency standards and the
curriculum documentation remain current.

19. Contribute towards successful implementation of locally relevant and internationally credible
competency based training in Bangladeshthrough a good understanding of global best
practices in competency based training.


The committee will comprise normally seven members including three representatives from TVET
institutions nominated by the agencies responsible for technical vocational education and training
and quality assurance (e.g. DTE, BMET, BTEB), three industry representatives nominated by the
relevant ISC, and one representative from a private training establishment nominated by the
Chairman, BTEB in consultation with appropriate stakeholders. If in a particular occupation an
agency does not have a suitable institution, a national specialist may be considered (e.g.
nominated by a professional/registration/industry/quality assurance body). In exceptional cases
where specific expertise is required, one or more additional members may be co-opted as

The members of the committee must be willing and able to meet the considerable personal time
demand expected in this assignment in an ongoing fashion in the interest of personal and national

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National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

A specialist in the occupation nominated by the ISC, who is keen on learning international best
practices and provide leadership and support to the rest of the team in the SCDC, will be appointed
as a consultant on a fixed term contract to get the draft papers ready for the workshop, under the
condition that the specialist will serve in the SCDC. The international expert and the Programme
Officer for Component 2 of the TVET Reform Project will provide the necessary advice to the
specialist consultant at mutually agreed times.

The membership will be confirmed by the TVET Reform Project staff in consultation with
Bangladesh Technical Education Board.

It is expected that the final editing and fine-tuning to produce a document of professional quality,
which is ready for printing will be done by a specialist in technical editing with adequate knowledge
of the occupational area, on a fixed term contract.

It is envisaged that the committee will initially meet for 3 to 5 weeks during weekends to complete
the competency standards and curriculum documentation for the relevant national qualifications
identified in the TVET project plan.

The Chairperson:

The SCDCs are established by BTEB but chaired by an industry representative nominated by the
relevant ISC.


It is envisaged that meetings will initially occur every week in the first instance with an ongoing
commitment as necessary to complete the competency standards and curriculum development in
the specific occupation. It is expected that the members of the committee will be required to make
additional commitment of their time beyond the scheduled meeting times.

In the future the SCDC will be convened periodically by BTEB, for the review of standards and
curriculum documentation to keep those standards and resources current.


It is expected that all members will attend the meetings. Whenever that is not possible a quorum of
4 is allowed, provided the three key stakeholders - the industry, training providers, and quality
assurance body - are represented.

Committee Costs and Operational Support:

Whilst a fee of BDT 2000 per day and transport allowance will be paid for the development of the
standards and curriculum documentation undertaken by the committee during the weekends, it is
expected that individual members will spend their own time for ensuring successful outcomes of
the SCDC deliberations. It is expected that the technical, financial and operational support
provided by the EC-ILO TVET Reform Project will be sustained by the BTEB after the Project. It is
also expected that there are adequate number of appropriate members within the Dhaka city to
participate in these pioneering committees. If not, those who can easily travel from outside
DhakaCity will be considered.

The endorsement by the ISC and approval by BTEB will serve as the validation process for these
documents. If necessary, ISC/BTEB may consider seeking specialist advice before
endorsing/approving the documentation submitted by the SCDC.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
The Process:

The process will be piloted with one committee starting in the first week and the lessons learnt will
be used to address any potential problems before the next six committees start their work
simultaneously in the following week. The remaining six committees will commence work as soon
as the committees which started earlier complete their assignment. The process will be reviewed
after the completion of these trials.

The Responsibility:

The Chairperson of BTEB will have the overall responsibility for the organization and success
SCDCs. The ISCs will nominate the Chairperson of the relevant SCDCs. The Director
(Curriculum) BTEB will be responsible for coordination of the SCDCs processes. The
representatives of DTE, BMET and the Private Training Establishments will be nominated by the
Head of the respective agencies.

All members of the SCDC will actively engage with the SCDC processes to ensure the relevance
and quality of the standards and curricula endorsed by the SCDC.

Sustainability Measures:

It is expected that, on behalf of the people and Government of Bangladesh, BTEB will ensure
smooth functioning of the SCDC by providing appropriate financial and organizational support after
the TVET Reform Project is completed. Appropriate policies and procedures will be established to
ensure long term success of the standards and curriculum development and approval process.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

Appendix6: List of Members of the SCDC

The Project for Enhancing the Vocational Training Program of TTC,
From January 2011
Standards and Curriculum Development Committee (SCDC)

Name of the Occupation: Machine Shop Practice

S. No. Name and contact Details

Engr. EnamulBaqui
Managing Director
Chittagong Dry Dock Ltd.
East Patanga, Chittagong
[email protected]
Engr.Md.Nazrul Islam
Principal (In charge)
Bangladesh-Korea Technical Training Centre, Chittagong
Nasirabad, Chittagong
[email protected]
Engr.Md. Jahangir Alam
Executive Engineer
3 BITAC, Sagarika Road, Chittagong
[email protected]
Mr. Imam Ahmed
Assisstant Superintendent Engineer
HR Ship Management
4. Nusrat Manson, Plot-14/A, Road-2, Block-G
Halishahar, Chittagong
[email protected]
Sr. Turner and machinist
West Maritime Service, Chittagong
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mr.Salauddin Ahmed
Chif Instructor(Mechanical)
Dhaka Polytechnical Institute, Dhaka
Mr.Kaji Aziz AkterHanif
Sr. Instructor, BKTTC
Darus Salam, Dhaka
Curriculum Specialist
Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB)
Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207
Cell: 01715360652
E-mail : [email protected]

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

Appendix 7: Possible Assessment Methods for Gathering Evidence

The following are typical examples of assessment methods used in technical and vocational education and
training systems:

• Questioning Methods - Oral, Written Questions including Projects, Assignments, Problems, Case
Studies, Written Tests. Type: Interview, group assessment, supply short answer, short reports, multiple
choice, matching, completion, identification, alternate answer, true/false

• Simulation Methods – Simulation, Observation of Product and/or Process Type: Case studies, simulated

• Skills Demonstration Methods – Work sample, Skill sample, Practical project, Structured problems and
tasks Type: Check lists, Rating scales, Research tasks and assignments

• Direct Observation Methods – Product or Processes on the job Type: Check lists, Rating scales,
Research tasks, Log books, Skill Books, Work Experience, Interaction analysis, peer assessment, group

• Indirect Observation Methods - Product or Processes on the job Type: Evidence from supervisors,
colleagues and clients, Portfolio.


• Presentation • Computer assistance

• Oral answers to questions • Workplace documentation
• Computer assistance • Checklists
• Oral feedback • Portfolio
• Signed feedback • Goal achievement
• Speech • Worksheets
• Interview • Forms
• Diaries
• Tests - written assessment
• Letters
Feedback (usually documented • Reports
and signed) from: • Charts
• Teachers • Mind map
• Teacher aides • Fill in gaps
• Therapists • Match information
• Support staff • Multi-choice
• Parents/caregivers • Written questions
• Employers

OTHER  Role play
• Cross referencing from other  Real life situations
assessments  Drama
• RCC – recognition of current  Demonstrations
competency  Video/Audio tapes
 Visual representation
 Naturally occurring evidence

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

Appendix 8: Recommended List of Machinery, Equipment, Tools,

Facilities etc.
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
The following list is for a Group of 30 Trainees/Students

List of Machinery/Equipment and Spares

Sl. No. Name Quantity Unit
(For Guidance Only)
1 Lathe Machine
Bed length – 1500 mm, 15 Nos.
motor 3hp
Bed length – 1800 mm,
2 MillingMachine 5 Nos.
motor 3hp
3 Shaper Machine Stroke length 14'' and 18" 6 Nos.
Surface Grinding
4 Bed Stroke length 14" 2 Nos.
5 Pedestal Drill Machine Capacity -25mm, 220v 5 Nos.
6 Pedestal Grinding Machine 7″ wheel, 220v 5 Nos.
7 Power Saw Machine Size 18″ 2 Nos.
8 Air Compressor Pressure 8 bar, motor 10 hp 1 No.
9 Hand Shears 1 No.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

List of Tools
Sl. No. Name Quantity Unit
(For Guidance Only)
1 Steel Rule 12 Inch 30 Nos.
2 Steel Tape 2m 06 Nos.
3 Steel Tape 5m 03 Nos.
4 Divider 12 Inch 30 Nos.
5 Try Square 12 Inch 30 Nos.
6 Inside Micrometer [0~50] mm 10 Nos.
7 Outside Micrometer [0~25] mm 10 Nos.
8 Depth micrometre [0~25] mm 10 Nos.
9 Depth micrometre [25~50] mm 10 Nos.
10 Dial Indicator [0.1~10]mm 10 Nos.
11 Vernier Calliper [0~150] mm 30 Nos.
12 Vernier Calliper [0~300] mm 10 Nos.
13 Digital Calliper [0~300] mm 10 Nos.
14 Reamers [5 --- 35] mm 5 Set
15 Vernier Height Gauge 30 cm 5 Nos.
16 Vernier Bevel Protector 360 Degree 5 Nos.
17 Ball Peen Hammer 2lb 30 Nos.
18 Ball Peen Hammer 3lb 10 Nos.
19 Ball Peen Hammer 5lb 5 Nos.
20 Plastic Hammer 1/2lb 15 Nos.
21 Flat Screw Driver 6 Inch 10 Nos.
22 Flat Screw Driver 12 Inch 10 Nos.
23 Adjustable Wrench 6 Inch 30 Nos.
24 Adjustable Wrench 8 Inch 10 Nos.
25 Adjustable Wrench 12 Inch 10 Nos.
26 Round File 6 Inch 30 Nos.
27 Round File 12 Inch 10 Nos.
28 Flat File 12 Inch 30 Nos.
29 C-Clamp 6 Inch 5 Nos.
30 Table Vice 6 Inch 30 Nos.
31 Hacksaw Frame 12 Inch 30 Nos.
32 Centre Punch 60 degree 30 Nos.
33 Pliers 6 Inch 10 Nos.
34 Spirit Level 12 Inch 02 Nos.
35 Grease Gun 6 Nos.
36 Oil Can 6 Nos.
Overall length: 150 mm and 1.0 2
37 Straight Nose Internal Pliers Nos.
mm nose diameter
Straight Nose External Overall length: 150 mm and 1.0 2
38 Nos.
Pliers mm nose diameter
39 Knurling Tool Single roller - 5 Nos.
40 Knurling Tool Double roller 10 Nos.
41 Knurling Tool Multi 10 Nos.
42 Mallet 500 gm. 05 Nos.
43 Filler Gauge [0.02-3 ]mm 06 Nos.
44 Centre Gauge 60 Degree 10 Nos.
45 Thread Gauge 10 Nos.
46 Radious Gauge 10 Nos.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0
Sl. No. Name Quantity Unit
(For Guidance Only)
47 Block Gauge 300 mm 10 Nos.
48 Ttelescopic gauge 5 Nos.
49 Snap gauge 5 No.
50 Go and not go gauge 5 Nos.
51 Ring gauge 5 Nos.
52 Outside callipers 6 Inch 30 Nos.
53 Inside callipers 6 Inch 30 Nos.
54 Surface Plate 3' x4' 3 No.
55 Chisel 30 Nos.
56 T-slot cut 10 Nos.
57 Angle plates 5 Nos.
58 Adapter 2 Nos.
59 ParallelBar 10 Nos.
60 Wheel dresser 2 Nos.
61 Surface gage 5 Nos.
Dial indicator on magnetic 5
62 Nos.
63 3- and 4-jaw chucks 160 / 200 mm 60 Nos.
64 Drill chucks ½ Inch 5 Nos.
65 Boring tool 10 Nos.
66 Ball Bearing centre 10 Nos.
67 Dead centre 30 Nos.
68 Rotary Table 2 Nos.
69 “ v “ Block 5 Nos.
70 Combination Set 05 No.
71 Telescoping gage 05 No.
72 Bevel Protector 05 No.
73 End millsCuttier 10 Nos.
74 Side and face cutters 10 Nos.
75 Slitting saw cutter 10 Nos.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

List of Materials/Consumables
Sl. No. Name Quantity Unit
(For Guidance Only)
1 Hand Gloves Cotton 30 Pairs
2 Safety Goggles Industrial Quality 30 Nos.
3 Safety Shoes Industrial Quality 30 Pairs
4 Apron Leather/Safety Cloth 30 Nos.
5 Drill Bit Size – 3 mm 30 Nos.
6 Drill Bit Size – 5 mm 30 Nos.
7 Drill Bit Size – 6 mm 15 Nos.
8 Drill Bit Size – 9 mm 15 Nos.
9 Drill Bit Size – 12 mm 12 Nos.
10 Counter Sink Drill Bit 12 Nos.
11 HSS Tool Bit ½ Inch 48 Nos.
12 HSS Tool Bit ¾ Inch 48 Nos.
13 Side )Carbite tip Tool Holder 15
14 (Borring)Carbite tip Tool Holder 15 Nos.
15 V )Holder Carbite tip Tool 15
16 Parting Tool Bit 48 Nos.
17 Boring Tool Bit 30 Nos.
18 Cutting Tool Bits For Shaper 12 Nos.
19 Emery Paper Size – 0 no. 30 Nos.
20 Emery Paper Size – 2/1 no. 30 Nos.
21 Hack Saw Blade Size – 12 Inch 144 Nos.
22 Saw blade Power Size – 14″x1” 10 Nos.
23 Waste Cotton 50 kg.
24 Tapeset Size – 1/8”x1/2” 30 Nos.
25 Tapeset Size – 3 mmx12mm 30 Nos
26 Die set Size – 1/8”x1/2” 30 Nos.
27 Die set Size – 3 mmx12mm 30 Set
28 Mild Steel Rod Size – 1 Inch 100 kg
29 Mild Steel Rod Size – 2 Inch 100 kg
30 Mild Steel square bar Size-1/2 Inch 20 kg
31 Mild Steel square bar Size-2”2” 50 kg
32 Mild Steel Flat bar Size-2” 1/8 20 Kg
33 Mild Steel Flat bar Size-3” 1/8 20 Kg
34 Mobil 20 litre
35 “V” tools 30 Nos.
36 parting Tool 30 Nos.
37 Greece 5 Ibs
38 Karosin 10 litre
39 Gear oil 5 litre
40 Hydrolick oil 5 litre
41 Solibal oil 5 litre
42 60Grinding Wheel 10” 1”1” 2 Nos.
43 80Grinding Wheel 10” 1”1” 2 Nos.
44 First Aid Box Industry Standard 1 No.

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

List of Furniture
Specifications Quantity
Sl. No. Name
(For Guidance Only) (Number/s)
1 Work bench for Fitting works L×B×H = 1200mm x 1050 x 750 mm
Bench top is made of 6 mm MS plate & 06
legs are made of 6 mm MS Angle
2 Work bench for installing bench vice L×B×H = 1800mm x 1200 x 750 mm
on 4 corners Bench top is made of 50 mm thick wood 06
& legs are made of 6 mm MS Angle
3 Full Secretariat Table 08
4 Arm Cushion Chair 08
5 Armless Chair 08
6 Tabloid Chair 30
7 Bookshelf Lockable 2
8 File Cabinet 3
Size: 240 cm x 120 cm
Made of particle board with white Formica
9 Whiteboard 4
covered and side covered by aluminum
10 Steel Amirah 180 cm x 120 cm 2
11 Lecture Table 1
12 Tools Rack 4

Teaching Aids
Specifications Quantity
Sl. No. Name
(For Guidance Only) (Number/s)
1 Laptop for Instructors’ Use 1
2 Multi-Media Projector 2
3 Multi-Media Projector Screen 2
4 Laser Printer 2
5 Plain Paper Copier 1
8 Scanner 1

Training Facilities
Total Floor
Sl. Size Quantity
Teaching/Learning Area Area
No. (Meters) (Number/s)
(Sq. meters)
1 Machine Shop Practice Workshop composed 64x23 1 1472
of 3 Practice lab with guide room (Approx.) (Approx.)
The space will be used to accommodate:
 Required Equipment 40x13 520
 Work Area (Approx.) 1 (Approx.)
 Work Benches
 Teaching-Learning Area
 Learning Resources Area 24x17 408
 Changing Room (Approx.) (Approx.)
 Comfort Area
 Wash Rooms (Male & Female)

Other Requirements
1 Internet Connectivity 4 Mbps
2 Continuous Power Supply Source Full power Backup for Training

Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1) Version 1.0

Appendix 9: Recommended List of Training and Learning Resourcesfor Machine Shop Practice
Unit Description NTVQF Book list
1. Theory & Procedure, Work book , National Instructional Media Institute – Chennai.
Interpret Technical
2. Technical Drawing – Author - Billiard,
TRASS1006A1 Drawing
3. Prathamic Engineering Drawing – Author – Hemanta Kumar Bhattacharia,

TRASS1007A1 Work in the Manufacturing 1.Theory & Procedure, Work book , National Instructional Media Institute – Chennai
Industry 2.Shop Theory – James Anderson & Earl E. Tatro (6th edition)
1. Shop Theory – James Anderson & Earl E. Tatro (6 edition)
TRASS1008A1 Use Hand Tools and 1 2 Lathe,Shapping &.Milling Shikha 1,2&3 Parts-Somnath Dha
Power Tools

TRASS1009A1 Use Graduated Masuring 1 1.Fitting Shikha 1,2&3 Parts-Hemanta

Instrument 2.Buneathe Fitting Shikha-Nelathgree
TRAMACH1011A1 Perform bench work 1.Fitting Shikha 1,2&3 Parts-Hemanta
2.Buneathe Fitting Shikha-Nelathgree
1. Shop Theory – James Anderson & Earl E. Tatro (6 edition) TATA McGRAW- HILL
TRAMACH1012A1 Grind cutting tool 1 PCL(N.Delhi)
2.Workshop Technology-Nakamura
1. Turning, Sector – Production & Manufacturing, National Instructional Media Institute –
2. Basic Machine shop practice, Sector – Industrial Fabrication, National Instructional
Perform Lathe operation Media Institute – Chennai.
TRAMACH1013A1 1 3. Basic Turning & Grinding, Sector – Production & Manufacturing, National Instructional
Media Institute Chennai.
4. Lathe,Shapping &.Milling Shikha 1,2&3 Parts-Somnath Dha.
5. Shop Theory – James Anderson & Earl E. Tatro (6 edition) TATA McGRAW- HILL
Perform shaping operation
1. Shop Theory – James Anderson & Earl E. Tatro (6 edition)
2 Lathe,Shapping &.Milling Shikha 1,2&3 Parts-Somnath Dha
Perform Milling operation
1. Shop Theory – James Anderson & Earl E. Tatro (6 edition)
2 Lathe,Shapping &.Milling Shikha 1,2&3 Parts-Somnath Dha

Mohammad HafizurRahman. (2009). Management of Occupational Safety, Health and

Environment. Adorn Publication, Dhaka.
Bangladesh Technical Education Board
National Certificate in Machine Shop Practice (NTVQF Level 1)
Version 1.0

Web Resources

1. Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution

2. Standards New Zealand


3. YouTube (Training Video Clips)

4. Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE)

Booklet (in Bangla) on key OSH Conventions and Recommendations, OSHE Foundation
a. Occupational Safety and Health Convention, No 155 (1981)
b. Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, No 164 (1981)
c. Protocol of 2002 to above Convention
d. Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, No 187
e. Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, No
197 (2006)
f. Occupational Health Services Convention, No 161 (185)

5. BILS have several publications, posters, stickers and leaflets in Bangla on OSH

6. International Labour Organization (ILO):

Emerging risks and new patterns of prevention in a changing world of work

Higher Productivity and a Better Place to Work (Trainers’ Manual and Action Manual)

Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment (Safe Work)
Conventions and Recommendations

C155 Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981

R164 Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, 1981

P155 Protocol of 2002 to the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981

C187 Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006

R197 Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation,


Bangladesh Technical Education Board

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