Traffic Management and Accident Investigation
Traffic Management and Accident Investigation
Traffic Management and Accident Investigation
The word “traffic” originated from Greco-Roman word “trafico”
which refers to the movement of people that dates back from the dawn
of history from the domesticated horse-drawn wheels to horseless
carriage. The Greek originally called the system “Trafriga” after the
early horse-drawn chariots with spoke wheels. Another source of the
word “traffic” was from the famous “Trafalgar Square,” the hub-
center of commerce and culture in the heart of London. In Latin, the
word traffic is denominated as “Commercium.”
What is Traffic Laws?
Traffic laws are the laws which govern traffic and regulate vehicles,
while rules of the road are both the laws and the informal rules that
may have developed over time to facilitate the orderly and timely flow
of traffic.
spontaneously, triggered by minor events, “butterfly-effects," such as
an abrupt steering maneuver by a single motorist. Traffic scientists
liken such a situation to the sudden freezing of super-cool fluid.
3. Supply and Demand.Congestion can be reduced by either
increasing road capacity or supply, or by reducing traffic or demand.
Capacity can be increased in a number of ways, but needs to take
account of latent demand, otherwise it may be used more strongly than
anticipated. Critics of the approach of adding capacity have compared it
to "fighting obesity by letting out the belt." Reducing road capacity has,
in turn, been attacked as removing free choice as well as increasing
travel costs and time, and considered crucial factor of supply and
demand in traffic management.
Forecasting future traffic and evaluating the magnitude of street
hazards through traffic engineering is easier said than done. Taking the
prevailing attitudes and atmosphere of public’s impatience towards the
strange-shaped of geometrical road design is more than meets the eye.
Road Classifications
d. Municipal Roads. These are all roads within the town proper
with right of way of not less than 10 meters.
2. According to Functions
g. Skyway. This is a modern urban system of roadway above street
level for free flow of traffic.
3. Topographical Terrains
What is a Sidewalk?
What is Intersection?
Classifications of Intersection
2. Signal-Controlled Intersection.This is dependent on traffic
signals, usually electric, which indicate which traffic is allowed to
proceed at any particular time.
What is Channelization?
The traffic law enforcement agencies also strive to educate the
public about traffic safety. Although traffic education is not their
primary responsibility, they often participate in the programs of public
and private safety organizations. Traffic education not only prevents
loss of lives and properties but also has high police-community
relations value.
2. Follow traffic signs.Traffic rules play a great role in inculcating
a sense of traffic in the minds of the drivers. Unfortunately, in the local
setting, more stress is given on how to drive the vehicle rather than on
how to behave on the road while driving. Training on understanding
traffic rules is a mere one-day session done before the actual driving
which nobody takes seriously. Hence, awareness on the basic traffic
rules and regulations is one of the key needs of the hour.
9. Use helmet or seatbelts.Puttingon helmets when driving two-
wheel vehicle, and strapping on seatbelts when riding four-wheeler is
for the safety and protection of the motorists. In many places in the
country, it has been made compulsory for two-wheeler drivers to wear
Traffic enforcement, the most frequent contact between police and
otherwise law-abiding citizens, is a critical responsibility of police
officers. Its principal objectives are to obtain, through voluntary
citizens’ compliance, the smoothness possible movement of vehicles
and pedestrian consistent with safety and to reduce accidents.
3. Punitive Activities.The traffic law enforcers ensure that the
violators of traffic laws are given sanctions. These are done through the
issuance of citation or physical arrest.
Here are the essential steps in the traffic law enforcement activities,
as follows:
= 100
TEI = 20
will tend to decrease as enforcement action increases. This has already
been proven in accident prone areas.
Successful accident investigation requires considerable basic
background knowledge. To know what questions to ask and what to
look for, the traffic accident investigator must have some fundamental
ideas about accidents and their classes.
example, a motor vehicle accident in agricultural place or in a private
What is a Traffic-Way?
The traffic wayis the entire width between boundary lines of every
way or place of which any part is open to the public for purposes of
vehicular traffic as a matter of right or customs.
3. Start of Evasive Action. It is the first action taken by a traffic
unit to escape from a collision course, or avoid a hazard. This is the
“reaction” of the driver to his perception and is the end of driver
reaction time.
Definition of Attributes
Hit and run investigation is not the same as accident investigation.
It is considered as a special form of criminal investigation. The most
important requirement in this kind of investigation is to locate the
missing driver. Most of the steps done here are not taken in all accident
cases. The accident investigator has to look for clues at the scene, such
as parts of the missing vehicle which may help connect the vehicle to
the accident
What is Hit-and-Run?
It is possible to have a hit-and-run investigation start with an
accident which is reported but never actually investigated. The urgency
of serious hit-and-run investigation may hinder completion of an
accident investigation. It is just as important to find the cause of a hit–
and-run accident as it is to find those of any other traffic accident.
5. Collect broken parts of the motor vehicle.These are often the
most useful evidence of all. Not only do they help find the vehicles by
giving a clue to a particular make and model of the motor vehicle, and
they may be used to connect a suspected motor vehicle to the accident.
Examples of broke-off parts often found at hit-and-run locations are
door handles, bumpers, horns, hub caps, exhaust pipes, and radiator
ornaments. The investigator collects and preserves these parts so that
when the suspected motor vehicle is located, these can be compared to
repaired or replaced areas on it.
In only a few cases that the investigator knows for certain that the
owner of a motor vehicle involved in the accident is the man he is
looking for. When the suspected driver of the motor vehicle involved in
traffic accident is approached, the following essential elements of
information must be established: (1) who was driving the motor vehicle
at the time of the traffic accident, (2) the motor vehicle he was driving
was the one involved in the traffic accident, (3) he knew, or should
have known, that he was involved in a traffic accident, and (4) he
evaded some legal responsibility arising out of the said traffic
accident.Remember, information provided by witnesses and physical
evidence are all important in proving driving in hit and run cases.