Autocad-Lecture 3

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Diyala University

College of Engineering
Computer Engineering Department

Drawing by using Computer

First Year

Lecture 3

Lecturer. Abdullah Thair Abdulsattar
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed
Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

Lecture 3

In This lecture

● What are the drafting priorities?

● How to draw lines, circles, and arcs using precise methods
● How to draw polylines using precise methods
● How to convert lines and arcs to polylines and vice versa
● What are Object Snap and Object Track?

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer


3.1.1 Using The Ellipse Command

This command will draw an elliptical shape or elliptical arc. To issue this command go to
the Home tab, locate the Draw panel, then select the Ellipse button and select one of the

There are three options to pick from:

■ Center
■ Axis, End
■ Elliptical Arc
Where the first two options will draw an ellipse, the third option will draw an elliptical arc.
Here is a discussion for each one of them:

3.1.2 Drawing An Ellipse Using The Center Option

Using this method, the user should specify three points, which are:
■ Center point of the ellipse
■ Endpoint of one of the two axes
■ Endpoint of the other axis
The following picture will illustrate the concept:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

You will see the following prompts:

Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: C
Specify center of ellipse: Specify endpoint of axis:
Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]:

3.1.3 Drawing An Ellipse Using Axis Points

The user should specify three points, which are:
■ Point on one end of one of the axis
■ Point on the other end of the same axis
■ Point on the other axis
The following picture will illustrate the concept:

You will see the following prompts:

Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]:
Specify other endpoint of axis:
Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]:
Using either method, the last step will include an option called Rotation. So what is rotation?
After you define two points, you will draw a circle. Imagine this circle is in a plane and the plane
is rotating; you will get an ellipse. Check the following illustration:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer


This command will draw a rectangle or square shape. The Rectangle command will use a polyline
as an object. To issue this command go to the Home tab, locate the Draw panel, then select the Rectangle

You will see the following prompts:

Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/
Fillet /Thickness/Width]:
Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/
By default, you can draw a rectangle by specifying two opposite corners. The other options are:

3.2.1 Chamfer Option

This option will draw a rectangle with chamfered edges. The user will see the following prompts:
Specify first chamfer distance for rectangles <0.00>:
Specify second chamfer distance for rectangles <0.2>:
Specify the first and second distance, then the Rectangle command will continue with normal
prompts. Check the following example:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

3.2.2 Elevation Option

This option is used for 3D only.

3.2.3 Fillet Option

This option is identical to the Chamfer option, except the user has to in- put the Radius
instead of Distances. The user will see the following prompt:
Specify fillet radius for rectangles <0.0000>:
Specify the fillet radius, then the Rectangle command will continue with normal prompts. Check
the following example:

3.2.4 Thickness Option

This option is available for 3D only.

3.2.5 Width Option

The user will be able to draw a rectangle with width by using this option. The user will see the
following prompt:
Specify line width for rectangles <0.0000>:
Specify the width value, and then the rectangle command will continue normally. Check the
following example:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

3.2.6 Area Option

This option will specify the total area of the rectangle prior to specifying the second corner. The
user will see the following prompts:
Enter area of rectangle in current units <25.0000>:
Calculate rectangle dimensions based on [Length/Width]
Enter rectangle length <10.0000>:
AutoCAD asks the user to input the total area, and then asks the user to input either the length
(in X-axis) or width (in Y-axis). AutoCAD will then draw a rectangle above and to the right of
the first corner.

3.2.7 Dimensions Option

This option will draw a rectangle by specifying length (in X-axis) and width (in Y-axis). The
user will see the following prompts:
Specify length for rectangles <10.0000>:
Specify width for rectangles <10.0000>:
Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/
AutoCAD asks you to input the length and the width; in the final prompt, the user is invited to
input the position of the second point.

3.2.8 Rotation Option

This option will draw a rectangle with a rotation angle. The user will see the following prompt:
Specify rotation angle or [Pick points] <0>:
Specify the rotation angle either by typing the value or by specifying points.

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer


This command will enable you to draw straight lines; each line segment presents a single
object. To issue this command go to the Home tab, locate the Draw panel, and then select the
Line button:

You will see the following AutoCAD prompts:

Specify first point:
Specify next point or [Undo]: Specify next point or [Undo]: Specify next point or [Close/Undo]:
Using the first prompt, specify the coordinates of your first point. Keep specifying points, and
when you are done, do one of the following:
■ If you want to stop without closing the shape, simply press [Enter] ([Esc] will do the job as
well, but don’t make it a habit, as [Esc] generally means abort)
■ If you want to close the shape and finish the command, press C on the keyboard or right-click
and select the Close option
■ If you made any mistakes, you can undo the last point by typing U on the keyboard or right-
clicking and selecting the Undo option
This is what the right-click menu looks like:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

3.3.1 what Is Dynamic Input In AutoCAD?

Dynamic Input has multiple functions:
■ It will show prompts at the command window in the graphical area
■ It will show the lengths and angles of the lines before drafting, which will specify them
In order to turn on/off the Dynamic Input, click the following button on the Status bar:

3.3.2 Example for Showing Prompts

By default, if you type any command using the command window, AutoCAD will help you by
showing all the commands starting with the same letters, as in the following example:

We typed the letter m, and accordingly AutoCAD gave us all the commands starting with this
letter. While Dynamic Input is on, this is applicable to the crosshairs as well, as in the following:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

Let’s assume we started the command window, using either way. Once you press [Enter], the
following prompt will appear:

Type in the x and y coordinates, using the [Tab] key to move between the two fields:

3.3.3 Example for Specifying Lengths and Angles

Once you specify the starting point, AutoCAD will use Dynamic Input to show the length and
the angle of the line using rubber band mode:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

NOTE- Angles are measured CCW starting from the east, but only for 180°, unlike the angle
system in AutoCAD, which will be for the whole 360°.
Type the length of the line, then press [Tab] to input the angle (it will give 1° increments); once
you are done, press [Enter] to specify the first line. Continue doing the same for the other


1.Start AutoCAD 2019
2.Open file Practice 3-1.dwg
3.Using status bar, click off, Polar Tracking, Ortho, and Object Snap, and make sure Dynamic
Input is on
4.Draw the following shape, using 0,0 as your start point, bearing in mind all sides = 4, and all
angles are multiples of 45°:

5.Save the file and close it.

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

3.3.4 Exact Angles (Ortho Vs. Polar Tracking) er

When using Dynamic Input angles are incremented by 1°, but still the user can’t depend on it
to specify angles precisely in AutoCAD. The Ortho function will force the lines to be at right
angles (orthogonal) using the following angles: 0, 90, 180, and 270.In order to turn on/off the
Ortho, use the following button in the status bar:

However, what if we want to use other angles such as 30, 45, 60, etc.? Ortho will not help in this
case; for this reason, AutoCAD introduced an- other function called Polar Tracking, which will
show in the graphical area rays starting from the current point heading toward angles like 30, 45,
etc. Since Ortho and Polar Tracking contradict each other, when you switch one on, the other
will be turned off automatically. In order to turn on/off Polar Tracking, use the following button
in the status bar:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

If you click the small triangle at the right of the button, you will see the following menu:

You can select the desired angle or select Tracking Settings to change some of the default settings
of Polar Tracking. You will see the following dialog box:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

3.3.5 Increment Angle

Increment Angle is the angle to be used along with its multiples. Select one from the list or type
your own.

3.3.6Additional Angles
If you are using 30 as your increment angle, then 45 will not be among the angles that Polar
Tracking will allow you to use. Hence, you will need to specify it as an additional angle.
However, be aware you will not use its multiples.

3.3.7 Polar Angle Measurement

When you are using Polar Tracking, you have the ability to specify angles as an absolute angle
(based on 0° at the east) or use the last line segment to be your 0 angle. Check the following

NOTE- While you control the angle using either Ortho or Polar Tracking, you can type in the
distance desired and then press [Enter] to draw accurate distances. This method is called Direct
Distance Entry.

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer


1. Start AutoCAD
2. Open Practice 2-2.dwg
3. Draw the following shape (without dimension) using line command, starting from 0,0 as your
starting point, bearing in mind you have to use Polar Tracking. Set the proper Increment angle
and Additional angles, using the Direct Distance Entry method to input the exact distances:

4.Save and cl

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer


Object Snap, or OSNAP, is the most important accuracy tool to be used in AutoCAD for 2D
and 3D as well. It is a way to specify points on objects precisely using the AutoCAD database
stored in the drawing file.
Some of the Object Snaps are:
■ Endpoint: To catch the Endpoint of a line, or arc
■ Midpoint: To catch the Midpoint of an a line, or arc
■ Intersection: To catch the Intersection of two objects (any two objects)
■ Perpendicular: To catch the Perpendicular point on an object
■ Nearest: To catch a point on an object Nearest to your click point
We will discuss more object snaps when we discuss more drawing objects.
Here are graphical presentations of each one of these OSNAPs:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

3.4.1 Activating Running OSNAPs

To activate running OSNAPs in the drawing, click on the Object Snap button in the status bar:

If you click the small triangle at the right of the button, you will see the following menu:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

You can switch on the desired OSNAPs one by one. If you want to make a more convenient
change, select the Object Snap Settings option, and the following dialog box will appear:

There are two buttons at the right: Select All and Clear All. We recommend using Clear All first
and then selecting the desired OSNAPs. When done, click OK.

3.4.2 OSNAP Override

While the Object Snap button is on, several osnaps are working, and others are not! Assume you want to
temporarily switch all of them off, use a single osnap, and then after finishing set everything back to
normal. This is what we call OSNAP Override.

There are two ways to activate an override:
■ Using the keyboard, type the first three letters of the desired OSNAP
Using the keyboard, hold the [Shift] key, and then right-click. You will see the following pop-
up menu:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer


1.Start AutoCAD 2019
2.Open Practice 2-3.dwg
3.Check the Object Snap at the status bar and make sure that Endpoint, Midpoint, Intersection,
and Perpendicular are the only OSNAPs switched on
4.Using Object Snap and Line command, draw lines in the drawing to cre- ate the following:

5.Save and close the file.

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

3.5 Drawing Circles Using Circle Command

This command will draw a circle using different methods based on the available data. If
you know the coordinates of the center, there are two possible methods. If the user knows the
coordinates of points at the diameter of the circle, there are another two methods. Finally, if there
are drawn objects like lines, arcs, or other circles which can be used as tangents for the to-be-
created circles, there are two more methods. The following are the six methods to draw a circle
in AutoCAD:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

To issue this command, go to the Home tab, locate the Draw panel, then select the arrow near
the Circle button to see all the available methods

3.5.1 Drawing Circular Arcs Using Arc Command

This command will draw an arc part of a circle. To make our lives easier, AutoCAD uses
eight pieces of information related to a circular arc. These are:
■ The starting point of the arc
■ Any point as a second point on the parameter of the arc
■ The ending point of the arc
■ The Direction of the arc, which is the tangent that passes through the Start point. User should
input the angle of the tangent
■ The distance between the starting point and the ending point which is called Length of Chord
■ The Center point of the arc
■ The Radius
■The angle between Start-Center-End which is called Included Angle Check the following

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

If you provide three of these eight pieces of information, AutoCAD will be able to draw an arc,
but not with any three. The combination of the information needed can be found in the Home
tab, using the Draw panel, while clicking the arrow near the Arc button to see all the available

As you can see, the Start point is always required information. Normally the user should think
counterclockwise when specifying points, but if on the other hand you want to work clockwise,
simply hold the [Ctrl] key and it will change.

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

3.5.2 Object Snaps Related To Circles And Arcs

Some of the Object Snaps related to circles and arcs are:

■ Center: To catch the Center of an arc or circle
■ Quadrant: To catch the Quadrant of an arc or circle
■ Tangent: To catch the Tangent of an arc or circle
Here are graphical representations of each one of these OSNAPs:

3.5.3 Using Object Snap Tracking with OSNAP

Sometimes OSNAP alone is not enough to specify desired points, especially if we need
complex points. To solve this problem in the past we used to draw dummy objects to help us
specify complex points, like in the case when you want to specify the center of the circle at the
center of a rectangle. We used to draw a line from the midpoints of the two vertical lines, and the
same for the horizontal lines. But since the introduction of Object Snap Tracking, or OTRACK,
in Au -to CAD 2000, the drawing of dummy objects diminished. OTRACK depends on active
OSNAP modes, which means if you want to use the midpoint, OTRACK requires that you switch
the midpoint on first. To activate OTRACK go to the status bar and click the Object Snap Track
king button on:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

The procedure is very simple:

■ Using OSNAP go to the desired point and stand still for a couple of seconds (don’t click), then
move to the right or left (also up and down depending on the next point), and you will see an
infinite line extending in both directions (this line will be horizontal or vertical depending on
your movement).
■ If you want to use a single point to specify your desired point, move to the needed direction,
type in the desired distance, and press [Enter].
■ If you need two points, go the next point, and stay for a couple of seconds, then make the
movement toward the desired direction. Another infinite line will appear. Go to the intersection
point of the two infinite lines, and that will be your point.

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

Polar command will have a major contribution here as well. Let’s go back to the same dialog

Under Object Snap Tracking Settings, there are two choices:

■ Track orthogonally only (default option)
■ Track using all polar tracking settings

This means you can use the current Polar angles (increment and additional angles) to specify
points using OTRACK.

NOTE - To deactivate an OTRACK point, stay at the same point again for a couple of seconds,
and it will be deactivated.

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer


1. Start AutoCAD 2019

2.Open Practice 2-4a.dwg
3.Using the proper OSNAP and OTRACK settings, create the four arcs as shown below:

4.Create the two circles as shown below (Radius = 1)

5.Using OSNAP and OTRACK (using two points), draw the circle at the center of the shape
(Radius = 3.0)

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

6.Using OSNAP and OTRACK (one point) draw the two circles at the right and left (distance
center-to-center = 5.0, and Radius = 0.5)

7.Change the increment angle in the Polar Tracking dialog box to 45. Make sure that Track using
all polar angle settings is on, draw a circle (Radius = 0.5), its center specified using OSNAP,
OTRACK, and polar tracking as shown below:

8.Do the same procedure to draw a circle at the top, to end up with the final shape as follows:

9.Save and close the file.

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer


1.Start AutoCAD 2019

2.Open Practice 2-4b.dwg
3.Using the proper OSNAP and OTRACK settings, add lines and circles to make the shape look
like the following:

4.Save and close the file.

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

3.6 Drawing Lines and Arcs Using

Polyline command will do all or any of the following:
■Draw both line segments and arc segments
■Draw a single object in the same command rather than drawing segments of lines and arcs, like
in Line and Arc commands
■Draw lines and arcs with starting and ending widths
To use the command, go to the Home tab, locate the Draw panel, then select the Polyline button:

The following prompt will appear:

Specify start point: Current line-width is 1.0000
Specify next point or [Arc/Half width/Length/Undo/ Width]:
AutoCAD will ask you to specify the first point, and when you do, AutoCAD will report to you
the current line-width; if you like it, continue specifying points using the same method we learned
in the Line command. If not, change the width as a first step by typing the letter W, or right-
clicking and selecting the Width option, which will bring up the following prompt:

Specify starting width <1.0000>:

Specify ending width <1.0000>:
Specify the starting width, press [Enter], and then specify the ending width. The next time you
use the same file, AutoCAD will report these values for you when you issue the Polyline

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

command. The process for Half width is the same, but instead of specifying the full width, you
specify half width.
The Undo and Close options are identical to the ones at the Line command.
Length will specify the length of the line using the angle of the last segment.
Arc will draw an arc attached to the line segment; you will see the following prompt:
Specify endpoint of arcor[Angle/CEnter/CLose/Direction/Half width/Line/Radius/Second
The arc will be attached to the last segment of the line, or will be the first object in a Polyline
command; using either method, the first point of the arc is already known, so we need two more
pieces. AutoCAD will make an assumption (which you have the right to reject): AutoCAD will
assume that the angle of the last line segment will be considered the direction (tangent) of the
arc. If you accept this assumption, you should specify the endpoint. If not, choose from the
following to specify the second piece of information:
■The Angle of the arc
■The Center point of the arc
■Another Direction to the arc
■The Radius of the arc
■The Second point which can be any point on the parameter of the arc
Based on the information selected as the second point, AutoCAD will ask you to supply the third
piece of information, but by all means it will not be out of the eight we discussed before.

NOTE- Normally the user should think counterclockwise when specifying points; on the other
hand, if you want to work clockwise, simply hold the [Ctrl] key and it will change.

3.6.1using snap and grid to specify points accurately

Snap and Grid will be the third method to help us specify points accurately in the XY plane.
By default, the mouse is not accurate, so we can’t depend on it to specify points. We need to
control its movement, which is the sole function of Snap. Snap can control the mouse to jump in
the X and Y plane with exact distances. The grid by itself is not an accurate tool, but it will
complement the Snap function. It will show horizontal and vertical lines replicating the drawing
sheets. In order to turn Snap on/off, use the following button in the status bar:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

: In order to turn the Grid on/off, use the following button in the status bar

Most likely, switching both on will not help; you will need to modify the settings to set your own
requirements. Using the small triangle at the right of the Snap button, you will see the following:

Select the Snap Settings option; the Drafting Settings dialog box will pop up:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

Input the Snap X Spacing and Snap Y Spacing (by default they are equal ). Switch off the
check-box to make them unequal. Do the same for the Grid Spacing in X and Y. If you want
the Grid to follow Snap, set the Grid spacing to zeros. In the Grid there are major and minor
lines; set the major line frequency.
Set if you want to see the Grid in dots (as it was before AutoCAD 2011) and where (2D Model
space, Block editor, or Sheet layout).
Grid behavior is for 3D only.
Specify the type of Snap: Grid Snap or Polar Snap.

The user can use function keys to turn on/off both Snap and Grid:
■ F9 = Snap on/off
■ F7 = Grid on/off

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

3.6.2using Polar Snap

While using the Snap command, the mouse will use the increment distance to specify the
exact distance only in horizontal and vertical directions. While going diagonally, Snap will not
help you. To solve this problem AutoCAD provided the concept of Polar Snap, which will specify
exact increments using all the angles specified in the Polar Tracking dialog box. To activate the
Polar Snap, AutoCAD will switch off the normal Snap (which is called Grid Snap). To do that
go to the Snap button, click the triangle at the right of the button, and select the Snap Settings
option, which will bring up the following dialog box:

Select the Polar Snap button, then specify the the Polar distance as shown in the above


1.Start AutoCAD 2019
2.Open Practice 2-6.dwg
3.Change Polar Tracking to use angle = 45
4.Change the Snap to Polar Snap and set the distance to 0.5
5.Draw the following shape, bearing in mind to start from point 22,5, make all segment lengths
6.5, and use an angle of 45:

Lecture. Abdullah Thaier Abdalsatir Department of Computer Engineering
Eng. Sabreen abdellmajeed first stage: drawing by using computer

6.Save and close the file.


1.Start AutoCAD 2019
2.Start a new drawing using acad.dwt
3.Using all the commands and techniques you learned in Chapter 2, draw the following drawing
(without dimensions) starting from any point you wish:

4.Save and close the file.


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