Press Release - Secure DC Omnibus
Press Release - Secure DC Omnibus
Press Release - Secure DC Omnibus
Today, Councilmember Brooke Pinto introduced the Secure DC Omnibus, a historic public safety
legislative package with over one hundred interventions that respond to calls from the community
to address the unacceptable level of crime and violence undermining safety in the District.
Councilmember Pinto, Chairwoman of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, urges
the Council to pass the legislation this month and the Executive to fund it in the upcoming budget.
“Every day, I hear from residents across all eight wards about the urgent need to address
crime in our neighborhoods. My Secure DC Omnibus is our opportunity to turn the tide on
the crime trends that have overwhelmed our communities,” said Councilmember Pinto. “It is
resoundingly clear—from residents across the District, businesses, visitors, and our federal
and regional partners—that urgent and effective action is needed now.”
The legislation is informed by feedback from thousands of residents and stakeholders during
hearings, public safety walks, and community meetings in all eight wards. Councilmember Pinto
will move the Secure DC Omnibus for a vote out of the Committee on Wednesday, January 17 th .
“Secure DC brings together the strongest legislative proposals I considered this fall to better
equip DC agencies and communities with needed tools to prevent crime, increase
accountability, and strengthen government coordination,” said Councilmember Pinto.
“Secure DC is a critical and necessary step in the right direction.”
The Secure DC Omnibus includes provisions from Councilmember Pinto’s Secure DC Plan, along
with many of the proposals from other colleagues and Mayor Bowser’s Safer Stronger and ACT
Now bills. The Secure DC Omnibus includes the following initiatives, among others: