EK175-NG-NK-Airend-DL071AA-20210208144344 - 20220524080843
EK175-NG-NK-Airend-DL071AA-20210208144344 - 20220524080843
EK175-NG-NK-Airend-DL071AA-20210208144344 - 20220524080843
EK175NG, EK175NK
Air Ends
GB DL071AA - 06/2007
CompAir Contents
Repair Manual
EK175NG, EK175NK
Air Ends
GB DL071AA - 06/2007
DL071AA 3
Contents CompAir
1 Introduction............................................................................................. 5
1.1 Foreword...........................................................................................................5
1.2 Scope................................................................................................................5
2 Safety Procedures.................................................................................10
2.1 General............................................................................................................10
2.2 Warnings, Cautions and Notes.......................................................................10
2.3 Safety Precautions..........................................................................................11
2.4 Maintenance Precautions................................................................................11
2.5 Precautions In The Event Of Fire...................................................................12
3 Dismantling............................................................................................ 13
3.1 Remove Delivery End Cover..........................................................................13
3.2 Remove Delivery End Locknuts.....................................................................13
3.3 Remove Bell-Housing....................................................................................15
3.4 Remove Drive Gears......................................................................................17
3.5 Remove Inlet Bearing Housing......................................................................18
3.6 Remove Rotors...............................................................................................18
3.7 Remove Bearing Inner Rings.........................................................................21
3.8 Repair Kits......................................................................................................21
4 Assembly - Prepare Inlet End - EK175NG...........................................22
4.1 Prepare Inlet Casing........................................................................................22
5 Assembly - Prepare Inlet End - EK175NK..........................................23
5.1 Prepare Inlet Casing........................................................................................23
6 Assembly - Install Rotors.....................................................................28
6.1 Mount Rotor Casing On Fixture.....................................................................28
6.2 Prepare Rotor Casing......................................................................................28
6.3 Install Rotors...................................................................................................29
7 Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - EK175NG.............................31
7.1 Fit Inlet Bearing Inner Rings..........................................................................31
7.2 Fit Inlet Bearing Housing...............................................................................31
7.3 Assemble Inlet Bearings.................................................................................32
7.4 Fit Gear Pinion................................................................................................35
7.5 Pre-Assemble Drive Gear Shaft.....................................................................36
7.6 Fit Bell-Housing.............................................................................................39
7.7 Fit Shaft Oil Seal............................................................................................41
8 Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - EK175NK.............................43
8.1 Fit Inlet Bearing Inner Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
8.2 Fit Oil Seal Inner Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
8.3 Fit Inlet Bearing Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
8.4 Fit Shaft Oil Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
9 Assembly - Delivery End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
9.1 Fit Shaft Locking Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
9.2 Fit Roller Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
9.3 Fit Angular Contact Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
9.4 Set Delivery End Clearances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
9.5 Fit Delivery End Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
10 Repair Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
10.1 Air End Repair Kit - EK175NG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
10.2 Shaft Oil Seal Kit - EK175NG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
10.3 Air End Repair Kit - EK175NK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
10.4 Shaft Oil Seal Kit - EK175NK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4 DL071AA
Comp Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 Foreword
1.1.1 These compressors are intended for compressing
atmospheric air and are not suitable for 1.1.4 The information given in this manual was correct
compressing any other gas. They are designed at the time of printing but modifications to parts
and manufactured to give optimum performance, and procedures may be made without notice which
with long life and reliability. could affect the procedures described in this
1.1.2 This manual is intended for use by CompAir - manual. Before undertaking any work, the user is
approved service personnel and gives all the advised to contact the local CompAir Distributor
information necessary to dismantle and who is supplied with revised and up-dated
re-assemble the compressor unit safely and information.
effectively. 1.1.5 In any communication concerning the
1.1.3 Servicing facilities and the supply of genuine compressor it is essential to quote the
replacement parts are provided through a MODEL and SERIAL NUMBER.
worldwide network of CompAir Distributors,
backed up by the Service and Parts departments at 1.2 Scope
Redditch. If replacement parts are needed, the
local Distributor should be contacted in the first 1.2.1 This manual is for use in the repair of
instance. EK175NG/EK175NK air ends with serial
numbers 3013 11 06 (production month
November 2006) onwards only.
DL071 5
1 Introductio
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
123 127
B 107
Fig 1.1 - EK175NG Air End - Sectional
F 134 05
120 108
131 136 137
X 1
122 2 Tropfen
+0,01 128
- 0,01
C 115 127 130 111 105 112 113
134 Ansicht X Anzugsmomente
B-B Verbindungselement
Zyl-Schraube M12
Anzugsmoment Nm
138 04
Tolerierun g Rauhtiefe Rz Gewicht:
DIN 7167 Reihe 2 Rohteil- Nr. Auftr. -Nr.
Allgemeintoleranzen DIN 3141
ISO 2768-mH
Fertigteil Nr. Werkstoff
135 Datum Name
Gezeichnet 02.05.2003 Federmann
Bezeichnung Document description
Kontrolliert 02.05.2003 Thomes
EK175NG Assembly
A Ratio; ID. according to Air End List A11917074 03
28.08.06 Fed
10.03.06 Fed
Material- Nr.
1 /1
01 9462_010_04 19.03.04 Fed Drucklufttechnik GmbH A1
12 11 10 9 Status AM-Nr. Datum Name Enstanden aus: Ersatz für: Ersetzt durch:
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Comp Introduction
SM 1353
* Part of Air End Repair Kit Nr. A11926174. + Part of Air End Oil Seal Kit Nr. A11926274.
DL071 7
1 Introductio
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Fig 1.3 - EK175NK Air End - Sectional
131 136
B 122
A A 120
121 116
2 Tropfen
0,04 ` 0,01
Schnitt B-B 125 126
C 01
105 113
112 C
Ansicht X Anzugsmomente
Verbindungselement Pos Anzugsmoment Nm
Zyl-Schraube M12 127 86
Doppelnippel 1 1/2-16UN 129 25
Gezeichnet 17.10.2003
24.02.2004 Thomes
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Comp Introduction
138 107
132 127
137 127
101 113
133 135
124 136
109 138
123 105
103 134
126 116
121 125
SM 1366
138 126
* Part of Air End Repair Kit Nr. A11929174. + Part of Air End Oil Seal Kit Nr. A11929274.
DL071 9
2 Safety Comp
2 Safety Procedures
2.1 General 2.2 Warnings, Cautions and Notes
2.1.1 Most accidents which occur during the operation 2.2.1 Warnings
and maintenance of machinery are the result of
failure to observe basic safety rules or precautions. Warnings call attention to operations or procedures
An accident can often be avoided by recognising a involving specific hazards which could cause
situation that is potentially hazardous. injury or death and are identified by the following
symbols on the unit and in the text of the manual.
2.1.2 When handling, operating or carrying out
maintenance on the unit, personnel must use safe
engineering practices and observe all relevant
local health and safety requirements and WARNING: RISK OF DANGER
regulations. The attention of users in the UK is
drawn to the Health and Safety at Work Act,
1974, the Regulations of the Institution of
Electrical Engineers and the Pressure Systems and
Transportable Gas Container Regulations 1989. WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC
2.1.3 CompAir cannot anticipate every possible
circumstance which might represent a potential
hazard. The WARNINGS in this manual are
therefore not all-inclusive. If the user employs an WARNING: RISK OF HOT
operating procedure, an item of equipment or a SURFACES
method of working which is not specifically
recommended by CompAir he must ensure that the
unit will not be damaged or made unsafe and that
there is no risk to persons or property. WARNING: CONSULT MANUAL
2.1.4 The standard builds of all CompAir products are
not intended for use in either explosive or
potentially explosive atmospheres as defined in
Directive 94/9/EC. An explosive atmosphere is a
mixture with air, under atmospheric conditions, of
flammable gases, vapours, hazes or dust in which,
after ignition has occurred, combustion propagates
to the entire unburned mixture and may cause a 2.2.2 Cautions
hazard. A potentially explosive atmosphere is an
atmosphere which could become explosive due to Incorrect operational procedures causing
local conditions. possible damage to the compressor unit are
identified by a 'Caution’ in the text of this
2.1.5 Failure to observe the precautions given under manual.
‘Safety Procedures’ may be considered dangerous
practice or misuse of the compressor unit. 2.2.3 Notes
Methods to make the job easier and points which
require particular attention are identified by a
‘Note’ in the text of this manual.
1 DL071
Comp Safety Procedures
2.3.7 Avoid injury by using a hoist to lift heavy loads. 2.4.4 Keep a written record of all maintenance and
Check that all chains, hooks, shackles and slings repair work carried out on the air end. The
are in good condition and are of the correct frequency and nature of the work required over a
capacity. They must be tested and approved period can reveal adverse operating conditions
according to local safety regulations. which should be corrected.
2.3.8 Cables, chains or ropes must never be applied 2.4.5 Use only lubricating oils and greases approved
directly to lifting eyes. Always use an appropriate by CompAir. Make sure that the selected
shackle or hook, properly positioned. Arrange lubricants comply with all relevant safety
lifting cables so that there are no sharp bends. regulations, especially with regard to the risk of
explosion or fire and the possibility of
2.3.9 Use a spreader bar to avoid side loads on decomposition or the generation of hazardous
hooks, eyes and shackles. gases.
2.3.10 When a load is on a hoist, stay clear of the danger 2.4.6 Always clean up oil spills before and after
area beneath and around it. Keep lifting maintenance work.
acceleration and speed within safe limits and never
leave a load hanging on a hoist for longer than is 2.4.7 Make sure that all instructions concerning
necessary. operation and maintenance are strictly followed
and that the complete unit, with all accessories
2.3.11 A hoist should always be used to lift in a and safety devices, is kept in good running
perpendicular direction. If lifting at an angle order.
cannot be avoided take precautions to prevent the
load swinging. This can be achieved by using two 2.4.8 Maintenance, overhaul and repair work must
hoists, each lifting at not more than 30° from the only be carried out by competent personnel
vertical. under a qualified supervisor.
Note: This will reduce the safe working load 2.4.9 Never use a light source with an open flame to
capacity of the hoists. inspect any part of the unit.
2.3.12 Always use tools that are in good condition and be 2.4.10 Only use lint free cloth when cleaning
sure you understand how to use them properly components and ensure that hands, tools and work
before starting any service work. Use the correct surfaces are clean and free from sand, grit or other
tool for each job. Knowledge of the abrasive particles.
DL071 1
2 Safety Comp
1 DL071
Comp Dismantling
3 Dismantling
Note: Item numbers in brackets refer to Figs. 3.1.3 Unscrew and remove the capscrews M12x40
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 in Chapter 1. (127) securing the delivery end cover (107) and
remove the cover.
3.1 Remove Delivery End Cover
SM 1368
3.1.1 Mount the air end on a rotating assembly
fixture with drive end uppermost.
Note: Position a drip tray under the assembly
fixture to catch any oil from the air end during
SM 1376
SM 1162
DL071 1
3 Comp
3.2.2 Unscrew locking screw G1 ½" (128) and 3.2.3 Release the locking screw in the shaft locknut
remove thermostatic valve. (116) of the female rotor.
Warning: Thermostatic valve insert SM 1310
is under spring tension.
SM 1386
Fig. 3.7 - Ensure Shaft is Locked Securely
SM 1308
1 DL071
Comp Dismantling
3.2.6 Release the locking screw in the shaft locknut 3.3.3 Remove the two dowel pins (126) from the
(117) of the male rotor. bell housing (103) using a special tool.
3.2.7 Loosen and unscrew the locknut (117) using a SM 1164
special spanner.
SM 1311
SM 1251
Fig. 3.10 - Removing Shaft Locking Tool Fig. 3.11 - Removing Dowel Pins
DL071 1
3 Comp
3.3.4 Unscrew and remove the capscrews M12x 40 3.3.6 Screw eye bolts into the bell housing in
(127) securing the bell housing. diagonally opposite positions as shown.
SM 1352
SM 1181
1 DL071
Comp Dismantling
3.4 Remove Drive Gears 3.4.3 Unscrew capscrew (127) and remove safety disc
3.4.1 The drive shaft of the gear (200) can now be (123).
lifted off. SM 1334
SM 1332
SM 1330
DL071 1
3 Comp
3.5 Remove Inlet Bearing Housing 3.5.3 Loosen the inlet bearing housing (102) with the
3.5.1 Remove the two dowel pins (126) from the help of a screw driver and remove the inlet bearing
inlet bearing housing (102) using a special housing.
tool. SM 1338
SM 1335
SM 1337
1 DL071
Comp Dismantling
3.6.3 Screw an M12 capscrew into the centre 3.6.5 Turn the air end on the rotating fixture so that the
tapping of the female rotor. inlet end is now uppermost.
3.6.6 Using the hydraulic press, press the male
rotor (104) out of the rotor casing.
3.6.7 Screw an eyebolt into the centre tapping of the
male rotor, attach lifting tackle and carefully
remove the male rotor.
SM 1381
SM 1166
Fig. 3.24 - Capscrew Fitted to Female Rotor
DL071 1
3 Comp
3.6.8 Turn the air end on the rotating fixture 180° again 3.6.9 Again, turn the air end on the rotating fixture
and assemble hydraulic cylinder on the female 180°.
rotor side.
3.6.10 Using the hydraulic press, press the female
SM 1379 rotor (105) out of the rotor casing.
3.6.11 Screw an eyebolt into the centre tapping of the
female rotor, attach lifting tackle and carefully
remove the female rotor.
SM 1382
2 DL071
Comp Dismantling
SM 1384
DL071 2
4 Assembly - Prepare Inlet End - Comp
SM 1254
SM 1256
Fig. 4.3 - Cleaning Flange Face
2 DL071
Comp Assembly - Prepare Inlet End - 5
SM 1255
DL071 2
4 Assembly - Prepare Inlet End - Comp
SM 1257
Fig. 5.1 - Polishing Inlet Cover
SM 1258
2 DL071
5 Assembly - Prepare Inlet End - Comp
5.1.5 Do the same for the cylindrical roller bearing 5.1.6 Using a degreaser spray, carefully clean the
(109) on the male rotor side. Position the bearing housing bores of the inlet cover again (in
and, using a suitable drift, carefully drive the preparation for fitting the cover discs).
bearing into the inlet cover.
SM 1263
SM 1260
SM 1179
Fig. 5.6 - Cleaning Female Rotor
Cover Disc
2 DL071
Comp Assembly - Prepare Inlet End - 5
SM 1375
SM 1374
Fig. 5.9 - Female Bearing
Cover Disc In Position
SM 1262
Fig. 5.8 - Fitting Female Bearing
Cover Disc
DL071 2
5 Assembly - Prepare Inlet End - Comp
5.1.10 Carefully clean the cover disk (123) of the male 5.1.12 Using a suitable drift, carefully drive the cover
rotor using a degreaser spray. Apply some disk (123) into the bore of the inlet cover.
LOCTITE 620 on the outer diameter of the cover
disk (123). Note: Check that the cover disk sits firmly. The
cover disk (123) should not protrude above the
face of the inlet cover (103).
SM 1264
SM 1180
Fig. 5.12 - Fitting Male Rotor Cover Disc
Fig. 5.10 - Preparing Male Rotor Cover Disc
5.1.11 Position the cover disk (123) on the male rotor side as
shown (check the position of the notch for the oil
SM 1264
Fig. 5.11 - Positioning Male Rotor
Cover Disc
2 DL071
Comp Assembly - Prepare Inlet End - 5
SM 1297
Fig. 5.13 - Removing Excess LOCTITE
DL071 2
6 Assembly - Install Comp
SM 1347
SM 1296
6.1.2 Secure the rotor casing on the assembly Fig. 6.3 - Rotor Casing
2 DL071
Comp Assembly - Install Rotors
6.2.3 Install the O-ring (133) into its groove. The 6.3.2 Remove any burrs on the delivery end face of the
previously applied grease should hold the O- male rotor with an oilstone ( to allow correct
ring in the groove when the inlet bearing delivery end clearance adjustment).
housing is assembled later.
SM 1295
Fig. 6.5 - Fitting 'O'-Ring
SM 1287
DL071 2
6 Assembly - Install Comp
6.3.4 In the same way, clean and degrease the female 6.3.6 Remove eye bolts from both rotors.
rotor (105) and remove any burrs from the
SM 1292
delivery end face.
SM 1169
Fig. 6.9 - Polishing Female Rotor
3 DL071
Comp Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - EK175NG
DL071 3
7 Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - Comp
SM 1324
Fig. 7.4 - Positioning Female Roller Bearing
3 DL071
Comp Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - EK175NG
7.3.2 Position the cylindrical roller bearing (109) 7.3.3 Do the same for the cylindrical roller bearing
onto the male rotor shaft. Using a suitable (111) on the female rotor side.
drift, carefully drive the bearing into the
bearing housing. SM 1323
SM 1325
DL071 3
7 Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - Comp
7.3.5 Position the outer ring of the taper roller 7.3.6 Tap the outer ring of the taper roller bearing
bearing (115) onto the female rotor shaft. (115) into the bore of the inlet bearing housing
Caution: Ensure the outer ring is correctly with the careful use of a copper hammer.
orientated. Caution: Drive the outer ring only to a
position where it slightly touches the
previously assembled waved washers.
This outer ring (relocatable in the bore) is
automatically adjusted when the drive
shaft (200) and bell housing (103) are
SM 1318
3 DL071
Comp Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - EK175NG
7.4 Fit Gear Pinion 7.4.3 Apply some grease onto the male rotor shaft end
7.4.1 Carefully drive the key (125) into the keyway of for ease of pinion assembly.
the male rotor shaft using a copper hammer. SM 1321
SM 1319
DL071 3
7 Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - Comp
7.4.6 Position the safety disk (123) on the pinion and 7.5.3 Turn the drive shaft so that the drive end is
secure with a cap screw (127). Ensure rotors now uppermost.
cannot turn and tighten capscrew to 86 Nm.
Caution: Ensure that the drive shaft is
SM 1317
not standing on the cage of the
previously assembled taper roller
bearing. Support the shaft underneath
the pinion.
SM 1171
SM 1265
3 DL071
Comp Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - EK175NG
7.5.4 Heat the bigger taper roller bearing (114) to a 7.5.6 Fit inner ring of drive shaft oil seal as follows:-
temperature of 120 max. 125°C (257°F) in an
oven or by using an induction heater. a) Ensure helix orientation is appropriate for the
direction of rotation of the drive shaft. The helix
Warning: Hot components. Use safety orientation must always tend to screw the oil back
gloves. into the air end. The helix orientation for the
EK175NG (right-handed) is opposite to that for
7.5.5 Fit the taper roller bearing (114) onto the drive
the EK175NK
shaft end of the gear (200). Ensure the taper roller
bearing is oriented correctly when fitting and sits
firmly against the shoulder. SM 1369
SM 1172
SM 1373
DL071 3
7 Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - Comp
c) Apply some grease to the O-ring of the inner e) Drive the inner ring (120) of the shaft seal onto
ring for ease of assembly. the shaft end of the gear shaft with the careful use
of a hammer and drift. Ensure that this inner ring
is seated firmly against the inner ring of the taper
roller bearing (114).
SM 1372
Fig. 7.20. - Applying Grease
SM 1185
SM 1266
3 DL071
Comp Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - EK175NG
7.5.7 Position the drive shaft of the gear (200) onto the 7.6.2 Clean the flange face of the bell housing using a
already assembled outer ring of the taper roller degreaser spray and an oil stone.
bearing (115).
SM 1175
SM 1331
SM 1176
Fig. 7.26 - Applying Grease
SM 1173
DL071 3
7 Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - Comp
7.6.4 Fit the outer ring of the taper roller bearing 7.6.7 Screw in two cap screws on each side of the bell
(114) into the bell housing bore. housing (127) and lightly tighten them crosswise.
Do not completely tighten these 4 screws; the
flange faces must be relocatable for assembly of
dowel pins.
SM 1177
4 DL071
Comp Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - EK175NG
SM 1352
SM 1301
DL071 4
7 Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - Comp
7.7.3 Carefully fit the shaft seal ring (118) onto the 7.7.5 Fit the circlip (121) into the groove in the bell
drive shaft end . housing bore.
Caution: Do not damage the sealing lips
SM 1186
7.7.6 Carefully drive the key (124) into the key way on
the shaft end using a copper hammer.
SM 1253
SM 1302
Fig. 7.34 - Positioning Shaft Seal Ring
7.7.4 Drive the shaft seal ring (118) into the bore with
the careful use of a hammer and drift. Ensure that
the seal ring is seated firmly against the shoulder
in the bell housing bore.
Fig. 7.37 - Fitting Drive Key
SM 1187
4 DL071
Comp Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - EK175NK
8.1.2 Carefully slide the inner rings onto male and
female rotor shafts, ensuring they are tight
against their respective shoulders.
SM 1293
SM 1373
DL071 4
8 Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - Comp
SM 1364
SM 1372
Fig. 8.4 - Applying Grease
4 DL071
Comp Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - EK175NK
SM 1365
Fig. 8.8 - Securing Inlet Bearing Cover
SM 1301
DL071 4
8 Assembly - Fit Inlet End Components - Comp
8.4.3 Fit the shaft seal ring (118) onto the male 8.4.5 Fit the circlip (121) into the groove of the inlet
rotor shaft end. cover bore.
Caution: Do not damage the sealing lips. SM 1327
8.4.4 Drive the shaft seal ring into the bore with the
careful use of a hammer and drift. Ensure that the
seal ring is seated firmly against the shoulder in
the inlet cover.
SM 1329
4 DL071
Comp Assembly - Delivery End
DL071 4
9 Assembly - Delivery Comp
9.2.3 Heat the inner ring of the female rotor 9.2.6 Position the cylindrical roller bearing (109)
cylindrical roller bearing (112) to a onto the male rotor shaft.
temperature of 120 -125°C (248 - 257°F).
SM 1270
Warning: Hot components. Use safety
9.2.4 Carefully slide the inner ring onto the shaft end
of the female rotor. Ensure the inner ring sits
firmly against the shaft shoulder. Let the
assembled inner rings cool down for 5 minutes
SM 1268
4 DL071
Comp Assembly - Delivery End
SM 1271
SM 1281
Fig. 9.6 - Fitting Roller Bearings Fig. 9.7 - Positioning Spacer Ring
DL071 4
9 Assembly - Delivery Comp
9.3.2 Heat the angular contact bearing (110) of the 9.3.6 Ensure that the bearing locating slots are
male rotor to a temperature of 120 -125°C (248 - aligned correctly to accept the lug on the
257°F). safety plate. It may be advisable to
temporarily position the plate to check.
Warning: Hot components. Use safety
gloves. SM 1371
SM 1279
5 DL071
Comp Assembly - Delivery End
9.3.8 Apply some LOCTITE 245 to the external 9.3.9 Fit the shaft locknut (116) of the female rotor,
threads at the delivery end of the male and ensuring that the polished contact face is against
female rotor shafts. the bearing, and hand-tighten.
SM 1305
SM 1304
Fig. 9.12 - Applying LOCTITE
to External Threads
DL071 5
9 Assembly - Delivery Comp
SM 1343
Fig. 9.15 - Securing Shaft Locking Tool
SM 1307
5 DL071
Comp Assembly - Delivery End
DL071 5
9 Assembly - Delivery Comp
9.4.3 Pre-tighten the female rotor locknut - a 9.4.5 Screw an eyebolt into the centre tapping of the
quarter of a turn only - in the same way. female rotor.
9.4.6 Position the locknut spanner on the female
rotor locknut.
9.4.7 Position a dial gauge on the face of the casing with
probe tip on the end of the female rotor shaft.
SM 1308
SM 1361
5 DL071
Comp Assembly - Delivery End
9.4.11 Follow the same steps to adjust the delivery end 9.4.13 Check the rotors turn freely by turning the drive
clearance of the male rotor. shaft backwards and forwards with the help of
Delivery End Clearance: 0.03 - 0.05 mm the shaft locking tool.
SM 1362
SM 1354
DL071 5
9 Assembly - Delivery Comp
9.5 Fit Delivery End Cover 9.5.3 Polish the flange face of the rotor casing using an
9.5.1 Apply some grease into the O-ring groove of the oilstone and clean it using a degreaser spray.
delivery end cover (107) for ease of assembly of SM 1313
the O-ring.
SM 1314
5 DL071
Comp Assembly - Delivery End
7 2
3 6
1 8 4
DL071 5
Comp Repair Kits
10 Repair Kits
10.1 Air End Repair Kit - EK175NG
DL071 5
10 Repair Comp
5 DL071