Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
Keywords: Research has shown that alkali-activated concrete (AAC) is comparable to ordinary Portland cement concrete
Energy (OPCC) in terms of mechanical properties and may offer ecological benefits compared to OPCC. This study
Emissions evaluates the energy and emission of AAC and OPCC across different classifications of concrete compressive
Alkali-activated concrete
strength (40, 60, and 100 MPa). Analysis indicates that the selection of constituent materials can substantially
Ordinary portland cement concrete
affect the energy and emission of AAC and OPCC. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is the principal contributor to
the energy and emission of OPCC, accounting for 80% of energy and 91% of emissions of OPCC. The activating
solution, meanwhile, is the main contributor to the energy and CO2 emission of AAC. Normal strength AAC
(40 MPa) shows 46% less energy and 73% less CO2 emission than OPCC. However, high-strength AAC (60 MPa),
using metakaolin as a base material, experiences higher energy (8%) than OPCC yet the emission is 40% less than
OPCC. A substitution of fly ash for metakaolin results in superior efficiency of AAC compared to OPCC. Two
mixtures of ultra-high-strength AAC (100 MPa) result in contradictory findings. One mixture with a sodium
hydroxide and silica fume activating solution shows 5% and 30% less energy and CO2 emission, while the other
mixture with a sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate activating mixture is less efficient than OPCC.
1. Introduction Peng et al., 2013). Due to the amount of OPC consumed annually and the
high associated embodied energy, researchers have started to look into
Worldwide, ordinary Portland cement concrete (OPCC) is considered new, more environmentally-friendly materials to reduce CO2 emissions
one of the most consumed construction materials after water (Gartner, (McLellan et al., 2011; Teh et al., 2017; Tempest et al., 2009).
2011) with current consumption estimated at one cubic meter per person Blended cement has been proposed to reduce the dependency on OPC
annually (Gartner, 2004). Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) accounts for and, consequently, reduce the associated emission. Blended cement
approximately 5% of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions and 14% of the typically consists of OPC partially blended with supplementary cemen-
total global energy use from the industrial division (Thwe et al., 2021). titious materials (SCMs) such as fly ash (FA), ground granulated blast
There are several reasons for the high emission of OPC, including but not furnace slag (GGBFS), and silica fume (SF). Most of these SCMs are by-
limited to the required limestone calcination and the required energy products materials. Thus, using them minimizes the waste materials
during the manufacturing process (Gartner, 2004). Due to the high that go to the landfill (Wu et al., 2018). Additionally, it is estimated that
consumed embodied energy throughout (OPC) production, the CO2 blended cement could reduce CO2 emissions by approximatey13-22%
emission of each ton of OPC ranges between 0.82 and 1.0 metric tons (Flower and Sanjayan, 2007). The reduction in CO2 emissions depends
(Huntzinger and Eatmon, 2009; Li et al., 2011; Maji and Adamu, 2021; on several key attributes, such as SCMs blended quantity, raw material
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Alsalman), [email protected] (L.N. Assi), [email protected] (R.S. Kareem), [email protected].
edu (K. Carter), [email protected] (P. Ziehl).
Received 4 January 2021; Received in revised form 14 April 2021; Accepted 29 July 2021
2666-7894/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
A. Alsalman et al. Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
A. Alsalman et al. Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
Fig. 3. Relationship between (a) compressive strength and sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratios and (b) compressive strength and the sodium hydroxide
concentration (M).
Table 1 Table 2
Mixture proportions of 40 MPa concrete. Mixture proportions of 60 MPa concrete.
Material Mixture proportions (kg/m3) Material Mixture proportions (kg/m3)
AAC (Nath and Sarker, 2014) OPCCa AAC (Pouhet and Cyr, 2016) OPCCa
A. Alsalman et al. Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
Table 3 et al., 2009). On the other hand, there is no need to include the energy
Mixture proportions of 100 MPa concrete. required to raise the temperature of the alkaline solution from the at-
Material Mixture proportions (kg/m3) mospheric temperature to 75 C since the reaction of the activating so-
lution results in a high temperature as stated earlier in this section.
AAC-I (Assi et al., AAC-II (Liu et al., OPCC (ACI
2016b) 2020) 363, 2011) Elevated curing temperature might be necessary for AAC to achieve
similar mechanical properties in comparison with OPCC (Duxson et al.,
OPC Type II – – 228
FA (class F) 474 172 –
2007a,b; Hardjito et al., 2004; Palomo et al., 1999). The elevated curing
GGBFS – 688 308 temperature requires energy. Thus, this type of energy should be
SF 46.2 45 45 included in calculating the total energy required to produce AAC when
Fine aggregate 793 905 800 heat curing or stem curing regimens are implemented. The energy of
Coarse aggregate 793 – 1110
curing concrete samples can be divided into two parts - the required
Water 163 97a 131
Admixtures (high range 7.125 – 15.6 energy to heat the concrete sample to a specific temperature and the
water reducer) required energy to maintain the concrete sample at that temperature for a
Sodium hydroxide 61.6 45 – specific time. The energy required to cure the OPCC at 54 C for 24 h is
(100% solid) 0.0062 GJ/m3 (Nisbet et al., 2000). However, this value does not include
Sodium silicate – 314 –
(38.85% solid)
the energy required to raise the temperature from ambient to the targeted
Curing regimen Heat curing at Heat curing at Moist curing curing temperature. The required energy to heat the AAC blocks of one
75 C for 48 h 80 C for 24 h cubic meter to 60 C for 24 h is 0.146 GJ/m3, which also accounts for the
Measured compressive 106 MPa 102 MPa 105 MPa heat loss through the curing kiln walls (Salas et al., 2018). The value
provided by Salas et al. (2018) is more realistic, and therefore, it is
This value does not account for the water of the sodium silicate solution. considered in this study.
Fig. 4. Energy of 40 MPa concrete mixtures (a) AAC (b) OPCC. Note: AAC: alkali-activated concrete and OPCC ¼ ordinary Portland cement concrete.
Fig. 5. Emission of 40 MPa concrete mixtures (a) AAC (b) OPCC. Note: AAC: alkali-activated concrete and OPCC ¼ ordinary Portland cement concrete.
A. Alsalman et al. Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
Fig. 6. Energy of 60 MPa concrete mixtures (a) AAC (b) OPCC. Note: AAC: alkali-activated concrete and OPCC ¼ ordinary Portland cement concrete.
Fig. 7. Emission of 60 MPa concrete mixtures (a) AAC (b) OPCC. Note: AAC: alkali-activated concrete and OPCC ¼ ordinary Portland cement concrete.
The required energy to produce OPCC includes the energies of the 2.2. Emission variables
constituent materials such as OPC, SCMs, aggregates, and admixtures.
The energy required to produce OPC relies primarily on the kiln type – Due to the energy consumption (e.g., diesel, electricity, liquid pe-
wet (5.9 GJ/t), semi-wet (4.6 GJ/t), dry (3.3 GJ/t), or semi-dry kiln troleum gas, explosives, and coal) to produce the materials for AAC and
(3.5 GJ/t) (Hammond and Jones, 2008). A value between 3.6 GJ/t to OPCC, CO2 emissions are released into the atmosphere. OPC results in
6 GJ/t is considered a typical average fuel consumption to produce higher emissions than other cementitious materials such as FA, SF,
clinker. The Office of Energy Efficiency (2001) reported that the average GGBFS, and MK. The production of one ton of OPC yields nearly
energy usage of fifteen plants is 4.69 GJ/t. The reported general value 0.73–0.85 tons of CO2 (Hasanbeigi et al., 2012; Hills et al., 2016). A value
was 4.6 2 GJ/t. The Concrete Centre (2009) indicated that the reported of 0.84 t-CO2/t, which is used in the calculations herein, is considered the
energy of producing OPC is 1194 kWh, which is approximately 4.3 GJ/t. worldwide average (Sanjuan et al., 2020). On the other hand, aggregates
Hammond et al. (2011) also reported a weighted average value of require low energy for production compared to other materials, resulting
4.5 GJ/t that includes all of the cement within the United Kingdom. in relatively low CO2 emissions. The CO2 emissions of FA, SF, GGBFS, and
Marceau et al. (2006) reported that the embodied energy of OPC aver- MK are 0.004 t-CO2/t, 0.014 t-CO2/t, 0.052 t-CO2/t, and 0.33 t-CO2/t,
aged over several manufacturing methods is 4.8 GJ/t. Since there are respectively (Hammond et al., 2011; Hammond and Jones, 2008, 2008;
several reported values, the authors considered the average of the values 2008; Heath et al., 2014; The Concrete Centre, 2009). Hammond et al.
– 4.53 GJ/t. Fig. 1 illustrates the summary of energy required for con- (2011) reported a value of 0.0048 t-CO2/t for both fine and coarse ag-
stituent materials of AAC and OPCC which are used to estimate the en- gregates. The emissions associated with the production of admixtures
ergy of the resultant concrete mixtures. such as superplasticizers and retarders is 1.88 t-CO2/t (European
Federation of Concrete, 2015).
The activating solution compounds, such as sodium hydroxide and
sodium silicate, require high energy for their production, and therefore,
A. Alsalman et al. Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
Fig. 8. Energy of 100 MPa concrete mixtures (a) AAC-I (b) AAC-II (c) OPCC. Fig. 9. Emission of 100 MPa concrete mixtures (a) AAC-I (b) AAC-II (c) OPCC.
Note: AAC: alkali-activated concrete and OPCC ¼ ordinary Portland Note: AAC: alkali-activated concrete and OPCC ¼ ordinary Portland
cement concrete. cement concrete.
result in significant emissions. Sodium hydroxide emissions are approx- silicates is between 37% and 42% solid (Assi et al., 2020; Davidovits,
imately 1.915 t-CO2/t (Turner and Collins, 2013); this value is for 100% 2015).
solid of sodium hydroxide. The curing of the concrete samples and maintaining the heat of the
On the other hand, sodium silicate produces lower emissions than activating solution at a specific temperature generate emissions, which
sodium hydroxide - between 0.30 t-CO2/t to 0.42 t-CO2/t (Fawer et al., are included in the calculations. Emissions related to the curing of con-
1999; McLellan et al., 2011). (Turner and Collins, 2013) reported a value crete are approximately 0.039 t-CO2/m3 for 24 h at 85 C (Yang et al.,
– 1.514 t-CO2/t which is for 100% solid of sodium silicates. However, this 2013). This emission value includes the emission from heating the con-
value also contains the emission that is associated with the transportation crete to that temperature and maintaining the curing at that temperature
(0.292 t-CO2/t). Since this study does not consider the effect of trans- for 24 h. This reference value (0.039 t CO2/m3) is used to calculate the
portation, the emission that is related to the transportation is omitted and emission of concrete mixtures if a different curing temperature is used.
a net value of 1.222 t-CO2/t is considered. It is worth to mention that For example, if 75 C is used to cure the concrete for 24 h, the associated
(Turner and Collins, 2013) in their study considered the total value of emission is calculated as shown in Eq. (1). The literature does not report
emission of sodium silicates; however, this is misleading as the sodium the emissions resulting from heating of the activating solution from
A. Alsalman et al. Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
Normal strength concrete Fig. 2 presents all the emission values that are considered in this
OPCC 40 2227 395 55.7 9.9 study.
AAC 40 1209 222 30.2 2.7
High strength concrete
OPCC 65 2465 435 37.9 6.7
2.3. Mixture proportions and mixture selection
AAC 58.5 2655 512 45.4 4.4
Ultra-high strength concrete Numerous mixture proportions have been reported in the literature
OPCC 105 1911 247 18.2 2.4 for AAC. The mixture proportions affect the mechanical properties,
AAC-I 106 1808 174 17.1 1.6
durability, cost, energy, and consequential emission of the resulting
AAC-II 102 3476 639 34.1 3.1
concrete. This section describes some of the mixture proportion variables
that can affect the energy and the associated emission of a specific
The type and the amount of the binder can have a considerable role in
both energy and emissions. As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, each base material
has different values of energy and emission. In the following study,
different types of base materials are selected to show this effect.
The components and the amount of the activating solution (alkaline
solution) can considerably affect the energy and emission of AAC. The
use of the alkaline solution releases the alumina and silica from the base
materials. In other words, the activating solution plays a significant role
in polymerization, which influences the efficiency of silica and alumina
in the geopolymer system of the resulting concrete. Based on previous
literature, typically, the activating solution consists of soluble alkali
metals such as sodium or potassium. The most common activating solu-
tion is the mixture of silicates and hydroxides of sodium or potassium
(Singh et al., 2015). Both the ratio of sodium hydroxide to sodium silicate
in the activating solution and the concentration of sodium hydroxide can
influence the performance (e.g., compressive strength) of the AAC, and
affects the energy and emissions of AAC. The energy and emission values
of sodium hydroxide that are presented in Figs. 1 and 2 are for 100% solid
Several studies in the literature have examined the optimum sodium
silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio and sodium hydroxide concentration
(M) (Ahmed et al., 2011; Deb, 2012; Gunasekara et al., 2016; Hadi et al.,
2017; Hardjito and Rangan, 2005; Kumar et al., 2018; Kusbiantoro et al.,
2012; Nath and Sarker, 2015, 2017; Nazari and Sanjayan, 2015; Nur-
uddin et al., 2011; Okoye et al., 2015; Olivia and Nikraz, 2012; Parthiban
and Mohan, 2017; Pouhet and Cyr, 2016; Sarker et al., 2013; Shi et al.,
2012; Sujatha et al., 2012; Sumajouw and Rangan, 2006; Vora and Dave,
2013; Xie and Ozbakkaloglu, 2015). The common sodium silicate to
sodium hydroxide ratio ranges from 1.5 to 2.6, approximately 91% of the
total data falls into that region (shaded area of Fig. 3 (a)). Fig. 3 (b) shows
the effect of sodium hydroxide (M) on the compressive strength of AAC.
While studies from the literature have used different concentrations of
sodium hydroxide, the lowest sodium hydroxide was 8 M, and the
highest was 16 M. The most common concentration is 14 M, which
represents approximately 40% of the collected data. Concentrations of
8 M and 12 M represent 20% and 20% of the data, respectively. 93% of
the data falls between 8 M and 14 M. Other studies in the literature have
Fig. 10. Correlation between (a) compressive strength and energy; (b)
compressive strength and emission.
used a different combination of activation solutions for different reasons,
such as enhancing the performance of the concrete or reducing the en-
ergy and emission associated with the typical combination of the acti-
ambient temperature. However, this emission can be calculated using the
vating solution (sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate).
energy of curing the concrete, the energy of maintaining the heat of
To illustrate the effect of different factors on energy and associated
activating solution, and the emission value from Eq. (1) as shown in Eq.
emissions, three mixtures are examined. The selected mixtures were
classified based on the compressive strength, which is the most important
75 C 0:039 t CO2 =m3 property of concrete for design purposes, and all other properties are
Emission ðheating þ curingÞ ¼ ð Þ related to it. Three compressive strength grades were selected (40, 60,
85 C
and 100 MPa) to cover a wide range of concrete that can be used for
¼ 0:034 t CO2 m3 (1) different purposes. The 40 MPa concrete is considered standard strength
concrete, and it is common for most structural uses where outstanding
compressive is not required. Typically, SCMs are not needed to achieve
A. Alsalman et al. Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
the desired mechanical properties. Figs. 6 (b) and Fig. 7 (b), respectively.
On the other hand, the 60 MPa is high strength concrete with
compressive strength >55 MPa (ACI 363, 2011). This type of concrete is
commonly used in high-rise buildings where loads are significantly high 3.3. Ultra-high-strength concrete (100 MPa)
such as columns on lower floors. High binder content, SCMs, low water to
binder ratio (w/b), and high-range water reducer are necessary for Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 present the analysis of the energy and emission of
high-strength concrete to achieve the desired strength and workability. ultra-high-strength concrete. AAC-I mixture results in the lowest energy
Finally, the 100 MPa is ultra-high-strength concrete with compressive and emissions compared to AAC-II and OPCC. The energy is 48% and 5%
strength 100 MPa (Kareem et al., 2021; Ozbakkaloglu, 2013; Vincent less compared to AAC-II and OPCC, and the emissions are 44% and 30%
and Ozbakkaloglu, 2013). This type of concrete is proper for lightweight less, respectively. Sodium hydroxide is the major contributor to the en-
structures or structural components that are exposed to severe environ- ergy and emission of AAC-I, as shown in Figs. 8 (a) and Fig. 9 (a). This
ments. This class of concrete requires higher binder content compared to mixture does not contain sodium silicate, as the sodium hydroxide and
high-strength concrete. The use of SCMs is a must, especially, silica fume. silica fume were used as the activating solution instead. The combination
Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 summarize all mixtures used in this study. It of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicates of AAC-II contribute to the
can be noticed that two AACs were selected for the grade 100 MPa. Two total energy and emission by 75% and 75%, respectively. The sodium
mixtures were selected since exploration of ultra-high-strength mixtures silicate itself is responsible for approximately 47.6% of the total emission
in the literature is limited, and the results show how the selection of of AAC-II. If the value of emissions of sodium silicate reported by Fawer
materials may influence the energy and emission of the concrete with the et al. (1999) and McLellan et al. (2011) is replaced by the emission value
same classification of strength. reported by Turner and Collins (2013), the total emission would be
0.296 t-CO2/m3; which is only 5%.
3. Results and discussion The curing of the concrete, heating of the activating solution, and
aggregates have an insignificant effect on the energy and emission of
The energy and emission of all mixtures are calculated for one cubic AAC-I and AAC-II. OPCC experiences comparable energy and emission
meter of concrete. Detailed calculation tables are presented in Appendix compared to AAC-II. This is due to the incorporation of SCMs (SF and
A (Table A1 to A6). The following subsections discuss the results for the GGBFS); these SCMs account for 61% of the total binder content, 581 kg/
three grades of concrete. m3 (refer to Table 3). However, OPC is still the major contributor to the
energy and emission of OPCC. Due to the low water to binder ratio of
3.1. Normal strength concrete (40 MPa) OPCC, admixtures (superplasticizer) was incorporated in large amount.
As a result, admixtures are responsible for 24% and 12% of the energy
Figs. 4 and 5 present the required energy and associated emissions of and emission of OPCC as shown in Fig. 9 (c) and Fig. 9 (b). The contri-
one cubic meter of AAC and OPCC. OPCC results in 84% and 270% bution of the aggregates is minor compared to other constituents.
higher energy and emissions, respectively, compared to AAC. The high
energy and emissions are mainly attributed to the use of OPC, which 4. Efficiency analysis of selected mixtures
accounts for 94% and 98% of the total energy and emission of OPCC, as
shown in Figs. 4 (b) and Fig. 5 (b). On the other hand, the combination of Table 4 summarizes the efficiency of all selected mixtures. The effi-
sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate accounts for 82% and 87% of the ciency is presented as the energy required and the resulting emissions to
total energy and emission of AAC as shown in Figs. 4 (a) and Fig. 5 (a). produce one MPa of compressive strength. The efficiency is a comparison
The sodium silicate itself accounts for 51% and 54% of the total energy between the same grade of concretes only. It can be seen from the table
and emission, respectively. If the value of emission of sodium silicate that for normal strength concrete, the AAC is more efficient compared to
reported by Fawer et al. (1999) was used, the emission of AAC would be OPCC. The reductions in energy and emission are 46% and 73%,
reduced by 9% only compared to the use of the value reported by Turner respectively. Turner and Collins (2013) also evaluated the emissions of
and Collins (2013). The base materials for AAC (FA and GGBFS) are AAC and OPCC of 40 MPa concrete. They reported that AAC showed 9%
responsible for approximately 5% and 2% of the total energy and emis- less emissions compared to OPCC. However, the small reduction was due
sion of AAC. The effect of the aggregates on the energy and emission of to that they considered sodium silicate as a 100% solid when they esti-
OPCC and AAC is minimal. mated the total energy. In fact, the sodium silicate in their mixture was
(44.1% solid). If they considered the sodium silicate as only 44.1%, the
3.2. High-strength concrete (60 MPa) reduction in emission would be 34% compared to OPCC.
For the high-strength concrete OPCC shows higher efficiency
The energy and CO2 emission of high-strength concrete are presented regarding the energy factor. The energy is 16% lower compared to AAC.
in Figs. 6 and 7. AAC shows comparable energy to OPCC - 8% higher Tempest et al. (2009) evaluated the energy of AAC and OPCC found that
only. On the other hand, the OPCC shows higher emission – 68% higher AAC yielded 30% less energy than OPCC of the same strength. However,
compared to AAC. The main contributor to the high energy and emission they did not use MK and sodium silicate. On the other hand, AAC shows
of AAC is sodium silicate, which is responsible for 48% and 42% of the higher efficiency regarding the emission factor as shown in Table 4.
total energy and emissions of AAC as shown in Figs. 6 (a) and Fig. 7 (a). If In the case of ultra-high-strength concrete, AAC-I illustrates higher
the value of emissions of sodium silicate reported by (Fawer et al., 1999) efficiency compared to AAC-II and OPCC per one MPa on strength. A
were used, the emissions of AAC would be reduced by 3% only compared similar finding was reported by Assi et al. (2018) who found that the use
to the use of the value reported by Turner and Collins (2013). MK, which of AAC can reduce the energy up to 36% compared to OPCC of
is the base material for AAC, is not a by-product material. Consequently, ultra-high-strength concrete.
it adds to the energy and emission of AAC compared to other alternatives. Fig. 10 plots the compressive strength against the energy required and
If FA were used instead of MK, for example, the total energy and emission the associated CO2 emission per one MPa. It can be seen from Fig. 10 (a)
would be 1.942 MJ/m3 (a 27% reduction) and 0.157 t-CO2/m3 (a 37% and Fig. 10 (b) that there is no direct correlation between compressive
reduction), respectively. Similar to regular strength concrete, OPC is the strength and the energy and compressive strength and emission. It can be
major contributor to the energy and emission of OPCC, as shown in concluded that energy and associated emissions depend on the mixture
Figs. 6 (b) and Fig. 7 (b). The effect of admixtures and aggregates on the proportions of a specific mixture. This point can be illustrated when
total energy and CO2 emissions is insignificant. FA as well does not have a comparing AAC mixtures of ultra-high-strength concrete. The combina-
noticeable influence on the energy and emission of OPCC, as shown in tion of the activating solutions of these mixtures was the key point.
A. Alsalman et al. Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
5. Discussion and conclusions directly correlated with energy and emissions. Additionally, the results
show how selection of AAC mixtures needs to be carefully considered for
5.1. Findings and implications each grade of concrete in order to achieve positive environmental per-
formance relative to OPCC.
Across three different grades of concrete, the results demonstrate the
potential for AAC to act as a more environmentally friendly alternative to
5.2. Limitations and directions for future research
OPCC. Using energy and emission parameters of all the constituents from
the data available in the literature, the energy and emissions per cubic
While the results demonstrate the efficiency of AAC compared to
meter of concrete are estimated for four AAC mixtures and three com-
OPCC across three different grades of concrete, the energy and emissions
parable OPCC mixtures. Based on the results, AAC can offer advantages
of the concrete compounds were collected from the literature and not
over OPCC in terms of energy and CO2 emissions depending on the
directly calculated. Future studies might employee a lifecycle analysis
constituents included in the mixtures. While the effect of aggregates,
approach to confirm these findings. The results of energy and emissions
curing of concrete, and admixtures are minimal on the energy and CO2
of concrete (OPCC or AAC) may vary if different mixture proportions
emissions, the activating solution and base materials can significantly
were selected. This issue may also merit further investigation. Addi-
influence the energy and emission of AAC.
tionally, the present research does not include the energy and emissions
The alkaline activating solution is a significant contribution to the
associated with transportation. The evaluation of the energy and emis-
energy and emission of AAC. As an average, it is responsible for 73% and
sions of locally produced mixtures of OPCC and AAC, including the
72% of the total energy and emissions. As demonstrated by three of the
transportation parameters, should be considered in future work.
four AAC mixtures, sodium silicate is a major contributor to both energy
and emissions. By using an activating solution of sodium hydroxide and
silica fume (instead of sodium silicate), the AAC-I ultra-high-strength Declaration of competing interest
mixture results in superior efficiency compared to both OPC and AAC-II.
Additionally, the choice of base materials impacts both energy and The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
emissions of AAC mixtures. The high-strength AAC mixture assumes the interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
use of metakaolin as the base material, and as a result, does not perform the work reported in this paper.
as well as OPCC in terms of energy and emissions. However, if fly ash
were used instead of metakaolin, the AAC mixture would be more effi- Acknowledgment
cient than OPCC. Meanwhile, OPC is the major contributor to the energy
and emissions of OPCC, accounting for 80% and 91% of the energy and This research is supported by Tatum-Smith-Welcher structural Engi-
emissions, respectively. neers, The University of South Carolina at Columbia, and the University
This study also provides evidence that compressive strength is not of Arkansas at Fayetteville.
Table A 1
The energy of the 40 MPa
Table A 2
The energy of the 60 MPa
Table A 3
The energy of the 100 MPa
A. Alsalman et al. Cleaner Environmental Systems 3 (2021) 100047
Table A 3 (continued )
Table A 4
Emission of the 40 MPa
Table A 5
Emission of the 60 MPa
Table A 6
Emission of the 100 MPa
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