Wfjo6211 Poe

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TOTAL HOURS: A minimum of 45 HOURS is suggested to complete these assessments

By submitting this assignment, you acknowledge that you have read and understood all the rules
as per the terms in the registration contract, in particular the assignment and assessment rules in
The IIE Assessment Strategy and Policy (IIE009), the intellectual integrity and plagiarism rules in
the Intellectual Integrity Policy (IIE023), as well as any rules and regulations published in the
student portal.


1. No material may be copied from original sources, even if referenced correctly, unless it is a
direct quote indicated with quotation marks. No more than 10% of the assignment may
consist of direct quotes.
2. Any PoE with a similarity index of more than 25% will be scrutinised for plagiarism. Please
ensure that you submit your assignment through SafeAssign. Please make sure you attach
a similarity report to your POE if you are required to submit a hard‐copy of your PoE.
3. Make a copy of your assignment before handing it in.
4. Assignments must be typed unless otherwise specified.
5. Begin each section on a new page.
6. Follow all instructions on the PoE cover sheet.
7. This is an individual assignment.

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Referencing Rubric

Providing evidence based on valid and referenced academic sources Markers are required to provide feedback to students by indicating
is a fundamental educational principle and the cornerstone of high‐ (circling/underlining) the information that best describes the
quality academic work. Hence, The IIE considers it essential to student’s work.
develop the referencing skills of our students in our commitment to
achieve high academic standards. Part of achieving these high Minor technical referencing errors: 5% deduction from the
standards is referencing in a way that is consistent, technically overall percentage – the student’s work contains five or more
correct, and congruent. This is not plagiarism, which is handled errors listed in the minor errors column in the table below.
Major technical referencing errors: 10% deduction from the
Poor quality formatting in your referencing will result in a penalty of overall percentage – the student’s work contains five or more
a maximum of ten percent being deducted from the percentage errors listed in the major errors column in the table below.
awarded, according to the following guidelines. Please note,
however, that evidence of plagiarism in the form of copied or If both minor and major errors are indicated, then 10% only (and
uncited work (not referenced), absent reference lists, or not 5% or 15%) is deducted from the overall percentage. The
exceptionally poor referencing, may result in action being taken in examples provided below are not exhaustive but are provided to
accordance with The IIE’s Intellectual Integrity Policy (0023). illustrate the error

Required: Minor errors in technical correctness of Major errors in technical correctness of referencing
Technically correct referencing referencing style style
style Deduct 5% from percentage awarded Deduct 10% from percentage awarded
Consistency Minor inconsistencies. Major inconsistencies.
 The referencing style is generally  Poor and inconsistent referencing style used in‐
 The same referencing format consistent, but there are one or two text and/or in the bibliography/ reference list.
has been used for all in‐text changes in the format of in‐text  Multiple formats for the same type of referencing
references and in the referencing and/or in the bibliography. have been used.
bibliography/reference list.  For example, page numbers for direct  For example, the format for direct quotes (in‐text)
quotes (in‐text) have been provided for and/or book chapters (bibliography/ reference
one source, but not in another instance. list) is different across multiple instances.
Two book chapters (bibliography) have
been referenced in the bibliography in
two different formats.
Technical correctness Generally, technically correct with some Technically incorrect.
minor errors.  The referencing format is incorrect.
Referencing format is technically  The correct referencing format has been  Concepts and ideas are typically referenced, but a
correct throughout the consistently used, but there are one or reference is missing from small sections of the
submission. two errors. work.
 Concepts and ideas are typically  Position of the references: references are only
Position of the reference: a referenced, but a reference is missing given at the beginning or end of large sections of
reference is directly associated from one small section of the work. work.
with every concept or idea.  Position of the references: references  For example, incorrect author information is
are only given at the beginning or end of provided, no year of publication is provided,
For example, quotation marks, every paragraph. quotation marks and/or page numbers for direct
page numbers, years, etc. are  For example, the student has incorrectly quotes missing, page numbers are provided for
applied correctly, sources in presented direct quotes (in‐text) and/or paraphrased material, the incorrect punctuation is
the bibliography/reference list book chapters (bibliography/reference used (in‐text); the bibliography/reference list is
are correctly presented. list). not in alphabetical order, the incorrect format for
a book chapter/journal article is used, information
is missing e.g. no place of publication had been
provided (bibliography); repeated sources on the
reference list.
Congruence between in‐text Generally, congruence between the in‐ A lack of congruence between the in‐text
referencing and bibliography/ text referencing and the bibliography/ referencing and the bibliography.
reference list reference list with one or two errors.  No relationship/several incongruencies between
 There is largely a match between the the in‐text referencing and the
 All sources are accurately sources presented in‐text and the bibliography/reference list.
reflected and are all accurately bibliography.  For example, sources are included in‐text, but not
included in the bibliography/  For example, a source appears in the in the bibliography and vice versa, a link, rather
reference list. text, but not in the bibliography/ than the actual reference is provided in the
reference list or vice versa. bibliography.
In summary: the recording of In summary, at least 80% of the sources In summary, at least 60% of the sources are
references is accurate and are correctly reflected and included in a incorrectly reflected and/or not included in
complete. reference list. reference list.

Overall Feedback about the consistency, technical correctness and congruence between in‐text referencing and bibliography:

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This PoE is made up of questions/parts which require you to apply theoretical and practical
knowledge of Magazine and feature writing.


 This PoE contains three parts.

 Each part, which weighs 100 marks each, should be submitted at various times throughout
the semester.
 The PoE is a set of separate parts that cover different aspects of the module material which
will ensure that you meet the module outcomes.
 While a portion of this PoE is aimed at testing your theoretical knowledge, a greater portion
of it will test your practical skills.
 You have been given a word count. Stick to it. Your lecturer will not mark beyond the
maximum word count for the part. For example, if you exceed the 1000‐word limit by
submitting a 1200‐words, you could lose all marks allocated to any sections/arguments that
fall into the 200 words not marked.
 There are marking rubrics at the end of the questions. Pay close attention to them.

Part 1 — The History of Magazines (Marks: 100)

At the end of this specific part, students should be able to:

 Outline the historical developments of magazines on a global perspective.

 Evaluate the development of magazines in the twentieth and twenty first century.
 Evaluate magazine’s ability to reflect and affect society.
 Identify the role and significance of Drum Magazine during the Apartheid regime.
 Identify and explain the importance of ethics for magazine journalists.

Magazines have been an integral part of the journalism industry for many decades. Magazines
offer a different perspective to other traditional forms of media. It is critical to understand the
magazine industry from past to present to be able to be involved and be a part of this industry in
an effective manner.

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There are three questions in this part. Answer Question 1 OR Question 2 and Question 3.

Question 1 (Marks: 50)

Magazines, with their rich history, have been a prominent medium in the journalism industry.
They offer a variety of different perspectives that are designed to entertain, educate, or analyse
topics. People rely on magazines for reliable and current information on topics that interest them.

Write an academic essay in which you reflect on the statement above.

Your essay should:

 Be 600 – 800 words.

 Outline the historical developments of magazines on a global perspective;
 Evaluate the development of magazines in the twentieth and twenty first century;
 Evaluate magazine’s ability to reflect and affect society;
 Make use of two examples to support your evaluation.


Question 2 (Marks: 50)

Write an essay in which you discuss the role and significance of Drum Magazine during the
apartheid regime.

Your essay should:

 Be 600 – 800 words.

 Supported by the inclusion and discussion of three examples of stories famously known for
being published in Drum Magazine.

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Question 3 (Marks: 50)

When working in the journalism industry, it is incredibly important to maintain strong ethics. Read
the scenario below and answer the questions which follow.


You got the opportunity to shadow at a well‐known magazine in your area over the holidays. This
means that you get to be with different reporters from time to time. You observed something
strange from some of them. For starters, one promised that they would not reveal a source in a
story, and they did. Another journalist told you she didn’t like a certain musician. Shortly after that,
a story started trending on social media. The journalist went on and published one side of the story
without verifying. It did some damage to the musician’s reputation. The magazine had to
apologise later. One of the worst instances was when another senior journalist made racist and
homophobic remarks about a certain model at a fashion show. This experience got you thinking
about why you learnt about ethics back in varsity.

Write an essay discussion in which you explain the importance of ethics for magazine journalists.

Your essay should:

 Identify ethics relevant to the above scenario

 Be 600 – 800 words
 Apply the scenario
 Support your answer with three examples

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Part 2 — Writing for Magazines: The Preparation Process (Marks: 100)

At the end of this specific part, students should be able to:

 Explain how magazines identify their brand and writing to fit that particular brand.
 Describe what a target audience is and why it so critical to know your target audience.
 Examine how to research for a magazine feature.
 Explain the various tools available for magazine research.
 Explain how to conduct interviews for a magazine feature.
 Identify guidelines to conducting Interviews.
 Conduct interviews to use in a written magazine feature.
 Identify how to develop a story idea or topic for a magazine feature.
 Outline how to put content together in preparation to produce a magazine feature.

A magazine journalist should be familiar with the magazine that they are working for and the
target audience of the magazine before a feature can be contemplated. A lot of preparation is
needed for a feature before it can be written. This includes researching, interviewing and the
overall planning to ensure the idea behind the feature is in line with the brand and that it is well

For this part, you will work on the preparation process for two features (Feature 1 and Feature
2) that you will be required to write in Part 3. After submission, your lecturer will provide you
with feedback that will assist in your next Part.

Question 1 (Marks: 50)

Your answers for this question should be 300 – 400 words.

Q.1.1 Identify a South African magazine that is currently in print that you would publish
Feature 1 on.

Q.1.2 Describe the target audience of your chosen magazine. (8)

Q.1.3 Discuss the idea you have for your Feature article 1. (10)

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Q.1.4 Discuss how you will conduct research for this feature.

Your discussion should include:

 Various tools used for magazine research.
 Explain how you will develop the story idea.
 Outline how you will put content together in preparation to produce the

Q.1.5 Provide a list of three sources you plan to interview for Feature 1. (3)

Q.1.6 List four questions you would ask each source on Q.1.5 for your feature. (12)

Question 2 (Marks: 50)

Your answers for this question should be 300 – 400 words.

Q.2.1 Identify an online South African magazine that is currently in print that you would
publish Feature 2 on.

Q.2.2 Describe the target audience of your chosen magazine. (8)

Q.2.3 Discuss the idea you have for your Feature article 2. (10)

Q.2.4 Discuss how you will conduct research for this feature.
Your discussion should include:
 Various tools used for magazine research.
 Explain how you will develop the story idea.
 Outline how you will put content together in preparation to produce the

Q.2.5 Provide a list of three sources you plan to interview for Feature 2. (3)

Q.2.6 List four questions you would ask each source on Q.2.5 for your feature. (12)

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Part 3 — Writing Online Magazine Stories (Marks: 100)

At the end of this specific part, students should be able to:

 Evaluate the influence of social media on the magazine industry.

 Explain how magazines are able to use social media as a means of reaching their target
 Explain the process of writing magazine features for online publications.
 Identify the skills of an online feature writer.
 Create an online magazine piece by applying various magazine writing skills.

Question 1 (Marks: 20)

Technological developments have changed the way that information spreads, which means that
journalists have had to change the way they collect information and write. It also means that
magazines have had to adapt by incorporating these developments to stay relevant and pertinent
as a media source. Social media also influences magazines.

Reflect on the research process it took for you to conduct research for Feature 2. Write a
discussion in which you explain the influence of social media on the magazine industry.

Your discussion should:

 Be 400 – 600 words.

 Include two examples to support your discussion.

Question 2 (Marks: 40)

While it is critical to understand the theoretical components of magazine writing, it is even more
important to be able to put these skills into practice and be able to write stories which are
interesting, informative, and suitable for a specific target audience. For this part, you will be
focusing on your magazine writing skills.

For this question, you need to write Feature 1 that you conducted research on for Part 2.

Your feature should:

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 Be 600 – 900 words.

 It should incorporate research and interviews from Part 2.
 Provide a headline.
 Transcripts of all your interviews need to be present in your portfolio as well as the contact
details of those who you interviewed. Ensure these details are also present in your
reference list/bibliography.

Question3 (Marks: 40)

While it is critical to understand the theoretical components of magazine writing, it is even more
important to be able to put these skills into practice and be able to write stories which are
interesting, informative, and suitable for a specific target audience. For this part, you will be
focusing on your magazine writing skills.

For this question, you need to write Feature 2 that you conducted research on for Part 2.

Your feature should:

 Be 600 – 900 words.

 It should incorporate research and interviews from Part 2.
 Provide a headline.
 Transcripts of all your interviews need to be present in your portfolio as well as the contact
details of those who you interviewed. Ensure these details are also present in your
reference list/bibliography.

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Appendix A ‐ PoE Marking Rubrics

Markers – Please note that the rubrics below must be used to evaluate the students’ responses to the relevant assignment questions. Please clearly
indicate the specific mark you allocate for each rubric criterion to show how you reached the question total. Also, please provide constructive feedback
to ensure students and moderators can follow your marking logic based on the rubric criteria. The most important point is that many markers across
different campuses will be marking. The rubric needs to promote the validity and reliability of their marking practices. In addition, there is a separate
memorandum that provides additional marking guidance – please ensure you get this from your relevant campus administrator.

Please note: Tear off this section and attach it to your work when you submit it/ If this is an online submission, then this information needs to be included
in the online submission.




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Does not meet required Approaches to meet required Meets the required standard Exceeds the required
standard standard standard
0 marks 1‐2 marks 3‐4 marks 5 marks
Historical There is no mention of the Student briefly discussed the Student adequately discussed Student exceptionally
developments of historical developments of historical developments of the historical developments of discussed the historical
magazines on a magazines on a global magazines on a global magazines on a global developments of magazines
global perspective perspective in the essay. perspective in the essay. perspective in the essay. on a global perspective in the
Focus is local and not global. Focus is global.
Focus is global.
Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0‐7 marks 8‐11 marks 12‐15 marks
Development of
This section of the essay is This section of the essay is adequate. This section of the essay is well‐structured.
magazines in the
twentieth and
There is a balanced and clear discussion Discussion is reflective of both the twentieth
twenty first
There is no balance of development on the development of magazines and twenty first century.
in the discussion. between the twentieth and twenty first
Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0‐4 marks 5‐7 marks 8‐10 marks
There is little or no evaluation of There is an adequate evaluation of There is a well‐structured evaluation of
Magazine’s ability magazine’s ability to reflect and magazine’s ability to reflect and affect magazine’s ability to reflect and affect society.
to reflect and affect society. society.
affect society Two examples provided show that the student
There are no examples. Two examples are provided to support has a thorough understanding of how
the evaluation. magazines reflect and affect society.

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There is only one example.

Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0‐4 marks 5‐7 marks 8‐10 marks
Examples provided are incorrect or Examples are taken directly from Examples provided by the student are original.
inappropriate. prescribed material/lecturer
material/Learn, but the student has Three detailed examples are provided and
OR attempted to adapt the examples in some there are no gaps.
Less than three examples are Examples provided also demonstrate that the
provided. All three examples are provided. student understands the theory.
Student made an adequate attempt to
Student made little attempt or did apply the given scenario. Student exceptionally applied examples to
not apply the scenario provided. given scenario.

Does not meet required Approaches to meet required Meets the required Exceeds the required standard
standard standard standard
0‐2 marks 3‐4 marks 5‐7 marks 8‐10 marks
 Answer is not written in  Essay structure is  Essay structure is  Answer is in the form of a
the form of an essay. inadequate. adequate. well‐structured essay with
Essay Structure,
 There is no introduction or  Either the introduction  Both an introduction an appropriate introduction
Grammar, and
conclusion. or conclusion is omitted and conclusion are and conclusion.
 Answer has many spelling or inappropriate. present.  Grammar and spelling are
and grammar errors.  Answer has an  Answer has few, minor correct throughout the
 Little to no effort has been unacceptable number of spelling, and grammar answer.
demonstrated in this area. spelling and grammar errors.  Answer has been well
errors although these do paraphrased.
not negatively affect the  Word count has been met.

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 Errors negatively affect readability of the  There is a

the readability of the answer. demonstration of
answer.  Answer has not been effort in this area.
 No attempt has been adequately paraphrased.  Any minor errors that
made at paraphrasing.  Word count has not appear do not
 Word count has exceeded. been met. negatively affect the
readability of the
 Answer has been
 Word count has been


Does not meet required
Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0‐12 marks 13 ‐ 19 marks 20 ‐ 25 marks
Important points on the role Discussion on important points on the role Discussion on the impact of apartheid on the role
and significance of Drum and significance of Drum Magazine during and significance of Drum Magazine during the
Role and Magazine during the apartheid the apartheid regime are accurate but apartheid regime is comprehensive and accurate.
significance of regime are not discussed OR most of it is directly taken from the
Drum Magazine prescribed material/Lecturer Student has referenced information from
Important points are material/Learn. prescribed material/Lecturer material/Learn and
inadequate. shows understanding of topic.


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Points are incorrectly presented

or directly taken from the
prescribed material/Lecturer
Does not meet required
Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0‐7marks 8‐11 marks 12‐15 marks
Story examples provided are All three examples of Drum stories are Three detailed examples Drum stories are
Examples of Drum incorrect or inappropriate. provided and accurately linked to the provided and there are no gaps.
stories discussion.
OR Examples Drum stories provided also
demonstrate that the student understands the
Less than three examples of theory and significance of the magazine.
Drum stories are provided.
Does not meet required Approaches to meet required Meets the required
Exceeds the required standard
standard standard standard
0 ‐2 marks 3‐4 marks 5‐7 marks 8‐10 marks
 Answer is not written  Essay structure is  Essay structure is  Answer is in the form of a
in the form of an inadequate. adequate. well‐structured essay with an
Essay Structure, essay.  Either the introduction or  Both an introduction appropriate introduction and
Grammar, and  There is no conclusion is omitted or and conclusion are conclusion.
Spelling, introduction or inappropriate. present.  Grammar and spelling are
Paraphrasing conclusion.  Answer has an  Answer has few, minor correct throughout the
 Answer has many unacceptable number of spelling and grammar answer.
spelling and grammar spelling and grammar errors.  Answer has been well
errors. errors although these do  There is a paraphrased.
not negatively affect the demonstration of effort  Word count has been met.
readability of the answer. in this area.

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 Little to no effort has  Answer has not been  Any minor errors that
been demonstrated in adequately paraphrased. appear do not
this area.  Word count has not been negatively affect the
 Errors negatively affect met. readability of the
the readability of the answer.
answer.  Answer has been
 No attempt has been adequately
made at paraphrasing. paraphrased.
 Word count has  Word count has been
exceeded. met.

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Does not meet required
Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0‐7 marks 8‐11 marks 12‐15 marks
Student did not identify or Student accurately identified and Student identified and explained the importance
explain the importance of ethics explained the importance of ethics and of ethics and transparency for magazine
Importance of
and transparency for magazine transparency for magazine journalists, but journalists in a well‐written and accurate
strong ethics and
journalists. answer is mostly directly taken from the manner.
transparency for
prescribed material/Lecturer
OR material/Learn. Student has referenced information from
prescribed material/Lecturer material/Learn and
Points are incorrectly presented answer indicates that student has exceptional
or directly taken from the understanding of the theory.
prescribed material/Lecturer
Does not meet required
Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 12 marks 13 – 19 marks 20 ‐ 25 marks
Examples provided are incorrect Examples are taken directly from Examples provided by the student are original.
or inappropriate. prescribed material/lecturer
material/Learn, but the student has Three detailed examples are provided and there
Examples and
OR attempted to adapt the examples in some are no gaps.
Less than three examples are Examples provided also demonstrate that the
provided. All three examples are provided. student understands the theory.

Student made an adequate attempt to Student exceptionally applied examples to given

apply the given scenario. scenario.

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Student made little attempt or

did not apply the scenario
Does not meet required Approaches to meet required Meets the required
Exceeds the required standard
standard standard standard
0 ‐2 marks 3‐4 marks 5‐7 marks 8‐10 marks
 Answer is not written in  Essay structure is  Essay structure is  Answer is in the form of a
the form of an essay. inadequate. adequate. well‐structured essay with
 There is no introduction  Either the introduction  Both an introduction an appropriate introduction
or conclusion. or conclusion is omitted and conclusion are and conclusion.
 Answer has many or inappropriate. present.  Grammar and spelling are
spelling and grammar  Answer has an  Answer has few, minor correct throughout the
errors. unacceptable number of spelling, and grammar answer.
Essay Structure,  Little to no effort has spelling and grammar errors.  Answer has been well
Grammar, and been demonstrated in errors although these do  There is a paraphrased.
Spelling, this area. not negatively affect the demonstration of effort  Word count has been met.
Paraphrasing  Errors negatively affect readability of the in this area.
the readability of the answer.  Any minor errors that
answer.  Answer has not been appear do not
 No attempt has been adequately paraphrased. negatively affect the
made at paraphrasing.  Word count has not been readability of the
 Word count has met. answer.
exceeded.  Answer has been
 Word count has been

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Please note: Tear off this section and attach it to your work when you submit it/ If this is an online submission, then this information needs to be included
in the online submission.





Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 3 marks 4 – 6 marks 7 – 8 marks
Little or no mention of the magazine’s Student adequately described the target Student provided a detailed description of
Q.1.2 target audience. audience of the magazine. target audience.

Description of target audience does not Description makes sense. Description shows student knows the
make sense. target audience well.
Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 4 marks 5 – 7 marks 8 ‐ 10 marks
Little or no discussion on the student’s Student adequately discussed their Student exceptionally discussed their idea.
idea for the feature. feature idea.
Feature idea is good and befitting for
Student’s feature idea is not clear. Feature idea makes sense. student’s chosen magazine.

Idea shows that student does not Idea shows that student understands basic Idea shows student understands basic
understand basic concepts of magazine concepts of magazine and feature writing. concepts of magazine and feature writing
and feature writing. well.
Q.1.4 Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard

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0 – 7 marks 8 – 12 marks 13 ‐ 15 marks

Little or no discussion on how student will Discussion outlines adequate steps Student presented an exceptional
conduct research for the feature. students will follow to conduct research discussion on how they will conduct
for the feature. research
Discussion makes little or no sense and it
shows student does not understand the Discussion outline on how student will put Discussion outline on how the feature will
research process. content together makes sense. be put together shows student
understands theory well.
Little or no mention or various tools used Student explained how they will develop
for magazine research. the story idea. Various tools that student will use for
research are explained in detail.
Discussion shows student understands
how to do research for the feature by Student showed evidence of how they will
explaining which research tools they will develop the story idea.
Does not meet required standard Partially meets the required standard Meets the required standard
0 – 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks
Q.1.5 No source has been mentioned.
OR Only two sources have been mentioned. All three sources have been mentioned.
Only one source is mentioned.
Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 5 marks 6 – 9 marks 10 – 12 marks
No questions or less than four questions Each source has been asked four All four questions given are exceptionally
provided for each source. questions. linked to the chosen sources.

Questions provided are inappropriate or Questions are adequately linked to each Student asked questions which
do not apply to the student’s chosen source but some of them do not make demonstrate that they understand what
feature. sense. they need from each source.

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Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 3 marks 4 – 6 marks 7 – 8 marks
Little or no mention of the magazine’s Student adequately described the target Student provided a detailed description of
Q.2.2 target audience. audience of the magazine. target audience.

Description of target audience does not Description makes sense. Description shows student knows the target
make sense. audience well.
Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 4 marks 5 – 7 marks 8 ‐ 10 marks
Little or no discussion on the student’s idea Student adequately discussed their feature Student exceptionally discussed their idea.
for the feature. idea.
Feature idea is good and befitting for
Student’s feature idea is not clear. Feature idea makes sense. student’s chosen magazine.

Idea shows that student does not Idea shows that student understands basic Idea shows student understands basic
understand basic concepts of magazine and concepts of magazine and feature writing. concepts of magazine and feature writing
feature writing. well.
Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 7 marks 8 – 12 marks 13 ‐ 15 marks
Little or no discussion on how student will Student presented an exceptional
Discussion outlines adequate steps students
conduct research for the feature. discussion on how they will conduct
will follow to conduct research for the
Q.2.4 feature.
Discussion makes little or no sense and it
shows student does not understand the Discussion outline on how the feature will
Discussion outline on how student will put
research process. be put together shows student understands
content together makes sense.
theory well.

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Little or no mention or various tools used Student explained how they will develop Various tools that student will use for
for magazine research. the story idea. research are explained in detail.

Discussion shows student understands how Student showed evidence of how they will
to do research for the feature by explaining develop the story idea.
which research tools they will use.
Does not meet required standard Partially meets the required standard Meets the required standard
0 – 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks
No source has been mentioned.
OR Only two sources have been mentioned. All three sources have been mentioned.

Only one source is mentioned.

Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 5 marks 6 – 9 marks 10 – 12 marks
No questions or less than four questions Each source has been asked four questions. All four questions given are exceptionally
provided for each source. linked to the chosen sources.
Questions are adequately linked to each
Questions provided are inappropriate or do source but some of them do not make Student asked questions which
not apply to the student’s chosen feature. sense. demonstrate that they understand what
they need from each source.


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Please note: Tear off this section and attach it to your work when you submit it/ If this is an online submission, then this information needs to be included
in the online submission.





Influence of social Does not meet required standard Partially meets the required standard Meets the required standard
media on 0 – 4 marks 5 – 7 marks 8 – 10 marks
Magazines The student has not discussed the The student has discussed the influence of The student has successfully discussed the
influence of social media on the way social media on the way magazine journalists influence of social media on the way
magazine journalists present as well present as well as write their stories but there magazine journalists present as well as
as write their stories. are gaps in the information presented. write their stories and there are not gaps
in the information presented and the
The content presented is weak and The content presented is has academic student’s understanding of the question is
has little to no research. support but too much information is from clearly visible.
their own perspective and not researched or
The student has only spoken from academically supported. The content presented has strong
their perspective or thoughts and not academic support and have a good
researched the topic. amount of research and/or academic

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Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 4 marks 5 – 7 marks 8 – 10 marks
Examples provided are incorrect or Examples are taken directly from prescribed Examples provided by the student are
inappropriate. material/lecturer material/Learn, but the original.
student has attempted to adapt the examples
OR in some way. Two detailed examples are provided and
Examples there are no gaps.
Less than two examples are provided. Two examples are provided.
Examples provided also demonstrate that
Student made little attempt or did Student made an adequate attempt to apply the student understands the theory.
not apply research process on research process on Feature 2.
Feature 2. Student exceptionally applied research
process on Feature 2.


Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 12 marks 13 – 19 marks 20 – 25 marks
The student has made up the entire The student has produced a proficient The student has produced an excellent
story and it is not based on factual magazine story with factual support and a magazine story with factual support and
evidence presented in Part 2. good balance between their own writing and an exceptional balance between their
research from Part 2. own writing and research from Part 2.
Feature 1 The interview/s are not present or are
poorly used and do not support to the The interview/s are present and support the The interview/s are present and add value
magazine story. content of the magazine story. to the overall story and supports the
factual content of the magazine story.
The student has produced a weak The student has produced a suitable magazine
magazine story which does not follow story which does follow the theoretical The student has produced a magazine
the theoretical principles of the story which follows the theoretical

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module and is lacking interest and principles of the module and has interest and principles of the module and has
readability. readability. outstanding interest and readability
Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 1 mark 2 ‐ 3 marks 4 – 5 marks
The student’s headline does not speak The student has presented an average The student has presented a strong
Headline to the actual content of the stories headline which could be a lot stronger but headline which links well to the content
and/or does not follow the theoretical does link to the content of the stories. of the stories and makes you want to read
guidelines as outlined in the module the stories.
resulting in ineffective headlines.
Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
Grammar, 0 – 4 marks 5 – 7 marks 8 – 10 marks
editing and There are many grammatical errors There are grammatical errors and mistakes in There are little mistakes. Feature shows
spelling that affect the readability of the the feature. These, however, do not affect that the content presented has been
feature. readability. edited.

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Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 12 marks 13 – 19 marks 20 – 25 marks
The student has made up the entire story The student has produced a proficient The student has produced an excellent
and it is not based on factual evidence magazine story with factual support and a magazine story with factual support
presented in Part 2. good balance between their own writing and an exceptional balance between
and research from Part 2. their own writing and research from
The interview/s are not present or are poorly Part 2.
used and do not support to the magazine The interview/s are present and support
story. the content of the magazine story. The interview/s are present and add
Feature 2
value to the overall story and supports
The student has produced a weak magazine The student has produced a suitable the factual content of the magazine
story which does not follow the theoretical magazine story which does follow the story.
principles of the module and is lacking theoretical principles of the module and
interest and readability. has interest and readability. The student has produced a magazine
story which follows the theoretical
principles of the module and has
outstanding interest and readability

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Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
0 – 1 mark 2 ‐ 3 marks 4 – 5 marks
The student’s headline does not speak to the The student has presented an average The student has presented a strong
Headline actual content of the stories and/or does not headline which could be a lot stronger but headline which links well to the
follow the theoretical guidelines as outlined does link to the content of the stories. content of the stories and makes you
in the module resulting in ineffective want to read the stories.
Does not meet required standard Meets the required standard Exceeds the required standard
Grammar, 0 – 4 marks 5 – 7 marks 8 – 10 marks
editing and There are many grammatical errors that There are grammatical errors and mistakes There are little mistakes. Feature
spelling affect the readability of the feature. in the feature. These, however, do not shows that the content presented has
affect readability. been edited.



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