능률VOCA 수능완성2200

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일별 단어 목록
Day 01 Day 02
1 additional addition innate
2 adhere adhesive advance advanced

3 ambitious ambition limb

4 identify identity, identification breed breeding

5 aesthetic found foundation

6 animate animation, animated pervade pervasive

7 accomplish accomplished, accomplishment deadline

8 exhausted exhausting, exhaust regard regarding

9 marginalize marginalized, marginalization pressure press

10 fossil rehearse rehearsal

11 process nutrition nutritional, nutritious, nutritionist, malnutrition

12 distance distant community communal

13 notable notably statement state

14 performance perform efficacy effectual

15 biological biology, biologist continuous continuously

16 unionism facility facilitate

17 cognitive cognitively, cognition startled startle, startling

18 limit limited, limitation convince convincing, convinced, convincingly, conviction

19 incline inclined, inclination challenge challenging

20 appliance reasonable reasonably

21 organism defect defective

22 certify certification, certified evidence evident

23 ambiguous ambiguity particular particularly

24 commerce commercial implicit implicitly

25 individual individuality, individually efficient efficiency, efficiently

26 innovate innovation, innovative effect effective, effectiveness

27 infinite infinity, infinitely willing willingly

28 distinguish distinguished attentive attentively

29 concern concerning, concerned fiction fictional, fictionalize

30 ceremony ceremonial intensify intensity, intense

31 fertilizer fertile, fertility navigate navigation, navigator

32 term stock
33 occasion occasional, occasionally focus focused

34 subconscious subconsciously consequence consequent, consequently

35 material contaminate contamination, contaminated

36 retrieval retrieve collective

37 quantity ascent ascend

38 quality assent
39 fluctuate fluctuation surrender
40 stabilize stable, stabilization resist resistant
Day 03 Day 04
1 ultimate ultimately shed
2 captive captivity demand demanding

3 calculate calculation, calculator slam

4 specific specifically privilege privileged

5 proceed procedure suggest suggestion

6 renewable renew mercury

7 incredibly incredible weave
8 narrative narrate, narration offer
9 artifact depth
10 characterize character, characteristic vegetarian
11 behavior behave, behavioral federal
12 justify justification species
13 portray portrait infer inference

14 situation situate deadly

15 athlete discourage discouragement, discouraged

16 enact enactment seemingly seeming

17 expose exposure communal communally

18 participate participation, participant compel compelling, compulsion

19 incident incidental resource

20 speculate speculation, speculative paradigm
21 prescribe prescription formulate formula, formulation

22 strive fulfill fulfilling, fulfillment

23 chore current currently

24 active activate immerse immersion

25 environment environmental praise

26 motivate motivated, motivation relate relation, related

27 utopian utopia authority authorize, authoritative

28 injure injury consolidate

29 fee intervene intervention

30 anthropology anthropologist merely mere

31 tomb stance
32 benefit archaeologist archaeology

33 precisely precise introduce introduction

34 ratio anticipate anticipation

35 detail detailed crude crudely, crudity

36 pound predator
37 mess deflate deflation

38 mass massive inflate inflation

39 cease personal
40 continue personnel
Day 05 Day 06
1 adequate adequacy, adequately applaud applause

2 symbolic symbol, symbolize refer reference

3 trait exert exertion

4 opportunity mutual mutually

5 legend legendary interpret interpreter, interpretation

6 fragment fragmentary rotate rotation

7 thorough thoroughly clinical clinically

8 opposite oppose, opposition appear appearance

9 summarize summary sustain sustained, sustainable

10 instinct instinctive, instinctively secrete secretion

11 cell cellular astronomy astronomical, astronomer

12 glance interact interaction, interactive

13 disperse dispersal universal universally

14 access accessible acquaintance

15 criterion counsel counselor, counseling

16 democratic democracy variation vary

17 analyze analysis, analyst toll

18 typical typically dedicate dedicated, dedication

19 statistic statistical, statistically, statistician associate association

20 slippery withdraw withdrawal

21 inevitable inevitably equity equitable, educational

22 prospect prospective education educationally

23 proposition support supportive, supporter

24 equivalent antique
25 credit fabric
26 intake account
27 sharply barrier
28 confine confined, confinement canal
29 advantage advantaged license licensed

30 disturb disturbance craft crafty

31 schema schematic intrude intrusion, intruder

32 feature beverage
33 desperate range
34 empirical empirically authentic authenticity, authenticate

35 experiment experimental mutation mutate

36 drawback slight slightly

37 extend extension, extensive wander

38 extent wonder
39 leak leakage expand expansion

40 lick expend expense, expenditure

Day 07 Day 08
1 trigger equilibrium
2 replicate replication integrate integration, integrated

3 deprive deprivation summon

4 complex complexity dominate domination, dominant

5 refund refundable factor

6 discard recipient
7 overload gradually gradual

8 astonished astonish, astonishing compare comparison

9 neuroscience blend
10 mammal surge
11 figure displace
12 regulate regulation derive derivative

13 commute commuter supplement supplementary

14 isolate isolated, isolation collide collision

15 spatial spatially, space nurture

16 advent foster
17 flip awkward awkwardly

18 previous previously conform conformity

19 exclusive exclusively, exclusionary depend dependent, dependence

20 misbehavior misbehave aggressive

21 misleading mislead token
22 metaphor metaphorical occupy occupation, occupied

23 tablet perspective
24 strengthen strength unity unite

25 instrument instrumental hazard hazardous

26 thereby context contextual

27 erupt eruption meaningful meaningfully

28 entail abrupt abruptly

29 prefer preference, preferable distinct distinction, distinctive

30 intuitive intuitively, intuition paradox paradoxical, paradoxically

31 diversify diversification, diverse offset

32 reflect reflection incentive
33 gossip function functional

34 correlation correlate, correlative profound profoundly

35 generate generation brutal brutality, brutally

36 conceptualize conceptual rural

37 marvel marvelous attract attractive, attraction

38 marble distract distraction

39 permanent permanently conceal

40 temporary temporarily reveal
Day 09 Day 10
1 biodiversity endow endowment

2 rigorous rigorously, rigor inform information, informative

3 postpone fallacy
4 avoid avoidable, avoidance compound
5 embarrassed embarrass combine combination

6 nerve nervous impulse impulsive

7 sweep sweeping cope

8 underlying underlie register registration

9 preconceived carve carving

10 reluctant reluctantly magnitude

11 impress impressive, impression commission
12 theoretical theory structure
13 converse conversation, conversely colleague
14 international internationally transcribe transcript

15 impair impaired disorder

16 compression compress index
17 breakthrough overtake
18 option optional alert
19 semester struggle struggling

20 penetrate linguistic linguistics

21 division divide, divisive gravity

22 comprise appoint appointment

23 solitary solitude insight insightful

24 pollution pollute alliance ally

25 instance deficiency deficient

26 storage store potential potentially

27 patron declare declaration

28 auditorium pastime
29 measure measurement compose composition, composer

30 persuade persuasive, persuasion extract extraction

31 passive passively iconic icon

32 frequent frequently, frequency profile

33 descend descendant, descent extreme extremely

34 escalate escalation panel

35 institute institution scroll
36 discern discernible exaggerate exaggerated, exaggeration

37 detach detached, detachment simulate simulation, simulated

38 attach attachment stimulate stimulation, stimulus

39 superior superiority credible

40 inferior inferiority credulous
Day 11 Day 12
1 pretend continual continually

2 align alignment necessary necessarily, necessity

3 hesitate hesitation depart departure

4 assess assessment tactic tactical

5 stare comfort
6 persevere persevering, perseverance dissolve
7 intrinsic intrinsically immense immensely

8 lyric lyrical contain container

9 refugee elevate elevated, elevation

10 offense offend, offensive divert

11 profession professional paddle
12 inquire inquiry chemical chemist, chemistry

13 trivial outlet
14 aspect epidemic
15 suspect suspicious deposit
16 transnational esteem
17 quarter quarterly emigrate emigration

18 purchase accustomed
19 implement implementation copyright
20 excavate excavation distinctive
21 squeeze anonymously anonymous

22 bound originate original, origin

23 allot organize organization

24 sack barely
25 significant significance, significantly adversity
26 attain review
27 inventory cite citation

28 royal royalty endeavor

29 charity charitable reassure reassuring, reassurance

30 desirable manifest manifestation, manifestly

31 authoritative authority discord

32 obvious obviously irritated irritate, irritating

33 complicated complicate constant constantly

34 wrinkle expenditure expend, expense

35 argue argument enlighten enlightened, enlightening

36 unrivaled diagnose diagnosis

37 numerous neutral
38 numerical neural
39 induce absorb
40 deduce deduction absurd
Day 13 Day 14
1 behalf proficient proficiency, proficiently

2 manuscript adjust adjustment

3 scatter prolong prolonged, prolongation

4 gene genetic, genetically wealth wealthy

5 cater spot
6 halt refrain
7 companion companionship defense defend, defensive

8 acknowledge acknowledg(e)ment budget

9 intact nominate nomination

10 assert assertive rigid rigidly

11 exchange surround surrounding

12 sole solely satisfy satisfaction, satisfactory

13 flesh suburb
14 locate location soothe
15 stiff stiffen deplete
16 evoke prejudice
17 primitive shatter shattered

18 majority criticize criticism, critic

19 sequence sequential fuel

20 imperative geology geologist, geological

21 vivid vividly novelty novel

22 choir split
23 mortgage bias biased

24 anchor obscure obscurity

25 frustrated frustrate, frustration draft

26 abandon abandoned represent representative, representation

27 immortal immortality ashamed

28 spark shiver
29 maintain maintenance vacuum
30 addict addiction, addicted obstacle
31 hinder hindrance ragged rag

32 fundamental fundamentally raw

33 activate accord accordance, accordingly

34 grin concrete concretely

35 indicate indication, indicator sob

36 generic fluid fluidity

37 invention invent, inventor compliment

38 convention conventional complement complementary

39 imitate imitation principle

40 initiate initiation principal
Day 15 Day 16
1 tension tense aquarium
2 mist misty respond response, respondent

3 optimal automate automation, automatical

4 reserve reservation, reserved convey

5 chamber predict predictable, prediction, predictor

6 theorize theory counteract

7 millennium devise device

8 infection infect, infectious complete completely, completion

9 graze faith faithful, faithfully

10 landmark customize
11 observe observer, observation committee
12 ripe ripen mechanism
13 stun stunned, stunning advocate advocacy

14 consistent consistently, consistency questionable

15 corporation corporate imply implication

16 stubborn stubbornly impose

17 transaction transact gigantic
18 expert expertise pesticide pest

19 reunion construct construction, constructive

20 warranty chronic chronically

21 uncover uncovered oversee

22 mainstream vessel
23 discrete discreteness, discretely appreciate
24 domesticate domestication, domestic sprint
25 recommend recommendation scent
26 embed instruction instruct, instructive

27 verify verifiable, verification dismiss dismissal

28 differ hatred
29 decrease conceive conception

30 ironic irony, ironically informal informally

31 transparent transparency commonsense

32 relieve relief, relieved spectacle spectacular

33 infrastructure prior priority, prioritize

34 texture offspring
35 trade paralyze paralysis

36 superficial superficially polish

37 assume imaginary
38 consume consumption, consumer imaginable
39 expire expiration stationary
40 inspire inspiration stationery
Day 17 Day 18
1 urgent urgently, urgency affirm affirmation, affirmative

2 catastrophe catastrophic aim aimless

3 outrage outrageous coincidence coincide, coincident

4 hypothesis hypothesize radioactive

5 chief chiefly award
6 tyrant tyranny congestion congested

7 substance substantial realistic reality

8 harvest appropriate appropriately

9 potent exploit exploitation, exploitative

10 neglect neglectful, negligence controversial controversy

11 encourage encouragement coverage

12 archive archival adapt adaptation

13 utilitarian utilitarianism, utility staple

14 phenomenon phenomenal disguise
15 disgust disgusting alienate alienation, alienated

16 revolve revolution, revolving interplay

17 contour correlate correlation, correlative

18 realize realization viewpoint

19 sensation sensational article
20 posture postural ecology ecological, ecologist

21 curse cursed cosmopolitan

22 prohibit prohibition passionate passion, passionately

23 inward inwardly appeal appealing

24 exclude exclusion, exclusive habitual habitually

25 explore exploration, explorer prehistoric prehistory

26 flourish flourishing relevant relevance

27 leisurely refresh refreshing, refreshment

28 straightforward straightforwardly dialect

29 progress progressive, progression repertoire
30 margin marginal, marginally amphibian
31 itinerary comply compliance, compliant

32 fascinating fascinated, fascination neuron

33 intermediate submit submission

34 reign subtle subtly

35 manipulate manipulation diameter

36 apparatus dramatically dramatic

37 capability capable industrious

38 capacity industrial industry, industrialize

39 confident confidence prey

40 confidential confidentiality pray prayer
Day 19 Day 20
1 chunk chunky impersonal impersonally

2 garment certificate
3 arouse incompatible
4 landscape contradict contradiction, contradictory

5 instantaneous instantaneously artificial artificially

6 erode erosion infancy infant

7 tide depress depressed, depression

8 sparkling sparkle estimate estimated, estimation

9 foremost seal
10 toddler intimidate intimidation, intimidating

11 connect connection, connected strip

12 cheat arise
13 durable durability, duration vigorous vigor

14 proportion proportional mold

15 realm guilty guilt

16 diverge divergence shrink shrinkage

17 drift liable liability

18 shift executive
19 aural aurally eventually, eventual
20 foe resume
21 favorable favor gratitude grateful

22 violate violation suspend suspension

23 gracious grace domain

24 ritual ritually, ritualize hygiene hygienic

25 graduate graduation inhibit

26 segment segmented, segmentation annual annually

27 expedition dispose disposal, disposable

28 execute execution, executable linkage link

29 retail retailer consent consensus

30 textile rage
31 excel excellent, excellence indispensable
32 grant stroke
33 subordinate subordination assign assignment

34 egocentric egocentricity accuse accusation

35 politics political, politician minister

36 earnestly earnest panic
37 popularity genuine genuinely

38 population populate genius

39 respectful respect conscience
40 respective respectively conscious consciousness, consciously
Day 21 Day 22
1 slope vomit
2 surplus circumstance circumstantial

3 reside resident, residence carrier

4 presence present liberate liberty, liberal

5 adolescent adolescence career

6 roam lengthen length

7 legitimate mimic mimicry

8 depict depiction delight delighted

9 surpass visualize visual, visualization

10 finance financial, financing outspoken outspokenly, outspokenness

11 notion notional governance

12 guardian urban urbanize, urbanization

13 paste emphasize emphasis

14 remove removal afloat

15 asset misconception
16 molecular molecule rainforest
17 rub outbreak
18 spread precede preceding, precedent

19 wound desire desired, desirable

20 stroll vanish
21 discourse tuck
22 furious furiously embody
23 taboo conflict
24 candidate vein
25 overwhelm overwhelming, overwhelmed pregnant pregnancy

26 continent continental status

27 steer mindset
28 interval pasture
29 restrict restricted, restriction involuntary involuntarily

30 drown drowning overstate

31 spine spineless arithmetic arithmetical, arithmetically

32 perceive perception, perceptual duration

33 disclose disclosure apologize apology

34 rebellion rebel pave pavement

35 proper properly spike

36 perish perishable sophisticated
37 detect detection, detective sociable
38 protect protection, protective social
39 sensible aboard
40 sensitive abroad
Day 23 Day 24
1 render upstream
2 neurological neurology, neurologist enhance enhancement

3 physiology physiological vain vainly

4 assemble assembly notify notification

5 premise decline
6 dramatize consecutive
7 circular circulate, circulation nourish nourishment

8 interior modify modification

9 necessitate necessity inseparable inseparably

10 aquatic separate
11 ensure sewage
12 quest mastery master

13 arctic contrary contrast

14 atmosphere atmospheric makeup

15 blueprint figurative
16 airborne reproduce reproduction, reproductive

17 soar intersection
18 confront confrontation cram
19 primate devastate devastated, devastating

20 mischievous philosophy philosopher, philosophical

21 constraint hatch
22 arbitrary reframe
23 preview literally literal

24 clone clonal, clonally illustrate illustration

25 habitat systematize systematization

26 cosmetic cosmetically drought

27 mash mashed contact
28 tragedy tragic reconcile reconciliation

29 belong belonging elicit elicitation, elicitable

30 approximately approximate monetary

31 hollow shortage
32 sufficient veil
33 reckless recklessly, recklessness kinship kin

34 deforestation describe description, descriptive

35 recall competence competent, competency

36 atypical envision
37 elect election empower empowerment

38 erect electronic electrical

39 vulnerable absolute absolutely

40 immune immunize, immunity relative relatively

Day 25 Day 26
1 trauma traumatic abide
2 inorganic intense intensity, intensive, intensely

3 static abnormal abnormally

4 crisis fade
5 inspect inspection, inspector heritage
6 outweigh bilingual
7 exotic fame famous

8 tremendous tremendously internal internally, internalize

9 infringe infringement decay

10 despair desperate blunt
11 propose proposal discriminate discrimination, discriminatory

12 tangible tangibly expertise expert

13 fragrance fragrant convict conviction

14 device clan
15 particle fierce fiercely

16 fleeting grab
17 synthetic synthetically bombard
18 donate donation, donor tissue
19 tame norm normal

20 coexist coexistence import

21 equate equation asymmetry asymmetric(al), asymmetrically

22 drain drained blast

23 vaccine vaccinate, vaccinal interfere interference

24 retain retention sovereign sovereignty

25 qualify qualification, qualified unify unification

26 shallow shallowly evaluate evaluation

27 venue fatal fatally, fatality

28 aspire aspiring, aspiration carton

29 devote devoted, devotion enforce enforcement

30 coordinate coordination, coordinator flaw flawless

31 reclaim astray
32 concentrate concentration explode explosion

33 pill ingredient
34 inscribe inscription parallel
35 cultivate cultivation, cultivator choke
36 humility premium
37 uninterested memorable
38 disinterested memorial
39 intimate intimately, intimacy disability
40 initial initially inability
Day 27 Day 28
1 naive naively herd herder

2 expel demonstrate demonstration

3 flee jeopardize
4 surface deluxe
5 scheme bond
6 edible monologue
7 allergic slot
8 adverse discipline disciplined, disciplinary

9 errand outdated
10 spectator monopoly
11 ordinary ordinarily agenda
12 keen keenly annoy annoyed, annoying, annoyance

13 comet decisive
14 stable stability preliminary
15 victim critique
16 cohesion cohesive economical economically

17 negotiate negotiation, negotiable mournful mourn, mourner

18 abstract abstraction cue

19 insult insulting diverse diversity, diversify

20 enrich enrichment minimize minimum

21 revive revival fort fortify

22 wrestle erroneous erroneously, err

23 fling dimension dimensional

24 ideology ideological friction

25 replace replacement mankind
26 spectrum alter alteration

27 empathetic empathy coherent coherently, coherence

28 portion peninsula
29 widespread autograph
30 mend deduct deduction

31 elastic elastically maternity

32 responsible transcend transcendence, transcendent

33 affordable affordability council

34 despise configuration configure

35 affect plague
36 contagious contagion masterpiece
37 successful successfully, success physicist physics

38 successive succession, successor physician

39 undermine variable
40 underlie underlying various vary, variety
Day 29 Day 30
1 entangle entanglement pillar
2 linger reward rewarding

3 dietary diet propaganda

4 investigate investigation, investigator curriculum curricular

5 gut survey
6 sway democratize
7 outgrow dictate dictation, dictator

8 integral boundary
9 falsify regime
10 notation internalize internalization

11 encounter assure assured

12 encode strategy strategic

13 prophecy prophesy, prophetic tremble

14 obtain pinpoint
15 impatient impatience enclose enclosure

16 prestigious prestige sibling

17 enthusiasm enthusiastic laden
18 refine refined, refinement preoccupy preoccupied, preoccupation

19 disregard category categorize

20 clumsy clumsily recreate

21 flicker turmoil
22 opponent oppose terrify terrified, terrifying

23 overflow agriculture agricultural

24 initiative combustion combustive, combustible

25 guarantee probe probing

26 injustice secure security

27 bearable bearably, bear dispute disputation, disputable

28 fake nonliterate
29 psychology psychologist, psychological, psychologically consult consultation, consultant

30 normative enroll enrollment

31 tow childish
32 invest investment, investor terrestrial
33 milestone transform transformation

34 supreme supremacy parasitic

35 multiple pictogram
36 recess projection project

37 occupation literacy literate

38 occupant literature
39 objective objectively intelligent intelligence

40 objection intellectual intellect

Day 31 Day 32
1 loan overturn
2 legacy confirm confirmation

3 extinct extinction adjacent

4 deliver delivery superb superbly

5 valid validity, validate accompany accompanist

6 unanimously unanimous candid

7 flavor sympathy sympathetic

8 admire deficit
9 dehydrate dehydration sociology sociologist, sociological

10 flock casualty
11 commitment commit confess confession, confessed

12 fraction fractional span

13 shaky confer conference, conferment

14 incorporate incorporation, incorporated disparity

15 county sentiment sentimental

16 rationale verse
17 migrate migration, migrant conceit conceited

18 severe severely fiber

19 faculty external
20 deadlock ridiculous ridicule

21 undergo morale
22 stack soak
23 missionary dairy
24 congratulate congratulation obstruct obstruction, obstructive

25 compete competition, competitor, competitive protest protester

26 treasure era
27 publicize toxic
28 presume presumption discrepancy
29 launch counterpart
30 cooperate cooperation, cooperative diplomatic diplomacy, diplomat

31 unlettered betrayal betray

32 contemporary weird weirdly

33 aisle commodity
34 televise televised blossom
35 diminish disdain
36 sidestep recruit recruitment

37 comparative contempt
38 comparable tempt temptation, tempting

39 evolution evolutionary, evolve ethnic ethnicity

40 revolution revolutionary ethical ethic

Day 33 Day 34
1 tribal tribe dissent
2 bribe bribery boost
3 ingenuity ingenious flatter flattering, flattery

4 peer scrap
5 lessen overcome
6 redundant redundancy pitfall
7 feast shovel
8 outset convert convertible

9 thorn peril perilous

10 downturn germ
11 interrupt interruption renovate renovation

12 souvenir subjective subjectively, subjectivity

13 marital ranch
14 substitute substitution benevolent benevolence

15 fabricate fabrication stalk stalker

16 impartial impartiality portable

17 waterproof adorn
18 upset infamous infamously

19 predominate predominant, predominance correspond correspondence, correspondent

20 psychic peculiar peculiarly

21 emperor compartment
22 fatigue radical radically

23 clutter conclude conclusion, concluding

24 mandatory debilitate debilitating

25 likewise invoke
26 whereby vital vitality

27 prosecute prosecution, prosecutor skeleton

28 worthwhile worth asthma
29 survive survival, survivor resilient resilience

30 antisocial transit
31 barren inborn
32 monument monumental proximity proximate

33 reptile pitch
34 plantation hover
35 pursue pursuit astronaut
36 nominal outlook
37 eminent suppress suppression

38 imminent oppress oppression

39 attribute beneficial
40 contribute contribution, contributor beneficent
Day 35 Day 36
1 abuse abusive elusive elusively

2 defy reinforce reinforcement

3 trustworthy eternal eternity, eternally

4 laboratory encompass encompassment

5 ban prevail prevailing

6 compulsion compulsive, compulsory exemplary

7 mediate mediation, mediator parliament
8 disrupt disruption transfer
9 cosmic cosmos restrain restraint

10 emit emission exemplify

11 exhibit exhibition generous generosity

12 spouse spousal president presidential

13 cherish intent
14 organ lament
15 bump bumpy alien alienate

16 chaotic chaos sacred

17 acute acutely feat
18 poison poisonous mount
19 headquarters via
20 contemplate contemplation quote
21 assault dismal
22 magnificent worship
23 diploma reputation
24 contend contention eligible eligibility

25 gender oblige obligation, obligatory

26 degrade degradation possess possession, possessed

27 conservatory timber
28 administer forge forger

29 persist persistence, persistent steep

30 embrace crack cracked

31 conquer conquest evaporate evaporation

32 handle undertake undertaking

33 district rational rationalize, rationality

34 commemorate commemoration, commemorative medieval

35 moderate moderately fragile
36 clutch provoke
37 alternative alternatively, optimistic optimist, optimism

38 alternate alternately pessimistic pessimist, pessimism

39 practical practically hospitality

40 practicable hostility hostile
Day 37 Day 38
1 glimpse rack
2 profess obsess
3 criminal reap
4 crime dormitory
5 delay facilitate facilitator, facilitation

6 upcycling upcycle reflex

7 nasal drastic drastically

8 regain prompt promptly

9 bulletin compassion compassionate

10 pragmatic rehabilitate rehabilitation

11 presuppose presupposition deteriorate deterioration

12 suffer expense
13 fate fated, fateful decode
14 litter shipment
15 destroy destruction, destructive ship
16 factual factually, latitude endorse endorsement

17 meanwhile abound abundant

18 distribute distribution, distributor reservoir

19 dare daring beneficiary
20 perpetual perpetually resolve resolution

21 temper multitude
22 improvise improvisatory, improvisation punctual punctually, punctuality

23 prone baseline
24 tuition phrase phrasal

25 accumulate accumulation purify purification, purifier

26 biosphere brag
27 omit omission elaborate elaborately, elaboration

28 seize eclipse
29 disaster disastrous scrutiny
30 influential influence digest digestion, digestive

31 nuisance famine
32 component recur recurrent, recurrence

33 deserted ambivalent ambivalently

34 mob grasp
35 deserve deserved niche
36 longevity sheer
37 extrovert extroverted deploy deployment

38 introvert introverted meditation meditate, medication

39 ancestor emerge emergence

40 descendant descend merge merger

Day 39 Day 40
1 intermittent intermittently verdict
2 swap designate
3 hardship warfare
4 clue furnish furnished

5 pirate classify classification

6 stumble adrift
7 showcase grip
8 recession fund
9 superstition superstitious youngster
10 scribble amend
11 shelter estate
12 insofar broadcast
13 socialize socialization currency
14 contract contraction detract
15 playback imperial imperium

16 skim bankruptcy bankrupt

17 merchandise merchant barbarous

18 conduct conductor, conduction thrifty thrift

19 hoof furthermore
20 subtract subtraction vibrate vibration

21 parental torment
22 segregation segregate crawl
23 tedious tediously enterprise
24 plunge trim trimly

25 territory territorial tolerate tolerant, tolerance

26 Protestant Protestantism accelerate acceleration

27 submerge immigrate immigration, immigrant

28 mound besiege
29 venture funeral
30 renowned intrigue intrigued, intriguing

31 sturdy sturdily withstand

32 transmit transmission corrupt corruption

33 recite recital constitute constitution

34 stride terminology terminological

35 routine burrow
36 stereotype twilight
37 aptitude hesitancy hesitate, hesitant

38 altitude consistency consistent

39 eliminate elimination inherent inherently

40 illuminate inheritance inherit

Day 41 Day 42
1 patent presumably presumable

2 magnify magnification dense densely, density

3 nasty recharge rechargeable

4 insert altruistic altruism

5 stir favor favorable, favored

6 fixation retrospect retrospective, retrospection

7 troop convergence converge

8 province provincial colony colonial

9 inexcusable arabic
10 gaze sorrowful sorrow

11 harsh harshly aviation aviate

12 orbit orbital yield

13 dispel tread
14 reform reformation unsuited
15 warrior proactive
16 disobedient disobey frighten frightened, frightening

17 resign resignation studious

18 urge urgent, urgency sow
19 noble nobility, nobly decorate decoration

20 indubitable disposable
21 shield personhood
22 celebrity extinguish extinguisher

23 municipal accommodation accommodate

24 delegate delegation polarity polar

25 hence closet
26 await whereas
27 glorify glorified, glorification pollinate pollination

28 scrub tersely
29 spill disprove
30 rot rotten savor savory

31 foretell regularize
32 hire intelligible intelligibly, intelligibility

33 stain stripe striped

34 facade compatible
35 install installation tranquil tranquility

36 dwindling dwindle sanction

37 simultaneous simultaneously momentary
38 spontaneous spontaneously momentous
39 invaluable considerable considerably

40 valueless considerate consideration

Day 43 Day 44
1 censorship preparatory
2 frontal terrific
3 solidarity prolific
4 explicit explicitly propel
5 rectangular rectangle restore restoration

6 deterrent deterrence sensual

7 foreseeable reciprocation reciprocate

8 apt aptly adopt adoption

9 fraught mandated
10 exterior shred
11 distort distortion painstaking painstakingly

12 breathtaking breathtakingly random randomly

13 bewildered bewilder, bewildering outreach

14 legislate legislation, legislator desirous
15 transgenic salient salience

16 aggravate aggravation mistakenly mistaken

17 crispy crispily temperament

18 phase hectic
19 versatile versatility strict strictly

20 fortify fortification, fort majestic majestically, majesty

21 irrigation irrigate impart

22 fictive outburst
23 futile virtual virtually

24 vow mighty
25 domestic idealize ideal

26 agony prominent
27 fabulous fabulously resentment resent, resentful

28 earthquake titanic
29 mature pouch
30 deceive deception, deceiver strikingly striking

31 eradicate eradication prudent prudently

32 enormous enormously ornament ornamental

33 commonality common reverse reversal, reversible

34 dangle hasten haste, hasty

35 flow yearn yearning

36 blunder blundering incubation incubate

37 observance abundant abundance, abundantly

38 observation scarce scarcely

39 comprehensive destructive destroy, destruction

40 comprehensible comprehend, comprehension instructive instruction, instruct

Day 45 Day 46
1 underneath console consolatory, consolation

2 beware symptom
3 surveillance courteous courteously, courtesy

4 harmonious harmony, harmonic cumulative cumulatively, cumulativeness

5 gross invade invasion, invader

6 admonition admonish deference deferential

7 tease savage savageness

8 congress patch
9 ballot thread
10 supervise supervision, supervisor demolish demolition

11 collaborate collaboration curb

12 totalitarian totalitarianism flexible flexibility, flexibly

13 abstain feminine feminism

14 bother bothersome diffuse diffusion

15 veteran respiratory respiration

16 abolish abolition scream

17 upturn demoralize demoralization

18 compensate compensation, compensatory warn warning

19 terrain forbid forbidden

20 agitated evacuate evacuation

21 whiny whine civilize civilized, civilization

22 swell swollen testify

23 bland utilize utilization

24 warehouse condense condensation

25 sentence prosper prosperity

26 amplify amplification compromise

27 afflict affliction evade evasion, evasive

28 verge deviant deviance

29 collapse downplay
30 glare bouquet
31 adore adorable, adoration debris
32 dwell dweller, dwelling whip
33 dignity dignify rescue
34 adjourn utter utterance, utterly

35 defeat devour
36 adjoin adjoining export
37 vertical vertically thrive thriving

38 horizontal horizon thrill

39 virtue virtuous underestimate
40 vice vicious overestimate
Day 47 Day 48
1 cargo indulge indulgence, indulgent

2 frugal advise advice

3 bypass inflame
4 despite faint faintly

5 eloquent eloquently, eloquence causal causality

6 ferment fermentation inflow

7 prerequisite flush
8 layered layer blank
9 frontier frown
10 oblivious insomnia insomniac

11 versus condemn
12 secondhand retreat
13 drowsy terminate terminal, termination

14 inhabit inhabitant masculine masculinity

15 entrust entrustment haunt haunted

16 downfall vocation
17 cholesterol intricate
18 dual duality refuge
19 precaution precautious fancy
20 freight freighter worldly
21 detergent harassment harass

22 overrun patrol
23 gratify gratification allocate allocation

24 forefather forefatherly incur

25 clarify clarification sarcastic sarcasm

26 imprint scope
27 frantic frantically frost frosted

28 craving crave kidnap kidnapper

29 vague vaguely delete

30 nomadic nomad revenge
31 formidable inflict
32 conserve conservation, conservative brew
33 lord lordly combat
34 exquisite recede
35 illusion illusionist artial
36 duplicate withhold
37 deliberate deliberately crucial crucially

38 delicate cruel
39 poverty preserve preservation

40 property prevent prevention

Day 49 Day 50
1 compile stern sternly

2 pungent rearing rear

3 suicide subside
4 spoil spoiled slant slanted

5 lease fond
6 perplex perplexity thrust
7 supernatural supernaturally slavery slave

8 probable probably, probability laborious laboriously

9 predecessor dilemma
10 editorial tilt
11 nonetheless scorn scornful

12 attorney entitle entitlement

13 outgoing scoop
14 bloom weary weariness, wearisome

15 lump lumpy recognize recognition

16 metropolis metropolitan relish

17 divine unveil
18 harbor starve starvation

19 wreck wrecked, wreckage sophomore

20 posterity revenue
21 jury stagnant stagnate, stagnancy

22 divisive satirical satire, satirically

23 redeem pat
24 swear sterile sterilize

25 remark remarkable setback

26 tenant tenancy courage courageous

27 pledge solemn solemnly, solemnity

28 fertile fertility uphold

29 outline discharge
30 temperate temperately sprain
31 plead pleading sue
32 revise revision differentiate
33 sensory remnant
34 pedestrian sculpture sculpt

35 heir vacant vacancy

36 pastoral edition edit

37 evolve evolution proclaim proclamation

38 involve involved, involvement exclaim

39 optical optically substantial substantially

40 optional option subsequent subsequently

Day Day
1 break in come up to
2 bring in face up to
3 fit in keep up with
4 give in live up to
5 kick in make up for
6 let in on brush up (on)
7 result in call up
8 take in come up with
9 cut in turn up
10 step in hold up
11 hand in wind up
12 put in for put up with
13 turn in take up
14 break into pull up
15 get into break up
16 run into bring down
17 bump into cut down
18 launch into let down
19 put into take down
20 swing into come down with
21 tap into settle down
22 burst into tone down
23 deprive A of B look down on
24 accuse A of B hold down
25 convince A of B put down
26 come of weigh down
27 appeal to break down
28 ascribe A to B turn down
29 attend to get down
30 correspond to track down
31 turn to carry on
32 hold to get on with
33 look to hang on
34 lead to dwell on
35 amount to let on
36 stand up for pick on
37 scale up work on
38 step up take on
39 be up to tell on
40 catch up with draw on
Day Day
1 back off act out
2 break off bring out
3 come off arry out
4 cut off come out
5 keep off leak out
6 shake off let out
7 lay off pass out
8 show off point out
9 call off pull out of
10 hold off set out
11 put off slip out
12 seal off spill out
13 carry off stick out
14 pay off take out
15 give off call out
16 set off cut out
17 ease off root out
18 account for spell out
19 care for try out
20 pay for wipe out
21 sign up for count out
22 reach for leave out
23 take for rule out
24 be anxious for lose out
25 root for straighten out
26 opt for weed out
27 stand for live out
28 speak for work out
29 substitute for go around
30 bring over hang around
31 come over stir around
32 pull over turn around
33 take over depart from
34 carry over stem from
35 get over refrain from
36 spread over get by
37 hold over lay by
38 go over pass by
39 tip over break away
40 chew over be carried away
Day Day
1 come
2 with
3 get away with
4 give away
5 keep away
6 put away
7 stay away
8 take away
9 turn away
10 pass away
11 throw away
12 wear away
13 work away
14 go with
15 live with
16 charge A with B
17 bring about
18 come about
19 set about
20 see about
21 come across
22 cut across
23 get across
24 put across
25 get through
26 go through
27 put through
28 carry through
29 come through
30 look through
31 come along
32 get along
33 go along with
34 draw back
35 pull back
36 get back to
37 hold back
38 set forth
39 bring forth
40 call forth

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