Benefits of Former Presidents Act
Benefits of Former Presidents Act
Benefits of Former Presidents Act
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Application
4. Pension and other retirement benefits
5. Circumstances when benefits not payable
6. Death of President
7. Retirement benefits not payable under repealed Act
1. This Act may be cited as the Benefits of Former Presidents Act. Short title
"repealed Act" means the State Leaders Retirement Benefits Act, 1990, or the 5 of 1990
Specified Offices (Terminal Benefits) Act, 1989. 9 of 1989
3. This Act applies to all former Presidents, including those that ceased to hold Application
office before the commencement of this Act.
4. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a former President shall, upon Pension and other
ceasing to hold office, be entitled to- retirement benefits
(a) a tax free monthly pension at the rate of eighty per cent of the incumbent
President's emoluments; and
(2) The pension referred to in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and item 10 of the
Schedule shall be paid retrospectively.
5. (1) The pension and other benefits conferred by this Act shall not be paid and Circumstances when
shall not accrue during any period when a former President is in receipt of a salary from benefits not payable
the State.
(2) A former President shall be disqualified from the pension and other benefits
conferred by this act-
6. Where a former President who is entitled to the pension and other benefits Death of President
conferred by this Act dies while in or after having left office, his spouse and any children of
the family who have not attained the age of twenty-one years shall be entitled jointly to-
(a) a tax free monthly pension at the rate of fifty per cent of the incumbent
President's emoluments; and
(b) the benefits set out in items 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the Schedule.
7. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of section four, no person shall be Retirement benefits
entitled to receive any pension or other retirement benefit under any repealed Act, not payable under
whether he claimed for benefits before or after the commencement of this Act. repealed Act
(2) Any person who has received a pension or any benefit under any repealed Act
before the commencement of this Act shall refund to the Government such pension and
surrender the benefit received or the monetary equivalent of such benefit within six
months of the commencement of this Act.
(3) Where any proceedings to claim any pension or other benefit under any
repealed Act have been instituted before the commencement of this Act, the court shall,
on the application of the Attorney-General, forthwith dismiss the claim.
(Sections 4 and 6)
1. An office.
2. One personal secretary.
3. Three security persons.
4. Three cars, with free maintenance, and petrol entitlement to the extent determined by the
Cabinet, but only one car for the surviving spouse.
5. Three drivers, but only one for the surviving spouse.
6. One Administrative Assistant, who shall be at the level of Deputy Permanent Secretary.
7. Three house employees, which number may be increased by Cabinet.
8. A diplomatic passport for the former President and his spouse.
9. A furnished house built or bought in Zambia by the State at a place of the former President's
choice and ownership of the house shall be transferred to him.
10. Medical insurance for the former President and his spouse.
11. In each year, one return air ticket for the former President and one for his spouse.
12. Funeral Expenses on his death.