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Women Playwrights of Indy

1. Administration

a. Women’s Playwrights of Indy (WPI) is a nonprofit arts organization located in

downtown Indianapolis that aims to empower women through the art of
playwriting. The mission of our organization is to provide women in the central
Indiana area with opportunities and resources to perfect their playwriting craft.
WPI additionally provides classes and workshops to both aspiring playwrights
and women in the area who are interested in learning more about the art of
playwriting. Our goal is to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for all of
our members as well as promote the work of women playwrights in the
community. Our new proposed art project is a podcast that features readings of
scripts written by members of our organization, and it aligns very well with our
mission. The goal of the project is to further amplify the voices of our members
who are aspiring playwrights, by prompting their work to a wider audience
beyond the Indianapolis community. We also believe that the podcast will provide
our writers with better engagement with the playwriting community. Our
collaborative partners for this project include local audio production studios and
local theaters that also share an interest in promoting women in the arts.

b. This project will be administered and overseen by our Program Director, who
has outside experience in both playwriting and podcast production. Our Program
Director will be primarily responsible for deciding what will be featured in each
podcast episode, overseeing the submission process, and making sure that this
program is successful. They oversee the project but are also urged to act as a
mentor to the writers since they have experience and support all of the writers in
our organization.

c. Our Board of Directors will be primarily responsible for guiding this project in the
most successful direction. They will provide their insights on the project, assist in
fundraising for this project, and assist in finding potential collaborators for this
project. They will additionally ensure that our project stays consistent in aligning
with our mission and values.

d. This project consists of a team that is a mix of paid personal and volunteers. All
the personal involved in this project have expertise in either project management,
playwriting, or podcast production. During our selection process, we made sure
to select individuals who are passionate about our organization’s mission and
who can collaborate well with others since this project is highly team-based. One
key staff member involved in the project is the project coordinator. They were

Women Playwrights of Indy

selected because of their communication skills and ability to organize and

manage multiple tasks at once. Recently, our organization hired a podcast
producer. They were hired because of their ability to stay organized and work
efficiently with others around them. They are also able to be flexible around
different types of presenters that come into the space. We also recruited one of
our playwriting mentors from our mentorship program because of their ability to
work exceptionally well with our writers and they can provide insightful feedback
on how a section of the script can be interpreted for the podcast. All our
volunteers are readers of the podcast episodes. These types of people will
include members of local community theaters whom we collaborate with as well
as experienced actors. We selected these individuals through an audition
process as well as their willingness to commit to this project as much as possible
and support our mission.

2. Project Description and Quality

a. The project is a podcast called “HerScripts Unveiled: Women’s Voices in Words”.

It features readings of our scripts that were written by our members who are
aspiring women playwrights. Our first goal of this project provides an additional
platform for our aspiring playwrights to showcase their work to a broader
audience, rather than just keeping it exclusive to the Indianapolis community.
Another one of our goals is to create a more meaningful and deeper connection
through the playwrights and our audiences using digital media. Lastly, we want to
have our writers gain more experience in sharing their work as well as receive
more feedback from this wider range of an audience. Our proposed process of
this project will start out with an open submission where our members will be
able to submit their works for consideration. Secondly, our team involved in the
project will select the scripts that will be featured a month ahead of time. Next,
our volunteer actors will perform readings of these scripts during recording
sessions. After that, our production team will go through and edit and submit the
episodes onto our platforms. Lastly, our marketing team will be contacted prior to
the episode’s release date to promote each episode ahead of time. For our
personal involved in the project, this will primarily be in the audio recording
studios that we have collaborated with. For our audience, the podcast will be
available on all popular podcast listening platforms for them to tune into free at
any time. Regarding the roles and responsibilities of our team, our members are
responsible for submitting their work onto our online form if they wish to be
featured and if they are selected, they will be expected to participate in later
feedback sessions. Our actors will be expected to rehearse the script ahead of
time to be familiar with the material and give readings during the recording
sessions. The playwriting mentor will be responsible for providing consistent

Women Playwrights of Indy

feedback throughout the process. Lastly, the production team will be responsible
for recording, editing, and producing each episode.

b. Our target audiences for this project include the public who is interested in
podcast-style storytelling, people who are interested in theatre, and aspiring
playwrights who want a chance to expose their work to a wide audience. We
worked together with our members by hosting multiple focus groups over the
past month so that they could openly express in what ways they struggle to
promote their work and what they want to see out of the project that would best
benefit them. We will market this project by using social media campaigns,
collaborating with local theaters and other community organizations, and
participating in outside community events to promote the podcast to potential

c. An educational goal that we want to accomplish with this project is to provide skill
enhancement to our writers. We want to accomplish this goal by providing a
unique learning platform to observe their work in a performative way. We also
want to expand our mentorship program by providing a new resource that our
mentors can give our aspiring playwrights feedback. Finally, we want to educate
our audience’s understanding and appreciation of playwrighting and women’s
roles in the arts further.

d. We plan to evaluate our project in a variety of ways. We want to be open to

listener feedback through our online surveys and through our various social
media platforms. We also plan to evaluate the success of the scripts that are
featured on our podcast to understand what types of stories our audiences are
more interested in listening to. We also want to measure our community
involvement through our listening numbers and social media involvement on
episode release days. Our Program Director will be responsible for overseeing
the evaluation process of this project. Our evaluation methods will be reviewed
monthly, and our team will make adjustments based on evaluations to ensure
that the project is successful while staying dedicated to the mission and values of
our organization.

3. Outreach and Community Impact

a. This new project will address multiple different community needs. Since this
project focuses on highlighting works by women playwrights, our project
addresses that there is a need for more diverse voices in the arts community and
demonstrates how these voices are often overlooked or underrepresented in the
arts community. Creating this podcast will also address how there is a need to

Women Playwrights of Indy

increase accessibility in the arts. Some people want to experience the arts from
the comfort of their own homes or are unable to attend arts events because of
situations such as mobility or transportation issues. Creating this online platform
shows how essential it is for the arts community to be an accessible resource for
everyone. This project also demonstrates that not many aspiring artists or writers
have an easy time finding ways to showcase their work and talents to the public.
This project finds a way for both playwrights and actors to demonstrate their

b. This project will contribute to the long-term growth of the arts community by
showcasing local talent, building a new community for different types of artists,
and virtually creating appreciation for the arts. This platform serves to showcase
the talent in the central Indiana area to others around the world. This podcast
also creates a collaborate environment for both writers and actors so they can
share their own interests and aspirations with each other as well as make
connections for potential projects in the future. With this platform being
accessible to many people, it has the potential to increase appreciation in the
arts and encourage others to attend arts events in their own communities.

c. The central Indiana community can be involved in this project in a variety of

ways. Aspiring women playwrights might be encouraged to become a member of
the organization for a chance to receive feedback on their work and have a
chance to be featured on the podcast. Our organization also can partner with
local theaters and other community organizations to receive advice on how we
can bring diverse perspectives into the podcast and involve members of their
organization in our project as well.

d. Our project addresses underserved communities by prioritizing women

playwrights works in our podcasts episodes since they have typically been
historically underrepresented in the arts for many years. Our podcast also
encourages the use of accessible participation in the arts since the audience can
listen and promote the platform from anywhere, they want. Our organization also
collaborates with community organizations that focus on underserved
communities, such as women’s shelters, to ensure that our organization can help
bring recognition and help benefit those communities as best as possible.

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