Aesop's Fables: For Kids
Aesop's Fables: For Kids
Aesop's Fables: For Kids
For Kids
The Lion
A Lion fell in Love An Ae
in love with sop Fable
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her parent a beautifu
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want to ma the Lion, y let
read fables!
ke the King e t they did
father said o f Beasts an n ot
, “We feel v gry. At las
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that our da r . H owever, we a s k
ughter will are worried
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at you shou scared of you. Might
ld remove y I
teeth and our claws a
then ask u n d
s again?”
The Lion w
as so much
trimmed an in love tha
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came again eth taken claws
to the pare out. But wh
laughed in nts of the en he
his face, an girl they sim
d sent him ply
on his way
Love can ta
me the wild
est of anim
Template: CBA-412-1259
Created on by Christine Bailes © Subject to Copyright Restrictions
The Lion
in Love An Aesop Fable
The Lion announced that he was very sick and asked the
animals to come and see him one last time. So the Goat
went into the Lion's cave, and stayed there visiting for a
long time. Then Sheep went in. Before she came out, the
Calf also went into the cave to visit the Lion. But soon
the Lion seemed to be feeling better and came to the
front of his cave. The lion saw the Fox, who had been
waiting outside for some time. "Why do you not come to
pay your respects to me?" said the Lion to the Fox.
"Please excuse me," said the Fox, "but I noticed all of
the animals that have already come in to visit you. I see
many hoof-marks going in, but I see none coming out.
Until the animals that have entered your cave come out
again I prefer to remain in the open air."
It is best to be prepared.
Template: CBA-412-1259
Created on by Christine Bailes © Subject to Copyright Restrictions
The Dog and
The Shadow
An Aesop Fable