Collaborative File Sharing System Phase I

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Collaborative File Sharing System Project Code: F10202

Design Document 1

Version 1.3

Group Id: F10202022 Supervisor Name : USMAN WAHEED

Revision History
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) 24/12/2010 4/01/2011 10/01/2011 22/03/2011 8/06/2011 13/06/2011 15/06/2011 20/06/2011 Version 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Description SRS Document SRS Document SRS Document Methodology & Work Plan Design Phase I Design Phase I Design Phase I Design Phase I Author Mc090406580 Mc090406585

Table of Contents

1. Introduction (of analysis and design phase) 2. Overview (of proposed system) 3. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) 4. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 5. Activity Diagram 6. Sequence Diagrams 7. Architecture Design Diagram

1. Introduction (of analysis and design phase)

System Analysis
Suppose we are going to develop a new system then the first phase will be of analysis and this will include the thorough study of the current system. This study will explore some problems from where our process will start. If we are developing an entirely new system then we will have to conduct interviews, on-site observations, questionnaire etc. to know about the specifications of the system to be developed and what are the outside entities who will interact with the system. The purpose of system analysis is to determine where the problem is in an attempt to fix the system This step involves breaking down what needs to be created. All procedures and requirements must be analyzed and documented in the form of DFDs, data dictionary,, logical data structures and miniature specifications. System analysis also includes subdivision of complex process involving the entire system, identification of data store and manual processes. The main points to be discussed in system analysis are as follows: o Specification of what the new system is accomplished based on the user requirements. o Functional hierarchy showing the functions to be performed by the new system and their relationship with each other. o Function networks which are similar to function hierarchy but they highlight those functions which are common to more than one procedure. o List of attributes of the entities these are the data items which need to be held about each entity.

System design
Based on the user requirements and detailed analysis of a new system, the new system must be designed. This is the phase of system designing. It is a most crucial phase in the development of a system. In system design, the design functions and operations are described in detail, including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams and other documentation. The output of this stage will describe the new system as a collection of modules. Normally, the design proceeds in the following two stages: o Preliminary or General design o Structure or Detailed design In Preliminary or General design, the features of the new system are specified. The costs of implementing these features and the benefits to be derived are estimated. If the project is still considered to be feasible, we move to the detailed design stage. There are many tools and techniques used for designing, which are as follows: o Flow chart o DFDs o ER diagrams o Activity diagrams o Sequence diagrams o Architecture diagrams

2. Overview (of proposed system)

Collaborative File Sharing System is the name of our project. The main purpose of our project is to allow files to be distributed and shared securely, over a wide area network. This will be such a system in which people share their files for each other. The system will be supervised by an administrator. This system will allow people to work in teams by inviting already registered users. This system will allow people to register on the system by filling an account registration form. Then registered users can upload or download their required files. All users could do text chat with other users that are online. This system will allow users to store files to a defined limit of size. The percentage of storage capacity will be displayed on the top. The system would be able to keep record of stored, replaced or overwritten files, automatically. The system will provide its users with an opportunity of storing and managing large amount of data easily and securely. The users with proper rights and access could upload, download the files and could discuss about files.

3. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) Context level Data Flow Diagram

Registered Users

Upload Files Login Registration

Do Chat

Download Files
Access to Files Provide Rights
Allow to Work in Teams provide Rights

Collaborative File Sharing System

Login Manage Files Manage User Account


Maintain Record

Provide Rights

Unregistered Users


Do Chat

Unregistered User Registration Form Registered User Registration Request Id. Password Search Results Search Unregist ered user Record Search Registere d User Record Search Results

Search Results Search Admin Record Search Databa s-es


Login Reques t

User Information

Differe Level-1 Data Flow Diagrams n-tiate Users User Information

Login DFD
If user record exists Unregistered User Record Database Admin Record Database


Redire ct to Login Page

Assign Access Rights


Redirect to Home Page

Provide Rights

Registered User Record Database

Provide Access

Provide Access Redirecti on to Login Page

If user record not exists


Request for Registration

Proces s Reques t

User Information

User Registration User DFD



Save User Info

Save to Database

Email to User

Generate Login ID & Passwor d

User Database

Do Chat DFD


Request for Registration for Chat

Proces s Reques t

User Information


User Information

Save User Info

Save to Database Generate Chat ID & Passwor d

Email to User

User Database


Request for File Upload

Proces s Reques t

Select Folders

Open Folder s

Upload files in Folder

Upload -ing

Save File Info

Upload and Download File DFD

Shows File Upload Message to User Upload file on system

Save to File Record

Request for File Download

Save File Record Shows File Download Message to User Proces s Reques t Downloa d file from system Save to File Record Select Required File Downl oading Save File Info

Management and Maintenance DFD

File Management File Record Record Maintenance


User Account Management

User Database

File_Nam e Upload File_Siz e

File_Form at


Passwor d

User_ID Passwor d Registered User

Downloa d



Unregistered User


Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Provide Rights Manage

Keep Record

Provide access


1 1 1


Keep Record


Passwor d


Registra ti-on Form Id

Passwor d

Register a User

4. Activity Diagrams

User Request for Registration

User Registration
User Fills Registration Form Give User Registration Form

System Asks for Agreement

User Agrees

Request for ID & Password

Email to User ID & Password

Generate ID & Password

Login to CFSS
User Request for Login

Login system check ID & Password

Take Result From Database

Search ID & Password From Database

Access Rights

Access Denied

Redirect to Home Page

Redirect to Login Page

Enter Correct ID & Password

Do Chat

User Request for Chat

User Fills Char Registration Form

User Request for Chat

Request for chat ID and Password

Email to User Chat ID & Password

Generate ID & Password

Upload and Download Files

Receive Request Download File Request Request Upload File Request Request

Select Required File

Select Folder

System Save File Information

Upload Files in Folder

System Save File Information

Shows File Download Message

Shows File Upload Message

Manage Record File Record User Record

Management and Maintenance

Save Modifications

Save Modifications

Request for Different Reports

Assign Rights

Generate Reports

Request for Modifications

Save Modifications

Maintain Modifications

Request for Making a Team

Allow Team Work

Reject Request Accept Request

Users Work in Team

Users Do Different Activities

Do Polling

Do Discussion s Give Reminders

5. Sequence Diagrams Get Registered

:CFSS Info System




User ClickRegistration() <<create>> GetUserInfo() register() register()


generateIdPassword(register) EmailId&passw() EmailId&Password()

Login to CFSS

:Main Screen

:CFSS Login System

:Login Page

:Access System

ClickLogin() <<create>> <<create>> Login(Id.password) hasAccessRight(Id, Password) has access right has access right



:Home Page


Do Chat

:Main Screen User Admin


:CFSS Login System

:Login Page

:Access System

User ClickChat() <<create>> <<create>> <<create>> Login(Id, Password)

GetInfo() register()

GetUserInfo() register() has access rights

hasAccessRights(Id, , Password) has access rights

<<destroy>> Email Chat Id&Password() generateChatId& Password(register)

<<create>> :Home Page


Upload Files

:Main Screen


:CFSS File System

ClickUpload Files() ClickFolders() Upload File/Folder() ShowFileUploadMessage()

Download Files

:Main Screen

:CFSS File System

ClickDownload Files() RightClickRequiredFileName() ClickDownload() ShowFileDownloadMessage()

Search Files

:Main Screen

:CFSS File System

EnterFileNameInTextbox() ClickSearch() <<create>> OpenFile(filename) ShowFile()



Allow Team Work

:Main Screen

:CFSS Administration

ClickRequest() RequestForTeam() MakeTeam() AcceptRequest() <<destroy>>

Manage Files


:CFSS File System

File Manager

Filename isFile()







Manage Individual User / Team Account Add Individual User / Team Account


IndividualUserAccount/T eamAccount





Update Individual User / Team Account

Updat e

IndividualUserAccount/T eamAccount





Delete Individual User / Team Account


IndividualUserAccount/T eamAccount





6. Architecture Design Diagram

Architecture Diagram
Web Browser

Presenta tion Layer





Busines s Layer


Security Management & Administration Communication

Java Beans

Data Access

Laye r
Data Access Objects (DAO) Data Access Component s (DAC) Service Gateways (GC)

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