Artikel Fermentasi Untuk Maggot
Artikel Fermentasi Untuk Maggot
Artikel Fermentasi Untuk Maggot
Use of Water Hyacinth and Fermented Fruit Waste as BSF (Black Soldier Fly) Media
on The Quality of BSF Maggot Flour
Penggunaan Eceng Gondok dan Limbah Buah Terfermentasi sebagai Media Tumbuh BSF (Black Soldier Fly)
terhadap Kualitas Tepung Maggot BSF
This study aims to assess BSF maggot flour’s quality using water hyacinth growing media and fermented
fruit waste using EM-4 and molasses. Held a total of 70 g of baby maggot was in the temple for 15 days.
Eldest the feed used using fermented water hyacinth and fermented fruit waste with four treatments
consist of P0= 0% fermented water hyacinth+ 100% fermented fruit waste, P1= 25% fermented water
hyacinth+ 75% fermented fruit waste, P2= 50% fermented water hyacinth+ 50% fermented fruit waste,
and 75% fermented water hyacinth+ 25% fermented fruit waste. The design of the experiment uses a
completely randomized design (CRD). The results showed that substitution of feeding 25% fermented
water hyacinth+ 75% fermented fruit waste influenced the yield of BSF maggot flour (P <0.05), and there
was no effect on the pH quality of Maggot BSf flour (P> 0.05). The best results’ (substitution of feeding
25% fermented water hyacinth+ 75% fermented fruit waste) has proximate content of dry matter
89%, ash 11%, crude protein 35.5%, crude fat 12%, calcium 7%, nitrogen-free extract material 7%,
metabolist energy 2939.64 kcal/ 100 g.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kualitas tepung maggot BSF menggunakan media tanam eceng
gondok dan limbah buah yang difermentasi menggunakan EM-4 dan tetes tebu. Sebanyak 70 gram
bayi maggot sudah dipegang di Pura selama 15 hari. Pakan tertua yang digunakan menggunakan eceng
gondok hasil fermentasi dan limbah buah fermentasi dengan empat perlakuan yaitu P0 = eceng gondok
fermentasi 0% + limbah buah fermentasi 100%, P1 = eceng gondok fermentasi 25% + limbah buah
fermentasi 75%, P2 = eceng gondok fermentasi 50% + 50% limbah buah fermentasi, dan 75% eceng
gondok fermentasi + 25% limbah buah fermentasi. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan Rancangan
Acak Lengkap (RAL). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan substitusi pemberian pakan 75% limbah buah
dan 25% eceng gondok terfermentasi memberikan pengaruh terhadap rendemen tepung maggot BSF
(P<0.05) dan tidak ada pengaruh terhadap Kualitas pH tepung Maggot BSf (P>0.05) maggot dapat
tumbuh dan berkembang di media pH tinggi dan pH yang rendah yang akan berpengaruh pada ukuran
tubuh maggot BSF. Kandungan proksimat dari hasil terbaik memiliki proksimat bahan kering sebesar
89%, abu 11%, Protein kasar 35.5%, Lemak kasar 12%, Calium 7%, BETN 7%, Energy metabolism
2939.64 kcal/kg.
Kata kunci: eceng gondok, limbah buah, black soldier fly (BSF).
There are steps before and during data recording. in Table 1. Based on Table 1, it can see that the rendement
Measurement of body weight was carried out twice: before of BSF maggot flour using fruit waste planting media and
treatment and after treatment for seven days. fermented water hyacinth using molasses and EM-4 has a
significant effect (P<0.05). The highest rendement of maggot
Making Planting Media
flour is in P1. The yield of maggot flour in P1 is 20.1%.
The water hyacinth is then ground first using a grass
The amount of gain in P1 the thought to be from a ration of
chopper to make it smaller by 3 cm, then dried in the sun
75% fruit waste and 25% water hyacinth, which contains
until the water content the reduced to 50%. After drying the
the right nutrients so that BSF larvae can easily convert the
water hyacinth, weigh it and give it the treatment, add EM-4
media. This optimal maggot the growth obtained because
and Molasses, after mixing it, then put it in a teraphim box
of the elements of life necessities for larvae to fulfilled.
and close it tightly and let it stand for ten days.
Syahrizal (2014). While the lowest yield of BSF maggot
Flour Making flour at P3 was 18.18%, this thought to be from providing a
It was making BSF maggot flour done by killing/ ration of 25% fruit waste and 75% fermented water hyacinth
turning off BSF maggot by soaking in 100 ºC hot water for containing nutrients, not by the needs of BSF maggot, so
5 minutes, then drying under the sun with a temperature of it is difficult to convert the media. The feed media quality
50 ºC for several days until dry, after drying the process then will affect providing nutrition for larvae to breed (Katayane
oven with a temperature of 50 ºC for 12 hours so the water 2014).
content the wholly lost. After that, the dry BSF maggot is
ground until it is smooth and shaped like flour. Table 1. Data on Randeman’s Maggot Flour
Chemical Characteristics Treatment Deuteronomy Gross Dry Randeman
Water Content Analysis, Oven Method (AOAC Weight Weight
2005), Ash Content Analysis (AOAC 2005), Protein PO 1 128.78 23.89 18.55
Content Analysis, Kjeldahl Micro Method (AOAC 2005), 2 127.45 23.27 18.25
the results of distillate titrated with 0.02 N HCL, and the 3 128.64 23.82 18.52
endpoint of the titration marked by changing color yellow; Mean P0 128.32 23.66 18.43
Blank it also done the same way. Analysis of Fat Content,
P1 1 191.53 39.09 20.41
Soxhlet Method (AOAC 2005), Analysis of Fiber Content
(Sudarmadji 2003). Dry matter analysis (Tilman 1999). 2 190.54 38.11 20.00
3 190.03 37.26 19.61
Physical Characteristics
Kamba density (Singh et al. 2005). The material is Mean P1 190.70 38.15 20.00
put into a measuring cup and compacted until its volume P2 1 140.59 26.53 18.87
reaches 100 mL. All materials from the measuring cup 2 140,86 26.09 18.52
are removed and weighed. The density of material Kamba 3 141.30 27.17 19.23
expressed in g / mL, yield (Hustiany 2005). The amount of
Average P2 140.91 79.78 56.62
gain is calculated based on the percentage by weight of BSF
P3 1 123.83 22.64 18.28
maggot flour divided by the BSF maggot weight used as
BSF maggot flour, multiplied by one hundred percent. The 2 123.62 22.48 18.18
yield determined by the formula: 3 123.43 22.32 18.08
Mean P3 123.62 22.47 18.18
Yield% = Weight of flour (g) × 100% BSF maggot weight
Note: above, it can see that the immersion of BSF maggot flour using
fruit waste planting media and fermented water hyacinth using molasses
Data Analysis and EM-4 has a significant effect (P <0.05). At P0, the wet weight is
The collected data then tabulated using Microsoft average128.32 gram, 23.67 gram dry weight, which yields 18.43% im-
Excel. Statistical analysis performed using ANOVA with the mersion. P1 wet weight 190.07 grams, dry weight 38.15 grams, which
SPSS program. If there is a difference, the Duncan further results in a 20.1% yield. P2 with a basic weight of 140.91 grams, dry
weight of 26.52 grams, which yields 18.87%. P3 wet weight 123.62
test carried out. The treathments are consist of P0=0% grams, 22.47 grams dry weight, which results in an 18.18% yield.
fermented water hyacinth+ 100% fermented fruit waste,
P1=25% fermented water hyacinth+ 75% fermented fruit
waste, P2=50% fermented water hyacinth+ 50% fermented According to Azir et al. (2017), the lowest maggot
fruit waste, and 75% fermented water hyacinth+ 25% flour yield by giving 100% fish waste resulted in an alkaline
fermented fruit waste. The design of the experiment uses a weight of 494.08 and an immersion of 8.23. While the
completely randomized design (CRD). highest product of BSF maggot flour on the use of 50% fish
waste media coupled with 50% coconut dregs resulted in an
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION alkaline weight of 1,149.88 grams with a yield of 19.16%.
Evidenced by differences in the outcome of research results
The Effect of BSF Planting Media on the Yield of with several researchers, fish waste media has a higher
Maggot Flour protein content than the type of feed that uses fermented
From the observations of the yield of maggot flour water hyacinth and fruit waste.
using water hyacinth growing media and fruit can see waste
pH Quality Maggot Flour harvesting age of 14 days, can be seen in Table 3. Based
The pH analysis is the degree of acidity used on Table 3 the proximate test results of BSF maggot flour
to express the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH showed that P1 treatment with 75% fruit waste and 25%
quality of maggot flour can see the results of research on fermented water hyacinth rations produced dry matter of
BSF planting media’s effect on the pH quality of maggot 89%, ash 11%, crude protein 35.5%, crude fat 12%, Calcium
flour in Table 2. 7 %, nitrogen- free extract nutrient 7%, Energy metabolism
2939.64 kcal/kg.
Table 2. Results of the Average Value of Maggot Flour pH Test According to the proximate results conducted by Azir
Treatment Deuteronomy Jumlah Average et al. (2017), obtained the highest maggot protein content
1 2 3 was from giving the media that have hight content of protein
like fish waste 50% + 50% bran, which produced a crude
P0 5.34 5.29 5.27 15.90 5.30
protein of 42.22%. The protein content of the medium is
P1 5.26 5.27 5.25 15.78 5.26 43%. Rahmawati et al. (2010) also argued that the highest
P2 5.27 5.26 5.29 15.82 5.27 maggot nutrient content at the age of 15 days using oil palm
P3 5.26 5.29 5.31 15.86 5.28 cake media had dry matter content of 37.94%, crude protein
Note: above shows that water hyacinth and fermented fruit waste were 44.01 %, crude fat 19.61%, and ash 7.65%. The protein
not significantly different (P> 0.05) in BSF maggot flour’s pH quality. content of the medium is 46.11%. Subamia (2010) states
The pH of maggot flour in table 4.3 shows an average value that does that maggots have storage organs called trophocytes which
not differ between P0, P1, P2, and P3, namely P0 5.3%, P1 5.28%, and
5.27, and P3 5.26%. There is no significant difference in the pH content
function to store nutrient content found in the culture media
of the maggot flour. It assumed that the media used does not affect the that they eat.
flour’s pH, and the growth of maggot does not affect media that has a The decrease in BSF maggot flour’s nutritional
high pH or a low pH. content, which uses a planting medium of 25% water
hyacinth and 75% fruit waste, is thought to be due to
Table 2 shows that water hyacinth and fermented insufficient nutrition content. The protein content of water
fruit waste were not significantly different (P>0.05) in BSF hyacinth only 11,5% (Ahmed 2012) and the protein content
maggot flour’s pH quality. The pH of maggot flour in Table of fruit waste is only 1-17% (Jalaludin 2016). It is lower
4.3 shows an average value that does not differ between than fish waste and oil palm cake. The nutritional content
P0, P1, P2, and P3, namely P0= 5.3, P1= 5.28, P2= 5.27, contained in BSF maggot flour also decreases. Not only the
and P3= 5.26. There is no significant difference in maggot lack of nutrients, but the water content in the media is also
flour’s pH content. It assumed that the media used does not too high so that the high water content will only inhibit the
affect the flour’s pH, and the growth of maggot does not growth of maggots, which will make the nutrient content
affect media that has a high pH or a low pH. Larvae of BSF of BSF maggots low. Hakim (2017) stated that the media’s
can grow and develop in high pH and low pH media, which high water content caused larvae’s difficulty reducing feed.
will affect the body size of the BSF maggot (Maneguz et al. As stated by Tran et al. (2014) noted that the water content
2018). of the press during larval cultivation must be low because
In pH test on fish meal. According to Sahril (2015), the larvae cannot grow on the media when the water content
the pH content in a fish meal is 5.41 and can reduce by using is high. It also significantly affects the nutritional content of
an increase in acetic acid concentration to lower the pH of the BSF maggot.
fish meal to a pH of 3.46. The pH content in maggot flour is
the same as the pH content in acidic fish meal. Protein Content
Based on Table 4, maggot flour’s proximate test
Maggot Flour Proximate Test results show that the protein content in P3 contains a protein
Based on the results, BSF maggot flour’s physical of 35.47%. Research conducted by Sheppard and Newton
parameters from the yield characteristics and pH, the best (2000) and Sogbesan, Ajuonu, Musa, and Adewole (2006)
quality obtained at P1, namely 75% fruit waste and 25% shows that maggot’s protein content is relatively high.
fermented water hyacinth. The best results then tested Maggot in dry form contains 41-42% crude protein.
proximate. Can see the proximate test content of maggot According to Rahmawati’s opinion et al. (2010),
flour in P1 treatment, which is harvested once with a the highest maggot protein was 15 days, which contained
44.01%. According to the proximate results conducted sun again for 2-3 days so that it is perfectly dry. The drying
by Diener et al. (2009), the protein content of maggot process greatly affects the density results of Indrayani flour
(Hermetia illucens) using oil palm cake media contains et al. (2013).
28.2 - 42.5% protein. The supporting factors for the amount
of protein in the BSF maggot are the composition of the CONCLUSION
ingredients added to the maggot growing media in the form
of fish waste added with vegetable waste materials bran and Based on the results of the study, can be concluded
coconut dregs. that the media of fermented water hyacinth and fruit waste
From the proximate test results conducted by on the quality of BSF maggot flour affects the yield of BSF
Miskiyah et al. (2006), pure coconut dregs’ protein content maggot flour and does not affect the pH of BSF maggot flour.
was 11.35%. Apart from the bran and coconut dregs, this Obtained the best results were at medium 25% fermented
research also used a mixing ingredient in vegetable waste. water hyacinth and 75% fruit waste with a yield of 20.1%
From the proximate test results conducted by Muktiani et with a proximate content of dry matter 89.%, ash 11%,
al. (2007), the traditional market vegetable waste contains crude protein 35.5%, crude fat 12%, calcium 7%, nitrogen-
12.64% crude protein. The amount of protein content in free extract material 7%, metabolist energy 2939.64 kcal/
the P3 culture media is due to the mixing media in 75% 100 g, with the resulting density is less than 60% which is
fruit waste, which has a greater nutrient content than water equal to 45.8 g/mL.
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