Comparative Study of Arc-Quenching Capabilities
Comparative Study of Arc-Quenching Capabilities
Comparative Study of Arc-Quenching Capabilities
Abstract—Gases released from polymers placed near a burning various aspects of arc behavior and current interruption in the
electric arc are known to influence the behavior of the arc. In presence of gassing polymers.
switching equipment, such ablation materials can be used to Many studies examine polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE),
improve the interrupting capability. Current interruption experi-
ments have been carried out with the purpose of comparing the which is widely used as nozzle material in interrupters due to
arc-quenching capabilities of four common polymers. The test its durability and low gassing rate. Other works consider poly-
setup has static electrodes and two ablation polymer plates placed mers which take a more active part in the interruption process.
in parallel on both sides of the arc. Each ablation material is Among these, the most frequently studied are polyoxymethy-
tested according to an “up-and-down” procedure that determines lene (POM), polyamide (PA), poly(methyl methacrylate)
the current magnitude giving 50% probability for successful
interruption. Current is supplied from a capacitor unit, and a
(PMMA), and polyethene (PE). Each polymer releases a
sinusoidal waveform is created by means of a damped RLC circuit. different mixture of vapors when exposed to arcs. The arc
The electrodes and the ablation materials are replaced after each interruption performance depends, among other factors, on
interruption test. Polypropylene shows the best arc-quenching how fast these gases are released, as well as the amount and the
performance among the tested materials and interrupts about kind of atoms they consist of. The most important characteristic
2.7 times as high current as polyetetrafluoroethylene (PTFE),
of an efficient ablation material is the release of hydrogen
which is used as a reference material due to its low gassing. Poly-
carbonate and poly(methyl methacrylate) also greatly improve gas [1], [3], [11]. This is due to hydrogen’s superior thermal
the current interrupting properties, interrupting a 2.2–2.3 times conductivity and good dielectric properties compared to other
higher current compared to PTFE. As also pointed out by others, decomposition products. Fillers, including those affecting the
the arc-quenching capabilities of the polymers seem to increase color, also have been shown to have a significant effect on the
with an increasing content of hydrogen in the ablation polymer. ablation performance [9].
Index Terms—Ablation materials, arc quenching, current inter- The polymer ablation process is caused by various mech-
ruption, switchgear. anisms, primarily photo induced and thermal breakdown of
chemical bonds. According to modeling results, photo-induced
ablation is dominant after the arc reaches the steady-state condi-
I. INTRODUCTION tion [12]. The polymer surface absorbs most of the short-wave
radiation ( 350 nm) while the longer wavelengths are ab-
PMMA; 160 C, 1.18 g/cm 1007 kJ/g Fig. 2. Arc ablation rig, with both copper electrodes but only one of the
polymer ablation plates is in place.
makes it possible to preset the current level for each experiment terial are necessary to estimate with good statistical confi-
by simply stepping the charging voltage up and down according dence.
to the linear voltage–current relationship. It should also be noted The method was first published in 1948 [17], and the fol-
that even the transient recovery voltage (TRV) will be propor- lowing description emphasizes the most relevant parts, applied
tional to the charging voltage. to the present case. The procedure includes the following steps.
The frequency of the discharging current is approximately 20 1) Make some initial tests and set a starting test current as
Hz which makes the interruption easier than at 50 or 60 Hz. close as possible to the expected value.
Generally, it is the derivative of the current right before current 2) Choose a step as close as possible to the expected stan-
zero, together with the TRV, that determine how difficult an in- dard deviation. Normally, 2%–3% of the start current value
terruption becomes. Moreover, the maximum interruption levels is a good choice. An inappropriate step length results in
presented in this paper are also highly dependent on the geom- poor statistical confidence.
etry of the specific test setup. But for comparing and ranking 3) Start by making a test at the start current . If the interrup-
different ablation materials against each other, it is well suited. tion is successful, the next test should be , or if the
The arc voltage, charging voltage, and the current are mea- interruption fails, the next test should be .
sured and recorded by a sampling oscilloscope. 4) Run the experiment until at least 10 successful interrup-
For each ablation material, about 40 pairs of plates were pre- tions and at least 10 failures have been recorded. The
pared. Only one single current interruption test was performed number 10 is taken from the recommendation for testing
on each pair. To determine the mass loss, each pair was weighed the dielectric strength of electric insulators [18].
with a precision of 0.01 mg before and after the experiment. The lowest current value during the test series is assigned
Before the second weighing, the surfaces of the plates were in- the index 0, and the levels upwards are numbered
spected. If any copper droplets had stuck to the surface, these , with the step in between.
were removed, while carbonized material was not removed. Be- When considering a limited number of tests, only the smallest
fore the next test, the copper electrodes were replaced with a group, either the successful or the failed interruptions, should be
new set, to ensure as similar test conditions as possible. used in the analysis. This eliminates the effect of the values from
the ramping at the beginning of the sequence, which otherwise
The approach employed in this study is to determine the cur- Define as the number of failed interruptions and as the
rent magnitude giving 50% probability for successful interrup- number of successful interruptions. Choose the smallest group
tion for each ablation material. This situation is similar to that of these and denote it as only. As stated before, in our case,
of impulse testing of electric insulation materials. In a dielectric is 10, and is the number of tests at the current level within
breakdown experiment, the critical flashover voltage (yielding a this group. can then be estimated as
50% probability for flashover) is denoted . Correspondingly,
the critical current is here referred to as .
Current interruption is a process that depends on several fac-
use negative sign if
tors. However, the two, by far, most important ones are the cur- (1)
or positive sign if
rent amplitude and the rate of rise of the recovery voltage. For
the present test circuit, the current can be used as the single where is the number of different current levels in the series.
measure of the severity of an experiment. This is because the The estimate of the standard deviation for can be found
recovery voltage is proportional to the charging voltage and, by first calculating the variance of the data obtained throughout
therefore, also to the current. Hence, the same statistical model the test procedure, here referred to as .
as when testing dielectric strength can be applied, but now with
the current as the variable.
Assume that the highest current each ablation polymer may (2)
interrupt follows a normal (Gaussian) distribution. It is not pos-
sible to measure this value directly, but only whether an inter- This is not the same as the variance for the normal distributed
ruption is successful or not for a given current. Consequently, highest current interruption value, which is the parameter of in-
the polymers have to be tested according to predefined current terest. The relationship between and has been em-
levels, which normally requires a large number of tests to give pirically determined to [17]
a statistically confident result.
In this case, each interruption experiment significantly dam- (3)
ages the electrodes and contaminates the ablation material. Both
the electrodes and the plates need to be replaced after each test. Equation (3) is an approximation which is valid if
This makes the laboratory work time consuming, so the number is larger than 0.3, which is true for all
of tests should be limited as much as possible, while still main- series in the present report.
taining sufficiently high statistical significance.
The so-called “up-and-down” method is chosen since it re- V. RESULTS
quires the lowest number of tests compared to other statistical Fig. 4 shows typical current and voltage waveforms from a
methods. Even with this procedure, 20 to 30 tests for each ma- successful interruption experiment. All successful tests yielded
Fig. 6. “Up-and-down” diagrams for all tested polymers. In each diagram, the calculated value and the standard deviation are indicated. The calculations of
the values here are based on the failed interruptions, since more successful than failed interruptions were recorded in every series. This eliminates the influence
of the successful interruptions in the beginning for each series. The increasing trends at the ends of the PC and PMMA series are a coincidence.
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• Even for an open arc-quenching assembly with static elec- [16] E. Jonsson, M. Runde, G. Dominguez, A. Friberg, and E. Johansson,
trodes, the presence of ablation polymer enhances the cur- “Arc quenching performance due to ablation; comparison between
four common polymers,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Elect. Contacts, 2012, pp.
rent interruption capability to an impressive degree. 41–44.
• From a large number of experiments, with pristine condi- [17] W. J. Dixon and F. J. Massey, “A method for obtaining and analyzing
tions in each test, PP interrupts almost 2.7 times higher cur- sensitivity data,” J. Amer. Statist. Ass., vol. 43, pp. 109–126, 1948.
[18] E. Kuffel, W. S. Zaengl, and J. Kuffel, High Voltage Engineering: Fun-
rent than PTFE. PC and PMMA have very similar perfor- damentals. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Elsevier, 2000.
mance, ranging 2.2 to 2.3 times higher than PTFE.
• High content of hydrogen combined with a clean and com- Erik Jonsson, photograph and biography not available at the time of
plete ablation process are favorable properties for polymer publication.
ablation materials.
• Among the tested polymers, low “evaporation energy” (de- Magne Runde, photograph and biography not available at the time of
fined before), as determined by a TGA measurement, cor- publication.
relates well with high-current interruption performance.
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