ASHRAE 154 - Ventilation For Commercial Cooking Operations - Unlocked

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ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

(Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2011)

Ventilation for
Commercial Cooking

Approved by ASHRAE on July 31, 2016, and by the American National Standards Institute on August 1, 2016.

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ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee 154

Cognizant TC: 5.10, Kitchen Ventilation
SPLS Liaison: Keith I. Emerson
Richard T. Swierczyna*, Chair (2015–2016) Jayendra S. Parikh
Stephen L. Brown, Chair (2013–2015) Russell R. Robison*
Gregg Gress*, Co-Vice Chair Andre R. Saldivar*
Jimmy Sandusky*, Co-Vice Chair Curt Sawan*
Adam P. Jarboe John A. Clark
Francis J. Kohout* Derek W. Schrock
Terry L. McCabe* Michael L. Watz, Jr.

* Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publication


Rita M. Harrold, Chair Julie M. Ferguson Cyrus H. Nasseri
Steven J. Emmerich, Vice-Chair Michael W. Gallagher David Robin
James D. Aswegan Walter T. Grondzik Peter Simmonds
Niels Bidstrup Vinod P. Gupta Dennis A. Stanke
Donald M. Brundage Susanna S. Hanson Wayne H. Stoppelmoor, Jr.
Waller S. Clements Roger L. Hedrick Jack H. Zarour
Drury B. Crawley Rick M. Heiden William F. Walter, BOD ExO
John F. Dunlap, Srinivas Katipamula Patricia Graef, CO
James W. Earley, Jr. Arsen K. Melikov
Keith I. Emerson R. Lee Millies, Jr.

Stephanie C. Reiniche, Senior Manager of Standards

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ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016,
Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Operations
Foreword .....................................................................................................................................................................2
1 Purpose.............................................................................................................................................................2
2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................2
3 Definitions .........................................................................................................................................................2
4 Exhaust Hoods..................................................................................................................................................5
5 Exhaust Systems ............................................................................................................................................10
6 Replacement Air..............................................................................................................................................11
7 System Controls..............................................................................................................................................12
8 Administration and Compliance ......................................................................................................................12
9 References......................................................................................................................................................12
Informative Annex A: Examples of Air Balancing ..................................................................................................14
Informative Annex B: Alternative Airflow Calculation Method ...............................................................................17
Informative Annex C: Hood Energy Savings Calculation ......................................................................................19
Informative Annex D: Using ASHRAE Standard 154 to Determine Hood Overhangs and Exhaust Airflows........21
Informative Annex E: Informative Bibliography .....................................................................................................23


Approved addenda, errata, or interpretations for this standard can be downloaded free of charge from the ASHRAE
website at

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(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merely based on the temperature of the cooking surface. The follow-
informative and does not contain requirements necessary ing appliance duty classifications are used in this standard:
for conformance to the standard. It has not been pro- a. light: a cooking process requiring an exhaust airflow
cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard rate of less than 200 cfm/ft (310 L/s/m) for capture,
and may contain material that has not been subject to containment, and removal of the cooking effluent and
public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objec- products of combustion.
tors on informative material are not offered the right to b. medium: a cooking process requiring an exhaust
appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.) airflow rate of 200 to 300 cfm/ft (310 to 460 L/s/m) for
capture, containment, and removal of the cooking
effluent and products of combustion.
First published in 2003, ASHRAE Standard 154 has been c. heavy: a cooking process requiring an exhaust airflow
thoroughly revised in this edition to make it code enforceable rate of 300 to 400 cfm/ft (460 to 620 L/s/m) for
and to provide the most complete design guidance available capture, containment, and removal of the cooking
on commercial kitchen ventilation components and systems. effluent and products of combustion.
In revising this standard, the project committee has drawn d. extra-heavy: a cooking process requiring an exhaust
upon recent laboratory research that was sponsored in part airflow rate greater than 400 cfm/ft (620 L/s/m) for
by ASHRAE and assembled by the ASHRAE Technical Com- capture, containment, and removal of the cooking
mittee on kitchen ventilation, TC 5.10. It has also relied upon effluent and products of combustion.
the significant field experiences of the manufacturers, design- approved: acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.
ers, and users of kitchen ventilation systems. The standard is
intended to serve as a template for standardization, harmoni- back-wall supply: see replacement air, makeup air (dedicated
zation, and ongoing revision of related model and adopted replacement air), back-wall.
codes and to bring consistency to design requirements and baffle filter: see grease removal device.
applications of commercial kitchen ventilation systems. capture area: the area within an exhaust hood that contains
This revision of Standard 154-2011 addresses recent cooking effluent until it is exhausted.
advancements in commercial kitchen ventilation (CKV)
research, CKV system components, and cooking appliances capture and containment (C&C): an exhaust hood’s ability
and continues the advancement of Standard 154 as the lead- to capture and contain the cooking effluent and heat generated
ing CKV code-language design document. during cooking operations.
cartridge filter: see grease removal device.
centrifugal fan: see exhaust fan.
The purpose of this standard is to provide design criteria for certified: see listed.
acceptable performance in commercial cooking ventilation
systems. compensating hood: see replacement air, makeup air (dedi-
cated replacement air), internal.
2. SCOPE commercial cooking appliance: an appliance specifically
2.1 This standard covers designed to be used in a food-service-establishment kitchen,

such as, but not limited to, a restaurant or cafeteria kitchen.

a. kitchen hoods, Appliances designed for residential use shall be treated as
b. exhaust systems, and commercial appliances when installed in commercial food-
c. replacement air systems. service establishments.
condensate hood: see hood, Type II hood.
2.2 This standard shall not be used to circumvent any safety,
health, or environmental requirements. cooking effluent: the emissions generated by cooking appli-
ances during their operation; for example, convective heat,
3. DEFINITIONS moisture, vapor, products of combustion, smoke, and particu-
late matter.
air curtain supply: see replacement air, makeup air (dedi-
cated replacement air), air curtain. demand-control ventilation: a ventilation system that utilizes
an automatically controlled variable-speed device, such as a
appliance: a cooking device or apparatus used in a kitchen multispeed fan or variable-speed drive, to modulate the
that consumes energy provided by gas, electricity, solid fuel, exhaust airflow rates in response to the variation in cooking
steam, or another fuel source. load.
appliance duty level: an appliance rating category based on duct: a conduit for conveying cooking effluent from the hood
the exhaust airflow required to capture, contain, and remove to the outdoors or for conveying replacement air into a room
the cooking effluent and products of combustion under typi- or space.
cal operating conditions with a nonengineered wall-mounted
canopy hood (based on ASHRAE RP-1362 1). This is differ- ductless hood: see recirculating hood.
ent from the historical approach, in which duty levels were end skirt: see side panel.

2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

exfiltration: leakage or flow of indoor air out of the building accumulation of combustible condensation, thus reducing the
or space through openings in the building or space envelope, possibility of fire within the duct system.
whether intentional or unintentional. The driving force for grease laden: containing grease particles and/or grease vapor.
exfiltration is a positive pressure in the building or space rela-
tive to the exterior of the building envelope. grease removal device: a device designed and installed in a
Type I hood to remove grease vapor and/or particles from the
exhaust fan: a fan used to exhaust cooking effluent collected airstream. As used in this standard, the term refers to devices
by a hood. Also referred to as a power roof ventilator. The that are certified to UL Standard 1046, Grease Filters for
majority of these fans have a centrifugal fan wheel. Fans used Exhaust Ducts 4, or to UL Standard 710, Exhaust Hoods for
in Type I hood applications must include provisions for han- Commercial Cooking Equipment 5, as part of the hood.
dling grease and access for cleaning. Devices include but are not limited to the following:
a. in-line exhaust fan or tubular centrifugal fan: a fan a. baffle filter: a filter typically having a series of verti-
designed for mounting indoors or outdoors in a cal baffles designed to capture grease and drain to a
section of duct between the hood and the point of grease trough. Filters are removable for cleaning and
discharge. Air enters the fan axially and discharges maintenance of the hood.
linear to the entrance. b. cartridge filter: a filter having a horizontal slot open-
b. roof exhaust fan or power roof ventilator: a fan ing with a series of internal deflectors designed to
designed for curb mounting on a roof and that capture grease and drain to a grease trough. Filters are
discharges downward toward the roof, vertically up removable for cleaning and maintenance of the hood.
away from the roof, or horizontally away from the c. fixed or stationary extractor: a device typically
building. Fans that discharge downward may be used having horizontal slot openings with a series of inter-
only for Type II hood applications. nal deflectors designed to capture grease and drain to
c. up-blast exhaust fan: a fan designed for curb-mount- a grease trough. Extractors are not removable from the
ing on a roof or for wall mounting. Air enters the fan hood and typically have access doors for cleaning and
axially but discharges radially from the centrifugal maintenance of the hood.
impeller and turns 90 degrees to exit the fan vertically d. multistage extractor or filter: these devices consist of
where roof-mounted and horizontally where wall- a series of two or more grease removal devices located
mounted. in the hood.
d. side-wall exhaust fan: a fan design similar to an up- e. removable extractor: any style of grease removal
blast exhaust fan but designed to mount outdoors on device that is removable from the hood.
the side wall of a building. The mounting arrangement f. water wash: a version of the fixed extractor that has a
and internal construction may be specific to side system of built-in nozzles for cleaning the grease
discharge orientation. The fan discharges horizontally removal device.
away from the building.
greasetight: designed to prevent the leakage of grease under
e. utility-set exhaust fan: a fan typically designed with normal operating conditions.
a single-inlet, a scroll housing, and a backward-
inclined or an airfoil centrifugal impeller. It can hood: a device designed to capture and contain cooking efflu-
provide a higher static efficiency capability than a ent, including grease, smoke, steam, heat, and vapor, until it is
typical power roof ventilator. Air enters the impeller exhausted through a duct or recirculating system. Hoods are
axially and leaves it in a substantially radial direction. categorized as Type I or Type II.
These can be mounted indoors or outdoors in-line Type I hood: a hood used for collecting and removing
having additional duct between the fan outlet and the convective heat, grease particulate, condensible vapor,
point of discharge. and smoke. This category includes listed grease filters,
baffles, or extractors for removing the grease and a fire-
exhaust fire (actuated) damper: a damper arranged to auto-
suppression system. Type I hoods are installed over
matically close to restrict the passage of fire airflow into the
cooking appliances, such as ranges, fryers, griddles,
exhaust duct.
broilers, and ovens, that produce smoke or grease-laden
fire resistance rating: the time rating of a material or assem- vapors. For Type I hoods, the following types of hoods
bly indicating its ability to withstand exposure to a fire. are commonly available.
fire suppression system: an automatic fire suppression sys- a. wall-mounted canopy hood: a wall canopy exhaust
tem that is specifically designed to protect Type I hood sys- hood is mounted against a wall above a single appli-
tems and, where required, the cooking appliances served by ance or a line of appliances, or it may be freestanding
the hood system(s). with a vertical back panel extending from the rear of
the appliance(s) to the hood. It typically overhangs the
front-face supply: see replacement air, makeup air (dedi-
front and sides of the appliance(s) on all open sides of
cated replacement air), front-face.
the hood. The wall acts as a back panel, forcing
grease duct: a duct system for the conveyance of cooking replacement air to be drawn across the front and/or
effluent. The system is designed and installed to reduce the side(s) of the cooking appliance, thus increasing the

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016 3

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effectiveness of the hood to capture and contain efflu- interlock, indirect: the indirect connection between equip-
ent generated by the cooking operations. Mounting ment through an external controller; for example, a timeclock,
height varies. building automation system, heat sensor, etc.
b. single-island canopy hood: a single-island canopy internal discharge makeup air: see replacement air, makeup
hood is placed over a single appliance or line of appli- air (dedicated replacement air), internal.
ances. It is open on all sides and overhangs the front,
rear, and sides of the appliance(s). A single-island labeled: equipment or materials to which a label, symbol, or
canopy is more susceptible to cross drafts and requires other identifying mark of an organization, acceptable to the
greater exhaust airflow than an equivalent-sized wall- authority having jurisdiction, has been attached. This organi-
mounted canopy to capture and contain effluent gener- zation is concerned with product evaluation and maintains
ated by the cooking operations. Mounting height periodic inspection of the production of labeled equipment or
varies. materials. By labeling the equipment or materials, the manu-
c. double-island canopy hood: a double-island canopy facturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or
hood is placed over back-to-back appliances or lines performance in a specified manner.
of appliances. It is open on all sides and overhangs the liquid-tight: constructed and performing so as not to permit
front and the sides of the appliance(s). It may have a the leakage of any liquid at any temperature.
wall panel between the backs of the appliances.
Mounting height varies. listed: equipment or materials included in a list published by
d. backshelf hood: also referred to as a noncanopy hood, an organization acceptable to the authority having jurisdic-
low-proximity hood, or sidewall hood (where wall tion. This organization is concerned with product evaluation
mounted). Its front lower lip is low over the appli- and performs periodic inspections of production of listed
ance(s) and is typically set back from the front of the equipment or materials. The list states either that the equip-
appliance(s), which means there may be no front over- ment or material meets appropriate standards or that it has
hang of appliance(s). It is always closed to the rear of been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner.
the appliances by a panel where freestanding or by a makeup air: see replacement air, makeup air (dedicated
panel or wall when wall mounted, and its height above replacement air).

the cooking surface varies. This style of hood can be

constructed with partial end panels to increase its mounting height: typically the height above the finished
effectiveness in capturing the effluent generated by floor at which the bottom front edge of a canopy or noncan-
the cooking operations. opy hood is mounted. Listed hoods are typically rated at the
minimum and maximum heights above the cooking surface at
e. eyebrow hood: an eyebrow hood is mounted directly
which they may be mounted.
to the face or top of an appliance above the opening(s)
or door(s) from which effluent is emitted, overhang- multiple-hood exhaust system: a system in which more than
ing the front of the opening(s) to capture the effluent. one hood is connected to a common exhaust duct and fan
Mounting height is fixed. system.
f. pass-over hood: a pass-over hood is a backshelf hood multistage extractor: see grease removal device.
constructed and installed low enough to allow food to
be passed over the top. Mounting height varies. net exhaust flow rate: the exhaust flow rate for a hood, minus
g. ventilated ceiling hood: typically installed so that the any internal discharge makeup airflow rate.
bottom edge of the hood is flush with the ceiling overhang: the horizontal distance that the lower front edge of
height. the hood extends beyond the top horizontal cooking surface
h. recirculating hood: a hood with an integral or non- of the appliance.
integral electric cooking appliance to capture and
contain cooking effluent, consisting of a fan, air filter- outdoor air: the air outside of a building or air taken from
ing system, and a fire extinguishing system. the outdoors and not previously circulated through an HVAC
Type II hood: a hood that collects and removes steam,
heat, and products of combustion where grease or smoke packaged: provided by a manufacturer or vendor in a sub-
is not present. It may or may not have grease filters or stantially complete and operable condition.
baffles and is not designed to have a fire-suppression sys- power roof ventilator: see exhaust fan.
tem. A Type II hood can be used where the cooking oper-
ation from each appliance underneath the hood does not recirculating system: systems for control of smoke and
produce grease in excess of 3.1 × 10–7 lb/ft3 (5 mg/m3) grease-laden vapors from commercial cooking appliances that
when measured at 500 cfm (236 L/s) exhaust airflow. do not exhaust to the outdoors.
hood type: see hood, Type I hood and hood, Type II hood. replacement air: outdoor air that is used to replace air
removed from a building through an exhaust system. Replace-
infiltration: see replacement air, infiltration.
ment air may be derived from one or more of the following:
interlock, direct: the direct connection between equipment, makeup air, supply air, transfer air, and infiltration. However,
such as between a common circuit, relays, etc. the ultimate source of all replacement air is outdoor air.

4 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

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makeup air (dedicated replacement air): air deliberately room that originated as outdoor air may be considered
brought into the building from the outdoors and supplied transfer air.
to the vicinity of an exhaust hood to replace the air and infiltration: leakage or flow of outdoor air into the build-
cooking effluent being exhausted. Makeup air is gener- ing or space through openings in the building or space
ally filtered and fan-forced, and it may be heated or envelope, whether intentional or unintentional. The driving
cooled depending on the requirements of the application. force for infiltration is a negative pressure in a space or
Makeup air may be delivered through outlets integral to building relative to the exterior of the building envelope.
the exhaust hood (compensating hoods) or through out-
setback: the horizontal distance that the top horizontal cook-
lets in the same room. Following are systems commonly
ing surface of an appliance extends beyond the front edge of a
used to supply makeup air.
backshelf or pass-over hood.
a. air curtain: air that is introduced vertically downward
short-circuit makeup air: see replacement air, makeup air
through a slot, louvers, or holes along the front edge
(dedicated replacement air), internal.
of the hood or around the perimeter of the hood. This
design has also been referred to as down-discharge. side panel: a panel that is attached to the lower edge of the
b. back-wall: air that is introduced behind and/or below end wall of a hood effectively extending the side of the hood
the cooking equipment. A makeup air plenum is down closer to the cooking appliance.
installed between the back of the hood and the wall. smoke bomb: a device that combusts to produce a large vol-
The full-length plenum typically extends down the ume of smoke, greater than 400 cfm (189 L/s).
wall to approximately 6 in. (150 mm) below the cook-
smoke candle or smoke puffer: a device that is ignited and
ing surface or 2 to 3 ft (600 to 900 mm) above the floor.
combusts to produce smoke or uses a chemical interaction
The air supplied by this system mostly enters the
(such as titanium tetrahydrochloride [TiCL4] with humid air) to
kitchen space rather than remain contained in the
produce smoke or that emits a silica powder to produce smoke.
cooking zone.
c. front-face: air that is introduced either horizontally or solid-fuel cooking appliance: an appliance that combusts a
at a slight downward angle from horizontal from the solid fuel such as wood, charcoal, or coal to provide all or part
front of the hood plenum. of the heat for the cooking process.
d. internal: typically in this design, untempered makeup solid-fuel flavoring cooking appliance: an appliance that
air is introduced directly into the hood cavity. This uses an energy source other than solid fuel to provide all of
design has also been referred to as short-circuit. the heat for the cooking process and also combusts solid fuel
e. perimeter: makeup air is discharged vertically down- solely for the purpose of imparting flavor to the food being
ward from a plenum above and outside of the front and cooked.
sides of the hood.
supply air: see replacement air, supply air.
supply air: air entering a space from an air-conditioning,
heating, or ventilating system for the purpose of comfort transfer air: see replacement air, supply air.
conditioning. Supply air is generally filtered, fan-forced, tubular centrifugal fan: see exhaust fan, tubular centrifugal
and heated, cooled, humidified, or dehumidified as nec- fan.
essary to maintain specified temperature and humidity
conditions. Only the quantity of outdoor air within the 4. EXHAUST HOODS
supply airflow is used as replacement air. Following are 4.1 Hood Requirements
systems commonly used for delivering supply air.
4.1.1 Type I hoods shall be listed in accordance with UL
a. louvered ceiling diffusers: ceiling-installed, aspirat- Standard 710 5, UL Standard 710B 3, or UL Standard 710C 6
ing, two-, three-, or four-way diffusers. Air should not and shall be installed in accordance with their listing require-
be directed toward the hood. ments. Type II hoods shall meet the requirements of Sections
b. perforated diffusers: a ceiling-installed diffuser with 4.2 through 4.8. Type I hoods shall meet the requirements of
a perforated face. Air should not be directed toward Section 4.2 and Sections 4.5 through 4.8. Where a Type II
the hoods. hood is required, a Type II or listed Type I hood shall be pro-
c. linear slot diffusers: ceiling-installed diffusers, typi- vided.
cally placed around the perimeter of rooms. These have Recirculating systems and recirculating hoods
a higher discharge velocity than a louvered ceiling. shall be listed in accordance with UL Standard 710B 3.
d. displacement diffusers: floor-, wall-, and ceiling-
4.1.2 A performance test of an installed Type I hood shall
mounted diffusers with perforated face areas provid-
be carried out as specified in Section 4.7.
ing laminar low-velocity flow from the face.
transfer air: air transferred from one room to another 4.2 Where Required
through openings in the room envelope, whether it is 4.2.1 Table 1 specifies the Type I hood requirements by
transferred intentionally or not. The driving force for appliance description. Table 2 specifies the appliance duty
transfer air is generally a small pressure differential classification as it relates to the Type II hood requirements.
between the rooms, although one or more fans may be Exception: Equipment that is listed in Table 2 and the addi-
used. Only that portion of air transferred from another tional heat and moisture loads generated by unhooded

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016 5

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electric appliances are included in the sensible and Canopy Type Hood. The vertical distance
latent cooling load calculations to determine the between the front lower edge of the hood and the cooking sur-
required capacity of the HVAC system. face shall not exceed 48 in. (1219 mm). The vertical distance
4.2.2 Type II hoods shall be installed in accordance with the between the front lower edge of the hood and the finished
overhangs shown in Table 3 and the net exhaust airflow rates floor shall not be less than 78 in. (1981 mm). The inside hood
shown in Table 4, based on the maximum appliance duty level height shall be at least 24 in. (610 mm).
shown in Table 2 for the appliances underneath the hood. Type Eyebrow Type Hood. The front lower edge of
II hoods may also be installed where cooking or dishwashing the hood shall be at least 78 in. (1981 mm) above the finished
appliances produce heat, steam, or products of combustion and floor.
do not produce grease in excess of 3.1 × 10–7 lb/ft3 (5 mg/m3) Backshelf/Pass-Over Type Hood. The vertical
when measured at an exhaust airflow of 500 cfm (236 L/s). distance between the front lower edge of the hood and the
Informative Note: The 3.1 × 10–7 lb/ft3 (5 mg/m3) grease cooking surface shall be a maximum of 24 in. (610 mm)
concentration when measured at 500 cfm (236 L/s) of exhaust above the cooking surface.
air is equivalent to 9.3 × 10–3 lb/h (4.21 × 10–3 kg/h) of grease 4.4 Type II Hood Airflow Rates
generated by the cooking process.
4.4.1 The net exhaust flow rate (see definition in Section 3)
4.2.3 A Type I hood shall be provided where a cooking for Type II hoods shall comply with Table 4. The duty level
operation within a commercial or institutional food service for the hood shall be the duty level of the appliance that has
facility produces smoke or grease-laden vapors. Appliances the highest (heaviest) duty level of all the appliances that are
that produce greater than 3.1 × 10–7 lb/ft3 (5 mg/m3) of grease installed underneath the hood according to Table 2.
(when measured at 500 cfm [236 L/s] exhaust airflow) shall
Exception: Type II hoods that are shown by the perfor-
require a Type I hood. Type I hoods shall be installed in
mance test in Section 4.7 to provide equivalent capture
accordance with the overhangs shown in Table 3.
and containment at lower airflow rates.
4.5 Internal Discharge Makeup
1. Cooking appliances not used for commercial pur-
4.5.1 Where a Type I or Type II hood has internal discharge
poses and installed within dwelling units.
makeup air, the makeup airflow shall not exceed 10% of the
2. Appliances listed in Table 2 that produce less than
exhaust airflow. The exhaust airflow required to meet this
3.1 × 10–7 lb/ft3 (5 mg/m3) of grease (when mea-
standard shall be the net exhaust from the hood, calculated as
sured at 500 cfm [236 L/s] exhaust airflow).
Informative Note: The 3.1 × 10–7 lb/ft3 (5 mg/m3) grease
concentration when measured at 500 cfm (236 L/s) of exhaust ENET = EHOOD – MAID
air is equivalent to 9.3 × 10–3 lb/h (4.21 × 10–3 kg/h) of grease
generated by the cooking process. where
4.2.4 Solid-Fuel Cooking Appliances. Exhaust hood sys- ENET = net hood exhaust, cfm (L/s)
tems, including hoods, ducts, and exhaust fans, serving one or EHOOD = total hood exhaust, cfm (L/s)
more solid-fuel cooking appliances shall be independent of MAID = makeup air, internal discharge, cfm (L/s)
all other exhaust systems.
4.6 Type I Hood Grease Extraction
Exception: Cooking processes that only use solid fuel for
flavoring are exempt from this requirement. 4.6.1 Type I hoods shall be provided with a grease removal
device in accordance with their listing.
4.3 Type II Hood Sizing
4.6.2 For grease removal devices that report grease removal
4.3.1 Type II hood overhangs and setbacks shall comply efficiency, the efficiency data shall be reported as determined
with Table 3 on all open sides, measured in the horizontal by ASTM F2519 7.
plane from the inside edge of the hood to the edge of the top
horizontal surface of the appliance. The vertical distance 4.7 Hood Performance Test
between the front lower lip of the hood and appliance cooking 4.7.1 Type II Hood Performance Test. A performance test
surface shall not exceed 4 ft (1219 mm). shall be conducted upon the completion of—and before final
Exception: A side overhang is not required where full side approval of—installation of a ventilation system serving com-
panels or panels angled from the front lip of the hood to mercial cooking appliances. The test shall verify the rate of
exhaust airflow required by Section 4.2. The permit holder
the front of the appliance at cooking-surface height are
shall furnish the necessary test equipment and devices required
installed (see Figure 1).
to perform the tests.
4.3.2 The spaces between appliances, the backs of appli- 4.7.2 Type I Hood Capture and Containment Test. The
ances, and the spaces from the appliances to walls or end pan- permit holder shall verify the capture and containment perfor-
els shall be included in overall hood dimensions. In the case mance of Type I hoods. A field test shall be conducted with
of island hoods, appliance flues shall be included in the cook- all appliances under the hood at operating temperatures, all
ing surface dimensions. the hoods operating at design airflows, and with all sources of
4.3.3 Hoods shall be mounted above the cooking surface as replacement air operating at design airflows for the restau-
follows: rant. Capture and containment shall be verified visually by

6 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
TABLE 1 Type I Hood Requirements by Appliance Type

Type I Hoodsa
Appliance Description Size Light Duty Medium Duty Heavy Duty Duty
Braising pan/tilting skillet, electric All •
Oven, baking, electric and gas All •
Oven, rotisserie, electric and gas All •
Oven, combination, electric and gas All •
Oven, convection, full-size, electric and gas All •
Oven, convection, half-size, electric and gas (protein cooking) All •
Oven, conveyor, electric All •
Oven, deck, electric and gas All •
Oven, duck, electric and gas All •
Oven, revolving rack, electric and gas All •
Oven, rapid cook, electric All •
Oven, roasting, electric and gas All •
Oven, rotisserie, electric and gas All •
Oven, stone hearth, gas All •
Range, cook-top, induction All •
Range, discrete element, electric (with or without oven) All •
Salamander, electric and gas All •
Braising pan/tilting skillet, gas All •
Broiler, chain conveyor, electric All •
Broiler, electric, underfired All •
Fryer, doughnut, electric and gas All •
Fryer, kettle, electric and gas All •
Fryer, open deep-fat, electric and gas All •
Fryer, pressure, electric and gas All •
Griddle, double-sided, electric and gas All •
Griddle, flat, electric and gas All •
Oven, conveyor, gas All •
Range, open burner, gas (with or without oven) All •
Range, hot top, electric and gas All •
Smoker, electric and gas All •
Broiler, chain conveyor, gas All •
Broiler, electric and gas, over-fired (upright) All •
Broiler, gas, underfired All •
Grill, plancha, electric and gas All •
Oven, tandoor, gas All •
Range, wok, gas and electric All •
Oven, stone hearth, wood-fired or wood for flavoring All •
Solid fuel cooking appliances combusting a solid fuel (such as All •
wood, charcoal, or coal) to provide all or part of the heat for the
cooking process b
a. Where recirculating systems or recirculating hoods are used, the additional heat and moisture loads generated by such appliances shall be accounted for in the sensible and latent
loads for the HVAC system.
b. Solid-fuel flavoring cooking appliances shall comply with Table 1 as if they do not combust solid fuel.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016 7

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TABLE 2 Type II Hood Requirements by Appliance Description

Type II Hoodsb
Appliance Description Size Hood Not Requireda Light Duty Medium Duty
Cabinet, holding, electric All •
Cabinet, proofing, electric All •
Cheese-melter, electric All •
Coffee maker, electric All •
Cooktop, induction, electric All •
Dishwasher, door-type rack, hot water sanitizing, heat recovery and vapor
reduction, electric All •
Dishwasher, door-type rack, chemical sanitizing, heat recovery and vapor
reduction, electric All •
Dishwasher, door-type dump and fill, hot water sanitizing, electric All •
Dishwasher, door-type dump and fill, chemical sanitizing, electric All •
Dishwasher, pot and pan, hot water sanitizing, heat recovery and vapor
reduction, electric All •
Dishwasher, powered sink, electric All •
Dishwasher, under-counter, chemical sanitizing, electric All •
Dishwasher, under-counter, electric All •
Dishwasher, undercounter, hot water sanitizing, heat recovery and vapor
reduction, electric All •
Drawer warmer, 2 drawer, electric All •
Egg cooker, electric All •
Espresso machine, electric All •
Grill, panini, electric All •
Hot dog cooker, electric All •
Hot plate, countertop, electric All •
Ovens, microwave, electric All •
Popcorn machine, electric All •
Rethermalizer, electric All •
Rice cooker, electric All •
Steam table, electric All •
Steamers, bun, electric All •
Steamer, compartment atmospheric, countertop, electric All •
Steamer, compartment pressurized, countertop, electric All •
Table, hot food, electric All •
Toaster, electric All •

Waffle iron, electric All •

Kettle, steam jacketed, tabletop, electric, gas and direct steam gallons •

Oven, convection, half-size, electric and gas (non-protein cooking) All •

Pasta cooker, electric All •
Rethermalizer, gas All •
a. Where hoods are not required, the additional heat and moisture loads generated by such appliances shall be accounted for in the sensible and latent loads for the HVAC system.
b. Where recirculating systems or recirculating hoods are used, the additional heat and moisture loads generated by such appliances shall be accounted for in the sensible and latent loads
for the HVAC system.

8 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

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or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
TABLE 2 Type II Hood Requirements by Appliance Description

Type II Hoodsb
Appliance Description Size Hood Not Requireda Light Duty Medium Duty

Rice cooker, gas All •

Steamer, atmospheric, gas All •
Steamer, pressurized, gas All •
Steamer, atmospheric, floor-mounted, electric All •
Steamer, pressurized, floor-mounted, electric All •
Kettle, steam-jacketed floor mounted, electric, gas, and direct steam <20 gal •
Dishwasher, conveyor rack, chemical sanitizing All •
Dishwasher, conveyor rack, hot water sanitizing All •
Dishwasher, door-type rack, chemical sanitizing All •
Dishwasher, door-type rack, hot water sanitizing All •
Dishwasher, pot and pan, hot water sanitizing All •
Pasta cooker, gas All •
Steam-jacketed kettle, floor mounted,
electric and gas ≥20 gal •
a. Where hoods are not required, the additional heat and moisture loads generated by such appliances shall be accounted for in the sensible and latent loads for the HVAC system.
b. Where recirculating systems or recirculating hoods are used, the additional heat and moisture loads generated by such appliances shall be accounted for in the sensible and latent loads
for the HVAC system.

TABLE 3 Minimum Overhang Requirements for Type II Hoods

Type of Hood End Overhang, in. (mm) Front Overhang, in. (mm) Rear Overhang, in. (mm)

Wall-mounted canopy 6 (152) 12 (305) N/A


Single-island canopy 12 (305) 12 (305) 12 (154)

Double-island canopy 12 (305) 12 (305) N/A

Eyebrow N/A 12 (305) N/A

Backshelf/proximity/pass-over 6 (152) 10 (254) (setback) N/A

N/A = Not Applicable

TABLE 4 Type II Hood Minimum Net Exhaust Airflow Rates

Minimum Net Exhaust Flow Rate

per Linear Hood Length, cfm/ft (L/s/m)

Light Duty Medium Duty

Type of Hood Equipment Equipment

Wall-mounted 200 (310) 300 (465)


Single island 400 (620) 500 (775)

Double island 250 (388) 250 (388)

Eyebrow 250 (388) 250 (388)

Backshelf 200 (310) 300 (465)

(pass-over) FIGURE 1 3 × 3 ft (914 × 914 mm) partial side panel.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016 9

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observing smoke or steam produced by actual cooking opera- material, interior installation (including fire-rated enclosures
tion or by simulating cooking using devices such as smoke and the clearance between the duct and interior surface of the
candles or smoke puffers. Smoke bombs shall not be used. enclosures), exterior installation, and exhaust system termina-
Informative Note: Smoke bombs typically create new tion on the roof or at a wall, refer to NFPA 96 9, the Interna-
effluent from a point source and do not necessarily show tional Mechanical Code 10, or local codes.
whether the cooking effluent is being captured. Actual cook- 5.1.7 Ducts with field-applied insulation listed in accor-
ing at the normal production rate is the most reliable method dance with ASTM E 2336, Standard Test Methods for Fire
of generating smoke. Resistive Grease Duct Enclosure Systems 11, and factory-built
4.8 Hood Clearance to Combustibles ducts with integral insulation listed in accordance with UL
4.8.1 Type I hoods shall be installed with a minimum 18 in. 2221, Tests of Fire Resistive Grease Duct Enclosure
(457 mm) clearance to combustibles from any hood surface. Assemblies 12, are acceptable, where included in NFPA 96 9,
Exception: Type I hoods that are listed to reduced clear- the International Mechanical Code 10, or the Uniform
ances in accordance with Standard UL710 5 or Standard Mechanical Code 13 for use as an alternative to a duct and
UL 710B 3 shall be installed at a minimum clearance to fire-resistance-rated shaft enclosure around the duct.
combustibles in accordance with their listings. 5.2 Duct Leakage Testing
5. EXHAUST SYSTEMS 5.2.1 Prior to the use or concealment of any portion of a
grease duct system, a leakage test shall be performed to deter-
5.1 Duct Systems mine that all welded joints and seams are liquid tight. The
5.1.1 Ducts serving Type I hoods shall be constructed of leakage test shall consist of a light test, water pressure test, or
carbon steel of a minimum 16 gage thickness or stainless steel an approved equivalent test. The permit holder shall be
of a minimum 18 gage thickness. All seams, joints, and pene- responsible for providing the necessary equipment and for
trations shall have a liquid-tight continuous external or inter- performing the test.
nal weld. Internal welds shall be flush with the duct walls and Light Test. The light test shall be performed by
accessible for inspection.
passing a lamp having a power rating of not less than 100 W
Exception: Factory-built ducts listed in accordance with through the entire section of ductwork to be tested. The lamp
UL 1978 8. shall be open so as to emit light equally in all directions per-
5.1.2 Ducts shall be constructed and installed so that grease pendicular to the duct walls. No light from the duct interior
cannot collect in any portion thereof, and ducts shall slope not shall be visible through any exterior surface.
less than one-fourth unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (2% Water Test. The water test shall be performed by
slope) toward the hood or toward an approved grease reser- use of a pressure washer operating at a minimum of 1500 psi
voir. Where horizontal ducts exceed 75 ft (22.8 m) in length, (10.34 kPa), simulating cleaning operations. The water shall
the slope shall not be less than one unit vertical in 12 units be applied directly to all areas to be tested. No water applied
horizontal (8.3% slope).
to the duct interior shall be visible on any exterior surface in
Exception: Listed factory-built ducts constructed of a any volume during the test.
round cross section shall be permitted to be installed at
a reduced slope as allowed by their listing and the man- 5.3 Airflow Performance
ufacturer’s installation instructions. 5.3.1 The velocity in the duct shall be at least 500 fpm
5.1.3 Ducts shall not pass through firewalls unless enclosed (2.54 m/s).
in accordance with the applicable codes and standards. Informative Note: This standard does not limit the air-
5.1.4 Ducts shall lead to the exterior of the building. flow velocity by specifying a maximum velocity, but due to
typical spatial and cost constraints, general design duct veloc-
5.1.5 A separate grease duct system shall be provided for
ities between 1500 and 1800 fpm (7.62 and 9.14 m/s) are
each Type I hood. A separate grease duct system is not
often used when designing for maximum airflows. Duct
required where all of the following conditions are met:
velocities greater than 2500 fpm (12.70 m/s) can cause
a. All interconnected hoods are located within the same story. unwanted duct pressure and noise levels.
b. All interconnected hoods are located within the same 5.3.2 Lower exhaust airflow than that required for full-load
room or in adjoining rooms. cooking conditions is permitted during no-load cooking con-
c. Interconnecting ducts do not penetrate fire barriers. ditions, where engineered controls or listed multispeed or
d. The grease duct system does not serve solid fuel-fired variable-speed controls automatically operate the exhaust sys-
appliance(s). tem to maintain capture and removal of cooking effluents.
5.1.6 Ducts shall be installed without forming dips or traps 5.4 Fans
that might collect grease, except where unavoidable. In such 5.4.1 Fans shall be of sufficient capacity to provide the
situations, the duct section having a dip or trap shall be pro- required airflow against the system’s resistance. Expected air
vided with drain access for regular cleanout. temperatures, altitude, windage, and system effects shall be
Informative Note: For other duct construction and instal- taken into account when determining fan capacity. Fan air
lation details, such as welded duct connections, access open- performance shall be tested and certified according to AMCA
ings for inspection and maintenance, clearance to combustible Standard 210 14.

10 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

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Informative Note: Belt-drive fans and adjustable-drive 5.6.2 Exhaust airstreams for Type I hoods shall be located a
sheaves provide a means of adjusting the fan speed for final minimum of 40 in. (1016 mm) above the finished roof surface
system balancing. A variable-speed controller allows a and be directed away from roof and building surfaces.
broader range of speed adjustability. 5.6.3 Additional protection for roofing material at the
5.4.2 Exhaust fans (up-blast, in-line, or utility-set fans) exhaust discharge of a Type I hood shall be provided to pre-
serving Type I hoods shall be capable of handling hot, grease- vent material degradation or failure.
laden air and flare-up conditions. Fans shall be designed to 5.7 Operation and Maintenance
contain and properly drain grease removed from the air- 5.7.1 Appliance Interlock
stream. The fan housing or scroll that contains the grease
shall be fully welded so that it is liquid tight. The fan impeller The exhaust fan serving a Type I hood shall have
shall be a self-cleaning design. automatic controls that will activate the fan when any appli-
ance that requires such Type I hood is turned on, or a means
Exception: Fans that are listed to UL 705, Standard for of interlock shall be provided that will prevent operation of
Power Ventilators 15, and UL 762, Outline of Investiga- such appliances when the exhaust fan is not turned on.
tion for Power Roof Ventilators for Restaurant Exhaust Where one or more temperature or energy sensors
Applications 16.
are used to activate a Type I hood exhaust fan, the fan shall
5.4.3 Up-blast fans shall be hinged with tip-over restraints activate not more than 15-minutes after the first appliance
and have a flexible weatherproof electrical cable to permit served by that hood has been turned on. A method of interlock
inspection and cleaning. Utility-set exhaust fans shall be pro- between an exhaust hood system and appliances equipped
vided with access panels for inspection and cleaning. with standing pilot burners shall not cause the pilot burners to
be extinguished. A method of interlock between an exhaust
5.4.4 Access shall be provided for cleaning the fan wheel. hood system and cooking appliances shall not involve or
The access opening shall be a minimum of 3 × 5 in. (76 × depend on any component of a fire extinguishing system.
127 mm) or have a circular diameter of at least 4 in. (102
mm) on the curvature of the outer fan housing. Fan drive 5.7.2 The entire exhaust system shall be inspected at regu-
assemblies shall be separated from the airstream. Covers lar intervals for grease buildup by a properly trained, quali-
shall be provided with motor weather protection for outdoor fied, and certified company or person(s) acceptable to the
installation and belt guards for indoor applications. authority having jurisdiction. The schedule of inspection for grease buildup in
5.4.5 The ductwork extending to up-blast fans shall extend the exhaust system and cleaning of the exhaust system shall
a minimum of 18 in. (457 mm) above the roof surface. comply with NFPA 96 9.
5.5 Other Equipment Upon inspection, if the exhaust system is found to
5.5.1 Thermal recovery units, air pollution control devices, be contaminated with grease deposits, the contaminated por-
or other devices can be used in the exhaust systems when spe- tions of the exhaust system shall be thoroughly cleaned by a
cifically approved for such use except where prohibited. properly trained, qualified, and certified company or per-
Refer to Section 514.2 of the International Mechanical son(s) acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.
Code 10, for prohibited applications. 5.7.3 Inspection and maintenance of thermal recovery
units, air pollution control devices, or other devices shall be
5.5.2 Clearance, installation, and fire-extinguishing system conducted by properly trained and qualified persons at a fre-
requirements shall comply with applicable codes and standards. quency specified in the manufacturer’s instructions or equip-
5.5.3 Pollution control units not equipped with electrostatic ment listing.
precipitators shall be listed in accordance with the applicable
requirements of UL710 5 and UL1978 8. Pollution control 6. REPLACEMENT AIR
units equipped with electrostatic precipitators shall be listed 6.1 Air Introduction
in accordance with UL86717 and the applicable requirements
6.1.1 The terminal velocity of air introduced from devices
of UL710 5 and UL1978 8.
in the kitchen shall not exceed 50 fpm (0.25 m/s) at the lowest
5.6 Exhaust Discharge edges of the hood.
Informative Notes:
5.6.1 Exhaust systems shall be designed to prevent re-
1. Using perforated ceiling or perimeter diffusers
entrainment into building intakes. Prevailing winds and veloc-
ities shall be considered when locating intake and exhaust generally results in a lower terminal velocity at the
openings. The minimum horizontal distance between dis- lower edge of the hood than directional ceiling
charge and intake shall be 10 ft (3 m). Where this horizontal diffusers.
distance is not achievable, the exhaust shall discharge a mini- 2. Best practice is to bring conditioned air into the
mum of 2 ft (0.6 m) above any outdoor air. Exhaust discharge kitchen away from the hood and distribute it
shall not impinge on overhangs, parapets, other equipment, or throughout the kitchen to improve worker produc-
higher parts of buildings. tivity and comfort as well as to lower hood exhaust
Informative Note: Refer to ASHRAE Handbook—
Fundamentals 18, Chapter 16, for airflow patterns around 6.1.2 Transfer air from dining or other areas that passes
buildings. through openings such as windows or walkways shall be

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016 11

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sized for air velocities not to exceed 75 fpm (0.381 m/s) based shopping mall, the food-service facility shall be maintained
on the free area of the opening. Openings provided for trans- under a negative pressure with respect to outdoors and the
fer air shall remain open during system operation. adjacent spaces.
Informative Note: Such openings should be arranged to Exceptions:
avoid creating drafts on personnel. Consideration should be
1. Where the separation between the food service facil-
given to minimizing air velocity when openings are used as
ity and the adjacent interior room is sealed substan-
pass-through openings for prepared food.
tially airtight to prevent odor migration.
6.2 Air Balance 2. In shopping malls and other occupancies where a
6.2.1 Design plans for a facility with a commercial kitchen food-service facility is open to another tenancy or to
ventilation system shall include a table or diagram indicating the mall common area, the food-service facility shall
the design outdoor air balance (see Informative Annex A, be permitted to be under a negative pressure with
Section A1). The design outdoor air balance shall indicate all respect to the non-food-service occupancy.
exhaust and replacement air for the facility, plus the net exfil- 6.3.3 The pressure in any room in which a draft-hood
tration if applicable. The total replacement air airflow rate vented appliance, such as a gas water heater, is located shall
shall equal the total exhaust airflow rate plus the net exfiltra- be maintained not less than 0.02 in. of water (5.0 Pa) below
tion. It is permissible to supply replacement air to the kitchen outdoor ambient pressure.
space by using transfer air from areas other than the kitchen.

Informative Note: Although individual replacement air 7. SYSTEM CONTROLS
sources are not required to be 100% outdoor air, sufficient
outdoor air must be introduced into the system to compensate 7.1 Operating Controls
for each exhaust and exfiltration component. For example, for 7.1.1 Replacement air systems shall be interlocked to
100 cfm (47 L/s) transfer air from room A to room B to qual- ensure operation upon activation of the exhaust system.
ify as replacement air, at least 100 cfm (47 L/s) outdoor air 7.1.2 Demand-Control Ventilation
must be provided to room A (e.g., as outdoor air to an envi- The exhaust flow rate is permitted to be reduced
ronmental air system serving room A, infiltration to room A, during partial load cooking and when there is no cooking
or transfer air from another room). through the means of demand-control ventilation.
6.2.2 Operation of systems where airflows can vary Exhaust rates shall maintain capture and contain-
(including but not limited to HVAC systems incorporating ment of appliance flue gases and cooking effluent during full-
variable air volume, systems with outdoor air economizer load, partial, or idle operating conditions.
control, or exhaust systems with variable airflow) shall be
controlled to comply with the requirements of this standard During periods of reduced exhaust airflow, replace-
over the full range of anticipated airflows. Additional air bal- ment air shall be automatically controlled to maintain the build-
ance diagrams or tables shall be provided as necessary to ing pressure differentials in accordance with Section 6.3.
indicate compliance over the full range of anticipated airflow. Informative Note: Replacement air units may have mini-
mum airflow requirements for safe or effective operation of
6.2.3 Where the design air balance relies on transfer air
heating and/or cooling/dehumidification functions. Demand-
from a source beyond the facility’s control (e.g., air drawn
control ventilation systems’ minimum airflow settings must
into an individual tenant’s facility from the common areas of
not be set lower than the replacement air systems minimum
a shopping mall), this source shall be identified.
operating airflow.
6.3 Pressure Differentials Demand-control ventilation systems shall be part
6.3.1 The commercial kitchen ventilation system shall be of a listed hood, shall be listed for the purpose, or shall be
designed to establish pressure differentials to control odor engineered.
migration and to control dust, dirt, and insects in accordance
with the criteria in the following subsections. 8. ADMINISTRATION AND COMPLIANCE The kitchen of a food-service facility shall be 8.1 Equivalency. Nothing in this standard is intended to pre-
maintained under a negative pressure with respect to dining vent the use of systems, methods, or devices of equivalent or
areas and adjacent nonfood areas. The maximum negative superior quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, dura-
pressure shall not exceed 0.02 in. of water (5.0 Pa). bility, and safety over those prescribed by this standard. A freestanding food-service facility (i.e., a food- 8.1.1 Technical documentation shall be submitted to the
service facility that entirely occupies a single building) shall be authority having jurisdiction to demonstrate equivalency.
maintained under a positive pressure with respect to outdoors. 8.1.2 The system, method, or device shall be approved for
Exception: Where migration of food odors to adjacent the intended purpose.
interior rooms within the same tenancy would not be
objectionable. Display cooking under a hood located 9. REFERENCES
in the dining area is not considered a kitchen. 1. Fisher, D., R. Swierczyna, and P. Sobiski. 2008. Revised
6.3.2 Where a food-service facility shares a wall with an Heat Gain and Capture and Containment Exhaust
adjacent non-food-service facility, such as a retail center or a Rates from Typical Commercial Cooking Appliances.

12 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Final Report Research Project 1362 (RP-1362). tions. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Associa-
ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA. tion.
2. UL. 2010. UL 197, Standard for Commercial Electric 10. ICC. 2012. International Mechanical Code. Washington,
Cooking Appliances, Tenth Edition. Northbrook, IL: D.C.: International Code Council.
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 11. ASTM. 2014. ASTM E2336, Standard Test Method for
3. UL. 2011. UL 710B, Standard for Recirculating Systems, Fire Resistive Grease Duct Enclosure Systems. West
Second Edition. Northbrook, IL: Underwriters Labo- Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
ratories, Inc. 12. UL. 2010. UL 2221, Tests of Fire Resistive Grease Duct
4. UL. 2010. UL 1046, Grease Filters for Exhaust Ducts, Enclosure Assemblies, Second Edition. Northbrook,
Fourth Edition. Northbrook, IL: Underwriters Labora- IL: Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
tories, Inc. 13. IAPMO. 2012. Uniform Mechanical Code. Ontario, CA:
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical
5. UL. 2012. UL 710, Exhaust Hoods for Commercial
Cooking Equipment, Sixth Edition. Northbrook, IL:
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
210), Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerody-
6. UL. 2006. UL 710C, Ultraviolet Radiation Systems for namic Performance Rating. Atlanta: ASHRAE
Use in the Ventilation Control of Commercial Cooking (Arlington Heights, IL: Air Movement and Control
Operations, Issue Number 3. Northbrook, IL: Under- Association).
writers Laboratories, Inc. 15. UL. 1994. UL 705, Power Ventilators. Northbrook, IL:
7. ASTM. 2011. ASTM F2519-05 (2011), Standard Test Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Method for Grease Particle Capture Efficiency of 16. UL. 2013. UL 762, Outline of Investigation for Power
Commercial Kitchen Filters and Extractors. West Roof Ventilators for Restaurant Exhaust Applications.
Conshohocken, PAASTM International. Northbrook, IL: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
8. UL. 2010. UL 1978, Grease Ducts. Northbrook, IL: 17. UL. 2011. UL 867, Electrostatic Air Cleaners, Fifth Edi-
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. tion. Northbrook, IL: Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
9. NFPA. 2014. NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control 18. ASHRAE. 2013. ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals.
and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Opera- Atlanta: ASHRAE.


ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016 13

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor- hood or through ceiling diffusers. Additionally, the kitchen
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for may have an HVAC system to condition part of the supply air.
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed Table A-1 shows an air balance for a conventional system,
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and and Figure A-1 depicts the system graphically.
may contain material that has not been subject to public
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on A2. BEST PRACTICE AIR BALANCING
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at
ASHRAE or ANSI.) Best practice has changed over the years from using makeup
air systems in the kitchen to completely conditioning both the
INFORMATIVE ANNEX A dining and kitchen spaces. For conditioning the kitchen space,
EXAMPLES OF AIR BALANCING either a traditional rooftop unit or a 100% outdoor unit may
be used. This approach provides many benefits, including
This annex provides examples of the air balancing required in
increased occupant comfort and reduced moisture and humid-
Section 6.2.1. The first example shows what is used in a con-
ity throughout the facility, which can be a cause of mold and
ventional restaurant. The second example shows a best-prac-
mildew growth, although energy use may increase. The air
tice design that eliminates the makeup air altogether in the
balance is presented in Table A-2 and is depicted graphically
restaurant. This standard also addresses the need for appropri-
in Figure A-2.
ate pressure differentials in a commercial kitchen, whether it
is a conventional design or a best-practices design.
For both the conventional system and best-practice systems, it
In a conventional restaurant, air may be supplied to both the is important that the kitchen be designed to have a slightly
kitchen and dining spaces through many means. Makeup air negative pressure and that the overall building be designed to
has typically been introduced into the kitchen space at the be slightly positive in pressure.

14 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

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TABLE A-1 Air Balance for Conventional Restaurant

Kitchen Systems Airflow In Airflow Out

HVAC supply (SUP) 1200 —

Makeup air (MUA) 800 —

Makeup air (MUA) to kitchen 900 —

Return air (RA) — 600

Transfer air (TRA) from dining 700 —

Kitchen exhaust (KX) — 3000

TOTAL 3600 3600

Dining Room Systems Airflow In Airflow Out

Supply air (SA) 3400 —

Return air (RA) — 2300

Bathroom exhaust (TX) — 200

Transfer air to kitchen (TRA) — 700

TOTAL 3400 3200
Net = 3400 – 3200 = 200 exfiltration
The units for this table can be either cfm or L/s because the airflow in and airflow out may be expressed in either units as long as they are consistent.

FIGURE A-1 Conventional restaurant air balance example.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016 15

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
TABLE A-2 Air Balance for Best Practice Restaurant

Kitchen Systems Airflow In Airflow Out

HVAC supply (SUP) 2300 —

Transfer air (TRA) from dining 700 —

Kitchen exhaust (KX) — 3000

TOTAL 3000 3000

Dining Room Systems Airflow In Airflow Out

Supply air (SA) 3400 —

Return air (RA) — 2300

Bathroom exhaust (TX) — 200

Transfer air to kitchen (TRA) — 700

TOTAL 3400 3200

Net = 3400 – 3200 = 200 exfiltration

FIGURE A-2 Best practices restaurant air balance example.


16 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor- QK = convective heat from appliance, W
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed z = distance between appliance and hood, ft (m)
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and dh = hydraulic diameter of the appliance surface, ft (m)
may contain material that has not been subject to public (See Equation B-3)
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at r = reduction factor for hood location
 = simultaneous factor, set to 1
INFORMATIVE ANNEX B The hydraulic diameter calculation is shown in Equation
ALTERNATIVE AIRFLOW CALCULATION METHOD B-3 and takes the length and width of the appliance surface
This annex presents an alternate airflow calculation method to into account.
determine the airflows for specific appliances. This is a modi-
fied version of VDI Standard 2052 (see Informative Annex E, 2LB
d h = ---------------------- (B-3)
“Bibliography”), which is a European standard for calculating L+B
exhaust airflow for commercial kitchen hoods based on the
process loads they must handle. The modifications include where
adding a hood effectiveness (Eh). Because this standard is
L = appliance length, ft (m)
looking at a worst-case scenario in terms of capture and con-
tainment of effluent from appliances, the simultaneous factor B = appliance width, ft (m)
and the fraction of input energy to nameplate energy have
been adjusted. The convective heat from the appliances is calculated
using Equation B-4. The values of Qs can be obtained from
The overall kitchen exhaust (shown in Equation B-1) is calcu- Q K = E r  P  Qs (B-4)
lated by summing the thermal plumes from each appliance
underneath the hood. This value is then multiplied by a flush- where
out factor that accounts for how the air is introduced (set to
1.35 for ceiling diffusers) and divided by hood effectiveness. Er = fraction of input energy to nameplate rating
For the purpose of unlisted canopy-style hoods, this value is (assumed to be 50% in VDI Standard 2052), set to
set to 0.7. For unlisted backshelf-style hoods with a setback, a 1.0
hood effectiveness should be set to 0.5 as shown in Table B-1.
An approved method for determining hood effectiveness for P = input power of the appliance, kW
listed hoods has not yet been developed. Qs = fraction of input energy converted to direct
(convective) heat energy, W
V e =   V th  a  ------ + V h (B-1)
where This example will calculate the exhaust airflow for a hood

Ve = ventilation exhaust, m3/h that has two appliances under a generic canopy exhaust hood
located at a wall that has a hanging height of 1.98 m above
Vth = thermal plume, m3/h
finished floor. The appliances specifications are shown in
a = flushout factor, set to 1.35 Table B-3.
Eh = hood effectiveness, set to 0.7 The hydraulic diameter for each appliance is calculated
Vh = internal (short-circuit) makeup air using Equation B-3 and the convective energy is calculated
using Equation B-4, and the results are shown in Table B-4:
B2. THERMAL PLUME CALCULATION The thermal plume airflows are then calculated for each
appliance using Equation B-2, and the results are shown in
The thermal plume from appliances is calculated by Equation
Table B-5.
B-2 and takes into account the convection heat rising from the
appliance, the surface area of the appliance, and the height The final step is to calculate the hood exhaust airflows
difference between the appliance surface and bottom of the using Equation B-1 with a hood effectiveness of 0.7 and a
hood. The reduction factor also takes into account whether flushout factor of 1.35. The resulting hood exhaust airflow is
the hood is a wall or island application (see Table B-2). 1842 cfm (3130 m3/h). The airflows come out to approxi-
mately 451 L/s/m (291 cfm/ft), which is close to the current
V th = k  Q K1  3   z + 1.7  d h  5  3  r   (B-2) IMC value of 465 L/s/m (300 cfm/ft) for wall canopy hoods.
If the bottom of the hood were installed at 6.98 ft (2.13 m)
where above the finished floor, note that the resulting hood airflow is
k = 18 m4/3W–1/3h–1, constant 2037 cfm (3461 m3/h) or 322 cfm/ft (498.7 L/s/m).

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016 17

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
TABLE B-1 Unlisted Hood Effectiveness Values

Hood Style Effectiveness (Eh)

Canopy 0.7

Backshelf 0.5

TABLE B-2 Reduction Factors

Heat Source Location r

Wall hood 0.63
Island hood 1.00

TABLE B-3 Example Appliance Specifications

Appliance Length, mm Depth, mm Height, mm Input, W Qs, W/kW

Deep-fat fryer, 2-vat 406 737 913 23.4 90

Gas griddle 1219 610 914 35.2 350

TABLE B-4 Hydraulic Diameter for Each Appliance Calculated using Equation B-3

Appliance dh QK, W

Deep-fat fryer 0.524 2106

Griddle 0.813 12,320

TABLE B-5 Thermal Plume Airflows Calculated for Each Appliance Using Equation B-2

Appliance Vth, m3/h

Deep-fat fryer 446

Griddle 1167

TOTAL 1623


18 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor- SI Units

mative and does not contain requirements necessary for
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed P A1 = 0.009804  V 1  p 1
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and
may contain material that has not been subject to public P F 1 = P A1   f
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at P M 1 =   1 + DL   P F 1    E M  E D 
P A2 = 0.009804  V 2  p 2
This annex outlines how to calculate the energy savings when
using a listed hood instead of a code-compliant, unlisted hood P M 2 =   1 + DL   P F 2    E M  E D 
operating at code-required airflow. Rates are usually lower for
listed hoods than for unlisted hoods, and it is generally advan- P M =  P M 1 – P M 2   t
tageous to use listed hoods. Model codes include exceptions
for listed hoods to show compliance with the model code The energy savings in kilowatt-hours can be multiplied
requirements. The exhaust airflows for the listed hood should by the local electricity rate to determine a financial savings.
be designed to provide full capture and containment of the
effluent. Note that listed flow rate values are established Demand control kitchen ventilation (DCKV) systems
under draft-free laboratory conditions, and actual operating typically equipped with electronic controls and a variable-
conditions may compromise listed performance. Thus, manu- speed drive to match the exhaust rate to the demand can be
facturers may recommend design values above their listed evaluated in a similar manner. Exhaust and supply fan energy
values. savings can be estimated when the daily average reduced flow
By reducing the exhaust airflow, there are cumulative is known. The fan laws can be used to determine a reduction
savings in the hood system. There are first-cost savings in power, as power is proportional to the cube of the fan
obtained by using a less powerful fan and fan motor. Addi- speed. Further reference material can be found in ASHRAE
tionally, if the replacement air is conditioned, there will be Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment . An example is
cooling and/or heating energy savings associated with reduc- shown below:
ing the quantity of replacement air.
Additional reference information can be found in ASHRAE I-P Units
Handbook—Fundamentals, Chapter 18, “Nonresidential Heat-
V DCKV  3
ing and Cooling Loads,” and ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC P M  DCKV = P M  Design   -----------------
Applications, Chapter 33, “Kitchen Ventilation.”  V Design
The motor energy savings can be described using the
equations below: P M  DCKV = 0.746   P M  Design – P M  DCKV   t

I-P Units
SI Units
P A1 = 0.000157  V 1  p 1
V DCKV  3
P F 1 = P A1   f P M  DCKV = P M  Design   -----------------
 V Design
P M 1 =   1 + DL   P F 1    E M  E D 
P M  DCKV =  P M  Design – P M  DCKV   t
P A2 = 0.000157  V 2  p 2
The HVAC energy savings need to take into account the --``,,,`,,`,`,,,,,```,,,``````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

P F 2 = P A2   f local weather for the specific site being analyzed when com-
paring listed and unlisted exhaust hoods as well as DCKV
P M 2 =   1 + DL   P F 2    E M  E D  systems. Several public domain programs are available to cal-
culate the energy from HVAC systems. Commercial software
P M = 0.746   P M 1 – P M 2   t is also available for performing energy simulations.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016 19

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
TABLE C-1 Annex C Nomenclature

Quantity Quantity Symbol Unit Symbol (I-P) Unit Symbol (SI)

Air power at initial exhaust rate PA1 hp kW

Initial exhaust rate V1 cfm m3/s

Static pressure at initial exhaust rate p1 in. of water kPa

Air power at reduced exhaust rate PA2 hp kW

Reduced exhaust rate V2 cfm m3/s

Static pressure at reduced exhaust rate p2 in. of water kPa

Power required at fan shaft, initial exhaust rate PF1 hp kW

Power required at fan shaft, reduced exhaust rate PF2 hp kW

Fan efficiency (typically 50% to 70%) f % %

Power required at input to motor, initial exhaust rate PM1 hp kW

Power required at input to motor, reduced exhaust rate PM2 hp kW

Drive loss (3% of fan power for belt drive) DL % %

Fan motor efficiency (typically 80% to 95%) EM % %

Belt drive efficiency ED % %

Energy savings PM kWh kWh

Power required at input to motor, DCKV average exhaust rate PM, DCKV hp kW

Power required at input to motor, design exhaust rate PM, Design hp kW

Average reduced exhaust rate with DCKV system installed VDCKV cfm m3/s

Design exhaust rate VDesign cfm m3/s

Energy savings with DCKV system installed PM, DCKV kWh kWh

Time of operation t h h

20 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor- (add standoffs for gas and/or water piping if required) to the
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for minimum front overhang as shown in Table D-2. After the
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed hood size is determined, the exhaust airflow needs to be cal-
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and culated as shown in Step 4.
may contain material that has not been subject to public
Step 4: Determine the Minimum Exhaust Airflow
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at The minimum exhaust airflows are a function of both the
ASHRAE or ANSI.) hood type (which has already been defined as a wall canopy
hood) and the minimum duty levels for the appliances operat-
INFORMATIVE ANNEX D ing underneath the hood. From Table 1 of this standard, the
USING ASHRAE STANDARD 154 TO DETERMINE duty level for the convection oven is light-duty, while for the
HOOD OVERHANGS AND EXHAUST AIRFLOWS braising pan and gas range it is medium-duty. Therefore, the
This annex provides an example of how to use ASHRAE maximum duty-level for the appliances underneath the hood
Standard 154 to determine the overhangs for the hoods. This is medium-duty. The airflow for this appliance configuration
example also shows how to calculate the heat gain to the would need to be specified by manufacturers.
space from unhooded appliances. The steps involved include Another item that is needed for design engineers to size the
specifying the appliance layout underneath the hood, specify- HVAC system is an estimation of how much load is being added
ing the hood length and depth, and calculating the exhaust air- to the kitchen space from the hooded and unhooded appliances.
flow required for the hood and appliances. Steps 5 and 6 show how to perform these calculations.

D1. APPLIANCES UNDERNEATH THE HOOD Step 5: Determine the Heat Gain to Space from
Hooded Equipment
Assume that the cooking operation has the following appli-
If it is desired, the heat gain to space from the equipment
underneath the hood can be estimated. ASHRAE Handbook—
a. Electric convection oven: 38 in. (965 mm) L × 41 in. Fundamentals, Chapter 31, Table 5, lists heat gain values for
(1041 mm) D × 57 in. (1448 mm) H with a nameplate rat- several common appliances. Table D-3 shows the appliance
ing of 10.4 kW name, its description in Table 5, and the heat gain to space for
b. Electric braising pan: 30 gal (114 L) capacity, which is 38 that appliance. Note that in Table 5 the heat gain is split into
in. (965 mm) L × 42 in. (1067 mm) D × 39 in. (991 mm) three separate components: sensible-radiant heat gain, sensi-
H, with a nameplate rating of 12.0 kW ble-convective heat gain, and sensible-latent heat gain. The
c. Stainless preparation table: 32 in. (813 mm) L × 26 in. sensible-radiant heat gain is the radiation from the appliance
(660 mm) D × 32 in. (813 mm) H surface to the room. The sensible-convective heat gain is the
d. 4-burner gas range: 34 in. (864 mm) L × 38 in. (965 mm) dry heat that makes up the thermal plume from the appliance
D × 36 in. (914 mm) H that is captured by the hood, and the latent-convective heat
gain is the moisture portion of the thermal plenum captured
D2. UNHOODED APPLIANCE DESCRIPTIONS by the hood. For hooded appliances, it is assumed that all of
the convective plume is captured and only the sensible-radiant
a. Three (3) coffee makers: Nameplate rating of 1140 W
heat gain impacts the heat load to the space.
b. Conveyor-rack dishwasher: 24 in. (610 mm) L × 25 in.
For the gas range, the heat gain should be adjusted, as the
(625 mm) D × 34 in. (864 mm) H with a nameplate rating
value in ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals only accounts
of 7.8 kW
for three burners on. If the heat gain is prorated to account for
To determine the overall hood size, the minimum length four burners on (e.g., multiply the heat gain by a factor of 4/3),
and width need to be calculated as shown in Steps 1 through 3 the resulting heat gain to space from the four-burner range
below. would be approximately 9500 Btu/h. Adding the heat gain
from the appliances together, the resulting heat gain to space is
Step 1: Determine Minimum End and Front Overhangs
estimated to be 11,000 Btu/h.
Table 3 of this standard contains the minimum side and front
hood overhangs based on the style of hood used over the appli- Step 6: Determine the Heat Gain to Space from
ances. For this example, we will select a wall canopy hood. Unhooded Equipment
From Table 3, the minimum side overhangs are 6 in. (152 mm),
For the unhooded appliances, all of the heat generated by the
and the minimum front overhang is 12 in. (305 mm).
appliance is added to the space load. It should be noted from
Step 2: Determine Minimum Hood Length Table 2 of this standard that a hood is recommended for use
To determine the minimum overall hood length, the length (or over a rack conveyor dishwasher; however, the user can be
width) of the individual appliances underneath the hood are exempted from having a hood if the heat load is accounted for
added together along with the hood overhang on each end of and managed by the building HVAC system. From ASHRAE
the hood as shown in Table D-1. Handbook—Fundamentals, Chapter 31, Tables 5A and 5E,
the sensible-radiant, sensible-convective, and latent-convec-
Step 3: Determine the Overall Hood Depth tive heat gains are added together to get the total heat gain to
To determine the minimum overall hood depth, add the maxi- space. Table D-4 shows the lookup values from Tables 5A
mum appliance depth for the equipment underneath the hood and 5E for the unhooded appliances in this example.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016 21

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
TABLE D-1 Minimum Hood Length

Item Length, in. (mm)

Convection oven 38 (965)

Braising pan 38 (965)

Prep table 32 (813)

Gas range 34 (864)

Left End overhang 6 (152)

Right End overhang 6 (152)

TOTAL 154 (3912)

TABLE D-2 Minimum Hood Depth

Item Length, in. (mm)

Braising pan 42 (1067)

Front overhang 12 (305)

TOTAL 54 (1372)

TABLE D-3 Hooded Appliance Heat Gain Estimations

Table 5 Sensible-Radiant Heat Gain, Adjusted Heat Gain,

Appliance Name Table 5 Description Btu/h (W) Btu/h (W)

Convection oven Oven: convection full-size 1500 (440) 1500 (440)

30 gal braising pan Tilting skillet/braising pan 0 (0) 0 (0)

Four-burner gas range Rangetop: 3 burners on/oven off 7100 (2081) 9500 (2784)

TOTAL 11,000 (3224)

TABLE D-4 Unhooded Appliance Heat Gain Estimations

Table 5 Sensible-Radiant Sensible-Convective Latent-Convective Total Heat Gain,

Appliance Name Description Heat Gain, Btu/h (W) Heat Gain, Btu/h (W) Heat Gain, Btu/h (W) Btu/h (W)

3 Coffee makers Coffee brewer 200 (59) 300 (88) 700 (205) 1200 (352)

Rack conveyor Dishwasher 0 (0) 4750 (1392) 16,970 (4974) 21,720 (6336)
dishwasher (conveyor type,

TOTAL 22,920 (6718)

22 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

(This annex is not part of this standard. It is merely infor- Ventilation/Appliance Systems. West Conshohocken, PA:
mative and does not contain requirements necessary for ASTM International.
conformance to the standard. It has not been processed ASTM. 2012. ASTM F1704-12, Standard Test Method for
according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and Capture and Containment Performance of Commercial
may contain material that has not been subject to public Kitchen Exhaust Ventilation Systems. West Consho-
review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on hocken, PA: ASTM International.
informative material are not offered the right to appeal at CEC. 2002. PIER Report, Makeup Air Effect On Commercial
ASHRAE or ANSI.) Kitchen Exhaust System Performance, Publication P500-
03-007F. Sacramento, CA: California Energy Commission.
INFORMATIVE ANNEX E EERE. 2010. Energy Plus, Version 6.0.0, Energy Efficiency
INFORMATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY and Renewable Energy. Germantown, MD: U.S. Depart-
ment of Energy.
ASHRAE. 2013. ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals.
LBNL. 1993. DOE-2, Version 2.1E. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence
Atlanta: ASHRAE.
Berkeley National Laboratory.
ASHRAE. 2015. ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications. NFPA. 2013. NFPA17A-2013, Standard for Wet Chemical
Atlanta: ASHRAE. Extinguishing Systems. Quincy, MA: National Fire Pro-
ASHRAE. 2016. ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and tection Association.
Equipment. Atlanta: ASHRAE. Trane. 2010. Trace 700. Piscataway, NJ: Trane.
ASTM. 2009. ASTM F2474-09, Standard Test Method for VDI. 2006. VDI Standard 2052, Ventilation Equipment for
Heat Gain to Space Performance of Commercial Kitchen Kitchens. Duesseldorf: Verein Deutscher Ingenieure.


ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016 23

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ASHRAE offers its Standards and Guidelines in print, as immediately downloadable PDFs, on CD-ROM, and via
ASHRAE Digital Collections, which provides online access with automatic updates as well as historical versions of
publications. Selected Standards and Guidelines are also offered in redline versions that indicate the changes made
between the active Standard or Guideline and its previous version. For more information, visit the Standards and
Guidelines section of the ASHRAE Bookstore at


To ensure that you have all of the approved addenda, errata, and interpretations for this
Standard, visit to download them free of charge.

Addenda, errata, and interpretations for ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are no
longer distributed with copies of the Standards and Guidelines. ASHRAE provides
these addenda, errata, and interpretations only in electronic form to promote
more sustainable use of resources.

Product code: 86524 8/16


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