The Extent of AI Applications in EFL Learning and Teaching

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TLT.2023.3322128

The Extent of AI Applications in EFL Learning and

Yousif A. Alshumaimeri and Abdulrahman K. Alshememry

Abstract—Foreign language teaching, like almost all other interdisciplinarity of its research [5]. Some academics have
aspects of human existence, has been substantially influenced defined AI as devices like computers or computer systems
by recent advances in modern information and communication that mimic human cognitive abilities [3],while others have
technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality and AI (Ar-
tificial Intelligence). Although AI has been in use for almost considered AI to be a defined group of computer functions
30 years, educators remain sceptical towards the use of AI- precisely associated with learning and problem-solving. For
technology in the education field more broadly and how its use example, Luckin et al. [4] described AI as:
might meaningfully affect English language skills. Through a
systematic review, this work seeks to provide a summary of the “computer systems that have been designed to interact
available literature with regards to the applications of AI in with the world through capabilities (for example, vi-
EFL (English as a Foreign Language) education. This review sual perception and speech recognition) and intelligent
considers a wide range of AI technologies and methodologies, behaviors (for example, capability of using available
with a specific focus on the integration of AI into the realm of
information about the world and making decisions or
EFL education. The review then delineates the possible effects of
AI in terms of developing students’ language skills, students’ and taking the most sensible action to achieve a stated goal)
teachers’ perceptions of using AI applications, and the difficulties that we would think of as essentially human.” [4, p. 14]
and challenges inherent to implementing AI applications. The
discussion culminates by identifying research gaps.
Authors have also referred to AI as the application of
technological advancements like machine learning, and nat-
Index Terms—artificial intelligence tools, automation, com- ural language processing to enable a computerized device to
puter vision, deep learning, English as a foreign language
(EFL), humanoid robot, machine learning, speech recognition, emulate smart human behaviours [6].
translation. In the field of education, AI-powered technologies surpass
human teachers in the ability to collate enormous volumes
of data on learners’ academic achievement, on the basis of
which educational content and students’ individual learning

T HE classic generic and standardized system of education

has come under heavy fire in recent years since it cannot
be tailored to each student’s needs [1]. Education systems
trajectories are modelled or adapted [7], [5]. Additionally, they
facilitate learning growth by providing quick feedback. AI is
based on two key principles: autonomy and adaptability. While
worldwide are moving in the direction of a more individu- adaptability refers to the capacity to enhance task execution
alized, technology-enhanced, student-centred curriculum. One through experience-based learning, autonomy refers to the
of the latest technological developments to trigger educators’ capacity to complete activities in challenging settings without
interest is artificial intelligence (AI). In particular, educators ongoing user direction [8]. These two ideas serve as key
see great potential in AI applications’ ability to help them gain tenets in establishing an instructional precedent that offers a
a fundamental understanding of students’ learning paths from satisfactory response to the range of current and future AI-
the yielded data, perceiving AI usage as ultimately enhancing based approaches [8].
the effectiveness of learning structures and academic systems. Although researchers have examined how to integrate AI
The use of AI has permeated the educational system deeply in education over the past 3 decades, they are only at this
enough to drastically alter its shape and structure, from de- stage starting to look into the potential teaching prospects
veloping tailored study materials and fulfilling the unique and of AI technologies to assist students across the student life
individual needs of the learners to replicating human dialogue cycle [9]. In the context of language learning in particular, AI
and creating and grading customized assessments [1], [2]. supports advancement in various ways, including the provision
The phrase AI first came about in 1956 from John Mc- of customized feedback, adjustable educational pathways, so-
Carthy [3]. No consensus currently exists regarding a universal phisticated tutoring systems, and natural language processing
definition of AI, and contemporary explanations are varied. tools. However, these technologies also pose multiple issues
Duo to ongoing changes in what AI entails, it is challenging of concerns and requirements that highlight the need for
to formulate a common definition of AI [4], along with the further examination, including ethical, societal, cultural and
Y. Alshumaimeri is with Curriculum and Instruction Department, Col- linguistic problems, as well as the calibre and authority of
lege of Education, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. E-mail: the information and algorithms used by AI frameworks. As
[email protected] a result, further in depth research needs to be undertaken
A. Alshememry is with Computer Science Department, College of Com-
puter and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. to investigate how AI can be used in language instruction
E-mail: [email protected] contexts both successfully and conscientiously, along with

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TLT.2023.3322128

identifying the best practices and recommendations for design- •Studies used qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods
ing, constructing and evaluating AI-based language-learning or entailed literature reviews.
resolutions. • The samples used in the studies were teachers and/or
Vigorous growing development of AI, together with edu- instructors responsible for implementing AI programs.
cators’ increased interest in this area, justifies further literary • The papers mentioned the challenges of integrating AI in
analysis into the use of AI in EFL. Accordingly, this paper EFL classrooms.
highlights the current landscape, potential drawbacks and • Only English studies and published between 2007 and
promising future of AI in EFL for teachers, students and 2022.
developers. This systematic review provides an overview of Meanwhile, one exclusion criterion was applied; specifi-
AI research in language learning, an evaluation of the primary cally, papers that focused on technical disciplinary knowledge
AI-powered tools featured in EFL research, and possible associated with AI were excluded from the current review.
identification of future research directions. The review data were extracted from articles published in
the Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus, ScienceDirect,
II. S TUDY A IMS AND O BJECTIVES and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
This review paper’s goal is to analyse and systematize the The scope was to find the use of AI in EFL, we therefore used
vast articles relevant to use of AI-powered tools in EFL broad search terms, including AI, EFL, speaking, conversation
classrooms to enhance language skills and to elucidate the and communication skills, personalized language learning, AI
fundamental themes upon which AI- powered methods alter pedagogical approaches, and AI challenges in education. A
modern pedagogical systems. The objective is to provide a total of 405 journal articles were selected initially. After
systematic review of AI applications/programs used in EFL examining the full- text, 80 articles were finally chosen for
education. The paper intends to offer insights into the effects, this review.
advantages and limitations of the existing research and provide A qualitative synthesis approach was used to extract the
an objective assessment of conflicting research. Furthermore, main findings. The first phase involved in-depth, recurrent,
the review will identify the research gaps as well as the and most importantly highly active reading for the reviewer
potential of AI technology for language classrooms. Lastly, to become accustomed with the selected studies and take
the discussion will cover the challenges that face the imple- out relevant excerpt [11]. The thematic synthesis allowed
mentation of this technology. identifying different influencing factors of the topic (i.e. the
This paper expressly responds to the following research impact of AI on EFL) and organizing those into common
queries: themes [12]. Therefore, after reviewing all relevantly selected
1) Which AI tools and technologies have been used in EFL studies, the primary outcomes were extracted. Evaluation of
learning and teaching? the publications revealed a rising interest in AI research
2) What possible impacts has AI imposed on language and its use for enhancing English language learning skills.
learning and teaching? Finally, the results were sorted and summarized, yielding six
3) What difficulties and challenges have faced educators and themes related to language teaching and learning; and five AI
their students while implementing AI technologies in EFL applications that answered the four research questions. Overall,
classrooms? the literature review process provided a solid foundation for
4) What research gaps have been identified? the following discussion, which will centre on the employment
of AI in EFL schools to enhance speaking abilities [13].
Answering these questions involved carrying out a systematic
literature review, as it has the potential to provide more com- This paper’s aim is to systematically conduct an evidential
prehensive answers. Adopting a systematic review eliminates review on the basis of data generated through web-based find-
technical or etymological tangents brought about by the vast ings concerning AI and its effects on EFL learners’ skills. This
amount of articles on AI in the field of EFL that are currently review entailed searches in several databases, including IEEE,
available and to accept and develop thematic adjustments for Scopus and Web of Science, to identify articles that fit the
better implementation. In other words, the key topics that study’s scope. Such databases offer advanced search options
emerge from this review form a foundation for future scholars and filters that support expediency in distinguishing among the
researching technology advancements and policy design, with numerous available papers, ensuring the quality and relevance
the primary aim of facilitating successful implementation of of the search results. For these reasons, database-determined
AI-powered individualized pedagogical systems [10]. studies are recognized to yield valuable publications about the
The review began by formulating research questions (see topic of interest.
previous section), followed by defining criteria for excluding
and including studies under consideration. A. Study Selection
Specifically, this review employed the undermentioned inclu- This web-based research aims to help make learning ef-
sion criteria: fective and improve teaching methodologies. In addition, this
• Pertinent studies of AI and its use in EFL learning and study considers the issues and difficulties associated with the
teaching. implementation of AI technologies in the classroom setting.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TLT.2023.3322128

Initial Search a systematic review as the best approach to fulfil the study’s
(N = 405)
aim while excluding such techniques as questionnaire- based
surveys, data collection and follow-up procedures. Articles that
Web of Science IEEE Scopus included the practical use of AI in an educational environment
(n = 135) (n = 156) (n = 114)
were identified via the search features in three academic
databases, namely, Web of Science, IEEE and Scopus.
The current study includes only studies published between
Initial Screening Excluded
(n = 405) (n = 89) 2007 and 2022. Table II provides a detailed breakdown of
the publication dates of the articles collected in the literature
search process. This figure shows the rising interest in research
Included in EFL and AI. In 2007 there published only two research
(n = 316)
papers related to AI in EFL; this trend increased linearly till
2022, which brought 15 publications in this research area.
Full-text screen Excluded
(n = 316) (n = 236)
A. Possible Effects of AI on Language Learning
Studies included for
systematic review The studies reviewed revealed that applying AI to the study
(n = 80)
of foreign languages can provide students with rapid, highly
Fig. 1. Flow Chart of the Current Study.
individualized reinforcement, representing a vital cornerstone
for individualized study, as well as a crucial requirements
for modern teaching [92]. Fig. 4 presents a projection of the
work done on the basis of research in terms of data collected
through automation in the areas of argumentative writing,
survey translation, and knowledge graphs. The figures clearly
reveal the differences achieved after implementing all the basic
approaches to obtain the results.
1) Artificial Intelligence (AI-Powered) Tools: AI and the
automation it facilitates can provide increased convenience in
the areas where AI is applied. In this regard, AI-powered tech-
nologies, such as software for language learning (platforms
Fig. 2. AI Applications on Language Learning. and applications with gamification elements, e.g. Duolingo),
intelligent virtual reality, machine translation tools (MT) like
Google Translator or Translator Online writing assistants,
We elected to perform a systematic review in order to research
chatbots, and intelligent tutoring systems, can supplement and
this subject. Fig. 1 illustrates processes used to pinpoint and
even surpass the efforts of teachers, who cannot compete with
choose the literature included in the current study.
these adaptable and sophisticated technological tools that also
A systematic review follows a steady, transparent process
provide collaborative learning support [2].
to explore a topic of concern and provide broad and extensive
Pokrivčáková [5], who examined teacher preparation for ap-
output. This paper includes data from 2007 to 2022 that were
plying AI-powered tools in EFL learning, claimed that human
obtained by relevant keyword searches. The three databases,
educators simply lack the capacity to continuously assess every
IEEE (30), Scopus (28) and Web of Science (22), yielded a
individual student’s outputs, identify their unique learning
sum total of (80) articles after being identified as relating to
requirement, appropriately modify the course material, and
the use of web-based AI in EFL learning have been included.
provide them with detailed feedback in a matter of seconds,
Table I presents a detailed list of the included literature,
let alone in a class containing a dozen of more learners. As
which has been divided into six themes relevant to language
a result, teachers can rely on AI programs and applications
pedagogy. Fig. 2 summarizes the number of studies of each
as highly useful auxiliary tools that enable educators to avoid
AI application identified according to their data source detail.
time-consuming, energy-intensive and exhausting tasks, such
The target data source of this research was IEEE, Scopus and
as grammar or pronunciation exercises, as well as support
Web of Science. This figure shows that SCOPUS publications
developing learners’ English language speaking or oral skills
are more prominent with Machine Learning as a prominent
and communication skills [93].
area of AI used in language learning and teaching research.
2) Speech Recognition Technology and AI Tools: Speech
recognition technology, language processing technology, and
B. Inclusion and Exclusion Process language translation softwares are among the key examples of
This paper applied all of the predetermined parameters for how AI tools are evolving in language learning to support de-
inclusion and exclusion in the review. The focus of this study veloping students’ communication, conversation and speaking
is on the use of AI-powered tools in the development of EFL skills. Communication can affect the learning process while
learning skills. The process of designing the study identified training conversation. The translation level of AI has evolved

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TLT.2023.3322128


Study Theme Study Theme

(Yu & Chen, 2010) [14] (Tribelhorn & Dodds, 2007) [15]
(Pinner, 2012) [16] (Brine et al., 2007) [17]
(Zaini & Mazdayasna, 2015) [18] (Aguado et al., 2008) [19]
(Sakulkueakulsuk et al., 2018) [20] (McDonough & Sunitham, 2009) [21]
(Saks & Leijen, 2019) [22] Language Education (Fu & Liu, 2009) [23]
(Pikhart, 2020) [24] (Rich & Wang, 2010) [25]
(Zhang & Aslan, 2021) [26] (Maleki & Ahangari, 2010) [27]
(Kasepalu et al., 2022) [28] (Schoonen et al., 2011) [29]
(Almusharraf, 2022) [30] (Cai et al., 2011) [31]
(Fernández Álvarez & Garcı́a Laborda, (Huiying, 2012) [32]
2011) [33] (Samaneh et al., 2013) [34]
(Shakouri et al., 2013) [35] (Fraytag et al., 2014) [36]
(Matsuno et al., 2013) [37] (Stevenson & Phakiti, 2014) [38]
(He et al., 2014) [39] (Yong-Sheng et al., 2015) [40]
(Cheng, 2017) [41] Automated Feedback (Liao, 2016) [42]
(Chai et al., 2020) [43] (Liao & Lin, 2016) [44]
(Xue et al., 2021) [45] (Wang, 2016) [46]
(Merine & Purkayastha, 2022) [47] (Kalantari & Kolahi, 2017) [48]
(Darmawansah et al., 2022) [49] (Kongcharoen et al., 2017) [50]
(Lan et al., 2008) [51] (Pecorari, 2018) [52]
(Zhuo et al., 2009) [53] (Kim et al., 2018) [54]
(Isisag, 2010) [55] (Wang et al., 2020) [56] Argumentative Writing
(Javanbakht & Hadian, 2014) [57] (Xu et al., 2021) [12]
(Wang, 2014) [58] Generating Knowledge (Xiaoxuan, 2021) [59]
(Zhao et al., 2020) [60] Graph (Chiu et al., 2021) [61]
(Kim & Kim, 2020) [62] (Nazari et al., 2021) [63]
(Toivonen et al., 2020) [64] (Li & Mak, 2022) [65]
(Dessı̀ et al., 2021) [66] (Guo et al., 2022) [67]
(Hsu et al., 2010) [68] (Tam et al., 2022) [69]
(Tsai & Young, 2010) [70] (Gayed et al., 2022) [71]
(Vázquez et al., 2018) [72] (Farahian & Parhamnia, 2022) [73]
(Chang et al., 2019) [74] (Parhamnia et al., 2022) [75]
(Motschenbacher, 2019) [76] Survey (Kim & Shim, 2022) [77]
(Hwang et al., 2020) [78] (Bulakh & Shandruk, 2022) [79]
(Chen, 2020) [80] (Liu et al., 2022) [81]
(Ergül, 2021) [82]
(Judewicz et al., 2022) [83]
(Min, 2008) [84]
(Zhang et al., 2010) [85]
(Chang & Hsu, 2011) [86]
(Shao et al., 2011) [87]
(Shah et al., 2017) [88] Translation
(Yang & Tao, 2018) [89]
(Mahfoodh, 2021) [90]
(Cancino & Panes, 2021) [13]
(Wu & Li, 2022) [91]

with AI progress and upgrading from simple literal matching

TABLE II to deep-level semantic comprehension, reaching human-like
thinking and intelligent translation [94]. Over the past years,
Year Number of papers learning English has become an integral and even obligatory
2007 2 part of progress in learning language in the face of new
2008 3
2009 3 technologies. Artificial intelligence technology can be used to
2010 7 teach English in a way that fully exploits this tool’s benefits
2011 5 and compensates for the drawbacks of conventional classroom
2012 2
2013 3
instruction [95].
2014 5 Evidence suggests that achieving fluent communication is
2015 2 the main objective of oral English learning. While examining
2016 3
2017 4 the application of AI in English teaching, Yang [92] found
2018 5 that the fluency of students’ oral English clearly demonstrated
2019 3 how well they could use the language in real-world situations.
2020 8
2021 10
Therefore, integrating AI technology into the teaching of
2022 15 English offers irrefutable benefits.
1) Most importantly, AI technology effectively reaps the

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TLT.2023.3322128


Language Ed- Argumentative Automated Generating Survey Translation Grand Total

ucation Writing Feedback Knowledge
Automation 1 3 1 1 0 1 7
Computer Vision 1 8 4 4 1 3 21
Deep Learning 2 10 2 2 4 2 22
Humanoid Robot 1 4 0 0 1 1 7
Machine Learning 4 10 2 2 3 2 23
Grand Total 9 35 9 9 9 9 80

benefits of complementary practice. AI can establish 12

an environment for learning English for students and 10

interact with them as companions would. Through hu- 8

man–computer interaction, learners can swiftly raise their 6

oral English proficiency while avoiding embarrassing 4
Computer Vision
situations in practice [96]. 2 Deep Learning
2) As an added plus, instructors and students can form 0
Humanoid Robot

groups, collaborate and practice online to accomplish Machine Learning

group learning. For example, an intelligent robot can

serve as a teaching aid by offering some phrase patterns
and preset colloquial expressions to group members for
practice purposes. By assisting students in practising and
improving their spoken English fluency, this approach
Fig. 3. AI Effects on Language Learning.
can ultimately ease the tension between humans and
computers. Overall, Yang [92] concluded that AI plays
a significant role in helping pupils’ English proficiency. Panes [13], machine learning and translation have advanced
3) Reading and Writing With AI-Powered Tools: Reading significantly due to such AI innovations as neural MT [99]. In
and writing in English are crucial components of learning oral particular, neural MT, such as that incorporated into Google
English and gaining comprehensive skills. AI-based techniques Translate, can help with integrating MT into EFL education,
offer possibilities for constructive discourse. According to the as well as improving translation quality. Through using MT as
literature, devices like language bots and MT can support stu- a teaching tool [100], students can spot and correct flaws and
dents’ speaking skill development [97]. For example, teachers inconsistencies in a text that has been automatically translated.
and students can converse with an AI bot and gain knowl- Students can thus gain a greater understanding of the language
edge through dialogue [9]. AI-powered chatbots for language while improving their comprehension, sentence structure and
learning respond to messages with personalized responses and vocabulary [28].
can even score student performance or offer advice on areas
for improvement, which helps with speaking skills [6]. GPT B. AI Tools and Technology Used in EFL
Chatbot is a prime example of this type of learning. Jasper Despite educators seeing the potential of AI-based tools, some
AI and Jenni AI offer help in writing in any format with a scholars perceive that educators will need to first acquire basic
vast vocabulary. Lingvist is another sound choice for learning technology use skills, and critically, methods of successful
vocabulary. These results were confirmed by Bailey, Southam lesson integration prior to the application the application of
and Costley [98], who reported that the use of storybots in an AI in classroom setting [101]. Understanding how important
English language classroom increased reading comprehension AI is and what benefits it can bring to instruction will also help
and interaction. Table III and Fig. 3 display the focus area educators to integrate advanced technology into their lessons.
of AI effects on EFL learning through language education, For instance, the extensive involvement of AI-powered tools in
argumentative writing, generated knowledge graphs, survey educational settings promises to increase students’ academic
translation and automated feedback conducted via deep learn- interest and success. Additionally, numerous educators who
ing, humanoid robots, machine learning, or computer vision. have not utilized AI-based learning aids may perceive it as
The primary developments concern systems that allow learners merely a more modern educational tool [102], leading them
to emphasize compassion and precision while adapting to the to underestimate what role AI can play in the classroom.
needs of learners. Table III and Fig. 3 show that argumentative Consequently, successfully utilizing AI as a support system
writing is the most area of EFL research addressed using AI in an educational context requires that teachers use it them-
applications. selves so that they can understand its role in the support of
4) Machine Learning and Translation: Another AI tool is learning [103].
MT. In Fig. 4, the graph of machine learning is higher than any Although AI is affecting teaching practice in numerous
other tool being used to obtain data. According to Cancino and ways, these changes are positive overall. Therefore, teach-

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TLT.2023.3322128

ers should participate in self-development by learning about TABLE IV

the benefits that AI can bring to learning settings. Here, G ENERATING K NOWLEDGE G RAPH .
Sumakul [104] highlighted that while utilizing AI might aid
in lesson delivery, human teachers would still necessarily Row Label Automated Feedback Grand Total Total Percentage
dominate the preparation and evaluation stages. Automation 1 7 8.75%
Computer Vision 2 21 26.25%
Scholars have also identified other areas in which gaps Deep Learning 3 22 27.5%
exist between technology use and practice. According to Guz- Humanoid Robot 4 7 8.75%
man and Lewis [97], AI is not perfectly compartmentalized Machine Learning 5 23 28.75%
Total 80
into archetypes that have historically emphasized human to
human communication; therefore, the researchers pointed to
the need to approach this gap between theory and developing
technology. Another issue is that AI can intimidate teachers organizations have been established to construct a framework
due to misconceptions and misunderstandings about its use for the ethical regulation of the use of AI in the field of
in education [104]. This observation implies that teachers education [111]. Generally, AI- powered tools and technolo-
are unaware of how AI is changing the landscape of how gies, such as artificial neural networks, computer vision, voice
languages are taught and learnt [105]. recognition softwares, and computer vision, among others, are
Furthermore, despite promising advancements, AI-related now used in language education.
English language programs are infrequently used in practice Foreign language instructors routinely perceive the use of
since the available applications typically feature poor-quality MT in the classroom setting to be disruptive, unsuccessful, or
feedback, and the exercises are oriented only toward commu- even a violation of the learner’s integrity. Thus, limiting the use
nication, with a pointed emphasis on soliatry grammar and of MT in the classroom setting has been the objective of many
vocabulary exercises. Teachers need to know the linguistic of the articles reviewed in this work. However, some scholars
requirements of the activities, along with their strengths and have reported that, for the most part, prohibiting MT use in
weaknesses. Most importantly, teachers must understand the the classroom setting is futile and counterproductive. Along
significance of “authentic practices using big problems in these lines, White and Heinrich [112] asserted that educators
collaborative settings” [106, p. 583] and personalization. should rather opt for strategies to assist students in effectively
Research has also revealed that the (planned) usage of vari- using MT tools. Accordingly, foreign language instructors
ous instructional methods in the classroom must be connected should have an awareness of both MT’s possibilities and its
to practitioners’ expectations and beliefs (e.g. the importance restrictions and give their students the necessary assistance
or utility of instructional practices; [107]). The adoption of in order to boost student learning [4]. Table IV displays the
instructional approaches into practice is not always prompted percentage of automated feedback in the studies included in
by scientific support for those practices. Considering the utility this review.
of AI for promoting EFL is also vital, along with evaluating Some studies suggested that human–chatbot communica-
how its use may affect teachers’ beliefs and expectations, tion is significantly lacking in vocabulary richness compared
which may also factor into the likelihood that AI will be to human-to-human dialogue. Thus, the results displayed in
implemented [108]. Table IV provide an example of the performance of AI-
generated outcomes in percentage form. In a review of modern
AI spoken English teaching products, Zhou [107] described
C. Difficulties and Challenges in Implementing AI Applica- various disadvantages, including a restriction of word choice,
tions lack of a real-time grading system, and lack of interactional,
Despite the fact that AI may present excellent opportunities hands-on teaching, all of which are crucial for both teachers
for teaching and learning, some scholars have warned of the and learners. When employed in foreign language instruction,
concurrent emergence of new ethical issues and concerns. For such AI tools as chatbots and online platforms/apps have
instance, educational organizations with tight budgets might be additional issues, as well [113]. According to Lotze [114],
persuaded to substitute profitable automated AI solutions for discussions with chatbots can be inconsistent, confusing, and
human-based instruction. Therefore, those in the educational prone to error if teachers or students do not input queries
field may have a collective concern that they face a threat of and replies that the system developers were able to anticipate.
being replaced by technologies such as chatbots and AI tu- This observation implies that the technologies are ineffective
tors [65]. Despite AI’s potential to improve learning analytics, as role models for students who are learning foreign languages.
the technology also offers a downside in the form of serious Therefore, according to Lotze [114], before replacing a human
privacy and data protection concerns since these technologies language instructor, AI dialogic systems still need to meet
necessitate utilizing the sensitive data and information of many prerequisite (such as spontaneous improvisation, inven-
educators and students. For example, when the server location tiveness, and shared understanding). Popenici and Kerr [115]
is unknown or where data privacy and protection laws are advised acknowledging the currently existing technological
ambiguous, chatbots should not be granted access to language limitations and the fact that AI is not yet prepared to assume
learning as it is a very private process [109]. In a similar vein, the role of educators is critical. Nevertheless, they went on to
Schmidt and Strasser [110] emphasized the need to clearly contend that the proper use of AI’s true potential will increase
address the issue of data privacy needs. Recently, certain human capacities and opportunities for teaching, learning,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TLT.2023.3322128

and research. The integration of AI into language education

should generally be approached through a robust instructional
lens in which algorithms must unite with feelings and sound
values [116].

D. Research Gaps Identified

This study undertook a thorough, systematic analysis of
research published between 2007 and 2022 in light of the Fig. 4. Research Gap: Using AI in EFL.
growing significance of AI in language education and the
dearth of complete reviews on the topic [110]. The analysis
produced the following findings: through its examination of 80 carefully selected papers from
Literature on the use of AI for oral skill instruction remains the IEEE, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. Our findings
scarce. On a related note, research has not conclusively suggest that the area of argumentative writing in the use of AI
established which pedagogical strategy is best for teaching applications in EFL has received the most research attention
English [117]. The current study’s search of the literature re- compared to language education, automated feedback, gen-
vealed a dearth of critical analyses of the pedagogical effects of erating knowledge graphs, surveys, and translation research.
adopting AI in education or novel implementation strategies. Among the different AI technologies used in EFL instruction,
Furthermore, any currently available reviews would already machine learning predominates, followed by deep learning and
seem to be out of date given the ongoing swift advancements computer vision.
and developments in technology; resulting in a scarce number
of published reviews focused on innovative AI technologies A. Contributions and Implications
trends and development in the educational setting [5]. Biblio-
This study further adds to the theoretical understanding of the
metric analysis is most beneficial when analyzing substantial
role of AI in EFL by providing an in depth analysis of the
amounts of literature data, although more thorough research
current literature on AI applications in language learning and
utilizing systematic review approach is required. Therefore,
teaching. The investigation uncovered the most investigated
additional systematic review of representative articles to de-
EFL domains employing AI applications, along with the most
velop a deeper understanding of the incorporation of AI for
commonly used AI technologies. The findings also highlight
EFL education is recommended [101]. The identified gaps
the potential of AI to augment EFL learning and teaching
raise, in turn, several questions that need to be addressed,
while prompting recognition of the disparities between the
including the following:
available technology and practice. Although AI-based tools
• How far along is AI for EFL currently, and knowledge-
can furnish personalized learning experiences and immediate
able are educators of its developments? feedback, their use partially supplants the role of instructors
• What AI technologies are teachers most likely to incor-
in aiding learning and giving social and emotional help. In
porate into language education? this light, recommendations arising from the study findings
• What is the perception of AI among EFL students, and
include weighing the use of AI against face-to-face teaching
why might they want to employ AI technologies to study and guaranteeing the just application of AI in a way that does
English? not intensify already existing inequalities in education.
• What is the reason behind language teachers incorporat-
The systematic review employed in this study comprehen-
ing AI technologies into their regular teaching practices, sively explored the current literature on the role of AI in
and how do they view AI? language education. According to Mallett et al. [118], system-
• What essential abilities do language teachers require in
atic reviews focus on evidence, impact, validity, and causality,
the modern, AI-enhanced classroom? all of which were critical in this work in making conclusive
• How exactly should teacher training programs account
recommendations on the value of AI in education practices.
for AI advancements? The adopted strategy entailed a clear, thorough procedure for
Fig. 4 illustrates how the collection of data in the cur- recognizing, selecting, and evaluating pertinent studies from
rent systematic review did not demonstrate these questions, various databases, leading to a final sample of 80 articles.
although it shows the data resources that were used and The systematic review methodology facilitated detecting the
evaluated thorough this study. In this bubble chart, the x- scope of AI implementations in EFL learning and teaching,
axis shows the contribution percentage to a particular AI the most studied areas of application in EFL instruction and
application in language learning research. It can be seen that AI technologies, and the differences between the technology
Automation and Humanoid robots are very rarely addressed employed and the current practice. Overall, the systematic
in language learning, while Machine learning is the most used review method provided a beneficial approach to synthesizing
AI technology in language learning. the existing literature on AI in EFL and identifying research
gaps, establishing a basis for future exploration in this domain.
VI. C ONCLUSION AI can revolutionize educational practices by transforming
This systematic review has presented an overall summary of the functions of teachers and students, as well as refining
AI applications currently used in EFL learning and teaching assessment. AI applications can offer differentiated instruction

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TLT.2023.3322128

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