LKPD 2 - Offering Help or Something
LKPD 2 - Offering Help or Something
LKPD 2 - Offering Help or Something
3. Do as example above!
a. Read the following dialog!
Dave : Thanks.
Joe : What if I help you with the preparation?
Dave : Oh, it’s very nice of you. But I’m going to do it with my sister. Thanks
for the offer.
Joe : Okay, no problem.
b. Complete the steps in making a dialog below based on the dialog above!
No. Steps Activiy/Information
1. Get the problems! Studying abroad
Apa tema yang digunakan
2. Determine the people! Mr. Puti, Yoga, Putri and Siti
Siapa yang ada dalam dialog?
3. Determine the place! School (at the class)
Dimana dialog dilakukan?
4. Find expressions to be used :ind expressions to be used :
Temukan ekspresi Offering − What’s your opinion on studying abroad?
help/something yang − What’s your view on this Putri?
digunakan − Any other opinions
Temukan ekspresi Responding − In my opinion, it is a great opportunity.
to an offer yang digunakan − Well, I think it’s not a good idea especially
for girls.
− I
5. Determine the plot! Dialog langsung diawali dengan menggunakan
Bagaimana alur dialog nya? expresi asking opinion.
Guru menanyakan pendapat kepada siswa
siswinya tentang b
4. Use the following topics/themes to write a dialog about asking and giving opinion!
1) Clue : You couldn’t fine your eyeglasses. Your friends give you a hand.
2) Clue : You don’t know which floor is the meeting room you should attend. The hotel
staff want to help you.
3) Clue : you have taken the wrong direction. Your phone is ot of battery. There is
passer-by who wants to give you a help.
4) Clue : You didn’t a raincoat. It is raining outside. Your friend wants tod drive you
5) Clue : You have lost your drawing book. Your friend will go to the school shop to
buy a drawing book. He will buy you one.
6) Clue : You haven’t had breakfast. It is already lunch time. Your friend wants to buy
you lunch.
6. Write the dialog, then play a role in front of your teacher and friends!