Iso 834 1975

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Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction

Essais de rhsistance au feu - hkments de construction

First edition - 1975-11-01


ISO 834:1975

UDC 69.02 : 699.81 : 620.1 Ref. No. IS0 834-1975 (E)

Descriptors : buildings, construction materials, structural members, floors, walls, partition walls, columns (supports), beams, roofing, tests,
fire tests, testing conditions.

Price based on 16 pages

IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation
of national standards institutes (IS0 Member Bodies). The work of developing
International Standards is carried out through IS0 Technical Committees. Every
Member Body interested in a subject for which a Technical Committee has been set
up has the right to be represented on that Committee. International organizations,
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

Draft International Standards adopted by the Technical Committees are circulated

to the Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as International
Standards by the IS0 Council.

International Standard IS0 834 was drawn up by Technical Committee ISO/TC 92,
Fire tests on building materials and structures, and circulated to the Member Bodies
in September 1973.

It has been approved by the Member Bodies of the following countries :

Australia Hungary Romania
Belgium India South Africa, Rep. of
Bulgaria Ireland Spain
Canada Israel Sweden
Czechoslovakia Italy Thailand
Denmark Mexico Turkey
Egypt, Arab Rep. of
France Norway
New Zealand U.S.A.
Germany Portugal
The Member Body of the following country expressed di sapproval of the document
on technical grounds : ISO 834:1975
United Kingdom cd80fb9d5bb4/iso-834-1975

This International Standard cancels and replaces IS0 Recommendation

R 834-1968, of which it constitutes a technical revision.

The revision has been made with the intention of specifyi ng the test cond i tions
more precise ly in order to improve the reproducibility of the test resu Its.

Guidance on the pla nning, performance and report ing of fire-resistance tests in
accordance wi th this I nternational Standard is given in annex A.

Reference should also be made to Technical Report lSO/TR 3956, Principles of

structural fire-engineering design with special regard to the connection between real
fire exposure and the heating conditions of the standard fire-resistance test
(/SO 834).

0 International Organization for Standardization, 1975 l

Printed in Switzerland


1 Scope ................................... 1

2 Field of application ............................ 1

3 Apparatus ................................. 1

4 Standard heating and pressure conditions ................. 1

5 Preparation of test specimens ....................... 3

6 Procedure ................................. 4

7 Performance criteria ............................ 6

8 Testreport ................................. 6

Annex A : Commentary ........................... 7


1 : Standard time-temperature curve .................... 2

2 : Example of fire exposure of structural elements ............ 8

3 : A typical structural element ...................... 9

4 : Cooling conditions ........................... 11

5 : Alternative arrangementPREVIEW
of joints for partitions ............ 12

Table : Temperature rise as a function of time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Bibliography ISO . . 834:1975

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

iTeh This
page intentionally leftPREVIEW

ISO 834:1975

Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction

1 SCOPE 3.1 Furnace, capable of subjecting a specimen element to

the standard heating and pressure conditions specified in
This International Standard specifies standard heating and clause 4.
pressure conditions, a test method and criteria for the
determination of the fire resistance of elements of building
3.2 Loading equipment (if necessary).
construction of various categories.

The test provides for the determination of fire resistance of 3.3 Thermocouples for measuring the internal temperature
elements of building construction on the basis of the length of the furnace and the surface and internal temperatures of
of time for which the test specimens, of specified the test specimens in conformity with the requirements of
dimensions, satisfy the criteria laid down under the 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 4.1.4.
prescribed test conditions during the period of fire
exposure. 3.4 Equipment for measuring overpressure in furnaces for
testing walls and floors.
This International Standard is applicable (
to such structural
elements of building construction as
- wal Is and partitions; ISO 834:19754 STANDARD HEATING AND PRESSURE CON-
- columns; cd80fb9d5bb4/iso-834-1975
4.1 Standard heating conditions
- beams;
- floors (with or without ceilings);‘) 4.1.1 Temperature rise

- roofs (with or without ceilings)? ) The temperature rise within the furnace shall be controlled
so as to vary with time within the limits specified in 4.1.3
This list is not exhaustive. Elements which fall into none of according to the following relationship :
these categories may be tested by analogy with a similar
element. T- TO = 345 loglo (8t + 1)

This fire-resistance test should not be used for classification where

of discrete materials or single components as such of an
t is the time, expressed in minutes;
element of building construction. Tests for doors, shutters
and glazing are dealt with in IS0 3008, Fire-resistance tests T is the furnace temperature at time t, expressed in
on door and shutter assemblies, and IS0 3009, Fire- degrees Celsius;
resistance tests on glazed elements.
To is the initial furnace temperature, expressed in
degrees Celsius.
The curve representing this function, known as the
The main items of apparatus are : “standard time-temperature curve”, is shown in figure 1.

I) An annex concerning the testing of suspended ceilings without roof or floor is in preparation.

IS0 834-1975 (E)

1 200

1 100

1000 1 800


I 900
E 800
3 700

1 200

ISO 834:1975
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360

Time, t, min

FIGURE 1 - Standard time-temperature curve

The relationship expressed above gives the values shown in 4.1.2 Measurement of furnace temperature
the following table. The furnace temperature is deemed to be the
average of the temperatures recorded by thermocouples
arranged within the furnace to give an approximation to its
TABLE - Temperature rise as a function of time
average temperature.

Time, t Elevation of furnace temperature, T - To These thermocouples shall not be fewer than
- .-__
min OC OF - one to each I,5 m* of surface for walls and floors;

5 556 1001 - two to each 1 m of length for beams;

10 659 1186 - two to each 1 m of height for columns.
15 718 1 292
30 821 1478 In any case, the number of thermocouples shall be not less
60 925 1665 than five.
90 986 1 775
120 1 029 1852 Bare wire thermocouples of wire diameter not less
180 1090 1 962 than 0,75 mm and not more than I,5 mm shall be arranged
240 1133 2039
so that the hot junction is 100 mm from the nearest point
of the test specimen. This distance shall be kept as constant
360 1193 2147
as possible during the test.
IS0 834-1975 (E)

Sheathed thermocouples may be used provided that they The disks shall be covered with oven-dry square asbestos
have a sensitivity not less than and time-constant not pads 30 mm X 30 mm and 2 mm thick. The asbestos
greater than those of bare wire thermocouples. material shall have a density of 1 000 kg/m?

The wires of the thermocouples shall be placed in open The disk and the pad may be fixed to the surface of the
tubes of heat-resistant material, for example porcelain, specimen by pins, tape or a suitable adhesive, depending on
within approximately 25 mm from the hot junction. the nature of the material forming the side of the specimen.

For thermocouples for measuring the temperature in the

4.1.3 Tolerances
interior of the test specimen, the wires shall, if possible,
follow the isotherm through the hot junction as closely as Fo R MEAN DEVIATION OF FURNACE possible along a distance of at least 30 mm from this
The mean deviation of the furnace temperature rise is given,
as a percentage, by the following expression : 4.2 Pressure conditions

A-B An over-pressure1 ) of 10 + 5 Pa (I,0 + 0,5 mmHZO or

-x100 0,04 + 0,02 inH,0)2) shall exist in the furnace during the
whole heating period of fire-resistance tests on separating
where elements of building construction. For vertical separating
elements, this over-pressure shall exist over at least the
A is the integral value of the average furnace upper two-thirds of the height of the test specimen. This
temperature as a function of time; over-pressure shall be measured and monitored :
B is the integral value of T- To from the equation a) fo r horizontal elements - 100 mm from the
defined in 4.1.1. neath surface of th e specimen;
The tolerances on the mean deviations shall satisfy the
following conditions : iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
1) +- 15 % during
the first 10 min of test;
NOTE - The pressure difference may also be achieved lowering
2) + 10 % during the first 30 min of test;
the pressure on the unexposed face.
3) + 5 % after the first 30 min of test. ISO 834:1975 FOR TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION

At any time after the first 10 min of test, the temperature, 5.1 Dimensions
recorded by any thermocouple, shall not differ from the
corresponding temperature of the standard time- 5.1.1 The test specimens should be full size.
temperature curve by more than & 100 “C (180 ’ F).
5.1.2 Where this is not possible, the following shall be the
For specimens incorporating a significant amount of minimum dimensions3) of the parts of a test specimen
combustible material, the deviation of any one exposed in the furnace :
thermocouple shall not exceed 200 “C (360 “F).
Walls and partitions height 3 m
4.1.4 Measurement of temperature of test specimens width 3 m

Surface temperatures of test specimens shall be measured Floors and roofs : Supported on two span 4 m
by means of thermocouples with a wire diameter of not sides width 2 m
more than 0,7 mm. Floors and roofs : Supported on four span 4 m
Each thermocouple junction shall be attached to the centre sides width 3 m
of the face of a copper disk 12 mm in diameter and 0,2 mm Beams span 4 m
thick, which is secured to the surface of the specimen at the
required position. Columns height 3 m

I) This condition is not manda tory for the first 10 min of the test.
2) 1 Pa = 1 N/m2
3) For a limited time, tests on walls and partitions of a slightly smaller size are allowed provided that the given in A.5 is taken into

IS0 834-1975 (E)

5.2 Construction 6 PROCEDURE

5.2.1 The test shall be made on a test specimen
representative of the complete element of construction on 6.1 Test conditions
which information is required. Each type of element
requires a different approach and an attempt shall be made 6.1.1 Restraint and loading
to reproduce the boundary conditions and the method of The role of the element in service shall be analysed
fixing or support representative of that used in practice.
so that the methods adopted for supporting or restraining
A test specimen shall include at least one of each the ends or sides of a test specimen during a test are, as far
representative type of joint. A specimen wall may include a as possible, similar in nature to those which would be
beam or columns which form an integral part of the applied to a similar element in service. If restraint is applied
element to establish the performance of the composite in the test, then the restraint conditions shall be specified
assembly. A specimen may also include a door or glazing to with regard to free movements of the element and, so far as
establish the performance of the whole assembly. possible, those external forces and moments which are
transmitted to the element by restraint during the test.
When a ceiling treatment or a suspended ceiling is designed
to contribute to the fire-resistance of a floor or a flat roof, For floors and beams with uncertain or variable
the specimen shall incorporate the ceiling installed as in boundary service conditions, the test specimen shall be
service. simply supported all round the edges or at the ends.
When a specimen represents a column forming the side of For columns and walls with complete or partial restraint to
an opening in a wall, it shall be suitably shielded on the longitudinal elongation, for a full evaluation of the
unexposed face or faces to represent the protection structural behaviour, it may be necessary to conduct a
provided by the wall. complementary test under longitudinal restraint conditions
which are as close as possible to conditions in practice.

5.2.2 The materials and standard of workmanship of the

iTeh STANDARD6.1.1.3 At
test specimen shall be representative of those applying in PREVIEW
least 30 min before heating, the load-bearing
test specimen shall be subjected to a loading which, in
good practice, as defined by existing national codes and
standards. (
the critical regions of the element, produces stresses of the
same magnitude as would be produced normally in the
full-size element when subjected to the design load.
ISO 834:1975
5.3 Conditioning When it seems appropriate, a preloading shall be applied to
the test element to guarantee a stabilization
cd80fb9d5bb4/iso-834-1975 of the
The test specimen shall be conditioned in such a way that it deformation and of the support and load equipment. The
corresponds as closely as possible, in temperature, moisture load application may be repeated a number of times for this
content and mechanical strength, to the expected state of a stabilization.
similar element in service. The level and distribution of the applied loading
shall be maintained constant during the test period.
5.3.1 Moisture content

The test specimen shall not be tested until its moisture 6.1 .I .5 Test specimens of non-load-bearing elements shall
content is in dynamic equilibrium with an ambient not be subjected to any external loading in the
atmosphere approximating to that expected in service. This fire-resistance test. (See annex A).
dynamic equilibrium may be checked either on the test
specimen itself or on a representative sample.
6.1.2 Exposure to heat
The drying of the test specimen may be by natural or
artificial means, but a temperature shall not be reached Free-standing columns shall be tested by applying
which could impair the fire-resisting properties of the heat on all sides over their whole height.
element. It is recommended that a temperature of 60 “C
(140 ’ F) should not be exceeded. Separating elements represented by test specimens
of elements which have the function of separating spaces
When possible, the moisture content of the principal shall be heated over the whole of one face only.
materials of the element shall be measured at the time of
the test and the values shall be stated in the test report. Those which may be required to resist fire in one direction
only shall be tested in that directi on.

5.3.2 Mechanical strength Those which may be required to resist fire in either
direction shall be tested in the direction considered to
For load-bearing elements, the constituent materials of the possess the lower resistance by the testing authority. When
specimen shall have attained a mechanical strength close to this cannot be prejudged, each face shall be tested on
that expected for a similar element in service. separate test specimens.

IS0 834-1975(E)

6.2 Observations during test None of these thermocouples intended for measurement
of mean temperature rise shall be fixed in position with
The fire resistance of a load-bearing structure or structural through-metal connections or closer than 100 mm to the
element shall be judged by the criterion of load-bearing edge of the test specimen.
capacity, that of a separating element by the criteria of
insulation and integrity, and that of a load-bearing and In the case of structures comprising composite elements,
separating element by the criteria of load-bearing capacity, the arrangement of the test specimen shall ensure that the
insulation and integrity. In most cases, only a small loss of joints do not coincide with the points of measurement
integrity (initial integrity failure) can be accepted; in other specified above.
cases, a larger loss of integrity (ultimate integrity failure) The average of the temperatures measured at the points
can be accepted. specified above, omitting temperatures measured at joints,
is deemed to be the temperature of the unexposed face.
In all cases of separating structural elements, the initial
integri ty fail ure shall be determined. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE OF UNEXPOSED
6.2.1 Load-bearing capacity and deformation
In addition, the temperature shal I be measured at the point For a load-bearing test specimen, the time at that appears to be the hottest at any time dur ing the test.
which the specimen can no longer support the test load This temperature shall not be used in the calculation of
shall be measured and used to assess the performance. average temperature, unless the point at which this
temperature occurs corresponds to one of the locations Where possible, the following properties and specified in, but shall be taken into account in
characteristics shall also be noted during the whole test determining whether the maximum temperature criterion
period : has been complied with.

a) deformations which can facilitate an analysis of the 6.2.3 Integrity

structural behaviour of the element and an application
of the test results; iTeh STANDARD6.2.3.1 PREVIEWFor the determination of the time of initial
integrity failure, a pressure difference according to 4.2 shall
b) free movements of the element;
exist between the side of the furnace and the unexposed
side of the test element. Observations shall be made of any
c) forces and moments transm itted to the element by
sustained flaming on the unexposed face and of the ignition
restraint, according to 6.1 .l.l;
ISO 834:1975of a cotton pad held for not less than 10 s and not more
d) other phenomena
which are of importance for the than 30 s at a distance of between 20 and 30 mm from any
load-bearing capacity of the element, suchcd80fb9d5bb4/iso-834-1975
as cracking, opening on the unexposed side, indicating the ignition by
splitting and structural transformations of materials. hot gases. The pad shall not be re-used if it has absorbed
any moisture or become charred during a previous appli-
When needed for an application of the test results, the cation.
temperature distribution in the interior of the test specimen
shall be determined by means of thermocouples placed in The cotton pad, measuring approximately 100 mm
such a manner that they provide a satisfactory basis for square X 20 mm thick, shall consist of new, undyed soft
estimating the function and the behaviour of the specimen cotton fibres, without any admixture of artificial fibres,
during the test. and shall have a mass between 3 and 4 g. The pad shall be
conditioned by drying in an oven at 100 “C for at least
0,5 h. The pad shall be attached by wire clips to a For a separating element, such deformations as
100 mm X 100 mm frame of 1 mm diameter wire to which
may have substantial effects on the function of the element
a wire handle approximately 750 mm long is fixed. Note
shall be measured and noted during the whole test period.
shall be made of the time when the first ignition of the
Note shall be made of the time when the test specimen no
cotton pad occurs and the position where this takes place.
longer fulfils its functional requirements. To obtain the time of ultimate integrity failure,
6.2.2 Insulation the test shall be continued beyond the initial integrity
failure and further observations and measurements made of
enlargement of cracks, holes or other openings through AVERAGE TEMPERATURE OF UNEXPOSED
which flames or gases could pass. The full or partial collapse
of non-load-bearing separating elements shall be noted as
In the case of elements with an unheated surface, the this will constitute ultimate integrity failure (see
temperature of the unexposed face shall be measured by 6.2.4 Additional observations
means of not fewer than five thermocouples, one placed
approximately at the centre of the face and the others Throughout the test, observations shall be made of all
approximately at the centres of the straight lines joining the changes and occurrences which are not criteria of
centre and the corners. Any additional thermocouples shall performance but which could create hazards in a building,
be disposed as uniformly as possible over the unexposed including, for example, the emission of smoke or noxious
face of the specimen. vapours from the unexposed face of a separating element.

IS0 834-1975 (E)

6.3 Duration of test b) the maximum temperature at any point of this face

6.3.1 Normally, the test specimen shall be heated in the - shall not exceed the initial temperature by more
prescribed manner until failure occurs under any one of the than 180 “C (324 OF) and
relevant test requirements, namely - shall not exceed 220 “C (428 ’ F) irrespective of
- load-bearing capacity (see 7.2.1); the initial temperature.

- insulation (see 7.2.2);

7.2.3 Integrity
- integrity (see 7.2.3). For elements of structure such as walls and floors
which have the function of separating two parts of a
6.3.2 In tests other than those on test specimens judged
building, the presence and formation in the test specimen
only by the criterion of load-bearing capacity (see 7.2.1),
of cracks, holes or other openings through which flames or
the testing may be continued after failure under either of
hot gases can pass so as to cause initial integrity failure,
the other two conditions (see 7.2.2 and 7.2.3) by prior
shall not occur.
agreement between the sponsor of the test and the testing
authority, until failure occurs under the other condition,
provided that collapse of the specimen has not already Initial integrity failure shall be deemed to have
occurred. occurred when the cotton pad referred to in is
ignited or when sustained flaming, having a duration of at
6.3.3 Alternatively, the test may be concluded after a least 10 s, appears on the unexposed face of the test element.
period determined by prior agreement between the sponsor Ultimate integrity failure shall be deemed to have occurred
and the testing authority, even if no failure under any of when collapse of the specimen takes place or at an earlier
the conditions has occurred at the end of that time. time on the basis of criteria stipulated from case to case.

6.3.4 The length of time from the commencement of NOTE - The words “insulation”, “integrity” or “load-bearing
capacity” shall follow the time, expressed in minutes, denoting the
heating for which the test specimen complies with the
relevant requirement(s) shall be expressed in minutes.
period of successful compliance under each of these headings.


7.1 Fire resistance ISO 834:1975

The test report shall include the following information :
The fire resistance of test a) name of testing laboratory;
specimens shall be the cd80fb9d5bb4/iso-834-1975
expressed in minutes, of the duration of heating in b) name of sponsor;
accordance with 4.1.1 until failure occurs, under the
conditions - load-bearing capacity, insulation, integrity - c) date of test;
appropriate to the specimen.
d) name of manufacturer and the trade-name (if any)
7.2 Criteria of fire resistance of the product;

The functional criteria of fire resistance comprise e) details of construction and conditioning of the test
requirements with regard to load-bearing capacity for a specimens, including detailed information on the
load-bearing structural element, insulation and integrity for relevant physical and mechanical properties of the
a separating element, and load-bearing capacity as well as materials used, together with drawings illustrating
insulation and integrity for a load-bearing and separating the essential features;
element. f) methods of fixing, support and restraint as
appropriate for the type of specimen;
7.2.1 Load-bearing capacity
g) for load-b earing specimens, the methods used for
For load-bearing elements of structure, the test specimen calculating the test load and its relationship to the
shall not collapse in such a way that it no longer performs maximum permissible load;
the load-bearing function for which it was constructed.?)
h) for asymmetrical separating elements, the direction
7.2.2 Insulation in which the specimen was tested and the reason for
adopting this procedure;
For elements of structure such as walls and floors wh ich
have the funct ion of separa ting two parts of a building, i) observations made during the test according to 6.2;

a) the average temperature of the unexposed face of j) test results as required by 7.1. Where the test is
the specimen shall not increase above the initial terminated before the occurrence of failure under the
temperature by more than 140 “C (252 OF); relevant criteria, this shall be reported.

1) National standards may specify a value for the limiting deflection for beams and floors.

IS0 834-1975 (E)



NOTE - So that suitable precautions to safeguard health may be taken, the attention of all persons concerned in fire tests is drawn to the
possibility that to xic or harmful gases may be evolved in combust ion of test elements.

This annex has been d rafted to provide a co mmentary on the body of th is International Standard, with the intention of giving
guidance on the plann ing, performance and reporting of resul ts of the test specified therein.

The possibilities of predicting the fire behaviour of a structure on the basis of data from a standard fire-resistance test is
discussed in lSO/TR 3956.

This International Standard and the corresponding national standards concerning fire-resistance tests on elements of building
construction have been developed on the basis of the classification requirements stipulated in national building codes and

A fundamental requirement for fire-resistance tests carried out according to this International Standard is that the test results
shall be reproducible. This requirement necessitates very accurate detailed specification of the test conditions for the
preparation of the test specimens and the characteristics of heating, loading and restraint during the test.

The test results obtained may be used as data for a structural design taking into account real conditions. This presupposes
that the test characteristics and results have to be specified, measured and reported with a degree of accuracy and in sufficient
detail so that the element of building construction, corresponding to the test specimen, can be analysed with regard to its
functional behaviour in the complete structure.
Such detailed data from a fire-resistance test will also facilitate a classification and an international utilization of the test data
in countries with different classification requirements. For a satisfactory analysis of the test results, it may be necessary to
complement a fire-resistance test by other tests for determination of relevant material properties, for example thermal
conductivity, specific heat and strength and deformation properties in the temperature range associated with fires.
ISO 834:1975
The following explanatory notes are intended to serve as guidance for the planning, performance and reporting of a
fire-resistance test in conformity with the principles outlined above. The clause numbers correspond to those in the body of
this International Standard.


The fire resistance of an element of building construction is defined as the period of time from the beginning of a heating
process fixed in accordance with clause 4 to an instant when the element no longer complies with the functional requirements
that is has to fulfil.
These functions can be

a) a load-bearing function (for example a column or a beam);

b) a separating function (for example a partition or a non-load-bearing wall);

c) a load-bearing and separating function (for example a load-bearing wall or a floor).

For a load-bearing element, it is to be shown that the load-bearing capacity during the fire action does not decrease below a
prescribed level multiplied by a stipulated safety factor. This factor depends, among other things, on the probability of the
occurrence of a fire, the probability of the presence of the prescribed load at a fire outbreak and the statistical characteristics
of the fire load and the load-bearing capacity. Unfortunately, the present state of knowledge is inadequate to enable a
statistical approach to be made to this essential problem in ordinary cases. Consequently, a simplified routine is applied as a
temporary solution of the problem, characterized by putting the test load equal to the design load and the corresponding
safety factor required just in excess of unity.

For a separating element, it is to be shown that during the fire action the increase of the average temperature of the
unexposed face and the maximum temperature at any point of this face do not exceed specified values (insulation; see 7.2.2)
and that neither any sustained flaming nor any ignition of hot gases occurs on the unexposed face of the element (integrity;
see 7.2.3). With regard to integrity, the requirements then can be differentiated. In most cases, only a small loss of integrity
can be accepted, limited by the criteria of “initial integrity failure” according to

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