Makalah Kurikulum 2013

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Kurikulum 2013

By :

Intan Dwi Kartika 2304020018

Nurani Apriliana 2304020074
Hikmah Az Zhubair 2304020089



First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing
the paper entitled “Kurikulum 2013” right in the calculated time.

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr. Adi
Satrio Ardiansyah as lecturer in Analysis of Methematics Curriculum major.

This paper provides a comprehensive analysis and discussion on Kurikulum 2013.

Through extensive research and critical thinking, I have sought to examine various aspects
related to this subject matter.

In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized there are still
many mistakes in process of writing this paper.

Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process
of writing this paper. hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all. The writer realized
this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content. Then the writer hope the criticism
from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.

I hope that it stimulates intellectual curiosity and fosters further exploration and
understanding of Kurikulum 2013. May this work contribute to the advancement of
knowledge in our shared quest for learning and innovation.

Table of contents………………………………………………………………………………
A. rumusan masalah………………………………………………………………..
B. tujuan……………………………………………………………………………

A. The goals………………………………………………………………………
B. Characteristics and Uniqueness……………………………………………….
C. Implementation and Structure………………………………….……………...
D. Comparison……………………………………………….……………………
E. Best Curriculum……………………………………………………………….


A. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………..
B. Suggestion………………………………………………………………………

Curriculum is a learning plan designed by educational institutions or education

authorities to achieve specific educational goals. Curriculum as an educational design
plays a very important role in all aspects of educational activities because the
curriculum is a guideline for conducting learning activities. The curriculum includes
various aspects, including the subjects that must be taught, the teaching methods
applied, assessment and evaluation, and scheduling of learning time.

In 2013, the government changed Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

(KTSP) to Kurikulum 2013, also known as K13. Kurikulum 2013 is a curriculum
implemented by the Indonesian government to improve the quality of national
education and face global challenges. Kurikulum 2013 focuses on active, critical,
creative, effective, and enjoyable learning approaches. To develop students' potential,
Kurikulum 2013 emphasizes a scientific approach that encourages students to
observe, collect data, analyze, communicate, and create something based on their
knowledge. In addition, Kurikulum 2013 also offers flexibility in creating an adequate
learning atmosphere. Teachers are expected to utilize local resources and students'
interests in designing relevant and meaningful learning activities.

However, does the implementation of Kurikulum 2013 have a positive impact

on the development of education in Indonesia? This is because the curriculum in
Indonesia has now changed to Kurikulum Merdeka. Kurikulum Merdeka is a
simplification of Kurikulum 2013 that focuses more on essential, relevant, and in-
depth materials. Kurikulum Merdeka also emphasizes the development of soft skills
and the character of students through Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila.

A. Rumusan Masalah
Based on the background that has been presented above, the problem formulation in
the preparation of the Curriculum 2013 paper is as follows:
1. What are the goals to be achieved by Kurikulum 2013?
2. What are the characteristics and uniqueness of Kurikulum 2013?
3. How is the implementation and structure in Kurikulum 2013?
4. What is the comparison between Kurikulum 2013 and Kurikulum Merdeka?
5. Which curriculum is the best between Kurikulum 2013 and Kurikulum
B. Tujuan
Based on the problem formulation, the purpose of preparing the paper on Kurikulum
2013 as follows:
1. Explain the goals of Kurikulum 2013,
2. Identify the characteristics and uniqueness of Kurikulum 2013,
3. Explain the implementation and structure in Kurikulum 2013,
4. Identify the comparison between Kurikulum 2013 and Kurikulum Merdeka,
5. Knowing which curriculum is the best.


A. The goals
Kurikulum 2013 was introduced as an effort to integrate subjects, develop
critical thinking, creativity, social intelligence, and culture, as well as encourage
students to become globally competitive individuals. This curriculum focuses on
developing basic competencies, thematic learning, character education, and project-
based learning.

B. Characteristics and Uniqueness

The characteristics:
 Development of Balanced Competence
Developing a balance between spiritual and social attitudes, knowledge, and
skills, and applying them in various situations in school and society
 Flexibility of Time
Providing sufficient time flexibility to develop various attitudes, knowledge,
and skills
 Contextualization of School
Positioning the school as part of the community that provides learning
experiences so that students are able to apply what they have learned in school
to the community
 Detailed Competence
Developing competencies that are expressed in the form of core competencies
for each class, which are further detailed in the basic competencies of each
 Core Competencies as Organizing Elements
Developing core competencies of class as organizing elements for basic
competencies. All basic competencies and learning processes are developed to
achieve competencies stated in the core competencies.

 Accumulative, Mutual Reinforcement, and Mutual Enrichment

Developing basic competencies based on the principles of accumulative,
mutual reinforcement, and mutual enrichment between subjects and
educational levels (horizontal and vertical organization).

The uniqueness:
 This curriculum has stages in the implementation process of Kurikulum 2013,
with the ultimate goal being communication skills
 There is discovery learning system that encourages students to form discussion
groups and find out about various things around them
 The assessment process is done from all aspects
 The focus is on improving character education.

C. Implementation and Structure

 Perencanaan Pembelajaran
process of arranging the implementation Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
(RPP) that refers to the content standards and silabus. RPP must reflect the
ideas and concepts of Kurikulum 2013, as well as develop the main material
or specific themes in detail.
 Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
process of conducting learning using a scientific approach that involves the
processes of observing, questioning, collecting information, processing
information, presenting information, and drawing conclusions.
 Penilaian Hasil Belajar
process of assessing student learning outcomes that include aspects of
attitude, knowledge, and skills. Assessment is done using various valid,
reliable, practical, and fair techniques and instruments.

 Mathematics learning in Kurikulum 2013 is based on Kompetensi Inti (KI)
and Kompetensi Dasar (KD) that must be achieved by students. KI and KD
mathematics are different for each level and grade.
 Mathematics learning in Kurikulum 2013 uses various models, methods,
strategies, techniques, and learning media that are appropriate to the
characteristics of students, subjects, and learning objectives.
 Mathematics learning is conducted through a thematic approach that is
integrated with other subjects in a specific theme. This approach aims to
provide meaningful contexts and connect mathematical concepts to the real
 Evaluation in mathematics learning uses a formative approach that focuses on
monitoring and feedback on student progress.

D. The Comparison
There is comparison between Kurikulum 2013 and Kurikulum Merdeka:
 The competencies aimed at in the Kurikulum 2013 are Kompetensi Dasar
(KD), expressed in points ordered to achieve Kompetensi Inti (KI) per year. In
Kurikulum Merdeka uses the term Capaian Pembelajaran (CP), which is
essentially the same as KD. The Core Competencies in Kurikulum Merdeka
consist of Spiritual Attitude, Social Attitude, Knowledge, and Skills
 Schools with Kurikulum 2013 are directed to use an integrative thematic-
based learning organizing approach. Meanwhile, schools with Kurikulum
Merdeka can use subject-based, thematic-based, or integrated learning
organizing approaches

 Jam Pelajaran (JP) for Kurikulum 2013 are set per week with regular weekly
time allocations for each semester so that students will get the learning
outcomes for each subject at the end of each semester. Meanwhile, in
Kurikulum Merdeka jam Pelajaran (JP) are set annually so that the time
allocation for achieving JP can be flexible.

E. Best Curriculum
The best curriculum between Kurikulum 2013 and Kurikulum Merdeka is
Kurikulum Merdeka. Why the Kurikulum Merdeka is the best curriculum?
 There is development of the Pengembangan Profil Pelajar Pancasila which in
the program not only focuses on assessment but also the application of
Pancasila principles which makes students have high competence, character
and behave in accordance with Pancasila values.
 Allocation of 70% time for academic learning and 30% for Proyek
Pengembangan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5). So it doesn't just focus on
academics but also prioritizes character strengthening (Penguatan Karakter)
 Kurikulum Merdeka focuses on essential material and developing student
competencies in each phase. The learning process is expected to be more in-
depth, meaningful, less rushed, and fun.
 Then, teaching staff and students will be more independent, because for
students there are no specializations in high school so students choose subjects
according to their interests, talents and aspirations.
 The approach to organizing learning in Kurikulum Merdeka is more varied.


A. Conclusion
The curriculum changes in Indonesia aim to improve the quality of education,
prepare students for the future, accommodate individual needs, and adapt to the
development of the times. Good implementation and ongoing attention to curriculum
improvement will be key to achieving these goals. Kurikulum 2013 focuses on the
development of students' character and prepares them to adapt in a world that is
continuously evolving technologically and socially.

B. Suggestion
It is important to continue evaluating and improving to ensure the
sustainability of an effective and relevant curriculum in improving the quality of
education in Indonesia.

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