Traveller - Space Stations IV, Asteroid Habitat v1.3 (2014)

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The passage provides details about the layout and operations of an asteroid habitat.

The habitat has residential space, engineering facilities, a command center, fuel tanks, cargo holds, and docking bays.

The crew is divided into command, engineering, service, and facility crews with different roles and responsibilities.


Content Designer
Christian Hollnbuchner

Christian Hollnbuchner

Christian Hollnbuchner

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Asteroid Habitat Crew of the 'Rocky Road' Habitat:
These habitats built into small asteroids often supply living Station Sahar Fame encourages what he calls 'a healthy
space that is slightly more comfortable than the average competition' between his crew members. In truth he
stateroom near various locations in deep space. Often segregates his crew into rather arbitrary factions. He
enough you will find these habitats as part of asteroid belt seems unaware of the fact, that building tensions between
mining operations. these factions might endanger his station in the future.

These habitats provide high quality housing to at most Station Master Sahar Fame
eighty people on two decks. Usually they are booked to the STR DEX END INT EDU SOC
very brim. In addition to the residential space spread 9 9 8 10 10 10
around the circumference of these two decks there another
Admin 2, Astrogation 1, Broker 1, Gun Combat (Slug
twenty four staterooms at the centre of the decks, providing Pistol) 1, Leadership 1, Pilot (Capital Ships) 1, Zero-G 1
living space for the stations crew.
Cloth (Armour 3) or Vacc Suit (Armour 6), Toolkit, Comm,
At the very centre of the station a zero gravity shaft with Handcomputer, Snub Pistol (3d6-3)
additional elevators connects these two decks with each
other and the engineering and command section towards The command crew, engineering personnel and even
the top of the asteroid. Neither power plant nor drives are service mechanics see themselves as something better
very powerful, as the station usually is operated well away than the facility operation crew. An attitude encouraged by
from any gravity well. the station master.

A slight oddity of the station might be its oversized fuel Command, Engineering and Service Crewmen (13)
tank. The large tank topping the station can hold fuel for up STR DEX END INT EDU SOC
to sixty weeks of operation. A considerable amount of time.
8 8 8 7 7 6
As a fuel explosion of this magnitude would be disastrous
Engineer (Power Plant) and Engineer (M-Drive) 1 or
though the fuel is kept outside the primary hull. An attacker
Engineer (Life Support) 2, Pilot (Capital Ships) 1 or
should not be fooled by this though. The tank is by no Sensors 1, Zero-G 1
means armoured any less than the rest of the station.
Vacc Suit (Armour 4), Toolkit, Comm
Towards what is considered the front of the asteroid base a
large hangar and cargo hold connects the two main decks Aboard the rocky road there is a strict distinction between
of the habitat as well. A considerable amount of facility crew and crew essential to the operation of the
consumables can be held here and the hangar provides station. Crewmen only responsible for maintaining the
docking space for two craft up to 100 dT. The station itself habitat and serving the residents are treated and paid as
is usually not equipped with any small or other craft. second rate crewmen, and many are. Still, there is unrest
Transportation to other space stations or sites is usually building among them as they are essential for running a
provided by independent traffic operators. habitat as much as the rest of the crew.

Facility Crew (10)

7 7 7 9 9 7
Steward 2, Medic 1, Mechanic 1, Zero-G 1
Cloth (Armour 3) , Toolkit, Comm
Asteroid Habitat Tons Price
Hull 2520 tons Hull 18 151.200
TL 10 Planetoid AG Hull Sturcture 18
Wasted Space 20% 504.00
Armour Natural + Titanium Steel 4 Points 126.00 7.560
Manoeuvre Drive Non-Orbital 0.1G 6.30 3.150
Power Plant Non-Orbital 12.60 31.500
Fuel 252.0 tons 60 weeks of operation 252.00
Command 2 Standard Module 10.08 1.008
Computer Distributed/1 Rating 20 5.000
Electronics Standard -4
Cargo 433.02 Tons 433.02
24 Staterooms 96.00 12.000
Armaments none
Extras Residential Space High Quality housing for 80 480.00 48.000
2 x Docking Bay 2 x 100 ton 600.00 150.000
Software Manoeure/0

Maintenance Cost (monthly) 0.032

Life Support Cost (monthly) 0.208
Total Tonnage & Cost 2520.00 377.918

Command & Engineering Habitat Department Crew

2D External Internal External Internal Command 6
2 Hull Crew Hull Crew Engineering 3
3 Hull Command Hull Command Service 5
4 M-Drive P-Plant Docking Arm Docking Bay Facility 10
5 Armour Fuel Armour Hold Total 24
6 Hull Structure Hull Structure Passenger Staterooms 0
7 Armour Hold Armour Hold Residential Space 80
8 Hull Structure Hull Structure
9 Hull Fuel Hull Hold
10 M-Drive P-Plant Docking Arm Docking Bay Berthing (Waiting Time)
11 Hull Crew Hull Crew Small Craft: 2x100 (1D-1)
12 Hull Critical Hull Critical

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