B.SC ECS 17062022
B.SC ECS 17062022
B.SC ECS 17062022
B.Sc(ECS) I Semester I
Fundamentals of programming using C and C++ - I
9) What is function?
4) What is an array? Explain types of arrays with example. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of using array?
Q.5 Answer any One of the following (Each question carries 8 marks)
1 Define semiconductor memory and explain its different types in brief?
2 what is mean by Flip flop? Write down its different type? Explain J-K Flip flop in
3 what is mean by Flip flop? Write down its different type? Explain R-S Flip flop in
4. What is mean by Shift register? Write down its different types? Explain any two types
in brief?
5 What is mean by counter? Write its different types? Explain in brief 3 bit
Asynchronous counter?
6 What is mean by ADC and DAC? Explain any two types of ADC in brief?
7 what is mean by Memory cell? Explain types of Memory in brief?
8 Write brief note on memory devices RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM and UVPROM?
9 What is mean by Volatile and Nonvolatile Memory? Explain diode matrix ROM in
10 Explain 3 bit Synchronous up and 3 bit Asynchronous down counter in brief?
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University,Solapur
B.Sc(ECS) I Semester I
Programming using C and C++ II
8) What is ifstream?
9) What is ofstream?
1) How dynamic memory allocation is achieved in C and C++? Explain with example.
2) What is constructor? What are the rules for constructor? Explain constructor overloading
with example.
7) Write a C++ program to perform following actions on an array entered by the user:
i) Print the even-valued elements
ii) Print the odd-valued elements
iii) Calculate and print the sum and average of the elements of array
The program should present a menu to the user and ask for one of the options. The menu
should also include options to re-enter array and to quit the program.
9) Create the Person class. Create some objects of this class (by taking information from the
user). Inherit the class Person to create two classes Teacher and Student class. Maintain
the respective information in the classes and create, display and delete objects of these two
classes (Use Runtime Polymorphism).
10) Create a class Triangle. Include overloaded functions for calculating area. Overload
assignment operator and equality operator.
Question Bank
1. Define Tree.
2. List out advantages of Tree.
3. Define Binary Tree.
4. Define Leaf Node.
5. Define Non Leaf Node.
6. Define Degree of node.
7. Define Level of node.
8. Define Depth of Tree.
9. Define Ancestors.
10.Define Descendants.
11.Define Strictly Binary Tree.
12.Define Full Binary tree.
13. Define Extended Binary Tree.
14.Define Binary Expression Tree.
15.Define Heap Tree.
16.Define BST.
17.What Is Pre-Order Traversal?
18.What Is In-Order Traversal?
19.What Is Post-Order Traversal?
20. Define AVL Tree.
21.List Applications of Binary Tree.
22.Define Graph.
23.Define Directed Graph
24. Define Undirected Graph
25.Define Weighted Graph
26. Define Adjacent vertices
27.Define Path
28. Define Closed path
29.Define Simple path
30.Define Cycle
31. Define Shortest path
32. Define Length of path
33.Define cyclic graph
34.Define source node
35.Define sink node
36.Define pendant node
37.Define Loop
38.Define Multiple edge
39.Define Multi graph
40.Define Indegree
41.Define Outdegree
42. Define Sorting
43.Define Serching.
1. Explain Heap Tree with its types.
2. Represent any Binary Tree Using Linked List.
3. Represent any Binary Tree Using Array.
4. Write search () in Binary Tree.
5. Write count_total_nodes () in Binary Tree.
6. Write count_leaf_node () in Binary Tree.
7. Write count_non_leaf_node () in Binary Tree.
8. What is tree? What are the advantages of tree over linked list?
9. Write search() in Binary Tree.
10. Explain Graph with its types.
11.What is Graph? Write its different applications
12.What is Adjacency Matrix? Represent any directed and undirected graph
using adjacency matrix.
13.What are the difficulties in graph traversal?
14.Write a note on Simple Exchange sort
15.Write a note on Bubble Sort
16.Write a note on Straight Selection sort
17. Write a note on Partition exchanged sort (Quick sort)
18.Write a note on Shell sort (Diminishing increment sort)
19.Write a note on Insertion sort
20.Write a note on Merge sort
21.Write a note on Radix sort.
22.Write a note on Heap Sort.
23. Explain Hashing and Hash Funcion.
24.Write a note on Truncation method
25.Write a note on Mid-Square method
26.Write a note on Folding Method
27.Write a note on Modulus Method
28.Write a note on Hash function for floating point number.
29.Sort following numbers using bubble sort method with all passes
30.Sort following numbers using radix sort method with all passes
1. What is Binary Search tree? Explain the process to insert new node in binary
search tree with its algorithm.
2. What is traversal? Explain different tree traversal methods with its
3. What is Binary tree? Explain various types of binary trees
4. What is Binary Search tree? Explain the process to insert new node in binary
search tree with its algorithm.
5. Explain the node delete operation of Binary search tree in details
6. Explain, how we can represent graph by using adjacency list (by using
linked list) with one example.
7. Explain BFS traversal of graph.
8. Explain DFS traversal of graph.
9. Explain Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest path between two vertices.
10. What is searching? Explain categories of searching with advantages and
11.Explain Indexed sequential search in details.
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur
B.Sc. (ECS)-II -( Sem-IV) (CBCS)
Subject:-Optimization Techniques
Question Bank
11 What is O.R.
14 Write the formula for finding opportunity cost for unoccupied cell.
W1 W2 W3 W4 ai
F1 90 90 100 100 200
F2 50 70 130 85 100
bj 75 100 100 30
10 Solve the following A.P
M1 9 11 15 10 11
M2 12 9 ∞ 10 9
M3 ∞ 11 14 11 7
M4 14 8 12 7 8
2 Find IBFS by VAM and find an optimal solution of the following T.P.
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 ai
O1 50 80 60 60 30 800
O2 40 70 70 60 50 600
O3 80 40 60 60 40 2500
bj 400 400 500 400 8000
Jobs Machines
1 A B C D E
2 32 38 40 28 40
3 40 24 28 21 36
4 41 27 33 30 37
5 29 33 40 35 39
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur
B.Sc(ECS) I Semester I
Fundamentals of programming using C and C++ - I
9) What is function?
4) What is an array? Explain types of arrays with example. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of using array?
Q.5 Answer any One of the following (Each question carries 8 marks)
1 Define semiconductor memory and explain its different types in brief?
2 what is mean by Flip flop? Write down its different type? Explain J-K Flip flop in
3 what is mean by Flip flop? Write down its different type? Explain R-S Flip flop in
4. What is mean by Shift register? Write down its different types? Explain any two types
in brief?
5 What is mean by counter? Write its different types? Explain in brief 3 bit
Asynchronous counter?
6 What is mean by ADC and DAC? Explain any two types of ADC in brief?
7 what is mean by Memory cell? Explain types of Memory in brief?
8 Write brief note on memory devices RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM and UVPROM?
9 What is mean by Volatile and Nonvolatile Memory? Explain diode matrix ROM in
10 Explain 3 bit Synchronous up and 3 bit Asynchronous down counter in brief?
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University,Solapur
Question Bank
Q.2) Answers any four of the following. (2 marks for each question)
1) Define module.
2) Define Default Constructor
3) Define list with example
4) Define search () Function
5) Define class method
6) Write down syntax for range() function
7) Define module
8) Define static Method
9) Write down syntax for tuple declaration
10) List out various data types in python
11) Define Instance Method
12) What are Formal parameters?
13) Write use of input() function with example
14) Define Inheritance?
15) Define Lambda function
16) Write use of pass keyword with example
17) What are Actual parameters?
18) Write down syntax of Creating a Function
19) Define dictionary
20) Write down syntax for dictionary declaration
Q. 3) Write short notes on any two of the following.(4 marks for each question)
1) Characteristics of python
2)Write a program to check given number is palindrome or not
3) Explain various manipulations on tuple
4)Explain read(), readlines() methods
5)Write a program to check large number between three numbers
6) Constructors in python
7)Explain all numeric data types used in python
8)What is String? Explain any 4 manipulations of String with example
9)Explain write(), writelines() methods
10)What is Tuple? Explain any 4 manipulations ofTuple with example
Q.5). Answer any one of the following. (8 marks for each question)
B.Sc(ECS) - III Sem - V Advanced Java Question Bank(CBCS, 2021-22)
1) What is JDBC ?
2) What is UDP ?
3) What is Deployment descriptor ?
4) List out advantages of JSP over servlet.
5) Define methods of JTextArea.
6) What is cookies ?
7) Difference between statement and prepared Statement.
8) List out advantages of Java Networking.
9) Describe CallablStatement.
10) Mention the advantages and disadvantages of using Java Sockets.
11) Explain the use of JSTL core tag with the help of an example.
12) List the JSTL tags.
13) What is the role of RequestDispatcher Interface in Servlet?
14) What is the role of attribute in servlets?
15) What is Session Tracking? What are the common methods of Session Tracking?
16) Does JSP allow the use of exception implicit object in any page?
17) Define Static Initializer.
18) How is transaction different from distributed transaction?
19) Mention the different transactional attributes?
20) What is Servlet API?
21) Define Session Tracking?
22) The Major Stages of JSP Life Cycle?
23) List of Implicit objects?
24) List Type of Directive Tags?
25) List of JSP Action tags?
26) define Meta Data? its components in JDBC.
27) What is the difference between TCP and UDP?
28) What are the key steps in reading from a URL connection?
29) What is a network interface?
30) What are Datagram's and Sockets?
31) What is the difference between execute, executeQuery, executeUpdate?
32) How to delete a Cookie in a JSP?
33) How is JSP better than Servlet technology?
34) What is difference between Swing and AWT in Java?
35) What is difference between BorderLayout and GridLayout ?
36) Why Swing is called light weight ?
37) What is difference between Container and Component ?
38) What Is The Difference Between Applications And Applets?
39) List Layoutmanagers In Java.
40) Which Is The Super Class Of All Event Classes?
41) What Are The Advantages Of The Event-delegation Model Over The Event-
inheritance Model?
42) List Lifecycle Method Of An Applet?
43) What Method Is Used To Specify A Container's Layout?
44) What Is An Event Handler In Swing?
45) Which package has light weight component?
46) List Container classes?
47) What method is used to specify a container's layout?
48) List Components subclasses that support painting?
49)List the containers which use Border Layouts as their default layout?
50) What is the purpose of the enableEvents() method?
2) What is multimedia?
3) What is WWW?
5) What is HTML?
6) What is Internet?
17) What are the different types of HTML tags? Explain with example.
20) How to set image on web page background ? Explain with example.
B.Sc.(ECS)-III (Sem-V) (New w.e.f Nov 2021) Examination
6. What is client side socket? Explain methods for client side socket.
8) What is ifstream?
9) What is ofstream?
1) How dynamic memory allocation is achieved in C and C++? Explain with example.
2) What is constructor? What are the rules for constructor? Explain constructor overloading
with example.
7) Write a C++ program to perform following actions on an array entered by the user:
i) Print the even-valued elements
ii) Print the odd-valued elements
iii) Calculate and print the sum and average of the elements of array
The program should present a menu to the user and ask for one of the options. The menu
should also include options to re-enter array and to quit the program.
9) Create the Person class. Create some objects of this class (by taking information from the
user). Inherit the class Person to create two classes Teacher and Student class. Maintain
the respective information in the classes and create, display and delete objects of these two
classes (Use Runtime Polymorphism).
10) Create a class Triangle. Include overloaded functions for calculating area. Overload
assignment operator and equality operator.
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University,Solapur
B.Sc(ECS)-I SEM-I (CBCS-2019)
Question Bank
Q.2) Answers any four of the following. (2 marks for each question)
1) What is union?
2) List out various keyword used in c language.
3) What is the use of <stdio.h> header file
4) Write down syntax of self referential structure with example
5) Write down syntax of scanf() & printf() function.
6) What do you mean by OOP?
7) Differentiate normal variable and pointer
8) List out various data types in c++ language.
9) What are the advantages of pointer
10) What is the use of <conio.h> header file
11) What are the advantages of function?
12) Write rules for variable declaration.
13) Define function prototype
14) What is the use of cin and cout?
15) Define pointer with example.
16) What do you mean by POP?
17) Define constant with example.
18) What is function?
19) Write down syntax of structure with example
20) Define structure. Give one example
Q. 3) Write short notes on any two of the following.(4 marks for each question)
1) Explain switch case statement
2)Explain the history of C
3) Explain bitwise operators
4)What is unary operator and binary operator?
5)Differentiate between break and continue statement
6) Explain forward jump and backward jump in jumping statement
7) Write a program to implement passing structure to function.
8) Explain the history of C++
9) Differentiate call by value and call by reference
10)Differentiate C and C++ language
Q.5). Answer any one of the following. (8 marks for each question)
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur
B.Sc(ECS)- III (Semester – VI) Examination
Computer Science (New w.e.f. Nov 2021) New CBCS
System Security (paper– XIV)
Question Bank 80 marks
Question Bank
1. Define Tree.
2. List out advantages of Tree.
3. Define Binary Tree.
4. Define Leaf Node.
5. Define Non Leaf Node.
6. Define Degree of node.
7. Define Level of node.
8. Define Depth of Tree.
9. Define Ancestors.
10.Define Descendants.
11.Define Strictly Binary Tree.
12.Define Full Binary tree.
13. Define Extended Binary Tree.
14.Define Binary Expression Tree.
15.Define Heap Tree.
16.Define BST.
17.What Is Pre-Order Traversal?
18.What Is In-Order Traversal?
19.What Is Post-Order Traversal?
20. Define AVL Tree.
21.List Applications of Binary Tree.
22.Define Graph.
23.Define Directed Graph
24. Define Undirected Graph
25.Define Weighted Graph
26. Define Adjacent vertices
27.Define Path
28. Define Closed path
29.Define Simple path
30.Define Cycle
31. Define Shortest path
32. Define Length of path
33.Define cyclic graph
34.Define source node
35.Define sink node
36.Define pendant node
37.Define Loop
38.Define Multiple edge
39.Define Multi graph
40.Define Indegree
41.Define Outdegree
42. Define Sorting
43.Define Serching.
1. Explain Heap Tree with its types.
2. Represent any Binary Tree Using Linked List.
3. Represent any Binary Tree Using Array.
4. Write search () in Binary Tree.
5. Write count_total_nodes () in Binary Tree.
6. Write count_leaf_node () in Binary Tree.
7. Write count_non_leaf_node () in Binary Tree.
8. What is tree? What are the advantages of tree over linked list?
9. Write search() in Binary Tree.
10. Explain Graph with its types.
11.What is Graph? Write its different applications
12.What is Adjacency Matrix? Represent any directed and undirected graph
using adjacency matrix.
13.What are the difficulties in graph traversal?
14.Write a note on Simple Exchange sort
15.Write a note on Bubble Sort
16.Write a note on Straight Selection sort
17. Write a note on Partition exchanged sort (Quick sort)
18.Write a note on Shell sort (Diminishing increment sort)
19.Write a note on Insertion sort
20.Write a note on Merge sort
21.Write a note on Radix sort.
22.Write a note on Heap Sort.
23. Explain Hashing and Hash Funcion.
24.Write a note on Truncation method
25.Write a note on Mid-Square method
26.Write a note on Folding Method
27.Write a note on Modulus Method
28.Write a note on Hash function for floating point number.
29.Sort following numbers using bubble sort method with all passes
30.Sort following numbers using radix sort method with all passes
1. What is Binary Search tree? Explain the process to insert new node in binary
search tree with its algorithm.
2. What is traversal? Explain different tree traversal methods with its
3. What is Binary tree? Explain various types of binary trees
4. What is Binary Search tree? Explain the process to insert new node in binary
search tree with its algorithm.
5. Explain the node delete operation of Binary search tree in details
6. Explain, how we can represent graph by using adjacency list (by using
linked list) with one example.
7. Explain BFS traversal of graph.
8. Explain DFS traversal of graph.
9. Explain Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest path between two vertices.
10. What is searching? Explain categories of searching with advantages and
11.Explain Indexed sequential search in details.
Nature of Question Paper for choice based credit system (CBCS)
B.Sc. (ECS)- II Sem- III
Subject:- Software Testing
Question Bank
Time: - 2 hrs. Total Marks-40
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Draw neat diagrams and give equations wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Use of logarithmic table and calculator is allowed.
11 What is O.R.
14 Write the formula for finding opportunity cost for unoccupied cell.
W1 W2 W3 W4 ai
F1 90 90 100 100 200
F2 50 70 130 85 100
bj 75 100 100 30
10 Solve the following A.P
M1 9 11 15 10 11
M2 12 9 ∞ 10 9
M3 ∞ 11 14 11 7
M4 14 8 12 7 8
2 Find IBFS by VAM and find an optimal solution of the following T.P.
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 ai
O1 50 80 60 60 30 800
O2 40 70 70 60 50 600
O3 80 40 60 60 40 2500
bj 400 400 500 400 8000
Jobs Machines
1 A B C D E
2 32 38 40 28 40
3 40 24 28 21 36
4 41 27 33 30 37
5 29 33 40 35 39
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur
BSc(ECS)-III Sem (V)
Subject: Data Communication and Networking
Question Bank
Time: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 80
i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) Draw neat labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
iii) Figures to right indicate full marks.
iv) Use of log table and calculators is allowed.
Q. 2) Solve any Eight of the following. (16)
1. Network
2. Burst error
3. Negative ACK
4. Bandwidth
5. Resource Allocation
6. Error Detection
7. Gateways
8. Flow Control
9. Retransmission
10. Reliability in network
11. Switch
12. Optimality
13. Request
14. Phase
15. Scalability
16. Stop ARQ
17. Analog Signal
18. Wavelength
19. Distortion
20. Response
21. Telnet
22. Bandwidth
23. Authentication
24. Connection oriented and connection less
25. Bridge
26. Addressing
27. Session Layer
28. Error Control
29. Hubs
30. Router
31. Buffering
32. Wait ARQ
33. Repeater
34. Transport
35. Framing
36. Single bit error
37. Parity Check
38. Positive ACK
39. Cipher Text
40. TLS
Q. 3) B) (06)
1. Explain Digital to Digital Line Encoding Schemes.
2. Explain Error Recovery Protocol (Stop and Wait ARQ, Go-Back-N ARQ).
3. Explain Multiplexing Techniques- FDM, TDM in detail.
4. Explain Hybrid and Mesh topology in detail.
5. Explain LAN Ethernet with advantages and disadvantages in detail.
Q. 4) B) (08)
1. Define Network and explain OSI reference model in detail.
2. Explain Link state Routing algorithm with example.
3. Difference between Limited Broadcasting and Direct Broadcasting in broadcasting.
4. Explain Transmission Guided Media and Unguided Media in detail.
5. Explain SMTP, POP and HTTP in detail.
Q. 3) B) (06)
1. Write steps of programmatically assigning master pages.
2. Explain Site Navigation Technique.
3. How to consume web services?
4. Explain Tree View and Menu Control in detail.
5. Explain validation controls in detail.
Q. 4) B) (08)
1. Explain ASP.Net Page Structure in detail.
2. Explain AJAX’s Server side controls.
3. Explain Basic Themes and Skins and event ordering of master-pages.
4. Explain client side State Management.
5. Explain any 6 Standard web controls.