Unit - I Part-A
Unit - I Part-A
Unit - I Part-A
1. State the characteristics of procedure oriented programming.
2. What are the features of Object Oriented Programming?
3. Distinguish between Procedure Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Programming.
Define Object
Oriented Programming (OOP).
4. List out the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming.
5. Define Objects.
6. Define Class.
7. Define Encapsulation and Data Hiding.
8. Define Data Abstraction.
9. Define data members and member functions.
10. State Inheritance.
11. State Polymorphism.
12. List and define the two types of Polymorphism.
13. State Dynamic Binding.
14. Define Message Passing.
15. List out some of the benefits of OOP.
16. Define Object Based Programming language.
17. List out the applications of OOP.
18. Define C++.
19. What are the input and output operators used in C++?
20. What is the return type of main ()?
21. List out the four basic sections in a typical C++ program.
22. Define token. What are the tokens used in C++?
23. Define identifier. What are the rules to be followed for identifiers?
24. State the use of void in C++.
25. Define an enumeration data type.
26. Define constant pointer and pointer to a constant.
27. What are the two ways of creating symbolic constants?
28. Define reference variable. Give its syntax.
29. List out the new operators introduced in C++.
30. What is the use of scope resolution operator?
31. List out the memory differencing operator.
32. Define the 2 memory management operators.
33. List out the advantages of new operator over malloc ().
34. Define manipulators. What are the manipulators used in C++?
35. Define integral widening conversion.
36. What are the control structures used in C++?
37. Define Function Prototyping.
38. What is call by reference?
39. What are inline functions?
40. List out the conditions where inline expansion doesnt work.
41. Why do we use default arguments?
42. State the advantages of default arguments.
43. Define function overloading.
44. List out the limitations of function overloading.
45.State the difference between structures and class.
46.Define a class.
23) Define a supplier class. Assume that the items supplied by any given supplier are
and varying in number. Use dynamic memory allocation in the constructor function to
achieve the solution. (16)
24) Write a C++ Program to check whether the string is palindrome or not? (8)
25) Write a C++ program to define Binary and unary operator. (8)
1.What are the types of inheritance?
2. Give the syntax for inheritance.
3. Define single inher itance.
4. Define mult i- level inher itance.
5. Define mult ip le inheritance.
6. Define Hierarchic a l inheritance.
7. Define Hybrid inheritance.
8.What is a virtua l base class?
9.What is an abstract class?
10.What are the types of polymorphism?
11. Define this po inter.
12.What is a virtua l function?
13.What is a pure virtual function?
14. How can a private member be made inheritable?
15.What is hierarchical inheritance?
16.What is multilevel inheritance?
17.Mention some of the Separators used in Java Programming?
18.What is boolean data type?
19.How dynamic initialization of variables is achieved in java?
20.What is meant by Widening conversion?
21. What is meant meant by Abstract base class?
22. Write short notes on virtual base class.
23. What are the iteration statements used in C++?
24. What is the difference between break & continue statements?
25. What are the uses of break statements?
26. Mention some of the restrictions while using static keyword?
27. Define data members and member functions.
28. List and define the two types of Polymorphism.
29.Define Message Passing.
30. Define C++.
31. What is the return type of main ()?
32. State the use of void in C++.
1.Explain the various types of Inheritance with suitable example program. (16)
2.What are the virtual functions? Explain their needs using a suitable example. What are the
rules associated with virtual functions? (16)
3.What are the different forms of inheritance supported in c++? Discuss on the visibility
of base class members in privately and publicly inherited classes. (16)
4.What are abstract classes? Give an example (with the program) to illustrate the use of
Explain the process of conversion from infix expression to postfix using stack (16)
22. Explain the process of postfix expression evaluation with Example (16)
23. Write the ADT operation to test whether current position is the last in the linked list (16)
24. Write the ADT operation for insertion and deletion routin in linked lists (16)
25. Write example describe how you will measure the efficiency of an algorithm (16)
26. Analyze the search algorithm with example (16)
27. Explain the various aspects of problem solving in detail. Also describe the pros and cons
of each (8)
28. Write the ADT operation for insertion and deletion routine in linked Queue (16)
29. Write a suitable C routine to remove and return the top element of stack using
Array implementation? (16)
30. Formulate a routine to implement a stack using linked list and to pop and element
Into the stack. (16)
31. Write a routine to implement a queue using arrays and to enqueue and element in to it.
32. List out the ADT operation to enqueue and Dequeue and element in queue. (16)
33. List out the ADT operations of circular linked list? (16)
34. Define hash function? Write the routines to find and insert an element in separate
chaining. (16)
35. Explain rehashing techniques to avoid collision. (16)
36. Explain extendible hashing to resolve collision. (16)
37. Define Heap? State the properties of heap. Explain the Maximum heap and minimum
heap with an
example? (16)
1. Define tree?
2. Define non-linear data structure?
3. What is a Binary tree?
4. What are the applications of binary tree?
5. What is meant by traversing?
6.What is binary tree traversal?
7. What are the different types of traversing?
8. What are the two methods of binary tree implementation?
9. Define Graph?
10. Define adjacent nodes?
11.Name the different ways of representing a graph?
12. What are the two traversal strategies used in traversing a graph?
13. What is an acyclic graph?
14. Give some example of NP complete problems.
15. Define Height of tree.
16. Define Depth of tree.
17. Define Degree of a node.
18. Define Degree of a tree.
19. Define Terminal node or leaf?
20. Define Non-terminal node?
21. Define sibling?
22. Define binary tree?
23. Define expression tree?
24. Define Construction of expression trees
18. Explain the various representation of graph with example in detail? (16)
19. Define topological sort? Explain with an example? (16)
20. Explain Dijkstra's algorithm with an example? (16)
21. Explain Prim's algorithm with an example? (16)
22. Explain Krushal's algorithm with an example? (16)
23.Explain minimum Spanning tree . (16)
24. Design a single source shortest path algorithm and explain it with example. (16)
25. What are the Graph traversal method? Explain it with example. (16)
26. Give an algorithm to find minimum Spanning tree, Explain it with suitable example. (16)
27.Write an algorithm for finding minimum spanning tree and explain application, illustrate
the algorithm with typical data of yours own example. (16)
28. Explain the algorithm for depth first search and breath first search with the following
graph (16)
1. What is meant by sorting?
2. What are the two main classifications of sorting based on the source of data?
3. What is meant by external sorting?
4. What is meant by internal sorting?
5. What are the various factors to be considered in deciding a sorting algorithm?
6. What is the main idea in Bubble sort?
7. What is the basic idea of shell sort?
8. What is the purpose of quick sort?
9. What is the advantage of quick sort?
10. What is the average efficiency of heap sort?
11. Define Algorithm.
12. What is complexity analysis?
13. What is performance analysis of an algorithm?
14. Define space complexity.
15. Define time complexity.
16. What does asymptotic notation mean?
17. Define best case of an algorithm.
18. What is divide and conquer technique?
19. What is dynamic programming?
20. Define Greedy method.
21. Who invented shell sort? Define it?
22. Write the function in c for shell sort?
23. What is maxheap?
24. What are the two stages for heap sort?
25. What is divide and conquer strategy?
26. Mention some methods for choosing the pivot element in quicksort?
27. What are the three cases that arise during the left to right scan in quicksort?
28. What is the need of external sorting?
29. Define two way merge?
30. Define multi way merge?
31. Define polyphase merge?
32. What is replacement selection?
33. What is sorting?