110 B.a.ll.b Syllabus 11817

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ALLAHABAD (U.P.) 221505



2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 & 2018-2019

ALLAHABAD (U.P.) 221505
B.A.LL.B. (Hons) – 2014-15

Proposed Papers of Arts Sector

I. English - Ist Sem + IInd Sem + IIIrd Sem
II. Sociology - Ist Sem + IInd Sem + IIIrd Sem + IVth Sem
III. Economics - Ist Sem + IInd Sem + IIIrd Sem + IVth Sem
IV. History - Ist Sem + IInd Sem + IIIrd Sem + IVth Sem
V. Political Science - Vth Sem + VI th nd Sem + VIIth Sem + VIIIth Sem
VI. Psychology - Vth Sem + VIth Sem

ALLAHABAD (U.P.) 221505
B.A.LL.B. (Hons) – 2014-15


Semester-I Semester-II
1- General English 1- General English -II
2- Sociology –I 2- Sociology –II
3- Economics-I 3- Economics-II
4- History-I 4- History-II
5- Public International Law-I 5- Human Rights and International Law-II
6- Law of contract-I 6- Law of Contract-II

Semester-III Semester-IV

1- legal Language Including General English 1- Sociology –IV

2- Sociology –III 2- Economics-IV
3- Economics-III 3- History-IV
4- History-III 4- Interpretation of Statutes.
5- Constitutional Law-I 5- Constitutional Law-II
6- Family Law-I (Hindu Law) 6- Family Law-II (Muslim Law)

Semester-V Semester-VI

1- Political Science-I 1- Political Science-II

2- Basic Psychology process –I 2- Social psychology –II
3- Law of crimes-I 3- Law of crimes-II
4- Jurisprudence-I 4- Jurisprudence-II
5- Law of Torts-I 5- Law of Torts-II
6- Labour and Industrial Law-I 6- Labour and Industrial Law-II

Semester-VII Semester-VIII

1- Political Science-III 1- Political Science-IV

2- Property Law 2- Law of Evidence
3- Company Law 3- Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act, 1963
4- Women and Law 4- Law and the Child
5- Criminal Procedure code-I 5- Criminal Procedure code-II
6- Professional Ethics 6- Practical Training (Pleading, Drafting &


1- Environmental Law Including Law for the protection of the wildlife and other
living creatures including Animal Welfare
2- Criminology and Penology
3- Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternative Dispute Resolution system
4- Law of insurance
5- Land Law Including ceiling and other local Laws-I
6- Alternative Dispute Resolution (Practical Training)


1- Administrative Law
2- Intellectual Property law
3- International Organization
4- Law of Taxation
5- Land Law Including ceiling and other local Laws-II
6- Practical Training, Moot Court, Pre Trail, Preparation and Participation in Trial

B.A.LL.B. First Semester
PAPER-I General English Max Marks: 100

1. Sentences, kinds of sentences: Assertive Sentences, interrogative

sentences, Imperative Sentence, Operative Sentence, Exclamatory
Sentence, Subject and predicate.
2. Parts of Speech: Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb, 'verb, Preposition,
Interjection and Conjugation.
3. Gender, Number and Articles.
4. The Tenses: Present Past and Future Tense. Other various rules of
5. Direct and Indirect Speeches.
6. Transformation of Sentences: Remove' “TOO” Voice change- Active
voice to passive voice and Passive voice to Active voice. Assertive
sentence to Interrogative sentence, Interrogative sentence to Assertive
sentence, Assertive sentence to Exclamatory Sentence, Exclamatory
sentence to Assertive sentence, Affirmative Sentence to Negative
sentence, Negative Sentence to Affirmative Sentence.
7. Synthesis of Sentences
A- Combination of two or more sentences in to single simple
B- Combination of two or more sentences in to a single corn pound
C- Combination of two or more sentences into a single complex
8. Analysis.
9. Punctuation.

B.A.LL.B. First Semester Maximum Marks: 100

PAPER-II Sociology (Introduction to Sociology)

1. The nature of sociology:

The meaning of sociology,
The sociological perspective,
Sociology and social sciences,
The scientific and humanistic orientations to sociological study
2. Basic Concept:
Association, Group Social structure,
Status and Role
3. Institutions':
Family, Religion and Education

4. The Individual and Society:

Society, Culture and Socialization,
Relation between individual and society
5. Social stratification:
Meaning Forms and Treaties.

6. Social Change:
Meaning and type,
Evolution and Revolution,
Progress and Development Factors of Social change.

B.A.LL.B. First Semester Maximum Marks: 100


1. Introduction:
Nature and scope of Economics, Methodology in Economics,
Choice as an Economic problem,
Role of price mechanism,
Demand and supply,
Market equilibrium.
2. Consumer's Behavior:
Utility-cardinal and Ordinal approaches,
Indifferences curve, consumer's equilibrium (Hicks and slutsky),
Griffin goods, Compensated demand,
Elasticity of Demand- price, Income and cross,
Consumer’s surplus, Engel curve
3. Theory of Population and Costs:
Production decisions, production Function,
Lso-quant, Factor substitution,
Law of variable proportion, Returns to scale,
Economics of scale,
Different concepts of cost and their interrelation,
Equilibrium of the firm, Expansion path,
Empirical evidence on costs.
4. Market Structure:
Market forms- perfect and imperfect markets,
Equilibrium of a firm perfect competition,
Monody and price- discrimination,
Measures of monopoly power,

Monopolistic Competition, Duopoly oligopoly, and
Notion of controlled and administered prices
5. Factor Pricing:
Marginal productivity theory of distribution,
Theories of wage determination,
Wages and collective bargaining,
Wage differentials, Rent-scarcity rent,
Differential rent, Quasi Rent, Interest-Classical Keynesian
Theories, Profits-Innovation,
Risks and uncertainty theories

1. Micro Economics – M.J. Jhingan
2. Micro Economics – H.L. Ahuja

B.A.LL.B. First Semester Max. Marks: 100
(History of World - From 1453 to 1789)

The renaissance: Its salient features,

The reformation; Its causes, progress and results,

Counter Reformation,

The rise of nation state: France and England.

The rise and decline of Spain,

Charles V and Phillip's thirty years war,

The ascendancy of France, Henary IV, Richelien, Mazarin, Louis XIV in


The conflict growth of cabinet system:

The age of enlightened despotism, Petrel, Catherine II, and Fredrick.

The great, Industrial revolution in England and decline of France after 1725,

Antecedent of Revolution: American war of independence,

Commercial revolution and mercantilism,.

The Age of Reasons:

Colonial expansions and Economic developments,

Motive, Voyage, Explarateais,

The Glorious Revolution of England: Cause and Impact

B.A.LL.B. First Semester
Maximum Marks: 100

Nature, definition, origin and basics of International Law
Sources of International Law
Subjects of International Law
Relationship between' International Law and municipal Law
Recognition- definition, theories of recognition, kinds of recognition,
Legal effects of recognition, withdrawal of recognition
Extradition- definition, purpose of extradition, legal duty,
Extradition of political offenders, doctrine of double criminality,
Rule of specialty
Asylum- meaning, right of asylum, types of asylum
Intervention- definition and its prohibition, grounds of intervention
State Territory- concept, modes of acquisition, international rivers
State Jurisdiction- territorial jurisdiction and its limitation
State Succession- definition, kinds of succession, and
Consequences of State succession
State Responsibility- kinds of State responsibility,
Consequences of State responsibility, nationality

Law of War- legal effects of war, commencement of war,
Termination of war, enemy character and belligerent occupation
War crime, genocide, blockade, doctrine of continuous voyage
Law of Sea- maritime belt, contiguous zone, continental shelf
United Nations- origin, objects.
Principles and membership
Main organs of United Nations-
General Assembly,
Security Council,
International Court of Justice
Diplomatic agents

Starke, Introduction to International Law
S. K. Kapoor- International Law
S. K. Verma,- Public International Law
H. O. Agrawal - International Law and Human Rights
Arun Kumar Singh - International Law

B.A.LL.B. First Semester
Maximum Marks: 100
History and nature of contractual obligations
Agreement and Contract: Definitions, elements and kinds
Proposal and Acceptance - their various forms, essential elements,
Communication and revocation –
Proposal and invitation to treat, standing offers.
Consideration- its need meaning, kinds, essential elements – ‘nudum pactum’
Privity of contract and of consideration - its exceptions
Adequacy of consideration - present, past and adequate consideration
Unlawful consideration and its effects
Standard forms of contract.
What agreements are contracts?
Capacity to contract- meaning- incapacity arising out of status and mental
Minor’s agreements – Definition of 'minor' - accessories supplied to a minor,
Agreements beneficial and detrimental to a minor to a minor
Restitution in cases of minor's agreement.
Free consent -'Its need and definition
Factors vitiating free consent.
Coercion - definition - essential elements
Duress and coercion - doctrine of economic duress+ effect of coercion.
Undue Influence - definition - essential elements
Between which parties can it exist?
Who is to prove it?
Illustrations of undue influence
- Independent advice - pardanashin women
- Unconscionable bargains - effect of undue influence.
Misrepresentation – definition, - misrepresentation of law and fact
- Their effects and illustration.
Fraud - definition - essential elements
When does silence amounts to fraud?
Active concealment of truth:'" importance of intention.
Mistake - definition - kinds –
Mistake of law and of fact - their effects.
Legality of objects (Section 23, Indian Contract Act)
Void agreements - from Sections 24-30, Indian Contract Act
Performance of contracts
Discharge of contract and its various modes
Performance –Time and Place
Impossibility of performance
- Specific grounds of frustration
- Effect of frustration Breach
- Anticipatory and present
Quasi - Contracts [Sections 68-72]
Remedies in contractual relations-
Damages-kinds -remoteness of damages- Ascertainment of damages.
Injunction - when granted and when refused- Why?
Refund and restitution
Specific Performance - When? Why?

Specific Relief
Specific performance of contract
Contracts that can be specifically enforced
Persons against whom specific performance can be ordered
Recession and cancellation.
Injunction - Temporary, Perpetual
Declaratory orders

The Indian Contract Act, 1872
The Specific Relief Act, 1963
Anson, Law of Contract
Avtar Singh, Law of Contract and Specific Relief
S.K. Kapoor, Law of Contract
P.S. Atiya, Introduction of the Law of Contract
S.C. Banerjee, Law of Specific Relief
Anand & Aiyer, Law of Specific Relief

B.A. LL. B. Second Semester
PAPER-I General English-II Maximum Marks: 100

1. Essay writing.
2. Precise writing.
3. Letter Writing: Personal, Official & Business letters,
Letters concerning to schools.
4. Figures of Speech: Simple, Metaphor, Personification,
Apostrophe, Oxymoron, Hyperbole etc.
5. Idioms & Phrases.
6. Word Power: Synonyms, Antonyms, Pronouns,
Homonyms, Morpheme suffix & Prefix,
The formation of Words, Single word Substitution,
The formation of words used as different parts of speech.
7. Unseen Passage.
8. Scene situation
9. Syntax.

B.A.LL.B. Second Semester
PAPER-II Sociology-II Maximum Marks: 100

1 The Textual and the Field view of Indian Society:

The significance of the field view,
The interface between the present and the past.
2 The Structure and composition of Indian Society:
Villages, Towns, Cities; Rural urban Linkages;
Tribes, Weaker Section, Dalits, women and Minorities,
Population profile and related issues.
3 Culture and Ethnic Diversity:
Historically embedded diversities in respect of language,
caste, Religions, beliefs and practices and cultural patterns.
4 Basic Instructions of Indian Society:
Caste, Family, Marriage, Religion,
Caste and Class, Changing Dimensions

B.A. LL. B. Second Semester
PAPER- III Economics-II (Indian Economy) Maximum Marks: 100

1 Indian Economy at the time of Independence:

Colonial Economy, Semi-Feudal Economy,
Backward Economy, Stagnant economy,
Other salient features, planning exercises in India National Planning
The Bombay Plan, People plan,
The Gandhian Plan,
The Planning Commission.
2 Structure of the Indian Economy:
Basic features, Natural resources- Land water and forest resources, Broad
demographic features- Population size and growth rates,
Sex composition, rural- Urban migration,.
Occupational distribution, Problem of over Population,
Population Policy, Infrastructural development, national Income.
3 Planning in India:
Objectives, Strategy, Broad achievements and failures, current five years plan
objectives, Allocation and targets,
New economic reforms-liberalization,
Privatization and Globalization,
Rationale behind economic reforms,
Progress of Privatization and Globalization.
4 Agriculture:
Nature and importance,
Trends in agriculture production and productivity,
Factor determining productivity, Land reforms,
New Agriculture Strategy and green revolution,
Rural credit, Agriculture marketing.

5 Industry:
Industrial development during the planning period,
Industrial policy of 1948, 1956, 1977 and 1991,
Industrial Licensing Policy MRTP Act, FERA and FEMA,
Growth and problems of small scale industries,
Role of public Sector’s enterprises in India's industrialization.
6 External Sector:
Role of foreign trade, Trends in exports and imports,
Composition and Direction of India's foreign trade,
Balance of payments crisis and the new economic reforms-
Export promotion measures and the new trade policies,
Foreign Capital-FDI and,
Multinational Corporation (MNCs). .
7 Important areas of concern:
Poverty and inequality,
Rising prices,
Industrial relations.

B.A.LL.B. Second Semester
PAPER- IV History-II Maximum Marks: 100
(History of India – From 1206 to 1707)
Northern India on the eve of Turkish Invasion;
Causes of the successes of Turks and defeat of Rajputas;
Foundations of the Delhi sultanate;
Qutubdin Aibak, IItumish and Balban;
The khiljis- Alauddin khilji;
The Tughlaqs-(Mohd Bin Tughlaq, Firoz Tughlaq)
The invasion of Taimur;
The Lodhis
Theory of Kingship of Sikandar Lodhi.
India in 1526:
Babar- Character and achievement;
Shershah Administration;
Akbar’s religious policy, Din-E-Elahi; Rajput policy as a national monarch-
Character and achievement;
Jahangir; Noorjahan;
Shahjahan- war succession and its significance; .
Aurangzeb- Policies and Consequences;
Shivaji and the rise of Marathas;
Mughal administration:
Deccan and north-west frontier policies of the Mughal
Architecture of the Sultanate and Mughal period,
Painting under the Mughal;
Causes and downfalls of the Mughal Empire,
Historiography and sources:
Ziauddin Barni, Abdul Fazal, and Abdul Qadir, Badauni.

B.A.LL.B. 2ND Semester
Max. Marks: 100
Human Rights- meaning and evolution of human rights
Human rights in Indian tradition- ancient, medieval and modern
Human rights in western tradition
Concept of natural law
Concept of natural rights, natural rights and human rights
Human rights in legal tradition- International Law and National Law
United Nations and Human Rights,
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
Individual and group rights
Covenant on Political and Civil Rights (1966)
Covenant on Economic; Social and Cultural Rights
European Convention on Human Rights
American Convention on Human Rights
African Convention on Human Rights
International Commission of Human Rights
Amnesty International
European Commission on Human Rights
U.N. Division of Human Rights
International Labour Organization

Human Rights in India
Human Rights norms reflected in fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution
Directive Principles- legislative and administrative implementation of
international human rights norms
Judicial Activism and protection of human rights in India
Role of Non-Governmental Organization
Role of Courts: the Supreme Court, High Courts and other Courts
National Human Rights Commission
National Commission for Minorities
National Commission for Women
National Commission for Backward Classes,
National Commission for Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes

The Charter of UNO
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
The Protection of Human rights Act, 1993
S. K.Awasthi & R, P.Kataria, Law relating to Human Rights
S.K.Kapoor, - International Law and Human Rights
S.K.Varma, - Public International Law
Nirmal,C.J. (ed), Human Rights in lndia
P. R. Gandhi, International Human Rights Documents (1999), Universal, Delhi

B.A.LL.B. Second Semester
Maximum Marks: 100
Indemnity- concept and need for indemnity to facilitate commercial
transaction, definition of indemnity and its essential element; nature and extent
of liability of the indemnifier; commencement of liability of the indemnifier
Guarantee- concept of the contract of guarantee; its definition, nature and
scope; distinction with indemnity; continuing guarantee; nature and extent of
surety's liability; rights of surety; position of surety in the eye of law; discharge
of surety's liability
Bailment- definition of bailment, kinds of bailee;
duties of bailor and bailee towards each other; rights of bailor and bailee:
finder of goods as a bailee
Pledge- definition, comparison with bailment; rights of the pawner and pawnee
Agency- its definition and essential elements, distinction between agent and
servant; essentials of agency transaction; various methods of creation of
agency; duties and rights of agent; scope and extent of agent's authority;
Liability of the principal for acts of the agent including misconduct and tort of
the agent; liability of the agent towards the principal; personal liability towards
the parties; methods of termination of agency

Concept of sale as a contract; definition and essentials of contract of sale;
implied terms in contract of sale; the rule of caveat emptor and the exceptions
thereto under the Sale of Goods Act.
Sale of Goods Act; transfer of title and passing of risk;
Unpaid seller and his rights;
Remedies for Breach of Contract;
Partnership-definition, essentials and nature; distinct advantages and
disadvantages vis-a vis partnership and private limited company; mutual
relationship between partners; authority of partners; admission of partners;
outgoing of partners;
Registration of Partnership and Dissolution of Partnership;

Indian Contract Act, 1872
Sale of Goods Act, 1930
Indian Partnership Act, 1932
Anson's Law of Contract
Pollock and Mulla on Contract and Specific Relief Act
Avtar Singh, Contract Act and Specific Relief
Avtar Singh, Principles of the Law of Sale of Goods and Hire Purchase
S.K.Singh, Sale of Goods Act, CLA, Allahabad
H.K.Saharay, Indian Partnership and Sale of Goods Act, Universal, Delhi

B.A.LL.B. Third Semester
Maximum Marks: 100
PAPER-I Legal Language Including General English
Unit –I: Language of the Law

Distinctive Features of Legal Language, problems of Language in the drafting

of Statutes, Other Legal Documents, Representations and the Language of the

Official Language: The Indian Constitutional Provisions (Articles 343 to 347)

Language of the Supreme Court and the High Court’s (Article 348 of the

Language of the representations for the redressal of grievances (Article 350)

and the development of the Hindi Language (Article 351)


Essay Writing (In Hindi and English Language)

Essay using legal expressions on socio-legal problems and legal concepts

(Democracy, Socialism, Social Justice, Human Rights, and Environment.
Consumer Protection, Uniform Civil Code, Panchayat Raj).


Legal Maxims, Legal Words and Phrases (Used in Law-Teaching, Law-Courts,

Legal Documents and Enactments)

Legal Maxims:

1. Actio personal is maritur cume persona.

2. Actus non facit renum, nisi mens ist rea.
3. Deligatus non potest delegare.
4. Ex turpi casusa, non oritur action.
5. Ignorantia ligis neminem excusat.
6. Jura non remota causa, sed proxima, Spectatur.

7. Nemo dat quod non habit.
8. Par in parem imperium non habit.
9. Ubi jus ibi remedium.
10. Ut res magis valeat quam pareat.
11. Volenti non fit injuria.
Legal Terms and Phrases:
Ab initio, Ab idem, Ad valorem, Alibi Ambiguits lateens, Ambiguitas patens,
Amicus Curiae, Animus Possidendi, Audi alteram partem, Bonafide, Caveat,
Emptor, Corpus Delecti, Cy-press, De facto, De jure, De novo, Exabundati
Cautela, Ex-officio, expert, Ex-post-facto, factum valet, fait accompli, felo
dese, fiat Justitia, functis officio, in limine, inloco parentis, in pari delecto, in
parimateria, jus ad rem, letter rogatory, locus-standi, mutatis mutandis, nudum
pactum, onus probandi, parens patriae, plenum dominium, prima facie, pro
bono public, quid proquo, res integra, res nullius, sine qua non, ultra vires.
(Of Passages from legal documents: Law Books, Constitution of India and
Acts, (Indian Penal Code and Indian Contract Act)
Legal Terminology
- Terms used in civil and criminal laws
- Latin words and maxims
- One words substitution
Letter and Application
The candidates will be required to write a letter to the Editor of some News
paper highlighting public grievances and furnishing solution there to on one of
the several given topics in Hindi or English.

The candidate will have to write an application in Hindi or English requesting
authority for some favor as per specification of the authority or court on the
given topic or problem.
Recommended Books:
1. Bhatnagar & Bhargava,: Law and Language
2. R.P. Sinha, How to write correct English
3. R.P. Sinha, How to translate in to English
4. Kelkar, Ashok R,‘Communication and style in Legal Language’ Indian Bar Review,
Vol. 10 (3), 1993 Black's Law Dictionary. Latin for Lawyers, 1997 Sweet and
Maxwell, Universal, New Delhi.
5. Ratan Lal Jain Legal Language.

B.A.LL.B. Third Semester
Maximum Marks: 100
Paper-II Sociology-III (Social control and change)

1. Socialization- Concept, Theory,

The Relation with Social Control
2. Definition of Social Control.
The agencies of Social Control- Family, State
3. The means of Social Control
Formal means- Education.
Informal means- Religion, propaganda, Public opinion,
Rewards and Punishment, humor and reductive
4. Concepts of social change, Social change and Cultural change.
Social Progress and Social Revolution.
5. Factors of Social Change 'and Theories,
Biological factors, Economic,
Technological and cultural factors.
6. Process of social change:
Westernization and Modernization.

B.A.LL.B. Third Semester
Paper-III, Economics - III Maximum Marks: 100
(Money, Banking and International Trade)
Part- A (Money and Banking)
1. Concept of money
2. Quantity theory of money- Fisher's and Cambridge approaches,
Keynes Fundamental Equations.
An elementary treatment of saving and investment approach.
3. Concepts and components of money supply.
4. Inflation: Concepts, Effects and Anti-inflationary policies.
5. Theory of Commercial Banking, process of credit creation, credit
multiplier, credit control.
6. Monetary and Non -Monetary financial intermediaries in India
7. Reserve bank of India: Credit and Monetary policy of the RBI.
Part-B (International Economics and World Economic Organization)
1. Internal and International trade
2. Classical theory of international trade:
Absolute advantage model of Adam Smith,
Comparative advantage model of Ricardo.
3. Harberler's theory of Opportunity Cost.
4. Heckscher- Ohlin theorem- An elementary treatment.
5. Terms of trade and gains from trade.
6. Free trade v. Protection, Tariff and Quota
7. Determination of Foreign Exchange rate.
8. Balance of payments:
Meaning, dis-equilibrium and, adjustment
Mechanism Devaluation and,
Problem of Convertibility.
9. IMF, World Bank,
New International Economic order and world Trade Organization.
10.India's foreign trade: Trends, Direction, Composition,
Export and Import Policies.

1. Monetary Economics – S.B. Gupta
2. Monetary Economics – M.L. Jhingan
3. International Economics – M. C. Vaishya
4. –
5. –

B.A.LL.B. Third Semester
(History of World from 1789-1919)
Maximum Marks: 100
French Revolution: Causes, main phase and consequences,
Napoleon- Rise, Reforms, continental system and downfall.
The Era of Congress: 1818 to 1822;
The era of Revolution- 1830 to 1848;
Napoleon III; Unification on the Italy and Germany;
Eastern question-1821 to 1878.
International Relation- 1871 to 1914 (with special reference to Bismarck and
William II);
British foreign policy- 1901 to 1914; Causes of the First World War; The
Russian revolution; The treaty of Versailles.
American Civil War; Opium War and the establishment of European
Influence in China, Chinese revolution of 1911,
Emergency of Japan as Modern Nation; Partition of Africa

B.A.LL.B. Third Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Constitutional developments since 1858-1947
Making of Indian Constitution
Nature and special features of the Constitution of India
Rule of law & Separation of powers-
State under Article 12 of the Constitution
Right to Equality (Articles 14-18)
Right to Freedom (Articles 19-22)
Right against Exploitation (Articles 23-24)
Concept of secularism: historical perspective
Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles 25-28)
Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles 29-30)
. Fundamental Duties (Article 51-A)
Directive Principles- directions for social change- A new social order
Fundamental Rights and-Directive Principles of State Policy, inter-relationship,
judicial balancing Constitutional amendments- to strengthen Directive
Remedies for enforcement of rights contained in Part-III Habeas Corpus,
Mandamus, Certiorari, Prohibition and Quo-warranto under Articles 32 and
226 of the Constitution
Judicial Review
Judicial activism and restraint

Constitution of India
G. Austin, History of Democratic Constitution: The Indian Experience
(Oxford) Constituent Assembly Debates, Vol. 1-12
D.D.Basu, Shorter Constitution of India
H.M. Seervai, Constitution of India Vo1.1-3
M.P.Singh (Ed.), V.N.Shukla, Constitutional Law of India
J.N.Pandey, Constitution of India
Kailash Rai, The Constitution Law of India

B.A.LL.B. 3rd Semester Max. Marks: 100


Who are Hindus?
Sources and schools of Hindu law
Evolution of the institution of marriage and family
Hindu Marriage (Sections 5-8)
Restitution of conjugal rights and judicial separation (Sections 9-10)
Nullity of marriage and divorce (Sections 11-18)
Adoption- definition and conditions of valid-adoption, effect of invalid
Capacity of a male Hindu to take in adoption
Capacity of a female Hindu to take in adoption
Persons capable of giving in adoption
Persons who may be adopted
Maintenance- dependents
Maintenance of dependents
Amount of maintenance
Transfer of family property and its effect
Meaning of guardian
Kinds of guardian- natural guardian, testamentary guardian,
Guardian appointed by the court, de facto and ad hoc guardian
Natural guardian of a Hindu minor, its qualifications and disqualifications
Natural guardian of adopted son
Powers of natural guardian
Intestate succession
Order of succession among heirs
Property of a female Hindu to be her absolute property
General rules of succession and exclusion from succession
Joint family, Coparcenary property- Mitakshara and Dayabhaga
Karta of the joint family- his position, powers, privileges and obligations
Alienation of property- separate and coparcenary property
Debts- doctrine of pious obligations and antecedent debt
Partition- meaning of partition; partition how effected
Gifts- definition and subject-matter of gift
Gift when complete, Gift to unborn persons, Revocation of gift
Will- definition, Meaning of 'Codicil' Persons capable of making will
What property may be disposed of by will-? ‘Mitakshara’ and ‘Dayabhaga
law’. Revocation and alteration of will when void
The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956
The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956
The Hindu Succession Act, 1956
Books :
Paras Diwan, - Hindu Law
J.D.M.Derrett, Hindu Law:- Past and Present
P.V.Kane,- History of Dharmashastras, Vol.2, Part 1
Paras Diwan,Family Law:- Law of Marriage and Divorce in India
S.T.Desai (ed.),- Mulla's Principles of Hindu Law
S.K.Singh (ed.), -R.K.Agarwala's Hindu Law, C.L.A., Allahabad
N.D.Basu,--- Law of Succession
Paras Diwan, Law of Adoption, Minority, Guardianship and Custody
U.P.D.Keshari --- Hindu Vidhi
U.P.D.Keshari --- Modern Hindu Law
R.R. Maurya --- Hindu Vidhi

B.A.LL.B. 4th Semester
Paper-I SOCIOLOGY (Social problems) Max. Marks: 100

1- Concepts and types of social Problem

2-Social disorganization
3- Personal disorganization
4- Family disorganization
5- Community disorganization
6- Cultural disorganization; Degeneration in Morals and Manners
7- Casteism, communalism and regionalism
8- Corruption in public life
9- Youth activism
10- Terrorism
11- Problems of population growth
12- Poverty and unemployment
13- Crime and white collar crime
14- Juvenile delinquency
15- Child labour
16- Drug addiction
17- Prostitution and problems of AIDS
18- Inter-Generation Conflict
19- Problem of Gender Inequality and Women Welfare
20- Social reconstruction and social planning
21- Community Planning: Community Development Programme and
Development of India.

B.A.LL.B. 4th Semester Maximum Marks: 100


1. Public Finance: Nature, Rationale & scope, Normative approach and
Theory of Fiscal policies.
2. Public goods, private and merit goods
3. Structure & classification of budget, Alternative measures of deficit.
4. Principles of budget planning
5. Public Expenditure: Growth Composition, Trends and Effects
6. Taxation: Objectives, Structure and effects. Benefit and ability to pay
principles of taxation incidence, Impact and shifting of taxation
7. Fiscal policy & Economics development:'
Part B
1. Management of Public debt: Principles.
Problems and efforts, resumption of public debt.
2. Fiscal federalism in India: Problem of Inter-Governmental financial
relations, Finance Commission.
3. Indian Public Finance: Major trends in revenue and,
Expenditure to the Government of India
4. Indian tax system and reforms.
5. Deficit Finance, in India.

1. Public Finance - S.B. Gupta

2. Public Finance - T.T. Sethi
3. - T.T. Sethi

B.A.LL.B. 4th Semester Maximum Marks: 100

Paper-III Indian History (1707-1947)

India at the death of Aurangzeb, Coust polities of the later Mughals (1707-
1739), lnvation of Nadir Shah: Causes and effects:
Anglo-French Rivalry; the third -battle of Panipat:
Lord Warren Heisting Internal administration and Foreign Policy;
Reference of Cornwallis;
Wellesley Subsidiary alliance of Marathas,
Mysore and Oudh; Lord Clive: Maratha policy.
Willam Benting reforms; lord Auckland;
Afgan policy and lord Harding.
Anglo-Sikh relatlon-Ranjlt Singh and the two Sikh Wars.
Dalhousse a; the as ministration of lord Ripan

B.A.LL.B. 4th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Meaning of the term 'statute'
Purpose of interpretation of statutes
Internal aids- Title, Preamble; Heading and Marginal notes; Sections and sub-
sections; Punctuation marks; Illustrations, exceptions, provisos and saving
clause; Schedules; Non-obstante clause
External aids- Dictionaries; Translations; Travaux repertoires; Statutes in pari
material; Contemporaneous Esposito; Debates, inquiry commissions reports
and Law Commission Reports Presumptions in statutory interpretation- statutes
are valid, statutes are territorial in operation, presumption as to jurisdiction,
presumption against what is inconvenient or absurd, presumption against
intending injustice
Prospective operation of statutes
Rules of Statutory Interpretation
Primary Rules- Literal rule; Golden rule; Mischief rule (rule in the Hayden's
case); Rule of harmonious construction
Secondary Rules- Noscitur a socials; Ejusdem generis: Reddendo singular
Maxims of Statutory Interpretation Delegatus non potest delegare Expressio
unius exclusio alterius Generalia specialibus non derogant
In pari delicto potior est condition possidentis Utres valet potior quam pareat
Expressum facit cessare tacitum
In bonam partem

Restrictive and beneficial construction- T-axing statutes; Penal statutes;
Welfare legislation Interpretation of enabling statutes
Interpretation of statutes conferring rights.
Interpretation of statutes conferring rights
Principles of Constitutional Interpretation
Harmonious construction
Doctrine of pith and substance
Colourable legislation
Ancillary powers
Residuary power
Doctrine of repugnancy

G.P.Singh, Principles of Statutory Interpretation
Maxwell on The Interpretation of Statutes
V.Sarathi, Interpretation of Statutes
N.S.Bindra's Interpretation of Statutes.
B.L. Bowel – Samvidhiyon ka Nirvachan
Anirudha Prasad - Samvidhiyon ka Nirvachan

B.A.LL.B. 4th Semester Maximum Marks: 100


President of India- Election, Qualification, Salary, Impeachment; Powers-
Legislative, Executive and Discretionary.
Prime Minister- Cabinet System, Council of Ministers, Collective
Responsibility, Position of the Prime Minister
Governor and State Government- Constitutional relationship, Appointment;
Qualification, term of office and powers including ordinance-making and to
grant pardons, etc.'
Legislative privileges and Fundamental Rights
Constitution of Parliament, qualification for membership of Parliament,
qualification, duration, powers, privileges and immunities of Parliament and its
Constitution of Legislatures in States- composition, duration, qualification,
powers, privileges and immunities of State legislature and its members
Legislative Procedure- rules of procedure; provisions as to introduction and
passing of Bills; definition of Money Bill- special procedure in respect of
Money Bill
Procedure in Parliament with respect to estimates; Appropriation Bills; special
procedure as to Financial Bills
Establishment and constitution of the Supreme Court: qualifications and
disqualifications of the Judges; powers and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court,
Constitution of the High Court; appointment, qualifications and
disqualifications of Judges of a High Court; powers and jurisdiction of a High
Appointment of District judges; control over subordinate judiciary Judicial
Emergency- meaning and scope; proclamation of emergency- conditions;
effect of emergency on Centre- State relations; emergency and 'suspension of
fundamental rights.
Constitutional amendment- methods of constitutional amendment; development
of the basic structure.
Relations between the Union and the States- legislative relations and
administrative relations.
Freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse
Services under the Constitution- doctrine of pleasure (Article 310); protection
against arbitrary dismissal, removal or reduction in rank (Article 311);
exceptions to Article 311
Administrative Tribunals
The Constitution of India
Administrative tribunals Act, 1985
As above, of LL.B First Semester
K. N. Goyal- Administrative Tribunals Act

B.A.LL.B. Fourth Semester Maximum Marks: 100


Who is a Muslim?
Sources and Schools of Muslim law
Marriage- definition, essential of a valid marriage, kinds- valid, irregular, void
and Muta marriage; effects of void (Batil) marriage and irregular marriage
Conversion and its effect on marriage
Dower (Mehr)- definition, concept and kinds of dower ( Proper dower- Mehr-i-
Misl), (Prompt dower- Muajjal), and (Deferred dower- Muwajjal)
Confirmation of dower and remission of dower by the wife
Nature and rights of divorced wife in case' of unpaid dower
Divorce and Talak- different forms of talak (Talak-ul-Sunhat, Talak-ul-Biddat,
lie, Zihar, Khula and Mubarak); different modes of talak (Talak ahsan, Talak
hasan, Talak-ul- Biddat)
When talak becomes irrevocable
Divorce under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939
Maintenance of wives, maintenance of divorced women under Muslim law
Maintenance of divorced Muslim women under the Cr.P.C. and the Muslim
Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986
Maintenance of neglected wives, minor children and parents who are unable to
support themselves under the provisions of Cr.P.C.
Guardianship- natural, testamentary, and de facto .
Rights of mother to custody of infant children (Hizanat)
Legal guardian of property

Gift (Hiba)- definition, essentials and kinds (Hiba-bil-iwaz, Hiba-ba-shart-uJ-
Revocation of gifts
Will (Vasiyat) - definition, essentials of a valid will, and its kinds; limits of
testamentary power; abatement of legacies; revocation of will
Pre-emption (the right of Shufaa)- definition, essentials, classification and
Parentage and legitimacy
Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939
Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973
Fyzee, Outline of Muhammadan law
Aquil Ahmad, Mohammadan law

B.A.LL.B. 5th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
PAPER-I Political Science-I

1. Nature, Definition and scope of Political science, methods and

approaches to the study of political science- Traditional and Behavioral.
Relationship of Political science with History, Economics, Psychology,
Sociology and Geography.
2. State- Its elements, Nation & nationality, Major Theories of the Origin of
the State- Divine, force, Social contract and evolutionary.
3. Functions of the State-liberal welfare and Socialist theories.
4. Sovereignty- meaning, Nature, Characteristics, Austinian and Pluralist
Law- Definition, Punishment and its theories.
5. Concepts- Citizenship, Liberty, Equality, Rights and Duties.
6. Democracy, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Fascism, Nazism and

B.A.LL.B. 5th Semester Max. Marks: 100

Paper- II Basic Psychology Process

1. Introduction:
Definition and Scope of Psychology, Methods- Experimental,
Observation, Interview
2. Language Development:
Nature and Stage of Language Development in Childhood
3. Memory and formatting:
Nature, Stages of Memory, Types, Improv.ing Memory, Forgetting
4. Sleep Disorders:
Nature of sleep, Classification of sleep Problem, causes and treatment
5. Intelligence:
Nature and Definition, Measurement of Intelligence, Theories,
Determinants of Intelligence
6. Guidance and Counseling:
Nature and Guidance, Types of Guidance, Nature of counseling,
Techniques of counseling . .
7. Personality:
Meaning, Types, Techniques of Assessment, Determinants
8. Environment and behavior:
Nature arid definition of Environment, Environmental problems,
effects of Environment of behavior, Crowding and personal space
Books Recommended:

B.A.LL.B. 5th Semester Maximum Marks: 100


Conception, nature and definition of crime
Distinction between crime and other wrongs
Elements of criminal liability- physical element (actus reus), and
mental element (mens rea)
Mens rea under statutory offences
I.P.C: a reflection of different social and moral values
Applicability of I.P.C.
Stages of crime
Guilty intention- mere intention not punishable
Preparation- preparation not punishable, exceptions
Attempt- attempt when punishable, specific provisions of I.P.C., tests for
determining what constitutes attempt- proximity, equivocality and social
danger, impossible attempt
Punishment- types of punishment
Death, social relevance of capital punishment, alternatives to capital
Forfeiture of property
General Exceptions
Mistake of fact and of law
Mental incapacity- minority;
insanity- medical and legal insanity
Intoxication- involuntary
Private defense- justification and limits
Joint / Group liability
Common intention, distinction between common intention and common object
Abetment- instigation, conspiracy and aiding
Unlawful assembly- basis of liability
Criminal conspiracy
Constructive liabi1ity (Section 149, IPC)
Vicarious liability
Bare Act:
The Indian Penal Code, 1860
K.D.Gaur,: A Text Book on the Indian Penal Code
K.D.Gaur,: Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
Ratanlal Dhirajlal's: Indian Penal Code
P.S. Achuthan Pillai,: Criminal Law
T. Bhattacharya,: The Indian Penal Code
M.D. Chaturvedi, Bharatiya Dand Samhita
S.N. Mishra, Indian Penal Code
C.P. Arora- Dand Vidmi Samhita
A.N. Chaturvedi, Bharatiya Dand Samhita

B.A.LL.B. 5th Semester Maximum Marks: 100


Jurisprudence- Meaning, scope and importance.
Definition of law,' nature and kinds of law.
Sources of law- legislation, precedents: concept of stare decisis,
custom and juristic writings.
Natural law - meaning, various stages of the development of natural law.
Ancient concept of /(Dharma". .
Analytical Positivism- Kelsen, Bentham, Salmond, and Austin.
Historical School- German historical school (Savigny) and British historical
school (Sir Henry Maine)
Economic interpretation of law.
Sociological School
Realist School of Jurisprudence
Philosophical School- Kant, Hegel.
The Modern- PIL; Social justice, Compensatory jurisprudence.
Feminist Jurisprudence.
Salmond on Jurisprudence.
Dias, Jurisprudence
Bodenheimer Jurisprudence -The Philosophy and Method of Law, (Universal, Delhi)
S.N.Dhyani, Jurisprudence- A Study of Indian Legal Theory.
Nomita Agrawal – Jurisprudence
T.Bhattacharya - Vidhishastra

B.A.LL.B. 5th Semester Maximum Marks: 100


Evolution of the law of torts
Definition, Nature, Scope and Objects
Wrongful act- violation of duty imposed by law, duty which is owed to people
generally (in rem) - damnum sine injuria and injuria sine damnum
Tort distinguished from crime and breach of contract
The concept of unliquidated damages
Volenti non fit injuries
Necessity- private and public
Plaintiff's default
Act of God
Inevitable accident
Private defense
Statutory authority
Judicial and quasi-judicial acts
Vicarious liability- Meaning, Scope and Justification
Master and servant- arising out of and in the course of employment. Who is
master? .- The control test. Who is servant? Borrowed servant; Independent
contractor and Servant distinguished
Principal and agent
Vicarious liability of the State

Assault, battery, mayhem
False imprisonment
Malicious prosecution
Nervous shock
Strict Absolute liability
The rule in Rylands v. Fletcher
Liability for harm caused by inherently dangerous industries
Position in India- Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster case, (AIR 1990 SC 273); M. C.
Mehta v. Union of India, (AIR 1987 SC 1086)
Salmond and Heuston,- Law of Torts
D.M. Gandhi, The Law of Torts
Ratanlal Dhirajlal, The Law of Torts
Winfield and Jolowiz on Tort
R. K. Bangia, The Law of Toits, M.V.Accident and Consumer Protection Act
Avtar Singh –Law of Consumer Protection
M.N. Shukla – The Law of Torts and Consumer Protection Act

B.A.LL.B. 5th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Labour through ages- slave labour- guild system- division on caste basis.
Theories of labour and surplus value
Concept of social security
Characteristics of social security
Constituents of social security- traditional and modern
Social security under the Constitution of India.
The industrial Employment {Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
Historical background
Definition of important terms- Appropriate Government, Employer, Industrial
establishment, Standing orders, and workman.
Procedure for certification of standing orders- date of operation of standing
orders, register of standing orders, posting of standing orders, duration and
modification of standing orders. .
Certifying officer- powers and functions.
The Trade Unions Act, 1926.
Object and essential features of the Trade Union Act
Definition and nature of trade union
Legal characteristics of a registered Trade Union.
Incorporation of registered Trade Union.
Registration of trade unions- appointment of Registrars, mode of registration,
placation to Registrar, contents of the copy of rules, registration.
Rights and liabilities of registered Trade Unions.
Privileges and immunities of Registered Trade. Unions.

The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
Object and essential features of the industrial Disputes Act.
Definition of important terms- industry Industrial dispute- when an individual
dispute becomes and industrial dispute, Public Utility Service, Wages, and
Provisions concerning Strike and Lock out, prohibitions, illegal strike and lock
out, distinction between strike and lock out, lock out and closure.
Provisions concerning Layoff and Retrenchment, conditions precedent to
retrenchment of workmen.
Authorities under the Industrial Disputes Act- (1) Works Committee, (2)
Conciliation Officer, (3) Board of Conciliation, (4) Courts of Inquiry, (5)
Labour Court, (6) Industrial Tribunal, (7) National Tribunal, and (~)
Reference of disputes to Boards, Courts, or Tribunals.
The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970.
Object and constitutional validity of the Act.
Contract labour and Contractor.
Advisory Board and State Advisory Boards
Registration of establishment employing contract labour, effect of non-
registration, prohibition of employment of contract labour.
Licensing of contractors- grant of licenses, revocation, suspension, amendment
of licenses.
Welfare and health of contract labour.

Position of child labour.
Contribution of ILO to prohibition and regulation of child labour.
Child labour and constitutional mandate.
Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act.
Aims and objects of the Act.
Prohibition of employment of children.
Regulation of conditions of work of children.
Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976.
Aims and objects of the Act.
Who is a bonded labour? Indian scenario.
Fundamental rights against exploitation.
Abolition of bonded labour system.
Implementing authorities.
Vigilance Committee- Constitution and functions
The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
The Trade Unions Act, 1926.
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
The Contract Labour (Regulation and Prohibition) Act, 1970.·
The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.
The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976.
S.C. Srivastava: Social Security and Labour Laws,(Universal, Delhi)
R.C.Saxena: Labour Problems and Social Welfare.
V.V.Giri: Labour Problems in Indian Industry.
Indian Law Institute: Labour Law and Labour Relations (1987).
Report of the National Commission on Labour.
V.G:Goswami: Labour and Industrial Laws (CLA, Allahabad)
S.N.Mishra: Labour and Industrial Laws.

B.A.LL.B. 6th Semester
Maximum Marks: 100
Paper- I Political Science-II

1. Constitution and Constitutional Government, Unitary, Federal,

parliamentary and Presidential.

2. Organs of Government- Executive, legislature and judiciary. Theory of

Separation of Powers- checks and Balances.

3. Electoral system and Electoral process: Theories of Representation-

Majority votes and its anomalies, Public opinion, Political parties and
Pressure groups.

4. Government of U.K.- Evolution of British Constitution- Unitary

Unwritten Constitution. Role of Conventions, 'Monarch, Prime Minister
and Cabinet, Parliamentary Sovereignty, House of Lords, House of
Commons, Judiciary and Rule of law.

5. Government of U.S.A- Historical background, Federal and written

Constitution; president, Congress, Supreme Court.

6. Government of Switzerland: Special features of Swiss Government,

Direct Democracy, Federal Council and federal Assembly.

B.A.LL.B. 6th Semester
Maximum Marks: 100
Paper-II Social Psychology
1. Introduction:
Nature, Scope and History of Social Psychology, Challenges and
Issues in Social Psychology
2. Social Power:
Nature of Social Power, Base of Power
3. Propaganda:
Meaning of Propaganda, principles of Propaganda
4. Anxiety Disorders:
Nature, Types- Generalized Anxiety Disorders, Phones and Obsessive
compulsive disorder
5. Emotion:
Nature of Emotion, Physiological changes during emotions
6. Attitude:.
Meaning and nature of Attitudes, attitudes Formation, Measurement
and change of Attitude
7. Mental Health:
Nature of mental Health, Issues related to Mental Health, Models of
Mental Health
8. Moral Development and social Development:
Development of morality and self control, Kohlberg theory of moral
Development, Social Development

B.A.LL.B. 6th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
(IPC including Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988)
Culpable homicide
Murder- When culpable homicide is not, murder, difference between culpable
homicide and murder
Rash and negligent act causing death
Dowry death
Hurt- simple and grievous
Wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement
Insulting the modesty of woman
Assault or criminal force with intent to outrage the modesty of woman Causing
miscarriage without woman'; consent
Kidnapping or abducting woman to compel her to marry or force her to illicit
Selling or buying a minor for purposes of prostitution Rape- definition;
custodial rape; marital rape
Cruelty by husband or her relatives
Prohibition of indecent representation of women
Robbery & Dacoity

Criminal Misappropriation & Criminal Breach of Trust
Criminal trespass
House breaking
Criminal intimidation
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988: An Overview
Definitions: election, public duty, public servant ,
Gratification- definition and acceptance of gratification
Offences and penalties
Special judge- appointment, powers and jurisdiction
Investigation into cases under the Prevention of Corruption Act
Sanction- essentials of sanction, form of sanction, grant of sanction, validity of
Indian Penal Code
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
As above in the First Semester

B.A.LL.B. 6th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Paper - IV JURISPRUDENCE- II (Legal concept)
Right- meaning and definition; theories of rights;
kinds of rights; right-duty co-relation.
Person- concept; nature of personality.
Status of unborn, minor, lunatic, drunken, and dead persons.
Corporate personality and its theories.
Dimensions of modern legal personality-
legal personality of non-human beings.
Ownership- concept; meaning; kinds of ownership.
Various modes of acquisition of ownership.
Possession- concept; meaning; kinds of possession
Various modes of acquisition of possession.
Difference between ownership and possession.
Property- concept and meaning of property.
Kinds of property
Liability- conditions for imposing liability-
(i) wrongful act,
(ii) Damnum sine injuria,
(iii) Mens rea,
(iv) Intention,
(v) Motive,
(vi) Recklessness,

(vii) Strict liability, and
(viii) Vicarious liability.
Law- meaning and definition.
Purpose of law,
Justice- meaning and kinds.
Law and justice- approaches to different schools.
Morality- concept and meaning
Relationship between law and morality.

As prescribed for LL.B. Third Semester.

B.A.LL.B. 6th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Trespass to land, trespass ab initio, dispossession
Movable 'property- trespass to goods, detune, conversion
Torts against business interests- injurious falsehood, misstatement, passing off
Negligence- basic concepts, definition and essentials
Acts which constitute negligence
Theories of negligence
Proof of negligence
Doctrine of contributory negligence
Res ipsa loquitor and its importance
liability of common carriers for negligence
Nuisance- definition, essentials and types
Defamation- definition, essentials and defenses
Legal remedies
Award of damages- simple; special and punitive
Remoteness of damage- foresee ability and directness
Specific restitution of property
Motor vehicle accidents
Compulsory insurance- object of compulsory insurance
Insurer's liability- for third party risks, towards the owner of the vehicle, for
persons on roof-of a bus, for 'use of the vehicle' in a public place

Liability when the vehicle is not insured
Effect of transfer of vehicle on insurer's liability
Claims Tribunal- Constitution, matters of adjudication by Claims Tribunals,
procedure and the award; Appeal to the High Court
Consumerism in India
Chief characteristics of the Consumer Protection Act
Definitions: Consumer- who is not a consumer? ; Goods; Service; Consumer
dispute; Defect- meaning of defect in goods, standard of purity quality,
quantity;. and Purity; Deficiency- what is deficiency in service?; Restrictive
trade practices and unfair trade practices
Consumer for a under the' Consumer Protection Act- District Forum, State
Commission and National Commission- constitution, jurisdiction, powers and
Motor Vehicles Act
Consumer Protection Act, 1986
As above in First Semester (on law of Torts)
Avtar Singh, The Law of Consumer Protection: Principles and Practice
D.N. Saraf, Law of Consumer Protection in India
R.M. Vats, Consumer and the Law
S.K. Singh, Consumer Protection Act (in Hindi)
R.K. Bangia, law of Torts, M. V. Accidents and Consumer Protection Law

B.A.LL.B. 6th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
UNIT-I Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923.
Object, scope and application.
Definition of important terms- dependent, partial disablement,
total disablement, wage, and workman.
Employer's liability for compensation- doctrine of notional extension of
employer's premises; defenses available to an employer from liability for
Employer's liability in cases of occupational diseases
Amount of compensation
Workmen's Compensation Commissioner-
Reference to Commissioner- Powers and functions.
UNIT-II Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948.
Object and scope of the Act.
Concept of factory, principal employer, employee, insured person, and
employment injury.
Benefits available under the Act-, sickness benefit, maternity benefit,
disablement benefit, dependent's benefit, and medical benefit.
General rules concerning benefits.
Employees' Insurance Court- constitution powers and functions.
UNIT-III Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
Object and its application.
Time of payment' of wages.
Deductions- meaning; authorized deductions and unlawful deductions.
Meaning and definition of wages; mode of payment; responsibility for payment
of wages.
Inspector- powers and functions of inspector.

Authority to hear claims-jurisdiction and powers; claim application and
limitation. Appeal- who can file appeal?
UNIT-IV' Factories Act, 1948.
Object and reasons, scope and applicability of the Act.
Definition of important terms- factory, manufacturing process, worker, and
Occupier. Inspecting Staff.
Measures in regard to health, safety and welfare.
Employment of young person’s on dangerous machines.
UNIT-V Minimum Wages Act, 1948
Aims and objects of the Minimum Wages Act.
Different concepts of wages- living wage.
Fair wage, minimum wage- Need-based minimum wage and National
minimum wage.
Minimum rates of wages.
Fixation and revision of minimum wages.
Inspector. Claims.
Maternity, Benefit Act, 1961.
Object and scope of the Maternity Benefit Act.
Restrictions on employment or work by women.
Right to payment of maternity benefit.
Forfeiture" of maternity benefit
Different leaves
Inspectors- appointment, powers and duties.
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923.
Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948.
Payment of Wages Act, 1936. Factories Act, 1948.
Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
Books: As prescribed for LL.B. Third Semester

B.A. LL. B. 7th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Paper -I Political Science III
(Representative Western Political Thinkers)
Plato (Republic),
St. Thomas Aquinas,
J.S. Mill,
T.H. Green,
Karl Marx,
Mao T se Tung,

B.A.LL.B. Seventh Semester Maximum Marks: 100
(Transfer of Property Act, 1882 & Indian Easement Act.)
Concept and meaning of property
Kinds of property- movable and immovable property, tangible and intangible
property, intellectual property.
Important terms- Immovable property; Actionable claim.
"Transfer of property" defined.
What may be transferred?
Transfer for the benefit of unborn persons. Rule against perpetuity.
Vested interest
Contingent interest; difference between vested and contingent interest.
Conditional transfer- fulfillment of condition precedent and fulfillment of
condition subsequent. Election- election when necessary, doctrine of election,
rights of disappointed transferee.
Restrictive covenant.
Transfer by ostensible owner.
Transfer by unauthorized person.
Transfer by one co-owner.
Transfer by co-owners of share in common property.
Transfer of property pending suit relating thereto' (Lis pendens)
Fraudulent transfer.
Part- performance.
Sale-its Definition and nature
Rights and Duties of buyer and seller
Exchange -its Definition and nature
Lease- its Definition and nature and Determination of lease
Gift- its Definition and nature including onerous gift and Universal Donee
Mortgage- Definition, nature and its Kinds
Rights of Mortgagor including right of Redemption
Right of Mortgagee including right of foreclosure or Sale
Marshalling of Securities
Doctrine of subrogation
Indian Easement Act.

The Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
Indian Easement Act. .
Mulla, Transfer of Property Act, (Universal, Delhi).
T.P.Tripathi, Transfer of Property Act.
Subba Rao, Transfer of Property Act.
V.P.sarathy, Transfer of Property,(EBC, Lucknow)
R.K. Shinha, Sampati Antran Adhiniam.

B.A.LL.B. 7th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Company- Need of company for development; definition; kinds of company-
public and private company, limited and unlimited "Company, Government
company, holding and subsidiary company. Distinction between company and
corporation; company and partnership and other associations of persons.
Formation of a company- registration and incorporation.
Theory of corporate personality.
Memorandum of association- various clauses; doctrine of ultra vires.
Articles of association- its relation with memorandum of association; doctrine
of constructive notice; indoor management- its exceptions.
Prospectus- issue, contents, liability for misstatements, statement in lieu of
prospectus. Promoters- position, duties and liabilities.
Members of company- acquisition, suspension and termination of membership.
Share- general principles of allotment, statutory restrictions.
Share capital- its objects and effects, transfer of shares, restrictions on transfer,
procedure for transfer, refusal of transfer; relationship between transferor and
transferee; issue of shares at premium and discount; depository receipts;
dematerialsed shar.es (DEMA T).
Share holder- who can be and who cannot be a share holder; modes of
becoming a share holder; forfeiture and surrender of shares; lien on shares;
share warrant and share warrant holder.
Share capital- kinds; alteration and reduction of share capital; further issue. of
capital; duties of courts to protect the interests of creditors and investors.
Debenture- meaning, kinds of debentures; share holder and debenture holder;
remedies of debenture holders.

Directors- position, appointment, qualifications, vacation of office, removal,
resignation; powers and duties of directors; meetings, registers; role of nominee
directors; managing directors and other managerial personnel.
Meetings- kinds, procedure, voting. Dividends- payment, capitalization, profit.
Company Law Board.
National Company Law Tribunal.
Majority powers and protection of minority rights.
Protection of oppression and mismanagement, who can apply?- powers of the
company, court and of Central Government.
Amalgamation and reconstruction
Winding up- types- by courts, reasons, grounds, who can apply-
procedure; powers of liquidators; consequences of winding up order;
voluntary winding up by members and creditors,
winding up subject to supervision of courts;
winding up of unregistered company.
Legal liabilities of company- civil and criminal.
Acts: Companies Act, 1956.
Avtar Singh: Company Law, (EBC, Lucknow).
LCB Gower: Principles of Modern Company Law, '(Sweet and Maxwell)
SM Shah: Lectures on Company Law (Tripathi, Bombay0
Palmers' Company Law (Stevans)
Jahangir, m.j selhna – Indian Company law
J.N. Pandey – Company Vidhi
N.V. Paranjape – Company Vidhi
Kailash Rai – Company Vidhi

B.A.LL.B. Seventh Semester Maximum Marks: 100
UNIT-I: Women in India
Pre- independence period: social and legal inequality in ancient and medieval
India Social reforms movement in India
Post-independence period: preamble of the Constitution; equality provisions in
Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy
Personal laws- unequal position of women
International Conventions and National Commission for Women
UNIT-II: Gender Inequality in Personal Laws
Inheritance and succession: position of women in Hindu law and Muslim law
Matrimonial property
Maintenance under personal laws and under Section 125 of the Cr.P.C.
Guardianship: right of women to adopt a child; problems of women guerdoning
Domestic violence: causes and cure
UNIT-III: Women and Criminal Law
Insulting the modesty of woman
Dowry death
Cruelty by husband or his relative for dowry Dowry prohibition
Female feticides
UNIT-IV: Women and Employment
Women in employment: causes, extent and importance
Equal remuneration for men and women
Maternity benefit
Other provisions for welfare and safety of women in industrial laws
Exploitation and harassment of women in work places

UNIT-V: Protection and Enforcement Agencies
Family Courts
National and State Commission for Women
A.S. Altekar: The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization
Revasia &Revasia: Women, Social Justice and Human Rights
Agnes, Flavia: Law and Gender Inequality
Balram: Women Workers, the Labour Legislation in India
Towards Equality- Report of the Committee on the Status of Women (Govt. of India)

B.A.LL.B. 7th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
The rationale of criminal procedure, the importance off air trial.
Definitions and distinctions: Boilable and non-boilable offence; cognizable and
non- cognizable offence; inquiry and investigation; complaint; compoundable
and non- compoundable offence; and police report.
Criminal courts: Classes, constitution, powers and jurisdiction.
The Police- functions and organization of the police. (The Police Act, 1861).
Public Prosecutor and Asst. Public Prosecutors- duties, function and powers.
Importance of procuring accused's presence at trial.
How to procure the presence of the accused at the trial- summons and warrant.
Arrest with or without a warrant
Arrest by a private person Arrest by Magistrate
Arrest how made
Rights of arrested persons
First Information Report
Evidentiary value of F.I.R,
Search warrant
Search by police officer
General provisions relating to searches Seizure
Complaints to Magistrates
Commencement of proceedings before Magistrates
Bail- Object and meaning of bail

Cancellation of bail
Anticipatory bail
Powers of appellate court to grant bail
General principles concerning bond
Charge, framing of charge, form and contents of charge and its exceptions
Separate charges for distinct offence
Discharge- pre-charge evidence.'
Conception of fair trial
Presumption of innocence
Place of trial
Rights of the accused to know the accusation
Right of cross-examination and offering evidence in-defense: the accused's
statement Right to speedy trial
Doctrine of 'autrefois acquit' and 'autrefois convict'.

Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 Police Act, 1861.
Ratan Lal Dhiraj tal, Criminal Procedure Code.
Kelkar, Lectures on Criminal Procedure, (EBC, Lucknow).
Kelkar, Outlines of Criminal Procedure, (EBC, Lucknow)
Woodroffe, Commentaries on Code of Criminal Procedure (Universal, Delhi)
S.N. Mishra – The code of criminal Procedure/ Dand Prakriya Sanhita.
B.L. Bawel – Dand Prakriya Sanhita.

B.A.LL.B. 7th Semester Maximum Marks: 50+50
Written- 50 Project and Viva-Voce - 50
Development and importance of legal profession.
Legal profession during British period: under Mayor's Court and Supreme
Court of Judicature.
Legal profession under the Indian High Courts Act, 1861.
Legal profession under the Legal Practitioners' Act; 1879, Indian
Bar Committee, 1923, and the Indian Bar Councils Act, 1926.
Legal profession after Independence- (i) legal profession under All India Bar
Committee, 1951, and (ii) legal profession under the Advocates Act, 1961.
Bar Council of India- constitution, powers and functions.
State Bar Councils- constitution, powers and functions.
Admission and enrolment of advocates- persons who may be admitted as
advocates; disqualifications for enrolment.
Disposal of application for admission as an advocate.
Rights of an advocate.
Professional ethics- meaning and necessity.
Standard of professional conduct and etiquette- duty to the court, duty to the
client, duty to the opponent, duty to the colleagues, and residual duties.
Professional misconduct- meaning and scope.
Disciplinary Committee of the Bar Council of India- powers and procedure.
Powers and procedure for initiating cases of misconduct by the State Bar

Law of contempt.
Contempt of Courts Act, 1971- its object.
Contempt of court- meaning, categories of contempt of court- civil and
criminal. Contempt jurisdiction of High Courts and the Supreme Court.
Contempt by lawyers, judges, State and corporate bodies.
Defenses in contempt proceedings- civil and criminal.
Remedies against the order of punishment.
Bar-Bench relations.
The personality of an advocate.
Art of advocacy.
Seven Lamps of advocacy.

Indian Advocates Act, 1961.
Contempt of Courts Act, 1971.
Krishnamurthy Iyer on Advocacy.
The Contempt Law and Practice.
Bar Council Code of Ethics.
S.P.Gupta, Professional Ethics, Accountancy for lawyers and 'Bar-Bench Relations,
(CLA, Allahabad)
50 selected opinions of the Disciplinary Committee of the Bar Council of India and
10 major judgments of the Supreme Court.

B.A.LL.B. 8th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Paper-I Political Science: IV
(Public Administration)
Definition Nature and scope of Public Administration,
Importance of Public Administration in modern states with special emphasis on
Administrative Chief Executive Organization and Departments.
Line and Staff Agencies
Public corporation and Independent Regulatory Commission
Bureaucracy Recruitment training.
Promotion, Planning, Budgeting
Control over Public Administration-
Executives, Legislative and Judicial Decentralized Administration.

B.A.LL.B. 8th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
(The Indian Evidence Act, 1861)
The main features of Indian Evidence Act, 1861.
Concepts in Law of Evidence- Facts, relevant facts and facts in issue-
distinction. Evidence- oral and documentary, circumstantial evidence and direct
'Proving', 'not proving' and 'disproving'
Appreciation of evidence
Doctrine of res gestate.
Evidence of common intention
Problems of relevancy of 'otherwise' irrelevant
Relevant facts for proof of custom
Facts concerning body and mental state.
General principles. concerning admission and confession
Distinction between 'admission' and 'confession'
Problems of non-admissibility of confessions caused by 'any inducement, threat
or promise'
Inadmissibility of confession made before a police officer
Admissibility of custodial confessions.
Dying declaration- the justification for relevance on dying declaration
Appreciation of evidentiary value of dying declaration.
Expert witness
Who is an expert? Types of expert evidence
Opinion on relationship especially proof of marriage
The problems of judicial defense to expert testimony
General principles concerning oral evidence
General principles concerning documentary evidence.
Competency to testfy.
State privilege
Professional privilege
General principles of examination and cross-examination
Leading questions
Unlawful questions in cross-examination
Compulsion to answer questions put to witness
Hostile witness
Burden of proof
General conception of onus probandi
Scope of the doctrine of judicial notice.
Estoppels- Why estoppels? The rationale.
Estoppels, res judicata, waiver and presumption
Estoppels by deed Estoppels by conduct
Equitable and promissory estoppel.
Question of corroboration
The Indian Evidence Act, 1861
Sarkar and Manohar: on Evidence, (Wadhwa & Co., Nagpur).
Ratan Lal Dhiraj Lal: Law of Evidence (Wadhwa &Co.)
Batuk Lal: Law of Evidence.
Avtar Singh: Principles of the Law of Evidence.

B.A.LL.B. 8th Semester Maximum Marks: 100


Definitions- decree, judgment, decree holder, judgment debtor, manse profits.
Jurisdiction- jurisdiction of civil courts
Suits of civil nature.
Place of suing- general principle-pecuniary jurisdiction, territorial jurisdiction
and jurisdiction as to subject- matter.
Res - Subjudice- nature and scope; object; conditions; res sub judice and res
Res -Judicata- nature and scope; object; res judicata and rule of law; res
judicata and estoppels.
Suit- meaning; essentials of suit; parties to suit; joinder of parties; non-joinder,
and misjoinder of parties; representative suit.
Suits by indigent person, minor, insane person, and corporation.
Pleadings- definition; basic and general rules of pleadings; plaint and written
statement; set off and counter-claim.
Issues- meaning and importance of issues; framing of issues; kinds of issues.
Trial- general; summoning and attendance of witnesses.
Adjournment- discretion of court; when granted and when refused.
Judgment - definition; essentials; judgment and decree; contents of judgment;
alteration in judgment.
Decree- meaning; essentials; contents of decree; classes of decree; decree and
order. Execution- meaning; nature and scope; execution proceedings under the
CPC; application for execution- who may apply? - Against whom application
may be made? To whom' application may be made?- contents of application;
procedure for hearing application; stay of execution; mode of execution. Arrest
and detention. Attachment of property.
Sale and delivery of property.
Appeal- first and second appeal- meaning; essentials;
Right of appeal; no second appeal lies in certain cases.
Appeals from orders.
Order- meaning; nature and scope.
Reference- nature and scope; object; Who may apply?; powers and duties of
referring court; reference and appeal; reference and review; reference and
Review- meaning; nature and scope; object; Who may apply?; grounds.
Revision- meaning; nature and scope; Who may apply?; grounds.
Limitation- meaning; nature and scope of the law of limitation.
Bar of limitation and its efficacy.
Sufficient cause- meaning and applicability. Legal disability- meaning, scope
and effect.
Computation of period of limitation and exclusion of time in legal proceedings.
Computation of period of limitation in certain cases- death, fraud or mistake,
acknowledgement in writing, and part-payment.
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
Indian Limitation Act.
C.K.Thakkar, Civil Procedure Code, (EBC, Lucknow).
Mulla, Code of Civil Procedure, (Universal, Delhi)
Sarkar’s Law of Civil Procedure
B.L. Bowel - Civil Prakriya Sanghita
C.K.Takwani Civil Procedure Code
P.C.Vishwakarma - Civil Prakriya Sanghita
R.R.Gupta - Civil Prakriya Sanghita

B.A.LL.B. VIIIth Semester Maximum Marks: 100
UNIT-I: Social, Constitutional and International Legal Status of Child
Significance, scope and magnitude of the problem
Special status of child- national policies
Constitutional concern- Articles 15 (3), 24, 39 (e) and (f)
International concern and endeavor for the welfare of children: Minimum
Wage Convention; Child Rights Convention; and U.N. Declaration of the
Rights of the Child
UNIT- II: Problems of Conception, birth
Legal status of the child in the womb
Sex selection: feticides and infanticide
Tortuous liability against injuries to unborn children
Coparcenary and property rights of the unborn children
Law relating to maternity benefit and relief
UNIT-III: Family Relations and Child and legal Control of Child Labour
The status of a child in matters of marriage, legitimacy, guardianship, adoption,
maintenance and custody
Statutory provisions regarding child marriage, guardianship, adoption and
maintenance Regulation of the employment of children in various occupations
Recommendations of the ILO and statutory protection
UNIT-IV: Contractual and Criminal Liability
Minor's agreement: nature, rationale
Liability in beneficial contracts
Testimony of children
Crimes committed by child; crimes committed by others in relation to children
Judicial proceedings in criminal cases
Statutory provisions: Sections 82, 83, 299 Explanation 3, 363A,372 and 376

IPC; Penal provisions contained in the Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929;
Young Persons Harmful Publication Act, 1956; Juvenile Justice Act, 2000
UNIT- V: Law and Offences against Child
Juvenile Justice Act
Provision for the protection of neglected children
Institutions for Hie protection of neglected children
Child Welfare Boards and Juvenile Courts:
constitution, powers, duties and functions
Protection of girls from immoral traffic
Prevention of vagrancy and beggary
S.K. Awasthi: Juvenile Justice Act, 1986
Indian Law Institute: Child and the Law
Indian Law Institute: Treatise on the Juvenile Justice Act
P.L. Mehta and S.S. Jaswal: Child Labour and the Law
L.S. Shastri: Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1996

B.A.LL.B. VIIIth Semester Maximum Marks: 100
[Including Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000
And Probation of Offenders Act]
Trial before a Court of Session initial- steps, evidence for prosecution, steps to
follow the prosecution evidence; evidence for the defense, steps to follow the
defense evidence; judgment and connected matters.
Trial of warrant cases by Magistrates (Cases instituted on a police report and
cases instituted otherwise than on a police report)- initial steps in the trial,
evidence for prosecution- steps to follow the prosecution evidence; evidence
for defense- steps to follow the defense evidence; judgment and connected
Trial of summons cases and summary trial- steps in the trial; hearing of the
prosecution cases, personal examination of the accused; hearing of the defend
case; acquittal or conviction
Offences triable in a summary way; procedure to be followed in summary
trials; judgment in cases tried summarily:
Security for keeping peace and good behavior
Public nuisances and disputes as to immovable property.
Maintenance of public order and tranquility
Maintenance of wives, children and parents.
Plea bargaining.

Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000.
Object and essential features of the Act.
Definitions- Begging, child in need of care and protection, narcotic drugs and
psychotropic substance, juvenile in conflict with law.
Juvenile Justice Board- constitution, procedure and powers.
Child Welfare Committee- constitution, procedure and powers.
Special homes.
Offences under the Act.
Probation of Offenders Act
Object and essential features of the Act.
Powers of court to release certain offenders on probation of good conduct.
Restrictions on imprisonment of the offenders under twenty one years of age.
Probation Officers, duties of Probation Officers.

Criminal Procedure Code, 1973.
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000.
Probation Of Offenders Act
As prescribed for LL.B. Third Semester.

B.A.LL.B VIII Semester:
Paper VI: Pleading, Drafting and Convincing
Written Paper, 50 Marks, Field Work, Project Work and Viva-voice 50 Marks

Unit- I

Fundamental Rule of Pleading Meaning and Definition of Pleading, Affidavit

Execution petition,

General and Fundamental Amendment of Pleading


Civil: Plaint, written statement, Interlocutory application Original Petition,

Affidavit Execution Petition,

Memorandum of appeal, and revision.

Petition under Article 226 and 32 of the Constitution of India


General Principles Governing Transfer of Immovable Property.

Criminal: Complaint, Criminal Miscellaneous Petition,

Bail Application, Memorandum of Appeal and Revision.


Model draft of Application:

Application for Restoration of Suit, Amendment in Pleading, Substitution of


Setting a-side expert decree,

Alimony, Bail, Matrimonial Petition, legal notice, Appointment of

receiver/local commission, Compromise of Sit, Condensation of delay and
application for execution, etc

Drafting of writ petition and PIL petition.


Convincing : Theory and Model Draft.

Definition and essential part of a deed, Model deed: Sale deed, Mortgage deed,
gift deed, Trust deed, Will deed, Lease deed, Promissory note, General Powers
of Attorney, Partnership deed, Tenancy deed, Relinquishment deed.

Recommended Books:

Banarjee and Awasthi-Guide to Drafting

Mogha-Law of Pleadings,
Mogha-Indian conveyance
R.N. Chaturvedi- Pleading Drafting and Conveyancing
A.N. Chaturvedi- Pleading Drafting and Conveyancing

B.A.LL.B. IX Semester Maximum Marks: 100



UNIT- I: Concept of Environment and Pollution

Environment: meaning and contents, Pollution: meaning; causes of
environmental pollution and effects thereof; kinds of pollution
Historical Perspectives:
(i) Indian tradition- dharma of environment;
British period industrial development and exploitation of nature;
(ii) Constitutional perspective Fundamental Rights;
Directive Principles of State Policy; Fundamental Duties
Emerging principles: 'Polluter pays'; 'Precautionary principle'; and 'Public
trust doctrine' International Regime: Stockholm Conference;
Rio Conference; and Bio-diversity Convention.
UNIT-II: Water; and Air Pollution
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention
and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
Salient features of the Acts, Important definitions
Authorities- composition, powers and jurisdiction Offences and penalties
Judicial approach
UNIT-III: Environmental Protection
Pollution control under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
Salient features of the Act
Important definitions
Powers ofthe Central Government
Offences and penalties under the Act
National Environment Tribunal and National Environment Appellate Authority

composition, powers and functions judicial approach-complex problems in
the administration of environmental justice
UNIT-IV: Wild Life Protection
The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
Salient features of the Act
Important definitions: animal; animal articles; closed area; trophy; wild animal;
wild life; zoo; and sanctuary
Authorities under the Act: constitution; powers and functions
Prohibitions under the Act: hunting of wild animals and protection of specified
plants Protected Areas: Sanctuaries; national parks and closed areas
Trade and commerce in wild animals, animal articles, trophies and prohibitions
thereof Offences and penalties.
UNIT-V: Cruelty to Animals
The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960
Salient features, aims and objects of the Act
Important definitions
Authorities under the Act: composition, powers and jurisdiction
Offences and penalties
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act," 1960
R.B. Singh & Suresh Mishra: Environmental Law in India
Kailash Thakur: Environmental Protection Law and Policy in India
Leelakrishnan. P: Law and Environment
Leelakrishnan. P: Environmental Law in India
J.J.R. U padhyay - Environmental Law
Dr. Anurudh Prasad - Environmental Law
Dr. C.P. Singh - Environmental Law

B.A.LL.B IXth Semester Maximum Marks: 100
UNIT-I: Introduction to Criminology
Definition, nature and extent of crime in India,
Definition, nature, scope and importance of criminology
Relationship between crime, criminal law and criminology
Methods of criminological studies.
UNIT-II: Schools of Criminology
Classical and Neo-classical
Feminist approach
Multiple Factor Theory.
UNIT-III: Crime Causation
Positivist Theory (Lombroso, Garofalo, and Enrico Ferri)
Psycho-analytical Theory
Social disorganizations and Anomie
Differential Association Theory
Delinquent Sub-culture Theory.
UNIT-IV: Dimensions of Crime
White collar crime: definition, scope and extent;
Corruption in public life Causes, prevention and treatment of white collar
criminality with special reference to India.
Juvenile delinquency: definition, nature and scope.
Causes, prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency in India.
Criminality of women: causes, prevention and treatment.

UNIT- V: Penology
Theories of punishment
Capital punishment; judicial attitude towards capital punishment in India
Prison system; open prison- evaluation
Probation, Parole
Distinction between probation and parole

Catherine S. Williams: Text Book on Criminology
Sutherland and Cressy: Principles of Criminology
J. M. Sethna: Society and the Criminal
A. Siddique: Criminology- Problems and Perspectives
Sutherland: White Collar Crime
W. C. Reckless: The Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency
S. Rao: Crime in Our Society
Law Commission of India- 42nd Report
N.V. Paranjpe – Criminology & Penology
H.L.A. Hart – Cause and Causation.

B.A.LL.B. 9th Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Paper-III Arbitration and Conciliation and A.D.R. System

UNIT-I: Arbitration
Arbitration: meaning, scope and importance of arbitration
UNCITRAL model law
Types of arbitration
Distinctions: arbitration and conciliation: arbitration and expert determination
Extent of judicial intervention
International commercial arbitration
UNIT-II: Arbitration agreement and arbitration tribunal
Essentials of arbitration agreement: kinds of arbitration agreement
Who can enter into arbitration agreement?
Reference to arbitration
Interim measures by court
Arbitration Tribunal: appointment, jurisdiction, powers of arbitral tribunal
Grounds of challenge
Court assistance
UNIT- III: Award
Rules of guidance
Form and content
Correction and interpretation
Grounds of setting aside an award
Can misconduct be a ground?; incapacity of a party; invalidity of arbitration
agreement; want of proper notice and hearing; beyond the scope of reference;
contravention of composition and procedure; breach of confidentiality;
impartiality of the arbitrator; bar of limitation; res judicata; consent of parties
UNIT-IV: Appeal, Revision and Enforcement of foreign awards
Forum of appeal
Power of Appellate Court
Costs of arbitration proceeding
New York Convention awards
Geneva Convention awards
UNIT- V: Conciliation
Conciliation: meaning and importance
Distinction between 'conciliation', 'negotiation', 'mediation', and 'arbitration'
Appointment of Conciliator
Interaction between conciliator and parties; communication; duty of the parties
to cooperate; suggestions by parties; confidentiality
Resort to judicial proceeding

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
B.P. Saraf and M. Jhunjhunwala: Law of Arbitration and Conciliation
Gerald R. Williame: The New Arbitration and Conciliation Law of India
A.K. Bansal: Law of International Commercial Arbitration
Avtar Singh: Arbitration and Conciliation
G.K. Kwatra: The Arbitration and Conciliation Law of India
N.D. Basu: Law of Arbitration and Conciliation

B.A.LL.B. IX Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Definition, nature and history of insurance.
Concept of insurance- law of contract and law of torts.
Future of insurance in globalised economy.
Contract of insurance- classification of contract of insurance; nature of various
insurance contracts; difference between general contract and insurance
contract. Meaning of reinsurance and double insurance.
Insurable interest- its essentials; indemnity as the controlling principle on
insurance laws.
An insurance contract is a contract of uberrime fidei (of utmost good faith)
Doctrine of subrogation- its essentials: subrogation as a necessary corollary of
the principle of indemnity.
Doctrine of contribution- its essentials.
Policy- classification of policies; its form and contents; its commencement,
duration, cancellation, alteration, rectification, renewal, assignment, and
Conditions of policy; alteration of the risk; assignment of the subject-matter.
Life insurance- definition, nature and scope; kinds of life insurance.
Policy and formation of life insurance contract; event insured against life
insurance contract. Circumstances affecting risk;
amounts recoverable under the policy; persons entitled to payment;
settlement of claim and payment of money.
Life ·Insurance Corporation of India- its organization and functions.
IRDA- constitution powers and functions.
The Marine Insurance Act, 1963.
Marine Insurance ( cargo insurance, hull insurance, freight insurance, liability
insurance)- nature, scope and importance. .
Insurable risk (perils of sea, fire, jettison, barratry, risk of theft, war risk, and
land risk). Voyage deviation.
Marine insurance contract- insurable interest; utmost good faith; warranties;
worthiness of sea; legality of venture. Conditions of marine insurance.
Fire Insurance- meaning, scope and importance of fire insurance; fire insurance
contract; method of indemnity. Insurable interest, utmost good faith;
conditions of fire insurance policy.
Social insurance in India
Need and importance of social insurance- its elements.
Commercial insurance and social insurance.
Workmen's compensation
(Scope, risk covered industrial accidents, occupational diseases, amount of
compensation, nature of injuries, dependents).
Sickness insurance, old age, premature death and invalidity insurance or
pension insurance, public provident fund arid jeevandhara policy.
Unemployment insurance.
The Life Insurance Corporation of India Act, 1956.
The Marine Insurance Act, 1963.
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923.
M.N. Sreenivasan, Principles of Insurance Law, (Ramania Publishers, Banglore)
B.A. Singh, New Insurance Law, (Union Book Publishers, Allahabad)
Ivamy, General Principles of Insurance Laws, (Butterworths).
Ivamy, Case Book on Insurance Law, (Butterworths).

B.A.LL.B. IXth Semester Maximum Marks: 100
UNIT-I: Abolition of Zamindari
Salient features of the Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950
Aims and objects of the Act
Causes for Zamindari Abolition
Important definitions: Agricultural year; Beneficiary; Land Management
Committee; Geon Fund and Consolidated Geon Fund; Gram Sabha; Gram
Panchayat; Grove land; Intermediary; Revenue; and Sir
Consequences of vesting
UNIT- II: New land Tenures
Bhumidhar, Sirdar, Asami and Adhivasi
Rights of tenure holders, Ejectment
Ejectment of Bhumidhar with transferable rights and with non-transferable
rights Ejectment of an Asami- grounds for ejectment
UNIT-III: Abandonment, Surrender and lease
Abandonment; Consequences of abandonment Surrender-
(i) By a Bhumidhar with non-transferable rights; and
(ii) By an Asami Distinction between surrender and abandonment
Lease , Registration of lease
Lease by a disabled person- who is a disabled person?
UNIT- IV: Succession and Allotment of land .
General order of succession
Succession where Bhumidhar or Asami dies without leaving a male lineal
descendent Female's interest inherited from a male
Interest of a female acquiring bhumidhari rights
Passing of interest by survivorship

Allotment of land
Order of preference
Procedure of allotment
Cancellation of allotment
UNIT- V: land Revenue and Revenue Authorities
Revenue and Rent
Persons liable to pay land revenue
Process for recovery of an arrear of land revenue
Revenue Court and Revenue Officer- powers and functions
Maintenance of Maps and records
Appeal; Revision; and Review

U.P. Zamindari and Land Reforms Act, 1950
R.R. Maurya: U.P. Land Laws
R.P. Singh; U.P. Land Laws

B.A.LL.B IXth Semester
Maximum Marks: 100
Written- 50 Project and Viva-Voce - 50
Paper-IV Alternate Dispute Resolution
(Practical training) Outline of the course -:
1. Negotiation skills to be learned with simulated program.
2. Conciliation skills.
3. Arbitration Law and practice including International arbitration and
arbitration rules.
The course is required to be conducted by senior legal practitioners
through simulation and case studies.
Evaluation may also be conducted by practical exercises at least for a
significant part of evaluation.

B.A.LL.B. Xth Semester Maximum Marks: 100

UNIT-I: Evolution and Basic Concept of Administrative Law

Nature, definition, scope and development.
Administrative Law and its relation with Constitutional Law.
Rule of law and Separation of powers - its applicability and relevance in India.
Need, growth and validity of delegated legislation.
Control on delegated legislation -Parliamentary, procedural & Judicial.
UNIT- II: Natural Justice, Administrative Discretion & Administrative
Definition, nature, object and scope of natural justice
Principles of natural justice:
(i) Rule against bias- meaning and types; real and likelihood of bias; and
(ii) Audi alternant partum (Hear the other side)
Meaning and need for Administrative discretion
Judicial review of administrative discretion and its grounds.
UNIT-III: Liability of State (Tortuous. and Contractual)
Tortuous liability: Sovereign and non-sovereign functions
Statutory immunity; Contractual liability of Government
Government privilege in legal proceedings- Estoppels and waiver
Right to Information Act-2005
UNIT-IV: Mechanism of control on Administrative action
Judicial- writ, PIL, Appeal.
Quasi Judicial- Pliable inquiries and Commissions of Inquiry
Ombudsman: Lokpal, Lok Ayukta and. Vigilance Commission
Quasi-judicial and administrative functions; tribunal and court
Administrative Tribunal: constitution, powers and jurisdiction under the
Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985
UNIT- V: Corporations
Definition, characteristics and classification of Public Corporations. Rights,
Duties and Liabilities of Public Corporations & Control over Public
Corporations- Judicial Governmental& Parliamentary.
Right to Information Act.2005
Jain & Jain: Principles of Administrative Law
Wade: Administrative Law .
C. K. Thakkar: Lectures on Administrative Law
S. P. Sathe: Administrative Law
S. P. Sathe: Right to Information
M. P. Jain: Cases and Materials on Indian Administrative Law
I,L.I: Cases and Materials on Administrative Law in India
U.P.D. Keshari – Prasasanik vidhi

B.A.LL.B. Xth Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Paper -II Intellectual Property Rights
UNIT-I: Introductory ,
Intellectual Property: meaning, definition, nature and importance
Rationale of the legal regimes for the protection of intellectual property
Kinds of intellectual property
Rationale for protection of rights in-
Trade marks
Trade Secrets and Geographical Indications
Introduction to the leading international instruments concerning IPR: Paris
Convention; Berne Convention; World Trade Organization (WTO); World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and TRIPS Agreement.
UNIT-II: Law of Copyright in India
Historical evolution of law
Subject-matter and meaning of copyright
Copyright in literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works
Copyright in cinematograph film and sound recording
Ownership of copyright
Terms of copyright
Assignment of copyright
Licensing of copyright and compulsory licensing
Author's Special Rights
Infringement of copyright; exceptions
Video Piracy and piracy in Internet

UNIT- III: Intellectual Property in Trade marks
Rationale of protection of trademarks as (a) an aspect of commercial rights, and
(b) of consumer rights
Definition and concept of trade marks
Distinction between trade mark and property mark; trade mark and service
mark Registration of trade marks
The doctrine of deceptive similarity
The doctrine of honest concurrent user
Protection of well-known marks
Infringement and passing off
UNIT-IV: Intellectual property in Patents
Patent: meaning, definition and importance
Patentable inventions
Patent protection for computer programme
Process of obtaining a patent: application, examination, opposition and sealing
of patent
Procedure for filing patent, Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT)
Rights and obligations of a patentee
Duration of patent
Compulsory licenses
UNIT- V: Intellectual Property in Designs and Geographical Indications
Important definitions: design; article; mechanical device; geographical
indication Registration of designs: application for registration of designs;
procedure for registration of designs; cancellation of registration

Rights conferred by registration
Restoration of lapsed design
Infringement and remedies
Characteristics and functions of design
Distinction between 'geographical indication' and 'trade mark'; 'geographical
indication' and 'collective marks'
Procedure for registration of GI
Infringement and remedies.
Copyright Act, 1957
Trade Marks Act, 1999
Patents Act, 1970
Designs Act, 2000
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
Cornish W.R.: Intellectual Property, Patents, Trade Marks, Copyright and Allied
P. Narayanan: Intellectual Property Law
S.K.Singh: Intellectual Property Rights Law
Vikas Vashishth: Law and Practice of Intellectual Property
Bibeck Debroy (ed.): Intellectual Property Rights.
J.P. Mishra - Intellectual Property Rights

B.A.LL.B. Xth Semester Maximum Marks: 100
UNIT-I: Evolution of international Organization
Concept, nature and development of international organization
Progress of mankind towards international organization
The Concert of Europe
The League of Nations- genesis and creation provisions; its organs Causes of
its failure
The United Nations- genesis and creation provisions
Purpose and principles of the U.N., Membership;
Legal capacity: privileges and immunities
Achievements and limitations of the U.N. The future role of the U.N.
UNIT-II: Structure! Organs of the U.N.
The General Assembly- composition, voting procedure, powers and functions
The Security Council- compositions, voting procedure, powers and functions
The Economic and Social Council- composition, voting procedure, powers and
functions The Trusteeship Council- the Trusteeship system, the Trusteeship
Agreements, objectives, and the forms of supervision
The Secretariat- appointment of the Secretary General;
powers and functions of the Secretary General
The International Court of Justice- composition, jurisdiction.
UNIT-III: Political Process
A comparative view of the League of Nations' and U.N. Charter
International Personality- Nature and consequences of the concept
Treaty- making process
Privileges and immunities
Achievements of the United Nations- Advancement of human welfare;
settlement of disputes; U.N. peace-keeping functions; problems of peace

enforcement through the U.N.; disarmament and human right; progressive
development of international law
UNIT-IV: Specialized Agencies
International Labour Organization (ILO)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
World Health Organization (WHO),
UNIT- V: Regional Institutions
The Council of Europe
The Organization of American States (OAS)
The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
The Warsa Treaty Organization

D.W. Bowett: The Law of International Institutions
Stephen S. Good speed: Nature and Function of International Organization
D.W. Bowett: United Nations Forces: A Legal Study
Rahamatullah Khan: Implied Powers of the United Nations
M.S. Rajan: United Nations and Domestic Jurisdiction
Rumki Basu: The United Nations: Structure and Functions of International

B.A.LL.B. Xth 'Semester Maximum Marks: 100


UNIT-I: General Perspective
History of tax law in India
Fundamental principles relating to tax laws
Governmental financial policy, tax structure and their role in the national
economy Concept of tax; nature and characteristics of taxes
Distinction between tax and fee; tax. and cess; direct and indirect taxes; and
tax evasion and tax avoidance
Scope of taxing power of Parliament, State legislatures and local bodies.
UNIT- II: Income Tax
Basic concepts: Income; Total income; Income not included in total income;
Deemed income; Clubbing of income; Assesses; Person; and Tax planning
Chargeable income: Heads of income- salaries; income from house property;
income from business or profession; capital & ains; income from other sources
Deductions, relief and exemptions
Income Tax Authorities: powers and functions Offences and penal sanctions
Settlement of grievances: authorities, powers and functions. . .
UNIT- III: Sales Tax
Central Sales Tax and State Sales Tax
Sale or purchase of goods: meaning of sale; sale in the course of inter-State sale
and commerce; sale to take place outside a State; and sale in the course of
export and import
Charge of tax; exemption and rebate
Sales Tax Authorities: powers and functions
Offences and penalties

UNIT-IV: Wealth Tax
Taxable wealth; determination of value of assets; exemptions and rate of wealth
tax Wealth Tax Authorities: constitution,' powers and functions
Offences and penalties
UNIT- V: Service Tax
Taxable service
Meaning and importance of service tax
Constitutional perspective
Salient provisions of service tax law
Valuation of taxable service
Offences and penalties
Sampath Iyengar: Law of Income Tax
Kanga and Patkiwala: The Law and Practice of Income Tax
K. Parameswaran: Power of Taxation under the Constitution
S. D. Singh: Principles of Sales Tax Law
R. V. Patel: The Central Sales Tax Act
C. A. Gularickar: Law and Practice of Wealth Tax and Valuation
Ramesh Sharma: Supreme Court on Direct Taxes
S.R. Mynevi – Law of Tax session.

B.A.LL.B. Xth Semester Maximum Marks: 100
Paper –V Land Laws:

U.P. Consolidation of Holdings Act, 1953
U.P. Panchayat Raj Act, 1947
U.P. Imposition of Ceiling on Land Holdings Act, 1960
U.P. Urban Building (Regulation of Letting, Rent and Eviction) Act, 1947
U.P. Urban Planning and Development Act, 1973
U.P. Municipalities Act, 1916

U.P. Consolidation of Holdings Act, 1953
U,P. Imposition of Ceiling on Land Holdings Act, 1960
U.P. Urban Building (Regulation of Letting, Rent and Eviction) Act, 1947
U.P. Urban Planning and Development Act, 1973
U.P. Municipalities Act, 1916
U.P. Panchayat Raj Act, 1947

Books recommended –
R.R. Mourya – U.P. Land Laws.
R. P. Singh – U.P. Land Laws.

X Semester
Paper–VI (Written Paper-50, Field work, Project work, Viva-Voce-50
Practical Training Moot Court, Pre Trail Preparation and Participation in
Trial Proceeding
(Written Examination)
Unit – I
I-Meaning and importance of Moot Court
II-Difference between Moot Court and ‘Court’
III- Manner of organizing or conducting the Moot Court.
(a) Imaginary legal case.
(b) Decided case
(c) Moot Court on Specific Legal Subject.

Unit – II Judicial System in India

i- Hierarchy of Courts
ii- Union Judiciary – Supreme Court (Articles 124-145)
iii- State Judiciary – High Courts and Subordinate Court (Articles 214-237)
iv Jurisdiction and Powers
v. Writ and drafting of writ petitions
Unit – III
 Art of interviewing the client (interviewing technique)
 Art of cross- examination and argument
 Procedure followed before CAT/ District Consumer Forums
Unit - IV
 Plaint and written statements
 Procedure in Suits after Hearing
 Procedure in Suits during Hearing
 Application and Affidavits
 Complaints to Magistrates
 Framing of Charge

Unit –V
1. Preparation of case and argument
2. Pre Trial Preparation and Participation in Trial proceedings.

Field work, Project work and Viva-Voce-50 marks

 Every student will attend three moot courts on the problems
assigned. He will also attend one civil and one criminal trial. He
will enter into the note books prepared by him and various steps
observed during his attendance on different days in courts
assigned. The procedural aspects of law should be emphasized.
The book will be signed by the teacher in charge under whose
supervision the candidate will visit the court.
 Each student will have to attend two interview sessions of clients
at the Lawyer’s office / legal Aid center and record the
proceedings in the note book. In awarding marks, special
importance will be given to the interviewing technique. The note
book signed by the teacher in charge under whose supervision
the students attend the Lawyer’s office / legal Aid center.
 Each student will observe the preparation of the documents and
court’s papers by the advocate and procedure for filling of the
suit or petition. This will be recorded in the note book. The note
book will be signed by the teacher in charge.
 The departmental committee ---------dated provides -----------
following guidelines to further clarify the award of marks in the
examination of LL.B. III year Paper v.
 Roll Nos. on moot court copies shall be the same roll no. as
provided by the controller of examination under a sealed cover
on those same days or latest by next day.
 The break- up of the award of marks in the moot court shall be
as under.
Nature of examination
 Written examination
 Field work and class work

Moot Court Copies
 Participation in moot courts
 Court Visit (one civil and one criminal trial)
 Participation in interview session of client at lawyer‘s office.
 Preparation of documents and court papers including procedure
for filing of visit and petition (each paper relating to moot court
shall be signed by the teacher in charge.)
Recommended Books:
Kailash Rai - Moot Court
O.P.Mishra - Moot Court
H.P.Gupta - Moot Court
S.P. Gupta - Moot Court
B.L.Bavel - Moot Court Sidhhant avam Vyavahar


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