Application of Internet of Things
Application of Internet of Things
Application of Internet of Things
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2930637, IEEE Access
IEEE Transaction on Internet of Things,Year:2019
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number
ABSTRACT Following the rapid development and maturity of Blockchain (BC) and Internet of Things
(IoT) technologies, this study proposes two applications of a BC-IoT transaction model in the accounting
field. The BC-IoT transaction model is capable of automatically collecting, uploading and recording all
relevant data in the enterprise transaction process under the premise of satisfying certain assumptions. This
model does not require manual intervention at any point in the process; no data recorded on the distributed
ledgers can be tampered with or revoked. The data collected using this model can be used as information on
events, providing data support for the events approach to basic accounting theory. This practice responds to
the important insight of Sorter, who proposes the provision of accounting information in real time and on
demand to substantially improve the usefulness of accounting information. This study also identifies that
BC technology can significantly improve the relevance, faithful representation, timeliness, comparability,
and other aspects of accounting information quality.
INDEX TERMS accounting information quality, blockchain, events approach to basic accounting theory,
internet of things, smart contract
I. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE IoT AND global dynamic network facility with self-configuring
BC AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN THE BUSINESS capabilities that is based on standard and interoperable
communication protocols. In this network, all substantial and
virtual items have specific coding and physical features that
can be seamlessly linked through smart interfaces to achieve
The concept of the IoT was originally derived from the
the sharing of information [3].
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system, proposed
In brief, the IoT is the interconnection between physical
by the Automated Identification Center (AutoID Labs)
objects and the digital world [4]. From a vertical perspective,
established by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
the IoT system can be divided into three layers: the sensing
(MIT) in 1999. Based on the linkage between RFID
layer, the network (or transmission) layer and the application
information from different items obtained via RFID sensing
layer [5]. As illustrated in Figure 1, the IoT's application
devices and the Internet, RFID is able to achieve intelligent
layer has highly personalized features, in which the
identification and management.
development of blockchain (BC) technology can provide a
At the 2005 World Summit on the Information Society
reliable platform for the IoT's application layer.
(WSIS) held in Tunis, the International Telecommunication
The IoT, robo-advising, and BC are some of the most
Union (ITU) published the “ITU Internet Reports 2005 – the
valuable innovation types [6]. In the recent development of
Internet of Things”, which introduced the IoT‟s features,
the IoT, deep learning appears to be a valid approach to
relevant technologies, challenges and future opportunities [2].
extracting accurate raw sensor data from IoT devices, as
The IoT is an integrated part of the future network; it is a
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However, limited by the slow pace of development of the requirements of various information users, thereby
data-processing technology, EABAT has not been improving audit quality.
substantially studied and developed to the same extent as the The above literature reveals how BC may influence
value approach to the basic theory of accounting. Although professional accounting practices, such as through the
information technology (including data-processing improvement of corporate governance and audit quality,
techniques) has experienced significant developments in the indicating that accounting information quality can be
past decade, research on accounting information systems enhanced by BC technology. However, their discussions are
based on EABAT is still limited, especially that addressing only based on the existing frameworks of accounting models
the self-formation process of accounting information [34]. and theories in the spectrum of value accounting and
The recent development of BC technology has exposed some overlook the context of the EABAT. In addition, while
opportunities for EABAT research. current BC technology is able to protect chain information
security, few papers study how to make sure the external data
III. JUSTIFICATION OF BC AND IoT TECHNOLOGIES IN sources of the BC are also reliable. IoT technology responds
ACCOUNTING RESEARCH (EABAT) to the need for information source reliability in the EABAT
Recent developments in BC research have appeared in the approach.
field of accounting study. For example, Dai and Vasarhelyi This study discusses three key topics: 1) applications of
[35] investigated how to establish a real-time, reliable and BC and IoT technologies in the EABAT, 2) construction of a
transparent accounting system with BC technology. This simple transaction model and its accounting and reporting
accounting system is capable of providing to users the mode in a BC and IoT environment supporting the EABAT,
reliable storage of accounting information with real-time and and 3) discussion of how BC technology may affect
low-cost operations and of using smart contracts to ensure accounting information quality.
the compliance of accounting information processing. Dai
and Vasarhelyi [35] also constructed a „triple-entry‟ A. AN EXAMPLE OF A SIMPLE BC-IoT TRADING MODEL
bookkeeping approach based on BC technology, using a The traditional transaction models and approaches of
distributed ledger based on BC technology as an independent financial information gatherings lead to the „separation of
and reliable third-party intermediary to verify and record all business practice and financial information‟ and „information
transactions. Such a journal recording approach can generate isolation‟, which inevitably reduces the relevance of
transparent, secure and self-verifying accounting information accounting information. Based on BC technology, we
that can be shared with other nodes (organizations) in a established a simple „BC-IoT‟ transaction model. This
timely manner. transaction model is capable of the automatic identification
Dai and Vasarhelyi [35] discuss the application of BC in of as well as the transmission and recording of massive
the accounting field based on the theory of value accounting; amounts of data. It requires no manual intervention. Because
this differs from the current study, which discusses this topic all data are recorded in distributed ledgers, tampering or
based on the EABAT. In addition, Dai and Vasarhelyi [35] revoking is not possible. Current traditional accounting
focus on the reliability issue of chain data, following the practices are based on countless paper documents as
adoption of BC as a third-party accounting approach that will information sources; manual processing is required to input
not change the existing accounting process, while the current data into the accounting information system. This manual
study explores the restructuring of the current business model processing practice is time consuming, costly, and, most
and re-creates the accounting process. Finally, while Dai and importantly error prone. With the help of IoT technology
Vasarhelyi‟s [35] discussion solves the chain data reliability (such as RFID), it is becoming possible to achieve the real-
issue, this study introduces the IoT layering theory to address time transmission and updating of inventory information,
the reliability issue in transmitting off-chain data onto the thus improving the efficiency and quality of data acquisition.
chain. As recorded in Figure 1, the proposed transaction model has
Taking a broader business perspective, Yermack [9] argued three sub-systems: smart contracts (contract system), the IoT
that BC technology would have a profound impact on (logistic system), and tokens (monetary system). It adopts the
corporate governance, including the real-time updating and following assumptions: smart contracts (contract system), the
recording of shareholder status, improving the accuracy and IoT (logistic system), and tokens (monetary system). It
reliability of company elections , increasing the liquidity of adopts the following assumptions: first, this model is limited
equity transactions, and effectively suppressing or mitigating to sales and procurement in the manufacturing industry; the
agency problems, such as corporate earnings management, inventory under discussion includes raw materials, work-in-
insider trading and related party transactions. Rozario and process products, and finished products, all of which are
Vasarhelyi [36] believe that smart contracts based on BC can physical commodities to which IoT technology is applicable;
replace auditors by conducting audit procedures automatically second, this trading model disregards/neglects transportation
and provide real-time and transparent audit reports that meet and taxation (costs); third, the commodity transaction uses
tokens to realize the debit-credit system.
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1) THE SMART CONTRACT (CONTRACT SYSTEM) transactions that can be completed) is created and
In this model (as shown in Figure 3), the contract is successfully executed. This new contract is denoted as
regarded as the starting point of a transaction and directly „Smart Contract 2‟ in this model.
links logistic flow, capital flow, and information flow. If 2) THE IoT (LOGISTICS SYSTEM)
there is no contract, then there is no transaction. When there A logistics system based on IoT technology contributes to the
is a transaction, there is always a contract. A contract can key technical foundation of this trading model. A mature and
provide a large amount of useful information. Therefore, stable IoT system assists in the smooth implementation of a
the EABAT should be treating contracts, orders and similar smart contract system. The IoT serves as a data collector and
entities as important events. In the proposed „BC-IoT‟ recorder immune to mistakes and fraud, which ensures the
transaction model, all transaction contracts are implemented faithful and prompt upload of inventory information to the
through smart contracts, including those that are BC. Under this logistics system setting, goods become smart
successfully (partially; failed to; and not yet) executed. This items that can be located in real time with scene information.
corresponds to three situations: first, when the contract fails They are more than physical objects in the logistic process:
to be executed due to reasons such as contract cancellation, they are also resources that can be utilized to form a smart
the contract is invalidated, and the transaction is cancelled. automated execution system with real-time information
However, the contract information is still recorded, stored acquisition and processing. In this model, the warehouse
in the block, and marked as „Smart Contract 1‟. Second, if control systems, the access control systems, and the GPSs as
the contract is fully executed, the logistics and cash flow implemented by Companies A and B will be able to monitor,
steps are also executed. For example, according to a smart record and upload the goods‟ status in real time. By reading,
contract term, Company A should transfer goods from the analysing and judging the uploaded data, the smart contract
warehouse that belongs to Company A to the warehouse can decide whether to execute the contract.
that belongs to Company B before December 31st. When 3) TOKEN (CAPITAL FLOW SYSTEM)
the access control system and warehousing system in the The token used in this system is similar to a proof-of-
warehouse of Company B confirm that they have received receiving entitlement (money) similar to a cheque. The token
the batch of goods, the ownership of the goods is is used for transaction settlement and helps the regulatory
transferred from Company A to Company B. Ownership authority perform fund monitoring for the entire cycle. First,
transfer is the criteria required for contract execution, token the use of token settlement can solve the problems stemming
payment, and recognition of sales revenue. Third, the from recognizing sales revenue based on sales invoices and
contract is partially executed. In this case, not all the like. In this proposed „BC-IoT‟ transaction model, sales
transactions are completed, which means that the old invoices are no longer required. For example, when goods
contract is invalidated, and a new contract (including all arrive at warehouse B, the sensing layer of the IoT can
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instantly inform the smart contract, the token will be C. CONSTRUCTION OF A FINANCIAL REPORTING
compulsorily transferred to Address A, and the sales revenue SYSTEM BASED ON THE BC-IoT MODEL
will be simultaneously recognized . Second, the token can be Using the EABAT as the theoretical foundation and the
used to manage accounts receivable. When the credit distributed ledger as a platform, a restructuring of the current
transaction method is adopted, the smart contract can record financial report produces a new type of distributed financial
all information of the credit transaction, such as the report that is interactive, real time, and demand driven.
transaction time, goods quantity, pre-arranged time for Regarding the contents it covers, its new format exceeds the
paying the token, etc., onto the distributed ledgers and then scope of reporting items as reported in the current value-based
form an account receivable item. The smart contract will financial report, as it further incorporates reporting items such
automatically execute the program at the agreed-upon time as smart contracts and product sales details. Depending on the
and then transfer the token from the buyer to the seller. Third, level of trade secrets, it can also set access restriction for the
the use of tokens allows users to monitor the flow of funds associated reporting items. This new format for the financial
within the company during the entire process. Thus, financial statement allows the report maker to add and/or delete items
fraud is minimized. from the existing/old-style financial report and then release
the old-style financial reports for reference. Such a financial
B. CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCOUNTING reporting model design is presented in Table I, embedded
INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON THE BC-IoT MODEL with the following characteristics.
The EABAT argues that events are economic activities
related to an accounting entity; examples include but are not TABLE I
limited to leasing, promising, and placing. “Inventory, thus,
Assets Liabilities
does not report either value or costs but rather describes the Token
acquisition and consumption activities that have occurred” Accounts
[1]. Qi [37] argued that economic events are the smallest unit Receivable
of accounting information and a boundary of the accounting Raw Materials
information system. All economic activities that match such Inventory Work-in- Owners‟ Equity
definitions should be faithfully recorded and collected when process
such business transactions occur. EABAT only records the Finished goods
original economic events and deletes the user-related Others: Smart Contract 1; Smart Contract 2; Smart Contract
accounting procedures, such as adjustment, estimation, 3.
amortization, and summarization, which allows users to
retrieve needed information and substantially improves 1) REAL TIME
information relevance. The existing accounting mode relies on the manual entry of
This study proposes an accounting information system accounting information, which cannot satisfy the requirement
(AIS) as presented in Figure 4. It follows the EABAT system for timely recorded information in the EABAT system. In
design suggested by Qi [37]: economic event→accounting contrast, IoT technology can sense event occurrence in real
event→accounting report. In the previous example involving time and the real-time status of actual products (such as
Companies A and B, as illustrated in Figure 3, for Company inventory). This allows IoT technology to transmit such
A, the economic event is „Smart Contract 1‟, goods information to data-processing systems, such as distributed
(inventory) decrease, tokens increase. „Smart Contract 1‟ ledgers, to achieve real-time information sharing. Therefore,
includes the content and execution result of a smart contract. the values of the reported items in the financial reports based
Information related to the decrease in goods (inventory) as on BC will be updated in real time. Although it is no longer a
recorded in the block includes the name, quantity, cost, periodic financial report, it can still be used for the purpose
location and date the goods were shipped, and information of comparing corporate performance.
about the token increase includes the address, date, and
notifications (e.g., revenue from the sales of a certain item).
Each figure in the financial report comes with a hyperlink,
These records correspond to accounting events in terms of
which can be used to trace the original source and evaluation
asset items, which are the reduction in goods (raw materials,
(pricing) model in use. In addition, a key feature of a
work-in-process products, finished products) and the increase
distributed ledger is irreversibility. In the case of the
in tokens. However, the valuation of goods, e.g., the lowering
subsequent adjustment or revision of accounting information,
of historic cost or net realizable value method, belongs to the
such changes must be recorded on the chain and a new block
category of accounting policy choice, which is determined by
is then generated. Such action stores the original accounting
the information user. Based on the above information, a
information and the newly modified accounting information
financial report is ultimately generated.
together on the chain, which improves accounting
information transparency.
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FIGURE 4. An example of an Accounting Information System (AIS) based on the BC-IoT model.
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Quality Overall
Connotation Influence Mode
Characteristics Impact
Relevance Predictive value The BC accounting system is a real-time accounting system
Basic quality characteristics
Comparability Not Applicable. Smart contracts help the company understand and consistently
implement accounting standards.
Comprehensibility Not Applicable. √ Not applicable.
Verifiability Not Applicable. Smart contracts enable self-verification according to
accounting standards, etc.
Cost and benefit Not Applicable. √√ Not applicable.
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