DPFVM - Slides 1.6 - DPFE
DPFVM - Slides 1.6 - DPFE
DPFVM - Slides 1.6 - DPFE
Ver. 1.6
Class: ___-___-___/DPFVM
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Classroom Rules
➡ Dress Code;
➡ Alcohol and Drugs Policy;
➡ Promptness: Classes Starts at 08:00 hr every day;
➡ We s>mulate the use of Notebooks, Tablets, Smartphones and other gadgets for
studying proposes, but:
✓ They must be set to silence/vibrate at all >mes;
✓ Playing games in the classroom are not allowed at any >me;
➡ No sleeping or having the appearance of sleep in class;
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Classroom Rules
➡ Keep voices down at a respectable level;
➡ Breaks are 10 to 15 minutes long, about every hour;
➡ Lunch is from 12:00 hrs. to 13:00 hrs;
➡ Students must be back on >me aOer lunch and breaks;
➡ Don’t leave classroom with doubts!!
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
NI Website
➡ On line registra>on;
➡ DP Sec>on of NI website;
➡ DP Time requirements;
➡ NI DPVM Logbook Guidance;
➡ Detailed guidance to fill up the NI Logbook;
➡ NI DP FAQ’s;
➡ Procedures for NI online exam.
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 1
Introduc+on to DP
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
History of DP Systems
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
History of DP Systems
➡ “CUSS 1” - 1961 - the first DP vessel
in history.
✓ Manual control of 4 propellers,
✓ radar ranging to buoys and sonar
ranging from subsea beacons.
✓ 948m deep,
➡ “Eureka” - 1960/61 - was the first
true DP vessel
✓ Azimuth propellers
➡ “SEDCO 445” 1971, the first CUSS
purpose built DP drill ship. 12
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 2
DP Industry Organisa+ons
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DP Industry Organisa+ons
➡ To keep up to date all personnel involved, from operators to classifica>on socie>es,
many organiza>ons get involved in the development of standards, from training to
statutory, for this industry. Some of the organiza>on and how they influence this
industry are listed in this chapter.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 3
Reasons why DP is Used Extensively
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Ver. 1.6
DP Advantages
➡ The advantages of using a DP vessel are:
✓ The vessel is fully self-propelled
✓ No tugs are ever required
✓ Great maneuverability of the vessel
✓ Rapid response to weather changes and in the requirements of the opera>on
✓ The system is very versa>le
✓ Can work in any water depth
✓ Can complete short tasks more quickly
✓ Does not damage the seabed hardware with mooring lines and anchors
✓ Doesn’t exist the risk of cross-mooring with other vessels or fixed planorms
✓ Can change loca>on very quickly
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DP Disadvantages
➡ The disadvantages of using a DP vessel are:
✓ It can fail to keep posi>on if the equipment has a failure
✓ Higher day rates for the personnel on board
✓ Higher fuel consump>on
✓ The thrusters can hurt divers and ROVs
✓ In strong >des, shallow waters or extreme weather can lose posi>on
✓ Posi>on control and equipment rely on a human operator
✓ More personnel needed to operate and maintain equipment
✓ Only specially trained seafarers can operate the system and the courses are very
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 4
Types of DP Vessels
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Chapter 5
Theory of DP Control
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Dynamic Posi+oning
Basic Principles
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Ver. 1.6
Dynamic Posi+oning
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Axis Control
➡ Yaw
✓ Gyrocompass.
✓ Heading Control is priorized over
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
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Axis Control
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
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Uncontrolled Axis
➡ Pitch, roll and heave are mo+ons that are not controlled by DP, but they are
monitored by the system.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DP System’s Components
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DP System’s Components
➡ The layout and performance standards of a DP system are defined in the IMO MSC Circ.
1580 from 2017
➡ In general we can divide a DP system into 7 main components. They are:
✓ Operator Sta>on - OS
✓ Control Computer - CC
✓ Environmental Sensors
✓ Gyrocompass
✓ Posi>on Reference System - PRS
✓ Propulsion System - Thrusters and Rudders
✓ Power System
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DP System’s Components
Estação do Computador Sensores Ambientais Agulha PRS
Anemômetros, e Sistema de Referencia
Operador de Controle VRU / MRU Giroscópica de Posição
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OS - Operator Sta+on
➡ DPO’s worksta>on.
➡ Provides interface to the system - HMI.
➡ The DPO use it to setup the DP, insert
set-points, and monitor the DP system.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
CC - Control Computer
➡ The control computer is the brain of
the DP system, achieving automa>c
sta>on keeping by sending and
receiving updated thrust command
and feedback data, based on heading
and posi>on reference input.
➡ Some manufacturers uses PLC
instead of computers.
➡ Failure of 1 or 2 CCs do not
compromise the posi+on keeping
capability, if redundant CC is s+ll
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
CC - Control Computer
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Ver. 1.6
Environmental Sensors
➡ Wind sensor, o
➡ Anemometer
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✓ Pitch and Roll input.
✓ This input allows the CC to
compensate PRSs’ false devia+ons due
to pitch and roll.
✓ Installed closest to the CG as possible,
on a place with low vibra>on.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Wind Sensor
➡ Wind direc>on and speed input.
➡ Allow wind force compensa>on above the waterline, i.e. the “sail area”.
➡ Can be Propeller or ultrasonic.
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➡ Gyros
✓ Heading and Rate Of Turn inputs.
✓ Allows automa>c heading control (Yaw).
✓ It is the most important sensor in the DP system:
• Because it is the only one capable of providing
heading and ROT input
• Because it is not possible to enable automa>c
longitudinal or atwarth control (Surge or Sway)
without first enabling automa>c heading
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ When a difference between two gyros is noted, the
operator can determine the reliable gyrocompass
✓ Magne+c compass comparison;
✓ Heading changes log (trends); or
✓ Azimuths logbook.
➡ The effects of incorrect la>tude or, more
importantly, speed could result in a significant error
in output heading. It is therefore important to
ensure that la>tude and speed correc>ons are
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Posi>on reference systems can provide the DP controller with both geographical and
rela>ve based data in which it uses to maintain posi>on set points specified by the
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Power System
➡ They are all components and systems necessary
to generate, provide and ensure the con>nuity of
the power supply to the DP System. The Power
System includes, but is not limited to:
✓ Engines;
✓ Generators;
✓ Distribu>on boards and buss;
✓ Distribu>on systems (cabling and cable
✓ Power supplies, including UPS; and
✓ PMS. 42
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Ver. 1.6
Mathema+cal Model
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Mathema+cal Model
➡ It's the mathema+cal descrip+on of how the vessel reacts or moves as a func+on
of the forces ac+ng upon it.
➡ The Mathema>cal Model will then generates the official es>mated vessel’s
posi>on, heading and speed values.
➡ This is possible because in addi>on to “knowing” the vessel model, there are also
inputs from sensors (such as wind, tension, draO, VRU, Giros etc), PRSs, thrusters
feedback, set-points, gains, DPO’s setups etc.
➡ In the MT manual the mathema>cal model is called “State Es>mator”.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Calculated Current
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Calculated Current
➡ The mathema+cal model con+nuously performs thrusters command calcula+ons
for the purpose of reducing to zero possible errors or devia>ons of posi>on and
➡ Thrusters’ commands will result in feedback input from thrusters, which added to
the Mathema>cal Model, and other variables, allow the Control Computer to
calculate the resul>ng external forces not measured ac>ng on the vessel that are
causing the devia>ons.
➡ This resul>ng vector, calculated from unmeasured external forces, is presented to
DPO as the "DP Current" or "Calculated Current".
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Ver. 1.6
Calculated Current
➡ Therefore, we can say that the Calculated Current presented to the DPO is a
resul+ng vector from all external forces not measured.
➡ Because it is a product of the Mathema>cal Model, the Calculated Current is the
best indicator of the construc>on of the Mathema>cal Model, "health of the DP”.
➡ The DPO also need to have in mind that underwater current on drilling risers, Lars,
tether and ROV can also lead force on DP.
➡ When opera>ng close to another DP vessel, poten>al mutual interference is likely
from installa>on thrusters discharge actua>ng on the vessel and your thruster may
loose efficiency.
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Calculated Current
➡ The longer we wait for the DP system to stabilize (to build the model), the more
reliable and accurate the calculated current value will be. Reference values:
✓ Direc>on varia>on less than 2º.
✓ Intensity varia>on less than 0.1m/s (0.2knot).
➡ According to IMO class nota+on every DP System should be able to do it in up to
➡ To reduce thruster/generator loads while the model is seoling down, the vessel
must be “into” wind and current and at low speed (lower than 0,2kts).
➡ Going to Standby mode and returning to DP mode will “clear” de Mathema+cal
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Input de PRS e
Feedback Modelo de
de Thruster Thruster
de Força
Lorenzo Maoedi
Empuxo Corrente
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Emergency Stop
➡ A thruster which fails to full force, may be secured using emergency stops;
➡ ShaO generators must be considered, to avoid losing thrusters by E-stopping a main
➡ Though a run away thruster can be deselected from the DP system it s>ll must be
shut down immediately to prevent vessel run.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ All sensor inputs (Gyrocompass, VRUs, MRUs, Anemometers) and PRSs are checked by
DP control computers (CC) to be validated before processing.
➡ For this, the following logics are used:
✓ Intermioence Check.
✓ Comparison between sensors.
✓ Comparison with the Mathema>cal Model.
✓ Operator Analysis.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Data Valida+on
➡ Intermicence
✓ The system monitors the con>nuity of the input, when there is an intermioence
(data +meout or frozen) of the telegram the DP system will issue an appropriate
➡ Inaccurate
✓ The system con>nuously compares sensors and PRSs inputs with the Mathema>cal
Model itself, seeking discrepancies between them. If the sensor or PRS divides the
model more than one value preset by the system, it will be automa>cally rejected.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Data Valida+on
➡ Vo+ng
✓ The system con>nuously compares sensor inputs for discrepancies between them. If
one of them is discrepant of the rest, it will be "voted out", being rejected by the DP
➡ Disagree
✓ Triggered by the system when the discrepancy between the readings of 2 sensors is
greater than the predefined limit.
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Ver. 1.6
Sensors Philosophies
Primary / Secondary Median and Vo1ng
✓ Philosophy available when there are only ✓ Philosophy available when there are 3 or
1 or 2 sensors enabled. more sensors enabled.
✓ DPO determines which sensor is the ✓ Sensors that are of the same type will
most reliable and selects it to be the have their inputs monitored, so that only
Primary. the "middle value" (Median) is always
✓ The system will rely en>rely on this used.
s e n s o r fo r m a t h e m a > c a l m o d e l ✓ Vo>ng allows the system to iden>fy
calcula>ons. when 1 sensor is diverging from the
other 2.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
PRSs Philosophies
Primary / Secondary Weigh1ng
✓ The operator determines which PRS is ✓ DP system will determine a weighted
most reliable and selects it to be the posi>on, considering all PRS inputs
Primary. enabled in determining the posi>on of
✓ The system will rely en>rely on this PRS the vessel (DP setpoint).
t o d e t e r m i n e t h e p o s i > o n a n d ✓ Rela+ve spread of fixes.
calcula>ons of the Mathema>cal Model.
✓ With 3 or more PRSs enabled, the Median test iden>fies discrepancies greater than 5
meters between them.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Kalman Filter
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Kalman Filter
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
do Navio
Wind Feed Vento
State Es>mator Forward
de Força
TCS Empuxo 65
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Input de PRS e
Wind Input
Feedback Modelo de
de Thruster Thruster Modelo
do Vento
Modelo Set points de
do Navio Posição e Proa Vento
Modelo Matemá>co
Wind Feed
de Força
Empuxo Extra
Comando Feedback
Lorenzo Maoedi
Empuxo Corrente
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Whenever the DPO iden+fies that the vessel and/or the DP system are suffering from
some of the nega+ve effects caused by the wind, he/she should evaluate the
possibility of disabling the anemometers.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Wind Shear
? ? ?
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Ver. 1.6
Empuxo 69
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Wind Shadow
Empuxo 70
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Ver. 1.6
Empuxo Empuxo 71
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Tension Sensor
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Tension Sensor
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Ver. 1.6
Opera+onal Modes
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Opera+onal Modes
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Joys+ck Mode
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Joys+ck Mode
➡ In the Joys+ck mode, the operator controls the vessel using the three-axis joys+ck.
Joys>ck opera>on can be combined with automa>c heading control or with par>al
posi>on control:
✓ Auto Heading;
✓ Auto Heading + Auto Along;
✓ Auto Heading + Auto Athwart;
✓ Auto Athwart + Auto Along.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Joys+ck Mode
➡ DP joys>cks can command large amounts of thrust over a very small lever range. So,
joys>cks are usually provided with two sezngs:
✓ Low Gain sezng is provided to improve the sensi>vity of control when
✓ High Gain sezng is used when high power is required.
➡ Also the Joys>ck has Linear and Progressive Response to increase or decrease the
response of thrusters according to Joys>ck deflec>on.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Gain Control
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Ver. 1.6
Thruster Alloca+on
➡ It is the forces distribu+on between ac+ve
thrusters according to DPO criteria.
➡ Each vessel will have specific sezngs on this tab
according to:
✓ Opera>onal characteris>cs;
✓ ASOG; and
✓ Company procedures.
➡ Some verses equipped with Z-Drivers also have
“Bias” and “Fixed Azimuth” modes.
➡ Heading control has always priority for thruster
alloca>on when on DP. 84
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Bias Mode
➡ Is a func>on used to prevent the Azimuth Thruster con+nuously hunt for direc+on in
low environmental condi>ons.
✓ The DPO will set an specific range where the thruster can generate thrust.
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Ver. 1.6
➡ Also known as Azimuth Barring, or Thruster Exclusion Zone, may be used to:
✓ Prevent a thruster from being affected by another thrusters wash or exhaust;
✓ Prevent interference with acous>c devices such as Echo sounder and doppler Log.
Azimuth Zone
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Fixed Azimuth
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Center of Rota+on
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Follow Target
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Follow Target
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Follow Target
➡ First, the vessel must be in DP Mode and have enabled at least:
✓ 1 Global PRS - DGPS, Glonass etc,
✓ 1 Rela>ve PRS - CyScan, RadaScan, HPR etc.
Note 1: Class requirements for minimum amounts of PRSs must be adhered to.
Note 2: If only global PRSs are enabled, it will not be possible to enable the Follow Target
Note 3: If only rela>ve PRSs are enabled, it will not be possible to enable the Follow
Target submode, but the vessel will follow the targets in DP Mode.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Auto Track
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Ver. 1.6
Auto Track
➡ Auto Track is another sub-mode of DP Mode and enables the vessel to automa>cally
execute a set of maneuvers according to a route.
➡ The route is defined by a number of waypoints, each described by a geographical
posi>on (Lat, Long), a velocity and a radius.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ The Weather Vane func>on calculates the direc>on of the mean environmental
disturbances that the vessel is exposed to.
➡ When opera>ng in Weather Vane mode the DP system will posi>on the vessel in such a
way that the amount of thrust used to counteract current, wind and wave forces is kept
at a minimum, reducing fuel consump>on and wear and tear on the thruster and
propulsion system.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 6
Posi+on Reference Systems - PRS
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ The GPS constella>on consists of 24 satellites belonging to the main constella>on (core
constella>on) in six circular orbits around the Earth with four satellites in each orbit.
➡ 4 visible satellites are required to safely determine the vessel's posi+on.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DGPS Precision
GPS precision: 20 to 25m DGPS precision: 1m
Correction data
Correction data
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DGPS Problems
➡ Shadowing effects ➡ Solar radia+on, Sun spot ac+vity
➡ Noise from other antennas (SNR) ➡ Antenna/Cabling problems (SNR);
➡ Corrupt data (SNR) ➡ Loss of differen>al data, Blocking of
➡ Mul> path effects correc>on signal;
➡ High HDOP values ➡ Azimuth and eleva>on of a correc>ons
➡ Frozen unit satellite;
➡ FMEA iden>fied failure modes;
➡ Not enough visible satellites
➡ Maintenance and logical fault finding -
➡ Electrical connec>ons (SNR)
Manufacture’s Manual
➡ Ionosphere Interference (*Scin+lla+on)
➡ Jamming and spoofing of DGNSS (SNR)
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DGPS Problems
➡Ionosphere Interference
(Scin+lla+on) - The interac>on
between electron content on
the ionosphere and the radio
waves can cause some problems
in the posi>on informed by a
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ It is a Rela>ve PRS of Op>cal Principle.
➡ The Cyscan sensor rotates at a frequency of
1Hz while emizng a beam of light, infrared
➡ The emioed laser hits a target that reflects
the laser back to the sensor that captures the
reflec>on, transmits the collected data to an
interface/processing computer that will determine the range and bearing from the
target to the sensor.
➡ This informa>on will then be transmioed to the CC of the DP system, which will use
this input to determine the vessel's posi>on in rela>on to the target.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
CyScan Problems
➡ Maintenance; ➡ Dirty sensor lenses;
➡ Rain; ➡ Dirty reflec>ve targets;
➡ Fog (diffused reflec+ons); ➡ Poor quality or incorrect type of
➡ Direct sunlight; targets;
➡ Exhaust, and dry bulk products ven>ng ➡ Line of sight blocked (swinging cargo);
from the installa>on; ➡ Personnel wearing reflec>ve clothing;
➡ Parameters improperly set; (Blanking ➡ More than one vessel naviga>ng a
Zones) single target;
➡ Laser jumping from target to unwanted ➡ Improper angle or >lt of the sensor
reflec>ons; head.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Scene Scan
Targetless PRS
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Ver. 1.6
Scene Scan
➡ The SceneScan System is a high accuracy
rota>ng laser sensor to provide posi>onal
informa>on to allow automated approach
and/or sta>on keeping rela>ve to a
structure or vessel, i.g. Targetless.
➡ SceneScan provides tracking informa>on
rela>ve to natural or man-made structures
within the sensor field of view. It tracks by
matching its current observa>on of the
scene against a map generated from
previous observa>ons of the scene.
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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Ver. 1.6
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➡ Radar based sensor (FMCW).
➡ Operates in the marine radio
loca>on band at 9.25 GHz.
➡S e e s o n l y R a d a S c a n
➡ Range 10 - >1000m line of sight.
➡ Mul>ple vessels with a single
➡ Radar principles for all weather
➡ Its 360° scanning capability.
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Ver. 1.6
Microwave Problems
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Hidroacous+c - HPR
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Hidroacous+c - HPR
HPR Transducer
➡ The Transducer transmits interroga>on pulses, and receives reply pulses from a
transponder to define the rela>ve posi>on (range and bearing) of the vessel.
➡ Speed of sound through water is approximately 1485 m/s.
➡ Transducer is a Transmiter-Receiver (Transceiver) normally posi>oned approximately 4
to 5m below the keel.
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Ver. 1.6
HPR Applica+ons
➡P o s i > o n
reference for
DP opera>ons
➡ Tracking ROV`s
➡M a r k i n g
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
HPR Problems
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Ver. 1.6
➡ An Iner>al Measurement Unit (IMU) measures its own movement. This IMU is the core
component in an Iner+al Naviga+on System (INS) which processes data from the IMU
sensor in a computer.
➡ Main advantages:
✓ It maintains the High update rate (1 second) output to the DP regardless of water
✓ It filters out the acous>c posi>on noise.
✓ It will provide the DP with posi>on data even minutes aOer loosing the acous>c
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Taut Wire
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Ver. 1.6
Taut Wire
➡ The Taut Wire posi>on reference system is
mainly mechanical in principle.
➡ The posi+on of the vessel is defined rela+ve
to the loca+on of the weight obtained from
measurements of wire angle and water
➡ A light weight taut wire system consist of a
constant tension winch unit fioed on the deck
with a boom or A-frame projec>ng over the
side of the vessel.
➡ The signals are sent to the DP system, where
they are used to calculate the vessel’s posi>on 133
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Ver. 1.6
➡ Limited by water depth (maximum 500 ➡ High currents causing wire bending;
meters); ➡ Re q u i re s s i g n i fi ca nt a m o u nt o f
➡ SoO boooms (weights may move maintenance and upkeep;
about); ➡ Vessel must carry mul>ple spare parts
➡ Hard boooms (weights may slide); onboard;
➡ Numerous issues for human divers & ➡ Degraded accuracy based on increased
ROV opera>ons; depth and angle.
Note: The posi+on accuracy deteriorates as water depth and/or angle of wire increases.
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Ver. 1.6
Chapter 7
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ An effec>ve Alarm Management System should be incorporated into the design. Alarm
management enables two fundamental func+ons:
✓ Interven>on.
✓ Post incident analysis.
➡ The alerts are divided into different priori>za>ons:
✓ Alarms,
✓ Warnings, and
✓ Cau>ons.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 8
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ From an operator sta>on it is at any >me possible to get a hard-copy print-out of a
snapshot of the current display at that par>cular operator sta>on.
➡ This can be achieved either by pressing the dedicated buoon on the operator panel.
➡ As a result of this, a picture of the current view of the OS will be sent to the printer,
provided printer is turned on and operates properly in all ways.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 9
Redundancy And Equipment Class
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ It is the ability of the DP System to automa+cally control the heading and posi+on of
the vessel axer the occurrence of a Single Point Failure.
➡ Single Point Failures: These are failures inherent to systems with redundancy, where
the occurrence of the failure of a single component will not cause the loss of the
system's capacity to fulfill its purpose - automa>c heading and vessel posi>on control.
➡ Redundancy can be achieved, for instance, by installa>on of mul>ple components,
systems or alterna>ve means of performing the func>on.
➡ In short, redundancy is provided to ensure posi>on and heading control aOer a single
point failure occurs.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Achieving Redundancy
➡ Redundant component:
✓ A redundant component is one of a number of components performing the same or
similar func>on. Should any one component become unavailable when subjected to
a single failure, the overall system func>on will not be lost.
➡ Redundant equipment groups:
✓ A redundant equipment group is one of a number of groups of components
performing the same or similar func>on. Should any one group become unavailable
when subjected to a single failure, the overall func>on will not be lost.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Achieving Redundancy
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Other documents and guidelines from other organiza>ons, such as IMCA, ABS, DNV
and MTS, may bring similar defini>ons with small varia>ons, however, all refer to
WCFDI as being conceived theore>cally in the early stages of designing a redundant DP
vessel (DP 2 or 3) and can be found at FMEA.
➡ In other words, the engineer asks himself the following ques>on:
✓ "What is the maximum detriment that our system can suffer and s>ll be able to
automa>cally control posi>on and accuracy?”
➡ Therefore, WCFDI describes which thruster, thrusters and generators would fail, or
would remain, in the event of the Worst Case of Failure (WCF).
➡ The WCF concept will be explored below.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DP Capability Plots
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DP Capability Plots/Diagram
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Consequence Analysis
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Consequence Analysis
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Consequence Analysis
➡ The Consequence Analysis does not remain ac>ve during posi>on and/or heading
changes, however, when it reaches the new set-point, it performs the simula>on
calcula>ons again.
➡ If the simula>on iden>fies in the prevailing environmental condi>ons that the vessel
would loose posi>on and/or heading if WCF occurred, a warning is issued to inform the
DPO that it needs to intervene.
✓ This can be done by changing the vessel's heading and/or posi>on in rela>on to the
installa>on and the environmental condi>on.
➡ Note: Ini>ally, the DPO must evaluate the stability of the mathema>cal model,
especially if the warning occurred aOer a change of posi>on or heading of the vessel.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Cross Connec+ons
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Cross Connec+on
➡ The term “cross connec>on” is used to describe a physical connec>on across the
boundary between redundant groups. A cross connec>on has the ability to propagate
a fault across an otherwise redundant system or sub system thus defea+ng part of, or
the overall, redundancy concept of a DP system.
➡ The effect of a fault propaga>ng through a cross connec>on is variable and in extreme
cases can result in loss of DP equipment redundancy or, worse s>ll, loss of automa>c
DP control. Fortunately, in a higher number of cases the effect is not so severe albeit
may s>ll cause disrup>on to DP opera>ons and/or the vessel’s mission.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ The industrial mission is the primary opera>onal role of the vessel, typically applicable
to MODUs and Project and Construc>on vessels (e.g. Pipe-lay/Heavy-liO).
➡ Dynamic posi>oning is provided to allow the vessel to carry out its industrial misson
such as drilling, pipe laying, or heavy liOing.
➡ Class rules do not address the industrial mission of a DP vessel or the overall
performance and opera>onal capability.
➡ Many charterers will chose the DP Class based on its ability to hold posi+on axer the
WCF for a par+cular industrial mission.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 10
Failure Modes Effects Analysis
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Ver. 1.6
FMEA Tes+ng
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
FMEA Tes+ng
➡ FMEA Tes>ng is an important part of the FMEA process.
➡ They are intended to confirm the system's redundancy and its single point failure
tolerance in all DP components, systems and subsystems that could cause the system
to fail completely.
➡ Ini>ally the FMEA is a theore>cal documental analysis; however, to ensure that this
theore>cal analysis is correct the FMEA Proving Trials must be conducted on the newly
built vessel.
➡ FMEA Proving Trials take place as soon as construc>on of the DP vessel is completed.
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
FMEA Tes+ng
➡ That said, the two main sec+ons of a FMEA are:
✓ The FMEA document, and
✓ The suppor>ng documenta>on such as the FMEA proving trials report, the technical
query list and correc>ve ac>on report forms.
➡ This documenta>on must be held on board the vessel in hard copy and electronic
format as part of the quality management system of the vessel. The FMEA should be
made available to all of the vessel’s staff who operate or maintain the DP system.
➡ Is good prac>ce to use FMEA func>onal descrip>on and block diagrams for fault finding
and tracing of faults.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
FMEA Tes+ng
➡ FMEA Proving Trials are a series of controlled failure mode tests that are intended to
prove the findings of the FMEA document, and eliminate any doubts about any
theore>cal analysis failure modes by conduc>ng onboard tests in a safe manner.
➡ Annual DP trials are more likely to uncover areas of performance deteriora>on or poor
maintenance and demonstrate that the concept of redundancy is s>ll intact.
➡ Retes+ng are required upon discovery of a fallout or the occurrence of an accident, in
order to demonstrate full compliance with the applicable provisions of the guidelines,
a new test will be required.
✓ The intend is to demonstrate that the DP System s>ll complies with class
requirements and the redundancy concept is s>ll intact.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ IMO requires that a full test of the DP system be carried out periodically, but no longer
than a five-year period.
➡ Therefore, retes>ng full Proving Trials every five years may not be necessary unless
required by the classifier.
➡ It is recommended that the five-year tes>ng program be carefully planned, the intent
clearly specified, and then verified through tes>ng.
✓ Five-year tests are therefore an extension of the annual tests and may include FMEA
Proving Trials that are designed to prove the original intent of the DP system
redundancy design.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 11
The Power System
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ The design of Marine Power systems suppor>ng DP should follow the redundancy
concept and WCFDI.
➡ Design of such systems should reflect the Industrial Mission and the objec>ves to be
➡ Vessel should meets the objec>ves of its industrial mission and achieve the desired
Class Nota>on.
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ For equipment classes 2 and 3, the power available for posi>on keeping should be
sufficient to maintain the vessel in posi>on aOer worst-case failure according to
paragraph 2.2.
➡ For equipment classes 2 and 3, at least one automa>c power management system
(PMS) should be provided and should have redundancy according to the equipment
class and a blackout preven>on func>on.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 12
HVAC and Ven+la+on
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 13
Cooling System
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Ver. 1.6
Cooling System
➡ Seawater Cooling (main cooling system)
✓ The design should incorporate redundancy in Sea chests and pumps in line with the redundancy
concept and follow the WCFDI.
✓ No single failure of an ac>ve component in the seawater system should lead to a loss posi>on.
✓ An effec>ve an+ bio fouling system should be installed to ensure the seawater cooling systems retain
their efficiency between maintenance periods.
✓ Temperature, flow and pressure monitoring (local and remote) should be an integral part of the
design of sea water cooling systems.
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Ver. 1.6
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Cooling System
➡ Fresh Water Cooling
✓ FW cooling systems suppor>ng sta>on keeping equipment, per consumer, should be independent to
the maximum extent feasible.
✓ Failure of the FW cooling system should not result in a failure mode worse than the WCFDI.
✓ Water makers should not introduce commonality in redundant FW circuits.
✓ Flow and pressure monitoring (local and remote) should be an integral part of the design of fresh
water cooling systems.
✓ Fail safe condi>on for valves in FW system should fail as is.
✓ Fail safe condi>on for Temperature regula>ng valves should be fuil open, e.g. 3-way valve.
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Ver. 1.6
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Ver. 1.6
➡ Check the independence and segrega>on without cross connec>ons of the cooling
systems in accordance with CAMO and ASOG;
✓ Pay extra aoen>on to effects of ballast pump connected to the same sea water
system suc>on as the cooling system.
➡ Check the 100% opera>onal fresh and/or salt water cooling system.
➡ Check the fresh water cooling pumps (FW) for main and side thrusters, which are fed
from the same board with the respec>ve thruster control power supply.
➡ The primary pump for internal cooling of the VFDs in opera>on and func>oning
normally and the secondary pump in st-by.
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Ver. 1.6
Chapter 14
Compressed Air System
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Ver. 1.6
➡ Compressed air system is used for a number of services and several systems may be
provided for different purposes:
✓ Star>ng air - engines
✓ Control air - engines, thrusters, brakes, seals, cooling water valves, fire dampers
✓ Service air - maintenance
✓ Rig & dry bulk air - industrial
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Ver. 1.6
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Ver. 1.6
➡ Verify that both compressors and air receivers are available and 100% opera>onal.
➡ Check that regulators and air receivers are properly maintained in accordance with the
ship's maintenance plan, lines checked and no leaks.
➡ Other checks according to CAMO and ASOG:
✓ Extra precau>on when sharing ships compressed air with on deck Industry mission
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Ver. 1.6
Chapter 15
The Fuel System
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Ver. 1.6
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Ver. 1.6
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 16
Lubrica+on Oil System
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Lube oil systems for engines should be associated with one engine only.
➡ There should be no cross connec>ons between engines when using common
lubrica>on systems;
➡ Lubrica>on systems shall be provided with means to collect oil samples in accordance
with the manufacturer's manual.
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Ver. 1.6
LO Pre-Lubrica+on
LO Problems
➡ Low lube oil pressure may indicate a problem with engine bearings, the LO pump or LO
➡ The loss of LO pressure can lead to severe engine damage in a very short period of
✓ Most diesel engines will stop upon low or complete loss of LO pressure.
➡ The oil pressure alarms on most engines have two set points:
✓ the first set point will sound a low pressure alarm and the next,
✓ if the pressure con>nues to fall, will stop the engine.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Gearbox - Main Engines LO - Carry out tests to change the primary pump to the
secondary pump when arriving in the opera>ons area with sa>sfactory results;
➡ Check the quality of the lubrica>ng oil at appropriate >mes through sample collec>on;
➡ Change lubrica>ng oil filters for engines and thrusters at appropriate intervals
according to the manufacturer's recommenda>on;
➡ Check lubrica>ng oil levels at appropriate intervals;
➡ Check if the lube oil alarm system in engine and thrusters is 100% opera>onal;
➡ Check bearing temperatures at suitable intervals for possible lack of lubricant;
➡ Periodically carry out lubrica>on of the bearing according to the maintenance program.
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Chapter 17
Main Engines
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Main Engines
➡ Engines for DP electric power plant are most commonly liquid fuelled four stroke,
turbocharged medium speed diesel engines.
➡ Diesel engines speeds and typical uses:
Main Engines
Main Engines
Chapter 18
Power Genera+on
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Chapter 19
Main Power Genera+on
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➡ The main power genera>on level in a diesel electric plant includes the switchboards to
which the generators and thruster are directly connected.
➡ The distribu>on system at the main power genera>on level should be arranged to
reflect the split in the redundancy concept.
✓ Physical separa>on should be provided for DP Class 3 vessels.
➡ Generators for marine applica>ons are typically rated for one of the many stan
dard voltages such as 440V, 480V (LVS), 4160V, 6600V (MVS).
➡ Generators for DP diesel electric power plants are usually powered by medium
speed diesel engines.
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AC & DC System
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AC System
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DC System
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Chapter 20
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➡ Spinning reserve is the reserve genera>ng capacity in an electrical power system that
can be available immediately without the need to connect addi>onal generators.
➡ Power Available is the total amount of power available with the generators online.
✓ The higher demand the lower the power available.
➡ Load Dependant is the most basic func>on of a PMS, where it will start or stop
generators accordingly to the load needed.
✓ This func>on is universal amongst power management systems.
✓ Many vessel operators prefer to have the PMS alarm on light loading rather than act
directly to stop a generator. Classifica>on society rules may require that there is a
facility to disable the load dependent stop func>on.
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➡ Capability plot will be affected by the number of generators that are online.
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Chapter 21
Main Switchboard
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Switchboards Requirements
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Switchboards Requirements
➡ A switchboard is a component of an electrical distribu>on system which divides an
electrical power feed into branch circuits while providing a protec>ve circuit breaker or
fuse for each circuit in a common enclosure.
➡ Switchboards should be arranged for full remote-manual and automa>c control and be
provided with all necessary alarms, controls and indica>ons to allow local manual
control of the power plant.
➡ Some classifica>on socie>es require switchboards to have an arc proof ra>ng for HV
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➡ An interlock is a device that makes the state of two or more mechanisms or func>ons
mutually dependent.
➡ Interlocks types:
✓ Hardwired
✓ Mechanical
✓ Logical
➡ Some interlocking schemes include inter
trips. An inter trip is a signal sent to one
circuit breaker from another. Typically
used to open the HV bus->e if the LV bus-
>e trip.
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Automa+c Changeovers
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Automa+c Changeovers
➡ Automa>c changeovers may be used to provide
an alternate source of AC power to equipment
at various voltage levels. Typical applica>ons
✓ Backup supplies to UPSs and baoery chargers
(oOen from the emergency switchboard).
✓ Backup supplies to thrusters and engine
control systems.
✓ Provision of dual main power supplies to
transferable thrusters.
✓ Transferable generators which can connect to
more than one redundant equipment group. 240
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In short: thermal imaging inspec+ons can show heat dissipa+ons in the system
components indica+ng areas which could cause failures.
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➡ FMEA process must take in considera>on the effect that mission equipment has on the
DP system redundancy concept.
✓ Mission equipment cannot adversely affect the DP system’s redundancy integrity.
➡ Considera>on should be given to cross connec>ons via mission equipment.
✓ Any mission specific equipment with dual supplies from different redundancy groups
will have an effect on the upstream power plant and therefore the DP system when
considering the effect of a fire scenario within any enclosure accep>ng the dual
➡ Analysis on the effect on the DP system may be required for these scenarios.
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Chapter 22
Bus-+e Breakers
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Bus-+e Breaker
Bus-+e Breaker
✓ “3.2.4 For equipment class 3, the power system should be divisible into two or more
systems so that, in the event of failure of one system, at least one other system will
remain in operaHon and provide sufficient power for staHon keeping. The divided
power system should be located in different spaces separated by A-60 class divisions.
Where the power systems are located below the operaHonal waterline, the
separaHon should also be waterHght. Bus-1e breakers should be open during
equipment class 3 opera1ons unless equivalent integrity of power operaHon can be
accepted according to paragraph 3.1.4.”
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Bus-+e Breaker
➡ Opera>ng with the bus->e breakers open has the benefit that a failure in one main
switchboard will not propagate to the other main switchboard via the bus->e.
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Bus-+e Breaker
➡ However, opera>ng with the bus->e breakers open also has some downsides:
✓ a notably increase in the amount of genera>ng capacity required online and
✓ the knock-on effects on fuel consump>on, emissions and maintenance.
➡ For DP 2 and DP 3 vessels it is required by all classifica>on socie>es that analysis of the
relevant failure modes associated with closed bus->e breaker opera>on are addressed
in the FMEA.
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Bus-+e Breaker
➡ Closed Bus configura>on may be used with the purpose of allowing the sharing of
energy loads between all generators in opera>on.
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Bus-+e Breaker
➡ Opera>ng with bus->e breakers closed introduces a fault propaga>on path during DP
opera>ons. There is clear s>pula>on that failure in one system should never be
transferred to the other redundant system. This is an expecta+on for systems with DP
class 2 and 3 nota+on.
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➡ The term selec>vity can be applied to the ability of any protec>ve func>on to isolate a
fault as close to source as possible, but it is most oOen applied to the selec>on of fuses
or the sezng of protec>on relays for circuit breakers to ensure that faults are
disconnected by the circuit breaker or fuse closest to the fault.
➡ The purpose of these protec>on devices is to detect faults and isolate them quickly and
selec>vely from the system therefore limi>ng the consequences of the fault as far as
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Chapter 23
Power Distribu+on
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Three-way Split
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Chapter 24
Uninterrup+ble Power Supplies - UPS
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➡ An UPS is a combina>on of converters, switches and energy storage means, for
example, baoeries, cons>tu>ng a power system for maintaining the con>nuity of load
➡ The purpose of a UPS in a DP system is to provide:
✓ Stable, clean power.
✓ Con>nuity of power during main power system outage for at least 30min.
➡ It should be noted that this emergency backup only applies to DP system electronics
connected to the low voltage system - LVS.
✓ Sensors, OSs, CCs, Networks, CTs, Monitors, Spins, PRSs etc.
✓ It does not power thrusters and thrusters, or large consumers.
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UPS Bypass
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Chapter 25
AC Supplies
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AC Supplies to Consumers
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AC Supplies to Consumers
➡ Typically, the UPS operates at 110V or 220V and the internal circuits of the field sta>on
or operator sta>on are supplied at 24Vdc.
➡ It is reasonable to want to improve the reliability of the field sta>on by providing dual
supplies but care must be taken not to create a common point with failure effects that
can cause malfunc>on in other parts of the vessel control system.
➡ This situa>on can arise if the second supply is taken from a UPS within a different
redundant DP group. If the second supply is taken from the same redundant group
then fewer if any addi>onal concerns are introduced.
➡ Next chapter will beoer explore this concept.
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Chapter 26
DC Supplies
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➡ In its simplest form, the DC power supply consists of a baoery charger, baoery bank
and distribu>on system with associated protec>on.
➡ Applica>ons for UPSs can be loosely divided into four main categories:
✓ control systems;
✓ communica>on systems;
✓ safety systems;
✓ emergency systems.
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Consumer A Consumer B
Single supply for each main switchboard
Consumer A
Main switchboard supplies cross-connected
Consumer B
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Consumer A Consumer B
Chapter 27
Network Systems
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Network Systems
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Chapter 28
Digital Interface
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Digital signal
➡ A digital signal input are limited to 2 status: 0 or 1.
➡ This can be achieved by a 24Vdc “off” or “on” for example.
➡ Examples of digital inputs:
✓ “Ready signal” of a thruster,
✓ “Pitch reduc>on” of a thruster,
✓ “Pump running” of a rudder,
✓ “Engine running” from main prop,
✓ “Bus->e Breaker” open or close,
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Interface Unit
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Interface Unit
➡ Interface Unit is component which independent and MB
oOen unrelated systems meet and act on or
communicate with each other.
➡ The means by which interac>on or communica>on is
achieved at an interface. IO Card
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Interface Unit
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Interface Unit
➡ When configured as a panel IO unit, it can read serial data from sensors.
➡ Up to eight serial lines can be used for each IO card.
➡ For a higher class system where more sensors are typically interfaced, there will always
be two or more panel IO cards. Thus, the number of available serial lines should always
be sufficient.
➡ When used as a panel IO card, it is also used to interface circuits that control panel
lights and register buoon ac>vity on the operator panels.
✓ For example, the analog signals from the three-axis joys>ck are also read by the
same IO card.
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Interface Unit
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Chapter 29
Analogue Interface
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Analogue Interface
➡ An analog signal is any con>nuous signal for which the >me-varying feature of the
signal is a representa>on of some other >me-varying quan>ty.
➡ The different analogue signals associated with DP control systems and their use are
Current, from 4 to 20mA or Voltage, from 0 to + 10V, or from -10 to +10V.
✓ They can be used to measure a wide range of parameters to monitor de correct
func>oning of the DP system and its main components, specially thrusters
commands and feedback.
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Analogue Interface
➡ The preference is to use the varia>on in current instead of voltage, because in case of a
broken wire the value goes to 0A and the error is iden>fied as being outside the range
of 4 to 20mA.
✓ If using the voltage from -10V to +10V, a broken wire (0V) would be iden>fied as a
command and not an error.
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Analogue Interface
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Chapter 30
Serial Interface
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Serial Interface
➡ In telecommunica>on and data transmission,
serial communica>on is the process of sending
data one bit at a >me, sequen>ally, over a
communica>on channel or computer bus.
➡ The communica>on links, across which computers
(or parts of computers) talk to one another, may
be either serial or parallel.
➡ A parallel link transmits several streams of data
simultaneously along mul>ple channels (e.g.,
wires, printed circuit tracks, or op>cal fibers);
➡ A serial link transmits only a single stream of data.
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NMEA Protocol
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NMEA Protocol
➡ It has been defined and controlled by, the Na>onal Marine Electronics Associa>on.
➡ The NMEA 0183 has evolved to NMEA 2000 but not applied to DP applica>ons.
➡ NMEA 0183 is a combined electrical and data specifica>on for communica>on between
marine electronics such as:
✓ echo sounder, ✓ autopilot,
✓ sonars, ✓ GPS receivers and many other types
✓ anemometer, of instruments.
✓ gyrocompass,
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NMEA Protocol
➡ NMEA 0183 defines an RS422 transport, there also exists a de facto standard in which
the sentences from NMEA0183 are placed in UDP datagrams (one sentence per packet)
and sent over an IP network.
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Serial configuration (data link layer)
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Chapter 31
Power Management System - PMS
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➡ PMS ensures the correct number of generators connected to the bus according to the
load demand required by the DP system, con>nuously analyzing the power reserve
available for the opera>on.
➡ The primary objec>ve of a power management system is to ensure con>nuity of the
power supply to essen>al consumers under all defined opera>ng condi>ons. In the
event that it fails in this objec>ve it may be programmed to restore power
➡ Its main purpose is to avoid overload and prevent blackout.
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➡ This func>on is universal amongst power management systems. Although the need for
load dependent star>ng of standby genera>ng sets is clear, vessel operators are
divided as to the wisdom of allowing generators to be automa>cally stopped.
➡ Many vessel operators prefer to have the power management system alarm on light
loading rather than act directly.
➡ Classifica>on society rules may require that there is a facility to disable the load
dependent stop func>on.
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Load Shedding
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Load Shedding
➡ Is the ac>on to reduce the load, especially the interrup>on of an electricity supply to
avoid excessive load on the genera>ng plant.
➡ When the power management system trips off heavy consumers, non essen>al loads
such as hotel load, ini>ally with the inten>on to keep sta>on keeping capability.
➡ PMS has this func+on ul+mately to prevent blackout.
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Thruster Phaseback
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PMS Wrap-up
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PMS Wrap-up
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Chapter 32
Thrusters and Propulsion Systems
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Thruster Types
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➡ This is the most common form of propulsion, they can be:
✓ Fixed pitch (FPP), or
✓ Variable/Controllable pitch (CPP).
➡ The pitch of a propeller is the theore>cal distance moved through the water for one
revolu>on, but due to slippage this is never achieved.
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➡ Disadvantages:
✴ Less thrust efficiency with reverse
✴ Poten>al oil leaks.
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Tunnel Thrusters
➡ Is a propeller posi>oned within a tunnel
which runs athwartships.
➡ Loses efficiency when the vessel is
moving ahead or astern over 3 to 4 knots;
or with fast moving currents while
holding posi>on;
➡ May be affected by high pitch with rough
sea and light ship;
➡ Stern tunnel thrusters may be suscep>ble
to aera>on of the water caused by the
main drive propellers.
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Azimuth Thrusters
➡ A rotatable propeller, generally in a nozzle ring, which
can direct thrust in any direc>on. Since they operate in
open water there are fewer problems in rela>on to the
dynamics of flow if compared to the tunnel thruster,
however they protrude from the hull.
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Voith Schneider
➡ The Voith Schneider Propeller (VSP)
combines propulsion and steering in one
➡ Magnitude and direc>on of thrust can be
set stepless and as necessary. A circular
disk with movable and controllable blades
installed at a 90 degree angle to the disk
rotates at the vessel booom.
➡ The magnitude of thrust is determined by
the rota>onal speed of the disk; the blade
angle determines the direc>on of thrust.
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ DP rules and guidelines generally include requirements that thrusters should fail safe
and not develop uncontrolled thrust or reverse the direc>on of thrust as the result of a
single failure. Poten>al fail safe condi>ons include:
✓ fail as set;
✓ fail to zero thrust;
✓ motor stop.
➡ In all cases the failsafe condi>on should be analysed to confirm its suitability for the
par>cular applica>on.
➡ Fail to full is not acceptable but can happen with CPP systems.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 34
DP System and Equipment Manuals
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
The DP Manual
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
The DP Manual
➡ The DP Manual provides opera>onal guidance in which to be followed by bridge and
engine room personnel while conduc>ng both cri>cal and non-cri>cal DP opera>ons on
all company vessels.
➡ In the event of conflict with the company’s DP procedures and client procedures, the
most stringent procedures will be followed.
➡ The policies and procedures in the manual serve as the company’s Dynamic Posi>oning
opera>onal standard. Although its content is not vessel specific, it is used in the
crea>on of the Ac>vity Specific Opera>ng Guidelines for each vessel.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
The DP Manual
➡ In addi>on to this manual, bridge and engine room personnel should also reference:
✓ The Vessel Par>cular Dynamic Posi>oning Opera>ons Manual - for vessel specific
✓ The vessel’s DP FMEA - to understand the vessel’s redundancy concept
✓ The vessel’s ASOG - to understand the vessel’s configura>on and limita>ons for
cri>cal DP Opera>ons
✓ The manufacturer’s manuals - for familiariza>on with the vessel’s DP equipment.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 33
DP Control Systems, Soxware and
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Revisions to DP Documenta+on
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Revisions to DP Documenta+on
➡ Vessel DP equipment modifica>ons, upgrades and changes typically require revisions
to the relevant DP Assurance documents such as FMEA, Vessel Par>cular DP
Opera>ons Manual, and ASOG/WSOG. A vessel’s DP documents will become invalid
✓ Structural change i.e. lengthening, adding deck cranes or helidecks
✓ Upgrades and/or changes to the DP control system e.g. sensors, posi>on reference
systems, etc
✓ Changes in DP soOware
➡ Requests for DP document revision following change to the vessel’s design and/or DP
control equipment as aforemen>oned should be submioed to the Company DP
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DP Soxware Control
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DP Soxware Control
➡ When a new version of the soOware is released, all documenta>on must be updated to
reflect the changes made to the soOware, this includes the Operator Manual, version
descrip>on, technical documenta>on, installa>on manual and an updated DP FMEA,
which should include an “FMEA Retes>ng” or even a new “Proving Trials”.
➡ To perform the soOware update, an MOC must be done and the technician must
contact the Remote Monitoring Center (RMC) and obtain an access code to be able to
change the DP control system.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 35
Managing The Engine Room and ECR
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Key DP personnel on the bridge and on the ER must follow the standing orders of the
Master / Chief Engineer during cri>cal DP ac>vi>es.
➡ The Master and Chief Engineer must leave specific and clear instruc>ons for the
vessel's DP ac>vity that are not covered in the ASOG/WSOG (AFI) and must highlight
the service requirements, emergency response ac>on and must be correlated with the
ASOG/WSOG (AFI) and may reiterate certain procedures with more emphasis.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DP Watch Handover
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
DP Watch Handover
➡ DP Watch Handover service must always involve in-depth discussion between the
Officers of the Watch, both Bridge and ER. For this it is important to keep the proper
record throughout the ER watch, ensuring that no pending items will be neglected.
➡ Officer of the watch in the ER must complete the DP Watch Handover Checklist form at
the end of every watch.
➡ A clear and precise descrip>on of the ac>vi>es in progress as well as the programmed
ones must be made. Risks to which the vessel is or could be exposed must be
➡ The OOW entering on duty must verify that the vessel is complying with the
opera>onal status in accordance with the CAMO and the ASOG.
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Maintenance Records
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Maintenance Records
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Baoery life tests are typically performed using the load connected to the UPS or
➡ To get valid results, all components must be running.
➡ The >me should start when the alarm is received, indica>ng that the UPS or Baoery
Power System is on baoery power.
➡ The UPS must feed devices for up to 30 minutes.
➡ It must be done every month or according to the ASOG, at least every 30 days.
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Generator full power tests prove the full load capability and load acceptance of the
➡ Generators should be loaded to 100% for 15 minutes or un>l temperatures stabilize,
whichever is the shorter. ShaO Generators or Diesel Electric Vessels can test with a
closed bus using mul>ple thrusters/main propulsion individually or in groups using
individual generators to achieve the maximum load.
➡ Tes>ng should be conducted in open waters on the return voyage to port. Time, date
and results are to be document with any faults and failures reported to shore support.
➡ This should be part of a documented planned maintenance system conducted every six
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Remote Monitoring
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Remote Monitoring
➡ Through remote access, it is possible to monitor the performance, status and loca>on
of the vessel, in addi>on to iden>fying and genera>ng electronic no>fica>ons directly
to vessels regarding failures, defects, energy consump>on or early detec>on of the
need for maintenance.
➡ Remote Access must be disabled during DP opera>ons.
➡ For its ac>va>on outside the 500m zone of any UM:
✴ Permit to Work with master’s authorisa+on.
✴ To be away more 500m from any installa>on.
✴ Documenta>on with >me it is enabled, technician name, the reason for enabling
access and the >me the remote access was disabled.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 36
Ac+vity Specific Opera+ng Guidelines
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ The Ac>vity (or Well) Opera>ng Specific Guidelines - ASOG/WSOG-AFI - is one of the most
effec>ve tools for DP opera>onal planning and risk management as it defines the necessary
configura>on to keep the vessel at the highest level of opera>onal integrity.
➡ The ASOG/WSOG combines guidance from:
✓ The DP FMEA, Proving Trials, and Annual Trials,
✓ The Vessel DP Par>cular Opera>ons Manual,
✓ The Company DP Opera>ons Manual,
✓ Lessons learned from DP Sta>on Keeping Events,
✓ IMCA and MTS publica>ons and guidances, and
✓ Client needs, contract and specifica>ons.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Its use is foreseen:
✓ In sec>on 4 of the IMO MSC Circular 1580, Guidelines for Vessels and Units with
Dynamic Posi>oning Systems (DP), and
✓ In IMCA M 220 Rev. 2 January 2021 - Guidance on Opera>onal Ac>vity Planning.
➡ According to these documents:
✓ A DP Checklist must be completed prior to each DP opera>on, and the CAMO
sec>on is used to assist in correct system setup.
✓ The ASOG sec>on serves as a decision support tool during Cri>cal DP Ac>vi>es.
➡ ASOG adherence provides risk management for incident free DP ac>vi>es.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
ASOG/WSOG-AFI Implementa+on
➡ The vessel must keep and follow only the latest AFI version of the ASOG on board,
discarding all previous versions.
➡ The AFI version must be displayed on the Bridge DP console and Engine Room and be
available and accessible to all key DP personnel.
➡ The official source for obtaining the latest AFI version of the vessel's ASOG is the
Company's Management System.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
CAMO Sec+on
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
CAMO Sec+on
CAMO Sec+on
➡ The CAMO uses only two columns: Green (normal) and Blue (advisory).
ASOG Sec+on
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
ASOG Sec+on
➡ 3 - Ac+vity Specific Opera+ng Guidelines - ASOG
➡ The ASOG establishes the opera>onal, environmental and performance limits of the
vessel's equipment for the loca>on and the specific ac>vity that the vessel is carrying
➡ Opera>onal limits are defined according to the level of risk. Where the risks are high,
the limits are stricter. The limits can be simplified where the risks are low.
✓ The same ship can have more than one ASOG sec>on, one for each loca>on/ac>vity
at different risk levels.
✓ The Key DP Personnel must use the ASOG sec>on during the cri>cal DP ac>vity, from
the moment the vessel is in the posi>on "ready to operate" un>l the end of the
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
O DPO continua o
preenchimento do
Checklist DP e se
orienta pelo CAMO
O DPO conclui o 500m
preenchimento do
Checklist DP e Posição
passa a se orientar Final
pelo ASOG
Estabilizando o
Modelo Matemático
250m 2MN da Posição
O DPO continua o Final
preenchimento do O DPO inicia o
Checklist DP e se preenchimento do
orienta pelo CAMO Checklist DP e se
orienta pelo CAMO
ASOG Sec+on
➡ The ASOG table uses 4 columns to dis>nguish between different risk levels and limits.
✓ Green - Normal - Con>nues with the DP opera>ons;
✓ Blue - Advisory - Inform and conduct a risk assessment;
✓ Yellow - Degraded - Cease opera>on ad leave loca>on;
✓ Red - Emergency - Abort opera>ons and exit loca>on.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
ASOG Sec+on
➡ Green Status:
✓ The vessel is opera>ng within its opera+onal limits, all equipment is working
without abnormali+es, failures or alarms.
➡ Blues Status:
✓ The vessel is approaching its opera+onal limits, or has suffered a single point
failure, however it s+ll has redundancy available in that specific area.
➡ Yellow Status:
✓ The vessel has reached its opera+onal limits, or has suffered a system failure losing
redundancy in the specific area.
➡ Red Status:
✓ The vessel has exceeded its opera+ng limits, or suffered a system failure losing
automa+c posi+on and/or heading control. 397
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ 4 - Simultaneous Opera+ons - SIMOPS:
✓ SIMOPS are poten>ally conflic>ng ac>vi>es that can cause an event or set of
undesired circumstances, which could compromise the safety, the environment, or
cause damage to structures, compromising the schedule, or commercial and
financial interests.
✓ This is usually caused by the execu>on of two or more opera>ons at the same >me
within the 500m zone of a UM, but those considered below can also be considered
✴ Non-rou>ne ac>vi>es within the 500m zone of a offshore installa>on.
✴ Involvement of mul>ple vessels, companies (customers) with an specific
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
✓ When SIMOPS are in progress, DPOs should consider the following:
✴ Effec>ve communica>ons between all vessels and/or surface facili>es involved in
the opera>on;
✴ Any changes of status between vessels/surface facili>es engaged in SIMOPS are
communicated speedily and reliably;
✴ Possible consequences of change in DP status from green to blue, yellow or red
while SIMOPS are in progress.
✓ When SIMOPS is in close proximity and driO-on side different limita>ons and extra
redundancy and generators may be required by the DPO if the risk is high.
Note: The simple fact of having SIMOPS does not configure Blue status in ASOG. 401
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ TAGOS is a document that provides informed guidance, usually derived from a review
of the FMEA and if necessary, valida>on from personnel knowledgeable about vessel
specific informa>on, on appropriate configura>ons of thrusters, generators and power
distribu>on, and associated constraints, so as to enable correct choices to be made to
provide op>mum level of redundancy.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 37
DP Sta+on Keeping Events
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ All DP sta>on keeping events should be recorded and reported in accordance with
agreed prac>ces and procedures.
➡ All DP sta>on keeping events should be inves>gated by suitably qualified and
competente personnel.
➡ The inves>ga>on should iden>fy lessons learnt and make recommenda>ons on ac>ons
to be taken to mi>gate against the reoccurrence of the sta>on keeping event.
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ IMCA operates a DP sta>on keeping events repor>ng scheme which is open to IMCA
members and non-members. Anonymised DP sta>on keeping event bulle>ns are
generated from reports received with permission of the originator.
➡ Reports of DP sta+on keeping events should be forwarded to IMCA using either the
appropriate IMCA DP incident report form or a company-specific incident report form
which describes the incident, the inves+ga+on, close outs and any follow up ac+ons.
The form is available from the IMCA website, www.imca-int.com. Details of the IMCA
DP sta>on keeping event repor>ng scheme are given in Appendix 19.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ IMCA publishes an annual report which summarises the DP sta>on keeping events
reported and inves>gated throughout the previous year. The annual reports of DP
sta>on keeping events are available for IMCA members to download from www.imca-
➡ In addi>on, charterers of DP vessels may require to be informed of DP sta>on keeping
events, with many charterers being ac>vely involved in the inves>ga>on and close out
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Click to open IMCA website and check the most recents DP Event Bulle>ns:
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Chapter 38
Emergency Response Plan While on DP
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Ver. 1.6
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Aims to:
✓ Provide guidance to DPOs to respond to emergency situa>ons when conduc>ng DP
opera>ons, and
✓ To familiarize Key DP personnel in responding to various emergencies on DP.
➡ The Master has the responsibility to ensure the Emergency Response Plan While on DP
is reviewed and comprehended by all Key DP personnel.
➡ The Master has the authority to take any ac>on necessary to enforce this procedure.
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Procedures, guidelines and ac>ons described in the DP Emergency Response Plan, seek
to serve, in a generalized manner, the most of vessels type and DP configura>ons
within the fleet.
➡ If discrepancies between vessel’s configura>ons (engines, generators, propulsion,
sensors, PRSs or any other DP components) and Vessel’s implemented ASOG AFI are
iden>fied, the Vessel’s ASOG AFI MUST PREVAIL.
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Ver. 1.6
Emergency DP Drills
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Emergency DP Drills
➡ DP Emergency Drills are an important part of preparing DP key personnel for poten>al
DP emergency situa>ons.
➡ DP Emergency Drills should be scheduled to allow all DP key Personnel to par>cipate.
➡ Drills should be performed according to the company’s Matrix, but when a new
Captain or Chief Engineer joins the vessel a full blackout drill (desktop/table top) must
be conducted as soon as possible.
➡ For the execu>on of the exercises to be more realis>c, the industrial mission of the
vessel must be considered.
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Other DP Drills
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Ver. 1.6
Other DP Trials
➡ Following is a list of drills and checklists used for developing an appropriate regime for
DP vessels:
✓ DP FMEA Proving Trials ✓ DP Field Arrival Trials
✓ Endurance Trials ✓ Post DP Incident Trials
✓ Annual DP Trials ✓ Post DP Modifica>on Trials
✓ DP Mobiliza>ons Trials
➡ DP Drills and Trials can be logged in the DPVM Logbook.
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Ver. 1.6
Chapter 39
Reference Documenta+ons
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ DP Vessel Design Philosophy Guidelines
✓ DP Vessel Design Philosophy Guidelines
✓ DP Vessel Design Philosophy Appendix
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ Dynamic Posi+oning Guidance For Personnel Professional Development
✓ Guidance for Professional Development of DP Personnel (PDDP2)
✓ Guidance for Professional Development of DP Personnel (PDDP2) - Spreadsheet
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Ver. 1.6
➡ Technical and Opera+onal Guidance Notes
✓ TECHOP A Method For Proving the Fault Ride-Through Capability of DP Vessels with
HV Power
✓ TECHOP Addressing C3EI2 to Eliminate Single Point Failures
✓ TECHOP Annual DP Trials and Gap Analysis
✓ TECHOP Annual DP Trials and Gap Analysis spreadsheet companion to O-02
✓ TECHOP Blackout Recovery
✓ TECHOP Competency Elements for DP Professionals Addendum
✓ TECHOP Competency Elements for DP Professionals All Parts
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Ver. 1.6
➡ Technical and Opera+onal Guidance Notes
✓ TECHOP Completed Incident Report
✓ TECHOP Conduc>ng Effec>ve DP Incident Inves>ga>ons
✓ TECHOP Con>nuous Trials for DP MODUs
✓ TECHOP Defining Cri>cal Opera>ons Requiring Selec>on of Cri>cal Ac>vity Mode
✓ TECHOP DGNSS Posi>on Reference Sensors
✓ TECHOP DP Opera>ons Manual
✓ TECHOP DP Opera>ons Manual Gap Analysis spreadsheet companion to O-01
✓ TECHOP Evalua>on of Protec>on Systems
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Ver. 1.6
➡ Technical and Opera+onal Guidance Notes
✓ TECHOP FMEA Gap Analysis
✓ TECHOP FMEA Gap Analysis spreadsheet companion to D-05
✓ TECHOP FMEA Tes>ng Gap Analysis spreadsheet companion to D-02
✓ TECHOP Philosophy
✓ TECHOP Power Plant Common Cause Failures
✓ TECHOP PRS and DPCS Handling of PRS
✓ TECHOP SoOware Tes>ng
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ M 103 - Guidelines for the design and opera>on of dynamically posi>oned vessels
➡ M 109 - A guide to DP-related documenta>on for DP vessels
➡ M 117 - The Training and Experience of Key DP Personnel
➡ M 125 - Safety Interface Document for A DP Vessel Working Near an Offshore Planorm
➡ M 140 - Specifica>on for DP capability plots
➡ M 163 - Guidelines For The Quality Assurance And Quality Control Of SoOware
➡ M 166 - Guidance on failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
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DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
➡ 182 MSF - Interna>onal Guidelines for the Safe Opera>on of DP OSVs
➡ M 190 - Guidance for Developing and Conduc>ng DP Annual Trials Programmes
➡ M 206 - A guide to DP electrical power and control systems
➡ M 220 - Guidance on Opera>onal Ac>vity Planning
➡ M 244 - Guidance on Vessel USBL Systems for Use in Offshore Survey, Posi>oning and
DP Opera>ons
➡ M 247 - Guidance to Iden>fy DP System Components and their Failure Modes
➡ M 252 - Guidance on Posi>on Reference Systems and Sensors for DP Opera>ons
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center
DP Familiariza+on for Vessel Maintainers
Ver. 1.6
Bram Offshore Transportes Marí+mos Bram Training Center