Subject Groups For MCA EOOW Oral Preparation

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Subject Groups for MCA EOOW Oral Preparation

Topic 1 Watertight integrity and safety

Maintaining seaworthiness of the vessel and responding to
emergencies on board ship (alarms, fire, flooding, first aid).

Topic 2 Watch-keeping and main plant operation

Maintaining an engineering watch. Preparation and
monitoring of diesel propulsion and steam propulsion
machinery and ancillary systems.

Topic 3 COSWP and maintenance

Maintaining a legal and safe working environment in the

Topic 4 Auxiliaries and electrics

Operate auxiliaries and pumping systems. Operate electrical
equipment (paralleling of generators, switchboard protection,
emergency power).

Please bear in mind that whilst the MCA EOOW Oral Examination covers all the
above, the emphasis will be on taking and handing over a watch, watch-keeping
routines and procedures, electrical practice and The Code of Safe Working Practices.

Sample questions gathered over the last few years are available on myCourse in
“EOOW Oral Prep” along with other information you may find useful. Please
familiarise yourself with them.

T McLoughlin
September 2012

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