A Comprehensive Taxonomy For Video Streaming in Smartphone Ad Hoc Networks (SPAN) Within The Internet of Things (IoT)

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Comprehensive Taxonomy for Video Streaming in

Smartphone Ad Hoc Networks (SPAN) within the
Internet of Things (IoT)
Koffka Khan
Department of Computing and Information Technology,
The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Abstract:-This comprehensive taxonomy provides a Video streaming [21], [20] in IoT-SPANs presents a
systematic framework for understanding and organizing unique set of challenges and opportunities. Challenges
the multifaceted aspects of video streaming within encompass factors such as limited bandwidth, variable
Smartphone Ad Hoc Networks (SPAN) operating within network conditions, energy constraints, security concerns, and
the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. This taxonomy the need for adaptive streaming to varying device capabilities.
encompasses network architectures, communication Simultaneously, opportunities lie in harnessing edge
technologies, routing protocols, video streaming computing capabilities, efficient content delivery
protocols, quality of service considerations, security mechanisms, and the potential for data analytics and machine
measures, scalability strategies, energy-efficient solutions, learning to enhance the video streaming experience. To
content delivery mechanisms, application scenarios, address these complexities, it is imperative to establish a
middleware, data analytics, user experience factors, and taxonomy that systematically categorizes and organizes the
regulatory compliance, offering a holistic perspective for multifaceted components and considerations involved.
researchers, developers, and practitioners seeking to
design, deploy, and optimize video streaming solutions in This paper introduces a comprehensive taxonomy
the dynamic and diverse context of IoT-enabled SPANs. designed to guide researchers, developers, and practitioners
working within the IoT-SPAN video streaming domain. This
Keywords:- Video Streaming, Smartphone, Ad Hoc Networks, taxonomy encompasses various dimensions, including
Internet of Things. network architecture, communication technologies, routing
protocols, video streaming protocols, quality of service
I. INTRODUCTION management, security measures, scalability strategies, energy-
efficient solutions, content delivery mechanisms, application
In recent years, the proliferation of smartphones and the scenarios, middleware and analytics, user experience factors,
ubiquitous presence of Internet of Things (IoT) [23] devices and regulatory compliance. By providing a structured
have fundamentally transformed the way we consume and framework, this taxonomy aims to facilitate a deeper
interact with multimedia content. One of the most prominent understanding of the domain, promote effective
use cases in this rapidly evolving landscape is video streaming communication, and expedite the development and
within Smartphone Ad Hoc Networks (SPAN) [1] operating optimization of video streaming solutions tailored to the
within the IoT paradigm. As smartphones continue to serve as unique challenges and opportunities of IoT-SPANs. This
our digital companions, seamlessly integrating with an paper consists of four sections. The IoT-SPAN Video
expanding array of IoT devices, the demand for efficient and streaming classification framework is discussed in Section II.
reliable video streaming in SPANs has surged. This In Section III a discussion is given and finally, the conclusion
introduction sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of is given in Section IV.
the intricate ecosystem surrounding video streaming in IoT-
SPANs, emphasizing the need for a structured taxonomy to II. TAXONOMY
navigate this complex terrain.
The taxonomy for video streaming in smartphone ad hoc
The IoT-SPAN ecosystem represents a convergence of networks over IoT details are as follows:
technologies, where IoT devices collaborate with smartphones
to create ad hoc networks for data exchange. These networks A. Network Architecture:
are highly dynamic and often characterized by limited
infrastructure support, making them both challenging and  Infrastructure-Based [10]:
promising for video streaming applications. IoT-SPANs are In infrastructure-based network architectures, IoT-
instrumental in various domains, including smart cities, SPANs leverage existing infrastructure components such as
healthcare, surveillance, and industrial automation, where cellular networks or Wi-Fi access points for video streaming.
real-time video content delivery and interaction with IoT These established networks offer a structured and organized
devices are critical for efficient operation and decision- communication framework.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Devices within the IoT-SPAN connect to centralized crucial for optimizing video streaming efficiency within IoT-
access points or base stations, which manage network traffic SPANs.
and provide connectivity. Smartphones and IoT devices
communicate through these access points. B. IoT Devices:

The existing infrastructure offers advantages such as  Smartphones [3]:

reliable connectivity, predictable performance, and broader Smartphones serve as central devices within the IoT-
coverage areas. However, it may be subject to congestion and SPAN ecosystem. They play a pivotal role in video streaming
scalability limitations. and network coordination.

 Infrastructure-Less (Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - MANETs) Smartphones typically act as both video streaming
[15]: clients (receiving and displaying video content) and, in some
In infrastructure-less network architectures, IoT-SPANs cases, video streaming servers (providing content to other
are formed dynamically and on-the-fly, without relying on devices).
pre-existing infrastructure components. Devices within
proximity establish direct peer-to-peer connections for data They are equipped with processing power, high-
exchange. resolution displays, and network connectivity, making them
ideal for video playback and user interaction.
MANETs are highly dynamic and flexible, making them
suitable for scenarios where traditional infrastructure is Smartphones also facilitate network coordination,
unavailable or impractical, such as remote areas or disaster- managing connections between IoT devices, and controlling
stricken locations. video streaming parameters.

IoT devices and smartphones communicate directly with  IoT Sensors and Devices [5]:
each other or through intermediate devices, forming ad hoc IoT sensors and devices serve as peripheral components
networks as needed. within the IoT-SPAN ecosystem. They are specialized devices
designed for specific data collection tasks in IoT applications.
 Explanation:
Network architecture is a fundamental consideration in These devices can include a wide range of sensors, such
IoT-SPAN video streaming. It dictates how devices within the as temperature sensors, motion detectors, cameras, and
network connect and communicate. The choice between environmental sensors.
infrastructure-based and infrastructure-less architectures
significantly impacts the design and performance of video IoT sensors and devices may interact with smartphones
streaming solutions: in several ways:

 Efficiency:  Data Collection:

Infrastructure-based networks offer centralized control, They collect data relevant to IoT applications and may
making it easier to manage resources and optimize video transmit this data to smartphones for processing and analysis.
streaming. Infrastructure-less networks are more flexible but
may require more robust routing and coordination  Data Presentation:
mechanisms. Some IoT devices, such as cameras, provide video
streams that smartphones can display for surveillance or
 Coverage: monitoring purposes.
Infrastructure-based networks benefit from broader
coverage areas, especially in urban and suburban  Control and Feedback:
environments. Infrastructure-less networks are adaptable and IoT devices may receive commands from smartphones
suitable for scenarios with limited or no existing for remote control or provide feedback to users through
infrastructure. smartphone interfaces.

 Scalability:  Explanation:
Infrastructure-based networks may face scalability IoT devices, including smartphones and specialized
challenges due to network congestion and capacity sensors, together form the foundation of the IoT-SPAN
limitations. Infrastructure-less networks can dynamically scale ecosystem. Their roles and interactions are essential for
by adding more devices to the ad hoc network. enabling video streaming and IoT data exchange:

 Deployment Context:  Central Role of Smartphones:

The choice between these architectures depends on the Smartphones act as hubs for video streaming, network
specific deployment context, ranging from urban management, and user interaction. They offer a rich user
environments with established infrastructure to remote interface and processing capabilities for rendering video
locations where devices need to self-organize for content.
communication. Understanding these architectural options is

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Specialized Functions of IoT Devices:  Extended Range and Reliability:
IoT sensors and devices are tailored for specific data Cellular networks can extend the range of IoT-SPANs,
collection tasks, and their data often contributes to the context allowing devices to connect even when they are not in close
of video streaming applications. Their interaction with proximity.
smartphones enables a wide range of IoT-SPAN scenarios,
including remote monitoring, environmental sensing, and  Explanation:
control of IoT devices. Cellular networks are a robust choice for scenarios
where IoT-SPANs need to operate across larger geographical
 Collaborative Ecosystem: areas, such as smart city applications or IoT deployments in
The collaboration between smartphones and IoT devices remote locations.
enhances the capabilities of IoT-SPANs. It enables seamless
integration of video streaming with IoT applications and  Zigbee, LoRa, NB-IoT [12]:
facilitates efficient data exchange between devices for real-
time decision-making and user interaction.  Utilized for Low-Power, Long-Range IoT Devices:
Zigbee, LoRa (Long Range), and NB-IoT (Narrowband
C. Communication Technologies: IoT) are wireless technologies optimized for IoT devices with
low power consumption and long-range communication
 Wi-Fi [13]: needs.
Utilized for high-speed data transfer: Wi-Fi offers high
data rates, making it well-suited for streaming high-quality  Suitable for Certain SPAN Configurations:
video content within IoT-SPANs. These technologies are advantageous in scenarios where
IoT devices must communicate over extended distances while
 Ideal for Smartphone-Centric SPANs: conserving energy.
In scenarios where smartphones play a central role in
video streaming, Wi-Fi provides the necessary bandwidth and  Explanation:
reliability for efficient data transfer. Zigbee, LoRa, and NB-IoT are well-suited for specific
IoT-SPAN configurations where long-range communication is
 Explanation: essential, such as in agricultural monitoring, environmental
Wi-Fi is a preferred choice for scenarios where high- sensing, or rural IoT applications.
quality video streaming and data transfer are critical, such as
in-home or office environments where Wi-Fi access points are  Explanation:
readily available. The choice of communication technologies is a critical
consideration in IoT-SPAN video streaming. Each technology
 Bluetooth [27]: has distinct characteristics that influence network range, data
rate, and energy consumption. Selecting the most appropriate
 Used for Short-Range Connections: technology or combination of technologies is essential for
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology ideal for optimizing video streaming performance in IoT-SPANs:
connecting devices within close proximity, making it suitable
for local coordination and control.  Network Range:
The range of communication technologies varies
 Device Coordination: significantly. While Wi-Fi and cellular networks offer broad
Bluetooth is often used for device coordination and coverage, Bluetooth and short-range options are suitable for
interaction, including controlling IoT devices or connecting local device interactions. Choosing the right range is crucial
peripherals like headphones or speakers to smartphones. for ensuring that video streaming devices can communicate
 Explanation:
Bluetooth's low power consumption and short-range  Data Rate:
capabilities make it valuable for local device coordination and The data rate determines the quality of video streaming.
interactions, but it may not be suitable for long-distance video High data rates, as provided by Wi-Fi and cellular networks,
streaming. support high-definition video streaming. Low-power, long-
range technologies may have lower data rates, affecting video
 Cellular Networks [14]: quality and latency.

 Employed in Scenarios with Cellular Coverage:  Energy Consumption:

Cellular networks provide extensive coverage and IoT devices in IoT-SPANs often run on limited battery
reliable connectivity in urban and remote areas, making them power. Choosing energy-efficient communication
suitable for IoT-SPANs in various environments. technologies helps extend device battery life and ensures
uninterrupted video streaming.

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 Application Context:  Latency:
The choice of communication technology should align Proactive routing reduces latency by having
with the specific IoT-SPAN scenario. Factors such as precomputed routes available, making it preferable for real-
geographical location, device mobility, and coverage time applications like video streaming. Reactive routing can
requirements influence the selection process. introduce latency when routes are established on-demand.

D. Routing Protocols:  Packet Loss:

Proactive routing minimizes packet loss by ensuring
 Proactive Routing (e.g., OLSR - Optimized Link State reliable routes are available. Reactive routing may introduce
Routing) [9]: some packet loss during route discovery.

 Precomputes Routes:  Overhead:

Proactive routing protocols establish and maintain routes Reactive routing reduces network overhead by not
in advance, even before data needs to be sent. This proactive continuously maintaining routes. Proactive routing consumes
approach aims to reduce latency when data needs to be more bandwidth due to constant route updates.
transmitted, as routes are readily available.
 Scalability:
 Reduces Latency and Packet Loss: Reactive routing can be more scalable in large networks
By having precomputed routes, proactive routing with infrequent communication, as it conserves network
minimizes the time it takes to find a suitable path for data, resources until needed. Proactive routing may be less scalable
reducing delays and lowering the risk of packet loss. due to constant route maintenance.

 Explanation: The choice of routing protocol should align with the

Proactive routing, exemplified by OLSR, is well-suited specific requirements and characteristics of the IoT-SPAN
for scenarios where low-latency and reliable data delivery are network, including data transmission patterns, latency
crucial. It ensures that routes are always available, making it tolerance, and resource constraints.
ideal for real-time applications such as video streaming.
E. Video Streaming Protocols:
 Reactive Routing (e.g., AODV - Ad Hoc On-Demand
Distance Vector) [4]:  HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) [7]:
Segments video into small files: HLS divides video
 Establishes Routes on-Demand: content into smaller segments or chunks, typically in the form
Reactive routing protocols create routes only when of .ts (Transport Stream) files.
needed. When a device wants to send data, it initiates a route
discovery process, and the network establishes a path to the  Adaptive Streaming Based on Network Conditions:
destination. HLS adapts video quality in real-time by switching
between different quality segments based on the viewer's
 Reduces Overhead: network conditions, such as available bandwidth and device
Reactive routing reduces network overhead by not capabilities.
maintaining routes until necessary, which can be beneficial in
scenarios with sporadic data transmission.  Explanation:
HLS is widely used for delivering video content over
 Potentially Increases Latency: HTTP and is especially suitable for adaptive streaming,
The time required to discover and establish routes in ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience
reactive routing may introduce some latency, particularly for under varying network conditions.
the first data packets sent to a new destination.
 Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Over HTTP (DASH) [18]:
 Explanation:
Reactive routing, as exemplified by AODV, is suitable  Adapts Video Quality:
for scenarios where devices do not constantly communicate DASH dynamically adjusts the video quality delivered
and routes do not need to be maintained at all times. It to the viewer based on available network bandwidth [19] and
conserves network resources by creating routes on-demand. the capabilities of the receiving device.

 Explanation:  HTTP-Based:
Routing protocols play a crucial role in determining how DASH utilizes standard HTTP protocols, making it
data flows within the IoT-SPAN network. The choice between compatible with web browsers and widely supported by
proactive and reactive routing protocols impacts various streaming servers.
aspects of network performance:

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Explanation:  Compatibility:
DASH provides a versatile solution for adaptive The choice of video streaming protocol may depend on
streaming, catering to a range of devices and network the compatibility requirements of the target devices and
conditions [17]. It is suitable for delivering high-quality video platforms. HTTP-based protocols like HLS and DASH are
over HTTP. well-suited for web and mobile applications, while RTP and
WebRTC cater to real-time communication use cases.
 Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) [30]:
Selecting the appropriate video streaming protocol
 Suitable for Real-Time Multimedia Data Streaming: depends on the specific requirements of the IoT-SPAN video
RTP is designed for real-time transmission of streaming application, including the target devices, network
multimedia data, including video and audio. conditions, and desired user experience.

 Used with RTP Control Protocol (RTCP): F. Quality of Service (QoS):

RTCP complements RTP by providing feedback and
control information for efficient media synchronization.  Bandwidth Management [31]:

 Explanation:  Allocates Available Bandwidth Efficiently:

RTP is essential for real-time video streaming QoS mechanisms manage and allocate the available
applications, such as video conferencing and live network bandwidth among competing devices and
broadcasting, where low-latency and synchronized delivery applications to ensure fair and efficient use of resources.
are critical.
 Prioritization:
 WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) [8]: Bandwidth management may prioritize certain types of
traffic or devices to ensure that critical applications, such as
 Enables real-time, browser-based video communication: video streaming, receive the necessary bandwidth for smooth
WebRTC is a framework that allows web browsers to operation.
establish peer-to-peer audio and video communication without
requiring plugins or additional software.  Explanation:
Bandwidth management is crucial in IoT-SPANs to
 Built-in Support for NAT Traversal: prevent congestion and ensure that video streaming
WebRTC includes mechanisms for traversing firewalls applications receive the necessary resources to maintain
and Network Address Translation (NAT) devices, making it quality.
suitable for direct communication between devices across the
internet.  Quality Metrics [29]:

 Explanation:  Monitor Video Quality:

WebRTC is instrumental in browser-based video QoS monitoring involves the continuous assessment of
communication and live streaming applications, enabling video quality using metrics such as PSNR (Peak Signal-to-
seamless, real-time interactions directly from web browsers. Noise Ratio) and SSIM (Structural Similarity Index).

 Explanation:  Adaptive Streaming:

Video streaming protocols are fundamental in delivering Quality metrics are used to determine when to adjust
video content to devices while adapting to network conditions video quality levels based on network conditions and device
and device capabilities: capabilities, ensuring an optimal viewing experience.

 Adaptive Streaming:  Explanation:

HLS and DASH provide adaptive streaming capabilities, Quality metrics play a pivotal role in adaptive video
adjusting video quality on-the-fly to match the viewer's streaming, enabling real-time adjustments to video quality to
network bandwidth and device capabilities. This ensures a match network conditions and provide viewers with the best
smooth viewing experience even in varying network possible experience.
 Error Handling [2]:
 Real-Time Communication:
RTP and WebRTC are designed for real-time  Manage Packet Loss:
communication scenarios, where low-latency, synchronized QoS mechanisms implement error handling strategies to
delivery, and interactivity are crucial. RTP is commonly used address packet loss, ensuring that lost packets are
in applications like video conferencing, while WebRTC retransmitted or replaced to prevent interruptions in video
enables browser-based real-time video communication. streaming.

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 Network Disruptions:  Encryption [26]:
QoS also manages network disruptions by selecting
backup routes or adapting to changing network conditions to  Secures Video Data in Transit:
maintain the video stream's continuity. Encryption transforms video data into an unreadable
format during transmission, making it inaccessible to
 Explanation: unauthorized parties who may attempt eavesdropping.
Error handling is essential for ensuring uninterrupted
video streaming by addressing common issues like packet loss  End-to-End Encryption:
and network disruptions that can affect the viewing Ensures that video content remains encrypted from the
experience. source to the destination, providing a high level of security.

 Explanation:  Explanation:
Quality of Service (QoS) management is critical for Encryption protects video streams from interception and
delivering a seamless and reliable video streaming experience eavesdropping, maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of
within IoT-SPANs: the content during transmission.

 Bandwidth Allocation:  Data Integrity [26]:

Efficiently managing available bandwidth ensures that
video streaming applications receive the necessary resources  Verifies that Video Streams are not Tampered with During
to maintain video quality and reduce latency. It prevents Transmission:
congestion and bottlenecks that could degrade the streaming Data integrity mechanisms use techniques like hash
experience. functions to ensure that video streams arrive at their
destination unchanged.
 Quality Monitoring:
Quality metrics, such as PSNR and SSIM, continuously  Error Detection:
assess the video's quality. This data informs decisions about These mechanisms detect any alterations or corruption
adjusting video quality levels in real time to provide the best that may occur during transmission, allowing for the
possible viewing experience, even in fluctuating network identification of tampered data.
 Explanation:
 Error Resilience: Data integrity safeguards confirm that video streams
Effective error handling mechanisms address issues like have not been altered or tampered with en route, preserving
packet loss and network disruptions, preventing interruptions the authenticity and trustworthiness of the content.
in video streaming. Error resilience ensures that viewers
receive a continuous and reliable stream, even when network  Explanation:
conditions are less than ideal. Security measures are of paramount importance in IoT-
SPANs to protect video streams and IoT data from
Implementing robust QoS strategies within IoT-SPANs unauthorized access, eavesdropping, and tampering:
is essential for meeting user expectations and ensuring that
video streaming applications can operate smoothly and adapt  Authentication and Authorization:
to changing network conditions. These mechanisms establish who can access video
streams and what actions they are allowed to perform. They
G. Security: prevent unauthorized devices or users from accessing
sensitive video content.
 Authentication and Authorization [26]:
 Encryption:
 Ensures that Only Authorized Devices can Access and Encryption ensures that video data remains confidential
Stream Video Content: during transmission, safeguarding it from interception and
Authentication mechanisms verify the identity of devices unauthorized access. This is particularly critical when video
or users attempting to access video streams, preventing streams contain sensitive information.
unauthorized access.
 Data Integrity:
 Authorization: Data integrity checks guarantee that video streams are
After authentication, authorization mechanisms define received in their original, untampered state. Any unauthorized
what actions or resources (in this case, video streams) the modifications or corruption can be detected and addressed,
authenticated device or user is permitted to access. maintaining the integrity of the video content.

 Explanation: Implementing robust security measures is essential in

Authentication and authorization are fundamental for IoT-S PAN video streaming to protect against potential threats
controlling access to video streams, ensuring that only trusted and vulnerabilities, ensuring the privacy, confidentiality, and
devices and users can view or interact with the content. reliability of video streams and associated data.

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H. Scalability and Load Balancing:  Edge Computing:
Edge computing offloads processing tasks to edge
 Load Balancing Algorithms [24]: devices, reducing the reliance on centralized resources. This
enhances scalability by distributing computational loads and
 Distribute Streaming Load: reduces latency by processing data closer to the source,
Load balancing algorithms are responsible for improving the overall efficiency of video streaming in IoT-
distributing the streaming load evenly across the available SPANs.
devices and resources within the IoT-SPAN network.
Efficient scalability and load balancing are essential in
 Prevent Congestion: dynamic IoT-SPAN environments, where the number of
By distributing the load, these algorithms help prevent devices and data traffic can fluctuate. These mechanisms
network congestion and resource bottlenecks, ensuring that ensure that the network remains responsive, reliable, and
video streaming remains smooth and responsive. capable of delivering high-quality video streaming
experiences as the network expands or experiences variable
Adaptive load balancing: Some load balancing workloads.
mechanisms adapt in real-time to changing network
conditions and device capabilities to optimize resource I. Energy Efficiency:
 Power Management:
 Explanation:
Load balancing mechanisms are essential for ensuring  Optimizes Power Usage in Smartphones and IoT Devices:
that the network can handle the streaming load efficiently, Power management strategies aim to maximize the
preventing performance degradation and disruptions due to efficiency of power consumption in both smartphones and IoT
congestion. devices to extend their battery life.

 Edge Computing [29]:  Dynamic Power Profiles:

These strategies may involve dynamically adjusting
 Offload Processing to Edge Devices: device settings, such as screen brightness, CPU frequency,
Edge computing involves moving data processing and and network activity, based on workload and available power.
computation closer to the edge of the network, reducing the
need for centralized data centers.  Background Processes:
Managing background processes and network
 Enhancing Scalability: connections to minimize power drain during periods of
Edge computing enhances scalability by allowing edge inactivity.
devices, such as smartphones and IoT sensors, to process
video data locally, reducing the load on centralized servers  Explanation:
and network infrastructure. Power management is essential for preserving battery
life in energy-constrained devices like smartphones and IoT
 Reducing Latency: sensors, ensuring they can operate for extended periods
By processing data closer to the source or the user, edge without recharging.
computing reduces latency, ensuring real-time responsiveness
in video streaming applications.  Energy-Aware Routing [11]:
Routing algorithms that consider device power levels:
 Explanation: Energy-aware routing algorithms take into account the power
Edge computing is a key strategy for enhancing levels of devices when making routing decisions within the
scalability in IoT-SPANs. It allows for efficient local IoT-SPAN network.
processing of video data, reducing the strain on central
resources and improving overall system performance.  Optimizing Routes:
These algorithms may prefer routes that involve devices
 Explanation: with higher remaining battery life to reduce the risk of
Scalability and load balancing mechanisms are crucial network partition or node failure.
for ensuring that IoT-SPANs can handle varying workloads
and maintain the quality of video streaming:  Balancing Energy Consumption:
Energy-aware routing aims to distribute data
 Load Balancing Algorithms: transmission tasks in a way that balances the energy
These mechanisms ensure that the streaming load is consumption among devices, preventing premature battery
evenly distributed across available devices and resources, depletion.
preventing congestion and optimizing resource utilization.
Adaptive load balancing can further optimize performance by
responding to changing network conditions.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Explanation:  Local Caching [10]:
Energy-aware routing is critical in IoT-SPAN scenarios
where devices operate on limited battery power. It helps  Store Video Content on Nearby Devices:
prolong device lifespan and maintain network connectivity by Local caching involves storing video content on nearby
intelligently managing routing decisions based on available devices within the IoT-SPAN network.
 Minimizing Data Transfer and Latency:
 Explanation: By accessing cached content locally, devices can reduce
Energy efficiency strategies are crucial in IoT-SPAN the need for data transfer over long distances, minimizing
environments, especially for devices with limited battery latency and conserving network bandwidth.
capacity, to ensure reliable and long-lasting operation:
 Adaptive Caching:
 Power Management: Local caching systems may adaptively select which
Optimizing power usage in smartphones and IoT devices content to cache based on usage patterns, device capabilities,
through dynamic adjustments and background process and available storage.
management is essential for extending battery life. It allows
devices to operate efficiently and perform necessary tasks  Explanation:
while conserving power during periods of inactivity. Local caching within the IoT-SPAN network can
significantly enhance video streaming efficiency by reducing
 Energy-Aware Routing: data transfer distances and improving the overall user
Routing algorithms that consider device power levels experience.
help ensure that energy-constrained devices are not
overburdened and that routes are selected to minimize the risk  Explanation:
of network disruptions due to device battery depletion. This Content delivery and caching mechanisms are
approach contributes to the overall stability of the IoT-SPAN instrumental in enhancing video streaming efficiency within
network. IoT-SPANs:

By implementing these energy-efficient strategies, IoT-  CDNs (Content Delivery Networks):

SPANs can maximize the operational lifespan of devices and CDNs reduce latency by serving video content from
maintain network connectivity even in resource-constrained servers that are geographically closer to end-users. This
scenarios, thereby enhancing the overall reliability and minimizes data transfer distances, optimizes content
longevity of the network. availability, and ensures that video streams remain accessible
and responsive, even during high-demand periods.
J. Content Delivery and Caching:
 Local Caching:
 Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) [22]: Local caching on nearby devices within the IoT-SPAN
Cache and deliver popular content closer to end-users: network minimizes data transfer and latency by allowing
CDNs consist of a distributed network of servers strategically devices to access frequently requested video content locally.
placed in various geographical locations. They store and serve Adaptive caching ensures that the most relevant content is
frequently requested video content from servers that are stored based on usage patterns and device capabilities.
physically closer to end-users.
Both CDNs and local caching contribute to improved
 Reducing Latency: video streaming efficiency, reduced network congestion, and
CDNs significantly reduce latency by minimizing the enhanced user experience by ensuring that video content is
distance data must travel. When a user requests video content, readily available and delivered with minimal delay. These
it is delivered from the nearest CDN server, improving mechanisms are particularly valuable in scenarios where low-
streaming performance. latency and efficient data transfer are critical, such as real-
time video streaming in IoT-SPANs.
 Load Distribution:
CDNs distribute the load across their server network, K. Application Scenarios:
preventing congestion and ensuring that video streams remain
accessible even during peak usage.  Surveillance [6]:
Streaming video from IoT cameras to smartphones for
 Explanation: monitoring: Surveillance scenarios involve the streaming of
CDNs are fundamental for optimizing video streaming video feeds from IoT cameras or sensors to smartphones for
performance by reducing latency, enhancing content real-time monitoring and security purposes.
availability, and efficiently handling high-demand video
content.  Live Video Access:
Users can access live video streams from cameras placed
in homes, businesses, or public areas to monitor activities

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Event Detection:  Surveillance:
Surveillance applications often incorporate video Surveillance applications focus on real-time monitoring,
analytics to detect specific events or anomalies, alerting users security, and event detection. They rely on video analytics and
when predefined conditions are met. live video access to enhance situational awareness and safety.

 Explanation:  Remote Control:

Surveillance applications rely on video streaming for Remote control scenarios use video streaming to provide
real-time monitoring, security, and event detection, enhancing visual feedback, enabling users to interact with and control
situational awareness and safety. IoT devices from a distance. This enhances user engagement
and control precision.
 Remote Control [6]:
Controlling IoT devices remotely via video feedback: In  Healthcare:
remote control scenarios, video streaming provides visual Healthcare applications leverage video streaming for
feedback that allows users to control and interact with IoT remote patient monitoring, telemedicine consultations, and the
devices from a distance. continuous transmission of medical data. Video streaming
supports timely medical assessments and the sharing of
 Visual Feedback: critical patient information.
Users can view live video feeds from IoT devices like
drones or robots and make informed decisions for remote Each application scenario has unique demands and
control. objectives, which influence the design and implementation of
video streaming solutions within IoT-SPANs. Tailoring video
 Enhanced User Experience: streaming to specific use cases ensures that the technology
Video feedback enhances user engagement and control effectively meets the needs of users and stakeholders in these
precision, particularly in applications where visual context is diverse scenarios.
L. Middleware and Protocols [25]:
 Explanation:
Remote control applications leverage video streaming to  MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) and
enable users to remotely operate and manage IoT devices, CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol):
expanding their capabilities and reach.
 Lightweight Communication Protocols for IoT:
 Healthcare [16]: MQTT and CoAP are designed for resource-constrained
IoT devices. They are lightweight, efficient, and well-suited
 Streaming Medical Data and Video for Remote Patient for low-power, low-bandwidth, and intermittent connectivity
Monitoring: scenarios.
Healthcare applications involve the streaming of medical
data and video feeds from patients to healthcare professionals  Publish-Subscribe Model:
for remote patient monitoring. MQTT operates on a publish-subscribe model, enabling
efficient data distribution to multiple subscribers. CoAP
 Continuous Monitoring: follows a request-response model for efficient client-server
Patients can use IoT devices to transmit vital signs, communication.
medical images, or video of their condition to healthcare
providers.  Scalability:
Both protocols are scalable and can accommodate a
 Telemedicine: large number of devices, making them suitable for IoT-
Video streaming supports telemedicine consultations, SPANs with diverse device types.
allowing healthcare professionals to assess patients remotely
and provide medical guidance.  Explanation:
MQTT and CoAP serve as essential communication
 Explanation: protocols within IoT-SPANs, enabling efficient and reliable
Healthcare applications heavily rely on video streaming data exchange between devices and the central network.
to facilitate remote patient monitoring, telehealth
consultations, and the timely sharing of critical medical  Fog/Edge Computing Middleware:
 Middleware for Managing Data and Computation at the
 Explanation: Edge:
Different application scenarios within IoT-SPANs Fog and edge computing middleware manage data
require tailored video streaming solutions that align with processing, storage, and computation at the edge of the
specific use case requirements: network, closer to IoT devices.

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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 Decentralized Processing:  Optimizing Content Delivery:
Middleware at the edge enables decentralized data Analytics can be used to monitor network performance,
processing, reducing latency and bandwidth consumption by viewer behavior, and content quality, allowing for the
performing computations closer to data sources. optimization of content delivery and the enhancement of user
 Optimizing Resource Usage:
Edge middleware optimizes resource usage by  Explanation:
distributing computational tasks intelligently across edge Video analytics improve video streaming by adding a
devices, ensuring efficient use of computing power and layer of intelligence to the process, enabling real-time
network bandwidth. decision-making, content optimization, and insights
generation from video data.
 Explanation:
Fog and edge computing middleware are instrumental in  Machine Learning:
optimizing data processing and computation within IoT-
SPANs, enhancing efficiency, reducing latency, and  Implementing AI for Video Content Analysis and Pattern
improving the overall performance of the network. Recognition:
Machine learning, particularly artificial intelligence (AI)
 Explanation: algorithms, is used for in-depth video content analysis,
Middleware and communication protocols play a critical recognizing objects, faces, actions, and patterns within video
role in facilitating data exchange and computation within IoT- streams.
 Automation:
 MQTT and CoAP: Machine learning models can automate tasks such as
Lightweight communication protocols like MQTT and content tagging, object tracking, and anomaly detection in
CoAP are well-suited for resource-constrained IoT devices. real-time video feeds.
They enable efficient and reliable data transmission in
scenarios where bandwidth and power consumption are  Personalization:
critical considerations. MQTT's publish-subscribe model and Machine learning can be applied to personalize video
CoAP's request-response model offer flexibility for different content recommendations based on user preferences and
communication patterns. behavior.

 Fog/Edge Computing Middleware:  Explanation:

Middleware designed for fog and edge computing Machine learning enhances video streaming by
extends the capabilities of IoT-SPANs by enabling data automating content analysis, enabling advanced video content
processing and computation at the edge of the network. This recognition, and personalizing content recommendations for
approach reduces latency, optimizes resource usage, and users.
enhances the overall efficiency of IoT applications.
 Explanation:
Selecting the appropriate middleware and Data analytics and machine learning are essential
communication protocols depends on the specific components that enhance video streaming in IoT-SPANs:
requirements and constraints of the IoT-SPAN network,
including device capabilities, communication patterns, and the  Analytics:
need for edge computing capabilities. These choices Video analytics processes and analyzes video data to
significantly impact the network's performance and ability to extract valuable information and provide real-time insights.
meet user and application needs. This is particularly useful for decision support, content
optimization, and enhancing the quality of the video
M. Data Analytics and Machine Learning [28]: streaming experience.

 Analytics:  Machine Learning:

Processing and analyzing video data for insights: Machine learning, powered by artificial intelligence,
Analytics in the context of video streaming involves enables advanced video content analysis, automation of tasks,
processing and analyzing video content to extract valuable and personalization of video content recommendations. It
insights, detect patterns, and generate data-driven plays a pivotal role in automating tasks, recognizing patterns,
recommendations. and enhancing the overall user experience.

 Decision Support: Together, data analytics and machine learning bring

Video analytics can provide decision support by offering intelligence and automation to video streaming within IoT-
real-time information and alerts based on the analysis of video SPANs, enabling real-time decision-making, content
streams. This is valuable in applications such as surveillance optimization, and personalized user experiences. These
and security. capabilities are valuable in a wide range of IoT applications,
from surveillance to content delivery and beyond.

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
N. User Experience:  User Feedback:
Gathering user feedback allows video streaming services
 User Interfaces: to continuously improve their offerings. Feedback
Smartphone apps and interfaces for video streaming mechanisms enable quality enhancements, customization
control: User interfaces (UIs) for video streaming on options, and the identification of areas where user experience
smartphones play a crucial role in user experience. These UIs can be optimized.
provide controls for starting, pausing, adjusting video
playback, and accessing content libraries. User experience is central to the success of video
streaming applications, and by prioritizing user interfaces and
 Responsive Design: feedback mechanisms, IoT-SPANs can provide a seamless
User interfaces are designed to be responsive, ensuring and tailored experience for users, ultimately enhancing user
that they work seamlessly across various smartphone screen satisfaction and retention.
sizes and orientations.
O. Regulatory and Privacy Considerations [3]:
 Intuitive Navigation:
User-friendly navigation and intuitive controls enhance  Data Privacy:
the user experience by making it easy for users to find and
enjoy video content.  Compliance with Data Protection Regulations and
 Explanation: Data privacy regulations, such as GDPR (General Data
User interfaces are the primary means through which Protection Regulation) in Europe or CCPA (California
users interact with video streaming applications on Consumer Privacy Act) in the United States, dictate how
smartphones. Well-designed UIs contribute to a positive user personal data is collected, processed, and protected.
experience by providing ease of use and accessibility.
 User Consent:
 User Feedback: Ensuring that users provide informed consent for data
collection and processing, especially in video streaming
 Gathering User Feedback for Quality Improvements and applications that may involve personal information.
User feedback mechanisms, such as ratings, reviews, and  Data Encryption:
surveys, allow users to provide input on their video streaming Implementing strong encryption measures to protect user
experiences. data during transmission and storage.

 Quality Improvements:  Explanation:

User feedback is invaluable for identifying issues with Data privacy compliance is essential to protect user
video quality, streaming performance, or user interface information and maintain trust. It involves adhering to legal
design. It helps streaming services make continuous requirements and best practices for data handling within video
improvements. streaming applications.

 Customization:  Spectrum Regulations:

User feedback can inform personalized content
recommendations and customization options, tailoring the  Compliance with Spectrum Allocation and Usage Rules:
video streaming experience to individual preferences. In wireless communication scenarios, compliance with
spectrum regulations is crucial. These rules govern the
 Explanation: allocation and use of radio frequencies to avoid interference
Collecting and acting on user feedback is essential for and ensure efficient spectrum utilization.
addressing user concerns, enhancing video streaming quality,
and providing tailored experiences that meet individual  Frequency Licensing:
preferences. Adhering to licensing requirements for specific
frequency bands when using wireless technologies for video
 Explanation: streaming.
User experience considerations are critical for ensuring
user satisfaction and usability in video streaming applications  Interference Avoidance:
within IoT-SPANs: Ensuring that video streaming operations do not interfere
with other licensed or unlicensed wireless services in the same
 User Interfaces: spectrum.
Well-designed user interfaces for smartphone apps and
video streaming control enhance user engagement by  Explanation:
providing responsive and intuitive controls. They ensure that Spectrum regulations compliance is vital in wireless
users can easily access and enjoy video content on their video streaming scenarios to maintain reliable communication
devices. and avoid disruptions due to interference.

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Explanation:  Quality of Service (QoS) and Security:
Regulatory and privacy considerations are fundamental Ensuring a high-quality video streaming experience is
for ensuring that IoT-SPAN video streaming solutions operate essential in IoT-SPANs. The taxonomy introduces QoS
within the bounds of legal and operational requirements: considerations such as bandwidth management, quality
metrics, and error handling techniques. Security measures are
 Data Privacy: paramount in protecting video streams and sensitive IoT data.
Compliance with data protection regulations and policies Proper authentication, encryption, and data integrity
is essential to safeguard user privacy. This involves obtaining mechanisms are vital to safeguarding the network.
user consent for data processing, implementing robust data
encryption measures, and adhering to legal requirements for  Scalability, Energy Efficiency, and Content Delivery:
data handling. Scalability is addressed by load balancing algorithms
and edge computing strategies, allowing IoT-SPANs to
 Spectrum Regulations: efficiently accommodate varying loads and device
In wireless communication scenarios, compliance with capabilities. Energy efficiency is crucial, given the often
spectrum allocation and usage rules is crucial for preventing resource-constrained nature of IoT devices and smartphones.
interference and ensuring reliable video streaming. This The taxonomy emphasizes power management and energy-
includes obtaining the necessary frequency licenses and aware routing to optimize battery life. Content delivery
operating within the allocated spectrum bands. mechanisms, including CDNs and local caching, are essential
for minimizing latency and enhancing the streaming
By addressing regulatory and privacy considerations, experience.
IoT-SPAN video streaming solutions can operate legally,
protect user privacy, and maintain the quality and reliability of  Application Scenarios and Data Analytics:
video streaming services while adhering to relevant legal and IoT-SPAN video streaming caters to diverse application
operational guidelines. scenarios, such as surveillance, remote control, and
healthcare. Understanding these scenarios helps tailor
III. DISCUSSION solutions to specific needs. The taxonomy also acknowledges
the potential of data analytics and machine learning for real-
The proposed taxonomy" serves as a valuable tool for time analysis of video content, offering valuable insights for
dissecting and understanding the intricacies of video decision-making.
streaming in Smartphone Ad Hoc Networks (SPAN) within
the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. This taxonomy  User Experience and Regulatory Compliance:
provides a structured framework that facilitates discussion, User experience considerations, including user interfaces
analysis, and decision-making in the design and optimization and feedback mechanisms, are essential for ensuring
of video streaming solutions for IoT-SPAN scenarios. Here, satisfaction and usability. Additionally, compliance with
we delve into the significance and implications of key regulatory requirements and standards is crucial,
components within the taxonomy: encompassing data privacy, spectrum regulations, and other
legal considerations.
 Network Architecture and Communication Technologies:
Understanding the choice of network architecture is By providing a structured taxonomy, this framework
pivotal, as it dictates the available infrastructure and network fosters a common language and understanding among
dynamics. IoT-SPANs can leverage existing infrastructure or stakeholders in the IoT-SPAN video streaming domain. It aids
operate in infrastructure-less environments, which greatly in the selection of appropriate technologies and strategies for
influences design choices. The taxonomy highlights the addressing the unique challenges and opportunities within
importance of selecting the most suitable communication IoT-SPANs. Furthermore, the taxonomy can serve as a basis
technologies (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular) based on the for research, development, and innovation, helping
specific IoT-SPAN context. practitioners navigate the complex landscape and drive
advancements in video streaming solutions tailored to the IoT-
 Routing and Video Streaming Protocols: SPAN environment.
Routing protocols play a critical role in establishing
efficient data paths within IoT-SPANs, affecting the overall IV. CONCLUSION
performance of video streaming. The taxonomy distinguishes
between proactive and reactive routing protocols, allowing  The "Navigating the IoT-SPAN Video Streaming
practitioners to make informed decisions based on the Landscape:
network's mobility and traffic patterns. Additionally, the A Comprehensive Taxonomy" provides a systematic and
inclusion of video streaming protocols (e.g., HLS, DASH, structured framework for comprehending the intricate world
RTP) ensures compatibility with different streaming of video streaming within Smartphone Ad Hoc Networks
requirements and standards. (SPAN) in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT). This
taxonomy encompasses a wide array of critical dimensions,
ranging from network architecture and communication
technologies to security, scalability, user experience, and

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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