A Comprehensive Taxonomy For Video Streaming in Smartphone Ad Hoc Networks (SPAN) Within The Internet of Things (IoT)
A Comprehensive Taxonomy For Video Streaming in Smartphone Ad Hoc Networks (SPAN) Within The Internet of Things (IoT)
A Comprehensive Taxonomy For Video Streaming in Smartphone Ad Hoc Networks (SPAN) Within The Internet of Things (IoT)
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:-This comprehensive taxonomy provides a Video streaming [21], [20] in IoT-SPANs presents a
systematic framework for understanding and organizing unique set of challenges and opportunities. Challenges
the multifaceted aspects of video streaming within encompass factors such as limited bandwidth, variable
Smartphone Ad Hoc Networks (SPAN) operating within network conditions, energy constraints, security concerns, and
the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. This taxonomy the need for adaptive streaming to varying device capabilities.
encompasses network architectures, communication Simultaneously, opportunities lie in harnessing edge
technologies, routing protocols, video streaming computing capabilities, efficient content delivery
protocols, quality of service considerations, security mechanisms, and the potential for data analytics and machine
measures, scalability strategies, energy-efficient solutions, learning to enhance the video streaming experience. To
content delivery mechanisms, application scenarios, address these complexities, it is imperative to establish a
middleware, data analytics, user experience factors, and taxonomy that systematically categorizes and organizes the
regulatory compliance, offering a holistic perspective for multifaceted components and considerations involved.
researchers, developers, and practitioners seeking to
design, deploy, and optimize video streaming solutions in This paper introduces a comprehensive taxonomy
the dynamic and diverse context of IoT-enabled SPANs. designed to guide researchers, developers, and practitioners
working within the IoT-SPAN video streaming domain. This
Keywords:- Video Streaming, Smartphone, Ad Hoc Networks, taxonomy encompasses various dimensions, including
Internet of Things. network architecture, communication technologies, routing
protocols, video streaming protocols, quality of service
I. INTRODUCTION management, security measures, scalability strategies, energy-
efficient solutions, content delivery mechanisms, application
In recent years, the proliferation of smartphones and the scenarios, middleware and analytics, user experience factors,
ubiquitous presence of Internet of Things (IoT) [23] devices and regulatory compliance. By providing a structured
have fundamentally transformed the way we consume and framework, this taxonomy aims to facilitate a deeper
interact with multimedia content. One of the most prominent understanding of the domain, promote effective
use cases in this rapidly evolving landscape is video streaming communication, and expedite the development and
within Smartphone Ad Hoc Networks (SPAN) [1] operating optimization of video streaming solutions tailored to the
within the IoT paradigm. As smartphones continue to serve as unique challenges and opportunities of IoT-SPANs. This
our digital companions, seamlessly integrating with an paper consists of four sections. The IoT-SPAN Video
expanding array of IoT devices, the demand for efficient and streaming classification framework is discussed in Section II.
reliable video streaming in SPANs has surged. This In Section III a discussion is given and finally, the conclusion
introduction sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of is given in Section IV.
the intricate ecosystem surrounding video streaming in IoT-
SPANs, emphasizing the need for a structured taxonomy to II. TAXONOMY
navigate this complex terrain.
The taxonomy for video streaming in smartphone ad hoc
The IoT-SPAN ecosystem represents a convergence of networks over IoT details are as follows:
technologies, where IoT devices collaborate with smartphones
to create ad hoc networks for data exchange. These networks A. Network Architecture:
are highly dynamic and often characterized by limited
infrastructure support, making them both challenging and Infrastructure-Based [10]:
promising for video streaming applications. IoT-SPANs are In infrastructure-based network architectures, IoT-
instrumental in various domains, including smart cities, SPANs leverage existing infrastructure components such as
healthcare, surveillance, and industrial automation, where cellular networks or Wi-Fi access points for video streaming.
real-time video content delivery and interaction with IoT These established networks offer a structured and organized
devices are critical for efficient operation and decision- communication framework.
Infrastructure-Less (Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - MANETs) Smartphones typically act as both video streaming
[15]: clients (receiving and displaying video content) and, in some
In infrastructure-less network architectures, IoT-SPANs cases, video streaming servers (providing content to other
are formed dynamically and on-the-fly, without relying on devices).
pre-existing infrastructure components. Devices within
proximity establish direct peer-to-peer connections for data They are equipped with processing power, high-
exchange. resolution displays, and network connectivity, making them
ideal for video playback and user interaction.
MANETs are highly dynamic and flexible, making them
suitable for scenarios where traditional infrastructure is Smartphones also facilitate network coordination,
unavailable or impractical, such as remote areas or disaster- managing connections between IoT devices, and controlling
stricken locations. video streaming parameters.
IoT devices and smartphones communicate directly with IoT Sensors and Devices [5]:
each other or through intermediate devices, forming ad hoc IoT sensors and devices serve as peripheral components
networks as needed. within the IoT-SPAN ecosystem. They are specialized devices
designed for specific data collection tasks in IoT applications.
Network architecture is a fundamental consideration in These devices can include a wide range of sensors, such
IoT-SPAN video streaming. It dictates how devices within the as temperature sensors, motion detectors, cameras, and
network connect and communicate. The choice between environmental sensors.
infrastructure-based and infrastructure-less architectures
significantly impacts the design and performance of video IoT sensors and devices may interact with smartphones
streaming solutions: in several ways:
Scalability: Explanation:
Infrastructure-based networks may face scalability IoT devices, including smartphones and specialized
challenges due to network congestion and capacity sensors, together form the foundation of the IoT-SPAN
limitations. Infrastructure-less networks can dynamically scale ecosystem. Their roles and interactions are essential for
by adding more devices to the ad hoc network. enabling video streaming and IoT data exchange:
Explanation: HTTP-Based:
Routing protocols play a crucial role in determining how DASH utilizes standard HTTP protocols, making it
data flows within the IoT-SPAN network. The choice between compatible with web browsers and widely supported by
proactive and reactive routing protocols impacts various streaming servers.
aspects of network performance:
Explanation: Explanation:
Quality of Service (QoS) management is critical for Encryption protects video streams from interception and
delivering a seamless and reliable video streaming experience eavesdropping, maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of
within IoT-SPANs: the content during transmission.