Narrow Band Internet of Things Implementations and Applications

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Narrow-Band Internet of Things: Implementations and Applications

Article · October 2017

DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2764475

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6 authors, including:

Jiming Chen Kang Hu

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Zhejiang University


Zhiguo Shi
Zhejiang University


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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2764475, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

Narrow-Band Internet of Things: Implementations and Applications

Jiming Chen, IEEE Senior Member, Kang Hu, Qi Wang, Yuyi Sun
Zhiguo Shi, IEEE Senior Member and Shibo He, IEEE Member

Abstract—Recently, Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT), However, long-distance low-rate MTC is a new and ongoing
one of the most promising Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) area, and is applicable in scenarios such as meters, tracking,
technologies, has attracted much attention from both academia smart parking, smart agriculture, and so on. Low Power
and industry. It has great potential to meet the huge demand
for Machine-Type Communications (MTC) in the era of Internet Wide Area (LPWA) technologies have been introduced as an
of Things. To facilitate research on and application of NB-IoT, effective approach in such case.
in this article, we design a system that includes NB devices,
an IoT cloud platform, an application server, and a user app.
The core component of the system is to build a development UWB
IEEE 802.11
board that integrates an NB-IoT communication module and WiFi Cellular 2G/3G/4G
a Subscriber Identification Module (SIM), a Micro-Controller Rate
Unit (MCU) and power management modules. We also provide a IEEE 802.15.4
firmware design for NB device wake-up, data sensing, computing ZigBeeTM LPWA
and communication, and the IoT cloud configuration for data <1 m 10 m 100 m 1000 m
storage and analysis. We further introduce a framework on Distance

how to apply the proposed system to specific applications. The

proposed system provides an easy approach to academic research Fig. 1: Coverage and transmission rate comparisons among
as well as commercial applications.
wireless communication technologies [7].

I. I NTRODUCTION LPWA technologies are designed to have a transmission dis-

Advances in micro-electromechanical systems (MEM- tance more than 3 km in complex urban environments and 15
S) and wireless communications coupled with increasing km in open area with strong penetrability [8], [9]. They incur
market demands in human-to-machine/machine-to-machine low power consumption such that an ordinary battery can work
(H2M/M2M) connections have resulted in the extraordinary for years or even more than ten years. Further, LPWA supports
popularity and penetration of Internet of Things (IoT) [?], narrowband data transmission, with low communication cost.
[1]–[5]. It is reported by Forbes that IoT has been playing LPWA can either utilize the unlicensed spectrums (e.g., LoRa
an important role in a collection of industrial areas, with an and SigFox), or 2/3/4G cellular licensed resources (e.g., EC-
excellent performance of being adopted by more than 30% GSM, LTE enhanced MTC and Narrowband-IoT). Among
companies in manufacture, retail and Internet of Vehicle in LPWA technologies, NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) proposed
2015 [6]. Notably, IoT devices are expected to outnumber 20 by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard
billions in 2020, worth 1700 billion US dollars. organization, has been widely recognized as one of the most
The unprecedented flourishing of IoT raises huge demands promising LPWA technologies [10]–[12]. It stemmed from the
for machine-type communications (MTC), which can be cat- NB M2M Study Item (SI) application proposed by Huawei
egorized into three folds: 1) Short-distance MTC (distance Corp. in 2014 and was frozen at Release 13 of the 3GPP
≤ 10 m), 2) Medium-distance MTC (distance ranges among specification in 2016.
[10 m, 100 m]), and 3) Long-distance MTC (distance ≥ Clearly, NB-IoT is still in its infancy. There are many
100 m), as shown in Fig. 1. Short-distance MTC has been well theoretical as well as practical issues needed to be addressed.
investigated and a couple of technologies (e.g., RFID, Blue To boost its development, using the newly available integrate
Tooth and UWB, etc) have been proposed to achieve varying circuit (IC) made by Huawei Hisilicon Technologies Co. Ltd
transmission rate requirements. There are also technologies or Qualcomm Inc., several vendors such as Quectel, designed
(e.g., WiFi and ZigBee) to meet medium-distance MTC de- communication modules for NB-IoT. However, it is difficult
mands. The widely adopted cellular networks (2G/3G/4G) and inconvenient to conduct research on NB-IoT or extend
can be good solutions to long-distance high-data-rate MTC. its applications by utilizing only the modules. In this article,
after demonstrating the advantages of NB-IoT by comparing it
This work was supported in part by National 973 Program of China
under grant No. 2015CB352503, NSFC under grant No. U1401253, and the with other LPWA technologies, we design a prototype system
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2017XZZX009- including NB-IoT devices, IoT cloud platform, application
01). server, and user app. We also provide a framework on how
Jiming Chen, Kang Hu, Qi Wang, Yuyi Sun and Shibo He are with State
Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, Zhejiang University, China. to apply NB-IoT to specific applications. Such a prototype
Zhiguo Shi is with the College of Information Science and Electronic system provides an off-the-shelf way for academic research
Engineering, Zhejiang University, China. as well as commercial applications.
Copyright (c) 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.
However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be The remainder of this article is organized as follows. We
obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to [email protected]. introduce a collection of LPWA technologies in Sec. II. We

2327-4662 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2764475, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

Parameters/Technologies LoRa SigFox eMTC NB-IoT

Spectrum unlicensed unlicensed licensed licensed
Modulation CSS
1.08 MHz 180 kHz
Bandwidth 7.8 kHz-500 kHz 200 kHz
(1.4 MHz carrier bandwidth) (1200 kHz carrier bandwidth)
urban:2∼5 km urban:3∼10 km urban:∼ 5 km urban:1∼8 km
suburban:∼ 15 km suburban:30∼50 km suburban:∼ 17 km suburban:∼ 25 km
<100 bps(EU) 160∼250 kbps(DL)
Data rate <50 bps <1 Mbps
<600 bps(USA) 160∼200 kbps(UL)
Battery Life >10 years 8∼10 years 5∼10 years >10 years
Price <$5 ∼ $10 <$10 <$5

TABLE I: Comparisons among LoRa, SigFox, eMTC and NB-IOT

present the proposed system in Sec. III. We discuss the (OFDMA) with 15 kHz subcarrier spacing for these three
implementation and application of NB-IoT in Sec. IV. We operation modes. NB-IoT physical channels and signals are
conclude the article in Sec. V. time multiplexing. Typically, NB-IoT supports uplink trans-
mission with a data rate around 160∼200 kHz and downlink
II. A N OVERVIEW OF LPWA T ECHNOLOGIES transmission at a data rate around 160∼250 kHz. It can cover
Many LPWA technologies have been proposed recently for areas in urban and suburban environments of ranges 1∼8 km
a variety of applications. LoRa, SigFox, eMTC and NB-IoT and 25 km, respectively. As can be seen in TABLE I, NB-
are among the most popular ones [13]. We briefly introduce IoT has a low manufacture cost, long operation life and wide
them in this section, providing a comprehensive comparison coverage, compared with other three LPWA technologies. It
(refer to TABLE I). has wide applications in a variety of fields.
LoRa, designed by Semtech Company, is built on propri-
etary spread spectrum techniques and Gaussian frequency shift III. S YSTEM D ESIGN AND I MPLEMENTATION
keying. It is known as the first low-cost wide-area imple-
In the section, we design a system which includes NB-IoT
mentation for commercial usage. LoRa utilizes chirp spread
devices, cloud platform, application server, and user app, as
spectrum (CSS) as well as Gaussian frequency shift keying
illustrated in Fig. 2. By using the proposed system, users only
(GFSK) modulation to prevent in/out-band interference, and
need to purchase and install an NB-IoT SIM card into the de-
can work up to 25 dB below the noise. The bandwidth required
velopment board in order to enable NB-IoT communications.
by LoRa can be flexible, varying from 7.8 kHz to 500 kHz.
The expected coverage range in urban is 2∼5 km and about
APPs IoT cloud platform NB device
15 km in suburban.
SigFox also utilizes unlicensed spectrum (i.e., Industrial, HTTPS request

Scientific and Medical (ISM) radio band) by adopting a propri- HTTPS return

etary technology. The frequency it uses in Europe is 868 MHz

and 915 MHz in US, respectively. SigFox provides mono
Push data
and bi-directional communication, employing DBPSK/GFSK
modulations for uplink/downlink transmissions. As an op-
erated wide area network, it provides connectivity without Pull data from database

deploying specific network infrastructures for each application.

The demanding bandwidth is 200 kHz, with a data rate less
Application server
than 100 kbps in Europe and 600 kbps in US.
LTE enhanced machine-type communication (eMTC) is a
new type of data communications which involves one or more
Fig. 2: System design.
entities without human interaction. eMTC is standardized by
3GPP and operated on the LTE resources. 3GPP provides ser-
vices between eMTC application in user equipment (UE) and Specifically, in the designed system, sensing and communi-
that in an external network. eMTC is featured by relative large cation modules are integrated into an NB device. The sensing
data transmissions (≤1 Mbps), low mobility, large coverage data are collected and transmitted to an IoT cloud platform,
range (5 km in urban and 17 km in suburban), etc. which then pushes the received data to the application server
NB-IoT is a new 3GPP radio access technology, designed built for each application. The IoT platform can be either
to achieve excellent performance with legacy GSM and LTE a commercial platform, such as Huawei cloud platform or
technologies. It requires 180 kHz minimum system bandwidth China Mobile OneNet, or designed, built and maintained by
for both downlink and uplink communications, and can be de- end users. In our design, we use the Huawei cloud platform
ployed under three operation modes: a) Stand-alone, b) Guard- named OceanConnect. The user app is used to connect users
band, and c) In-band. The downlink transmission scheme is and application server, or request real-time data from NB
based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access devices via cloud platform. Since it is easy to develop the user

2327-4662 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2764475, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

app and application server (many companies provide such a Specifically, antenna design is important for transmitting
tailored development service), we focus on the technical part or receiving signals. The impedance used in the antenna is
of the system, that is, the design of development board for crucial. The impedance should not be too large or too small, or
NB devices, firmware design and implementation to enable it may weaken signals strength. We test different impedances
data sensing, computing and communication, cloud service to find the optimal one (around 40 Ω) at which strongest
configuration. signals can be obtained through simulations. The advantage
of our design is that the development board has numerous
A. Development board interfaces for different applications. Different modules can be
The NB-IoT communication module, integrated with a SIM connected to the development board, which is convenient for
card, can realize long-distance low-power communications, the future developments.
however, it does not provide any ports to connect sensors.
Further, it lacks computing capability. Thereby, we design B. Firmware Design
a development board for the module BC95-B8 to inhabit.
The designed hardware suite can be off-the-shelf for varying System firmware is a core component of the NB-IoT system,
purposes, reducing the development costs and accelerating the specifying how to activate sensors, sample and process data,
development-to-market time. and transmit them to the IoT cloud platform. We have designed
a firmware and implemented it on NB devices using the inte-
grated development environment provided by Code Composer
Studio of Texas Instruments (TI), which includes a set of tools
for developing and debugging embedded systems.
A schematic of the designed system firmware is depicted
in Fig. 4. There are mainly three phases for the components
in the firmware to work. At the initialization phase, system
configuration is conducted. Then, a host cellular base station
and a destination cloud are associated with the NB device. At
the operation phase, the NB device reads sensing data from
sensors, processes and packages them, and sends them to the
communication module. Finally, the NB device turns to sleep
Fig. 3: The designed development board. mode. In the system firmware design, it comprises of three
main functions: hardware drivers, communication management
The basic development board is mainly composed of sen- and low-power management.
sors, a Micro-controller unit (MCU), an NB-IoT module, a A hardware driver functions as the interface of the system
power management and a number of functional peripherals. It docking hardware, sending commands of data sampling/sleep
can achieve multiple functions such as data sensing, data pro- to sensors. Depending on specific applications, an interface
cessing, data communication and data display, etc. The MCU function needs to be provided for each type of sensors, which
is centered at the suite, which contains Liquid Crystal Display may increase the development cost. Fortunately, most of sensor
(LCD) interface, Universal Serial Bus (USB) to Universal interfaces can be divided into several common parts such
Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) interface, Rec- as serial port, SPI, Inter-Integrated Circuit (IIC), ADC, etc.
ommended Standard 485 (RS485) interface, user Input/Output For example, the temperature sensor usually complies with
(I/O) pin, Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) interface, serial ADC interface or IIC interface. Therefore, driver codes can be
port, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), Inter-Integrated Circuit reused for different applications. After the controller finishes
(I2C) interface, Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) port and the configuration, the hardware driver then interfaces with
download port, and it connects with the dial switch and sensors and collects data accordingly.
sensors. The NB-IoT module is connected to the SIM card, After the system obtains the sensing data through hardware
serial port, JTAG download port and antenna. The SIM card, driver and processes it in accordance with the application’s
the NB-IoT module and the antenna are core components to request, it is still required to package the processed data to
enable NB-IoT communications. Power management module conform with the communication protocol. NB-IoT commu-
provides a variety of power supplies for the entire development nication module provides a way of default for data packaging:
board. the Constrained Application Protocol (COAP). Data packaged
The development board we design is shown in Fig. 3. We in this way will be transmitted to the cloud platform provided
select STM32 as a controller, as this series of single-chip by Huawei Corp. Alternatively, sensing data can be packaged
microcontroller have been widely used in low-cost embedded by the controller of the integrated software development kit
systems. An appropriate type can be decided according to (SDK), specified by applications. In such a way, sensing data
application requirements. The NB-IoT module we select is can be transmitted to the cloud platform built by applications.
BC95-B8 of Quectel, with 900 MHz frequency band. The pow- We also design a low-power management to minimize the
er management chips (MP2359, AMS1117, MIC29302WU) overall power consumption. NB-IoT supports two new techni-
are adopted for voltage conversion, which can provide 5 V, cal low-power modes, namely Power Saving Mode (PSM) and
3.3 V and 3.8 V voltage, respectively. extended discontinuous reception. In our design, we use the

2327-4662 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2764475, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

Initialization directly to the application server, which is built by the ap-

plication instead of the NB service provider. To achieve this,
System configuration Cloud selection Network connection whenever the cloud platform receives data from an NB device,
it will push the received data automatically to the application
Serial port server. In such a way, we can have a synchronized local
Periodical wake-up Wake-up
interruption database, resulting in more efficient data query and analysis.
When a user needs to send a command message to an
Data sampling NB device, e.g., we may need to change the setting of an
electricity meter remotely, he/she first sends an http/https
Processing and request containing the command to the cloud platform, which
packaging data
then forwards the command message to the corresponding NB-
Transmit data IoT device. After receiving the command message, the device
to the cloud will execute the command and return the results (or execution
Event triggered
state) back to the cloud platform. The returned message will
Periodically Shift to
sleep be stored in the cloud and pushed to the application server
as stated in the previous paragraph. For security reasons,
messages are all encoded during transmission.
Fig. 4: Firmware design.
NB-IoT has been reported to find applicability in not only
PSM as the main power-saving mechanism, i.e., NB devices
traditional businesses (e.g., wireless sensor networks [16],
will enter sleep mode in which it can not be waken up by
[17], Smart Metering and Tracking [18]), but also in many
nearby base stations. Hence, nearby base stations are not able
emerging industries such as smart city [19] and eHealth [20].
to initialize communications to NB devices in PSM mode. An
In this section, we proceed to provide a framework for NB-IoT
NB device can only be activated by the internal interrupt of
applications based on the system we have designed.
an NB device. Two kinds of interrupt are employed: one is
the timer interrupt, i.e., the PSM time is counted by a real An application architecture is shown in Fig. 5. The frame-
time clock; the other is the interrupt from sensors when their work is composed of four components: NB-IoT terminals, data
collected data is out of a predefined region. Clearly, an NB receiving and transmission networks, NB-IoT cloud platform
device is in PSM or sleep mode most of time, leading to and application server. Various NB-IoT terminals (e.g., smart
significant power saving. lamp, water/gas meter, dustbin, etc.) are connected to a set of
NB devices, which will transmit application-dependent sensing
data to cellular base stations. The data then are relayed to
C. Cloud Service Configuration the NB-IoT cloud platform, which will forward the data to
Cloud-based IoT Systems have great significance on smart specific application servers. Clearly, it will greatly reduce the
cities or homes [14], [15]. In NB-IoT, cloud platform stores development cost for an application by adopting the proposed
sensing data from NB devices, performs data analysis and system in this article.
forwards command messages from users (apps) to NB-IoT
devices. NB-IoT
To enable the interaction between NB devices and the cloud Smart
platform, north registration and south bounding are needed. In Lamp

north registration, all NB devices for a specific application Meter

have to be registered on the cloud platform. This requires Smart

users to send an http/https request containing International NB-IoT Core
eNB Network Application Server
Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number of devices and Pet
other application-related information to the cloud platform. Gas NB-IoT Platform
South bounding is to link devices to the corresponding storage
zones in the cloud platform. This occurs when a device sends
data to the cloud platform for the first time. The data uploaded
to the cloud platform include sensing data and device IMEI
number. The cloud platform accepts the data only when the Fig. 5: NB-IoT application architecture
device IMEI number matches a registered one. For security
reasons, the uploaded data is encoded before transmission and Take smart metering for an example. In such an application,
decoded after being received at cloud platform. the consumption of electricity, water, gas, etc. should be
When a user needs to retrieve data collected by NB devices, collected periodically to determine the payment of users. It has
he/she can send query request to the cloud platform, which, the following basic requirements, including: 1) massive meters
after authentication, will return the requested data from the with low cost; 2) low power consummation with long-term
database. Alternatively, the user can send the query request battery lifetime; 3) improved indoor coverage. Our designed

2327-4662 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2764475, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

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2327-4662 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
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