A Study of The Advances in Iot Security: September 2018
A Study of The Advances in Iot Security: September 2018
A Study of The Advances in Iot Security: September 2018
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The devices with lower specifications would be ideal Provider model capture visualiz Analytics
for solutions with smaller tasks which would require less
Amazon web IaaS Yes Yes Yes B. Processing
services Processing on a device is also another constraint to
Google cloud IaaS Yes Yes Yes implementing better security as the process will need to
Windows azure IaaS Yes Yes Yes perform they designed task as well as the security on top of
Rackspace IaaS Yes Yes No which could involve extra gates/transistors and additional
modules to do so.
Open Cloud
Engine yard PaaS Yes No No C. Design
Red hat Open PaaS No No No The design of a device is also a constraint as the size of the
shift device could also be a factor which implements extra modules
Heroku PaaS No Yes Yes / transistors will influence the devices designs size and
Salesforce SaaS No No Yes complexity. These implementations could include cost and
efficacy which could render the solution to be unviable for
Microsoft office SaaS Yes No Yes
deployment. By running simulations, the design can be tested
365 and optimized before building which will reduce the cost and
Google apps SaaS Yes No Yes make the device more efficient.
Zendesk SaaS No No Yes
Fig. 6. Cloud Providers
Making a deice more efficient has the benefit of making the
There are some different types of cloud computing which device not need as much power or resources to do the same
suit different solutions Fig. 6. Shows some of the most used job which will as a result decrease the cost.
providers as well as their features.
A. Code compression [3]
1) IaaS Code compression can be used improve a devices
Infrastructure as a Service is a model is where an performance and power consumption when used with
organization/business will rent out specific services needed for encryption and integrity checking to secure processor memory
there solution and is usual a “pay as you go” basis. This means transactions can reduce the memory footprint as well as
you will only pay for what you use unlike other services which providing more information per memory access.
your rent all their services for a fixed price even if you don’t
use some.
With this increase in IoT devices we can see many
2) PaaS advantages for both consumers and businesses which
Platform as a service is designed to streamline the streamline a lot of processes, but they can also come with
development process by shifting the system management to some disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is security &
the provider and offering pre-configured components for privacy and having our personal data (banking information /
businesses/organization to use such as Databases/ application location / activity) being transmitted between devices comes
servers / programming languages. with the risk of losing a lot of our privacy. The IoT opens the
doors to many malicious hacks who wish to exploit IoT device
3) SaaS weaknesses to access our personal information to be used for
Software as a service is a cloud service which offers their own gain.
software on demand which are hosted and managed by the A. Authentication
provider and is normally a subscription and can improve
1) Noise Insertion [7]
communication and team collaboration.
Noise cancelation aim to protect the raw data when its
inside the computing unit to avoid an attacker from using side-
IV. IOT DEVICE CONSTRAINTS channel attacks to retrieve the data.
A. Power Consumption The way this method works is by inserting noise using a
Devices are built for a purpose and will be designed based key for sensitive data, although this method isn’t as secure as
on that purpose. And the more a device must do such as encryption it has the benefit of being very lightweight in
store/collection information will add to the power comparison. By selecting key locations where the data noise is
consumption. Adding extra security to a device will require canceled out making it readable you can keep the data secure
more power then the original design, implementation methods in the device and eliminate unnecessary overhead.
such as encryption will increase the power needed to complete
the same operation.
Fig. 7. Noice canselling scheme
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