Dawood 2017
Dawood 2017
Dawood 2017
Abstract—The evolution towards mobile networks flat Current and upcoming wireless communication systems
architecture entreat a key-role for IP mobility management in exploit many techniques to meet these requirements. However,
providing the ubiquitous always-on network access services. This the current mobile network architecture is highly hierarchical
paper provides prospects for efficient mobility management in and centralized, several limitations have been identified when
SDN plus mobile network architecture and describe important compared to the always-on network access service requirements
call control flows in inter system handover scenario. Distribution of seamless mobility. With centralized network architecture,
of gateway function approach has been followed and evolved with since the MU uses the single address anchored at central IP
SDN technology. Key improvements with proposed architecture anchor, user traffic will always need to go first to the home
are to support seamless mobility in heterogeneous access
network and then to the correspondent service node even it is not
environments, remove the chains of IP preservation and optimal
connected via home access network, leading to paths that are in
data path management according to application needs. The paper
assays the proposed evolution in terms of numbers of signaling
general longer than the direct one between the MU and its
messages processed by control entities for an inter system correspondent service node. This poses excessive traffic
handover procedure relative to current mobile network concentration on a single gateway element and possibly un-
architecture. optimized routing adding in turn unnecessary delay and wasting
resources. [3]. To cope with problems of centralized mobility
Keywords— Software Defined Mobile Network; Intersystem management: the concept of distributed mobility management
Inter networking; SDN based DMM; IP mobility management; (DMM) has been proposed in contrast to centralized approach
in a hierarchical model. The basic concept of DMM is the
I. INTRODUCTION distribution of mobility and IP anchors and select and re-locate
The rapid growth of mobile data traffic has been widely when necessary gateways that are topologically/geographically
recognized and reported and the mobile communications close to the MU. DMM architecture solves some of the problems
industry is preparing to cope with a 1000x increase of traffic by of centralized mobility management, however when a MU
2020 over 2010 [1]. More and more people see their handheld moves to a new set of anchors, due to IP relocation, either
devices as an annex of their workspace while on move and the tunneling need be used between initial router and new router or
continuous improvement to the mobile network architecture is the active flows have to maintained until the flow is finished.
becoming increasingly important to support the performance Consequently, it may lead to a complex process and a high
requirements for the ubiquitous wireless connections. signaling cost.
Specifically to support different levels of Mobile Unit (MU) During the recent years Software Defined Networking
mobility, future wireless access infrastructure is required to a) (SDN) [4] have gained a lot of attention from the research
Support integration of heterogeneous Radio Access community and standardization organizations. SDN provides
Technologies (RATs), the 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) flexible ways to monitor and manage network efficiently with
[2] and trusted/untrusted non-3GPP access types (for example separation of data plane and control plane. In line with these
Wireless LAN) efficiently combining multiple simultaneous trends we set out to take up the current mobile network
connections of MU via multiple access nodes with unified architecture what we refer as SDN Plus Mobile Network (S+
mobility management b) provide seamless IP mobility for MN), combined with configurable SDN technologies to solve
session as well as service continuity as per application needs. c) the many of issues described above. To limit the potentially huge
maintaining optimal service level quality for services that have design space and the envisioned research towards distribution of
different latency requirements between the MU and the Packet gateway functions we focus mainly on seamless mobility in
Data Network (PDN); and d) Support optimized mechanisms to considered scenario, which include maintaining QoS, smooth
control signaling overhead i.e. Minimize the number of handover, session continuity and sharing across multiple
messages required to enable the traffic exchange between the wireless technologies. Although there have been several
MU and the PDN. proposals in this field as surveyed in [5-8] but these studies have
ongoing communication MPTCP support “make before break” management and QoS etc. In considered context to provide
method and uses MP-PRIO option to specify any subflow as mobility support with Intersystem inter networking be applied
backup mode. In Fig. 2,, in the mobility scenario, With the MU the MUs can obtain connectivity either from 3GPP or non-3GPP
have multiple IP addresses so in this case MPTCP can create access node and move between them. Being the research focused
multiple subflows and the MU is connected to Packet Data on provision of IP session continuity during GW relocation and
Network (PDN) service. Defined by MPPRIO option MPTCP due to the paper length limitations, we cannot delve into details
support different flow modes, in the single-path mode only one of S+ RAN and mainly describe the realization of S+ core
TCP sub-flow is used at any time or using all subflows network.
simultaneously between two communication nodes or uses only
The Core network of S+ MN is composed of simple network
a subset of subflows for transmission of data packets. this paper
gateways in contrast to legacy EPC, explicitly separate the data
explore the implied key role of transport layer protocols for IP
plane from control plane. Furthermore, it applied the distribution
mobility management by simultaneous exchange of IP traffic
of gateway function. S+ NC manage the forwarding paths,
flows through the use of multiple distributed IP anchors.
calculates, installs rules into the user forwarding elements, path
II. S+ MOBILE NETWORK ARCHITECTURE management, tunnel management, etc. In the following we
provide details of S+ MN core network with evolution of
Using the concepts of separation of control and data plane, procedure of current mobile networks elaborated with the
we design an evolution of current mobile network architecture separation of data and control plane.
what we refer as SDN Plus Mobile Network (S+ MN). Figure 3
shows the conceptual view of S+ MN architecture, data plane III. REALIZATION OF S+ MN CORE NETWORK
enable the user traffic to be forwarded through the RAN to core
network gateways which terminate the traffic to external The realization of S+ MN core network architecture is
network. SDN Plus Radio access network Controller (S+ RC) depicted in Figure 4, the S+ NC is the brain of the operations.
All EPC control functions are realized as set of control plane
and SDN Plus core Network Controller (S+ NC) are proposed,
the S+ controllers (S+ RC and S+ NC) can control the related applications (MME, SGW-C, PGW-C) running on top of the S+
nodes through programmable interfaces and have the ability to NC. The application uses the northbound interface to access the
interact both access as well as forwarding nodes by substrate from the S+ NC. Depending on the implementation of
consolidating redundant Access Stratum (AS) and Non-access control plane and requirements of supported services these
Stratum (NAS) signaling and management functions. applications can have different functionalities. The MME
control function, can interact with subscription and content
server named HSS+ to create a local copy for user authentication
and authorization information. For mobility management MME
tracks and updates the user’s location information as well as
their requirements. It delegates various event to S+ access node
such as initial context setup request and response for user
attachment. MME can also interact with SGW-C directly and
PGW-C indirectly to setup user session. Additionally, we
propose coordination between MME and ANDSF to
periodically collect and analyse reports about the network state
in order to take the decision about handovers and trigger the
handover by sending a Handover Request message to the target
access node.
The SGW-C performs the control plane functionalities of
mobility anchor (SGW) including installing/uninstalling
OpenFlow rules into the SGW-U switch. It also acts as an
Figure 3: Conceptual view of S+ Mobile Network Architecture
The RAN comprises the heterogeneous access environment
that includes multiple different RATs links such as LTE (3GPP
RAN), Wi-Fi (non 3GPP trusted RAN) and any new RAN. New
communication entity S+ Access Nodes can be presented that
includes the collection of logical components of multiple
different RATs nodes. The evolved access nodes directly
interacts with the physical radio resources and should enabled
by the attributes of SDN (simple OpenFlow switch shall be
added to these devices in order to support Open SDN protocols).
The S+ RC shall acts as a network administrator, coordination,
policing and configuration of the infrastructure. The network
control information is delivered from S+ RC to access nodes
through the standardized southbound interface, i.e. OpenFlow.
S+ RC shall apply access network-wide functions such
admission control, radio resource scheduling, backhaul links Figure 4: Realization of the S+ MN core network architecture
interface between MME and PGW-C sends a paging message to A. Initial attachment procedure:
each access node belonging to the Tracking Area (TA) where The Figure 5 shows the signalling diagram of initial
the MU is registered and assign appropriate forwarding gateway. attachment, illustrating an expression of proposed architecture.
The PGW-C inherits the control functions performed by the
The 3GPP/LTE compliant evolved access node S+ eNB
PGW such as IP assignments, bearer setup, Allocation of the
receives an attachment request message (1) from MU. This
tunnel endpoint identifiers (TEIDs), establishing GTP tunnels
and QoS provisions etc. The PGW-C needs to interact with the message is embedded in an OpenFlow Initial User message (2)
PCRF server to get the corresponding policies in the case where and is sent to the S+ NC, where the proposed MME application
the session requires a specific QoS policies. initiates MU authentication and fetches users subscription
profile from HSS+.
The SGW-C and PGW-C control applications can be
combined as a single application. In this case the combined
control function of SGW and PGW allocates the tunnel IDs for
user flows, acting as a mobility anchor for inter system
communication. Managing the forwarding elements, calculates
and installs rules into the user forwarding elements, path
management, tunnel management and processing GTP packets.
The SGW-C and PGW-C function will use a northbound
interface (e.g., REST API) with the S+ NC which translates
northbound messages into OpenFlow messages. When the flow
rules are associated for subsequent packets that belong to the
same section and installs them for the data plane. Furthermore
in order to support fully flexible IP flow mobility during GW
relocation SGW-C and PGW-C applications can have additional
functionalities. Such as, provide distinct ID address for each
flow/bearer. The default bearer, if required, is anchored in the
core at initial GW with a fixed IP address of the user so that the
user is always reachable for incoming requests. Other IP
flows/bearers may be anchored with temporary IP addresses at
local GWs supporting session continuity when needed and
decided upon by the user. For application oriented forwarding
setup, change the forwarding rules of the data plane switches for
Figure 5: Initial attachment operation
a specific flows or for all flows of the handled MU.
After the successful authentication and authorization the
Data plane is composed of simple network gateways named OpenFlow Initial Context Setup Request message (3) is sent
Data Plane Gateways (D-GWs) in contrast to legacy EPC, from the S+ NC to the S+ eNB. The S+ eNB reconfigures the
explicitly separate the data plane from control plane.
radio connection, and forward the attach accept message to the
Distribution of gateway function approach has been followed
MU. The acknowledgment of attach complete from MU is
and evolved with SDN technology. Using 3GPP terminology
each D-GW implements Data plane Serving Gateway (D-SGW) included by S+ eNB as context setup response message (4) to
or Data plane PDN Gateway (D-PGW) functions and the controller. The state of MU transitions from deregistered to
communicates with an S+ NC through OpenFlow protocol that registered and transmits the first session packet to the S+ eNB
implements the southbound interface. D-GWs use the flow rules over the radio connection. Since, there is no matching flow
received from the S+ NC and have standard mobile network entry in the flow table of the S+ eNB. The S+ eNB triggers an
tunnel processing capabilities with a GTP-U extension (e.g., OpenFlow packet-in message (5) to the S+ NC. This message
encapsulation/decapsulation facilities) and forward packets to includes some information that is necessary to establish the data
the transport network. Collocated D-SGW and D-PGW is plane. The S+ NC analyse the packet header to obtain the
adopted to avoid unnecessary longer data path. Data plane may session information such as the source and destination nodes IP
also include the key functionality of a wireless access node, such addresses and collects the tunnel information. S+ NC assign the
as an interface to manage radio bearers. During an inter GW D-GWs by interacting with the SGW-C and the PGW-C
handover or gateway relocation, the S+ NC needs to send applications. In turn the MU obtain an IP address from PGW-
OpenFlow Packet Out messages to the source as well as target C, this also includes as conferred in [12] creating Binding
GW in order to modify their flow tables at the same time. Cache Entry (BCE) to keep track the MU’s location as well as
the related information. Then, the S+ NC creates flow rules for
subsequent packets that belong to the same section and send
We discuss a scenario used to explain the behaviour is the them as OpenFlow packet-out message (6) to installs them for
inter system handover of a MU from a 3GPP access network the S+ eNB and D-GWs. In the case where the session requires
towards a non 3GPP access network and describe the important a specific QoS policy, the S+ NC needs to interact with the
call control flows being exchanged across the various network PCRF server through PGW-C functions to get the
elements of the proposed architecture to show how it can be
corresponding policies before downloading the flow rules to the
systematically exploited to gain benefits.
data plane. When the flow rules are associated with a QoS
parameter, the S+ NC will install them at the D-GWs. update their flow tables. That is, user can be supported optimized
Furthermore considering the expected handover with MU path by flow table, without tunneling. But It is noted that after
mobility, The MME in cooperation with the S/PGW control handover, first, the packets have to follow the route from the
functions notify the needed support for GW relocation and keep previous to the new router. The packets are then redirected
the established PDN-Connection context. At the end of this between the new router and fInally to the user. Consequently, it
procedure, the MU state is transitioned from Idle to Connected may lead to a complex process and a high signaling cost.
and a data forwarding path is established from the MU to the In [13], the author considered two schemes for mobility
correspondent PDN service management in DMM scenario called Tunneling mode and
Optimal mode DMM, in first scheme different prefixes are
B. Inter System Handover IP mobility management
allocated to user at old and each new attachment nodes. For the
The As shown in Figure 6, the MU is initially connected to ongoing flows which require mobility support, the list of old and
3GPP access network, when the MU moves away from source new prefixes are included in packet-out message named router
S+ eNB and determine the presence of appropriate access node advertisement message. The controller updates the forwarding
(in this case a non-3gPP AP), S+ eNB sends a Handover required rules at both old and new OpenFlow switches (OFSs). Using
message packaged in an OpenFlow message to the S+ NC (1). tunneling mechanism the flows are being redirected between
The MME function in turn trigger the handover by sending distributed OFSs. In second scheme, the controller calculates the
a Handover Request message (2) to the target non-3GPP new route for the on-going flows and populates the new
compliment access node (S+ AP). If targeted S+ AP response forwarding rules to all the intermediate OFSs along the new
with handover ACK message (3) to the S+ NC, the handover route between the new OFS and the Correspondent Node (CN).
command (4) is send toward the MU by S+ NC and then MU In other words, an explicit path between the user node and CN
trigger the attachment procedure (Access technology specific is defined and established by the controller. In this way,
procedure for the interworking of the 3GPP EPC and the non- tunneling mechanism can be avoided. However, it may lead to a
3GPP access networks) [14]. After attachment S+ NC receives complex task giving the large number of switches/flows to
packet-in message (5) from S+ AP and it must connect a set of handle. Besides, the simplicity of the first scheme can come at
appropriate D-GWs that are close to the MU. Together with this the cost of tunneling overhead and sub-optimal routing. the
procedure MU gets a new IP address to be used in the new flow. authors indicated that the optimal mode is likely more suitable
S+ NC allocates new IP address to MU and have to establish a for latency sensitive services while the tunnel mode seems to be
data forwarding path according to application needs. better for the packet loss-and interruption-sensitive services.
To fully appreciate these particular challenges associated
with IP mobility, the proposed architecture implied MPTCP at
transport layer. Since MPTCP does not change the socket API,
it can be used tranparently by any PDN service and change of IP
address of a MU does not force the connection to be restarted. A
combination of SDN capabilities and MPTCP options could be
used to remove the chains of IP preservation of current mobility
management solutions and disburden the process of flow
forwarding during GW relocation. With implied MPTCP
connection of MPTCP capable MU and PDN-Service and will
be able to synchronize the MU traffic using different IP
addresses. As shown in figure 7, the S+ NC can manage different
cases of IP flows, the data packets from service requiring static
IP anchoring are directed to initial flow, so the MU is enabled to
keep the initially assigned IP address despite its location changes
and where no static anchoring is required, the MU uses the new
flow for active communication, while maintaining the
reachability for the IP address that is still in use. In this way the
need for the maintaining a tunnel between source and target
anchors and flow redirection is not required to link different
flows, leading in turn to seamlessly session continuity during IP
anchor relocation avoiding a large number of signalling
messages. The S+ NC monitor the MU activity, as no traffic is
carried in the initial subflow (during the timer interval) it starts
the releases procedure for the removal of initial IP address from
the PDN-S1 IP list. The release cause tag along the session
management and perform the GW binding information update. Figure 8: Empirical CDF of handover measurements for ping traffic
to show the working of proposed architecture. The pictorial call
control flows thus created has managed different cases of IP
To evaluate the working and key benefits of the proposed S+ flows and shown a significant decrease in signaling and delay
Mobile Network architecture, we developed a functional compared to tunnel and routing based approaches of IP mobility
validation test setup which primarily consists of Floodlight management. MPTCP provides an overall umbrella and a
controller (for S+ NC), MySQL database (for HSS+), Open longer evolution perspective of using simultaneously multiple
vSwitch (OVS), S+ Access Nodes and PDN Service modules. network path, In future work we intend to perform more
Using the northbound APIs provided by the Floodlight detailed experiment with MPTCP to illustrate further system
controller, the S+ NC module implements the LTE/EPC control realization of the architecture presented.
functions (e.g. MME, SGW-C, and PGW-C). OVS instances
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