Immunology and Homeopathy. 1. Historical Background: Lecture Series
Immunology and Homeopathy. 1. Historical Background: Lecture Series
Immunology and Homeopathy. 1. Historical Background: Lecture Series
Lecture Series
Homeopathy was born as an experimental discipline, as can be seen from the enormous amount of
homeopathic data collected over more than two centuries. However, the medical tradition of homeo-
pathy has been separated from that of conventional science for a long time. Conventional scientific wis-
dom dictates that homeopathy should have no effect above placebo but experiments on ultra-high
dilutions of solutes together with some clinical data suggest the intriguing possibility that it might do
in some circumstances. Today, an osmotic process between disciplines, previously seen as in conflict,
is facilitated because over the last few decades homeopathy has initiated the methods of current medical
science and a substantial number of experimental studies—at molecular, cellular and clinical levels—are
available. One area of dialogue and of common progress is that of inflammation and immunity, probably
because these are closely related to the traditional ‘vital force’ of the body’s self-healing power. In a
series of papers we review the historical origins of homeopathy, the laboratory and animal models
related to the field of immunopharmacology, the clinical evidence in favor and against the use of homeo-
pathy in the inflammatory diseases and the hypotheses regarding its action mechanism(s). Finally, we
will enlighten the specific characteristics of the homeopathic approach, which places great emphasis
on identifying a cure for the whole organism.
The majority of substances have more than one action; system, low doses of the same substance can cure these symp-
the first is a direct action, which gradually changes into the toms under certain circumstances (‘similia similibus curen-
second, which I call its indirect secondary action. The tur’). About 200 years have passed since the original
second is generally the opposite of the first C.F.S. Hahnemann, interpretation of the principle of similarity. During this period,
1796 medicine evolved as never before and homeopathic theories
and pharmacopoeias have also been scientifically investigated,
albeit slowly with considerable delay in comparison with those
of conventional medicine. However, the fundamental nucleus
The main principle of homeopathy, a unique scientific system of homeopathy has been little discussed. Similarity is fre-
of medicine established by Samuel Hahnemann two centuries quently considered unscientific because the statements of
ago, is that of ‘similia’ or ‘simile’ (similarity), which means Hahnemann or other homeopaths are not supported by docu-
‘let likes be cured by likes’. In other words, when a substance mentary proof. The various principles of similarity, Hahne-
is capable of inducing a series of symptoms in a healthy living mann as a scientist, Hahnemann’s homeopathy, various
‘homeopathic’ innovations such as electro-homeopathy and
various types of alternative therapy including herbal medicine
have been indescribably confused, and this has led to conclu-
For reprints and all correspondence: Paolo Bellavite, Department of Scienze
Morfologico-Biomediche, University of Verona, Piazza L.A. Scuro,
sions being drawn on the basis of summary subjective judg-
37134 Verona, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] ments. Unless these sources of confusion are constantly and
The Author (2005). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
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442 Homeopathy and immunology
technical term appropriately defines this influence also here, the connection is obscure in the light of current
exercised by a similar micro-organism if not the knowledge. It is well known that King Mithridates VI (132–
word of Hahnemann: homeopathy? [Behring, Beit- 163 BC) is said to have taken small quantities of poisons and
rage zur Experimentellen Therapie, H. 2, 26, 1906, toxins to protect himself against the repeated attempts made
cited in (2), p. 125] to poison him. Native Americans wear a headdress of eagle
feathers partly to underline their prowess as hunters and partly
In 1912 he wrote ‘Hahnemann principle, according to our pre- for decorative purposes, but the custom is also based on a
sent way of thinking, was not bad at all’ and ‘The concept that belief that the sight, speed, courage and other desirable charac-
the sick person reacts differently to medications than the teristics of the eagle can be magically acquired. The magical
healthy one, which had to be established empirically by thera- transfer of the courage of a killed enemy to the victor by means
peutic trials, also played a role in Hahnemann’s thinking’ (3). of the ingestion of organs (the heart) also explains some
Hahnemann’s principles of homeopathy were not totally aspects of cannibalism.
new as traces of them can be found throughout the history of
The ‘Simile’ of Hippocrates
By means of highly acute observations made without
The ‘Magical’ Simile sophisticated instruments but still valid today, the school of
The principles underlying homeopathy can be traced to roots Hippocrates understood that many of the phenomena of a dis-
dating back even further than those of immunology (2,4,5). ease are attempts at cure and suggested imitating them: this is
Mankind has always wondered how to identify remedies cap- the Hippocratic ‘simile’ (Fig. 4). The most frequently cited
able of curing diseases. In the pre-scientific era, empiricism assertions are:
based on chance observations, and trial and error, was prob-
The pains (complaints) will be removed by means of
ably the most widely used approach, accompanied by various
their opposite, each according to its own characterist-
forms of oral or written tradition. In many other cases, the
ics. Thus, heat corresponds to a hot constitution that
sick relied (and still do among some primitive people) on the
has been made ill by the cold, and so on for the others.
intuition of individuals judged to be particularly endowed
Another way of removing pain is the following: a dis-
with divine or natural powers: healers, shamans, witch-
ease develops by means of its like and is cured by
doctors and so on. However, there was also another line of
means of the use of its like. Thus, what causes urinary
thought that, often in a marginal manner, has accompanied
tenesmus in health cures it in disease. Cough is
various medical cultures in different epochs: the identification
caused and cured by means of the same agent, as in
of particular ‘resemblances’ between remedies and the dis-
the case of urinary tenesmus. Another method: the
eases they were thought to be able to cure. The first examples
fever causing the development of inflammation will
of treating ‘like with like’ can be found in the papyrus of Ebers
be caused and cured by the same agent. At other
(1500 BC): ear diseases treated with ear extracts, headache
with fish heads, blindness with the eyes of a pig.
Attempting to treat a disease by administering the agent cap-
able of causing it or transmitting it is one of the most general
acquisitions of empirical medicine. Numerous primitive medi-
cines used to cure the effects of snake venoms by repeatedly
inoculating them or materials extracted from the venom appar-
ati of snakes. In the Far East the Chinese practiced a form of
preventive smallpox vaccination both by wearing the clothes
worn by a smallpox victim in the full suppuration phase of
the disease and by inhaling dried smallpox pustules after stor-
ing them for 1 year. Pliny claimed that the saliva of a rabid dog
can afford protection against rabies. Dioskurides of Anazarbo
recommended that hydrophobia sufferers eat the liver of the
dog that bit them. Aetius of Antioch recommended eating the
meat of the viper that had just bitten you. In the seventeenth
century the Irishman Robert Fludd cured the victims of con-
sumption with dilutions of their own sputum after suitable
Equally primitive and often elaborate applications of
the same principle could be found in many pharmaco-
poeias until the last century. The reasoning is sometimes
elementary: swallow human stones in cases of calculosis but, Figure 4. Hippocrates (470–367 BC).
444 Homeopathy and immunology
provoked endless arguments in the homeopathic circles: other epidemics of typhoid fever, cholera and yellow fever which
nineteenth century relevant physicians who employed isopathy raged across Europe and America in the 1800s (17–19).
were Stapf, Rademacher (founder of ‘organotherapy’), Brown- Homeopathic medicine has undergone substantial ups and
Séquard, Arnold, Veith, while Griesselich, Berridge and others downs in its historical development. The rapid early boom
disapproved this method because the isopathic substancs were throughout the world in the nineteenth century and its immense
rarely subjected to proving and were not prescribed on the popularity were due to the fact that the other modes of medi-
basis of symptom similarity as in the original Hahnemann’s cine practiced at that time often used rather crude and painful
method (9,10). means for a cure. A survey of the periodicals and other literat-
After this early period of expansion, the new method ran into ure of the first decades of the nineteenth century reveals that in
continuous and increasingly severe criticism, so much so that the medical practice among physicians of the orthodox persua-
isopathy went into decline for several years, even within the sion the most common methods of treatment were bloodlet-
homeopathic community. Only a few solitary practitioners ting, sulfur, camphor, calomel and mineral medicines, mostly
went on using isopathic remedies. It was Father Denys mercurial salts (20).
Collet, a doctor and Dominican friar born in 1824, who even- However, this rapid spread was followed by a head-on clash
tually brought isopathy back onto the scene. In 1865 he wit- with orthodox medicine, which stopped homeopathy in its
nessed a homeopathic healing which convinced him to tracks and then led to its progressive decline, particularly
devote himself to the new method. He rediscovered isopathy in Western countries, where in some cases it all but disap-
alone and after several decades of practice published a book peared. Over the past few decades, however, we have been
entitled Isopathie, Méthode Pasteur par Voie Interne at the witnessing a steady recovery of homeopathic practice, even
age of 74 (11). According to Collet, there are three ways of in very advanced countries such as France, Germany, and
healing, namely allopathy, homeopathy and isopathy, all of Italy.
which are useful depending on the clinical indications. In addi- Hahnemann, right from the outset, found himself faced
tion, he distinguishes between three types of isopathy: (i) ‘Pure with stern opposition from colleagues and even more so from
isopathy’, which uses secretion products from the patient to the apothecaries, who felt that he was undermining the founda-
cure the same disease. (ii) ‘Organic isopathy’, which cures tions of their profession: since he was recommending the use
the diseased organs with dynamized derivatives from healthy of small doses and was against multiple prescriptions, this
organs. (iii) ‘Serotherapeutic isopathy’ or ‘serotherapy’ (dilu- new medicine was perceived as a serious threat to their profits.
tions of hyperimmune serum). The book also contains 42 per- Moreover, he was accused of dispensing his own medicines
sonal observations and the rules of isopathic pharmacopraxis, and administering them to his patients, which was illegal at
which is the starting point for a substantial renewal of the the time. He was thus arrested in Leipzig in 1820, convicted
method. and forced to leave the city. He then obtained special permis-
In the twentieth century two works devoted entirely to sion from Grand Duke Ferdinand to practice homeopathy in
nosodes have been published: the first in 1910 by H.C. Allen the town of Köthen, where he continued to work, write, and
(12), entitled The Materia Medica of the Nosodes. The second instruct his followers who were swiftly increasing in numbers
is by the Frenchman O.A. Julian (13), who first published and spreading their wings further afield. At his death (1843),
Materia Medica der Nosoden in German in 1960, later to homeopathy was known in all European countries (except
come out in two French versions, one in 1962 entitled Norway and Sweden), as well as in the United States,
Biothérapiques et Nosodes and the other in 1977 entitled Mexico, Cuba and Russia, and not long after his death it
Traité de Micro-Immunothérapie Dynamisée (14). The reached India and South America. It was first introduced
above-mentioned book by O.A. Julian in 1960 was a into Italy in 1822 thanks to G. Necker who founded the
success in Germany, where it revived the study of nosodes. Neapolitan School.
In particular, R. Voll accorded therapy with nosodes a By the middle of the nineteenth century, there were a large
central role in his diagnostic–therapeutic procedure called number of homeopathic journals, clinics, hospitals, societies
electroacupuncture-organometry, and H.H. Reckeweg (15), and pharmacies; homeopathic physicians could be found
the founder of homotoxicology, made extensive use of nosodes throughout the world; and more than 20 faculties of homeo-
and immunomodulators in his biotherapy. The use of the pathic medicine were founded in the United States. However,
nosode Meningococcinum as prophylaxis of meningitis was there were many controversies between the Hahnemann school
suggested by others (16). and the other trends of twentieth century medicine, particularly
in Germany. Furthermore, homeopathy itself also began to
develop different tendencies and conflicts, such as that
Subsequent Developments of Homeopathy
between physicians who used albeit diluted ponderal doses
The rapid initial spread of homeopathy was probably due, on and those who insisted on extremely diluted/dynamized pre-
the one hand, to the fact that the orthodox medicine of Hahne- parations; that between those who gave only single medicines
mann’s day and age was still extremely backward and lacked and those who gave combinations; or that between those who
truly effective therapeutic remedies, and, on the other, to the combined homeopathic and conventional medicines and those
distinct superiority of homeopathy in treating the various who relied exclusively on homeopathic remedies.
448 Homeopathy and immunology
‘alternative’ medical worlds that made vain these hopes of homeopathy and it was estimated that there were only about
Hufeland. As a result of an irrational policy of reciprocal a hundred practicing homeopaths, almost all over 50 years of
excommunication, the two disciplines failed to develop any age, throughout the United States. For similar reasons, there
common points for a long time and continued along their own was also a parallel decline in homeopathic practice in Europe
separate and often conflicting ways. With some exceptions in the early decades of the twentieth century.
(e.g. the German school), homeopaths have failed to scrutinize We should not conclude, however, that the decline of
homeopathic concepts and theories in relation to conventional homeopathy was due to only political and economic reasons.
biology and immunology, possibly because they feel that any At least two other factors played a decisive role, namely the
reductionist scientific approach is incapable of interpreting internal struggles within homeopathy itself and the new major
the greatness of their ‘art’. scientific and pharmacological discoveries. As regards the
splits in the homeopathic world, there were disputes between
the various schools over dilutions (high or low potencies),
Opposition to the Development of over single or multiple prescriptions, and over whether pre-
Homeopathy scribing should be based on total symptoms or on the main dis-
ease present. The various different schools developed their
In the nineteenth century homeopathy was immensely popular own organizations, hospitals and journals, thus making it
in the United States where major figures such as Hering, very hard even for doctors seriously interested in learning
Kent and Farrington were practicing. Homeopathy was taught about homeopathy to get their bearings in this field.
at Boston University and at the Universities of Michigan, A severe blow to homeopathic theory was delivered by the
Minnesota and Iowa. By the turn of the century as many as chemical sciences and in particular by the law formulated by
29 homeopathic journals were being published. The year Amedeo Avogadro (Fig. 8), that was published initially as a
1844 marked the founding of the American Institute of hypothesis in 1811 and then tested experimentally by Millikan
Homeopathy, which thus became the first American national in 1909 (29): as is well known, this law establishes that one
medical society. mole of any substance contains 6.02254 · 1023 molecular or
Despite this, strong organized opposition was soon forth- atomic units. As a result, a simple calculation demonstrated
coming from ‘orthodox’ medicine, which viewed the growth that dilutions of any substance beyond 1024 (24· or 12c in
of homeopathy as a major threat: homeopathy was calling homeopathic terms) presented an increasingly remote chance
into question the very philosophical basis, clinical methodo- of containing even only a single molecule or atom of the
logy and official pharmacology of orthodox medicine. Right original compound. From this it was obviously but a short
from the very beginning the new approach embodied a strong step to ridiculing the use of homeopathic medicines, and
critical attitude towards the use of conventional medicines,
which were judged to be harmful, toxic and counterproductive
for the practice of homeopathy, in that they were all based on
suppression of symptoms. What is more, good homeopathic
practice called for a long apprenticeship and individualization
of treatment, both of which demanded more time than physi-
cians were normally prepared to give their patients.
The year 1846 marked the foundation of the American
Medical Association (AMA), one of the first objectives of
which was to combat homeopathy: homeopaths could not be
members of the AMA, and AMA members were not allowed
even to consult a homeopath, the penalty for this being expul-
sion from the Association; legal recognition was denied to
graduates with diplomas from universities with full professors
of homeopathy on their academic boards. In 1910, a classifica-
tion of American medical schools was drawn up (the Flexner
Report) on the basis of criteria which assigned high ratings to
schools which placed the emphasis on a physicochemical and
pathological approach to the human body and strongly penal-
ized the homeopathic approach (9,19,20,28). The homeopathic
colleges obviously obtained poor ratings, and as only the
graduates of schools with high ratings had their qualifications
recognized, this was a mortal blow to the teaching of homeo-
pathy. Of 22 homeopathic colleges operating in 1900, only
two were still teaching homeopathy in 1923. By 1950 there
was not a single school in the United States teaching Figure 8. A. Avogadro (1776–1856).
450 Homeopathy and immunology
homeopaths were branded by their adversaries as being These considerations alone should be enough to justify a
on a par with some kind of esoteric sect. Such opinions greater commitment of official scientific institutions towards
have continued to be voiced virtually unaltered up to the monitoring and clinically verifying the efficacy of therapeutic
present day. agents and measures adopted. A need is also felt for at least
The decisive factor, however, permitting conventional sci- some teaching of the basics of homeopathy to doctors trained
entific medicine to prevail over homeopathy was its own in universities, since, at general practitioner level particularly,
development as a science capable of identifying the causes of patients often tend to be keenly interested in homeopathy and
many diseases and as a source of effective techniques and tech- to ask their general practitioners for information and advice
nologies for curing them. Lister’s discoveries in the antiseptic on the subject.
field and the development of anesthesiology greatly increased There may be any number of reasons for the revival of
the success, indications and popularity of surgery. While homeopathy, despite the lack of university teaching in the field
chemistry, physiology and pathology were making giant and of support on the part of public health authorities (homeo-
strides in the theoretical sphere, the discovery of vitamin and pathic drugs are not available on the NHS), but it can hardly be
hormone replacement therapies and, above all, the advent of accounted for merely on commercial grounds. The main rea-
antibiotics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs enabled son for the success of the so-called ‘alternative’ medicines
orthodox therapy to demonstrate its practical superiority. The lies in the fact that they offer something which today’s physi-
possibility of interpreting pathological phenomena rationally cian is unable to provide. This can be traced, on the one
on the basis of a scientifically validated model of the human hand, to the greater degree of individualization of the treat-
body and the availability of chemical, physical or technolo- ment, attention being paid to the human and psychological ele-
gical means capable of repairing defects detected with the ments, which are becoming increasingly neglected in this era
utmost precision by increasingly sophisticated and reliable of ultra high-tech medicine; on the other hand, it is due to the
instruments was (and is) altogether too attractive and convin- awareness that many of the challenges still facing us today in
cing a prospect to allow scope for exploring alternatives based the fight against disease call for a different approach from
on outdated and mysterious theories. that adopted to date.
In fact, the public at large and also the medical profession
itself are becoming increasingly aware that modern medicine
Homeopathy Revival must come up with new means and new ideas for tackling
problems. These include contamination of the environment
As we have already stated, the enormous progress of conven- by toxic agents, ever-growing numbers of diseases induced
tional medicine in this century has reinforced the opinion by increasingly potent drugs themselves, degenerative diseases
that allopathic treatment by means of ‘opposites’ is the only to which errors of diet or life-style contribute, allergies,
effective form of treatment and, generally speaking, has also autoimmunity and immune deficiency, large numbers of
strengthened the view that it is only a question of time before neurological and psychiatric diseases, psychosomatic dis-
a treatment is found for every disease. The great epidemics orders, and tumors. Despite undoubted progress made over
of infectious diseases have been defeated by a combination the past decades in these crucial fields of medicine, despite
of improvements in living conditions, hygiene, vaccinations the fact that we so often hear of new ‘major breakthroughs’
and antibiotics. Our knowledge of disease due to vitamin, paving the way towards achieving a definitive cure for this or
enzyme or hormone deficiencies has furnished new weapons that disease, and despite the fact that our knowledge of the
in the struggle against diseases such as pernicious anemia, intimate mechanisms of the various diseases has increased
dwarfism and diabetes. If it were not for the problem of finding enormously as a result of techniques of molecular biology, it
donors, transplants would already be routine therapy for a size- has to be admitted that, as far as general practice and the vast
able number of diseases. Cortisone and its derivatives are solv- majority of patients suffering from the above-mentioned
ing many problems of immune hypersensitivity. Recent diseases are concerned, the actual practical benefit of such
developments in molecular biology give us good reason to knowledge is not exactly spectacular!
believe that not even the genetic sphere will be able to escape That this is not merely a commercial phenomenon is also
our manipulative capability. suggested by the fact that we are witnessing a renewed interest
Against this background, one cannot see any real scope for on the part of scientists in experimental trials in this field.
homeopathy, though at present its use is still spreading. This Studies are beginning to appear on the biological effects of
spread of homeopathy is happening in countries such as Italy, homeopathic drugs, as well as studies on the so-called ‘high-
France and Germany, and parallels the renewed interest in dilution effect’, or double-blind placebo-controlled clinical tri-
homeopathy in many other countries throughout the world. als. The debate in scientific circles is becoming increasingly
Homeopathy is even more popular in Asia, most notably in heated, and many researchers are setting themselves the
India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. In the United States, too, we objective of developing reliable methods for tackling the
are witnessing a revival of homeopathic practice: sales of problem.
homeopathic medicines in the USA have been growing at an Reilly’s group has published a series of trials (30–32)
annual rate of 20–25% during the 1990s. describing randomized and double-blind studies of patients
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