Pre Ancient Final Notes by BK - (E)
Pre Ancient Final Notes by BK - (E)
Pre Ancient Final Notes by BK - (E)
Cultural Foundations of India - Indus and Vedic (Rhinoceros, Buffalo, Cheetah, Deer).
Age; Renunciatory tradition and new religious 3. Lothal-
ideas of 6th Century BC- Ajivakas, Buddhism Location- Gujarat.
and Jainism. On the banks of the Bhogava river.
Achievements of prominent rulers of major Excavator- Ranganatha Rao.
dynasties: Maurya, Kushan, Satavahan, Gupta, Commercial town, Dockyard, Bead making
Chalukya, Pallava and Chola. factory, Seal of Persia, evidence of rice etc. are
Art and Architecture in Ancient India. its characteristics.
Development of Language and Literature in The doors of the houses open on the main
Ancient India: Sanskrit, Prakrit and Tamil. road. (only site)
4. Dholavira-
Location - Gujarat.
Indus Valley Civilization Not on the banks of any river.
1826 - Charles Mason threw the first light.
Located on the Tropic of Cancer.
1853 - Alexander Cunningham surveyed
Latest excavated sites.
Excavator - Ravindra Singh Bisht.
1861 - Establishment of Indian Archaeological
The city is divided into three parts (East,
Central, West).
Governor General - Lord Canning
Evidence of stadium and information board
Father of Indian Archaeological Department -
has been found.
Alexander Cunningham.
UNESCO declared it as India's 40th World
1921 - Sir John Marshall appointed Daya Ram
Heritage Site in the year 2021.
Sahni for the excavation of Harappa. 5. Chanhudaro-
1922 - Sir John Marshall appointed Rakhal Das Location- Sindh, Pakistan.
Banerjee for the excavation of Mohenjodaro. Excavator- N.G. Majumdar. (Killed by dacoits)
1924 - Sir John Marshall announced the Indus Evidences Found - Industrial cities, bead
Valley Civilization or Harappa Civilization. making factories.
Historian Piggott called Harappa and 6. Surkotada-
Mohenjodaro the twin capitals of the Indus Location - Gujarat.
Valley Civilization. Horse bones have been found (The people of
Expansion- Indus Valley Civilization did not have
In India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. knowledge of horse.)
Triangular and Bronze Age civilization. 7. Kunal-
Period- Location- Haryana.
Determination of time by C-14 method. Two silver crowns have been found.
3250-2750 BC - According to the Sargon 8. Daimabad-
inscription Location- Maharashtra.
2600-1900 BC - As per new NCERT A metal chariot has been found. (Bronze
2350-1750 BC - As per old NCERT metal)
9. Rojdi-
Sites Location- Gujarat.
1. Harappa- Dog buried with man.
Location- Montgomery (Punjab, Pak) 10. Rangpur-
On the banks of river Ravi. Location- Gujarat.
Excavator - Daya Ram Sahni. Rice bran.
Evidences Found - R-37 Cemetery and the 11. Shortugai-
mark of Swastik. Location- Afghanistan
2. Mohenjodaro- On the banks of the river Oxus.
Location- Larkana (Sindh, Pak) Evidence of canals.
On the banks of the Indus river. Mundigak is also located in Afghanistan
Excavator - Rakhal Das Banerjee 12. Balakot-
Literal meaning - Mound of the Dead. Location- Pakistan.
Evidences Found - Great Bath, Priest-King Evidence of conch shell industry.
(statue), Dancing Girl (statue), seal of
Spring Board Academy Jodhpur, Mob. 7726944080 1
Note- Evidence of rhinoceros has been found Third Mandal - Gayatri Mantra
from Amri (Sindh Pakistan). Composition - Vishwamitra
Script Dedicated - to the Sun
Pictorial, from right to left, Gaumutrakshar. (Savitri)
375-400 pictographs in which most of the fish Seventh Mandal - Dasarajana War (on the
pictures are found. banks of river Ravi)
Sculptures and Seals- Bharat clan v/s Ten clans
Mohenjodaro - Dancing Girl statue (Bronze) King - Sudas
Daimabad - Metal Chariot. Purohit (Priest) -Vashishtha, Vishwamitra
Pictures of a unicorn and pictures of a hump Eighth Mandal - Women Rishis such as -
bull are found on the seals. Ghosha, Sikta, Apala, Vishwara, Kakshavriti,
Sargon Inscription- Lopamudra etc.
The Indus Valley has been called Meluha. Ninth Mandal - dedicated to Soma (Soma
Meluha has been called the land of sailors. obtained from Mujavant Mountain)
Cotton has been called Sindon. Tenth Mandal - The word Shudra is
Meluha was famous for Haja bird. mentioned in Purush Sukta
Note - Nirgun Bhakti in Nasadiya Sukta
Pre-Harappan sites - Kalibanga, Rakhigarhi Nadi Sukta - Saraswati was called Naditama.
(Haryana), Banawali (Haryana) and Dholavira 5 tributaries of Indus are mentioned in Rigveda.
Late-Harappan sites - Rangpur (Gujarat), Ancient name Modern name
Rojdi (Gujarat) Vipasa Vyas
Shatudri Sutlej
Vedic Period: 1500-600 BC Vitasta Jhelum
Vedic literature: Also called as Shruti Purushni Ravi
literature. Askini Chenab
1. Vedas
2. Brahmin 2. Yajurveda:
3. Aranyaka One who recites mantras - Adhvaryu
4. Upanishads Upveda - Dhanurveda
It has two parts-
Not the part of the Vedic literature- Krishna Yajurveda
1. Vedang Shukla Yajurveda (Vajasaneyi Samhita)
2. Smriti Written in prose and verse.
3. Purana Mention of the methods of Yajna
4. Ramayana
5. Mahabharata 3. Samaveda:
One who recites mantras - Udgata
Veda: Upveda - Gandharva Veda
Literal meaning: Knowledge The oldest source of music
Compiler: Krishna Dvaipayana Vedavyasa Description of mantras to be sung in loud voice
The Vedas are eternal, authentic and
Apaurusheya (authorless). 4. Atharvaveda:
Creator of Mantras - Drishta One who recites mantras - Brahma
Woman who composed mantras - Rishi Upveda - Shilp Veda
There are four Vedas- Materialistic, Bhaishajya, Atharvan-Angirasa
1. Rigveda: Mention of witchcraft and medicine
There are 10 Mandals, 1028 Suktas (hymns), Brahmin Texts:
10580 Mantras or Richas. Mention of the methods of performing Yajna
Brahmin who recites mantras - Hotri Written in both prose and verse
Upveda - Ayurveda Aranyaka:
The first and tenth Mandals were added later. Written in forests
Vansh Mandal (Family Mandal) - 2nd to 7th Having mystical and philosophical knowledge
Dynasties of Kashmir:
Dynasty - Founder
Karkota - Durlabhvardhan
Utpal - Avantivarman
Yashaskar - Yashaskar
Lohara - Sangram Singh
Rajatarangini -
Writer - Kalhan
Language - Sanskrit
Written in the 12th century
Information about the history of Kashmir
Kalhana was the court scholar of Harsha.
Kalhan completed Rajatarangini during the
time of Jai Singh.
It has eight parts which are called Tarangas.
It is written in the Mahabharata style.