Pre Ancient Final Notes by BK - (E)

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RAS Pre - Ancient India (Exam Syllabus) Mesopotamia and seal of Pashupati Nath

 Cultural Foundations of India - Indus and Vedic (Rhinoceros, Buffalo, Cheetah, Deer).
Age; Renunciatory tradition and new religious 3. Lothal-
ideas of 6th Century BC- Ajivakas, Buddhism  Location- Gujarat.
and Jainism.  On the banks of the Bhogava river.
 Achievements of prominent rulers of major  Excavator- Ranganatha Rao.
dynasties: Maurya, Kushan, Satavahan, Gupta,  Commercial town, Dockyard, Bead making
Chalukya, Pallava and Chola. factory, Seal of Persia, evidence of rice etc. are
 Art and Architecture in Ancient India. its characteristics.
 Development of Language and Literature in  The doors of the houses open on the main
Ancient India: Sanskrit, Prakrit and Tamil. road. (only site)
4. Dholavira-
 Location - Gujarat.
Indus Valley Civilization  Not on the banks of any river.
 1826 - Charles Mason threw the first light.
 Located on the Tropic of Cancer.
 1853 - Alexander Cunningham surveyed
 Latest excavated sites.
 Excavator - Ravindra Singh Bisht.
 1861 - Establishment of Indian Archaeological
 The city is divided into three parts (East,
Central, West).
 Governor General - Lord Canning
 Evidence of stadium and information board
 Father of Indian Archaeological Department -
has been found.
Alexander Cunningham.
 UNESCO declared it as India's 40th World
 1921 - Sir John Marshall appointed Daya Ram
Heritage Site in the year 2021.
Sahni for the excavation of Harappa. 5. Chanhudaro-
 1922 - Sir John Marshall appointed Rakhal Das  Location- Sindh, Pakistan.
Banerjee for the excavation of Mohenjodaro.  Excavator- N.G. Majumdar. (Killed by dacoits)
 1924 - Sir John Marshall announced the Indus  Evidences Found - Industrial cities, bead
Valley Civilization or Harappa Civilization. making factories.
 Historian Piggott called Harappa and 6. Surkotada-
Mohenjodaro the twin capitals of the Indus  Location - Gujarat.
Valley Civilization.  Horse bones have been found (The people of
Expansion- Indus Valley Civilization did not have
 In India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. knowledge of horse.)
 Triangular and Bronze Age civilization. 7. Kunal-
Period-  Location- Haryana.
 Determination of time by C-14 method.  Two silver crowns have been found.
 3250-2750 BC - According to the Sargon 8. Daimabad-
inscription  Location- Maharashtra.
 2600-1900 BC - As per new NCERT  A metal chariot has been found. (Bronze
 2350-1750 BC - As per old NCERT metal)
9. Rojdi-
Sites  Location- Gujarat.
1. Harappa-  Dog buried with man.
 Location- Montgomery (Punjab, Pak) 10. Rangpur-
 On the banks of river Ravi.  Location- Gujarat.
 Excavator - Daya Ram Sahni.  Rice bran.
 Evidences Found - R-37 Cemetery and the 11. Shortugai-
mark of Swastik.  Location- Afghanistan
2. Mohenjodaro-  On the banks of the river Oxus.
 Location- Larkana (Sindh, Pak)  Evidence of canals.
 On the banks of the Indus river.  Mundigak is also located in Afghanistan
 Excavator - Rakhal Das Banerjee 12. Balakot-
 Literal meaning - Mound of the Dead.  Location- Pakistan.
 Evidences Found - Great Bath, Priest-King  Evidence of conch shell industry.
(statue), Dancing Girl (statue), seal of
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 Note- Evidence of rhinoceros has been found  Third Mandal - Gayatri Mantra
from Amri (Sindh Pakistan). Composition - Vishwamitra
Script Dedicated - to the Sun
 Pictorial, from right to left, Gaumutrakshar. (Savitri)
 375-400 pictographs in which most of the fish  Seventh Mandal - Dasarajana War (on the
pictures are found. banks of river Ravi)
Sculptures and Seals- Bharat clan v/s Ten clans
 Mohenjodaro - Dancing Girl statue (Bronze) King - Sudas
 Daimabad - Metal Chariot. Purohit (Priest) -Vashishtha, Vishwamitra
 Pictures of a unicorn and pictures of a hump  Eighth Mandal - Women Rishis such as -
bull are found on the seals. Ghosha, Sikta, Apala, Vishwara, Kakshavriti,
Sargon Inscription- Lopamudra etc.
 The Indus Valley has been called Meluha.  Ninth Mandal - dedicated to Soma (Soma
 Meluha has been called the land of sailors. obtained from Mujavant Mountain)
 Cotton has been called Sindon.  Tenth Mandal - The word Shudra is
 Meluha was famous for Haja bird. mentioned in Purush Sukta
Note - Nirgun Bhakti in Nasadiya Sukta
 Pre-Harappan sites - Kalibanga, Rakhigarhi  Nadi Sukta - Saraswati was called Naditama.
(Haryana), Banawali (Haryana) and Dholavira  5 tributaries of Indus are mentioned in Rigveda.
 Late-Harappan sites - Rangpur (Gujarat), Ancient name Modern name
Rojdi (Gujarat) Vipasa Vyas
Shatudri Sutlej
Vedic Period: 1500-600 BC Vitasta Jhelum
Vedic literature: Also called as Shruti Purushni Ravi
literature. Askini Chenab
1. Vedas
2. Brahmin 2. Yajurveda:
3. Aranyaka  One who recites mantras - Adhvaryu
4. Upanishads  Upveda - Dhanurveda
 It has two parts-
Not the part of the Vedic literature-  Krishna Yajurveda
1. Vedang  Shukla Yajurveda (Vajasaneyi Samhita)
2. Smriti  Written in prose and verse.
3. Purana  Mention of the methods of Yajna
4. Ramayana
5. Mahabharata 3. Samaveda:
 One who recites mantras - Udgata
Veda:  Upveda - Gandharva Veda
 Literal meaning: Knowledge  The oldest source of music
 Compiler: Krishna Dvaipayana Vedavyasa  Description of mantras to be sung in loud voice
 The Vedas are eternal, authentic and
Apaurusheya (authorless). 4. Atharvaveda:
 Creator of Mantras - Drishta  One who recites mantras - Brahma
 Woman who composed mantras - Rishi  Upveda - Shilp Veda
 There are four Vedas-  Materialistic, Bhaishajya, Atharvan-Angirasa
1. Rigveda:  Mention of witchcraft and medicine
 There are 10 Mandals, 1028 Suktas (hymns), Brahmin Texts:
10580 Mantras or Richas.  Mention of the methods of performing Yajna
 Brahmin who recites mantras - Hotri  Written in both prose and verse
 Upveda - Ayurveda Aranyaka:
 The first and tenth Mandals were added later.  Written in forests
 Vansh Mandal (Family Mandal) - 2nd to 7th  Having mystical and philosophical knowledge

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Mahajanapada Period Religious Revolution
 16 Mahajanapadas are mentioned in Buddhist Buddhism:
literature (Anguttara Nikaya, Khuddaka  Founder - Gautam Buddha
Nikaya) and Jain literature (Bhagavati Sutra).  Childhood name - Siddharth
Mahajanapada Capital  Place of Birth - Lumbini (Nepal)
1. Kamboj - Hatak  Birth - 563 BC
2. Gandhara - Taxila  Mother - Mahamaya
3. Kuru - Indraprastha/  Aunt/Step Mother - Prajapati Gautami
Hastinapur  Clan - Shakya (hence called as Shakyamuni)
4. Panchal - Ahichhatrapur /  Gotra - Gautam (Gautama Buddha)
Kampilya  Father - Shuddhodhan
5. Kausal - Shravasti / Saket  Wife - Yashodhara
(Ayodhya)  Son - Rahul
6. Malla Sangh - Kushinagar / Kushinara  Bodh Gaya (Uruvela) - Penance with Kaundinya
7. Vajji Sangh - Videha/Vaishali/ and other companions
Mithila  Establishment of Sangha (Buddhist monastic
8. Ang - Champa order) - in Sarnath
9. Magadha - Girivraj / Rajgriha /  First sermon - Sarnath
Pataliputra  Maximum number of sermons at - Shravasti
10. Kashi - Varanasi (Varuna +
Assi river) Symbols and events of Lord Buddha:
11. Shursen - Mathura 1. Elephant / - Symbol of Lord
12. Matsya - Virat Nagar White Elephant Buddha being in
13. Vatsa - Kaushambi womb
14. Chedi - Shuktamati/Shuktimati 2. Bull/Lotus - Birth
15. Avanti - (i) Ujjain (Ujjaini) 3. Horse - Symbol of
(ii) Mahishmati renunciation
16. Ashmak - Potli / Patan 4. Bodhi tree - - Symbol of
Peepal knowledge
Haryanka Dynasty: 5. Footprint - Symbol of Nirvana
 Bimbisara - Shrenik/Kshetrojas 6. Stupa - Symbol of death
 His doctor - Jivaka 7. Mahabhinish- - At the age of 29, Lord
 Ajatashatru - Kunik kraman (the Buddha renounced
 He conquered Vajji Sangh great departure) his home.
 Organized the first Buddhist council 8. Sambodhi - At the age of 35,
 Udayan / Udayin - Establishment of Pataliputra (perfect Gautam Buddha
 Nagdasaka - the last ruler enlightenment) attained
Shishunaga Dynasty: enlightenment under
 Shishunaga - Founder a Peepal tree on the
 Capital - Vaishali banks of the
 Conquered Avanti. Niranjana river in
 Kalashoka - capital - Pataliputra, Organised the Bodh Gaya.
Second Buddhist council 9. Dharmacha- - After attaining
krapravartana enlightenment, Lord
Nanda Dynasty: Buddha gave the first
 Mahapadma Nanda - Second Bhargava sermon to Kaundinya
 According to Hathigumpha inscription and his companions
(Kharavela)- in Sarnath, which is
 He attacked Kalinga. called Dharmacha-
 He got canals constructed there. krapravartana.
 He brought the idol of Jinasen from there. 10. Mahaparinirvan - Lord Buddha died in
 Panini, the author of Ashtadhyayi was his Kushinagar at the
contemporary. age of 80.
 Ghananand - Chanakya killed him with the help
of Chandragupta Maurya.
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Teachings of Buddha: Note:
 Four Noble Truths:  Tripitaka - Sutta-pitaka, Vinaya-pitaka and
1. There is suffering. Abhidhamma-pitaka
2. There is a cause of suffering.
3. There is a solution to the cause of suffering. Fourth Buddhist Council:
4. There is a path that leads to the end of  Split of the Sangha into two parts -
suffering. (1) Hinayana - Sautantrik (Kumaralabdha)
 Pratityasamutpada: In the Second Noble Truth. Vaibhashik (Vasumitra)
Theory of Causality. (2) Mahayana - Shunyavad (Nagarjuna)
For this, the Dwadash Nidan Vigyanvad/Yogachara
Chakra was given. (Maitreya)
 Eightfold Path: In the Fourth Noble Truth.  Nagarjuna: Theory of Relativity
 Kshanikvad / Anityavad (Doctrine of India's Einstein
Momentariness) - Metaphysical theory. Book - Madhyamika Karika
 Anatmavad - does not accept the eternal
soul. Jainism
 Nirvana - the final goal  Founder - Rishabhdev (Adinath)
 Buddhism is atheistic.  21st Tirthankara - Neminath ji
 Believes in theory of Karma and Rebirth.  22nd Tirthankara - Arishtanemi
 23rd Tirthankara - Parshvanathji
Buddhist Councils:  He got knowledge on Sammed Mountain.
Time Ruler Place President  He gave the four noble truths.
483 BC Ajatashatru Saptaparni Mahakassyapa  24th Tirthankara - Lord Mahavira
Cave /
 Childhood name - Vardhman
(Rajgriha) Mahakashyap
383 BC Kalashoka Vaishali Sarvkami/
 Birth - 540 BC
Sabkamir  Place of Birth - Kundagram (Bihar)
251 BC Ashoka Pataliputra Moggaliputta-  Father - Siddhartha
Tissa  Mother - Trishala
First Kanishka Kundalvan Vasumitra  Wife - Yashoda
centur (Kashmir) (Vice  Daughter - Priyadarshini
y AD President-  Dynasty - Gyatrak
Ashvaghosh)  Brother - Nandivardhan
 Lord Mahavir renounced his home at the
First Buddhist Council: age of 30.
 Sutta-pitaka: Composed by - Ananda  At the age of 42, Mahavira attained
 It contains the teachings and life events of Lord enlightenment under a Sal tree on the banks
Buddha. of Rijupalika river in Jumbika village.
 The Jataka Tales are found in the Khuddaka  Mahavir Swami died at the age of 72 in
Nikaya of Sutta-pitaka. Pawapuri (Bihar).
 Jataka Tales - Stories of Lord Buddha's previous  Teachings
lives  Lord Mahavira gave the 5th vow of
 Vinaya-pitaka: Composed by - Upali Brahmacharya (celibacy).
 In this, the rules and ethics of Buddhists are  Vows are divided into two parts -
found. (1) Anuvrat (For Grihastha/ householders)
(2) Mahavrat (For Jain monks)
Second Buddhist Council:  Ananta-Chatushtaya - ananta- gyan, i. e.
 Split of Buddhist Sangha- infinite knowledge, ananta-darsana i.e.
(1) Sthavira - Orthodox infinite perception, ananta-virya, i.e. infinite
(2) Mahasanghika - Liberal power and ananta-sukha, i.e. infinite bliss.
 Triratna: Right knowledge, Right faith, Right
Third Buddhist Council: character (conduct)
 Composition of Abhidhamma-pitaka - Buddhist  Anekantavada: Metaphysical theory
philosophy is found.  Syadvad - Epistemological theory / theory
of relativity of intelligence.

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 Jainism believes in theory of Karma and  According to Romila Thapar - Vaishya
Rebirth.  Most recognized belief - Kshatriya
 According to them there is a soul in every
object. Chandragupta Maurya (322–298 BC)
 There can be more than one soul in one  In 305 BC - He had a dispute with Seleucus
body. Nicator, the general of Alexander.
 Jain Councils:  Nicator sent Megasthenes to the court of
 First Council - 298 BC - Pataliputra - Chandragupta as his ambassador.
Chandragupta Maurya - Sthulbhadra - Vice  Book of Megasthenes - Indica
President - Bhadrabahu  298 BC– Chandragupta sacrificed his life by
 Second Council - 512 AD- Vallabhi (Gujarat) Santhara/Sallekhana practice on the hill of
- Devardhi Kshama Shraman Chandragiri in Shravanabelagola.
 First Council - two branches Bindusara (298-273 BC)
1. Digambara 2. Svetambara  In Jain literature, he has been called Singhsen.
 Second Council - Compilation of Jain  Taxila was attacked twice during his period.
literatureJain literature is called Agama.It is  Suppression - First by - Ashok, Second by -
in Prakrit language. Sushim

Ajivika sect Ashoka (273–232 BC)

 Founder - Makkhaliputta Goshal  Coronation - 269 BC
 Contemporary of Lord Mahavira  Mother - Bhima/Subhadrangi
 Follower - Bindusara  Ashoka attacked Kalinga in the eighth year of
his reign.
 Capital of Kalinga - Tosali
Bhagavata Religion  According to the Hathigumpha inscription of
 Founder - Lord Krishna
Kharavela, the king of Kalinga was Nandaraja.
 Matsya Purana - Mention of Dashavatars
 According to Rajatarangini (Kalhana), Ashoka
 It is called Alvar in South India.
was earlier a devotee of Shiva and established
the city of Srinagar and got the Shiva temple
Shaivism constructed there.
 Development - During the Sunga and the  Dipavansh and Mahavansh - Sinhalese literature
Satavahana Period  The Bhabru inscription gives information about
1. Pashupat: Founder - Lakulish Ashoka being a Buddhist.
2. Kapalik: Bhairav is worshiped (Sage =  Ashoka's Dhamma -
Aghori)  It was a Code of Conduct
3. Kalamukh  Information in the Second Rock Edict
4. Kashmiri: Founder - Vasugupta  Ashoka appointed Dhamma Mahamatra in the
5. Lingayat (Karnataka): Founder - Allabh and 13th year of his reign.
Basava  Ashoka's Inscriptions -
Shaktism  Edicts
 Major Temples - Kamakhya (Assam)  Rock Edicts (Major & Minor)
Vaishno Devi (Sharda)  Pillar Edicts (Major & Minor)
Other Sects:  Cave Edicts
 Skepticism - Sanjay Belaputta  Major Rock Edicts: These (Inscriptions) are 14
 Ucchedavada (annihilationism) - Ajita in number and are obtained from 8 places.
Kesakambali 1. Shahbazgarhi (Peshawar, Pakistan)
 Doctrine of non-action - Puran Kashyap 2. Mansehra (Peshawar, Pakistan)
3. Kalsi (Uttarakhand)
Maurya Dynasty 4. Junagadh (Gujarat)
5. Sopara (Maharashtra)
 According to Brahmin literature - Shudra
6. Dhauli (Odisha)
 According to Jain and Buddhist literature -
7. Jaugada (Odisha)
8. Erragudi (Andhra Pradesh)
 According to Visakhadatta's Mudrarakshasa -
Vrishal (low caste)
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 Separate Kalinga Proclamation: In the 13th  Kandahar inscription (Shar-e-Kuna) - This is a
inscription, Ashoka gave information about bilingual inscription of Ashoka. (Greek and
Kalinga invasion but declared all the people in Aramaic).
Dhauli and Jaugada as his children. Brihadratha
 Minor Rock Edicts: Personal information of  According to Banabhatta's Harshacharita, he
Ashoka is found. was the last Mauryan ruler
1. Maski - Karnataka
2. Gujarra - Madhya Pradesh  Mauryan Art
3. Udegolam - Karnataka  Court Art (Palaces, Stupas, Pillars, Caves)
4. Nettur - Karnataka  Popular/Folk Art
 Ashoka's name is mentioned in the above all the  Palaces:
four inscriptions.  Bulandi Bagh - Made of wood
 In all other inscriptions, the title of Ashoka is  Kumrahar - Royal Palace
mentioned as Devanampriya-darshi.  Stupas: According to Buddhist literature,
1. Bhabru - Jaipur - Information about Ashoka got 84000 stupas built.
Dhamma  Piprahwa Stupa (Uttar Pradesh) - oldest
2. Brahmagiri - Karnataka stupa, relics of Buddha found.
3. Jatinga Rameshwara - Karnataka  Dharmarajika Stupa - Taxila and Sarnath
 Major Pillar Edicts: The number of inscriptions  Sarnath (Uttar Pradesh)
is 7 and these are obtained from 6 places.  Sanchi (Madhya Pradesh)
1. Prayag Prashasti - It was originally in  Pillars:
Kaushambi, Akbar got it installed in Prayag.  Sarnath - Elephant, bull, horse and lion are
(Edicts of Ashoka, Queen, Samudragupta, found on the base with four lions.
Birbal, Jahangir)  Sanchi - Four lions, oldest pillar
2. Topra (Delhi) - The only one in which all  Rummindei - Horse
the seven inscriptions are found. 7th  Rampurva - Bull and lion
inscription provides information about  Vaishali - A lion
Jainism and Ajivika.  Sankisa - Elephant
3. Meerut - Delhi Inscription  Caves:
4. Lauria Araraj (Bihar)  Ashoka - Karna Choupad, Sudama and
5. Lauria Nandangarh (Bihar) Vishva Jhopri.
6. Rampurwa (Bihar)  Dasaratha - Gopika Cave
 Minor Pillar Edicts: Political declarations of Popular/Folk Art:
Ashoka are found.  Parkham (near Mathura) - Statue of Yaksha
1. Rummindei Inscription - Economic Policy (Manibhadra)
(Tax Policy)  Didarganj (near Patna) - Statue of Yakshini
2. Sarnath Inscription (Uttar Pradesh) (Chamargrihini / Chanvargrihini)
3. Sanchi Inscription (Madhya Pradesh)  Dhauli - Stone elephant
In both the above mentioned edicts, Ashoka  Bulandi Bagh - Wheel
warned those who want to split the
Buddhist Sangha. Administrative system of the Mauryas:
 Cave Edicts: Karna Chaupar and Sudama caves  Saptanga theory of Chanakya was popular
(to Ajivika monks) and Vishva Jhopri.  To assist the king, 18 ministers were there which
 Language of Ashoka's inscriptions - Prakrit were called Tirthas.
(local)  Samaharta - Revenue Officer
 Scripts of Ashoka's inscriptions - Brahmi,  Sannidhata - Treasury Officer
Kharoshthi, Aramaic, Greek  Karmantik - Head of factory
 1750 AD - Tieffenthaler discovered the  Antarvashik - Chief of the bodyguard army
inscriptions of Ashoka.  Atvik - Head of Forest Department
 1837 AD - James Prinsep deciphered the  Dauvarik - One who fulfills the needs of the
inscriptions of Ashoka. palace
 D.R. Bhandarkar wrote the history of Ashoka on  There were 26 departments under the control of
the basis of inscriptions of Ashoka. these Tirthas whose chief were called

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 Mudradhyaksha - Head of Passport  Book - Gatha Saptashati
Department  Courtier - Sarvavarman (Book - Katantra)
 Lakshanadhyaksha - Head of Currency  Gunadhya (Brihatkatha)
Department  Note: Commentaries on Brihatkatha of
 Suradhyaksha - Head of Excise Department Gunadhya
 Sunadhyaksha - Head of slaughterhouse 1. Brihatkatha Manjari (Kshemendra)
 Lavanadhyaksha - Head of salt department 2. Kathacharit Sagar (Somdev)
 Ganikadhyaksha - Head of the prostitution  Gautamiputra Satakarni - 23rd and greatest
department ruler
 Akaradhyaksha - Head of the Department of  Establishment of Venukatak Nagar
Minerals  Vasishthiputra Pulumavi - 24th ruler
 Panyadhyaksha - Head of Trade-Commerce  The first ruler whose inscriptions are found
Department from Andhra Pradesh.
 Potvadhyaksha - Head of the Weights and  He has been called Dakshinapatheshwar in
Measures Department the inscriptions.
 Kupyadhyaksha - Head of Forest Inspectors  Defeated twice by Rudradaman (Saka ruler).
 Yagyashri Satakarni: 27th and last famous ruler
Provincial Administration:
 Five provinces which were called Chakra. Characteristics of the Satavahana Dynasty:
 Uttarapatha (Taxila), Kalingapatha (Tosali),  Matriarchal society
Dakshinapatha (Suvarnagiri), Avantipatha  Prevalence of Prakrit language
(Ujjain), Prachya - Pataliputra.  In the Puranas, they have been called
Judicial Administration:  Introduced lead / potin coins.
 Court  First gave land grant to Brahmins.
 Civil - Dharmasthiya Court - Judge -  Introduced feudal system
Vyavaharika  Capital - Pratisthan (Paithan)
 Criminal - Kantakasodhana - Judge -
Pradeshta Kushan Dynasty (30 AD to 775 AD)
 Rajjuka - Regional or Republican judge  Belonged to the Yuezhi clan of Central Asia.
 Currency System: Punch-marked coins  Their branch - Guishuang
 Gold coin - Suvarna  Kujula Kadphises - Founder
 Silver coin - Karshapana / Dharan / Pan  He is also called the first Kadphises.
 Copper coin - Bhashak / Kakani  Vima Kadphises:
 Rupaka - One who checks the purity of coins.  Second Kadphises
 Hiranya - Cash Tax  Founder of Kushan dynasty in India
 Vishti - Forced labour system  Follower of Lord Shiva
 The first Kushan ruler who introduced pure
Post-Mauryan Period gold coins in India.
 From 185 BC to 319 AD  Pictures of Trishul, Nandi and Damru on its
1. Shunga Dynasty (Pushyamitra) coins.
2. Kanva dynasty (Vasudev)  Title - Maheshwar
3. Satavahana dynasty (Simuka)  Kanishka:
4. Indo-Greek  Coronation - 78 BC
5. Saka  The greatest ruler of this dynasty
6. Kushan (Kujula Kadphises)  Introduced the Saka calendar.
7. Sangam Period - Chera dynasty, Chola  Capitals - 1. Purushpur / Peshawar
dynasty, Pandya dynasty 2. Mathura
 According to Kalhana's Rajatarangini, he
Satavahana Dynasty: invaded Kashmir and established a city
 Simuka - Founder named Kanishkapur there.
 Satakarni I - Information about him from the  He attacked Pataliputra.
Nanaghat inscription of Naganika  He got Buddha's alms bowl, unique cock
 Hala - 17th ruler of this dynasty and Ashvaghosha from Pataliputra.

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He organized the Fourth Buddhist Council  Development in the form of folk art but state
at Kundalvan in Kashmir. patronage was also given.
 He was a follower of the Mahayana branch  Idols related to Buddhism, Jainism and
of Buddhism. Hinduism
 Books of Ashvaghosha:  First idol of Lord Buddha found in this style.
1. Buddhacharit - It is called the  Spiritual and idealistic style
Encyclopaedia of Buddhism.  Lord Buddha depicted as skinny with bright
2. Sariputra Prakaran face and in the Lotus position or Padmasana.
3. Saundranand  Material - Red Sandstone
4. Sutralankar  Major Centers:
 Nagarjuna and Charaka (Charaka Samhita) 1. Mathura
were in his court. 2. Sarnath
 Naagurjan - Book - Madhyamika Karika 3. Sanchi
 Sushruta was his contemporary.
 Book - Sushruta Samhita 3. Amaravati School of Art:
 Sushruta was a surgeon.  Indigenous Sculptural Style
 Kanishka took over Central Asia.  Religious and non-religious idols
 India got possession of the silk route.  Patronage by the Satavahana rulers.
 From the point of view of trade and  Material - use of marble
commerce, the post-Mauryan period was the  Main Centre - Amravati
golden period of India.
 Kanishka defeated the Chinese army led by
the Pen Chao. (Information- Rabatak Gupta Period (329-550 AD)
inscription) Sri Gupta - Founder
 His soldiers killed him.  Mention - In the Poona Copper Plate inscription
 He organized Buddhist Council. of Prabhavati Gupta.
Vasumitra - Book - Vibhashashastra  According to the Chinese traveller Etsing, he got
 Huvishka the temple constructed at Pataliputra.
 Follower of Lord Vishnu Ghatotkach
 Mention - In the Poona Copper Plate inscription
Features of the Kushans- of Prabhavati Gupta.
1. The Kushans introduced pure gold coins. Chandragupta - I
2. The Kushan rulers used to get their statues  Real Founder
installed in the temples.  Title - Maharajadhiraj
3. They started the trend of stitched clothes. Samudragupta
4. They used leather shoes.  Title - Lichchhavi Dauhitra
5. They introduced horse bridle. Dharnibandh
6. The Kushan rulers adopted the titles -  Information about him from Prayag Prashasti.
Devaputra, Devapriya.  He introduced six types of coins-
1. Guruda coins
Post-Mauryan Sculpture: 2. Ashvamedha Yajna coins -
1. Gandhara School of Art: 3. Veena Playing coins
 Patronage - by the Kushans 4. Archer coins
 Influence - Greek, Roman, Persian 5. Tiger Slayer coins
 It is also called foreign style or Greek style. 6. Parshu coins (marking of the axe)
 Most idols of Lord Buddha are found in this  Historian Smith called Samudragupta as the
style. Napoleon of India.
 Lord Buddha resembled Greek God Apollo and  Prayag Prashasti:
depicted with curly hair  Written by Harisen
 Realistic and Materialistic style  Harisena was the Mahasandhivigrahika
 Centres: 1. Taxila 2. Bamiyan 3. Bhimran (minister for war and peace) of
2. Mathura School of Art:  It was written in Champu style and Sanskrit
 Indigenous Style language.

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 There is no information about Ashvamedha  Non-religious literature -
Yajna in this. 1. Kalidas
 In this, Samudragupta has been called  Two Epic poems:
Kaviraj. (A) Raghuvansh (Information about the
Ramgupta: dynasty of Lord Ram)
 According to Vishakhadatta's Devichan- (B) Kumarasambhava (Story of Kartikeya)
draguptam, the name of Ramgupta's wife  Two Minor poems
was Dhruvaswamini. (A) Ritusamhara
 His coins are obtained from Eran and Bhilsa. (B) Meghdut
 Three Plays
Chandragupta-II: (A) Vikramorvashiya - Story of Prince
 Titles - Vikramaditya, Parameshwar, Pururava and Urvashi
Parambhattarak, Sakari (B) Malavikagnimitra - Story of Sunga
 According to the Iron Pillar of Mehrauli, prince Agnimitra and Malavika
Chandragupta-II defeated the Bahlikas. (C) Abhijnanasakuntalam - Story of King
 There were Navratnas in his court. Dushyant and Shakuntala
1. Kalidas  In this book, Kalidas describes the
2. Varahamihira beauty of Goddess Parvati.
3. Kshapanaka  Last and best work of Kalidas.
4. Shanku  First Indian book which was
5. Vararuchi translated into European language.
6. Dhanvantari 2. Kshemendra - Brihatkathamanjari
7. Amar Singh 3. Amar Singh - Amarkosh
8. Vetal Bhatt 4. Chandragomin - Chandragomin Vyakaran
9. Ghatkarpar 5. Vatsyayana - Kamasutra
 During his time, the Chinese traveller Fa Hien 6. Kamandak - Nitisar
came to India. 7. Shudraka - Mrichchakatikam
 Fa Hien does not mention the name of  Meaning - Clay cart
Chandragupta.  Hero - Charudatta Brahmin (merchant)
 Fa Hien came by land and went back by ship  The first book in which the common man
from Tamralipti port. was made the hero.
 Book of Fa-Hien - Fo-Kwo-Ki 8. Magha - Shishupala-Vadh
9. Vats Bhatti - Ravna Vadh
Kumaragupta: 10. Vishnu Sharma - Panchatantra
 Most inscriptions and gold coins are found 11. Bhas -
during his time. (a) Svapnavasavadatta
 A hoard of coins is found in Bayana near  The story of Vasavadatta, the daughter of
Bharatpur. Pradyota, the ruler of Avanti, and Udayana,
 He was a follower of Kartikeya. the ruler of Vatsa.
 Titles - Shakraditya  India's first play.
Mahendraditya (b) Pratijnayaugandharayana – sequel to
 According to Hiuen Tsang (Chinese traveller), Svapnavasavadatta
Nalanda University was built by Shakraditya. (c) Charudattam - book based on imaginary
 According to the Bhitari inscription, he defeated incident
the Pushyamitras because the Pushyamitras
captured the horse of his Ashvamedha Yajna.
Gupta Sculpture
 According to the Junagadh inscription, he  Idols of Ardhanarishvar, Harihar, Makar Vahini
defeated the Hunas. Ganga, Kurma Vahini Yamuna and Tridev
 Sultanganj (Uttar Pradesh) - Metal idol of Lord
Gupta Literature: Buddha
 Religious literature -
 Sanchi and Sarnath - stone sculptures
 Ramayana
 Idols of Dashavatar and Apsaras in temples
 Mahabharata

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Gupta Temple Architecture:  Iron Pillar of Mehrauli - Chandragupta II
 Beginning of temple architecture in North India (Chemistry)
 Construction of temple platform, three-sided  Aryabhata:
stairs, Garbhagriha (sanctum sanctorum),  First of all, he told that the Sun is located in
shikhara, pradakshinapath (Circumam-bulation the centre of the Solar System.
path) etc.  The Moon is a satellite of the Earth and
 Early temples in Panchayatan style. shines with the light of the Sun.
 Major Temples:  Explained the causes of solar eclipse and
 Dashavatar Temple (Devgarh, Uttar lunar eclipse.
Pradesh)  Propounded the Value of Pi.
 Shiv Temple (Bhumra, Madhya Pradesh)  The first person who wrote his name on the
 Laxman Temple (Sirpur, Chhattisgarh) book.
 Parvati Temple (Nachna Kuthar, Madhya  Books:-
Pradesh) 1. Aryabhattiyam
 Brick Temple (Bhitargaon, Uttar Pradesh) - 2. Surya Siddhanta (Trigonometry)
Vishnu Temple 3. Dashgitika Sutra
 Varahamihira:
Gupta Painting:  Books: Panchasiddhantika
 Fresco and Tempera paintings are found in the Brihat Samhita
caves of Ajanta (Maharashtra) and Bagh Brihat Jataka
(Madhya Pradesh). Laghu Jataka
 Ajanta Caves -  Bhaskaracharya-I:
 Number - 29/30  Books: Brihatbhaskarya
 Discovery - by the soldiers of Madras Laghubhaskarya
Presidency  Brahmagupta:
 The paintings of Cave No. 1, 2, 9, 10, 16, 17  Belonged to Bhinmal.
are protected.  He is called the Newton of India.
 Cave No. 1 and 2 - Post-Gupta period  Books - Brahmasphuta Siddhanta
 Cave No. 1 - Khandakhadyaka
1. Chalukya ruler Pulakeshin-II is  Bhaskaracharya-II:
welcoming the ambassador of Persia.  Mathematician of 12th century.
2. Picture of Padmapani Avalokiteshvara  Book: Siddhanta Shiromani
and Bodhisattva.  It has four editions/parts.
 Cave No. 9 and 10 - During the time of the 1. Lilavati
2. Ganitadhyayan
Satavahana rulers. (Post-Mauryan period)
3. Goladhyayan
 Cave No. 16 and 17 - Construction - 4. Beej Ganit
Vakataka ruler Harishena's minister  Vagbhata::
Varahdev (Gupta period)  Book: Astanga Hridaya (Ayurveda)
 Cave No. 16 - Dying princess painting.  Palakapya:
 Cave No. 17 (Art Gallery)  Book: Hasti Ayurveda (Medicine of
1. Painting of Mahabhinishkraman Elephants)
2. Painting of Parinirvana  Other book - Navanitakam (Ayurveda)
3. Painting of mother and child
 Bagh Caves:
 Discovery - Dangerfield
 Number - 9  Orthodox schools (Shad Darshan) - Vaisheshika,
 Cave number 4 is called Rang Mahal. Nyaya, Yoga,Sankhya, Purva Mimamsa and
 Paintings of Buddhism, Jainism and Uttara Mimamsa
Hinduism.  Heterodox schools - Buddhism, Jainism,
 Vaisheshika: Kanad or Uluka
Science and Technology:  Also called as Aulukya philosophy.
 From this point of view, the golden period of  Propunded the theory of atomism.
Indian history.  Twin philosophy of Nyaya philosophy.
 Nyaya: Sage Gautam
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 It is called Logic of Indian philosophy.  Tehsil - Peth
 Emphasis on epistemology.  Village
 It gives Pramanas (means of gaining  Eran Inscription (510 AD) - Madhya Pradesh
knowledge) for the existence of God.  Inscription of Bhanugupta
 Yoga: Patanjali  First mention of Sati Practice.
 Introduced the Eightfold Path.  The wife of Commander Goparaja became
 Twin philosophy of Sankhya philosophy. Sati in her husband's pyre.
 Sankhya: Sage Kapil  Chandragupta-II's Mahasandhivigrahak
 Dualistic Philosophy (Purusha and Prakriti) Virasena was a follower of Shiva.
 Evolutionary and atheistic philosophy.  The Guptas patronized the Bhagavata religion.
 Twin philosophy of Yoga philosophy.
 Purva Mimamsa: Jaimini Harshavardhan (606-647 AD)
 Chief Acharya - Kumaril Bhatt and
 Father - Prabhakarvardhan
 Mother - Yashomati
 Atheistic Philosophy
 Capital - Thaneshwar (Haryana)
 Based on Vedas and Brahmin texts.
 Dynasty - Pushyabhuti
 Belief in rituals.
 According to the Aihole inscription, Pulakesin II
 Uttara Mimamsa: Badrayana
(Chalukya) defeated Harsha on the banks of
 Based on Aranyakas and Upanishads.
river Narmada.
 Emphasis on mystical and philosophical
 In this inscription, Harsha was called
Uttarapatha Swami.
 Major Acharyas -
 Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang came to India at
o Shankaracharya (Non Dualism)
the time of Harsha.
o Ramanujacharya (Qualified Non-
 Harsha organized Maha Moksha Parishad
(Prayagraj) and All Religious Assembly
o Madhvacharya (Dualism)
o Nimbarkacharya (Dualism - Non
 Books: Nagananda
Priyadarshika (play)
o Vallabhacharya (Pure Non Dualism)
Ratnavali (play)
 Court scholars -
Charvaka: Brihaspati
1. Banabhatta - Harshacharita, Kadambari,
 Also known as Lokayata philosophy.
 Do not believe in God.
2. Mayur - Suryashtak
 Doesn't believe in theory of karma, rebirth,
3. Matang Diwakar
 Believes in two Purusharthas - Kama and
Hiuen Tsang:
 Chinese traveller.
 Materialistic and hedonistic philosophy.
 Visited India during the time of Harsha.
 Studied at Nalanda University and later became
Gupta Administration: a teacher there.
 Prominent Ministers of the Emperor:  Praised Harsha.
1. Mahasandhivigrahak: Minister for war and  Mentioned Narasimhavarman and Pulakeshin
peace II.
2. Mahadandanayak: Judge  Presided over the All Religious Assembly in
3. Mahabaladhikrit: Commander-in-Chief Kannauj.
4. Dandapashik: Chief Police Officer  Visited Bhinmal.
5. Mahaakshapatlik: Records and Revenue  Travelled to South India.
Officer  Book - Si-Yu-Ki
6. Vinay-Sthiti-Sthapak: Head of religious and
moral affairs Sangam Period
7. Karnik: Clerk  Chera dynasty (India's oldest dynasty) -
 Provincial Administration:  Symbol - Bow
 Province - Vishaya / Bhukti  Capital - Vanji / Vanchi Karur
 Division - Vithi

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 They were called Keralaputa in Tamil  This book also has recipes for cooking.
literature and inscriptions. Chalukyas of Vengi:
 Chola dynasty  Vishnuvardhan - Founder
 Capital - Uraiyur Chalukyan Art:
 Symbol - Tiger  Vatapi - Construction of Shivalayas and caves
 Pandya dynasty  Aihole -
 Capital - Madurai  It is called the city of temples.
 Symbol - Carp (fish)  There are about 70 temples here.
 Sangam Literature:  Meguti Jain temple was built by Ravikirti.
1. Ilango Adigal - Silappadikaram (The Tale of  Other temples - Lad Khan Shiv Temple and
an Anklet) Maa Durga Mata Temple
2. Sitale Satnar - Manimekhale  Pattadakal -
3. Tirutakkatevar - Jivaka Chintamani  There are total ten temples here.
4. Thiruvalluvar - Kural  Out of which four temples are in Nagara
style like - Papanatha Temple.
Chalukyas:  Six temples in Dravidian style like -
Chalukyas of Vatapi/Badami: Virupaksha Temple, Sangameshwar Temple,
 Jai Singh - Founder Matangeshwar Temple etc.
 Kirtivarman-I - Maker of Vatapi  Some of the temples here were built by
 Pulakesin-II - Defeated Mahendravarman, the Queen Mahadevi of Vikramaditya-III.
ruler of Pallava dynasty and took control of the  According to Hiuen Tsang, Chalukyas were
northern part of his empire and appointed own addicted to education.
younger brother Vishnuvardhan the ruler there  Compositions of Chalukya period:
who were called as the Chalukyas of Vengi.  Durvinit - Shabdavatar
 He defeated Harshavardhan and adopted the  Pandit Udaidev - Jainendra Vyakaran
title of Parameshwar.  Somdev Suri - Nitivakyamrit
 Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang described him as
a powerful ruler. Pallavas:
 Place of Origin - Tondaimandalam
 Kirtivarman-II: The last ruler of this dynasty.
 Capital - Kanchi
 Dantidurga killed him and established the
 The earliest inscriptions of the Pallavas are
Rashtrakuta dynasty.
found in Prakrit language and the later
Aihole Inscription: inscriptions are found in Sanskrit language.
 Writer - Ravikirti  In the inscriptions they have been described
 Script - Brahmi and Language - Sanskrit as Kshatriyas.
 There is mention of the Mahabharata in this.  Simhavarman/Simhavarma - Founder
 In this, Ravikirti compares himself with Kalidas  Vishnugopa -
and Bharavi.  According to the Prayag Prashasti of
 The information about the battle between Harisena, he was defeated by
Pulakesin-II and Harshvardhan is found in the Samudragupta.
Aihole inscription.  Simhavishnu -
 Bharavi (Kiratarjuniyam) was his courtier.
Chalukyas of Kalyani:  Mahendravarman -
 Tailap-II - Founder  Title - Mattvilas
 In literature he was described as an incarnation  Book - Mattvilas Prahasan (India's first
of Krishna. satirical book)
Vikramaditya-VI -  In this book satire has been made on
 His courtiers - Buddhist monks and Kapalikas.
 Bilhana (Vikramanka Charita)  Narasimhavarman-I -
 Meghatithi (Mitakshara - Commentary on  The most powerful king of this dynasty
Manusmriti)  Title - Mamalla and Vatapikond (by
 Vigyaneshwar defeating Pulakesin-II)
Someshwar-III -  He established the city of Mamallapuram.
 Book - Manasollasa (Subject - Architecture)  It is currently called Mahabalipuram.
 Narasimhavarman-II -
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 Title - Raj Singh  His Uttaramerur inscription gives
 Nandivarman-II - information about local self-government and
land grants to Brahmins.
Pallava Art  Uttam Chola -
 Dravidian style of temple architecture started.  He introduced silver coins.
 Arimolivarman -
 It has four stages of development.
 Title - Rajaraja
 Mahendravarman style -
 Adopted the policy of iron and blood.
 Construction of cave temples called
 Defeated Mahendra-V, the ruler of Sri Lanka
and destroyed Anuradhapura, the capital of
 They had one or two rooms.
 Mamalla style - northern Sri Lanka.
 Development - during the period of  He got the Brihadisvara temple built in
Narasimhavarman I Tanjore which is called Rajarajeshwara
 Mandapas with three or four rooms. temple. This temple is famous for its
 Temples were built with monolithic stone. Vimana.
 Example - Pandava Temple (the Seven  Rajendra-I -
 Title - Gangaikonda.
 Capital - Gangaikondacholapuram
 Chariot Temple of Mahabalipuram - No. 8
1. Yudhishthira Ratha - the most beautiful  Temple - Gangaikondacholesvara Temple
2. Arjun Rath  Pond - Gangaicholam
 He captured the whole of Sri Lanka by
3. Bhim Rath
killing Mahendra-V.
4. Nakula-Sahdev Rath
 He conquered areas like Andaman-Nicobar,
5. Draupadi Rath - the most simple and
Java, Sumatra, Sudiman etc.
 Defeated the Pala ruler Mahipala.
6. Ganesh Rath
 Rajendra-II -
7. Pidari Rath
 Coronation - in the battlefield
 Arjuna's Penance and Lord Krishna's
 Adhirajendra -
Butterball are obtained from
 People killed him.
 Kulottunga -
 Raj Singh style -
 He got the idol of Lord Vishnu thrown into
 Development - in the period of
the sea.
 Golden Age of Pallava Architecture
 Characteristics of the Cholas:
 Example -
 Local Self-Government.
Shore Temple - Mahabalipuram
 The Bay of Bengal was called the lake of the
Kailash Temple - Kanchi
 Nandivarman-II style -
 Patronage to Shaivism.
 Decline of Pallava architecture
 Started the construction of idol of Nataraja.
 Major Temple -
 Capital – Tanjore or Thanjavur.
Vaikuntha Perumal
Mukteshwar/Matangeshwar - The first
Chola Architecture:
 Pallava influence
Other facts:
 Vijayalaya - Choleshwara Temple
 Ghatika - Education centre during the
Pallava period
 Parantaka-I - Koranganatha Temple
 Aparajita Style -
 Development - during the period of Pallava
 Chola influence
ruler Aparajita
 Rajaraja - Brihadisvara Temple (Tanjore)
 Example - Temple of Bahur
 Rajendra-I - Gangaikondacholesvara Temple
Brihadisvara Temple - Tanjore
 Other temples - Airavatesvara (Darasuram)
and Kampareswar Temple (Thirubuvanam)
Chola Dynasty Other facts:
 Vijayalaya - Founder  Idols - The main center is Darasuram, Idols of
 Parantaka I - Nataraja, Shiva, Vishnu and other deities.
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Ancient Indian Temple  Mandsaur inscription - Madhya Pradesh
 Military achievements of Yashodharman
Architecture  Ayodhya inscription - Uttar Pradesh
 Three styles -  Inscription of Dhanadev in which
Nagara Style: information about Ashwamedh Yajna of
 Jagti - high platform Pushyamitra Shung is found.
 Garbhagriha (Sanctum sanctorum) - the main  Junagadh inscription - Gujarat
square area where the idol was installed.  Saka King Rudradaman-I
 Shikhara - Above the Garbhagriha which  Largest inscription of Sanskrit language
gradually gets smaller towards the top.  First inscription of Champu style
 Parikrama Path (Circumambulation Path) -  It gives information about Rudradaman and
Connected to the Garbhagriha. the Sudarshan lake of Girnar.
 Mandapa - The pillared portion in front of the  Junagadh inscription - Gujarat
Garbhagriha.  Skandagupta
 Antarala - The part connecting the Garbhagriha  First inscription in which information about
and the Mandapa. defeating the Hunas is found.
 Example - Sahastrabahu Temple - Gwalior  It gives information about the reconstruction
 Kandariya Mahadev Temple - Khajuraho of the Sudarshan Lake.
 Laxman Temple - Khajuraho
 Matangeshwar Mahadev Temple - Khajuraho
Centres of Education:
Dravidian Style:
 Taxila University - Jivaka, Kautilya,
 Jagti - high platform
Chandragupta, Prasenjit, Panini and Patanjali
 Garbhagriha (Sanctum sanctorum) - the main
received education from here.
square area where the idol was installed.
 Nalanda University - Founder - Kumaragupta-I
 Vimana - It is octagonal and pyramidal structure
 Vikramshila University - Founder -
above the Garbhagriha.
 Parikrama Path (Circumambulation Path) -
 Vallabhi University - Founder - Bhattark
Connected to the Garbhagriha.
 Odantapuri University - Founder - Gopal
 Mandapa - The pillared portion in front of the
Sudarshan Lake:
 Antarala - The part connecting the Garbhagriha
 Pushyagupta, the governor of Chandragupta
and the Mandapa.
Maurya, got Sudarshan Lake constructed.
 Gopuram - Gateway.
 Later, Ashoka's governor Tusshasp got this lake
 Example - Meenakshi Temple - Madurai
 Virupaksha Temple - Ambhi
 Later, the governor of Rudradaman, Suvishakh
got this lake reconstructed.
Vesara Style:
 Mixed style.  We get all this information from the Girnar
 Construction - Nagara style inscription of Rudradaman.
 Decoration - Dravidian style  According to Rudradaman, this lake was
 Example - Hoysaleswara Temple constructed without taking Begar (forced
 According to the Skandagupta's Girnar
Major Inscriptios: inscription, Chakrapalit, the son of his governor
 Hathigumpha inscription - Udayagiri Hill Parnadatta, got this lake repaired.
 Information about Kalinga ruler Kharavela

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 The Sudarshan Lake is situated on the banks of
the Palasini and Swarna Sikta rivers originating
from the Urjayant and Varaivatak hills.
Dynasties of North India:
Dynasty Founder Capital
Gurjar- Nagbhatta- Mandore,
Pratihar First Bhinmal,
Gahadaval Chandradev Varanasi,
Chauhan Vasudev Ahichhatrapur
Parmar Upendraraj Dharanagari
Chandel Nannuk Khajuraho and
Solanki Mulraj-First Anhilwad
Kalachuri Kokkal Tripuri
Pala Gopal Munger
Sen Samantsen Nadia
Varman Pushyavarm Pragjyotisha
(Pragjyotisha) an
Rashtrakuta Dantidurga Manyakhet

Dynasties of Kashmir:
Dynasty - Founder
Karkota - Durlabhvardhan
Utpal - Avantivarman
Yashaskar - Yashaskar
Lohara - Sangram Singh

 Rajatarangini -
 Writer - Kalhan
 Language - Sanskrit
 Written in the 12th century
 Information about the history of Kashmir
 Kalhana was the court scholar of Harsha.
 Kalhan completed Rajatarangini during the
time of Jai Singh.
 It has eight parts which are called Tarangas.
 It is written in the Mahabharata style.

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