Art CL 3 - Drivers and Barriers For Circular Business Model Innovation

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Received: 8 April 2022 Revised: 26 November 2022 Accepted: 6 December 2022

DOI: 10.1002/bse.3339


Drivers and barriers for circular business model innovation

Martin Geissdoerfer 1 | Tomas Santa-Maria 2,3 | Julian Kirchherr 4,5,6 |

Carla Pelzeter 7

Circular Economy Centre, Judge Business
School, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Abstract
Institute of System Sciences, Innovation and The circular economy concept is gaining traction in academia, industry and policy-
Sustainability Research, University of Graz,
Graz, Austria making as a strategy to reduce resource depletion, waste and emissions. Many
Faculty of Economics and Business, authors see business model innovation as a critical lever for the concept's implemen-
Universidad del Desarrollo, Concepcion, Chile
tation on the organisational level. Despite the importance of the topic, the drivers
Department of Social Sciences and Business,
and barriers to different types of circular business model innovation remain unclear.
Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark
Innovation Studies Group, Copernicus We address this gap by comparing drivers and barriers for four generic circular busi-
Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht ness model innovation types: start-up, diversification, transformation and acquisition.
University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Relying on a structured comparative literature review using cross-reference searches,
Cambridge Center for Environment, Energy
and Natural Resource Governance, University we develop a theoretical framework of drivers and barriers that we apply to a multi-
of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
case study of 21 organisations covering three of the four types, with some additional
Faculty of Strategic Leadership and Global
Management, Technical University of Berlin,
insights on the fourth. We identify 25 barriers and 10 drivers, clustered into seven
Berlin, Germany categories, and outline how they distinctively affect the innovation types. Start-ups

and diversifications are more commonly driven by market and financial factors, while
Martin Geissdoerfer, Circular Economy Centre, transformations are led by market and organisational factors. These three types are
Judge Business School, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
highly affected by legal and financial barriers; however, while start-ups are more
Email: [email protected] prone to face value chain challenges, incumbents are more susceptible to market and
Julian Kirchherr, Innovation Studies Group, organisational barriers. Our study provides novel empirical data that validate and
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable
Development, Utrecht University, the complement previous research and offers an additional analysis perspective in the
Netherlands. transition towards a more sustainable and circular economy.
Email: [email protected]

Funding information
Nederlandse Organisatie voor circular business model innovation, circular economy, drivers and barriers, multiple case study,
Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek; H2020 Marie sustainable business model
Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Grant/Award
Number: 765198; Dutch Research Council,
Grant/Award Number: 438.17.904

[Correction added on 06 January 2023, after

first online publication: The e-mail address of
Martin Geissdoerfer has been updated in this

Abbreviations: BM, business models; CBMI, circular business model innovation; CBM, circular business models; CE, circular economy.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. Business Strategy and The Environment published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Bus Strat Env. 2023;1–19. 1

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1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N 2020). After initially focusing on technological aspects, like recycling

methods, CE research has pivoted to BM to gain an effective unit of
In recent years, the circular economy (CE) has gained traction as a analysis to investigate drivers and barriers to the adoption of existing
strategy to reduce resource extraction, waste and emissions. The con- circular technologies (Rashid et al., 2013).
cept is increasingly supported as a central element in the transition to The concept of circular business models (CBMs) emerged consid-
a more sustainable economic system by academia, policymaking and erably more recently than the overarching CE notion. The term first
prominent business figures (Bradford, 2020; Economist, 2020; EPA appeared in 2006 in an article by Schwager and Moser (2006) that
Network, 2020; OECD, 2020; Schroeder et al., 2019). Implementing explored individual BM types for circular value creation and only re-
business models (BMs) aligned with the CE principles is crucial for the emerged 7 years later, coinciding with the broader dissemination of
transition. However, to rate of adoption of these CBMs in the market the CE notion by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the World Eco-
has been low (Bocken et al., 2017; OECD, 2019). Circular business nomic Forum (EMF, 2012; WEF, 2014). Since 2015, publications have
model innovation (CBMI) is a complex organizational challenge that grown exponentially, and there is already a range of reviews that pro-
faces multidimensional barriers and is supported by distinct vide a good overview of the topic (e.g., Bocken et al., 2018; Bocken,
(Guldmann & Huulgaard, 2019; Tura et al., 2019). The underlying Strupeit, et al., 2019; Diaz Lopez et al., 2019; Geissdoerfer
notion of CBMI is increasingly understood (see, e.g., Geissdoerfer et al., 2020; Pieroni et al., 2019).
et al., 2020; Lüdeke-Freund et al., 2019; Pieroni et al., 2019; Santa- Most definitions of the CBM concept (e.g., Den Hollander &
Maria et al., 2021a), and advances have been made in investigating its Bakker, 2016; Galvão et al., 2020; Nußholz, 2017) are based on the
drivers and barriers (Tura et al., 2019; Vermunt et al., 2019). However, value creation logic of Richardson (2008), that is, a three-element
there is a need for more evidence-based research into these drivers framework of value proposition, value creation and delivery, and value
and barriers and, given the practical and theoretical importance of the capture or the—probably derived—BM definition of Osterwalder
topic, to explore them from actionable managerial perspectives to and Pigneur (2010), that is, ‘the rationale of how an organisation
support firms in the CBMI process. According to Geissdoerfer et al. creates, delivers, and captures value’ (p. 14) (Geissdoerfer et al., 2020).
(2020), the CBMI process can take four forms: firms can innovate as This is then combined with CE principles (Lüdeke-Freund et al., 2019;
(1) circular start-ups, (2) diversifying or (3) transforming their BM Manninen et al., 2018; Zucchella & Previtali, 2019) or CBM strategies
towards the CE or (4) acquiring external CBMs. Despite the practical (Bocken, Boons, & Baldassarre, 2019; Geissdoerfer, Morioka,
and theoretical importance of how drivers and barriers affect the four et al., 2018; Geissdoerfer et al., 2020; Oghazi & Mostaghel, 2018).
different types of CBMI, this remains unexplored in the literature. Following the latter school of thought, in this research, CBMs are
This article aims to address the described research gaps by empir- understood as ‘simplified representations of the value proposition, value
ically addressing the following research question: What are the drivers creation and delivery, and value capture elements and the interactions
and barriers for the different types of circular business model innovation? between these elements within an organisational unit’ (Geissdoerfer,
This exploratory study addresses this question through a compar- Vladimirova, & Evans, 2018, p. 402), that [is] cycling, extending,
ative multiple case study approach on 21 firms that have successfully intensifying and/or dematerialising material and energy loops to reduce
implemented a CBM in the market. the resource inputs into and the waste and emission leakage out of an
This paper is structured as follows: After this introduction, organisational system. This comprises recycling measures (cycling), use
Section 2 provides a short literature review introducing the underlying phase extensions (extending), a more intense use phase (intensifying)
concepts of the research. Section 3 illustrates the employed method and the substitution of products by service and software solutions
of the research, before Section 4 presents the resulting findings. This (dematerialising) (Geissdoerfer et al., 2020, p. 7). These four core
is followed by a discussion of the findings in Section 5, before the strategies—cycling, extending, intensifying and dematerialising—can be
paper concludes with some final remarks in Section 6. combined in different configurations within one BM—for example,
implementing a variety of ‘R’ value retention options—and can be
complemented by two supporting strategies—increasing efficiency
2 | C O N CE P T U A L B A CK GR O U N D (Bocken et al., 2016) and utilising renewable resources (Webster, 2015).
To arrive at a CBM, organisations undergo a CBMI—or BM inno-
This section introduces the two underlying concepts of this research: vation for the CE—process. There is a considerably smaller range of
CBMI (Section 2.1) and drivers and barriers for CBMI (Section 2.2). definitions for this concept, which can also be rather simplistic. How-
ever, based on the relatedness of the BM innovation concept to the
2.1 | CBMI BM concept, Geissdoerfer et al. (2020) have recently provided a help-
ful definition for our research: ‘circular business model innovation can
The CE minimises resource input and waste, emission and energy be defined as the conceptualisation and implementation of circular
leakages by cycling, extending, intensifying and dematerialising mate- business models’(p. 7) and have also provided a framework of four dif-
rial and energy loops through digitalisation, servitisation, sharing solu- ferent types of CBMI identified in the literature: (1) circular start-ups,
tions, long-lasting product design, maintenance, repair, reuse, (2) CBM diversification, (3) CBM transformation and (4) CBM acquisi-
remanufacturing, refurbishing and recycling (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017, tion, illustrated in Figure 1.
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not only drivers and barriers but also on enablers and means of over-
coming the barriers, such as von Kolpinski et al. (2022), who studied
12 circular start-ups, Barford and Ahmad (2022) on an in-depth study
of a large incumbent and Galvão et al. (2022) who studied 40 firms.
However, research on drivers and barriers to CE implementation is still
prominently theoretical or based on a small number of cases. Thus, sev-
eral authors have called for further empirical studies on the identified
factors (Guldmann & Huulgaard, 2020; Henry et al., 2020).
Furthermore, and of particular interest to this research is that
extant research has explored how start-ups and incumbents play
distinctive roles in the sustainability transition of a market
(Hockerts & Wüstenhagen, 2010) and provide insights into how they
are supported and inhibited by a different set of drivers and barriers,
particularly depending on chosen market entry strategies, be it
through acquisitions, alliances, diversification or entrepreneurship
(Cohen & Muñoz, 2017; Rovanto & Bask, 2020). As accounted for in
the previous paragraph, the identification and classification of drivers
and barriers have been done from varied perspectives. However, none
of the articles has attempted to differentiate factors between the four
CBMI types (Geissdoerfer et al., 2020), a relevant perspective to
better understand the sustainability transition of the markets. The
F I G U R E 1 Four types of circular business model innovation
present article adds to the body of knowledge by providing novel
(Geissdoerfer et al., 2020)
empirical data on the drivers and barriers for CBMI and by contrasting
2.2 | Drivers and barriers for CBMI the identified factors between the different types of CBMI.

We understand drivers and barriers for CBMI as factors that either

support or inhibit an organisational unit's conceptualisation and imple- 3 | METHOD
mentation of CBMs (Geissdoerfer, 2019; Santa-Maria et al., 2021a;
Tura et al., 2019). To explore the drivers and barriers for CBMI, this study has performed a
The theme of drivers and barriers for companies to design, multiple case study (Eisenhardt, 1989; Yin, 2013), identifying, describing
develop and implement CBMs has been widely researched, with more and contrasting drivers and barriers of firms representing three of the
than 30 publications dealing with this topic to some extent since four types of CBMI (i.e., start-ups, transformation and diversification)
2014, 11 of which have put a central focus on barriers and five on (Geissdoerfer et al., 2020). Case studies enable an in-depth collection of
both drivers and barriers (Santa-Maria et al., 2021a). data, and a multiple case approach allows to contrast and complement
Mentink (2014) offered a broad review of the literature on drivers individual insights, facilitating the generation of hypotheses in context-
and barriers to support the proposition of a CBMI process model; Rizos dependent phenomena (Yin, 2013), thus offering a suitable approach for
et al. (2016) focused on barriers for SMEs; Govindan and Hasanagic under-explored topics like the one investigated in this research.
(2018) offered a systematic review of drivers and barriers from a supply Cases were selected by applying a purposive theoretical sampling
chain perspective and Bressanelli et al. (2019) went one step further approach, which enables efforts to be focused on theoretically valuable
identifying barriers by lifecycle phase and supply chain actor. situations, selecting those that duplicate or advance theory by filling
Diaz Lopez et al. (2019) offered the first large case (n = 143) analysis of conceptual categories (Eisenhardt, 1989). Cases were required to be
barriers for implementation; Brown et al. (2019) focused on drivers and firms that have successfully introduced to the market a project repre-
barriers to pursuing collaborative circular-oriented innovation; senting any of the four CBMI types, thus offering the possibility to do a
Vermunt et al. (2019) explored barriers per type of CBM retrospective study of drivers and barriers. We intended to focus on
(i.e., product-as-a-service, product life extension, resource recovery cases with disruptive potential. Therefore, conceptual or early-stage
and circular supplies) and Tura et al. (2019) offered a systematic innovations were not considered in case selection. Replicating the selec-
categorization of drivers and barriers into seven-factor categories tion logic of Florén et al.'s (2018) CBMI study, the innovation was
(i.e., environmental, economic, social, political and institutional, required to be substantial, thus affecting at least two of the three value
technological and informational, supply chain and organisational). dimensions of a BM (i.e., value proposition, value creation and delivery
Russell et al. (2020) researched drivers and barriers for bottom-up CE and value capture [Richardson, 2008]). To improve the external validity
initiatives by implementation stage. Guldmann and Huulgaard (2020), of findings and to avoid biases, variation within the sample was sought
differentiating by company size, identified novel barriers for CBMI from (Bryman, 2012). We selected cases representing a mix of CBM strategies
the study of 12 cases. More recently, a few articles have searched for (Bocken et al., 2016; Geissdoerfer, Morioka, et al., 2018; Geissdoerfer
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et al., 2020), implementing various R-value retention options and repre- open-ended questions on drivers and barriers, it is possible that some
senting a mix of industries, company sizes and countries. factors not identified in our analysis were however present in a given
Potential cases fulfilling the criteria were identified and contacted case. After the initial open coding, an axial coding exercise was done
based on desk research and recommendations from the authors' net- (Corbin & Strauss, 2007), combining closely related codes and reducing
work. Our unit of analysis is the firm; however, we included in our sam- the total number of identified factors. Finally, a theoretical coding exer-
ple three firms that offered two CBMI examples. The final sample cise (Walker & Myrick, 2006) allowed us to deductively cluster drivers
consisted of 21 organisations undergoing CBMI: three CBM transforma- and barriers into categories, guided by previous descriptions and cate-
tions, nine CBM diversifications and four circular start-ups (see Table 1 gorizations from the literature, most relevantly adapting the categorisa-
for case descriptions). Various CBM acquisition cases were identified tion of the comprehensive review of Tura et al. (2019).
and contacted to participate in the study. The sample contained nine
large, three medium and nine small companies. The selection included
firms from five European countries and 15 industries, of which seven 4 | RE SU LT S
were B2C and 14 B2B. The sample effectively represented a varied mix
of CBM strategies and R-value retention options, as seen in Table 1. To explore the drivers and barriers for CBMI, we undertook a multiple
Data were collected between May 2019 and June 2021 through case study analysis on 21 companies representing CBM transforma-
recording expert interviews with experts in the circular business that tions, CBM diversifications and circular start-ups (Geissdoerfer
had in-depth knowledge of the innovation case and its process et al., 2020). After analysing the case data, we identified 10 distinctive
(e.g., CEO, sustainability manager, innovation manager and product drivers and 25 barriers, which we clustered into seven categories: finan-
developer). According to Gläser and Laudel, experts are, among other cial, legal, market, technical, value chain and organisational. Tables 2
things, witnesses to facts. The facts are reconstructed from the state- and 3 summarise the results of the data analysis process, characterising
ments of these witnesses (Gläser & Laudel, 2009, p. 12). The focus of each driver and barrier identified, providing a short description and indi-
this study is to investigate the facts of drivers and barriers for CBMI cating the identified presence throughout cases. Exemplary quotes of
types. Therefore, managers and CEOs of circular companies are consid- each driver and barrier can be found in Appendix A.
ered experts in this context. Interviews were done in person during the This section presents which factors seem relevant to the CBMI
first months of the research, though they were done remotely in the phenomenon. We applied a purposive sampling strategy accounting
second half of the study due to the COVID-19 pandemic circum- for 21 cases, thus not necessarily being a representative sample from
stances. Data from interviews were complemented and triangulated which generalisable conclusions could be immediately drawn. Within
(Yin, 2013) with on-site visits to facilities, publicly available information the boundaries of an exploratory study, here we provide the results of
(e.g., company reports and corporate websites) and researcher field a relevance assessment based on the prevalence of factors through-
notes, whenever these possibilities were feasible due to health restric- out our studied cases. The statements here provided should be con-
tions. The interview protocol was designed to be flexible, including sev- sidered propositions to be tested in further quantitative studies.
eral open-ended questions, thus allowing respondents to naturally
focus on distinctive case aspects that could provide valuable insights to
this explorative qualitative research. After asking general questions 4.1 | Drivers
about the firm, the role of respondents in the innovation process and a
description of the BM innovation case, the interviewer asked open- Financial drivers were identified as the most relevant driver category in
ended questions on both drivers and barriers faced before and during our study (23 identifications), where the most common specific drivers
the innovation process. The interview protocol included questions on mentioned were ‘business growth’ (12 cases) and ‘cost reduction’
other aspects of the innovation and its change processes, such as ante- (eight cases). The second most relevant category was market drivers
cedents, moderators, organisational effects and data that have been (20 identifications), where ‘changing customers' demands’ (14 cases)
used in complementary studies where the authors have recently partici- was the most repeated driver. Of high relevance were also the technical
pated (e.g., Henry et al., 2020; Santa-Maria et al., 2021b). driver of ‘new technological opportunity’ (seven cases) and the organi-
Data were analysed guided by a grounded theory approach zational driver of ‘corporate sustainability’ (eight cases). Of interest is
(Corbin & Strauss, 2007; Gioia et al., 2013; Walker & Myrick, 2006). In also that legal drivers were the less common in our sample.
the first step, interview records were verbatim transcribed and sup-
ported by the MAXQDA software; all the qualitative data sets were
inductively coded. Using an open coding approach (Corbin & 4.2 | Barriers
Strauss, 2007), we aimed to identify emerging types of drivers and bar-
riers. Even though researchers were familiarised with drivers and bar- The category that seems to be more relevant is market barriers
riers from the literature, we purposefully decided to do an initial open (25 identifications) where the specific barriers more prevalent were
coding without predefined categories or known names of barriers and ‘lack of customer demand’ (six cases), ‘lack of social awareness’ (five
drivers, to avoid confirmation biases (Gioia et al., 2013), attempting to cases) and ‘lack of standardisation’ (five cases). The second and third
find surprising insights. It is worth mentioning that because we made most relevant categories were value chain and financial factors
TABLE 1 Case descriptions

CBM strategy
CBMI type B2B (Geissdoerfer, R-value
Firm (Geissdoerfer or Position(s) CBMI case(s) Vladimirova, & Value Value creation retention

ID et al., 2020) Industry B2C Country1 Size interviewed brief description Evans, 2018) proposition and delivery Value capture options

T1 Transformation Carpets B2B NL Large Head of A 25-year Cycling, Carbon-neutral, Production, Sell carpet tiles R1:Reduce, R2:
sustainable journey to extending durable modular maintenance, with a 15-year Reuse, R3:
development become carbon carpets and recovery of warranty Repair, R7:
neutral, carpet tiles Recycle
products with
100% recycled
content, with a
scheme, focusing
on servicing
(maintenance &
T2 Transformation Carpets B2B NL Large Director Journey to Cycling Cradle-to-cradle Production, Product sell R0:Refuse, R1:
sustainability transform linear certified maintenance, contract Reduce, R2:
and carbon- flooring and recovery of Reuse, R7:
intensive solutions(e.g., products Recycle
production into a carpets)
90% cradle-to-
cradle certified
T3 Transformation Retail B2B UK Small CEO, head of Creation of a Cycling Plastic Forming Conventional R7:Recycle
packaging marketing circular value containers for containers from product for
chain for plastic food plastic foil and money
food containers delivering them contracting
in partnership to food
with suppliers producers
and customers
D1 Diversification Recycling & B2B AT Large Managing Creating an app- Intensifying, Hassle-free App connects Commission R1:Reduce, R7:
Waste director (of based waste cycling construction to waste percentage of Recycle
Management corporate spin- disposal platform, waste disposal firms in the price of the
off) connecting management a logistically waste removal
construction efficient service
companies with manner
waste disposal
firms, optimising
logistics and idle


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TABLE 1 (Continued)

CBM strategy
CBMI type B2B (Geissdoerfer, R-value
Firm (Geissdoerfer or Position(s) CBMI case(s) Vladimirova, & Value Value creation retention
ID et al., 2020) Industry B2C Country1 Size interviewed brief description Evans, 2018) proposition and delivery Value capture options

D2 Diversification Furniture & B2C AT Large Country Implementation Extending Give old Clients return Sell reused/ R2:Reuse, R3:
Home sustainability of a take-back, furniture a furniture; it is refurbished Repair, R4:
accessories manager re-furbish, and second life refurbished and furniture at Refurbish
re-sell service for resold discounted
furniture and price
D3 Diversification Fibres and B2B AT Large Senior manager Introduction of Cycling Circular and Scrap recovery, Sell of textile R7:Recycle, R1:
textiles sustainability textile fibre that bio-sourced mixed with Reduce
integration, incorporates textile fibres biomaterials to
head of product renewable produce textile
management biomaterials and
recycled cotton
D4 Diversification Flexible B2B AT Large VP group Introduction of a Cycling Certified Production in Sell of R7:Recycle
packaging sustainability fully recyclable recyclable the plant is packaging
flexible flexible 100% dedicated
packaging packaging to recyclable
product line solutions
D5 Diversification Industrial B2B AT Medium Head of Introduction of a Dematerialising, Rent of Production, Fee-based on R2:Reuse, R3:
machinery product machine-as-a- intensifying, industrial maintenance days or hours Repair
management service rental extending machinery and repair of of use
scheme, where machinery
the firm retains
ownership and
charges based on
daily fee and
hour use
Introduction of a Extending Buy a certified Active take- Sell refurbished R3:Repair, R4:
certified used used industrial back structured machinery at Refurbish, R1:
machine line. machinery refurbishing discounted Reduce
The business process and price
model includes resell
active take-
back, repair,
and resell.

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TABLE 1 (Continued)

CBM strategy
CBMI type B2B (Geissdoerfer, R-value
Firm (Geissdoerfer or Position(s) CBMI case(s) Vladimirova, & Value Value creation retention
ID et al., 2020) Industry B2C Country1 Size interviewed brief description Evans, 2018) proposition and delivery Value capture options

D6 Diversification Medical B2B NL Large Senior director Development of Extending Medical Upgrading of Leasing/ R3:Repair, R4:
electronics sustainability, a life-extending electronics technology, financing Refurbish, R5:
business program for upgrading and maintenance, contracts Remanufacture
partner for complex medical life-extending and take-back
sustainability electronics, program coordination
and circular financially
economy assisted.
strategy Incorporates
repairing, taking
and reselling
Introduction of a Dematerialising, Access to Production, Per-patient fee R2:Reuse, R3:
system extending monitoring provision, and model Repair
solution for services, management of
monitoring including equipment
based on upgrading and
product-as-a- training
contracts. The
and the client
is charged
based on
upgrading and
access to the


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TABLE 1 (Continued)

CBM strategy
CBMI type B2B (Geissdoerfer, R-value
Firm (Geissdoerfer or Position(s) CBMI case(s) Vladimirova, & Value Value creation retention
ID et al., 2020) Industry B2C Country1 Size interviewed brief description Evans, 2018) proposition and delivery Value capture options

D7 Diversification Hygienic B2B NL Small Innovation & Introduction of a Cycling Closed-loop Coordinate the Service and R7:Recycle, R1:
paper Business locally closed- cradle-to-cradle ecosystem to supply Reduce; R0:
Intelligence loop model to certified source, produce contracts Refuse
Manager recycle a firm's hygienic paper and provide the
waste to source product
another product
to the same firm.
D8 Diversification Logistic B2B NL Large Director Introduction of Cycling, Cradle-to-cradle Production and Sell of logistic R3:Repair, R4:
process Strategy & an energy- extending certified servicing of the solution Refurbish, R5:
automation Sustainability, efficient re- conveyor belt product Remanufacture,
sustainability designed logistic R7:Recycle
intern, solution with
Specialist R&D high recycled
Engineer, R&D content,
engineer recyclable,
feasible to be
and cradle-to-
cradle certified
Introduction of a Extending, Access to Production, 4 alternative R2: Reuse, R3:
radical intensifying, autonomous maintenance, product-as-a- Repair, R4:
technological dematerializing, transporters refurbishment, service Refurbish, R5:
innovation cycling that reduce and recycling of contracts Remanufacture,
offered 50% of energy product R7:Recycle
through 4 costs
machines can
be reused in
are designed
for easy
and recycling.

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TABLE 1 (Continued)

CBM strategy

CBMI type B2B (Geissdoerfer, R-value

Firm (Geissdoerfer or Position(s) CBMI case(s) Vladimirova, & Value Value creation retention
ID et al., 2020) Industry B2C Country1 Size interviewed brief description Evans, 2018) proposition and delivery Value capture options

D9 Diversification Oil and gas B2B ES Large Venture team Development of Cycling Cheap local Capturing and Pay per kWh R2:Reuse
lead plus 2 team spin-off to reuse energy supply transmitting
members waste energy of waste energy
transformation from processes
processes to sell
to energy-
businesses in the
S1 Start-up Electronics B2C DE Medium Co-founder A marketplace Cycling Refurbed Refurbishment Sale of R2:Reuse, R3:
for refurbished electronics at a of outdated, refurbed Repair, R4:
products, which discounted obsolete or electronics Refurbished
connects price with defective
professional guarantee and electronics, can
refurbishers with sustainability be purchased
customers promise (1 tree online
per purchase,
reuse of
S2 Start-up Textile B2C DE Small Co-founder A circular fashion Extending, Sustainable A platform for Sale of textile R7:Recycle
start-up that cycling fashion from sustainable products and
designs and recycled or textile residues, consulting
experiments with deadstock experimenting
recycled materials with new
materials circular raw
towards product materials; goal:
development, a Innovation for
marketplace for textile recycling
S3 Start-up Mobility B2C DE Medium Regional A platform that Intensifying ‘Sharing You can find Pay per minute R1:Reduce
manager offers shared vehicles across and use the
electric vehicles large regions nearest vehicles
as a new, flexible and repairing via an app.
way of mobility them when


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TABLE 1 (Continued)

CBM strategy
CBMI type B2B (Geissdoerfer, R-value
Firm (Geissdoerfer or Position(s) CBMI case(s) Vladimirova, & Value Value creation retention
ID et al., 2020) Industry B2C Country1 Size interviewed brief description Evans, 2018) proposition and delivery Value capture options

S4 Start-up Furniture B2B DE Small General Creation of a Extending Certification Taking over Not established R1: Reduce, R2:
manager circular model for model for unwanted yet, probably Reuse
used goods furniture so that furniture, e.g., by selling the
through it can be passed from certified
standardization on and used companies, and furniture
and extreme without liability passing it on
networking of all
those involved
S5 Start-up Furniture B2B NL Small Co-founder A company that Cycling Deep Business Business R1: Reduce, R2:
advising knowledge on advice/ advisory Reuse, R7:
businesses to circular plastics consulting service Recycle
frontrunners in
S6 Start-up Materials B2B/ NL Small Founder Start-ups that is Cycling 100% bio Production and Conventional R7: Recycle
B2C producing pallets from sale of pallets product for
circular, 100% coconut husk money
bio exports contracting
pallets made
from coconut
husk waste
S7 Start-up Materials B2C NL Small Co-founder Company on Cycling Bio-based Sourcing and Conventional R7: Recycle
sustainable sustainable distribution of product for
sportswear, made sportswear sustainable money
from industrial sportswear contracting;
hemp, subscription
eucalyptus, model
organic cotton,
S8 Start-up Floors B2B/ DE Small CEO Start-ups that Cycling Flooring from Product and Conventional R7: Recycle
B2C creates circular recycled paper sale of recycled product for
flooring, mostly flooring money
from recycled contracting
paper products
S9 Start-up 3D printing/ B2C NL Small Co-founder Company that Cycling Production and Conventional R1: Reduce
textiles offers 3D printed sale of knitwear product for
knitwear that is money
locally produced contracting
ISO 3166 code.

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TABLE 2 Description of drivers for circular business model innovation

Category Driver name Short description CBM start-up transformation diversification
Financial Business growth Potential for new business development S1, S2, S3, S5, S6, S7, D1, D2, D5,
and access to new markets S8, S9 D6, D9
Business resilience Reduction in exposure from external T1 D7
shocks such as price fluctuations or
supply chain disruptions
Cost reduction Potential for efficiency in costs S1, S2, S3, S4 D2, D5, D6,
Resource scarcity Prevent future raw material scarcity D2
Legal Regulatory push Regulations promoting the development of S2 D5
a circular economy
Legal compliance Compliance with recent (and future) legal S2, S3 D6
regulations and standards
Market Long-term customer Possibility of long-term relationship with S1, S2, S3, T3 D6, D8
satisfaction customers, satisfying needs throughout
the products lifecycle
Changing customer Possibility to satisfy changing customer S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, T1, T3 D3, D4, D5,
demands demands (i.e., increase demand of S7, S8, S9 D6
sustainable products and responsible
companies; acceptance of access instead
of ownership)
Technical New technological Opportunity to use recent technological S2, S3, S4 D1, D5, D7,
opportunity developments and digitalization trends D8
for business innovations.
Organizational Corporate Sustainability and circularity are integrated S1, S2, S3 T1, T3 D1, D6, D8
sustainability into the corporate strategy, goals and

Note: The table includes identified presence in the cases studied. See Appendix A for illustrative quotes on each driver.

(22 and 19 identifications, respectively). The most common value financial and market drivers. This indicates, first, that three CBMI types
chain barrier was ‘immature reverse logistic systems’ (eight cases), fol- were highly driven by the need to adapt to a higher demand for more
lowed by ‘operational uncertainty’ (seven cases), while the two finan- sustainable products. Second, while CBM transformations were strongly
cial barriers more often encountered were ‘financial uncertainty’ and driven by strategic renewal towards sustainability, CBM diversification
‘high initial investment costs’ (seven cases each). Even though legal and start-ups were most commonly aiming for financial benefits, usually
barriers were only the fourth most relevant category, the specific bar- in the form of business growth and cost reduction. What is more
rier of ‘lack of were only the fourth most relevant category, the spe- remarkable about this finding is that within the financial drivers, our data
cific barrier of ‘lack of legislative support’ was the most often suggest that CBM transformations were particularly driven by long-term
encountered barrier identified in our cases. business resilience and not necessarily by new sales and reduction of
costs. This reflects the long-term orientation of transformations in com-
parison with start-ups or diversifications, which usually depend on
4.3 | Comparison between CBMI types higher market traction with a positive financial return to take off.
Regarding legal drivers, it is interesting to note that regulatory
This section presents the main results of our comparison of identified push or legal compliance were not particularly relevant drivers for any
drivers and barriers per each of the three discussed CBMI types. As of the three CBMI types and were not even mentioned in the trans-
previously mentioned, the presented results should be further vali- formation cases. And finally, in terms of technical drivers, new techno-
dated in more considerable quantitative research. logical opportunities seemed to be relevant for start-ups and
diversifications but not at all for transformations.

4.3.1 | Drivers
4.3.2 | Barriers
Our data suggest that the more relevant driver categories for CBM
transformations were market and organisational drivers, while for both In all three studied CBMI types, several financial and market barriers
CBM diversifications and circular start-ups, these were focused on were identified, though with an uneven focus on specific barriers, as
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TABLE 3 Description of barriers for circular business model innovation


Category Barrier name Short description start-up transformation diversification
Financial High initial investment costs Development and implementation of S4, S5, S6, T1, T2 D3
some circular business models (e.g., S9
PSS) require high upfront investments
Shareholder short-term Traditionally shareholders of large firms S2, S3, S4 D3
orientation have a short-term orientation
misaligned with the required long-
term perspective of the circular
Financial uncertainty Associated risks in financial return S5, S6, S9 T2 D3, D4, D6
Pre-existing investments The expected return from significant T2
investments (e.g., infrastructure) that
is exposed to risk with the
implementation of a new circular
business model
Legal Lack of legislative support National or international legislation that S1, S2, S3, T1, T2 D1, D2, D3, D4,
hinders the implementation of circular S4 D6, D7 D8
economy practices
Restrictive product regulations Legal product requirements that prevent S1 T2, T3 D6, D7
sales or certain applications of feasible
CE-oriented products
Market Affordability vs. sustainability Consumers' prioritization of affordability D3, D8
over sustainability hinders the
introduction of some CE-innovations
Lack of social awareness Society being unaware of the T2 D1, D4, D7, D8
sustainability implications of their
consumption decisions
Lack of customer demand Insufficient demand or acceptance of a S2, S3 T1, T2 D3, D6, D8
product or a service
Lack of standardisation Lack of technical, quality, or legal S1, S2, S4 D4, D8
standards, and thus lack of a market,
particularly for secondary raw
Prices not reflecting true costs Market prices do not account for T1, T2 D6
environmental and social externalities,
which results in cheap virgin materials
and competition challenges.
Competition with efficient linear Challenges of competing against an D6, D8
system established system and business
model that has incrementally
improved their efficiency through
Technical Technical trade-offs Trade-offs between desired product D4, D6
performance categories (e.g., increase
in recyclability that reduces the
lifespan of a product; satisfying a
customer need that decreases
environmental performance)
Technical barriers Technical barriers preventing T2 D2, D4
implementation of CE-BMs (e.g.,
product recyclable at laboratory scale
but not at market scale)
Organizational Lack of internal competencies or Lack of organizational capabilities and S2, S4, S9 T2 D4
knowledge knowledge to deal with circular
economy (e.g., definitions, strategy
implications, technical know-how,
sustainability impacts)
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TABLE 3 (Continued)


Category Barrier name Short description start-up transformation diversification
Lack of leadership towards the Lack of support from top executives T2
CE towards the circular economy

Organizational ambidexterity Challenge of managing the current T2 D3, D5, D6

business model while developing a
new business model. This might
produce intra-organizational tensions
and fear of cannibalization.
Organizational transformation Challenges related to preparing, D2
challenges managing and reinforcing the required
organizational change
Lack of experience with the new Lack of experience dealing with the new D3
circular business model circular business model and its
organizational and operational
Organisational Internal resistance to change due to past T2 D2, D4, D6, D8
success of ‘linear’ model or due to
locked-in culture, investments or
Value chain Difficulties in coordinating the No clear responsibilities or challenges in S5, S6, S7 D7, D9
value network coordination between multiple
contact points
Heterogeneity of post-consumer Heterogeneity of post-consumer waste D3
waste in certain industries complicates
closing or extending material loops
Operational uncertainty Uncertainty related to material flows S1, S2, S3, T1 D3, D6
consistency, quantity, quality or S4
delivery times
Immature reverse logistics Challenges in developing or improving S1, S2, S4, D3, D7
systems reverse logistic systems. This task S5, S6,
requires specific capabilities in S7
dispersed and complex value chains.
Traceability & trust challenges Challenges related to traceability of D3
products and materials through the
value chain and trust-building
between partners

Note: The table includes identified presence in the cases studied. See Appendix A for illustrative quotes on each barrier.

explained in the next paragraphs. Legal barriers are also highly promi- innovation type. And fourth, shareholder short-term orientation was
nent in all three types, being ‘lack of legislative support’ the most only an issue in diversifications and start-ups and not in transforma-
often encountered specific barrier. Both technical and organizational tions, which again reflects the long-term vision requirements of busi-
barriers were found in transformations and diversifications but almost ness model transformations.
not in start-ups, and value chain barriers were mostly encountered in Regarding specific market barriers, it is valuable to note that the
start-ups and diversifications cases but less common transformations. lack of customer demand affected transformations proportionally
Four relevant insights concerning specific financial barriers were more than the other types and that the lack of social awareness was
observed. First, financial uncertainty was evenly identified as a rele- an issue for both diversifications and transformations, though not for
vant issue in one-third of all cases across categories, reflecting a regu- start-ups. This probably indicates the higher connection start-ups
larly found concern in any type of disruptive innovation. Second, high have with emerging sustainability challenges and customer needs.
initial investments were identified as a prominent barrier in start-ups Organizational barriers were commonly encountered in both
and transformations, not so in diversifications, indicating a usual issue transformations and diversifications, though almost not identified in
found in start-ups and the high cost of a profound strategic renewal. start-ups, which can reflect that circular start-ups are ‘born’ with a cir-
This is also reflected in that pre-existing investments were a barrier cular mindset, often led by a sustainability-oriented founder and do
only present in transformations, indicating the large scope of this not have to deal with aspects such as organizational inertia,
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ambidexterity or organizational change challenges. Our interviews perform any circular value creation activity in-house but instead pur-
suggest, though, that start-ups once they start scaling may also chases recycled material, resells production waste to its suppliers and
encounter some organizational barriers. Similarly, no technical barriers produces a product of 100% recyclable material as part of a circular
or technical trade-offs were identified in the start-up cases studied, value network.
though present in the diversification and transformations cases. Con-
cerning value chain barriers, as previously introduced, these were
mostly encountered in start-ups and diversifications, with only one 6 | CONC LU SIONS
transformation case mentioning ‘operational uncertainty’ as a
challenge. This section provides a concise summary of the study before outlining
Lastly, we note that CBM acquisition has been underexplored in their contribution to theory and implications for industry and policy
this study. However, we raised this topic with several circular start- practitioners. The paper concludes by explaining the critical limitations
ups interviewed. Roughly a third of circular start-ups told us they of the research and providing recommendations for further research
would never consider a merger or acquisition, whereas 2/3 shared avenues.
that they optimise their business model concerning a potential CBM The transition to a sustainable system of production and con-
acquisition and that they would sell to an investor that shared their sumption requires the implementation and scaling up of more sustain-
vision regarding the CE and would bring additional operational bene- able and CBMs in the market; however, to comprehend the different
fits. Future research (in the next 2–3 years) could explore if larger drivers and barriers faced by private organisations, there is a need for
incumbent firms have acquired any circular start-ups. more empirical data and to understand them from actionable manage-
rial perspectives, of interest, that firms can enter the CE as circular
start-ups, diversifying their operation with a new CBM, transforming
5 | DISCUSSION their current business model with CE practices or acquiring an exter-
nal CBM. Thus, through a multiple-case study on 21 firms, we identi-
This section discusses the key findings of this study and other rele- fied 25 barriers and 10 drivers clustered in seven categories. Through
vant insights in light of extant literature. cross-case analysis, we explored how they distinctively affect the dif-
The first relevant reflection is that our empirically identified ferent types of CBMI.
drivers and barriers correspond significantly with those identified in This study has contributed two major aspects to the literature on
the literature. The identified drivers largely coincide with those drivers and barriers for CBMs. First, it has provided novel empirical
already identified in the literature (e.g., Brown et al., 2019; Tura insights that have complemented the current limited knowledge on
et al., 2019). The barriers identified in this study confirm the wide the topic, answering calls from previous articles. Second, it is the first
range of barriers identified in the literature (e.g., Bressanelli article on barriers and drivers for CBMs that have contrasted factors
et al., 2019; Govindan & Hasanagic, 2018). This is relevant to validat- between three of the four types of CBMI, providing an additional
ing our empirical exploration and supporting previous explorative analysis perspective.
studies. Interestingly, there is also a similarity in terms of the distribu- Our study has several actionable managerial implications, pointing
tion of named drivers and barriers. And as in this study, most of the out how, in implementing novel CBMs, specific factors affect start-
literature identifies more barriers than drivers. ups to incumbents and incumbents following a diversification or a
A second interesting aspect is identifying which factors identi- transformation strategy. Concerning the motives driving these pro-
fied in previous literature were not found in this study and which cesses, we argue that while start-ups and corporate diversification are
we suggest are appropriate complements to our list of drivers and predominantly driven by business growth, cost reduction and chang-
barriers for CBMI. Relevant is to consider factors related to infor- ing customer demands, incumbents' business model transformations
mation and collaboration, which can be added. For example, insuffi- are led by changes in corporate sustainability strategy, long-term busi-
cient information sharing (Bressanelli et al., 2019; Brown ness resilience and adaptation of market demands towards more sus-
et al., 2019; Tura et al., 2019) and lack of data on the environmen- tainable products. We identified the different challenges faced; first,
tal impacts of CBMs (Galvão et al., 2020; Rizos et al., 2016) are that lack of legislative support, high initial investments and financial
often seen as barriers. Collaboration in the value chain can be both uncertainty are highly relevant barriers affecting both start-ups and
a barrier (Bianchini et al., 2018) and a driver, serving as a ‘facilitator incumbents. Second, while corporate diversifications and transforma-
for knowledge availability and technological resources’ (Tura tions more commonly face market barriers—such as lack of demand or
et al., 2019). social awareness—and organisational barriers—such as organisational
As a third relevant insight, we consider that our case studies also inertia, ambidexterity and change challenges— start-ups are more
partly confirmed the advantages of an ecosystem over a conventional prone to find value chain barriers—such as immature reverse logistic
organisational or business unit perspective for CBMI, as hypothesised systems, operational uncertainty and value network coordination chal-
by Geissdoerfer et al. (2020) and Kanda et al. (2021). We had a range lenges. We hope that these insights might serve practitioners leading
of cases in our sample whose circular strategies could only be imple- the transition towards a more sustainable and circular socio-economic
mented as part of a wider value network. For example, T3 does not system.
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TABLE A1 Illustrative quotes of each driver for circular business model innovation identified

Category Driver name Illustrative quote

Financial Business growth ‘Taking back equipment and refurbishing it, actually helps to drive new sales. It creates a new market
segment, and it helps to keep existing customers loyal.’ (Senior Director Sustainability, D6)
Business resilience ‘We work on our future resilience. The fact that we are already 50% not depending on fluctuating prices,
on scarcity, on fossil fuels as such, is also interesting for our shareholders.’ (Head of Sustainable
Development, T1)
Cost reduction ‘It was mainly about the costs, to find new ways of sourcing materials. And if you are looking to decrease
the cost of raw materials, you need to take a deeper look into the waste and into renewable materials.’
(Country Sustainability Manager, D2)
Resource scarcity ‘(…) 15–16 years ago, we found that at that pace of selling and growing, with heavy commercial success,
we will run into issues with our raw material. Where do we get our raw material?’ (Country
Sustainability Manager, D2)
Legal Regulatory push ‘Another important point is the circular economy package. This is very good for us. (…) If there is
regulation which forces countries more in the direction of the CE, of recycling, is good for us, because
we have the solutions to do this.’ (Head of Product Management, D5)
Legal compliance ‘We know that the amount of plastics in products is going up. And we also know that the recycling targets
in the WEEE directive are going up. If we want to continue to reach those targets going forward, we've
got to make sure that the plastics get recycled.’ (Senior Director Sustainability, D6)
Market Long-term customer ‘We typically sell systems. We deliver a system, hand it over to the customer, and the relationship can
satisfaction potentially end there. Sometimes we do maintenance. If you have a service performance-driven
contract, then you have a different kind of relation. You can keep on adding value to customers.’
(Director Strategy & Sustainability, D8)
Changing customer ‘We see a shift to other things we already have in the portfolio and other things that 10 years ago no one
demands was interested in. They are fulfilling sustainability and circularity requirements. So, things we had on the
shelf for 5 years, finally have a market.’ (VP Group Sustainability, D4)
Technical New technological ‘The idea was from two managing directors of the company that were former technology managers, in big
opportunity IT companies. They were not in the waste management business at all. (…) They said, “What new
technologies can we handle and what can we do?”’ (Managing Director, D1)
Organizational Corporate ‘The company has a real focus on sustainability and circular economy. This is coming from the
sustainability shareholders and our CEO. (…) We need to do something for the environment, and Circular Economy is
walking the talk.’ (Managing Director, D1)
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TABLE A2 Illustrative quotes of each barrier for circular business model innovation identified

Category Barrier name Illustrative quote

Financial High initial investment costs ‘The take-back program created the idea of leasing. It took us a year to find a bank that was
willing to lease carpet tiles, which was extremely difficult.’ (Director Sustainability, T2)
Shareholder short-term ‘If we do not show value creation from the existing R&D and their work, we cannot get more
orientation investment and interest from the company, which needs to answer to the shareholders,
who are very short term oriented.’ (Head of Product Management, D3)
Financial uncertainty ‘We are in a situation, where it all costs money, without a certain return on investment’.
(Director Sustainability, T2)
Pre-existing investments ‘Why would a company that invested millions of dollars in incineration, stop incinerating? The
investment is there, and they are making money. You are not going to stop 30 years of
investments so easy.’ (Director Sustainability, T2)
Legal Lack of legislative support ‘There are still legal barriers, still the legal framework isn't set up for a CE. Waste legislation is
still very national, trying to keep stuff within borders. Within Europe is a bit better, allowing
to move some waste, but under strict rules.’ (Senior Director Sustainability, D6)
Restrictive product regulations ‘We are making a product that is clean enough to make nutrition in the biological circle, but
legislation prevents society to do so.’ (Innovation & Business Intelligence Manager, D7)
Market Affordability vs. sustainability ‘(…) the industry, being partly very cost-sensitive consumers, still claiming that they care about
sustainability, but on the point of sale they made their buying decisions based on the price
only.’ (Senior Manager Sustainability Integration, D3)
Lack of social awareness ‘The biggest challenge is the lack of understanding of these complex things. Last week I was
asked what I see as the biggest challenge for Circular Economy for packaging, and I said, in
general, besides packaging, it's a matter of education.’ (VP Group Sustainability, D4)
Lack of customer demand ‘The challenges were on consumer adoption. Some of the values of the [product name] are
during its lifecycle, but not all the customers have a lifecycle approach.’ (Director Strategy &
Sustainability, D8)
Lack of standardisation ‘There is no market because there is a demand, but the demand is not regulating it, nobody
knows who needs it, and in what kind of technical properties. (…) We want to set a market
in Europe for secondary raw materials, and a standard to follow.’ (VP Group Sustainability,
Prices not reflecting true costs ‘Materials are still too cheap. (…) resources should be much more expensive if you look at the
environmental damage they have done. (…) If as a society we manage to price resources at
the right level, no one would be talking about the Circular Economy anymore, everyone
would be doing it.’ (Senior Director Sustainability, D6)
Competition with efficient linear ‘You are competing against a very effective linear system. The linear system has been
system optimized for a hundred years, and you are competing with a circular business model that
we are trying to figure out now in 5 years.’ (Senior Director Sustainability, D6)
Technical Technical trade-offs ‘That's the problem with recyclability, if you want it to be mono-material, you need much
more primary material for it. (…) This is not an argument for flexible, or for rigids, it's just
that the issue is complex, and you have to look at the overall performance, not only if it's
recyclable.’ (VP Group Sustainability, D4)
Technical barriers ‘Technology is not prepared for this table example. If you do a product that could be recycled
it needs to be designed in a way that it can be recycled in an affordable way.’ (Country
Sustainability Manager, D2)
Organizational Lack of internal competences or ‘The first question to my CEO is “what is Circular Economy in your opinion?” because there
knowledge are 114 different definitions. (…) The majority of people that talk about Circular Economy
basically don't know what it means.’ (Director Sustainability, T2)
Lack of leadership towards the CE ‘The biggest challenge is the fact that we don't have a CEO that goes with everything he has
in that specific direction.’ (Director Sustainability, T2)
Organizational ambidexterity ‘We want to rent machines, we want to sell machines, if one business model helps the other
great, but we don't want to say that we just have a big fleet only to make demonstrations to
buy new machines. Then we would not need a rental fleet, only a demo fleet.’ (Head of
Product Management, D5)
Organizational transformation ‘Internal stakeholders were the biggest challenge from my perspective. (…) just to bring
challenges people, and convince them this makes sense, this is a new business model. For us, as any
other retailer: product, pay, buy, go home, final. Extending the business model too much
more was tough to understand for a company like us.’ (Country Sustainability Manager, D2)
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Category Barrier name Illustrative quote

Lack of experience with the new ‘What was different is that we needed to really go out of our comfort zone, our knowledge
circular business model zone. Normally, even if we do big innovations, we are very much within the supply chain,
within our processes. (…) We were doing something totally different for the company, but
also for the whole industry.’ (Head of Product Management, D3)

Organizational linear inertia ‘This was at the very beginning the main argument from the sales department on why not to
do it: We want to sell new stuff; this is our concept, and we don't want to change it. This
was a change process that we had to do.’ (Country Sustainability Manager, D2)
Value chain Difficulties in coordinating the ‘The biggest hurdle to overcome, and it's the reason why none of these combinations have
value network been successful so far anywhere, is that the bigger companies have two contract managers,
two running contracts, one for the waste, one for the purchase of hygienic material. These
contracts have a running time, they are never synchronous. They are managed by two
different people.’ (Innovation & Business Intelligence Manager, D7)
Heterogeneity of post-consumer ‘But in the post-consumer, it is so different, you might use a t-shirt a hundred times and me
waste only five times, and both have the same cotton quality. How do you mix all these things to
make cellulose? And what colour do you have?’ (Head of Product Management, D3)
Operational uncertainty ‘Most challenging was to think of everything that might come up. It was like, you have
bubbles in the water, but you are on the surface, so you never know when the next bubble
might pop up and how it might look like.’ (Senior Manager Sustainability Integration, D3)
Immature reverse logistics ‘It's not our competence to go to the supply chain, to the brand and then buy material from
systems them. And then, how to arrange the logistics as well. Not only the accounting system of the
brand on whether they could sell it or not, that is one thing, but also the reverse logistics
and the collection there only for the purpose of recycling.’ (Senior Manager Sustainability
Integration, D3)
Traceability & trust challenges ‘Circular Economy also needs traceability and transparency. That way, when we go into the
next phase of post-consumer products, how do I know what is contained in each of the
shirts and jeans I am getting? What type of colour, what kind of materials are in there? I
need to know otherwise I cannot process the material.’ (Head of Product Management, D3)

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