Curing The Sales Marketing Divide
Curing The Sales Marketing Divide
Curing The Sales Marketing Divide
Curing the
Disconnect Achieving better integration between marketing and
sales can jolt you toward the next competitive advantage
By Christopher Hosford
ALES-MARKETING ALIGNMENT IS ONE OF tional, a sales and marketing management consulting company
ant to gauge how severe the disconnect between
partnership. And the sentiment was echoed among those in sales: sales and marketing is? Consider how marketing’s
The importance of marketing messages was rated nearly as high, analysis of the problem differs from that of sales. In
and led all other considerations in this sector. the Sales & Marketing Management/American Marketing Asso-
“In business-to-business selling, purchasing decisions are ciation survey, respondents who identified themselves as
overwhelmingly made as a result of conversations that salespeo- either marketers or salespeople (whether managers or reps)
ple have with decision makers,” says John Aiello, CEO of the Savo were pretty clear that the “other side” could do better.
Group, a sales-enablement company based in Chicago. “That’s Among marketers, the single most critical aspect of sales and
where the real magic happens, face-to-face. Once you recognize marketing alignment was sales being able to speak coherently
that, then you have to ask yourself,‘What are we doing as a mar- about the company, its brand, and the distinctiveness of its prod-
keting or sales team to arm sales with the right tools to execute ucts or services. But the viewpoint of sales was different: Almost
this ground war?’ ” two thirds of sales respondents indicated that the most critical
alignment issue for them is whether the marketing messages
CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? they’re actually getting from marketing are any good or not.
But is marketing adequately supplying sales with the right com- Marketers seem to be saying, “Sales, execute better with the
munications tools? Aiello doesn’t think so, and he believes this materials we’re giving you.” Meanwhile, the sentiment of sales
is symptomatic of the sales-marketing disconnect overall. He appears to be, “We’ll do it well if you give us the best tools.”
says that as much as 40 percent of a salesperson’s job is consumed Another apparent attitudinal disconnect lies in the genera-
with putting together selling materials in preparation for meet- tion and dispersal of qualified leads. Among marketers, 61 per-
ings and presentations, a critical proportion of time that is bet- cent indicated that sales follow-up on leads was essential to
ter spent selling. Worsening the situation is that a very small per- alignment, while salespeople at exactly the same percentage
centage of salespeople can actually craft decent selling materials, indicated they needed quality leads if they’re going to follow
not to mention the right message for the right situation. up well. Again, this indicates that both marketing and sales
“That’s an enormous amount of time that is not value-added,” know what’s essential to success, but perhaps have some dis-
Aiello says.“It’s an indicator of an organization that is not work- trust in the ability of the other side to get the job done. —C.H.
ing. Sales is concerned about having to do this nonvalue-added
work, and marketing is worried that its brand is not delivered
consistently, that there is no control or consistency in the messag- For complete results
ing. People don’t necessarily allude to the misalignment of sales
from the alignment survey go to
and marketing; rather, they feel the pain of that misalignment.”
Alignment Push tions. (Aiello’s Savo Group, which offers an auto- customer-centric
mated message-management solution called
hen John Meyer joined Lucent Technologies in
2003, coming over from IT consulting firm EDS to Unisys is working on its messages and on ways to automate the
head up the Lucent Worldwide Services division, messaging process to quickly generate customized communica-
his goal was simple: to broaden the offerings of a products- tions tools that conform well with a customer’s specific needs.
oriented company, and develop its professional services arm.
Services, the theory went, would augment Lucent’s telecom- THE CATTLE CALL
munications equipment offerings, with a focus more clearly Driving much of the debate over sales-marketing alignment is the
on solutions. Signaling the gathering importance of technol- need to adequately differentiate one’s products from those of the
ogy services to the company, based in Murray Hill, New Jer- competition. In fact, in the survey, S&MM subscribers and AMA
sey, Meyer in April was named president of Lucent’s Global members both agreed that the goal most at risk from poor mar-
Sales and Services to more fully transform the company keting and sales integration is that very thing—product or serv-
toward the services and solutions model. ices differentiation. When asked about at-risk goals, differentia-
Lucent’s services push has had another effect: a new- tion was cited most often (by 68 percent of respondents), with a
found emphasis on sales-marketing alignment. related goal—the ability to sell value over price—receiving nearly
“I like to say, if you have a product, you have a solution as much support (60 percent).
looking for a problem,” says Barbara LaGuardia, global mar- No other goal was viewed nearly as threatened by poor align-
keting director for Lucent Worldwide Services in Naperville, ment as differentiation and value-based selling.
Illinois. “But with services, you first come to the client and “Most companies’ products and services look so much alike,
try to understand his problem, and then put a solution and the customer is overwhelmed with everyone’s information,
together. The way to sell services is vastly different from which only makes them more confused,” says Tim Riesterer,
selling products.” president and cofounder of CMM Group, based in Milwaukee,
Lucent’s services salespeople undergo training in consul- which provides its clients with marketing-message development
tative-selling techniques, while marketing people have their and delivery services.“With so many potential customers think-
own training tracks in how to develop consultative-oriented ing everybody’s stuff sounds alike, these customers often figure
materials to support sales. The company’s Web site (a criti- they can’t go wrong by just bringing in the top three choices,
cal alignment tool) was redesigned to emphasize solutions, and then beating them up on price.”
and all primary and secondary collateral materials have But nobody wants to play that game. Sales training is often
been revamped. oriented toward solving this with solution selling courses, urg-
The financial rationale for the new emphasis at Lucent is ing that the sales conversation focus on business problems and
a serious one; while earnings and revenue have been on a challenges, and the specific products or services in the salesper-
slide due to weakening products sales, its services wing has son’s portfolio that fit those needs.
seen revenue increase 8 percent in the first half of fiscal “But that’s like building a race car without putting gas in the
2006, to $1.2 billion. —C.H. tank,” Riesterer asserts. “You can train salespeople in that way
to sell, but if you’re going to have a good diagnostic conversa-