C Hank Hamri An 2014

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Proceedings of the International Electrical Engineering Congress 2014

Transformerless Distribution Voltage Restorer using

Diode-Clamped Three-level Converter

Wuthikrai Chankhamrian Krischonme Bhumkitlipich and Nathabhat Phankong

Dept. of Electrical Technology Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
Chanthaburi, Thailand Pathumthani, Thailand
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract- This paper presents development distribution Therefore equipment will be used to solve these problems
voltage restorer (DVR) using three-level diode-clamped that it is "Distribution Voltage Restorer (DVR)" which is
converter for creating voltage to compensate using power connected for the generative voltage to compensate for normal
electronics switching device. Converter is controlled the injection
load voltage. OVR control is required detection the voltage
voltage by using voltage regulations without transformer
sag, calculation the voltage magnitude and frequency to
connected to the power system. Low-pass filter is used to filter
harmonics voltage signal and reduce voltage signal distortion.
compensate correct. Present the various technologies used to
Simulation and experimental results show the effectiveness of the provide for the best features and perfonnance. The important
proposed DVR that the output voltage waveform of three-level power system requirements are rapid operation of the OVR for
diode-clamped converter has a signal distortion less than output sensitive load no damage or less damage.
voltage waveform of original two-level converter. The In the recent past, there are many researches on the OVR
experimental results also showed that the DVR can increase the such as design using a single loop control. Which can control
system efficiency and be able to compensate the voltage more
the peak of voltage but sensitivity of control is bad. Moreover,
than 0.1 second.
it also does not display details of control [1]. Afterward, the
Index Terms- Distribution Voltage Restorer, Three-level
research proposed a new method for the system. However,
Diode-clamped Converter, Voltage Sag
there is no clear comparison in the other research [2]. Later, the
research has tried to clearly demonstrate the investment
analysis of complex systems, but it lacks the basic information
for easy understand [3]. Although, results of various researches
Transmission power system is an important factor and has can be compensate the voltage sag, it has unclear in the control
essential for economic development and stability of Thailand, of the DVR. Therefore, the research has tried to simplify the
especially the development of industries that require large algorithm in terms of control. However, the converter is
amounts of electrical energy. Transmission power system to operating making noise and disturbance in measurement signal
support the electric power for the load must have high [4]. Accordingly, this paper proposes development of
reliability. If fault occurs in the power system, it will cause distribution voltage restorer (OVR) using the topology of
voltage sag, voltage swell, interruption and disturbance signal diode-clamped three-level converter to reduce signal distortion
causes rapid changes in voltage. From the events above that from the OVR without transfonner connected to the power
causes the voltage difference of the normally wave fonn, these system. The proposed procedure is as follows.
affect consumers. Currently, the most of the electrical load is
sensitive on the failure of voltage. Equipment, infonnation II. TREE-LEVEL DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE RESTORERS
systems, the loss of time and business opportunities are

� �Iv,...
affected hugely damage by the failure of voltage. Considering I_oad

causes and effects of power quality problems prepare the cope

with this problem and create equipment in order to optimize
power system.
The power quality problems may affect the electrical
equipment such as small electronic devices or other equipment
contained in appliances, making dilapidated or broken device,
which are depend on the severity or type of problem. Short I�l�
Fig. 1 The structure of the DVR
L... ____________

duration variation is phenomenon changing voltage or current

only a short time. Mainly, Short duration variation caused by
fault in power system. Which phenomenon of power quality in The operation of OVR begin fault occurred in the power
this group are voltage sag, voltage swell and voltage system. The transmission lines close to the fault line has
interruption [1]. voltage sag. OVR will inject voltage into the power system to
control peak voltage, frequency and phase at the grid points, to

978-1-4799-3174-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

make the voltage at the load has been equal to the normal distortion in output current and reduced inrush current for the
voltage. The structure of the DVR is show in Fig. l. Generally switching device. When we compare three-level with two­
consists of a converter, filter, energy storage and control level converter, which are similar DC link voltage.
i �
v i) pee ltJ�
v/oa Load

Fig. 2 DVR as series source connected

Fig.2 shows the DVR, which is like as a voltage source

that can control the peak, frequency and phase of voltage.
Injected voltage series into the power system, reference
voltage injection of the DVR into the system will be converted
to a PWM signal to activate of the inverter. The difference of Fig. 4 Diode-clamped three-level converter I-phase type

the reference voltage, depending on the suitability of various

PWM generation method PD type will cause the least
control methods. That is the 3 methods of compensation such
harmonics. Thereby this paper will select PD techniques to
as pre-sag compensation, in-phase compensation and energy
generate signal as shown in Fig. 5. The advantages of this
optimization technique.
technique such as low frequency of the harmonics frequency
A comparison of the 3 methods, it is obvious that the
was born the two times of the switching frequency. In addition
magnitude of the voltage injected into the system of pre-fault
the two times of harmonics frequency of the switching
compensation and minimum energy optimization are larger
frequency will zero just remaining Sideband as shown in
than the in-phase compensation methods, but the minimum

1_ - - - - - - - --- - - - ---- - -- - --- - ---- - --- - --- - ----

Fig. 6. Thus makes it easy to filter.
energy optimization method will use very small quantities for
active power. The pre-fault compensation method will use
:- :
�- : :

active power larger than other methods. However, it is the 0.5 -- - -- - -- -

most accuracy for compensation. Simplify, we can split the

components into 3 main parts; the converter, energy storage -o
� �
and controller parts [5].
2.1 Converter part
This part is used to generate voltage compensation. The
main component is the converter circuit. In addition
voc- �-- - - �1"T�

- - - - �-' - - - - - - - - -1'- �- - - - - - - - -

-------------+------------- -


--wt+ 2rr

-V'xJ2 --------------------t--------------------�- -
-v'\o :-:::::::: : :::: u :±___�uu ; iJ�
nTT . n
transformer may be included, if the installation of power
system has high and medium voltage. Fig. 3 shows the o rr/2 rr 3rr/2 --wt+ 2rr
I-phase converter of DVR. However, for a low voltage power Fig. 5 output of three-Ievel converter using PWM signal PO type
system, it isn't appreciated using transformer connection but it
is appreciated direct connection between converter and power
system. Because of the disadvantages of the transformer are

}!h E
phase shift and voltage drops. In addition important problems
are the saturation of the transformer and Inrush current. That
making the DVR requires transformer size 2 times of its. As a iF ,� iF i£-;;;;<P !I II
result, transformer will has a large size and expensive. 21Sw - 50 2fsw + 50

Fig. 6 spectrum of voltage using PWM PD type

2.2 Filter circuit design

�/c 3 00 V
- - - - - - ,.
I inverter
------- ---- ---- ---- -
- -

- - - - - - -


Fig. 3 Circuit of the I-phase converter of OVR

/'w = 20 kHz
Iinv(rate) 15 A


2.2 Diode-clamped three-level converter �;nv Rf

Diode-clamped three-level converter I-phase types shown �nv(mfe) 110 V =
in Fig. 4 will has using a three-level of DC voltage from two L _____ .Jl____________________________________________
Fig. 7 Equivalent circuit of filter circuit
capacitors connection series for divide DC voltage power
supply. Three-level converter has an advantage over two-level
Since the output voltage of inverter is not sine wave, we
converter, which is increase the voltage levels, making low
must connect filter circuit into output of inverter for filter
undesirable frequency. For easy filter circuit design, we will When Rf from equation (6) replace equation (5), it
ignore effect of load and voltage in power system. Equivalent
circuit can write as shows in Fig. 7. So filter circuit design has can be obtained from equation (7).
step as follow.
1) Assignment the voltage at fundamental frequency drop
across inductor in filter circuit not more than 5% of normal (7)
voltage in power system. That is provision for selected
maximum value for inductor. Thus it can be obtained from
equation (I). III. CONTROL OF DVR
The control part of DVR is the most important in the
voltage sag compensation. It has responsibility for controlling
< O.OSv"ormal
Lf - (1) start or stop the system and calculate period of the voltage
2:rfi;nv(rate) compensation, Accordingly it send signal to the converter part
for operation. Operation of control systems start in occurred
voltage sag. Detector will verity it. When there are signs it, the
2) Assignment the maximum value for oscillating peak­
reference voltage generator part is created reference voltage
current pass filter circuit not more than 15% of rated current
for comparison with the actual voltage in the system. After,
of inverter. That is provision for selected minimum value for
the voltage in this comparison will sent to PWM in the
inductor. Then it can be obtained from equation (2).
compensating voltage generator & voltage injection part to
drive the converter, therefore it will inject voltage into the
system. Block diagram of the control as show in Fig. 8.

3) Assignment the oscillating current at load not more

than 5% of oscillating current through capacitor of filter
circuit. That is provision for selected minimum value for
capacitor. Then it can be obtained from equation (3).


Fig. 8 Block diagram of the control of the DVR [6]

4) Assignment the Damping Factor is equal to I. The
equation ratio between output voltage from filter circuit and
inverter can be obtained from equation (4). IV. SIMULATION RESULTS


G= ,...----r--l Load

From equation (4) can be obtained Damping Factor G


from equation (5).


When Damping Factor IS equal to I, Rf can be DVR

Fig. 9 Circuit Simulation of the DVR

obtained from equation (6).

=2 � L

The simulation program is MATLAB/SIMULINK. DVR
will be connected to the secondary side of transformer in the
distribution system as shown in Fig. 9. Defming parameters in
the simulation are fault occurred at a time between 0.04 - 0.14
seconds for 0.1 seconds, three-phase voltage 380 V 50 Hz,
Switching frequency 20 kHz, Cr = 8�F, Lr = 2mH, Rr = 32Q , V:\A
Cbu, = 6,600 �F, criteria of the voltage sag Ivi ::; 198 V, VW

1'>8>1.85° or M<1.75°and series load RL( R=13Q and GENERATOR V,

L=19 mH ).

400 ,-----
! 0
-400 c"-------"""
-, --""',------,,-;�____;
� ; --_;;_o_--_=eo_�_:_o_-=--:;_,:;--=--"-J

Control System Box

For Converter 3 level, THOv = 1.91% Fig. 1 1 Circuit Experimental of the DVR

!Ill o 2 4
Frequency (Hz)
6 X 10'

� 0

o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Time (8)
0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16

For Converter 2 level, THDv = 3.96%

: 0 2 4
Frequency (Hz)
6 8 X 10'

Fig. 10 voltage compensation with three-levels and two-levels converter'

respectively. In case of single line to ground fault at phase A to ground.

From simulation, compensation voltage sag in case of

single line to ground fault at phase A to ground as shown in
Fig. 10. Compensation by three-level and two-level converters
can compensate for voltage sag as well. Nevertheless, in the
circuit used three-level converter, it is obvious the harmonics
frequency (fh) 40 kHz and 80 kHz less than used two- level
converter. The total harmonics distortion of voltage (THDv) is
equal to 1.91%. For the effect of a single line to ground fault,
three-level converter is less than two-level converter to 2.05%.
Moreover, voltage waveform from three-level converter is
smoother than two-level converter.


In the experiment, DVR will be installed series to power From Fig. 13 when input voltage magnitude decrease less
system as shown in Fig. 1l. After that, Occurrence of voltage than 0.9 p.u.. DVR will create compensating voltage for
sag in the power system is simulated by voltage sag generation. maintain voltage to normal. While duration begin and before
Control of DVR uses dSPACE board. Fig. 12 shows the end of voltage sag as shown in Fig. 14 and 15 respectively,
components of DVR including inverter circuit, driver circuit, load voltage will have a little oscillation before normal
voltage power supply, energy storage, rectifier circuit, control condition which it is harmless for electric device.
box, control screen and load.
Pk-Pk This paper proposes the reduction of distortion signal from
the DVR using three-level diode-clamped converter. The
simulation results shows the voltage sag compensation using
three-level converter proposed can solve the voltage sag
CH3 OJ( problem as well. Load voltage while occurring voltage sag has
Pk-Pk close to normal voltage (1.0 p.u.). When compared with the
two-level converter although the voltage sags compensation
Pk-Pk isn't difference. However, voltage waveform of the three-level
CH2 converter has signal distortion less than two-level converter. As
Freq a simulation result, the harmonics in the power system has less
50: as well. Moreover, the experimental result shows that the
011 CH2 50,011 M 100ms CH2..r 0,0011
11-0CI-12 19:53 50.0085Hz proposed DVR has increased the efficiency and also it is able
Fig. 13 Input and load voltage during have voltage sag to compensation more than 0.1 second.

Tek • SlOp M Pos: -86.00ms MEASURE REFERENCES

Begin compensation ....... CH1
Pk-Pk [1] Liu, J. W., Choi,S. S., & Chen, S.. 2003. Design of step dynamic
voltage regulator for power quality enhancement. IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery.
[2] Awad,H., Svensson,]., & Bollen, M. H.. 2003. Static series
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Pk-Pk Tech Conf, Bologna.

[3] Ghosh,A,Jindal,AK., & Joshi,A 2003. Inverter control using

Pk-Pk output feedback for power compensating devices. TENCON.
Conference on Convergent Technologies for Asia-Pacific
Freq Region.
[4] Kittiwat Chiangchin. 2006. Simplification of control algorithms
CH1 50.011 CH2 50.011 M 50. Oms CH2..r 0.0011
11-0CI-12 20:29 <10Hz
for voltage sag compensators from practical viewpoints. Thesis,
Fig. 14 Input and load voltage duration begin to voltage sag Electrical Engineering, chulalongkorn university, Bangkok,
Tek JL • Stop M Po,: 602.0ms MEASURE [5] Wuthikrai Chankhamrian and Krischonme Bhumkittipich. 2010.
Design of 10 kVA Dynamic Voltage Restorer by Three-Level
Diode-Clamped Converter. The 33rd Electrical Engineering
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[6] W. Chankhamrian, K. Bhumkittipich and N. Mithulananthan.

2012. Application of Three-level Diode-clamped Converter on

10 kW Distribution Voltage Restorer. 10th Eco-Energy and
Materials Science and Engineering Symposium, Ubon
ratchathani, Thailand.
CH4 Off

CH1 50.011 CH2 50.011 M 50.0ms CH2 ..r 0.0011
11-0cI-12 20:00 <10Hz
Fig. 15 Input and load voltage duration before the end of voltage sag

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