S+ Operations 1.1.0: P13 Connectivity Guide

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Symphony Plus

S+ Operations 1.1.0
P13 Connectivity Guide
Symphony Plus

S+ Operations 1.1.0
P13 Connectivity Guide
This document contains information about one or more ABB products and may include a description of or a
reference to one or more standards that may be generally relevant to the ABB products. The presence of
any such description of a standard or reference to a standard is not a representation that all of the ABB
products referenced in this document support all of the features of the described or referenced standard. In
order to determine the specific features supported by a particular ABB product, the reader should consult the
product specifications for the particular ABB product.

ABB may have one or more patents or pending patent applications protecting the intellectual property in the
ABB products described in this document.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a
commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential
damages arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB,
and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied,
or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license. This product meets the requirements
specified in EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and in Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.

Symphony is a registered or pending trademark of ABB S.p.A.
All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respective owners.
Copyright © 2012 ABB.

All rights reserved.

Release: July 2012

Document Number: 2VAA001153C


1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................... 9
1.1 Terms ............................................................................................................. 10

1.2 Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 10

2. INSTALLATION .......................................................................................... 11

2.1 Software and Hardware Requirements ....................................................... 11

2.2 Software Installation ..................................................................................... 11

2.3 S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation ..................................................... 12

3. PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER .......................................................... 17

3.1 Product Overview ......................................................................................... 17

3.2 OPC Server Post Installation ....................................................................... 17

3.2.1 Equipment Configuration ..................................................................................... 17
3.2.2 OPC Server Service Configuration ...................................................................... 18
3.2.3 Start-up and Product Verification ......................................................................... 19
3.2.4 Licensing ............................................................................................................. 21

3.3 Configuration and Engineering ................................................................... 23

3.3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 23
3.3.2 Site Configuration Parameters ............................................................................. 23
3.3.3 Process Variables Engineering File ..................................................................... 30
3.3.4 DCOM Configuration to Access PServer Remote or as Service........................... 41

3.4 OPC Data Access .......................................................................................... 41

3.4.1 General................................................................................................................ 41
3.4.2 Data Access for Process Image ........................................................................... 43
3.4.3 Access to Control System Data ........................................................................... 45
3.4.4 Specific OPC Items.............................................................................................. 47
3.4.5 Support for XC80-Telegram ................................................................................. 48

3.5 OPC Alarm & Event ....................................................................................... 49

3.5.1 General................................................................................................................ 49
3.5.2 Messages ............................................................................................................ 50

3.6 Operation ....................................................................................................... 51

3.6.1 General................................................................................................................ 51
3.6.2 User Interface ...................................................................................................... 53

3.6.3 PServer Log Files ................................................................................................ 53

3.6.4 Data Access Test Client ...................................................................................... 54
3.6.5 Event Test Client ................................................................................................. 55

3.7 PV Definitions................................................................................................ 55
3.7.1 General................................................................................................................ 55
3.7.2 Process Signals ................................................................................................... 56
3.7.3 Process Signals Extended ................................................................................... 58
3.7.4 Control Objects .................................................................................................... 60
3.7.5 System Objects ................................................................................................... 64

3.8 Redundancy Support .................................................................................... 65

3.8.1 Acknowledge Synchronization ............................................................................. 65
3.8.2 Synchronization of Event Suppression................................................................. 66
3.8.3 Propagation of Node-Specific Partner Events. ..................................................... 66
3.8.4 Bus Connection Controlled Redundancy Switch-Over ......................................... 66

3.9 VPC Mode “Individual Command Signals” ................................................. 66

3.9.1 Concept ............................................................................................................... 66
3.9.2 Engineering ......................................................................................................... 67

3.10 VPC Mode “Mixed Mode I” ........................................................................... 68

3.10.1 Concept ............................................................................................................. 68
3.10.2 Engineering ....................................................................................................... 68

3.11 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................... 70

3.11.1 RS232 Connection for BK06 .............................................................................. 70

4. S+ P13 ENGINEERING WORK BOOK ...................................................... 71

4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 71

4.2 Basic Workbook Structure ........................................................................... 71

4.3 Column Headings – Field Names ................................................................ 72

4.4 Named Ranges in S+ P13 Engineering Workbook ..................................... 72

4.5 Signals Sheet ................................................................................................ 72

4.6 Control Objects Sheet .................................................................................. 74

4.6.1 Feedback Signals ................................................................................................ 75
4.6.2 Subtypes ............................................................................................................. 75

4.7 ID-Signals Sheet ............................................................................................ 76


4.8 Special Objects Sheet................................................................................... 76

4.9 S+ P13 Tag Engineering Workflow .............................................................. 77

4.10 OPC Server Configuration............................................................................ 77

5. S+ P13 OPC BUILDER .............................................................................. 78

5.1 Procedure for Engineering Data Loading ................................................... 78

5.2 S+ Operations P13 Connect OPC Communication Diagnostic ................. 79

5.3 OPC Diagnostic Tag...................................................................................... 79

6. S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE ................................................................. 84

6.1 Product Overview ......................................................................................... 84

6.2 General........................................................................................................... 84

6.3 Colors............................................................................................................. 84

6.4 Faceplates ..................................................................................................... 84

6.4.1 General Structure ................................................................................................ 84
6.4.2 Alarm Symbol ...................................................................................................... 85
6.4.3 Control Object...................................................................................................... 85
6.4.4 Links Area ........................................................................................................... 85
6.4.5 Object State Area ................................................................................................ 85
6.4.6 Button Area ......................................................................................................... 86
6.4.7 Selector Area ....................................................................................................... 86

6.5 Display Elements .......................................................................................... 86

6.5.1 General................................................................................................................ 86

6.6 Object Types ................................................................................................. 87

6.7 Binary Signals ............................................................................................... 87

6.7.1 Faceplates ........................................................................................................... 87
6.7.2 Display Elements ................................................................................................. 89
6.7.3 Digital Input ......................................................................................................... 94
6.7.4 Digital Output ....................................................................................................... 96

6.8 Analog Signals .............................................................................................. 99

6.8.1 Faceplates ........................................................................................................... 99
6.8.2 General structure ................................................................................................. 99
6.8.3 Parameters Tab ................................................................................................. 100
6.8.4 Trend Tab .......................................................................................................... 100

6.8.5 Display Elements ............................................................................................... 101

6.8.6 Analog Input ...................................................................................................... 103
6.8.7 Analog Output.................................................................................................... 105

6.9 Binary Control ............................................................................................. 106

6.9.1 Faceplates ......................................................................................................... 106
6.9.2 Display Elements ............................................................................................... 108
6.9.3 ASS ................................................................................................................... 122
6.9.4 ASM .................................................................................................................. 124
6.9.5 ASE ................................................................................................................... 125

6.10 Setpoint Control (HST/SWV) ...................................................................... 127

6.10.1 Faceplates ....................................................................................................... 127
6.10.2 Display Elements ............................................................................................. 129
6.10.3 HST ................................................................................................................. 130
6.10.4 SWV ................................................................................................................ 131

6.11 Analog Drive Control (ASI/ASP) ................................................................ 132

6.11.1 Faceplates ....................................................................................................... 132
6.11.2 Display Elements ............................................................................................. 136
6.11.3 Feedback Signals to State Mapping ................................................................ 141

6.12 Group Control GSA ..................................................................................... 142

6.12.1 Faceplates ....................................................................................................... 142
6.12.2 Faceplates Indication ....................................................................................... 143
6.12.3 Step Indication ................................................................................................. 143
6.12.4 Analyze Tab .................................................................................................... 144
6.12.5 Display Elements ............................................................................................. 145

6.13 Preselector Control ..................................................................................... 146

6.13.1 Faceplates ....................................................................................................... 146
6.13.2 Feedback Signals to State Mapping ................................................................ 148
6.13.3 VW2 (2 Selector) ............................................................................................. 148
6.13.4 VW3 (3 Selector) ............................................................................................. 150
6.13.5 VW4 (4 Selector) ............................................................................................. 152

6.14 Building P13 Specific Symbols from S+ Common Symbol Library ........ 153
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide INTRODUCTION

“Symphony Plus Operations” is the human system interface (HSI) to various ABB distributed control systems. The “S+
Operations P13 Connect” provides the connectivity between the ABB HSI and the Procontrol P13 distributed control
system. Multiple connectivity‟s to Symphony Plus Operations exist within ABB.

This document describes the steps required to configure and operate the Procontrol P13 specific functions of S+
Operations. For an overview of the main components included in this product, see Figure 1-1.

S+ Operations P13 Connect

P13 Faceplates
Operations Explorer (Display)

P13 Symbols

Procontrol P13 Plant

Engineering Data Project data
Tag Database Control Objects import and
Management (Drives) normal
Real-time Signals completion

System Setup S+ P13

Engineering S+ P13
Tag Database Work Book OPC
P13 Data
Builder (.xls) Builder

PV Engineering
Procontrol P13 Connect Data (.pve file)
OPC Server


Process data
Configuration Engineering data
Parameter (.psc
File) For information only

Figure 1-1: S+ Operations - P13 Connect Overview

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide INTRODUCTION

1.1 Terms
Table 1-1: Terms

Term Definition
S+ Operations ABB‟s operator station or human system interface (HSI)
S+ Operations P13 ABB‟s connectivity product between “Symphony Plus Operations” and the Procontrol P13
Connect distributed control system
S+ Operations Server S+ Operations server is the host for the P13 OPC Server
Control Object Process Objects representing control functions with associated commands and feedback
Error Error in feedback signal
Channel Failure (CF) Communication Failure between P13 OPC Server and Symphony Plus Server
Process Object Named object representing a Process Signal or a Control Object
Process Signal Process Object representing an analog (AI, AO) or binary (DI, DO) value
PServer Procontrol P13 Connect OPC Server
P13 Designates the Procontrol P13 distributed control system
ID-Signal Signals sent by the P13 OPC server to Procontrol as part of a command. ID-Signals are not
used in Symphony Plus
Process Variable Named object representing a Process Signal or a Control Object
Tag Synonym for Process Variable
BK06 P13 device providing communication to P13 local station via a communication network
PIF P13 process bus Interface module between an intraplant bus and the S+ Operations Server
PRAUT80.13P Previous Procontrol HSI based on proprietary hardware used as local HSI
VPC Video Process Control comprises all the functionality directly related to process operation
through the graphical user interface. This includes the handling of commands towards
control objects and the handling and presentation of feedback information from control

1.2 Abbreviations
Table 1-2: Abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition
HSI Human System Interface (operator station)
IPB Intraplant Bus of Procontrol P13/42 system
LB Local Bus of Procontrol P13/42 system
OPC OLE for process control. OPC is designed to deliver open connectivity via open standards in
industrial automation and is based on a series of standards specifications from the OPC
OPC AE OPC specifications for alarms and events
OPC DA OPC specifications for data access
S+ Symphony Plus
PServer Procontrol P13 Connect OPC Server
PV Process Variable
S+ Operations Symphony Plus Operations - HSI
COM Microsoft‟s Common Object Model
PIF Process Bus Interface
VPC Video Process Control

10 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide INSTALLATION

2.1 Software and Hardware Requirements
For Procontrol P13 Connect OPC Server
Below SW / HW specifications are the basic requirements for optimum operation

PC – Pentium Core DUO 1.3 GHz CPU, minimum 1 GB RAM

Serial ports: 1 port per BK06 coupler
ISA slots: 1 full length ISA slot per PIF coupler
PCI slots: 1 PCI slot per PIF03 coupler
HD memory partition: 64 MB

Operating system version: Windows 7, Windows 2008

2.2 Software Installation

The Symphony Plus software is delivered on an installation DVD. To install the product, start Setup.exe from the
installation DVD and follow the instructions of the install shield wizard.

When the Symphony Plus installation DVD is inserted into the drive, the installation AUTORUN screen will appear. If it
does not, navigate to the root directory of the DVD and manually launch Setup.exe. This screen allows direct access to
the various software installation programs of Symphony Plus. Refer to “2VAA000714-
100_SPlus_System_Installer_InstallationManual” for different component installations.

Figure 2-1: Symphony Plus Installation Screen

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide INSTALLATION

2.3 S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation

After installation the different components of the server (Third Party, S+ Operations & S+ Historian), S+ System Installer
the installation of S+ Operations - P13 Connect will start.

Figure 2-2: S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation – Step 1

Step 1: Click “Next” to continue the installation

Figure 2-3: S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation – Step 2

Step 2: Select options as shown in the Figure 2-3.

12 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide INSTALLATION

Figure 2-4: S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation – Step 3

Step 3: Click “Install” to continue the installation.

Figure 2-5: S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation – Step 4

Step 4: This step completes the installation of S+ P13 Engineering Workbook, S+ P13 OPC Builder and the required
dll file.

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide INSTALLATION

Figure 2-6: S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation – Step 5

Step5: This step starts the installation of the Procontrol P13 Connect OPC Server. Continue the installation by
clicking “Next”.

Figure 2-7: S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation – Step 6

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide INSTALLATION

Step 6: Based on the specific plant requirements check if needed the “Install PIF Support” option and select “Next”.
By default “Install PIF Support” is checked.

Figure 2-8: S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation – Step 7

Step 7: Complete Procontrol P13 OPC Server installation as shown in Figure 2-8: S+ Operations P13 Connect
Installation – Step

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide INSTALLATION

Figure 2-9: S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation – Step 8

Step 9: Complete S+ Operations - P13 Connect installation as shown in

Figure 2-9: S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation – Step 8

Figure 2-9: S+ Operations P13 Connect Installation –

After the installation of S+ Operations - P13 Connect, S+ System Installer installs S+ Operations Display Library
which consists of required faceplates, P13 data processor, fonts and necessary registry settings.

16 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER


3.1 Product Overview
PServer is an OPC Server for Procontrol P13/42. It supports the OPC standards for Data Access 2.0 and Alarm & Event
1.0. Via the PServer, client applications can access data in a Procontrol system. The PServer supports communication
with Procontrol via serial line and bus coupler BK06 or via PIF board and intraplant bus P42.

OPC Client OPC Client

( HSI – OPC Client (VBA)
Package) (History

Procontrol P13 Connect
OPC Server


P13 BK P42 Intraplant Bus

BK 06
Station 06
P13 BK
Station 06

Figure 3-1: PServer

PServer allows to access Procontrol data from two different viewpoints:

 Control system data access
 Data items representing “raw” Procontrol data words are provided.
 Process image data access
 Data items representing “Process variables” as DI, AI, DO, AO are provided. For commands towards Procontrol
multifunction, corresponding command items are provided. These command items allow a logical access to
commands independent of the particular signals sent. PServer was developed as a “stand-alone” server and
can be used by several client applications simultaneously or via the network.
 PServer runs on the Windows NT PC Platform.

3.2 OPC Server Post Installation

3.2.1 Equipment Configuration BK06
Required BK06 Firmware: HESG 492 119 or HESG 492 128C
The parameters for the serial interface of BK06 are defined by respective EPROM programming. PServer uses
parameter settings as listed in the following table.

Table 3-1: Serial port settings for BK06

Parameter Value
Data bits 8
Stop bits Configurable

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

Parity Configurable
Flow control None
Baud rate Configurable

For details of BK06 programming see BK06Programming. PIF
The settings on the PIF hardware listed in the following table must match the corresponding PIF configuration
parameters in PServer.

Table 3-2: PIF Settings

Parameter Value
I/O channel Select a free channel
(Address range)
Station Address According to plant configuration
Interrupt level Select a free level
(Or disable interrupt in PServer)

For details of PIF hardware configuration see PIF Users Guide 1KHZ 102 655.

3.2.2 OPC Server Service Configuration

A good practice for the OPC Server service configuration is, to use the same account for the OPC Server as used for
the S+ Operations, e.g. SPLUS. In order to create the Service, execute the OPC Server via Start Menu ->ABB P13
Connect OPC Server-> PServer – Create Service

Figure 3-2: Configure Procontrol OPC Server Service for Redundant Servers in a Workgroup

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

Figure 3-3: Configure Procontrol OPC Server Service for Redundant Servers in a Domain

Do enter the account in the form <Domain Name>\<User name> (e.g. INDUSTRIALIT\SPLUS), do not enter the
account in the form provided by Browse...!

To ensure, that the OPC Server will be started under the selected service account with the desired configuration
file (psc-file), login once with this account, start the OPC Server via Start Menu ->...-> PServer Configuration, open the
desired configuration file and exit again.

3.2.3 Start-up and Product Verification

By means of the OPC test clients included and the sample configuration provided, the installation can be verified by the
procedure as described here. After entering the site configuration and connecting the corresponding coupling hardware
(BK06, PIF) an appropriate test concerning this configuration must be performed. This test procedure assumes that the
data access client and the event client have been installed.
1. Start Data Access Client and connect it to the ABB Procontrol OPC Server
Select: Start-> Program Files -> ABB P13 Connect OPC Server ->Data Access Client. In the data access client
select: OPC->Connect. This will bring up the Select OPC Server dialog. In the list of available servers, the ABB
Procontrol Server must appear. Select this and leave with OK.

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

Figure 3-4: Dialog to select OPC Server in data access client

This starts the PServer, if not already started. The PServer window can be opened through the Windows taskbar. The
Help->About dialog shows the product version.

Figure 3-5: PServer window after initial installation
1. Start Event Client
Select: Start -> Program Files -> ABB P13 Connect OPC Server -> Event Display Client
The event client is started and automatically connected to the Procontrol OPC Server.
2. View and modify data in Data Access Client – Check messages in Event Client
OPC -> Add Item…brings up the following browser dialog.

The PServer Window can only be seen if PServer is started in configuration mode!
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Figure 3-6: Browser dialog for sample configuration

Add the calculated variables 01ANR10AC101_XJ0J (Analog) and 01DTL10DC101_XS01 (Digital) to the group. Write a
value to both variables and check the display.

Figure 3-7: Writing values to calculated test variables

Writing to the digital value will cause messages in the event client as shown in the following figure.

Figure 3-8: Messages generated by writing to calculated test variables

3.2.4 Licensing
After the installation of the PServer software, you will have an evaluation license which always expires after 15 days.
After this time the PServer will automatically terminate. During this time you have to acquire a registered license code
from ABB Power Automation AG, Switzerland.

For the registration, perform the following steps:

 Start the Licence tool (Procontrol OPC Server -> Pserver - Licence)
 Select Licence->Register.
 Copy the Reference Code from the licence dialog :

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

Figure 3-9: Reference code – License Dialog

Send an E-Mail with your reference code and the product serial number to the following address:
[email protected]
 After receiving the license key, you can finish the registration.
 Verify that the software is properly registered: (Licence->Licence status.)

Figure 3-10: Software Registered – License Dialog

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3.3 Configuration and Engineering

3.3.1 Overview
The project-specific application data used by PServer can be classified as follows:
 Site Configuration Parameters (.psc)
These parameters comprise the basic parameters concerning bus connections, VPC interfaces etc. They can
be modified through the PServer configuration user interface.
 Process Variable Engineering Data (.pve)
These data comprise all parameters defining the process variables and control objects to be created for the

P13 OPC PServer

File (.pve)

File (.psc)

Figure 3-11: Project-specific application data for PServer

3.3.2 Site Configuration Parameters General
The Site Configuration Parameters determine the PServer-related site-specific properties of the Procontrol P13 control
system. The following parameters need to be configured,
 VPC concept
 Number and types of connected buses
 Properties of used serial ports for BK06 connection
 Properties of used I/O ports for PIF/PCI-PIF connection

Figure 3-12: Menu Tree for Site Parameter Configuration

Site configuration parameters are stored in a PServer site configuration file (.psc). On start-up, PServer loads the site
configuration file according to the recent file list, i.e. the file last accessed and existing is loaded.

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Figure 3-13: Open Dialog for PServer Site Configuration File

The default file extension for PServer site configuration files is .psc .
To activate modifications of site parameters, save the configuration file, exit the PServer configuration and then restart
The option to handle PServer site configuration files is provided as an option in menu File.

Figure 3-14: Menu items to handle PServer site configuration files Process Variable Engineering File Configuration

The PServer receives the process variable engineering data via the process variable engineering file. This file is
normally loaded by the PServer at start-up. The pathname of the file to be used by the PServer can be configured as
site configuration parameter. Additionally the automatic loading at start-up can be deactivated. This can be useful during
testing and commissioning. Manual loading can be achieved by the menu command File->LoadPVs.

The property page Engineering Files allows also to configure the Server ID, which is an identification number for the
server. This number can be used in conjunction with the SERVER parameter set (see SERVER Instruction) to
load only a subset of the object defined in the process variable engineering file. This simplifies engineering data
handling in systems with redundant HMI-servers in that the same engineering data can be used for both of the
redundant servers.

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Figure 3-15: Property Page for PV Engineering File Configuration VPC Modes Configuration

PServer supports a “logical” interface for VPC commands. This means, that a client can issue commands via a
corresponding command item which hides the specific signal concept (“VPC mode”) implemented for a certain plant.

The VPC mode to be used can be selected on the corresponding VPC mode property sheet. It should be kept in mind,
that the PV engineering data to be supplied is also dependant from the VPC mode. The other two modes are options for
special applications.

Figure 3-16: Property Page for VPC Mode Configuration Bus Configuration

The bus configuration determines which bus connections the PServer is using. A bus connection can be either a
connection to a local station via BK06 or to an intraplant bus via PIF board. To a bus connection, a port of a
corresponding type must be associated. A BK06 coupling must be associated to a serial port, a PIF connection must be
associated to a PIF port.

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Figure 3-17: Property Page for Bus Configuration – Type BK06

Figure 3-18: Property Page for Bus Configuration – Type PIF

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Table 3-3: Bus Configuration Parameters

Name Meaning Allowed Values
Coupler Type Type of bus coupler. {BK06, PIF, PCI PIF,
Station Address Number (Address) of the coupling station. For PIF 0,…,3F
coupler, this address must match the station address
configured on the PIF board.
Port Number Communication port (Serial or PIF) used for coupler. BK06 : 1,…,8
PIF : 1,8
Poll Cycle For BK06 only: Cycle in which BK06 should be polled. 1,…,1000 milliseconds
Depending on the number of addresses to be polled,
the real poll cycle can be higher.
Code Switch For BK06 only: Setting of the code switch on the BK06 1,…,F
front panel. Command Channel Configuration

Command channels are used for VPC Mode “Telegram and ID-Signals” and “PRAUT80.13P”. It allows to define the
addresses for the standard command telegrams XC11, XC12 and XC13. For detailed explanation of this telegrams see
Figure 3-19.

Figure 3-19: Property Page for Command Channel Configuration

Command telegrams whose address is set to 0 are assumed not to be used.

Output variables (DO, AO) whose station address do not match the station address of the bus will be ignored.
It has to be observed, that the BK06 code switch setting must correspond to the Slave Number in the BK06‟s PROM.
2VAA001153C 27
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER Serial Ports Configuration

A serial port must be associated to a BK06 coupled bus. The corresponding parameters can be specified in the
corresponding property sheet.

Figure 3-20: Property Page for Serial Port Configuration

Table 3-4: Serial Port Configuration Parameters

Name Meaning Allowed Values
Port Id. Port identification String, e.g. COM1, COM2, etc.
Baudrate Baudrate for communication with BK06 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400
Parity Parity check setting None, Odd, Even
Stop Bitsy Stop bits setting 1, 1.5, 2

Several serial port parameters are fixed presets according to BK06 specification.
28 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER ISA PIF Port Configuration

A PIF port must be associated to a PIF coupled bus. The corresponding parameters can be specified in the
corresponding property sheet.

Figure 3-21: Property Page for ISA PIF Port Configuration

Table 3-5: ISA PIF Port Configuration Parameters

Name Meaning Allowed Values
Interrupt Level Interrupt line used by this PIF, i.e. must correspond to String, e.g. COM1, COM2, etc.
setting of jumper W5 on the PIF hardware.
Channel I/O address range used by this PIF, i.e. must correspond 0,1,..,F
to setting of switch S1 on the PIF hardware.
Interrupt Enabled Defines if communication with PIF FIFO should be based It is recommended not to enable PIF
on interrupt mechanism. To disable the interrupt can interrupt
avoid problems with no free IRQs

2VAA001153C 29
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER PCI PIF Port Configuration

A PCI PIF port must be associated to a PIF coupled bus. The corresponding parameters can be specified in the
corresponding property sheet. If no PCI PIF devices are detected, this property sheet is disabled.

Figure 3-22: Property Page for PIF PCI Port Configuration

Table 3-6: PIF PCI Port Configuration Parameters

Name Meaning Allowed Values
PCI Bus PCI bus nr detected for the device Assigned from list
Slot Nr PCI slot nr detected for this device Assigned from list

3.3.3 Process Variables Engineering File General
The Process Variable Engineering File (PVE-File) defines a parameters set for each PV to be instantiated in the
PServer. The PVE file is a text file in CSV-format. It is read by the PServer at start-up. The CSV-format allows to
generate the PVE-file by means of an appropriate MS-Office-based tool (Excel, Access). The “tool-approach”
appropriate for a certain project must be selected according to the concrete engineering data situation.
Besides parameter sets associated with PVs, there are also global parameter sets which can be supplied through the
PV engineering file.

# Example PVE Fil

# Digital Input
DI,19CKA21GK000_XS01,Digital Value 3,2,3,3F,1,(Trip),Trip,1,3

# Analog Input
AI,01ASP10AP010_XJ50,Analog Value ,2,3,7,0,0,200

# ASS Multi Function

ASS,01LCB20AP010_,Main Drain Valve
# The following DI has an Alias
Figure 3-23: Example of a PV Engineering File
DO,01LCB20AP010_XD91,ID1 Channel 1,2,3,B1,0
DO,01LCB20AP010_XD92,ID2 Channel 1,2,3,B1,1
DO,01LCB20AP010_XD93,ID1 Channel 2,2,3,B1,2
DO,01LCB20AP010_XD94,ID2 Channel 2,2,3,B1,3

DO,01LCB20AP010_XD92,ID2 Channel 1,2,3,B1,1

30 DO,01LCB20AP010_XD93,ID1 Channel 2,2,3,B1,2 2VAA001153C
DO,01LCB20AP010_XD94,ID2 Channel 2,2,3,B1,3
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER PVE File Interface

Table 3-7: PVE File Interface Standard PVs

Name Meaning Allowed Values Default Pos. AIAO DIDO CO
Type Type of the PV or parameter AI, DI, AO, DO - 1 x x x
VW2, VW3, VW4
# : Comment line Parameter set
Name Name of the PV Character string - 2 x x x
Descr Description text Character string Name 3 x x x
Bus Bus address 0,…,5 - 4 x x
6 7
Station Station address 0 ,…,3F - 5 x x
Device Device address 0,…,FF - 6 x x
Bit Bit address 0,...,F - 7 x
RangeLow Range low engineering unit Number (float) 0 8 x
RangeHigh Range high engineering unit Number (float) 100 9 x
Text0 Text for Normal-state Character string 0-State 8 x
Text1 Text for Active-state Character string 1-State 9 x
Priority Priority for events 1,…,4 4 10 x
EventDef Event definition 0: No message 0 11 x
1: Message for Normal->Active
2: Message for Active->Normal
3: Message both directions
Alias Alias name Character string - 12 x x
4 9 3 10
Output Output connection {Y, N} Y 13 x x x
Outputs without output
connection can be used e.g. as
“calculated variables”.
AssocPV Process Variable associated Name of a Process variable - 14 x
with this one. Used to identify
the PV for the associated
setpoint value for analog
control objects.
SpecProc Special processing specifier: Character String, Example: 15
For some object types a special UBCD1: x
processing can be selected. Unsigned BCD from 1 word
For complete list of available
special processing see Table
3-22: Special Processing
NormPos Normal Position: {0,1} 0 16 x
Defines the normal (“not
active”) position concerning
event handling for digital
variables. PVE File Interface - Extended PVs

In the following tables only the additional parameters are listed.

Naming convention must be observed to be able to use control objects and hierarchical browsing
Output variables (DO, AO) whose station address do not match the station address of the bus will be ignored
For output variables (DO, AO) station number 0 is interpreted as own station
0,…,1FF for BK06 coupling
For Outputs only
For CO Object this means “Is Operable”
For analog control objects only
For AI only
The value itself will not be inverted
2VAA001153C 31
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER Signals (AIX, AOX, DIX, AOX)

Table 3-8: PVE File Interface Signals Extended

Name Meaning Allowed Values Default Pos. AIX DIX DOX
Section Process section 0,1,2,… 0 17 x x
Inverted Invert binary signal Y, N, 1, 0 N 18 x
Unit Measuring unit Character string - 18 x
DRLow Display range low Number RLow 19 x
DRHigh Display range low Number RHigh 20 x
NoDecs Number of decimal digits 0,1,2,… 2 21 x
LimValue1 Value Limit 1 Number DRLow/DRHig 22 x
LimValue2 Value Limit 2 23 x
LimValue3 Value Limit 3 24 x
LimValue4 Value Limit 4 25 x
LimType1 Type Limit 1 0: Upper 2 26 x
1: Lower
2: No limit
LimType2 Type Limit 2 27 x
LimType3 Type Limit 3 28 x
LimType4 Type Limit 4 29 x
LimTreat1 Treatment Limit 1 0: No message 0 30 x
1: Message for
2: Message for
3: Message both
LimTreat2 Treatment Limit 2 31 x
LimTreat3 Treatment Limit 3 32 x
LimTreat4 Treatment Limit 4 33 x
LimPrio1 Priority Limit 1 0: State 0 34 x
1,2,3: Alarm
4: State
LimPrio2 Priority Limit 2 35 x
LimPrio3 Priority Limit 3 36 x
LimPrio4 Priority Limit 4 37 x
AlarmText1 Alarm Text Limit 1 Character string >/<(LimValue1 38 x
NormText1 Normal Text Limit 1 Character string </>(LimValue1 39 x
AlarmText2 Alarm Text Limit 2 40 x
AlarmText2 Alarm Text Limit 2 40 x
NormText2 Normal Text Limit 2 41 x
AlarmText3 Alarm Text Limit 3 42 x
NormText3 Normal Text Limit 3 43 x
AlarmText4 Alarm Text Limit 4 44 x
NormText4 Normal Text Limit 4 45 x

32 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER Binary Control Objects (ASE, ASS, ASM)

Table 3-9: PVE File Interface Binary Control Objects Extended

Name Meaning Allowed Values Pos.
SubType Subtype Any string. - 6 6 6
Special processing if containing
the following substring: - x -
“TIP”: ASS Tip Mode
Section Process section 0,1,2,… 0 4 4 4
Operable Y,N,1,0 Y 5 5 5
XL68Signal Signal for XL68 Signal reference - 7 7 7
XL69Signal Signal for XL69 Signal reference - 8 8 8
XL18Signal Signal for XL18 Signal reference - 9 9 9
XL28Signal Signal for XL28 Signal reference - 10 10 10
XL19Signal Signal for XL19 Signal reference - - 11 11
XL29Signal Signal for XL29 Signal reference - - 12 12
RELON Signal for Release Signal reference - 19
RELOFF Signal for Release Signal reference - 20
PROTON Signal for Protection Signal reference - 21
PROTOFF Signal for Protection Signal reference - 22
XC80Ref XC80 Reference See 3.4.5Support for XC80- - 27 27 27

2VAA001153C 33
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER Analog Control Objects (ASIX, ASPX, HSTX, SWVX)

Table 3-10: PVE File Interface Analog Control Objects Extended

Name Meaning Allowed Values Defa Pos.
Section Process section 0,1,2,… 0 4 4 4
Operable Y,N Y 5 5 5
SubType Subtype - 6 6 6
XL68Signal Signal for XL68 Signal reference - 7 7 -
XL69Signal Signal for XL69 Signal reference - 8 8 -
XL18Signal Signal for XL18 Signal reference - 9 - -
XL28Signal Signal for XL28 Signal reference - 10 - -
XL19Signal Signal for XL19 Signal reference - 11 12 12
XL29Signal Signal for XL29 Signal reference - 12 13 13
XL79Signal Signal for XL79 Signal reference - 13 9 -
XL88Signal Signal for XL88 Signal reference - 14 10 -
XL89Signal Signal for XL89 Signal reference - 15 11 -
SPSignal Signal for setpoint Signal reference - 16 16 16
CVSignal Signal for control Signal reference - 17 17 17
AVSignal Signal for actual Signal reference - 18 18 18
RELON Signal for Release Signal reference - 19 - -
RELOFF Signal for Release Signal reference - 20 - -
PROTON Signal for Signal reference - 21 - -
Protection ON
PROTOFF Signal for Signal reference - 22 - -
Protection ON
XC80Ref XC80 Reference See 3.4.5 Support for - 27 27 27
XC80-Telegram Group Control (GSA)

Table 3-11: PVE File Interface Group Control Object Extended

Name Meaning Allowed Values Default Pos.
Section Process section 0,1,2,… 0 4
Operable Y,N Y 5
SubType Subtype - 6
XL68Signal Signal for XL68 Signal reference - 7
XL69Signal Signal for XL69 Signal reference - 8
XL18Signal Signal for XL18 Signal reference - 9
XL28Signal Signal for XL28 Signal reference - 10
XL19Signal Signal for XL19 Signal reference - 11
XL29Signal Signal for XL29 Signal reference - 12
XL59Signal Signal for XL59 Signal reference - 13

34 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

ActStepSignal Signal for actual Signal reference - 14

RELON Signal for Release Signal reference - 19
RELOFF Signal for Release Signal reference - 20
PROTON Signal for Signal reference - 21
Protection ON
PROTOFF Signal for Signal reference - 22
Protection ON
StartON 1. Step for ON 1,2,3,… 1 23
LastON Last Step for ON 1,2,3,… 50 24
StartOFF 1. Step number for 1,2,3,… 51 25
LastOff Last Step for OFF 1,2,3,… 99 26
XC80Ref XC80 Reference See 3.4.5 Support for XC80- - 27
Telegram Selector Control Objects (VW2X, VW3X, VW4X)

Table 3-12: PVE File Interface Selector Control Objects Extended

Name Meaning Allowed Values Default Pos.
Section Process section 0,1,2,… 0 4 4 4
Operable Y,N Y 5 5 5
SubType Subtype - 6 6 6
XL68Signal Signal for XL68 Signal reference - 7 7 7
XL69Signal Signal for XL89 Signal reference - 8 8 8
XL19Signal Signal for XL19 Signal reference - 9 9 9
XL39Signal Signal for XL39 Signal reference - 10 10 10
XL59Signal Signal for XL59 Signal reference - - 11 11
XL79Signal Signal for XL79 Signal reference - - - 12
XL18Signal Signal for XL18 Signal reference - 11 12 13
XL38Signal Signal for XL38 Signal reference - 12 13 14
XL58Signal Signal for XL58 Signal reference - - 14 15
XL78Signal Signal for XL78 Signal reference - - - 16
XC80Ref XC80 Reference See 3.4.5 Support for - 27 27 27
XC80-Telegram Condition Definitions (CONDX, STEPX)

Table 3-13: PVE File Interface Condition Definitions

Name Meaning Allowed Values Default Pos.
LogicResult Signal for Logic Signal reference - 4
Logic Logic for condition String - 5

2VAA001153C 35
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER Specific Parameter Sets and Instructions

Because specific parameters sets do not create an object in the PServer but modify some global parameters, they can
only appear once in a PV engineering file. Parameter Set VPCID for ID-Signals Definition

The default signal codes designating the associated ID-Signals for a control object can be modified by means of this
parameter definition.

Table 3-14: Record structure for PVE parameter set VPCID

Pos. Meaning if two ID-Signals Meaning if one ID-Signals Default
2 Signal code channel 1 –ID Signal 1 Signal code channel 1 – ID Signal XD91
3 Signal code channel 1 –ID Signal 2 Signal code channel 2 – ID Signal XD92
4 Signal code channel 2 –ID Signal 1 Signal code channel 3 – ID Signal XD93
5 Signal code channel 2 –ID Signal 2 Signal code channel 4 – ID Signal XD94
6 Signal code channel 3 –ID Signal 1 Signal code channel 5 – ID Signal XD95
… … …


VPCID, XD91,XD92,XD93,XD94 Acknowledge Bit Definition VPCDEF ACKNBIT

In VPC mode “Telegram and ID-Signals”, the acknowledge bit in the command telegrams is normally located at position
7 (counting from 0). On certain P13 plants, another bit in the command telegram is used. For these cases, the
acknowledge bit position can be defined in the pve-file with the following instruction:


BitPos Position of the bit used for acknowledge (counted from 0)

VPCDEF, ACKNBIT,8 Parameter DMSID for DMS-Signal Definition

DMS designates the Drive Module Status function implemented on certain Procontrol P13 sites. With this parameter,
the signal code for the DMS command signal can be defined. There is no default for the DMS command signal code, i.e.
if this parameter definition is missing, the DMS-command has no effect.

If the DMS command signal is one of the ID-signals, a DMS command must signal must be set to “blocking” to ensure
that the DMS command reserves the corresponding command channel as any other command. “Blocking” is specified
by setting the second parameter to “Y”.
Examples 1:

Non blocking DMS command signal

The DMS-signal must be different from the ID-signals.
Examples 2:

Blocking DMS command signal, the DMS-signal is one of the ID-signals. APPEND Instruction

The APPEND instruction causes the PServer to read another PVE-file after the current file has been processed

36 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

APPEND, C:\OPC_P13\Data\BOP.pve SERVER Instruction

The SERVER instruction allows to target the parameters sets to a certain server only. This can be useful for example for
redundant configurations, where the parameters which have to be different (e.g. VPC ID-bit naming) on the redundant
servers can be targeted to only one server, nevertheless the engineering files can be kept identical for both servers.
This instruction causes all parameter sets following to be targeted to the server with Server ID = 2 only.
This instruction causes all parameter sets following to be targeted to any server independent from the Server ID. TELEGRAMERRORS Instruction

The TELEGRAMERRORS instructions allow to activate logging of telegram errors on P42 bus connected via PIF. For
normal data acquisition, the PIF does suppress sporadic single errors (e.g. data word errors are ignored if not occurring
for four successive bus cycles).

If telegram error logging is activated each single address or data error is reported as event message.

The following options are provided:

A: Address error logging
D: Data error logging
N: No telegram error logging (default)
Telegram errors of type A and D are logged.

Telegram error logging is switched off.

Telegram error logging can be activated or switched off for a running OPC server by means of loading an appropriate
pve-file (only containing a corresponding TELEGRAMERRORS instruction) through the command Load PVs… . STATUSERRORS Instruction

The STATUSERRORS instructions allows to activate logging of status errors of data words on P42 bus connected via
PIF. Status error logging does only log data errors passing the error filtering functions of the PIF, i.e. errors which also
invalidate corresponding PVs connected to the data word.

The following options are provided:

A: Address error logging
D: Data error logging
T: Sensor disturbance logging
N: No status error logging (default)
Status errors of type A ,D and T are logged.

Status error logging is switched off.

Status error logging can be activated or switched off for a running OPC server by means of loading an appropriate pve-
file (only containing a corresponding STATUSERRORS instruction) through the command Load PVs… . PRIORITYMAP Instruction

The PRIORITYMAP defines mapping of priorities to severities. In the engineering data a priority attribute can be defined
for limits and digital values. The alarm and event OPC server provides severities instead of priorities. For the default
priority-severity mapping see

2VAA001153C 37
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

PRIORITYMAP, <Sever1>, <Sever2>, <Sever3>, <SeverElse>
Sever<n>: Severity for priority n

PRIORITYMAP, 1000,750,500,1 PARTNERNODE[X] Instruction

The PARTNERNODE instruction defines the partner node in redundant configurations. (See 3.8 Redundancy Support).

PARTNERNODE, <NodeName>, [<ConDelay>], [<RetryCycle>]

NodeName: Name of the partner node
ConDelay: Delay after OPC server start-up for connection to partner node in seconds.
Default: 30
RetryCycle: Cycle time for retry if connection failed or for partner server supervision node in seconds.
Default: 30

PARTNERNODE, ConServer02,60,60

To activate also the bus connection controlled redundancy switch-over (see 3.8.4 Bus Connection Controlled
Redundancy Switch-Over) one has to use the extended partner node instruction:

PARTNERNODEX, ConServer02,60,60 Station Disturbance Word Handling Instructions

In Procontrol P13 plants, P13 stations can maintain a so-called Station Disturbance Word in the bus coupler BK02. The
bits of this word correspond to disturbance states within the station.

The original station disturbance word can only be accessed via a dedicated service address. For disturbance indication
and alarming, the value of the station disturbance word is copied to the normal address space in the BK02.
Nevertheless the station disturbance word must be reset from a either a diagnostic station or, from the HMI.
For the HMI, this station disturbance word reset mechanism can be provided by the OPC server. The OPC server can
also provide the station disturbance word as an OPC item of the Station object as also the necessary OPC items for the
AIP Status Viewer.

The station disturbance related OPC items (station disturbance word, AIP Status Viewer items) can also be provided for
BK06 coupling. For BK06 coupling, no automatic reset feature is provided.
The station disturbance word handling has to be configured by the STATIONMONITOR and the STATION instruction.
For each bus to be monitored a STATIONMONITOR instruction is required and for each station to be monitored a
STATION directive is required.

STATIONMONITOR instruction for reset feature:

STATIONMONITOR instruction without reset feature:

Bus: Bus number (0,…,7)
DT: Address of diagnostic triple (Hex)
SA: Service address for disturbance word reset (Hex)
NA: Address of copy of station disturbance word in normal area (Hex)
CYC: Processing cycle in seconds, default: 5
TO: Time out cycle (see PIF description), default: 1
DL: Debug level, default 0
0: no debug messages
1: Resets are logged

38 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

Activates station disturbance word handling with reset feature on bus 2 via diagnostic triple at 3 with service address 4.
The normal address for the disturbance word is to be defined in the STATION directive.

Activates station without reset feature. The normal address for the disturbance word is to be defined in the STATION

The service address is usually at
 4 for systems planned with Progress
 10 (HEX) for systems planned with EDS-P3
For each station to be monitored, a corresponding STATION instruction must be present.

Bus: Bus number (0,…,7)
Station: Station (Hex)
SA: Service address for disturbance word reset (Hex),
default from STATIONMONITOR instruction.
NA: Address of copy of station disturbance word in normal area (Hex), default from STATIONMONITOR
On bus 2, the stations 1A, 1B and 1C will be monitored. The normal addresses for the disturbance word are F5, 8E, ED
respectively. If the reset feature is active is determined by the STATIONMONITORING instruction.

 Resets are sent cyclically with the cycle CYC. Reset requests are only sent, if the station disturbance word (NA
copy) is not zero or if it is invalid respectively not available.
 Station disturbance word handling is only available via PIF connection.

 Be careful to define diagnostic triple, service address correctly according to the configuration in the
Procontrol P13 plant to avoid disturbances.
 The service address (SA) is usually at
o 4 for systems planned with Progress
o 10 (HEX) for systems planned with EDS-P3 LIMHYST Instruction

The LIMHIST instruction defines the hysteresis value for analog limit monitoring.
The hysteresis value has to be given as positive integer per mille value. The per mille value is from the display range or,
if this is zero, from the measuring range.
Defines a limit hysteresis of 20 %o

If no LIMHYST instruction is given, the limit hysteresis is set to 10%o (= 1%).

2VAA001153C 39
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER AEOPTIONS Instruction

The AEOPTIONS instruction allows to define options concerning handling of alarm and event messages. The options
value has to be given as 16 bit positive integer defining a corresponding option pattern:

AEOPTIONS, <Pattern as integer>,[<bracket pattern>]

Currently the following options are supported:
Table 3-15: AEOPTIONS Instruction

Bit Position Value Meaning

0 1 Use actual state text as message description (instead of Description of
the PV)
2 2 Use bracketed active text as inactive text for condition events.
Bracketed active text uses the bracket pattern to generate the inactive
text. The bracket pattern can be an arbitrary string containing the “#”
character. The inactive text will then be generated ^by replacing “#” in
the bracket pattern by the active text:
Will provide for an active text TRIP an inactive text [TRIP]
3 4 Send no-alarm (Priority<>1,2,3) process messages as OPC simple
4 8 Provides condition events with a custom event attribute
SimpleCondition. This attribute is set to true for no-alarm
(Priority<>1,2,3) process messages. This attribute is used by 800xA
PPA to handle condition events as simple events.
5 16 Provides process events with a custom event attribute ProcessSection.
This attributes provides the process section of the event source.
6 32 Provides command tracking messages as simple events instead as
tracking messages.

 Use actual state text as message description
 Use actual state text as message description
 Send no-alarm process events as condition events with event attribute SimpleEvent=true.
 Provide process events with ProcessSection attribute
 Command tracking messages as simple messages.
 => Recommended for 800xA
 Use actual state text as message description
 Use bracketed active text as inactive text
 Send no-alarm process messages as OPC simple events
 => Recommended for SPlus INCHTO Instruction (Inching Timeout)

With the INCHTO instruction, the timeout for inching commands can be defined. If an inching command is not
terminated by a corresponding hold command, it is automatically terminated by the Inching Timeout. The Inching
Timeout is given in seconds. Default value for inching timeout is 30.
This defines an Inching Timeout of 60 seconds.
Inching timeout is active for PIF and BK03 coupling. Inching timeout is not active for VPC mode “Individual Command

40 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER PIFCMDTO Instruction (PIF Command Timeout)

The PIF Command Timeout is intended to ensure a command signal reset in situations where the PIFs host PC is not
able to do the regular reset anymore.
With the PIFCMDTO instruction, the timeout for active PIF command signals can be defined. A zero PIF Command
Timeout means that the PIF Command Timeout is not active.
If PIF Command Timeout is active, the PIF command timeout value is determined as follows:
 For inching commands, it is taken from the inching timeout value (see INCHTO Instruction (Inching
 For non-inching commands it is taken from the PIF Command Timeout
If a PIF command signal is not deactivated by a corresponding command reset within the PIF Command Timeout value,
the PIF automatically resets the command signal. The PIF Command Timeout is given in seconds. Default value for the
PIF Pulse Timeout is 0, i.e. PIF Pulse Timeout is not active.
This defines a PIF Pulse Timeout of 1 second.

If inching and non-inching commands are active at the same time on the same P13 word, for the timeout for both
command types the inching timeout is used. ExtendedLogging Instruction

With the ExtendedLogging instruction, the number of log files kept in the PServer logging directory (see3.6.3PServer
Log Files) can be increased. The ExtendedLogging instruction causes keeping of a circular set of PServer log files
additionally to the standard log files. The number of files in this file set can be configured via the ExtendedLogging
NoOfFiles: Number of additional files to be kept (default 20)

3.3.4 DCOM Configuration to Access PServer Remote or as Service

Via DCOM a client can connect to a PServer residing on a remote node. A precondition to enable access of PServer
remote or as service is, that the corresponding DCOM security settings are made correctly. The detailed settings which
provide optimal security may depend on the specific network situation as also from the platform environment (Operating
System, Industrial IT etc.).

3.4 OPC Data Access

3.4.1 General
Roughly spoken, the OPC Data Access standard defines functions allowing to “read & write” process data. The
underlying concept for these data access functions is the OPC Item. Apart from access to OPC Item Properties
explained later, an OPC client can only access data which is provided as OPC Item by the OPC Server. An OPC Item
has an name and is comprised of value, quality and time stamp.

“Read/Write” “Get”
OPC Client
OPC Item OPC Property Access
Access (Option)
(“Real Time”) OPC Server

OPC Item
 Value
 Quality
 TimeStamp
 Description
 Unit

Figure 3-24: Data Access and OPC Items

2VAA001153C 41
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

Many OPC clients do not support the data access to OPC item properties, i.e. the access via OPC items is often the
only way to get data into an OPC client. It is therefore essential to know which data an OPC server exposes through
OPC Items and possibly which through Item properties.
The PServer provides data for process variables as also for raw Procontrol data (data words).

The properties of PVs are also exposed as OPC Item Properties. Therefore the PServer provides also some “static”
data (e.g. Description text) as OPC items.

OPC Clients


Value of PV Procontrol Data Words

PVs Properties DataWord

Value of Range values
AI, DI etc Description etc.

Process Image Database Control System Database

Figure 3-25: Conceptual View on Data exposed by PServer

OPC Data Access 2.0 defines an interface, GetItemProperties, which allows to read data from a server which is not
exposed as OPC items but as OPC properties.

Figure 3-26: Item Properties for a DI shown in an OPC Client Naming Conventions for OPC Items

The PServer introduces an “object concept” via a corresponding naming concept for OPC items.
Part and property level are optional. This means that it gives object-, part- and property-level OPC items.

As every OPC item has value, quality and timestamp also every of the above mentioned types have these standard
OPC attributes.

42 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

Control System Item : #_2.1E.3F

Object #_: Control System

Part 2.1E.3F
(Bus,Station, Device)

PV Property Item : 12MAW10AA001_XC50.RLOW

Property (“RangeLow”)

Figure 3-27: Examples for PServer naming conventions for OPC items

The naming convention for OPC items associated with PVs is of course derived from the naming conventions for PVs
(see Naming Conventions for Process Variables).
For properties supported by a certain PV type see Chapter 3.7 PV Definitions.

3.4.2 Data Access for Process Image Data model

The OPC standard does not define much on an “application data model”, i.e. a data model reflecting some sort of
objects and there relations.

The PServer can provide two views on the data of a Procontrol system. The Process Image view represents the
process controlled by Procontrol as a collection of process variables. A Process Variable (PV) is a named object
representing a Process Signal or a Control Object. A Process Signal is a process variable representing an analog (AI,
AO) or binary (DI, DO) value. A Control Object is a process variable representing a control function with associated
commands and feedback signals.

The object classification for the process image view is shown in the following picture:



System Process Binary Selector Analog Condition

Object Signals Control Control Control Definition


Station AO ASS(X) VW4(X) HST(X) X

Figure 3-28: Classification of Process Variables

For further description of the individual control object types see the corresponding Procontrol documentation on

2VAA001153C 43
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

Control objects implement the corresponding commands and give access to the associated feedback signals. To issue
a command, some object individual identification signals are sent Procontrol . The association of these feedback and
identification signals to its control object is defined by a corresponding naming convention for PVs.

OPC Client

OPC Items

Feedback Signals
DI CO By Naming
By Naming Conventio
Conventio Commands n
n  ACKN Identification signals
 ON
 ..

Figure 3-29: Control Objects and associated Signals Naming Conventions for Process Variables

As mentioned above a specific naming convention is assumed in respect to control objects. Control objects are
associated with several individual process variables. In particular the necessary feedback information is provided as a
set of DI process signals. Similarly identification signals are represented as DO process signals. The compositional view
on a CO object is achieved by an appropriate naming convention:
Control object id:
Control object name (Alpha-numeric string, typical 12 characters) ending with “_”.
 Name of associated Signals:
ControlObjectName Name of the control object, 12 characters
SignalCode: Code for Signal
 Signal Code
This convention is defined in [PMSMimicSignal]
 Control object: 12MAW10AA001
 Control object id: 12MAW10AA001_
 DI of feedback “Manual”: 12MAW10AA001_XL78
 DI of feedback “Open” 12MAW10AA001_XL18

OPC Item for “Close command” 12MAW10AA001_CMD_OPEN
This naming convention allows building generic object GUI components (Faceplates, Symbols) per control object type.
This means, that for such components, only the control object name has to be provided. The individual signal items can
be referenced by the signal code relatively to the object name.

The details of object identification depends on the VPC mode used for a site.
The PServer adds additional “signal codes” for commands
Command OPC Items correspond to properties of the control object but not to an individual PV.
44 2VAA001153C
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Figure 3-30: OPC Items for an ASE Control Object in a browser

To follow this naming convention is a matter of engineering and must be observed when building the object GUI

Because naming convention as described above has not been observed consequently within projects and not in all
projects the same signal names have been used, a mechanism to map existing signal names to a unified naming
convention must be provided. This is achieved by the possibility to optionally provide an alias name to process variables
(except CO variables). By using Extended PVs (see3.4.2.3Extended Process Variables), this concept is supported in a
convenient way.

If an alias name is given for a PV, this PV has two names in the process image database and as OPC item. This allows
having a PV under the same name as it had within the old system also in case this original name does not fulfill the
control object naming convention.

The naming convention for PVs is also mapped to the naming convention for the corresponding OPC items. Therefore
see also Naming Conventions for OPC Item. Extended Process Variables

For process signals and control objects two PV types are provided:
 Standard PV
These types provide basic value processing and event processing. Configuration of feedback signals for a
control object is not possible.
 Extended PV
Extended PVs provide some additional functionality and additional attributes. In particular the feedback signals
for a control object are individually configurable.
Extended PVs have the type identification of the corresponding standard PV with an “X” appended.

3.4.3 Access to Control System Data General
The control system database contains an image of the control system data on the connected local stations. The
PServer exposes the Procontrol data words as data items. These data items follow the naming convention as shown in
the following diagram.


Control System Database

Bus Address
Station Address
Device address

Figure 3-31: Naming Convention for Control System data Items

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The value for control system data items is provided as integer. The access rights for control system data items are
defined as “readable & writeable”.

Figure 3-32: Browsing Control System Items

For each configured BK06 connection, the corresponding control system data items are created automatically by the
PServer. For a PIF connection, at least one PV must be configured for each station for which control system data items
should be created. Handling of Control System Status Data

For buses and stations a corresponding data word indicating the error status of the subsystem is provided. The bus
status word is identified by the virtual station STAT, the station status word is identified by the virtual device STAT. The
meaning of the status word values is defined in the following table.

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Table 3-16: Bus and station status word meaning

Bit Meaning
0 1-15
1 * Disturbed
0 * OK

The status words can be accessed as PC items as illustrated in the following picture.

Figure 3-33: Bus and station status word shown in an item browser

If required, DIs can be associated to bus and station status word bits. This is illustrated in the following example records
for the PVE file.

# Bus disturbance DI for Bus 2

DI,02BusDist_XS01,Bus 2 Disturbance,2,STAT,,0,(Disturbed),Disturbed,1,3

# Station disturbance DI for Station 2.3

DI,03StationDist_XS01,Station 2.3 Disturbance,2,3,STAT,0,(Disturbed),Disturbed,1,3

Figure 3-34: Example of PVE entries for usage of status words

3.4.4 Specific OPC Items PServerAdmin_Node OPC Item

The PServerAdmin_Node item returns the name of the node, where the OPC Server is running. PServerAdmin_Command OPC Item

The PServerAdmin_Command item allows issuing certain commands by writing a corresponding command string to the
 AcknSigErrs Acknowledges all signal errors
 SetSuspend Set server state to “Suspended”
 SetRunning Set server state to “Running” PServerAdmin_EventRate OPC Item

The PServerAdmin_EventRate provides the number of events/second reported to a client.

2VAA001153C 47
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER PServerAdmin_ActiveBuses, PServerAdmin_ActiveBusesPrtn OPC Item

The PserverAdmin_ ActiveBuses provides the number active buses. The PserverAdmin_ ActiveBusesPrtn provides the
number active buses of the partner server. These items are only available if extended partnernode communication is

3.4.5 Support for XC80-Telegram General
The P13 control functions corresponding to the PServer control objects provide their state information for the control
room via the so-called XC80-telegram. The XC80 telegram provides information on the position and mode of the object
as also on its disturbances states. This information is represented by corresponding bits in the 16 bit word telegram.
In older P13 plants, not the whole XC80- telegram was available to the HMI for state annunciation but only a subset of
the bits in the XC80-telgram indicating the position and mode information. These bits are then provided as binary input
signals (DIs) with signal code XLxx. The reason for this approach was either to reduce the amount of signals in the HMI
database or to reduce the amount of signals on the P13 buses or both. In some of these plants, the XC80 telegram for a
control object can be requested via a corresponding command on a single multiplexed address. This function is called

In newer P13 plants and also some of the older ones, the XC80 telegram would be available for the HMI. This means,
additional disturbance information can be provided without the DMS function. Providing the XC80 telegram via OPC has
the following advantages
 Disturbance information without needing DMS
 Less OPC items to be subscribed -> better performance

Less DI signals to be loaded, in particular less objects counting for 800xA License

Generated XC80-Telgram
In cases, in which the XC80-Telegram is not provided, the PServer can put together the available part of the XC80-
Telegram from the available feedback signals to a generated XC80-Telegram. This allows providing to clients an
interface to the control objects feedback information independent from whether this information is provided as individual
signals or as a telegram. Configuration of XC80 - Telegram XC80DEF Instruction

This instruction allows defining the mode for the XC80 acquisition and in case of XC80 provided from bus a
corresponding address reference.
XC80DEF, <Mode>,[<AddrRefs>],[XC80Option]

Mode: Bus: Telegram provided by bus
Generate: Generate telegram based on feedback signals
AddrRefs: List of signal codes, separated with”/” defining the potential signal references for the telegram
address. Address will be taken from the first signal found.
Default: &_XL68/&_XL18/&_XL19
This means, if, for a control object, a corresponding signal is found with one of these signal
codes, the XC80 address is take from this signal.
XC80Option: NoXL : Load only XL signals with events.
XC80 telegram is provided by bus, the address is provided by XL68.
XC80 telegram is generated based on available feedback signals Object Individual XC80 Configuration

For control objects whose XC80 configuration differs from that defined with the XC80DEF instruction, an individual
configuration can be made in the XC80 field in the control object configuration record.

DIs used for events (e.g. XL68) have to be loaded also when using XC80.
This parameter is not observed by the OPC server but controls the pve-generation in the engineering workbook !
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Table 3-17: Object IndividualXC80 Configuration

Field Position Meaning
XC80Ref 27 Generate: Generate XC80
<AddrRef> From bus with address reference
AddrRef OPC Item Interface for XC80 Telegram

The information concerning the XC80-Telegram is provided via corresponding OPC items as shown in the table.

Table 3-18: OPC Items for XC80 Information

OPC Item Meaning

Value Quality
.XC80Tel XC80 Telegram GOOD Defined and not disturbed bits show good
BAD Telegram invalid due to invalid XC80 reference
NOT_CONNECTED No XC80 configured
.XC80Def Which bits are GOOD Defined bit information valid
defined NOT_CONNECTED No XC80 configured
.XC80Dist Which bits are GOOD Disturbed bit information valid
disturbed NOT_CONNECTED No XC80 configured
.XC80Bus Bus address GOOD XC80 Address configured
NOT_CONNECTED XC80 Address not configured
.XC80Station Station address GOOD XC80 Address configured
NOT_CONNECTED XC80 Address not configured
.XC80Device Device address GOOD XC80 Address configured
NOT_CONNECTED XC80 Address not configured

3.5 OPC Alarm & Event

3.5.1 General Event Categories

The event categories provided by PServer and the corresponding OPC Server:

Table 3-19: Event categories provided by PServer

Event Category Description OPC Event Type
Condition Tracking Simple
Process Message Value events for PVs x
Signal Message Quality events for PVs x
Limit Limit events for analog PVs x
Command Message [Simple] Operator commands to process x [x]
System Message PServer system messages x
System Event PServer system events (Alarms) x
Event Suppression Event suppression messages x Priorities and Severities

The mapping of PV priorities to OPC severities is done according to the following table:

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Table 3-20: Mapping of priorities to OPC severities

Priority Meaning OPC Severity
0 Status 1
1 Alarm 999
2 Warning 699
3 Disturbance 399
4 Status 1

This default mapping can be changed with the PRIORITYMAP Instruction. Acknowledge
Event Category Acknowledge Required
Process For priority 1,2,3
Signal Yes
Limit For priority 1,2,3
Command For priority 1,2,3
System No

3.5.2 Messages Process Messages

Process messages are provided for value changes of digital variables (DI and DO). Limit events of analog variables are
not supported. Process messages are indicated with condition Status.

For process messages, the status texts, priority and message definition can be configured (see PVE File
DI,01DTL10AP102_XS01,Digital Test Signal, 2,3,60,1,Off,On,4,3

Figure 3-35: Example of process messages in an OPC alarm & event client Signal Messages

Signal messages are provided for changes in the value quality for process signals. Signal messages are indicated with
condition Signal.

Figure 3-36: Example of signal messages in an OPC alarm & event client Limit Messages

Limit messages are provided for analog signals if a configured limit value is crossed according to the corresponding limit
treatment parameter. Limit messages are indicated with the condition Limit1, Limit2, Limit3 or Limit4.

Figure 3-37: Example of limit messages in an OPC alarm & event client

50 2VAA001153C
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Command messages are provided for commands issued against a control object. Process signals. Command
messages are indicated with source User.

Figure 3-38: Example a command messages in an OPC alarm & event client System Messages

System messages are provided to report for system events as simple messages.

Figure 3-39: Example of system messages in an OPC alarm & event client System Events

System events are provided to report system events as alarms.

Figure 3-40: Example of system events in an OPC alarm & event client

3.6 Operation

3.6.1 General
For operation of PServer corresponding items in the Procontrol OPC Server menu are provided.

Figure 3-41: Procontrol OPC Server Menu Items

Diagnostic messages can be found in the Message Window of PServer (see 3.6.2 User Interface) and in PServer‟s Log
Files (see 3.6.3 PServer Log Files).
PServer can run in two modes:
 Configuration Mode
In the configuration mode the user interface of PServer is accessible on the desktop. This allows to modify the
site configuration parameters and also view the message window (3.6.2 User Interface). Nevertheless a
PServer running in configuration mode will terminate when the current user logs out! Therefore the configuration
mode is mainly useful during configuration and test phase or if PServer should run only as long as the user is
logged on. PServer can be started in configuration mode by the Procontrol OPC Server menu item PServer –
Configuration or automatically by a client if PServer is not installed as NT service.
PServer start in configuration mode is recorded in the message log with the following message:

01/05/00 12:13:32.215 PServer launched as windows application...

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 Service Mode
In service mode, PServer runs as a Windows NT service. As a service, PServer remains running also if no user
is logged on Windows NT. On the other hand, the user interface of PServer running in service mode is not
accessible. To enable PServer to run in service mode, it must be installed as NT-service. This can be achieved
by selecting the Procontrol OPC Server menu item PServer – Create Service. To prevent PServer from being
started in service mode, select Procontrol OPC Server menu item PServer – Delete Service.
PServer start in service mode is recorded in the message log with the following message:

01/05/00 16:52:35.832 PServer launched as NT Service..

To check if the PServer is installed as NT service, check the list of services (Start->Settings->Services).

To enable access of the PServer as service, the corresponding DCOM configurations have to be set correctly
(see3.3.4DCOM Configuration to Access PServer Remote or as Service).

Figure 3-42: Procontrol OPC Server installed as Windows NT Service

The normal way to start PServer in service mode is automatically by a client or automatic at start up. Manual start or
stop can be done through the NT Services dialog as shown in Figure 3-42: Procontrol OPC Server installed as Windows
NT Service.

Figure 3-43: Property setting for Procontrol OPC Server Service

Do not mark “Allow service to Interact with Desktop” , otherwise PServer will stop if you log out ! Selecting “Automatic”
Startup type is only necessary if you wish PServer starting up with Windows NT.

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Normally only one instance of PServer is started. To allow viewing of PServer site configuration without stopping a
PServer running in service mode, a PServer instance in configuration mode can run in parallel to one running in service

When using PServer in configuration mode, some attention should be paid that clients do not connect to the “wrong”
If PServer is installed as service, any client will connect to PServer in service mode unless a running PServer in
configuration mode is or was already connected to a client. A “normal” procedure could look like the following:
Test Phase ->
1. Select PServer-Delete Service to disable service mode (not necessary if just installed).
2. Select PServer-Configuration to start PServer in configuration mode.
3. Enter the site configuration parameters as needed.
4. Save and exit from PServer.
5. Start PServer either by PServer-Configuration or by connecting a client.
6. Test the new configuration by clients and observing the message window. Repeat from (3.) if needed.
7. If configuration ok, stop PServer
8. Select PServer-Create Service
9. Connect a client and examine corresponding message log
-> Test phase finished.

3.6.2 User Interface

The PServer application window contains two panes:
 Configuration parameter tree
This tree leads to the corresponding site parameter property sheets as described in 3.3.2 Site Configuration
 Message Window
Informational and error messages are written to this window. The newest message is on the top of the window.

Parameter Tree

Message Window

Figure 3-44: PServer Application Window

3.6.3 PServer Log Files

PServer writes the diagnostic messages also to a corresponding log file named Messages.log. The size of the log file is
restricted to about 5000 messages (200 Kbytes). If this limit is reached, the current log file is renamed to
Messagesold.log. The menu Procontrol OPC Server -> Log Files opens the directory containing these files.

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Figure 3-45: PServer Log Files

The PServer log files are text files which can be viewed by any text editor.
With the ExtendedLogging instruction, the number of log files kept on disk can be extended (see
ExtendedLogging Instruction).

3.6.4 Data Access Test Client

For testing the installation concerning data access, a simple OPC Data Access client can be used.
 Start : Start-> ABB P13 Connect OPC Server -> Data Access Client
 In the OPC Client, connect to PServer by OPC -> Connect…

Figure 3-46: Connecting a data access client to the PServer

With OPC->Add Item…add items. The added items can then be examined in the main window.

Figure 3-47: View on OPC Items of PServer in a client

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3.6.5 Event Test Client

For testing the installation concerning event & alarm access, an OPC alarm & event client can be used.
 Start : Start -> ABB P13 Connect OPC Server -> Event Display Client
 In the OPC Client, connect to PServer by OPC -> Connect…
Remark: The alarm & event test client connects automatically to the last connected server (if possible).

Figure 3-48: Connecting an alarm & event client to the PServer

3.7 PV Definitions

3.7.1 General
Process variables have a set of properties which can be classified as follows:
 Descriptive attributes
These properties have no influence on processing and are provided as engineering parameters, e.g.
Description text
 Processing parameters
These properties have influence the processing and are provided as engineering parameters, e.g. Procontrol
 Dynamic process values
These properties depend dynamically on process values, e.g. actual value.
 Commands
These properties allow to issue commands toward a control object

Table 3-21: Common Attributes for Process Variables

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC
Para. Item
Name Original name of PV String x x
Alias Alias name for aggregation to String x x
control object
Description Descriptive Text String x x Descr
Paddress Procontrol address of data
source/ destination
Bus Bus address 0,…,7 x x
Station Station address 0,…,3F x x

Is default associated OPC Item
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Device Device address 0,…,FF (1FF) x x
Bit Bit address 0,…,F x x
OPC Item OPC Item value with x
Value OPC item value Variant: x
Analog: Double
Digital: Boolean
Quality OPC quality flags indicating the Bitset x
quality of the value
TimeStamp Time stamp of last update UTC Time x
SpecProc Special processing specifier String x x

Table 3-22: Special Processing Identifiers

Identifier Meaning AI DI AO DO
UBCD1 Data word is interpreted as unsigned BCD coded x
UBCD8L Left byte of data word is interpreted as unsigned BCD coded x
UBCD8H Right byte of data word is interpreted as unsigned BCD coded x
UKSU Adapt range for KSU connection x
UNOSTB Handle bit 0 as normal value bit and not as sensor disturbance bit x
CMD Command pulse output

3.7.2 Process Signals Analog Inputs (AI)

Table 3-23: Specific Attributes for Analog Inputs

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item
RangeLow Measuring range low Double x x RLow
RangeHigh Measuring range high Double x x RHigh Digital Inputs (DI)

Table 3-24: Specific Attributes for Digital Inputs

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC OPC Item
Para. Prop.
Text0 Measuring range low String x x
Text1 Measuring range high String x x
Priority Priority Integer 1,…,3 x x
EventDef Event definition Integer 0,…,3 x x
NormPos Normal position Integer 0,1 x x

Range 100,…,1FF (Hex) only for BKO6 Bus Type.
As part of Value Item.
Currently only UBCD1 supported for AI to process unsigned BCD input
56 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER Analog Outputs (AO)

Table 3-25: Specific Attributes for Analog Outputs

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item
RangeLow Measuring range low Double x x Rlow
RangeHigh Measuring range high Double x x Rhigh
Output Output connection Bool x x Digital Outputs (DO)

Table 3-26: Specific Attributes for Digital Outputs

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item
Text0 Measuring range low String x x
Text1 Measuring range high String x x
Priority Priority Integer 1,…,3 x x
EventDef Event definition Integer 0,…,3 x x
Output Output connection Bool x x
NormPos Normal position Integer 0,1 x x

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3.7.3 Process Signals Extended Analog Inputs Extended (AIX)

Table 3-27: Specific Attributes for Analog Inputs Extended

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item
Ackn Object is acknowledged: Bool Ackn
Reset by limit alarm or
signal error
AlarmText1 Alarm text for limit 1 Character x AlarmText1
AlarmText2 Alarm text for limit 2 Character x AlarmText2
AlarmText3 Alarm text for limit 3 Character x AlarmText3
AlarmText4 Alarm text for limit 4 Character x AlarmText4
CMD_ACKN Acknowledge command Short CMD_ACKN
DRHigh Display range high Double x DRHigh
DRLow Display range low Double x DRLow
Error Set if object has signal Bool Error
LimPrio1 Priority for limit 1 Short x LimPrio1
LimPrio2 Priority for limit 2 Short x LimPrio2
LimPrio3 Priority for limit 3 Short x LimPrio3
LimPrio4 Priority for limit 4 Short x LimPrio4
LimState1 State for limit 1 Short LimState1
LimState2 State for limit 2 Short LimState2
LimState3 State for limit 3 Short LimState3
LimState4 State for limit 4 Short LimState4
LimTreat1 Treatment for limit 1 Short x LimTreat1
LimTreat2 Treatment for limit 2 Short x LimTreat2
LimTreat3 Treatment for limit 3 Short x LimTreat3
LimTreat4 Treatment for limit 4 Short x LimTreat4
LimType1 Type for limit 1 Short x LimType1
LimType2 Type for limit 2 Short x LimType2
LimType3 Type for limit 3 Short x LimType3
LimType4 Type for limit 4 Short x LimType4
LimitValue1 Value for limit 1 Double v LimitValue1
LimitValue2 Value for limit 2 Double x LimitValue2
LimitValue3 Value for limit 3 Double x LimitValue3
LimitValue4 Value for limit 4 Double x LimitValue4
NoDecs Number of decimal digits Short x NoDecs
NormText1 Normal text for limit 1 Character x NormText1
NormText2 Normal text for limit 2 Character x NormText2
NormText3 Normal text for limit 3 Character x NormText3
NormText4 Normal text for limit 4 Character x NormText4
Rlow Measuring range low Double x x Rlow
Rhigh Measuring range high Double x x Rhigh
Section Section Short x Section

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Unit Measuring unit Character x Unit Digital Inputs Extended (DIX)

Table 3-28: Specific Attributes for Digital Inputs

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item
Ackn Object is acknowledged: Bool Ackn
Reset by limit alarm or
signal error
Text0 Measuring range low String x x NormalText
Text1 Measuring range high String x x AlarmText
Priority Priority Integer 1,…,3 x x Prio
EventDef Event definition Integer 0,…,3 x x EventTreat
NormPos Normal position Integer 0,1 x x NormPos
Inverted Input value inverted Bool x Inverted
EventSup Event suppression Integer EventSup Analog Outputs Extended (AOX)

Table 3-29: Specific Attributes for Analog Outputs

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC
Para. Item
See AIX …
Output Output connection Bool x x Digital Outputs Extended (DO)

Table 3-30: Specific Attributes for Digital Outputs

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item
Text0 Measuring range low String x x
Text1 Measuring range high String x x
Priority Priority Integer 1,…,3 x x
EventDef Event definition Integer 0,…,3 x x
Output Output connection Bool x x
NormPos Normal position Integer 0,1 x x

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3.7.4 Control Objects Naming Conventions for Associated Signals

Control object individual command signals are associated to the object by corresponding naming conventions. For VPC
Mode 1, these signals are the identification signals. The following table shows the default naming convention use by
PServer. This default naming convention can be overwritten by a corresponding VPCID record in the PV engineering file
(see 3.3.3 Process Variables Engineering File)

Table 3-31: Default Naming Convention for Identification Signals in VPC Mode 1
Signal Description Signal Code
ID1.1 Channel 1 – ID Signal 1 XD91
ID1.2 – ID Signal 2 XD92
ID2.1 Channel 2 – ID Signal 1 XD93
ID2.2 – ID Signal 2 XD94
ID3.1 Channel 3 – ID Signal 1 XD95
ID3.2 – ID Signal 2 XD96
ID4.1 Channel 4 – ID Signal 1 XD97
ID4.2 – ID Signal 2 XD98
ID5.1 Channel 5 – ID Signal 1 XD99
ID5.2 – ID Signal 2 XD9A
ID6.1 Channel 6 – ID Signal 1 XD9B
ID6.2 – ID Signal 2 XD9C

Table 3-32: Naming Convention for Individual Command Signals in VPC Mode 2
Signal Description Signal Code
ON Command ON XD11
OFF Command OFF XD12
HOLD Command HOLD XD15
SELECT1 Preselect 1 XD61
SELECT2 Preselect 2 XD63
SELECT3 Preselect 3 XD65
SELECT4 Preselect 4 XD67 Specific Attributes for Control Objects General

Table 3-33: Specific Attributes for Control Objects

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item
Operable Is Operable Bool x Binary Control (BCO)

Table 3-34: Specific Attributes for Binary Control Objects

Default configuration can be overwritten by a corresponding record in the PV engineering file
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Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item

ACKN Acknowledge Command Bool CMD_ACKN
AUTOMAN Auto/Manual Command Bool CMD_AUTOM
ON On/Open Command Bool CMD_ON
OFF Off/Close Command Bool CMD_OFF
STOP Stop Command Bool CMD_STOP
DMS DMS Command Bool CMD_DMS Selector Control (SCO)

Table 3-35: Specific Attributes for Selector Control Objects

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item
ACKN Acknowledge Command Bool CMD_ACKN
SEL1 Select 1 Bool CMD_SEL1
SEL2 Select 2 Bool CMD_SEL2
SEL3 Select 3 Bool CMD_SEL3
SEL4 Select 4 Bool CMD_SEL4
DMS DMS command Bool CMD_DMS Analog Control (ACO)

Table 3-36: Specific Attributes for Analog Control Objects

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item
ACKN Acknowledge Command Bool CMD_ACKN
AUTOMAN Auto/Manual Command Bool CMD_AUTOMA
RAISE Raise Command Bool CMD_RAISE
LOWER Lower Command Bool CMD_LOWER
HOLD Hold Raise/Lower Bool CMD_HOLD
DMS DMS command Bool CMD_DMS
AssocPV Name of PV associated String x
with this object
RangeLow Range low for setpoint Float x
RangeHigh Range low for setpoint Float x
output Specific Attributes for Control Objects Extended General

Table 3-37: Specific Attributes for Control Objects Extended

Depending on subtype, some commands are not applicable.
Derived from associated PV, =0 if PV not specified
Derived from associated PV, =100 if PV not specified
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Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item

Operable Object is operable Bool x Operable
Station Station number String Station
Type PV Type String x Type
SubType Subtype String x SubType
Error Set if signal error in one Short Error
of the feedbacks
XC80Tel See UI2 XC80Tel
XC80Def 3.4.5 Support for XC80- UI2 XC80Def
XC80Dist UI2 XC80Dist
XC80Bus I2 (x) XC80Bus
XC80Station String (x) XC80Station
XC80Device String (x) XC80Device Binary Control (ASE, ASS, ASM)

Table 3-38: Specific Attributes for Binary Control Objects

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item ASE ASM GSA
Para. ASS
ACKN Acknowledge Bool CMD_ACKN x x x
Command MAN
ON On/Open Bool CMD_ON x x
OFF Off/Close Bool CMD_OFF x x
STOP Stop Command Bool CMD_STOP
DMS DMS Command Bool CMD_DMS x x x
PROTOFF Signal reference String PROTOFF x x x
for Protection
PROTON Signal reference String PROTON x x x
for Protection
RELOFF Signal reference String RELOFF x x x
for Release OFF
RELON Signal reference String RELON x x x
for Release ON
XL18 XL18 signal PV DI (see DIX) x x x
XL19 XL19 signal PV DI (see DIX) x x x
XL28 XL28 signal PV DI (see DIX) x x x
XL29 XL29 signal PV DI (see DIX) x x x
XL68 XL68 signal PV DI (see DIX) x x x
XL69 XL69 signal PV DI (see DIX) x x x

Depending on subtype, some commands are not applicable.
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XL59 XL59 signal PV DI (see DIX) x

AV Actual Step AI (see AIX) x Selector Control (VW2, VW3, VW4)

Table 3-39: Specific Attributes for Selector Control Objects

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item
ACKN Acknowledge Command Bool CMD_ACKN
SEL1 Select 1 Bool CMD_SEL1
SEL2 Select 2 Bool CMD_SEL2
SEL3 Select 3 Bool CMD_SEL3
SEL4 Select 4 Bool CMD_SEL4
DMS DMS command Bool CMD_DMS
XL18 XL18 signal PV DI signal PV (see DIX)
XL19 XL19 signal PV DI signal PV (see DIX)
XL28 XL28 signal PV DI signal PV (see DIX)
XL29 XL29 signal PV DI signal PV (see DIX)
XL58 XL58 signal PV DI signal PV (see DIX)
XL59 XL59 signal PV DI signal PV (see DIX)
XL78 XL78 signal PV DI signal PV (see DIX)
XL79 XL79 signal PV DI signal PV (see DIX) Analog Control (ACO)

Table 3-40: Specific Attributes for Analog Control Objects

Name Meaning Data Engin. OPC OPC Item ASP HST SWV
Type Para. Prop. ASI
ACKN Acknowledge Command Bool CMD_ACKN
AUTOMAN Auto/Manual Command Bool CMD_AUTOMAN
RAISE Raise Command Bool CMD_RAISE
LOWER Lower Command Bool CMD_LOWER
HOLD Hold Raise/Lower Bool CMD_HOLD
DMS DMS command Bool CMD_DMS
AssocPV Name of PV associated String x
with this object
RangeLow Range low for setpoint Float x
RangeHigh Range low for setpoint Float x
XL18 XL18 signal PV DI (see DIX)
XL19 XL19 signal PV DI (see DIX)
XL28 XL28 signal PV DI (see DIX)
XL29 XL29 signal PV DI (see DIX)
XL68 XL68 signal PV DI (see DIX)
XL69 XL69 signal PV DI (see DIX)

Derived from associated PV, =0 if PV not specified
Derived from associated PV, =100 if PV not specified
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XL79 XL79 signal PV DI (see DIX)

XL88 XL88 signal PV DI (see DIX)
XL89 XL89 signal PV DI (see DIX) Condition Definitions (COND, STEP)

The Condition Definition object types do not involve any processing within PServer. It provides engineering data via
OPC server to a client.

Table 3-41: Attributes for Condition Definitions (COND, STEP)

Name Meaning Data Type Engin. OPC Prop. OPC Item
Descr Description String Descr
Error Error Short Error
Logic Logic expression String Logic
LogicResult Signal reference to logic String LogicResult

3.7.5 System Objects General
Procontrol system objects of type Bus, Line and Station will be created in the PServer, when a signal is defined in the
pve-file which references this object within its Procontrol address.

Table 3-42: Procontrol System Objects

System Object Type Meaning Object Name
Bus An Procontrol P42 intraplant bus which can BUS <n>
be connected to multiple station Examples:
Line A serial connection to one station LINE <n>
Station A Procontrol P13 station <b>-STN<XX>
b : Bus address (0,1,2,..)
XX: Station address (hex)

Table 3-43: Attributes for Procontrol System Objects

Name Meaning Data Engin. OPC OPC Item

Type Para. Prop.


Description Description String .Descr x x x

Error Error state Bool .Error x x x
S_STATUS 0 : Ok Short S_STATUS x x x
>0 : Error
S_TIME Time of last status change Date S_TIME x x x

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

S_XDESCRIPTION Object type specific error Short S_XDESCR x x x

DistWord Station Disturbance Word Short .DistWord x
Message Rate Number of telegram Short .MsgRate x
messages per second
provided by the PIF

The object-specific error codes are described in the following tables:

Table 3-44: Error codes for BUS object

Error Code Meaning S_STATUS
0 OK 0
1 PIF not running 1
2 No channel active 1
3 Channel A not active 0
4 Channel B not active 0

Table 3-45: Error codes for LINE object

Error Code Meaning S_STATUS
0 OK 0
1 Communication disturbed 1

Table 3-46: Error codes for STATION object

Error Code Meaning S_STATUS
0 OK 0
1 Station not reachable 1
2 Station has disturbance 1
3 Disturbance word invalid 1
4 Not monitored 254 System Alarms System Alarms for Bus and Line

Communication failures to an intraplant bus or serial line are reported as alarms with event category System Event.

Figure 3-49: Example of bus alarms in an OPC alarm & event client

3.8 Redundancy Support

3.8.1 Acknowledge Synchronization

OPC Alarm&Event Servers maintain a list of active unacknowledged alarms. In configurations with redundant OPC
Server, a mechanism must be provided to keep the acknowledge states in both server‟s lists the same.
If the client application in a redundant configuration does send an acknowledge signal only to one server, the exchange
of acknowledge information must take place between the OPC Servers.
The exchange of acknowledge information can be activated by defining corresponding partner servers.

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVER

PServer Node01 Information PServer Node02

Node02 Node01

Figure 3-50: Exchange of Acknowledge Information between Partner Nodes

How to define a Partner Node is described in PARTNERNODE[X] Instruction.

3.8.2 Synchronization of Event Suppression

Via the partner node connection, the event suppression configuration is synchronized.

3.8.3 Propagation of Node-Specific Partner Events.

Certain event types are node-specific, i.e. can concern only the OPC server on one of the redundant nodes. These
node-specific events are
 Command tracking messages
 P13 system events.
To provide these event messages to a client connected to the partner node, these types of events are reported to
clients also by the partner node. The event messages received from partner node are indicated by a “>” character
behind the node.

Figure 3-51: Example of a Message received from PartnerNode CHIIT067

3.8.4 Bus Connection Controlled Redundancy Switch-Over

A pair of redundant PServers can cause an appropriate redundancy switch-over based on the state of their bus
connection states. The two redundant PServers cyclically read the number of active bus connections from its partner. If
a PServer recognizes its own number of active busses as less than that of its partner (i.e. its connection state is worse
than that of the partner), it sets itself to state OPC_STATUS_COMM_FAULT. This state can be used by the client (e.g.
800xA PPA) to do a switch-over to the better node. The PServer in OPC_STATUS_COMM_FAULT state sets itself to
running state when it recognizes its number of active bus connections as equal or bigger compared to that of the
To activate bus connection controlled redundancy switch-over, the extended partner node connection
(PARTNERNODEX, see PARTNERNODE[X] Instruction.) must be used.
The following extract of an event log illustrates the messages caused by redundancy bus connection monitoring.

Figure 3-52: Redundancy Bus Connection Monitoring Messages

3.9 VPC Mode “Individual Command Signals”

3.9.1 Concept
In the VPC Mode “Individual Command Signals”, an individual command signal for each command and each control
object is used. Additionally a global release signal common to all control objects is necessary to enable the execution of
the command.
Specific handling is used for acknowledge of a control object. The individual acknowledge signal must be paired the
global acknowledge.

66 2VAA001153C
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Global Release
Global Acknowledge
Individual Command Signals

Individual Command Signals

Signal Interface
to OPC Server

Figure 3-53: Signal handling for VPC mode “Individual Command Signals

Special care has been taken to avoid mutual disturbances or wrong commands in case of parallel operation of different
control objects:
 Because the individual acknowledge signal is in reality one of the “normal” commands (e.g. ON, OFF), the
release signal has to be locked to 0 during an acknowledge command to prevent unwanted execution of a
command. This locking is done in Procontrol P13.
 The 1-state of global acknowledge signal must cover the whole span of the individual acknowledge signal. This
means, that the global acknowledge must be set before the individual one and must have a slightly longer
 Global Release and Global Acknowledge must be “reference-counted”, i.e. they should only be reset, if no more
corresponding active commands exist.
The following types of control objects are supported:

Table 3-47: Object types supported by VPC mode “Individual Command signals”
Procontrol Naming As160OS Naming

3.9.2 Engineering Selecting VPC Mode “Individual Command Signals”

This selection has to be done via PServer User Interface General->VPC Modes. See Figure 3-16: Property Page for
VPC Mode Configuration. Identifying Global Command Signals

The global command signals are identified by the corresponding parameter set records in the pve-file. The global
signals (Release, Acknowledge) are specific to the bus number.
 For the global release signal :
VPCDEF1,REL,<RelSigBus 0>,<RelSigBus 1>,…

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 For the global acknowledge signal :

VPCDEF1,ACKN,<AcknSigBus 0>,<AcknSigBus 1>,…
If the global signals are the same for all busses, the configuration must look as follows:
 Global signals valid for all busses :
VPCDEF1,REL,<RelSig AllBusses>,*
VPCDEF1,ACKN,<AcknSig AllBusses>,* Identifying Individual Command Signals

The individual command signals are identified by a corresponding naming convention:
<Control Object Name>_<Command Signal Code>
The command signal codes are dependant from the control object type. They can be defined by corresponding
parameter set records in the pve-file as shown in the following list:
(AS160OS: DCS)
(AS160OS: SPI)
(AS160OS: GRC)
(AS160OS: SEL2)
(AS160OS: SEL3)
 VPCDEF1,VW4,<ACKN>,<SEL1>,<SEL2>,<SEL3>,<SEL4>
(AS160OS: SEL4)
<…> defines the signal code for the corresponding command. Special Parameters

 With the VPCDEF1, DELAY1 instruction, the additional length in milliseconds of the global acknowledge signal
can be defined. Default value is 50 ms.
 With the MSGFILTER instruction, warnings in the message log can be suppressed. This can be useful, to
suppress warnings for regularly missing commands after commissioning.

This instruction suppresses warnings.

3.10 VPC Mode “Mixed Mode I”

3.10.1 Concept
The VPC Mode “Mixed Mode I” is a mix of two VPC concepts. In this mode, analog control objects as ASP, HST etc. are
operated via “Telegram and ID-Signals” concept. This means that these control objects use the XC13 telegram and one
or two ID-Signals . Binary control objects including group control objects are operated via the “Individual Command
Signals” concept (see 3.9 VPC Mode “Individual Command Signals”).

3.10.2 Engineering Select VPC Mode “Mixed Mode I”

This selection has to be done via PServer User Interface General->VPC Modes.

In submode RMPI, ramping SWVs use „Individual Command Signals“ (see VPC Submode “RMPI”)
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Figure 3-54: VPC Mode “Mixed Mode I” Configuration Configure Analog Control (XC13) Part

 Select number of ID bits in dialog General->VPC Modes.
 Configure signal ID for ID bits with VPCID instruction in the pve-file
(see Parameter Set VPCID for ID-Signals Definition).
 Configure existing command channels per bus. Set addresses for XC11 and XC12 to zero.
 Configure bit for acknowledge if not default. Configure Binary Control Part

All configurations concerning the binary control part are done in the pve-file. VPC Submode “RMPI”

In the VPC Submode “RMPI”, SWV objects configured with subtype “RMP” (“Ramping”) are operated via „Individual
Command Signals“.

The VPC Submode can be selected via the following instruction:


The SWV command signals have to be configured. Example pve-configuration

The following table shows a sample pve configuration for Mixed Mode I.

Table 3-48: Sample PVE-Configuration for Mixed Mode I

#Command signals for Type ACKN ON/ OFF/ STOP/ SEL4 REL
binary control SEL1 SEL2 SEL3 (ind.)
#Global Signals Bus0 Bus1

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#Command signal codes
#Reset delay for global acknowledge (ms)
#Suppress warnings with missing command signals

#Definitions for analog control

#Acknowledge bit is 8 (non default)
#Signal code for ID bit

#DMS signal code for all types


3.11 Miscellaneous

3.11.1 RS232 Connection for BK06

33 TD
6 RD
DB9 Female


9 45

Figure 3-55: RS232 Connection for BK06

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4.1 Overview
The input interface for the S+ P13 tag database engineering is the S+ P13 Engineering Workbook. The S+ P13
Engineering Workbook is an Excel Workbook which can be imported to the S+ Operations tag database. The
corresponding pve-file used by then Procontrol P13 Connect OPC Server can be generated by means of the S+ P13
OPC Builder.

The tag engineering dataflow implies that the parameters contained in the workbook are changed only in the S+ P13
Engineering Workbook and not in S+ Operations.

Preconditions for doing S+ P13 tag database engineering are:

 Be familiar with Procontrol P13, in particular concerning multifunctions.
 Be familiar with Procontrol P13 Connect OPC server configuration
 Be familiar with S+ Operations tag configuration

4.2 Basic Workbook Structure

The S+ P13 Engineering Workbook is the source for the S+ Operations tag database import and for generation of the
P13 OPC server engineering file (.pve). It contains therefore the fields used by S+ Operations and/or by the Procontrol
P13 Connect OPC Server.
In respect to readability, the engineering data is separated into three worksheets.

Figure 4-1: Worksheets in the S+ P13 Engineering Workbook

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4.3 Column Headings – Field Names

Both, the S+ Operations tag import and the S+ P13 OPC Builder work with column headings to identify the columns and
not with the column positions. The columns used and the field designations are different for the two utilities. Therefore
two rows with column headings are provided.

Field designation for SPlus P13 Builder

Field designation for SPlus Operations Tags Import

Figure 4-2: Column Headings in the S+ P13 Workbook

4.4 Named Ranges in S+ P13 Engineering Workbook

Within the worksheets some named ranges have to be defined

Table 4-1: Named ranges in the S+ P13 Engineering Workbook

Worksheet Named Range for S+ Opeations Named Range for S+_P13 OPC Builder
Signals Database P13OPC_Signals
Control Objects Database P13OPC_ControlObjects
Special Objects Database Not used
ID-Signals Not Used P13OPC_IDSignals

The named ranges must include all columns used by the corresponding target (S+ Operations tag import or S+ P13
OPC Builder). The named ranges for the S+ Operations tag import must not include the heading row for the S+ P13
OPC Builder. The named ranges for the S+ P13 OPC Builder will contain the heading row for the S+ Operations tag
import. This row will be ignored by the S+ P13 OPC Builder.

4.5 Signals Sheet

The Signals sheet contains analog and binary inputs and outputs. The fields are described in the following table.

Table 4-2: S+ P13 Engineering Workbook Fields for Signals

OPC Field S+ Operations DIX/DOX AIX/AOX Meaning Value
Type - x x Tag type {DIX,DOX,AIX,AOX}
Name NAME x x Tag name Text
Descr DESC x x Tag description Text
Bus OUT1_TX1 x x Bus number 0,…,7
Station OUT1_TX2 x x Station number Hex, 00,..,3F
Device OUT1_TX3 x x Device Number Hex, 00,..,FF
Bit OUT1_TX4 x - Bit Number Hex, 0,…,F
Section PLANTUNIT x x Section 0,1,…
Text1 ONESTATE x - Text for 1-state Text
Text0 ZEROSTATE x - Text for 0-state Text
Priority AL_PRI x - Priority for alarm 1,…,4

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EventDef - x - Event definition: 0,…,3

0: No message
1: Message if Normal->Active
2: Message if Active->Normal
3: Message both directions
NormPos - x - Which is normal (not active) {0,1}
Inverted - x - Field value to be inverted {Y, N}
RangeLow LINS_LIMT - x Measuring range low Float
RangeHigh HINS_LIMT - x Measuring range high Float
Unit EUDESC - x Measuring unit Text
NoDecs NUMDECPL - x No of decimal places 1,2…
DRLow SCA_VAL_0 - x Display range low Float
DRHigh SCA_VL_100 - x Display range high Float
LimValue1Lim L2ALARM x Limit <n> value Float
Value2 L1ALARM
LimValue3Lim H1ALARM
Value4 H2ALARM
LimType1 - x Limit <n> type 0: Upper
(...2,3,4) 1: Lower
LimTreat1 - x Limit <n> treatment 0,…,3
(...2,3,4) (see EventDef field)
LimPrio1 ALPRI_2L x Limit <n> priority 0,4: Status
LimPrio2 ALPRI_1L 1,2,3: Alarm
LimPrio3 ALPRI_1H
LimPrio4 ALPRI_2H
AlarmText1(… - x Limit <n> alarm text Text
SpecProc - (x) (x) Special processing identifier Text
Output - DOX AOX Output the value {Y, N}
- FIELD_AD1 x x Refresh Time 500
- FIELD_AD2 x x Read type 120
(By exception)
- TAGTYPE x x S+ Operations tag type {Analog, Digital}
- TAGSRC x x Data source for S+ Opeations PROP13
- OPCEXPCLNT x x Allow output (commands) to Y
OPC server
- ALMGROUP x x Alarm group 0, 1…
- ALMREM x x Remote alarm processing Y
- FIELD_TX1 x x OPC DA server ABBProcontrolP13.
- FIELD_TX3 x x OPC DA item name = Name
- FIELD_TX5 x x OPC AE server ABBProcontrolP13.
- FIELD_TX7 x x OPC AE source item name = Name
- DATA_PROC x x S+ Operations Data Processor PROP13.Block.P13.
<type> e.g.
FACEPLATE x x Faceplate Prctrl.POP_P13<typ

See Table 4-3:Available Special Processing for Signals
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The following table shows applicable special processing. Consult also the Procontrol P13 Connect OPC Server part of
the manual [PROCONTROL P13 OPC SERVERError! Reference source not found.].

Table 4-3:Available Special Processing for Signals

Identifier Meaning AIX DOX
UBCD1 Data word is interpreted as unsigned BCD coded x
UBCD8L Left byte of data word is interpreted as unsigned BCD coded x
UBCD8H Right byte of data word is interpreted as unsigned BCD coded x
UKSU Adapt range for KSU connection x
UNOSTB Handle bit 0 as normal value bit and not as sensor disturbance bit x
CMD Command pulse output x

4.6 Control Objects Sheet

The Control Objects sheet contains all objects which implement a process control function. The fields are described in
the following table.

Table 4-4: S+ P13 Engineering Workbook- Fields for Control Objects

OPC Field S+ Operations Meaning Value
Type - Tag type ASEX,ASMX,ASSX,VW2X,
Name NAME Tag name Tag name
Descr DESC Tag description Text
Section PLANTUNIT Section 1…
Operable - Is foreseen for operation {Y,N}
Subtype OUT2_TX9 See 4.6.2 Subtypes Tag name
XL68 OUT1_TX9 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL69 OUT1_TX10 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL18 OUT1_TX1 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL28 OUT1_TX3 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL19 OUT1_TX2 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL29 OUT1_TX4 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL38 OUT1_TX5 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL39 OUT1_TX6 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL58 OUT1_TX7 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL59 OUT1_TX8 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL78 OUT2_TX1 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL79 OUT2_TX2 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL88 OUT2_TX3 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
XL89 OUT2_TX4 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
SP OUT2_TX5 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
CV OUT2_TX6 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
AV OUT2_TX7 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
ActStep OUT2_TX8 See 4.6.1 Feedback Signals Tag name
RELON - Name of the release on signal Tag name
RELOFF - Name of the release off signal Tag name
PROTON - Name of the protection on signal Tag name
PROTOFF - Name of the protection off signal Tag name
- FIELD_AD1 Refresh time in milliseconds 200
- FIELD_AD2 ReadType (By exception) 120
- OPCEXPCLNT Allow command to OPC Y

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- TAGTYPE S+ Operation stag type DIGITAL

- TAGSRC Data source for S+ Operations PROP13
- ALMGROUP Alarm group for alarm display 0, 1…
- ALMREM Remote alarm processing N
- FIELD_TX1 OPC DA server ABBProcontrolP13.OPC.1
- FIELD_TX3 OPC DA item name = <Object Name>
FIELD_TX1 OPC AE server ABBProcontrolP13.Event.1
FIELD_TX3 OPC AE item name = <Object Name>
- DATA_PROC S+ Operations Data Processor PROP13.Block.P13.<type>
e.g. PROP13.Block.P13.ASSX
FACEPLATE Faceplate Prctrl.POP_<FaceplateName>
e.g. Prctrl.POP_P13BINC

4.6.1 Feedback Signals

Control objects have various digital status signals associated which represent the state of the control object. The
meaning of these feedback signals depends of the type of the control objects. Consult the corresponding Procontrol P13
Analog control objects have associated analog signals, e.g. setpoint, actual position).
If the name of a feedback signal begins with an ampersand („&‟), the ampersand is replaced by the name of the control
Feedback signals have to be defined in the Signals sheet of the S+ P13 Engineering Work book.

4.6.2 Subtypes

Table 4-5: Common Subtypes for Analog Control

Subtype ASS Analog Control Meaning
TIP x Inching mode
SET x Allows also value entry for the setpoint (besides
Raise/Lower operation)
RMP x Default – Raise/Lower operation only

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4.7 ID-Signals Sheet

ID-Signals are only used by the Procontrol P13 Connect OPC server for command output. ID-Signals are not loaded to
S+ Operations. The fields are described in the following table.

Table 4-6: S+ P13 Engineering Workbook- Fields for ID-Signals

OPC Field Meaning Value
Type Tag type DO
Name Tag name String
Descr Tag description String
Bus Bus number 0,…,7
Station Station number Hex, 00,..,3F
Device Device Number Hex, 00,..,FF
Bit Bit Number Hex, 0,…,F
Section Section 0,,…
Text1 Text for 1-state Text
Text0 Text for 0-state Text
Priority Priority for alarm 1,…,4
EventDef Event definition: 0,…,3
0: No message
1: Message if Normal->Active
2: Message if Active->Normal
3: Message both directions
NormPos Which is normal (not active) state {0,1}
Inverted Field value to be inverted {Y, N}
Output Output the value {Y, N}

4.8 Special Objects Sheet

The following special objects are configured in this sheet:

Table 4-7: S+ P13 Engineering Workbook –Special Objects Sheet

Special Object Type Object Name Meaning required
P13CON P13 Connectivity Serves in S+ Operations as target yes
object for P13 system messages.
Bus Bus <Bus Number> Provides data items for bus status. optional
e.g. : Bus 5
Station <BusAddr>- Provides data items for station status. optional
e.g. : 5-STN3E

The fields are described in the following table.

Table 4-8: S+ P13 Engineering Workbook- Fields for Special Objects

Field Object Type
NAME e.g. e.g. e.g.
P13 Connectivity BUS 5 5-STN3E
DESC Procontrol P13 Connectivity Bus 5 Station 3E on Bus 5

Name must follow this pattern.
Name must follow this pattern.
Station monitoring must be available in the Plant and configured correctly in the OPC server.
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FIELD_TX1 ABBProcontrolP13.OPC.1
FIELD_TX3 PServerAdmin BUS 5 5-STN3E
FIELD_TX5 ABBProcontrolP13.Event.1 -
FIELD_TX7 System BUS 5 -
DATA_PROC PROP13.Block.P13. PROP13.Block.P13.BUS PROP13.Block.P13.

4.9 S+ P13 Tag Engineering Workflow

4.10 OPC Server Configuration

The Procontrol P13 Connect OPC Server configuration has to be entered according to the Procontrol P13 OPC server
manual [3.3.3 Process Variables Engineering File]. This includes in particular buses, command channels and the pve-
file name.
It is a good practice to use “hierarchical” pve-files by means of the APPEND instruction.

# MyProjectRoot.pve -Contains general definitions

# -----------------------------------------------

# Alarm event options appropriate for SPlus

# VPC ID-Signals

#Append process variable file generated from workbook

# C:\OPC_P13\Data\MyProjectTags.pve
# Generated from C:\SPlus _P13\SPlus P13TestObjects.xls - 12.12.2006 15:18:24
AIX,98ANR10AP001_XJ01,Ramp - 4 Period,5,3E,C0,0,0,100,,,,,,,,,%,-200,200,2
AIX,98ANR10AP001_XJ02,Ramp - 4 Period,5,3E,C1,0,0,100,,,,,,,,,%,-200,200,2

Figure 4-3: Illustration of “hierarchical” PVE-Files

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The S+ P13 OPC Builder extracts the data needed for the Procontrol P13 OPC server from the S+ P13 Engineering
workbook and creates the corresponding pve-file to be loaded by the OPC server.

Figure 5-1: User Interface of S+ P13 OPC Builders

Select the paths for the S+ P13 Engineering Workbook and the target OPC Engineering File. Then generate the pve-

The S+ P13 OPC Builder should be started from a local drive. If started from a network drive it has by default too less
file system access permissions (“partially trusted”).

5.1 Procedure for Engineering Data Loading

Table 5-1: Procedure for Engineering Data Loading
Action Remark
Check S+ P13 Engineering Workbook
Named ranges
Fields and Data
Update P13 OPC Server
Generate pve-File with S+ P13 OPC Builder
Restart the P13 OPC Server
Check OPC Server log file
Update S+ Operations Tag Database
Import sheet Signals (if changed) and sheet Control The sheet to be imported must be moved to the first sheet
Objects (if changed) with S+ Operations tag database
(See Figure 5-2: Import Setting for Update of the S+ Tag position in the workbook.
Restart S+ Opeations

The following picture shows the settings for S+ Operations tag database update import.

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Figure 5-2: Import Setting for Update of the S+ Tag Database

5.2 S+ Operations P13 Connect OPC Communication Diagnostic

In order to have redundancy changeover on OPC communication failure between SPlus Operations and ABB Procontrol
P13 OPC Server, It‟s necessary to create OPC Connection diagnostic tag SPlus Operations level.

5.3 OPC Diagnostic Tag

To add OPC Communication diagnostic tag, Open windows registry and locate Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
> SOFTWARE > ABB Symphony Plus > Operations > APPS > OPC > OPCInstance001 > Tagname (String Value) and
provide any valid Tagname. E.g. S2P13POC.

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Figure 5-3: Adding OPC Diagnostic Tag in Windows Registry

If the defined “E.g:S2P13POC” tag name is not already present in SPlus Operations database, you‟re able to configure
it later in SPlus Operations without stopping the OPC Client. Note that such tag has to be of type “ExtDig” and “Ext” as

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Figure 5-4: Adding OPC Diagnostic Tag in Windows Registry

The following are the diagnostic tag values associated to the communication states.

Table 5-2: Diagnostic tag values for OPC DA client Connection

State Diagnostic Tag Value
Undefined 0
Stopped 1
Running 2
Standby 3
Connecting 4
MappingItems 5
NotConnected 6
Disabled 7
ServerNotRunning 8
WaitForConnection 9
NoResponse 10

As shown below, Configure the different alarm states using DI General Tab in the Tag Configuration of added OPC Diagnostic Tag.

Since Different Alarm States being created at SPlus Operations, It must keep the Remote Alarm Processing as “NO”.

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Figure 5-5: Configuring Different Alarm States for OPC Diagnostic Tag

Figure 5-6: Configuring AL_REM flag

82 2VAA001153C
OPC Diagnostic Tag S+ P13 OPC BUILDER

In order to shutdown the SPlus Operations during OPC Communication failure, Configure the Task monitor as shown below:


Figure 5-7: Process Monitor

 In System Tray, Right on PWMONITOR and Select Process Monitor > Configurator. Click on Settings and Select Tag
Configuration from drop down menu.
 In the Process Monitor Configuration add OPC Diagnostic Tag under Alarmed Tags to Monitor. Click on the Settings and
Go to General Configuration to check “Enable Restart” Flag. Then Save and Close.

3 4

Figure 5-8: Adding OPC Diagnostic Tag in the Process Monitor

After configuring OPC Diagnostic Tag in the Process Monitor, whenever OPC communication fails between S+ Operations and
Procontrol P13 OPC Server, SPlus will be stopped.

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SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE


6.1 Product Overview
The S+ Operations P13 Connect Object Types provide the necessary S+ Operations object types to use S+ Operations
functions for process operation and monitoring of Procontrol P13 plants. In particular, the S+ Operations P13 Connect
Objects Types provide the graphical components like faceplates.

6.2 General

6.3 Colors
The colors used in faceplates are defined with named logical colors. The colors are defined in corresponding color
tables provided by the standard S+ Operations Display Builder.

6.4 Faceplates

6.4.1 General Structure

Header Alarm/Reset Symbol

<Object Name>
<Object Description>

Links Area

Object State Area

Extended Info Tabs

Button Area

Selector Area

Control Pane Extended Info Pane

Figure 6-1Faceplate General Structure

Table 6-1: S+ P13 Faceplate General Structure

Faceplate Scope Header Link Area Control Pane Extended Info Selector Area
Normal X X X X

84 2VAA001153C
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Extended X X X X X

6.4.2 Alarm Symbol

6.4.3 Control Object

State Presentation
Signal Error, Unacknowledged

Channel Failure, Unacknowledged

Fault, Unacknowledged

Fault, Acknowledged

Alarm gone, Unacknowledged

No Alarm, (Alarm Gone Acknowledged)

Control Object
Reset Button

6.4.4 Links Area

Operator Note Indication Operating Parameters

Last Alarms List

Figure 6-2: Faceplate Links Area

6.4.5 Object State Area

In the Object State Area, an object state symbol and additional information on the object state is provided.

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6.4.6 Button Area

The button area provides the button to send commands to an object; Issue a command needs a two-step operation.
First, the command selection button for the desired command has to be pressed. To send the command to the object,
the OK/Return button has to be pressed.
Command Selection

Command Output

Figure 6-3: Faceplate Command Area

6.4.7 Selector Area

With the selector buttons, the faceplate‟s level for details can be selected

Normal Faceplate Extended Faceplate

Figure 6-4: Faceplate Selector Area

6.5 Display Elements

6.5.1 General
Display elements represent objects within graphics. The set of different display elements provided depends on the
object type. Display elements for control objects have a layout as shown in the following figure.


Object Symbol

Figure 6-5: Layout of Display Elements for Control Objects

Table 6-2: State of Additional Indicators

State of Additional Indicators Indication
Operator Note exist for this object

86 2VAA001153C
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6.6 Object Types

6.7 Binary Signals

6.7.1 Faceplates General Structure

For Binary signals provided with two tabs Parameters, Trend respectively.

Figure 6-6: Binary Signal Faceplate Status Indication

Table 6-3: State of Status Indication(Faceplate)
Priority State - 1 State - 0

2VAA001153C 87
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Error Parameters Tab

Parameters show the Procontrol P13 Address of the signal

Figure 6-7: Binary Signal – Parameters Tab Trend Tab

Trend Tab shows the Procontrol P13 value of the signal in trend form.

Figure 6-8: Binary Signal – Trend Tab

88 2VAA001153C
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6.7.2 Display Elements Display Elements LED
The LED element shows the value of a binary signal as colored shape. Optionally a text can be inserted into the
element. For status (Priority 0) signals, alarm and normal colors can be configured.

Table 6-4: Color Mapping for LED Display Element

State Error Active Acknowledged Inactive Acknowledged Acknowledged
Status Not applicable Not applicable
(Priority 0)

Priority 1
Flashing Flashing

Priority 2
Flashing Flashing

Priority 3
Flashing Flashing

Table 6-5: Input Properties for Display Element LED

Property Meaning Value Default
Shape Orientation of the element Rectangle Circle

AlarmText Optional text for active (=1) state. Text No text

NormalText Optional text for inactive (=0) state. Text No text
AlarmColor Background color for active (=1) state. Text plgFillColorOn
Normal Color Background color for inactive (=0) state. Color plgFillColorOff
AlarmTextColor Text color for active (=1) state. Color plgLinesInsideOn
Normal TextColor Text color for inactive (=0) state. Color plgLinesInsideOff

Frame Width Frame width of selected shape Integer 1

Alarm Text Visible If “TRUE” assigned AlarmText Visible Boolean TRUE

Normal Text Visible If “TRUE” assigned NormalText Visible Boolean TRUE

Using the text option of the LED element, “dynamic” text elements can be created. An example is shown in Table 6-6:
Color Mapping for LED Display Element with Text

Only for signals with priority 1
Only for signals with priority 1
Only for signals with priority 1
Only for signals with priority 1
Only for signals with priority 1
2VAA001153C 89
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Table 6-6: Color Mapping for LED Display Element with Text
State Active Error Inactive Active Acknowledged Inactive Acknowledged
Error Acknowledged Acknowledged
0 Not applicable Not applicable

Flashing Flashing

Flashing Flashing

Flashing Flashing

4 Not applicable Not applicable

Using the color options of the LED element, special indications for binary signals can be created. An example is shown
in Table 6-7: Sample Color Mapping for LED Display Element using Color Options

Table 6-7: Sample Color Mapping for LED Display Element using Color Options
Active Inactive Active Inactive
Error Error
Example 1

AlarmColor: PlgSetPoint NormalColor: PlgOut

AlarmTextColor: Not NormalTextColor: Not defined

Example 2

AlarmColor: NormalColor:
PlgFillColorOff PlgFillColorOff
AlarmTextColor: NormalTextColor: PlgOut
PlgSetPoint Display Element StatusText

The Status Text element shows the value of a binary signal as colored text field.

Table 6-8: Color Mapping for StatusText Display Element

Priori Inactive Error Active Acknowledged Inactive Acknowledged
ty Acknowledged Acknowledged
0 Not applicable Not applicable

90 2VAA001153C
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Flashing Flashing

Flashing Flashing

Flashing Flashing

Table 6-9: Input Properties for Display Element StatusText

Property Meaning Value Default
HAlign Horizontal Alignment of the text Left Center

FrameWidth Width of the rectangles frame Integer 1

AlarmText Optional text for active (=1) state. Text Alarm text of the object

NormalText Optional text for inactive (=0) state. Text Normal text of the object
AlarmColor Background color for active (=1) state. Text plgFillColorOn
Normal Color Background color for inactive (=0) state. Color plgFillColorOff
AlarmTextColor Text color for active (=1) state. Color plgLinesInsideOn
Normal TextColor Text color for inactive (=0) state. Color plgLinesInsideOff

Using the text option of the LED element, “dynamic” text elements can be created. In the example shown in , the
following property settings have been made:
AlarmText: “>”
NormalText : “<”

Table 6-10: Color Mapping for StatusText Display Element with Configured Texts.

Priority Error Active Acknowledged Inactive Acknowledged Acknowledged

0 Not applicable Not applicable

P P max P max

P P max P max P max P max

max Flashing Flashing

Only for signals with priority 1
Only for signals with priority 1
Only for signals with priority 1
Only for signals with priority 1
2VAA001153C 91
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P P max P max P max P max

max Flashing Flashing

P P max P max P max P max

max Flashing Flashing

Using the color options of the StatusText element, special indications for binary signals can be created. An example is
shown in Table 6-11: Sample Color Mapping for StatusText Display Element using Color Options

Table 6-11: Sample Color Mapping for StatusText Display Element using Color Options
Error Active Inactive
Example 1

AlarmColor: PlgSetPoint NormalColor: PlgOut

AlarmTextColor: Not defined NormalTextColor: Not defined

Example 2

AlarmColor: PlgFillColorOff NormalColor: PlgFillColorOff

AlarmTextColor: PlgSetPoint NormalTextColor: PlgOut Display Elements Flame

Table 6-12: Color mapping for Flame Display Element
Priority Error Error Inactive Active Inactive

Table 6-13: Input Properties for Display Element Flame

Property Manning Value Default
Direction Direction of Left Right
the flame Right

92 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Elements 1WayValve

Table 6-14: Color mapping for 1WayValve Display Element
Priority Error Active Error Inactive Active Inactive

Table 6-15: Input Properties for Display Element 1WayValve

Property Manning Value Default
Direction Direction of Left Right
the flame Right
Down Display Element TagName

The display element Tagname shows the tagname (object name).

Figure 6-9: Display Element TagName Display Element Description

The display element Description shows the description text.

Figure 6-10: Display Element Description Display Element Address

The display element Address shows the Procontrol address.

Figure 6-11: Display Element Address

Format <Bus>.<Station>.<Device>.<Bit>

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6.7.3 Digital Input Faceplates

Figure 6-12: Digital Input Signal Faceplate

Figure 6-13: Digital Input Signal Extended Faceplate

94 2VAA001153C
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Parameters Tab
Parameters show the Procontrol P13 Address of the signal.

Figure 6-14: Parameters Tab

Trend Tab
Trend Tab shows the Procontrol P13 value of the signal in trend form.

Figure 6-15: Trend Tab

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6.7.4 Digital Output Faceplates

Figure 6-16: Digital Output Signal Faceplate

96 2VAA001153C
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Figure 6-17: Digital Output Signal Extended Faceplate

Parameters Tab
Parameters show the Procontrol P13 Address of the signal.

Figure 6-18: Parameters Tab

2VAA001153C 97
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Trend Tab
Trend Tab shows the Procontrol P13 value of the signal in trend form.

Figure 6-19: Trend Tab

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6.8 Analog Signals

6.8.1 Faceplates

6.8.2 General structure

The faceplates for AI signals provides value and limit information.

Figure 6-20: Analog Signal Faceplate

Figure 6-21: Analog Signal Extended Faceplate

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6.8.3 Parameters Tab

For details on numeric and bar representation

Figure 6-22: Analog Signal Faceplate – Parameters Tab

6.8.4 Trend Tab

Figure 6-23: Analog Signal Faceplate

100 2VAA001153C
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6.8.5 Display Elements Display Element Bar
The Bar element shows the value of the analog signal as length of a bar. Additionally it shows the position and type of
the limits configured for the analog signal. A corresponding coloring of the bar indicates the limit state.

Display Range - High

Upper Limit

Lower Limit

Display Range - Low

Figure 6-24: AI Faceplate Properties
The following table lists the properties of the Bar element:

Table 6-16: Input Properties for Display Element Bar

Property Manning Value Default
Orientation Orientation Horizontal Vertical
of the bar Vertical State Indication

Table 6-17: Sate Indication for Bar Display Element
State Normal Prio1Alarm Prio2Alarm Prio3Alarm Mode Signal
Disturbance Disturbance(Bad
(Error) Value)

Unacknowledged Blinking Blinking Blinking Blinking Blinking -


2VAA001153C 101
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Element Scale

The Scale element can be used in combination with the bar element. The scale limits are taken form the analog signal

Figure 6-25: Bar Element combined with Scale Element Display Element Numeric

The Numeric element shows the value of the analog signal in numeric form together with the measuring unit. The
number of decimal digits are defined by the signal‟s corresponding configuration parameter (NoDecs).

The limit states are indicated by colors as shown in the following table.

Table 6-18: State Indication for Display Element Numeric

State Acknowledged Unacknowledged
Normal Flashing

Alarm Prio 1 Flashing

Alarm Prio 2 Flashing

Alarm Prio 3 Flashing

Signal Disturbance - Display Element Value

The display element Value shows the value only without the measuring unit.

Figure 6-26: Display Element Value Display Element TagName

The display element Tagname shows the tagname (object name).

Figure 6-27: Display Element TagName

102 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Description

The display element Description shows the description text.

Figure 6-28: Display Element Description Display Element Address

The display element Address shows the Procontrol address.

Figure 6-29: Display Element Address

Format <Bus>.<Station>.<Device>.<Bit>

6.8.6 Analog Input Faceplates General Structure

The faceplate for AI signals provides value and limit information.

Figure 6-30: Analog Input Signal Faceplate

2VAA001153C 103
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Parameters Tab
For details on numeric and bar representation

Figure 6-31: Parameters Tab

Trend Tab

Figure 6-32: Trend Tab

104 2VAA001153C
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6.8.7 Analog Output Faceplates

Figure 6-33: Analog Output Signal Faceplate

Figure 6-34: Analog Output Signal Extended Faceplate

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6.9 Binary Control

6.9.1 Faceplates General structure

Figure 6-35: Binary Control Faceplate State Indication

Table 6-19: State Indication

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed

On / Open

Off / Closed



106 2VAA001153C
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Error Analyze Tab

The Analyze tab allows retrieving information on Release and Protection criteria for the control objects.

Figure 6-36: Binary Control Faceplate – Analyze Tab XC80 Tab

The Analyze tab allows retrieving information on XC80 Telegram for the control objects.

Figure 6-37: Binary Control Faceplate - XC80 Tab

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6.9.2 Display Elements Display Element Pump

Table 6-20: Binary Control Display Element Pump

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




108 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Heater

Table 6-21: Binary Control Display Element Heater

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




2VAA001153C 109
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Motor

Table 6-22: Binary Control Display Element Motor

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




Table 6-23: Input Properties for Display Element Motor

Property Meaning Value
MotorText Letter inside element Any Letter or empty.
“M”: Motor
“G” : Generator

110 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Breaker

Table 6-24: Binary Control Display Element Breaker

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




2VAA001153C 111
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Switch

Table 6-25: Binary Control Display Element Switch

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




112 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Fan

Table 6-26: Binary Control Display Element Fan

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




2VAA001153C 113
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Valve

Table 6-27: Binary Control Display Element Valve

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed






Table 6-28: Input Properties for Display Element Valve

Property Meaning Value Default
Orientation Orientation of the Horizontal Horizontal
element Vertical

114 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element 3-Way Valve

Table 6-29: Binary Control Display Element 3WayValve

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




Table 6-30: Input Properties for Display Element 3WayValve

Property Meaning Value Default
Orientation Orientation of the Horizontal Horizontal
element Vertical

FlangeOpen Allows to select the First Third

dynamic part Second

FlangeStatic Allows to select static First Second

parts Second

2VAA001153C 115
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Indicator

Table 6-31: Binary Control Display Element Indicator

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




116 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Conveyer

Table 6-32: Binary Control Display Element Conveyer

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




2VAA001153C 117
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Flap

Table 6-33: Binary Control Display Element Flap

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




118 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element FreqTrans

Table 6-34: Binary Control Display Element FreqTrans

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




2VAA001153C 119
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element GuideBlade

Table 6-35: Binary Control Display Element GuideBlade

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




120 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element PressReducer

Table 6-36: Binary Control Display Element PressReducer

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




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6.9.3 ASS Faceplates

Figure 6-38: ASS Faceplate

Figure 6-39: ASS Extended Faceplate

122 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Faceplate “TIP” mode

If the subtype of an ASS is defined as “TIP”, operation is of the ASS is done in the TIP mode (“inching mode”), i.e.
running to the desired position as long as the Command button is pressed.
The Command buttons are then provided as shown in the following picture.

Figure 6-40: ASS Faceplate – TIP Mode Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Table 6-37: Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Feedback Signal Signal Code Default Value

Open XL18 0 1 0 0 0 0 * *
Opening XL19 0 0 * 1 0 0 * *
Closed XL28 0 0 1 0 0 0 * *
Closing XL29 0 * 0 0 1 0 * *
Disturbed XL68 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Acknowledged XL69 0 * * * * * 0 1



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6.9.4 ASM Faceplates

Figure 6-41: ASM Faceplate

Figure 6-42: ASM Extended Faceplate

124 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Table 6-38: Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Feedback Signal Signal Code Default Value

Open XL18 0 1 0 0 0 0 * *
Opening XL19 0 0 * 1 0 0 * *
Closed XL28 0 0 1 0 0 0 * *
Closing XL29 0 * 0 0 1 0 * *
Disturbed XL68 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Acknowledged XL69 0 * * * * * 0 1




6.9.5 ASE Faceplates

Figure 6-43: ASE Faceplate

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Figure 6-44: ASE Extended Faceplate Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Table 6-39: Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Feedback Signal Signal Code Default Value

On XL18 0 1 0 x x
Off XL28 0 0 1 x x
Disturbed XL68 0 0 0 1 1
Acknowledged XL69 0 * * 0 1


126 2VAA001153C
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6.10 Setpoint Control (HST/SWV)

6.10.1 Faceplates General structure

Figure 6-45: SetPoint Faceplate State Indication

Table 6-40: State Indication

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed Auto/Manual Indication

Lower limit

Higher limit


In Status Symbol marked with red circle.

2VAA001153C 127
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Manual by

In Status Symbol marked with red circle.


In Status Symbol marked with red circle.


In Status Symbol marked with red circle.

Error Trend Tab

The Trim curves tab allows showing a trend of setpoint value, the actual value and the Control value.

Figure 6-46: SetPoint Faceplate- Trend Tab Mode Indication

Setpoint control object can be configured for two modes. The corresponding indication in the Faceplates is showing in
the following table.
Table 6-41: Mode Indication

Mode Mode Indication Mode Description

Ramping Mode This mode allows to Raise and Lower the setpoint with the “+” and “-“ buttons. The setpoint
cannot be input as value.
Setpoint Mode This mode allows both, to Raise and Lower the setpoint with the “+” and “-“ buttons and to
input the setpoint as value.

128 2VAA001153C
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6.10.2 Display Elements Display Element SetPoint
Table 6-42: Display Element SetPoint
State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed


Manual by Disturbance



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6.10.3 HST Faceplates

Figure 6-47: HST Faceplate Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Table 6-43: Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Feedback Signal Signal Code Default Value

Upper limit XL19 0 1 0 * * * * *
Lower limit XL29 0 0 1 * * * * *
Manual XL79 0 * * 1 0 0 * *
Manual by XL88 0 * * 0 1 0 * *
Automatic XL89 0 * * 0 0 1 * *
Disturbed XL68 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Acknowledged XL69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1






130 2VAA001153C
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6.10.4 SWV Faceplates

Figure 6-48: SWV Faceplate Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Table 6-44: Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Feedback Signal Signal Code Default Value

Upper limit XL19 0 1 0 x x
Lower limit XL29 0 0 1 x x
Disturbed XL68 0 0 0 1 1
Acknowledged XL69 0 0 0 0 1




2VAA001153C 131
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6.11 Analog Drive Control (ASI/ASP)

6.11.1 Faceplates

Figure 6-49: Analog Control Faceplate

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Figure 6-50: Analog Control Extended Faceplate State Indication

Table 6-45: State Indication

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed Auto/Manual Indication



In Status Symbol marked with

red circle.
Manual by

In Status Symbol marked with

red circle.

In Status Symbol marked with

red circle.

2VAA001153C 133
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE


Arrow flashing


Arrow flashing

In Status Symbol marked with

red circle. Analyze Tab

The Analyze Tab allows retreiving information on Release and Protection criteria for the control objects.

Figure 6-51: Analog Control Extended Faceplate – Analyze Tab

134 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Trend Tab

The Trim Curves tab allows showing a trend of the setpoint value, the actual value and the Control value.

Figure 6-52: Analog Control Extended Faceplate – Trend Tab XC80 Telegram Tab

Figure 6-53: Analog Control Extended Faceplate – XC80 Tab

2VAA001153C 135
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Limits Tab

Limits provides the Mininmum and Maximum range details of AV, SP and CV.

Figure 6-54: Analog Control Extended Faceplate – Limits Tab Mode Indication

Setpoint control object can be configured for two modes.The corresponding indication in the Faceplates is showing in
the following table.
Table 6-46: Mode Indication

Mode Mode Indication Mode Description

Ramping Mode This mode allows to Raise and Lower the setpoint with the “+” and “-“ buttons. The setpoint
cannot be input as value.
Setpoint Mode This mode allows both, to Raise and Lower the setpoint with the “+” and “-“ buttons and to
input the setpoint as value.

6.11.2 Display Elements Display Element SetPoint
Table 6-47: Display Element SetPoint
State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed


Manual by Disturbance

136 2VAA001153C
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Undefined Display Element Valve

Table 6-48: Display Element Valve
State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed


Manual by Disturbance



2VAA001153C 137
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Undefined Display Element 3WayValve

Table 6-49: Display Element 3-WayValve
State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed


Manual by Disturbance

138 2VAA001153C
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2VAA001153C 139
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Flap

Table 6-50: Display Element Flap

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed


Manual by Disturbance





140 2VAA001153C
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6.11.3 Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Table 6-51: Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Feedback Signal Signal Code Default Value

Manual XL79 0 1 0 0 * * * * * *
Manual by XL88 0 0 1 0 * * * * * *
Automatic XL89 0 0 0 1 * * * * * *
Open XL18 0 * * * 1 0 0 0 * *
Opening XL19 0 * * * 0 * 1 0 * *
Closed XL28 0 * * * 0 1 0 0 * *
Closing XL29 0 * * * * 0 0 1 * *
Disturbed XL68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Acknowledged XL69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1






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6.12 Group Control GSA

6.12.1 Faceplates

Figure 6-55: GSA Faceplate

Figure 6-56: GSA Extended Faceplate

142 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE

6.12.2 Faceplates Indication

Table 6-52: Faceplates Indication

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed




Running To ON

Running To OFF



6.12.3 Step Indication

The current step indication on the extended faceplates allows to monitor the current Step number in the “Running to
ON” and in the “Running to OFF” state.

Figure 6-57: GSA Step Indication

2VAA001153C 143
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE

6.12.4 Analyze Tab

The Analyze tab of the GSA allows retrieving information on Release and Protection criteria for start and stop of the
GSA. Additionally information on step release conditions can be retrieved.

Figure 6-58: GSA Faceplate-Analyze Tab

144 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE

6.12.5 Display Elements

Display Element GroupSequence01

Table 6-53: Display Element GroupSequence01

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed


Running To ON

Running To OFF




2VAA001153C 145
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE

Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Table 6-54: Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Feedback Signal Signal Code Default Value

ON XL18 0 1 0 0 0 0 * *
Running to ON XL19 0 0 1 * 0 0 * *
OFF XL28 0 0 0 1 0 0 * *
Running to OFF XL29 0 * 0 0 1 0 * *
Stop or Manual XL59 0 0 0 0 0 1 * *
Disturbed XL68 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Acknowledged XL69 0 * * * * * 0 1




6.13 Preselector Control

6.13.1 Faceplates General Structure

Figure 6-59: Preselector Faceplate

146 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE State Indication

The following table shows the state indication for VW4. The state Indication for VW2 and VW3 follow the same
Table 6-55: State Indication

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed

Unit 1 Selected

Unit 2 Selected

Unit 3 Selected

Unit 4 Selected

Unit 1 Difference
Unit 2 Selected

Unit 2 Difference
Unit 3 Selected

Unit 3 Difference
Unit 4 Selected

Unit 4 Difference
Unit 1 Selected


2VAA001153C 147
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE

6.13.2 Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Table 6-56: Feedback Signals to State Mapping

Feedback Signal Signal Code Default Value

Drive 1 Difference XL18 0 * 1 * * * * * * x x
Drive 1 Selected XL19 0 1 0 * * * * * * x x
Drive 2 Difference XL38 0 * * * 1 * * * * x x
Drive 2 Selected XL39 0 * * 1 0 * * * * x x
Drive 3 Difference XL58 0 * * * * * 1 * * x x
Drive 3 Selected XL59 0 * * * * 1 0 * * x x
Drive 4 Difference XL78 0 * * * * * * * 1 x x
Drive 4 Selected XL79 0 * * * * * * 1 0 x x
Disturbance XL68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Acknowledged XL69 0 * * * * * * * * 0 1









6.13.3 VW2 (2 Selector) Faceplates

Figure 6-60: 2-Selector Faceplate

148 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE

Figure 6-61: 2-Selector Extended Faceplate Display Element Sel 2

Table 6-57: Display Element Sel 2
State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed
Unit 1 Selected

Unit 1 Difference
Unit 2 Selected

Unit 2 Difference
Unit 1 Selected


2VAA001153C 149
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE

6.13.4 VW3 (3 Selector) Faceplates

Figure 6-62: 3-Selector Faceplate

Figure 6-63: 3-Selector Extended Faceplate

150 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Sel 2

Table 6-58: Display Element Sel 3

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed
Unit 1 Selected

Unit 1 Difference
Unit 2 Selected

Unit 2 Selected

Unit 2 Difference
Unit 3 Selected

Presentation of other states follows the same principle…


2VAA001153C 151
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE

6.13.5 VW4 (4 Selector) Faceplates

Figure 6-64: 4-Selector Faceplate

Figure 6-65: 4-Selector Extended Faceplate

152 2VAA001153C
SPlus Operations P13 Connectivity Guide S+ P13 OBJECT REFERENCE Display Element Sel 4

Table 6-59: Display Element Sel 4

State State Indication Normal State Indication Disturbed
Unit 1 Selected

Unit 1 Difference
Unit 2 Selected

Presentation of other states follows the same principle…


6.14 Building P13 Specific Symbols from S+ Common Symbol Library

Refer to S+ Operations Common Symbol Library User Manual for building P13 specific symbols.

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