1956 Honig Chemical Reactions in The Settling of Limed Cane
1956 Honig Chemical Reactions in The Settling of Limed Cane
1956 Honig Chemical Reactions in The Settling of Limed Cane
Fig. 1. Representing the relation between pH and inversion per sucrose hour
the sucrose present at different timperatures.
The following general rules have to be laid down to obtain maximum results :
1. In the liming process is, regularity of the pH, a point that can neverbe
overemphasized. It is necessary that all the juices entering the juice heaters have
a pH of at least 7.3 to 7.6. The change in the p H in the heating process is
unpredictable. The endeavour has to be that the juice entering the clarifier has
a pH of 7.1 to 7.3. The drop in the p H in the clarification, if the juice has been
properly limed and heated, is usually less than 0.3 pH unit.
*There are undoubtedly still a number of other reactions in hot cane juice, leading to
the formaion of acids, respectively of COz. C 0 2 is formed in cane juices as a decomposition
product of organic non-sugars. In acid medium (pH 4.4-5.3) the decarboxylation of aconitic
acid as one of the sources of C 0 2 formation has been put forward by R. C. Henry and L. A.
Clifcorn, Ind. Eng. Chein. 41, 1427 (1949). I t appears that mineral non-sugars have a catalytic
effect on this reaction. I t is, however, certain that also other reactions are taking place producing
- -
- p-
Temperaure in OC. At atmospheric pressure ' , At a pressure of
20 1.69
1.05 kg.lcm.2
25 1.48 -
30 1.26 -
40 0.97 5.79
50 0.76 -
60 0.58 3.99
70 0.39 3.38
80 0.21 2.85
90 0.09 2.51
It can be observed occasionally in sugar mills that the clarified juice on the
bottom compartments, when the hydrostatic pressure is released, likerates a certain
amount of CO,, giving to the juice a milky character. This is especially the case
with juices of low pH's. It has also been found that if the air in the overflow tanks of
continuous subsiders is analyzed on the CO, content, that CO, precentages over
10% are not abnormal at all. A continuous subsides is a continuous producer
of CO,. Whether all the CO, is actually the result of the decomposition of
carbonates by a change in the equilibria between bicarbonate and CO, is not certain.
It is possible that also a certain amount of C02is formed at the same time as a result
of decomposition reacti~~ns.It has been shown the sugar solutions subjected to
*Sucrose decreases the solubility of CO,. The number of accurate determinations of the
CO, solubility in sucrose solutions mentioned in the literature is limited. Findlay and Shen
(J. Chem. Soc., London, 101, 1459 (1912)) give the following data :
Soll,hility of COz at 25'C: '/
Sucrose concentration in % g. C02/100 ml.
2.6 0.813
5.2 0.798
9.7 0.767
12.3 0.744
The effect of the temperature on the dissociation constants of COz, HC03' and CO," is as
follows :
pK at different temperatures in "C.
30" 50' 70'
First apparent dissociation constant
The presence of sucrose has the tendency to increase the strength of carbonic acid as a dibasic.
higher temperatures develop a certain amount of CO,. This can be as high as
1 to 5 mg. CO, per hour per 100 g. brix at llO°C.
A surprising reaction is always that the rate of acid formation increases
with an increase in H-ion concentration. The acid formation is accelerated as
the pH is dropping off. This reaction can be studied in a very simple way by filling
closed bottles with limed juice and heating them in a thermostat at 100°C. It
will be found that there is a continuous increase in pressure by the formation of
CO,, which reaction is always combined with a drop in pH.
It is also found that this drop i'n pH is greater when a limed juice is heated
together with its precipitate. The drop in p H of clarified juice subjected to heating
is less. If we like to give an explanation for this difference in behaviour, we have
to refer to the different types of reactions that are causing an acidification of limed
juices as given above.
Fundamental studies on the reaction rate of the different decomposition
and transformation reactions occurring in the handling of technical cane juices
have been done only in a few cases.
There are a number of methods to suppress acidification, which according
to my opinion are of no benefit and for which there is no foundation whatsoever.
One is the introduction of formalin in clarifiers. Another one is the chlorination
of sugar juices or other %d of disinfectants.
To prevent the undesirable effect of a low pH, as to the rate of inversion,
by the introduction of soda ash in the bottom compartments of clarifiers results
usually in an increased CO, formation which occasionally can result in an
accumulation of such a great amount of CO, in the bottom compartments that
when the CO, is released it upsets the whole performance of the clarifier. To
counteract this it is recommended to release the clarified juice, saturated with CO,,
from the bottom compartments periodically to have an undisturbed settling
process. .
But the principle to introduce carbonates,considering the equilibria between
CO, and bicarbonates as given in Table 111, is a practice that cannot be
recommended as the best panacea. If we wish to counteract the acid formation,
we should introduce an alkaline substance not leading to the formation of CO,.
But we can use just as well milk of lime, or, if we are afraidof secondary
precipitation reactions as a result of the introduction of the precipitating cation
Cat+, use a diluted solution of caustic soda diluted to a very low concentration.
Mr. Foster stated that in the preliminary experiments carried out by him on the liming
of cane juices at temperaturers of 100°F,,140°F. and at boiling temperature, for 5 minutes, 10
minutes and 20 minutes, and determiningP205 content CaO, content of the clarified juice
suggested that the reaction is a rapid one and not a slow one. He also observed that
Polyuronides are unstqble in the regios of 7.0 pH.
Mr. Parashar referring to the development of acidity due to phosphates mentioned about
the variations from compartment to compartment. It was highest in the bottom most
compartment. As against the good effect of phosphates on clarification, the adverse effects of
mud volume and acidity developmeilt existed. One has to strike a proper balance.
Mr. F. H. C. Kelly posing the question what is pH, considered that the author had
overstepped the mark by claculating the inversion at pH 7.0. The pH at 100°C. would be
different. The effect of buffering has not been considered. I t is dangerous to say without
proper qualification that the rate of inversion is proportional to H+ ion concentration. Such over
simplification on which Table I is based i* not correct.
Dr. Douwes Dekker considered that Mr. Kelley's fears are exaggerated and referred to the
publications of the results of the Java Sugar Industry and the experiments at the Berlin Sugar
Research Institute, on which basis he believed Dr. Honig has prepared the tables.
Dr. K. S. G. Doss pointed to the nature of the graphs and observed that the graphs must
have been from actual data and interpolation.
Mr. Gundu Rao stated that it has not been possible to measure the pH of the juices at the
high temperature of the settler, without cooling.
Dr. Douwes Dekker referred in this connection to the work of Dr. Gross, who had measured
pH values at very high temperatures.
In the absence of the author, Mr. Nicklin presented the following paper.
Juices have to be heated on their way from the milling train to the clarifiers
and sometimes the juices are reheated before entering the first vessel of the
evaporator. These heating operations are carried out with the aid of juice
The operational principle of juice heaters, and hence their design is markedly
similar to those of surface condensers. Surface condenser design is based on
the flow rate of the cooling water, a high flow rate being required for efficient
heat transmission. Although the higher the water velocity, the better the heat
transmission, such is limited by the high pumping power so necessitated to overcome
the consequent rise in frictional resistance and a velocity must, therefore, 'be
chosen suitable for both.
The same problem is encountered when designing juice heaters. Here
too the velocity must be high, not only for efficient heat transmission, but also
with a view to reduction of deposition of scale on the tubes. The limiting factor
is here less the increased pumping power* than the increased pressure on the
heater, when the juice velocity is raised.
*N.B. The total power consumption of a cane sugar factory is equivalent with 8.5%
of the total heat in steam or with 5+& of the heat in bagasse burnt, apprpximate.