Wonders 2023 Grade 3 Scope and Sequence
Wonders 2023 Grade 3 Scope and Sequence
Wonders 2023 Grade 3 Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 1: Interactive “Room to Grow” Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Ask and Answer Week 1: Week 1: Respond to Reading Project: Culture in Your
Read Aloud: Genre: Narrative Gary the Dreamer Vocabulary: Questions Short vowels: a, i Accuracy and Community
Weeks 1 and 2 “Faith Ringgold: Nonfiction Genre:
Genre: Biography
admires, Expression
Writing Process
A: Judy Baca Headings and Structural Analysis: Personal Narrative Product: Map
Telling Stories Lexile: 490L Narrative Nonfiction classmate,
Essential Question: How do Through Art” Lexile: 500L
Lexile: 560L
Maps Word Families Week 2: Rate Plan: Sequence of Events
Blast: “Who Made
people from different cultures ELL Scaffolded O: Judy Baca Draft: Descriptive Details
contribute, Text Structure: Week 2: That?”
contribute to a community? Shared Read Paired Selection Lexile: 630L
practicing, Chronology Short vowels: e, o, u Grammar and Mechanics
available “Sharing Cultures” ELL: Judy Baca
pronounce, Week 1: Sentences and Fragments;
Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 610L Author's Purpose Structural Analysis:
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction Lexile: 550L B: Judy Baca
scared, Inflectional Endings
Statements and Questions; Capitalization
tumbled and Punctuation
Lexile: 750L Differentiated Spelling
Differentiated Genre Passages Week 2: Commands and Exclamations
Compound Lists available
available Paired Selections
Genre: Expository Text
A: “Vibrant Los Angeles”
O: “Vibrant Los Angeles”
ELL: “Vibrant Los Angeles”
B: “Vibrant Los Angeles”
Text Set 2: Interactive “The Dream Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Visualize Week 3: Week 3: Respond to Reading Project: Cultural
Read Aloud: Catcher” Yoon and the Jade Vocabulary: Final e Rate Traditions
Weeks 3 and 4 “Ready for Aloha” Genre: Realistic Bracelet
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Character Writing Process
A: The Special Meal Perspective Structural Analysis: Week 4: Personal Narrative Product: Quilt
Fiction Genre: Realistic Fiction courage,
Essential Question: What can Lexile: 470L Lexile: 480L
Lexile: 380L
disappointment, Plot: Character
Inflectional Endings Expression Revise: Sentence Fluency
Blast: “City of Cultures”
traditions teach you about cultures? O: A Row of Lamps (drop final e) Peer Conferencing
precious, Development
ELL Scaffolded Paired Selection Lexile: 410L Edit and Proofread
pride, Week 4
Shared Read “Family Traditions” ELL: A Row of Lamps Author's Purpose Publish, Present, and Evaluate
Genre: Realistic Fiction remind, Long a: ay, ai, a_e, ea,
available Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 310L
symbols, eigh, ei, ey Grammar and Mechanics
Lexile: 480L B: Dragons on the Water
Differentiated Genre Passages Lexile: 700L
tradition Structural Analysis:
Week 3: Subjects
available Week 4: Predicates
Context Clues Plurals -s and -es
Paired Selections
Antonyms Differentiated Spelling
Genre: Expository Text
Lists available
A: “More About Mole”
O: “Diwali”
ELL: “Diwali”
B: “A Great Tradition”
Grade 3 • Unit 1 • Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 3: Interactive “Preserve and Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Ask and Answer Week 5: Week 5: Respond to Reading Project: Landmarks
Read Aloud: Protect” “Protecting Our Parks” Vocabulary: Questions Long o: o, ow, o_e, Accuracy and in Your State
Week 5 “America's Genre: Genre:
Genre: Argumentative Text
carved, oa, oe Phrasing
Writing Process
A: Preserving a Special Place Captions, Maps, Opinion Essay Product: Postcard
Landmarks and Argumentative Text Argumentative Text clues,
Essential Question: How do Memorials” Lexile: 660L Lexile: 690L
Lexile: 630L
and Sidebars Structural Analysis: Plan: Identify Relevant Information
Blast: “Special Places”
landmarks help us understand our O: Preserving a Special Place Compound Words Draft: Fact and Opinion
landmark, Central Idea and
country's story? ELL Scaffolded Paired Selection Lexile: 750L
massive, Relevant Details Differentiated Spelling Grammar and Mechanics
Shared Read “5 Questions for ELL: Preserving a Special Place
monument, Lists available Week 5: Simple and Compound
available George McDonald” Lexile: 730L Author's Claim
Genre: Argumentative Text Genre: Expository Text B: Preserving a Special Place
national, Sentences; Punctuate Simple and
traces Compound Sentences
Lexile: 860L Lexile: 830L
Differentiated Genre Passages Multiple-Meaning
available Paired Selections
Genre: Expository Text
A: “Gateway Arch”
O: “Gateway Arch”
ELL: “Gateway Arch”
B: “Gateway Arch”
Week 6 Reading Digitally Fluency Connect to Content: Science Connect to Content: Social Studies Writing Presentation Options
Extend, Connect, and Assess Genre: Online Article Reader's Theater: Take Me Passages Passages Writing Process Reader’s Theater
“Soccer Is America’s Game!” to Your Litter Genre: Expository Text Genre: Expository Text Opinion Essay
Inquiry Space
“Saving Desert Treasures” “Steel Drums of the Caribbean” Revise: Strong Opening
Peer Conferences Writing
Genre: Expository Text Genre: Realistic Fiction
Edit and Proofread
“Protecting the Pronghorn” “Career Day”
Publish, Present, and Evaluate
Activities Activities
Compare the Passages Compare the Passages
How Does a Cactus Store Water? Label a Map of the Caribbean
Create a Caribbean Fact Sheet
Grade 3 • Unit 2 • Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 1: Interactive “Every Vote Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Reread Week 1 Week 1 Respond to Reading Project: Workers in
Read Aloud: Counts!” Vote! Vocabulary: Long i: I, ie, igh, i_e, y; Intonation Your Community
Weeks 1 and 2 “All About Genre: Expository Genre: Expository Text
Genre: Expository Text
Headings and
and Phrasing
Writing Process
A: The Race for the Presidency Bar Graphs Long u: u, u_e, ew Realistic Fiction Story Product: Thank-You
Elections!” Text Lexile: 530L candidates,
Essential Question: How do Lexile: 560L
Lexile: 560L
convince, Author's Claim Structural Analysis:
Week 2 Plan: Sequence of Events Card
people make government work? Paired Selection O: The Race for the Presidency Rate Draft: Dialogue
decisions, Plural Words with y to I Blast: “Let's Vote on It”
ELL Scaffolded “A Plan for the People” Lexile: 720L Author's Purpose:
elect, Grammar and Mechanics
Shared Read Genre: Expository Text ELL: The Race for the Presidency Text Structure Week 2
Genre: Expository Text estimate, Week 1: Kinds of Nouns
available Lexile: 530L Lexile: 710L Long e: e, ea, ee, e_e,
government, Week 2: Singular and Plural Nouns
B: The Race for the Presidency ie, ey, y
Differentiated Genre Passages Lexile: 890L
available Structural Analysis:
Prefixes: re-, un- Inflectional Endings
Paired Selections
Using a Differentiated Spelling
Genre: Expository Text
Dictionary Lists available
A: “Elementary School
O: “Elementary School
ELL: “Elementary School
B: “Elementary School
Text Set 2: Interactive “Sailing to America Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Make Predictions Week 3 Week 3 Writing Process Project: Immigration to
Read Aloud: Genre: Historical The Castle on Hester Vocabulary: Words with Silent Accuracy and Realistic Fiction Story the United States
Weeks 3 and 4 “Our Story Cloth” Fiction Street
Genre: Historical Fiction
Plot: Character
Letters Phrasing Revise: Strong Conclusion
A: The Promise of Gold Development Product: Journal Entry
Lexile: 460L Genre: Historical immigrated, Peer Conferences
Essential Question: Why do people Fiction
inspected, Theme
Structural Analysis: Week 4
Edit and Proofread Blast: “Leaving Home”
immigrate to new places? ELL Scaffolded Lexile: 490L Singular and Plural Rate
Lexile: 730L moment, Text Structure: Publish, Present, and Evaluate
Shared Read O: Moving from Mexico Possessives
opportunity, Cause and Effect
Genre: Historical Fiction available Paired Selection Lexile: 640L Grammar and Mechanics
photographs, Week 4
“Next Stop, America!” ELL: Moving from Mexico Week 3: Special Nouns;
valuable, Three-Letter Blends
Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 540L Week 4: Combining Sentences
Differentiated Genre Passages Lexile: 510L B: Gustaf Goes to America
whispered Structural Analysis:
available Lexile: 690L Figurative Closed Syllables
Language Differentiated Spelling
Paired Selections
Homographs Lists available
Genre: Expository Text
A: “Gold in California!”
O: “Mexican Revolution
ELL: “Mexican Revolution
B: “A Celebrating Swedish
Grade 3 • Unit 2 • Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 3: Interactive “Empanada Day,” Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Alliteration and Week 5 Week 5 Respond to Reading Project: Famous
Read Aloud: “Cold Feet,” “Our “The Inventor Thinks Vocabulary: Rhymed Verse Digraphs Phrasing Inventors
Week 5 “New Bike, Old Washing Machine,” Up Helicopters” and
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Writing Process
A: Problem Solved Text Structure: Structural Analysis: Poetry Product: Interview
Bike” “Bugged” “The Ornithopter” imagine,
Essential Question: How do Genre: Poetry Genre: Poetry
Lexile: 480L
Limerick and Open Syllables Plan: Ideas
Blast: “I Spy with My
people figure things out? O: The Long Walk Free Verse Draft: Rhythm and Rhyme
Lexile: NP (non- Lexile: NP (non-prose) observer Differentiated Spelling Little Eye”
Lexile: 560L
prose) Character Lists available Grammar and Mechanics
Genre: Poetry Paired Selection ELL: The Long Walk Poetry Terms:
Perspective Week 5: Possessive Nouns
ELL Scaffolded “Montgolfier Brothers' Lexile: 490L alliteration,
Shared Read Hot Air Balloon” B: Two Up, One Down free verse, Rhyme Scheme
Differentiated Genre Passages available Genre: Poetry Lexile: 610L limerick,
available Lexile: NP (non-prose) rhyme
Paired Selections
Genre: Poetry
A: “Rainy Day”
O: “The Forgetful Girl” and
“The Friendly Frog”
ELL: “Thomas the Mess Monster”
B: “I Listen” and
“The Nesting Box”
Week 6 Reading Digitally Fluency Connect to Content: Science Connect to Content: Social Studies Writing Presentation Options
Extend, Connect, and Assess Genre: Online Article Reader's Theater: Passages Passages Writing Process Reader’s Theater
“A Hunt to Help Frogs” Name That Character! Genre: Expository Text Genre: Expository Text Poetry
Inquiry Space
“Lighting for Less” “Solving Local Problems” Revise: Figurative Language
Peer Conferences Writing
Genre: Realistic Fiction Genre: Expository Text
Edit and Proofread
“Someday” “What Constitutes a Constitution?”
Publish, Present, and Evaluate
Activities Activities
Compare Passages Compare Passages
Explore How Light Moves Create a Classroom Constitution
Write a Lab Report
Grade 3 • Unit 3 • Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 1: Interactive “Earth and Its Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Summarize Week 1 Week 1 Respond to Reading Project: The Sun and
Read Aloud: Neighbors” Earth Vocabulary: r-Controlled Vowels Expression Stars
Weeks 1 and 2 “Our Home in the Genre: Expository Genre: Expository Text
Genre: Expository Text
Key Words Writing Process
A: Destination Saturn and Charts Structural Analysis: Week 2 Write to Sources: Opinion Writing Product: Genre Writing
Solar System” Text Lexile: 630L astronomy,
Essential Question: What do Lexile: 660L
Lexile: 500L
globe, Central Idea and
Contractions Phrasing Analyze the Rubric
Blast: “Eyes in the Sky”
we know about Earth and its Paired Selection O: Destination Saturn Rubric Minilesson: Opinion
solar system, Relevant Details Week 2
neighbors? ELL Scaffolded “Why the Sun is Red” Lexile: 700L Analyze the Student Model
support, r-Controlled Vowels
Shared Read Genre: Legend ELL: Destination Saturn Personification
surface, Grammar and Mechanics
available Lexile: 500L Lexile: 660L Structural Analysis:
Genre: Expository Text B: Destination Saturn
temperature, Prefixes: un-, re-, pre-
Week 1: Action Verbs; Quotation Marks
warmth with Dialogue
Lexile: 780L Differentiated Spelling
Differentiated Genre Passages Week 2: Subject-Verb Agreement
Suffixes: -y, -ly Lists available
available Paired Selections
Using a
Genre: Legend
A: “Why the Stars Twinkle”
O: “Why the Stars Twinkle”
ELL: “Why the Stars Twinkle”
B: “Why the Stars Twinkle”
Text Set 2: Interactive “Anansi Learns a Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Visualize Week 3 Week 3 Respond to Reading Project: Animal Life
Read Aloud: Lesson” Martina the Beautiful Vocabulary: r-Controlled Vowels Accuracy Cycles
Weeks 3 and 4 “Bear, Beaver, Genre: Folktale Cockroach
Genre: Folktale
Theme Writing Process
A: The Clever Rabbit Structural Analysis: Week 4 Write to Sources: Opinion Writing Product: Life Cycle
and Bee” Lexile: 560L Genre: Folktale dismay, Character
Essential Question: What makes ELL Scaffolded Lexile: 570L
Lexile: 550L
fabulous, Perspective
Suffixes: -y and -ly Phrasing Analyze the Prompt
Blast: “The Perfect
different animals unique? O: King of the Birds and Rate Analyze the Sources: “Space is the Place,”
Shared Read features, Week 4 Predator”
Paired Selection Lexile: 600L Text Structure: “Robots in Space,” “A Team That Works!”
available offered, Prefixes: pre-, dis-, mis-
“Get a Backbone!” ELL: King of the Birds Compare Plan: Organize Ideas
Genre: Folktale splendid,
Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 550L and Contrast Structural Analysis: Draft: Introductions
unique, Final-e Syllables
Lexile: 510L B: Sheep and Pig Set Up Revise: Peer Conferences
Differentiated Genre Passages Housekeeping
available Differentiated Spelling Grammar and Mechanics
Lexile: 680L Synonyms Lists available Week 3: Past-Tense Verbs
Paired Selections Idioms Week 4: Future-Tense Verbs
Genre: Expository Text
A: “All About Bats”
O: “The Real Quetzal”
ELL: “The Real Quetzal”
B: “Sheep and Wolves”
Grade 3 • Unit 3 • Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 3: Interactive “Moving America Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Summarize Week 5 Week 5 Respond to Reading Project: Important
Read Aloud: Forward” “Birth of an Anthem” Vocabulary Diphthongs /oi/ Accuracy Events in History
Week 5 “The California Gold Genre: Expository Genre: Expository Text
Genre: Expository Text
Timelines and
and /ou/ and Phrasing
Writing Process
A: Wheels to Wings Captions Write to Sources: Opinion Writing Product: Newspaper
Rush” Text Lexile: 700L appreciate,
Essential Question: How is each Lexile: 720L
Lexile: 590L
boomed, Text Structure:
Structural Analysis: Analyze the Rubric Article
event in history unique? Paired Selection O: Wheels to Wings Prefixes: un-, non-, dis- Rubric Minilesson: Relevant Evidence
descendants, Chronology Blast: “The Caddo”
ELL Scaffolded “Discovering life Long Lexile: 650L Analyze the Student Model
population, Differentiated Spelling
Shared Read Ago” ELL: Wheels to Wings Author's Purpose
Genre: Expository Text resources, Lists available Grammar and Mechanics
available Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 620L
transportation, Week 5: Combining Sentences with Verbs
Lexile: 740L B: Wheels to Wings
Differentiated Genre Passages Lexile: 730L
available Suffixes: -able,
Paired Selections
-ful, -less
Genre: Expository Text
A: “Keeping History Alive”
O: “Keeping History Alive”
ELL: “Keeping History Alive”
B: “Keeping History Alive”
Week 6 Reading Digitally Fluency Connect to Content: Science Connect to Content: Social Studies Writing Presentation Options
Extend, Connect, and Assess Genre: Online Article Reader's Theater: Passages Passage Writing Process Reader’s Theater
“Saving Our Oceans” Weather . . . whether you Genre: Expository Text Genre: Expository Text Write to Sources: Opinion Writing
Inquiry Space
like it or not “Fascinating Facts About Our Amazing Sun” “On the Moon” Analyze the Prompt
Analyze the Sources: “Driving Toward a Writing
Genre: Expository Text Activities
Future,” “A Safer Way to Drive?,” “Driverless
“Sun Storms” Determine Central Idea
Cars: Not So Fast!”
and Relevant Details
Activities Plan: Organize Ideas
Conduct an Interview
Compare the Passages Draft: Strong Conclusion
Write a Summary
Explore Sun Prints Revise: Peer Conferences
Grade 3 • Unit 4 • Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 1: Interactive “The Impossible Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Ask and Answer Week 1 Week 1 Respond to Reading Project: Skills and
Read Aloud: Pet Show” The Talented Vocabulary: Questions /ů/: oo, ew, u_e, ue, u, Expression Talents
Weeks 1 and 2 “Dancing Genre: Realistic Clementine
Genre: Realistic Fiction
achievement, ui, ou; and Rate
Writing Process
A: Every Picture Tells a Story Character Write to Sources: Expository Writing Product: Blog
La Raspa” Fiction Genre: Realistic Fiction apologized,
Essential Question: How can you Lexile: 600L Lexile: 660L
Lexile: 470L
Perspective /ů/: oo, ou Week 2 Analyze the Rubric
Blast: “Clara Barton”
use what you know to help others? O: A Chef in the Family Phrasing Rubric Minilesson: Central Idea
audience, Plot: Character Structural Analysis:
ELL Scaffolded Paired Selection Lexile: 530L Analyze the Student Model
confidence, Development Base Words in
Genre: Realistic Fiction Shared Read “Clementine and the ELL: A Chef in the Family
embarrassed, Related Words Grammar and Mechanics
available Family Meeting” Lexile: 440L Figurative
realized, Week 1: Linking Verbs; Principal Modals
Genre: Realistic Fiction B: Stepping Forward Language Week 2
Differentiated Genre Passages Lexile: 630L Lexile: 700L
talents Plural Words
Week 2: Contractions with Not
available Prefixes: un-, non-
Paired Selections Structural Analysis:
, im-, pre- Vowel Team Syllables
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Base Words Differentiated Spelling
A: “Hidden Treasure”
O: “The Perfect Sandwich” Lists available
ELL: “The Perfect Sandwich”
B: “Rigel to the Rescue”
Text Set 2: Interactive “Gray Wolf! Red Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Reread Week 3 Week 3 Respond to Reading Project: Animal
Read Aloud: Fox!” Amazing Wildlife of the Vocabulary: Variant Vowel /ô/ Intonation Behaviors
Weeks 3 and 4 “African Lions” Genre: Expository Mojave
Genre: Expository Text Maps and Writing Process
A: Life in a Tide Pool alert, Captions Structural Analysis: Week 4 Write to Sources: Expository Writing Product: Collage
Text Genre: Expository Text
Essential Question: How do Lexile: 750L Lexile: 720L
Lexile: 550L competition,
Text Structure:
Greek and Latin Roots Accuracy Analyze the Prompt
Blast: “Creatures of the
animals adapt to challenges in their O: Life in a Tide Pool environment, Analyze the Sources: “Woof! Rrrread to
Compare and Week 4 Deep”
habitat? ELL Scaffolded Paired Selection Lexile: 730L excellent, Me, Please?” “Parrot Pals,”
Contrast Homophones
Shared Read “Little Half Chick” ELL: Life in a Tide Pool prefer, “A Dog's Super Power”
available Genre: Fable Lexile: 610L protection, Theme Structural Analysis: Plan: Organize Ideas
Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 690L B: Life in a Tide Pool related, r-Controlled Vowel Draft: Strong Introduction
Lexile: 860L shelter Syllables Revise: Peer Conferences
Differentiated Genre Passages
available Paired Selections Sentence Clues Differentiated Spelling Grammar and Mechanics
Lists available Week 3: Main and Helping Verbs
Genre: Folktale Greek and Latin
Week 4: Complex Sentences
A: “Bluebird and Coyote” Roots
O: “Bluebird and Coyote”
ELL: “Bluebird and Coyote”
B: “Bluebird and Coyote”
Grade 3 • Unit 4 • Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 3: Interactive “Ginger's Fingers,” Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Repetition and Week 5 Week 5 Respond to Reading Project: Inspirational
Read Aloud: “The Giant,” “The Winningest Vocabulary: Rhymed Verse Soft c and g Expression Figures
Week 5 “My Grandpa” “Captain's Log,” Woman of the Iditarod
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Writing Process
A: A Speech to Remember Narrative, Free Structural Analysis: Write to Sources: Expository Writing Product: Acrostic Poem
“Moon,” “Whale” Dog Sled Race” and courageous,
Essential Question: How can Genre: Narrative “The Brave Ones”
Lexile: 480L
Verse, and Haiku Words with -er and -est Analyze the Rubric
Blast: “An Inspirational
others inspire us? O: Melanie's Mission Rubric Minilesson: Relevant Evidence
Poetry, Free-Verse Genre: Narrative and weird Theme Differentiated Spelling Poet”
Lexile: 590L Analyze the Student Model
Poetry, and Haiku Free-Verse Poetry Lists available
ELL: Melanie's Mission Poetry Terms: Imagery
Genre: Poetry Lexile: NP Lexile: NP (non-prose) Grammar and Mechanics
Lexile: 510L free verse,
(non-prose) Week 5: Irregular Verbs
Paired Selection B: In the Running narrative poem,
Differentiated Genre Passages ELL Scaffolded “Narcissa” Lexile: 700L repetition,
available Shared Read Genre: Poetry rhyme
Paired Selections
available Lexile: NP (non-prose)
Genre: Poetry
A: “Let the Lion Roar”
O: “In the Land of the Lions”
ELL: “The Greedy Puppy”
B: “Everybody's Surfing”
Week 6 Reading Digitally Fluency Connect to Content: Science Connect to Content: Social Studies Writing Presentation Options
Extend, Connect, and Assess Genre: Online Article Reader's Theater: Passages Passages Writing Process Reader’s Theater
“Forbidden Foods” The Baker’s Neighbor Genre: Expository Text Genre: Expository Text Write to Sources: Expository Writing
Inquiry Space
“Armadillo: Little Armored One” “Balto the Hero” Analyze the Prompt
Analyze the Sources: “A Tough Two Writing
Genre: Expository Text Genre: Expository Text
Minutes,” “An Interview with Firefighter
“Big Sticky Feet” “A Great Race”
Grant,” “A Firefighter's Duties”
Activities Activities Plan: Organize Ideas
Compare the Passages Compare the Passages Draft: Strong Conclusion
Explore the Advantages of Adaptations Read a Map Revise: Peer Conferences
Write About an Animal Hero
Grade 3 • Unit 5 • Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 1: Interactive “Dolores Huerta: Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Ask and Answer Week 1 Week 1 Respond to Reading Project: Volunteers in
Read Aloud: Growing Up Elizabeth Stanton Vocabulary: Questions Compound Words Intonation Your Community
Weeks 1 and 2 “Jimmy Carter: A Strong” Leads the Way:
Genre: Expository Text
Writing Process
A: Eunice Kennedy Shriver Captions and Structural Analysis: Week 2 Write to Sources: Opinion Writing Product: Poster
Good Citizen” Genre: Biography Elizabeth Cady Stanton continued,
Essential Question: What do good Lexile: 670L and the
Lexile: 600L
Timelines Consonant + le Phrasing Analyze the Rubric
Blast: “The Generous
citizens do? O: Eunice Kennedy Shriver Syllables Rubric Minilesson: Logical Progression
Right to Vote horrified, Author's Claim Grower”
ELL Scaffolded Lexile: 690L of Ideas
Genre: Biography participate, Week 2
Shared Read ELL: Eunice Kennedy Shriver Text Structure: Analyze the Student Model
Genre: Biography Lexile: 700L proposed, Inflectional Endings
available Lexile: 600L Cause and Effect
unfairness, Grammar and Mechanics
Paired Selection B: Eunice Kennedy Shriver Structural Analysis:
Differentiated Genre Passages “Susan B. Anthony Lexile: 860L
waver Suffixes: -ful, -less,
Week 1: Singular and Plural Pronouns
available Week 2: Subject and Object Pronouns
Takes Action!” Prefixes -able
Paired Selections
Genre: Biography and Suffixes Differentiated Spelling
Lexile: 730L Genre: Biography
Antonyms Lists available
A: “The Lifesaver”
O: “The Lifesaver”
ELL: “The Lifesaver”
B: “The Lifesaver”
Text Set 2: Interactive “Juanita and the Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Summarize Week 3 Week 3 Writing Process Project: Business Plans
Read Aloud: Beanstalk” Clever Jack Takes the Vocabulary: Syllabication: Closed Phrasing Write to Sources: Opinion Writing
Weeks 3 and 4 “Wei and the Genre: Fairy Tale Cake
Genre: Fairy Tale
Syllables and Rate Analyze the Prompt
Product: Business Plan
A: The Chickpea Boy
Golden Goose” Lexile: 610L Genre: Fairy Tale barter, Character Analyze the Sources: “Volunteering is Blast: “Strictly
Essential Question: How do we get Lexile: 600L
Lexile: 510L
considered, Perspective
Structural Analysis: Week 4
a Choice,” “Serving and Learning,” Business”
what we need? ELL Scaffolded O: The Golden Goose Base Words in Related Phrasing
creation, Author's Purpose “Getting Involved”
Shared Read Paired Selection Lexile: 590L Words and Rate
humble, Plan: Organize Ideas
Genre: Fairy Tale available “Money Then and ELL: The Golden Goose
magnificent, Week 4 Draft: Elaborative Techniques
Now” Lexile: 440L
payment, Inflectional Endings: Revise: Peer Conferences
Genre: Expository Text B: A Gift for Mario
Differentiated Genre Passages Lexile: 680L Lexile: 800L
reluctantly y to i
Grammar and Mechanics
available Base Words Structural Analysis: Week 3: Pronoun-Verb Agreement
Paired Selections
Suffixes: -ful, -ness, Week 4: Possessive Pronouns
Genre: Expository Text -less
A: “Forgotten Gold”
Differentiated Spelling
O: “Gold, Gold, Gold!”
Lists available
ELL: “Gold, Gold, Gold!”
B: “The Golden Land”
Grade 3 • Unit 5 • Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 3: Interactive “Here Comes Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Ask and Answer Week 5 Week 5 Respond to Reading Project: Sources of
Read Aloud: Solar Power” “It's All in the Wind” Vocabulary: Questions Open Syllables Accuracy and Energy
Week 5 “Using Power” Genre: Genre: Argumentative
Genre: Argumentative Text
energy, Rate
Writing Process
A: The Fuel of the Future Author's Claim Structural Analysis: Write to Sources: Opinion Writing Product: Chart
Argumentative Text Text natural,
Essential Question: What are Lexile: 800L Lexile: 750L
Lexile: 680L
pollution, Text Structure:
Prefixes and Suffixes Analyze the Rubric
Blast: “Can You Hear
different kinds of energy? O: The Fuel of the Future Rubric Minilesson: Transitional Strategies
produce, Cause and Effect Differentiated Spelling Me?”
ELL Scaffolded Paired Selection Lexile: 750L Analyze the Student Model
renewable, Lists available
Shared Read “Power for All” ELL: The Fuel of the Future Text Features
Genre: Argumentative Text replace, Grammar and Mechanics
available Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 680L
sources, Week 5: Pronoun-Verb Contractions
Lexile: 780L B: The Fuel of the Future
Differentiated Genre Passages Lexile: 800L
available Homophones
Paired Selections
Genre: Expository Text
A: “Saving Energy”
O: “Saving Energy”
ELL: “Saving Energy”
B: “Saving Energy”
Week 6 Reading Digitally Fluency Connect to Content: Science Connect to Content: Social Studies Writing Presentation Options
Extend, Connect, and Assess Genre: Online Article Reader's Theater: Passages Passages Writing Process Reader’s Theater
“Rising to the Challenge” The Memory Quilt Genre: Expository Text Genre: Expository Text Write to Sources: Opinion Essay
Inquiry Space
“Catching the Cold” “Leading the Dance” Analyze the Prompt
Analyze Sources: “Wind Energy is for Writing
Genre: Expository Text Genre: Expository Text
Everyone,” “The Incredible Power of Solar
“Watery Science” “Sharing Culture Through Dance”
Energy,” “Wind and Solar: The Perfect
Activities Activities Combination”
Compare the Passages Compare the Passages Plan: Organize Ideas
Exploring Watery States Tell a Story With Dance Draft: Word Choice
Revise: Peer Conferences
Grade 3 • Unit 6 • Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 1: Interactive “Rocketing into Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Reread Week 1 Week 1 Respond to Reading Project: National
Read Aloud: Space” Looking Up to Ellen Vocabulary: Prefixes Expression Heroes
Weeks 1 and 2 “Mae Jamison, Genre: Biography Ochoa
Genre: Biography
Key Words and
and Rate
Writing Process
A: Reach for the Stars Photographs Structural Analysis: Write to Sources: Expository Writing Product: Timeline
Astronaut” Lexile: 790L Genre: Biography essential,
Essential Question: Why are goals Lexile: 860L
Lexile: 600L
goal, Central Idea and
Greek and Latin Roots Week 2 Rubric Minilesson: Academic Language
Blast: “Mission: Juno”
important? ELL Scaffolded O: Reach for the Stars Phrasing Analyze the Student Model
motivated, Relevant Details Week 2
Shared Read Paired Selection Lexile: 750L
professional, Consonant + le Grammar and Mechanics
available “A Flight to Lunar City” ELL: Reach for the Stars Imagery
Genre: Biography research, Syllables Week 1: Adjectives and Articles
Genre: Fantasy Lexile: 680L
serious, Week 2: Adjectives that Compare
Lexile: 600L B: Reach for the Stars Structural Analysis:
Differentiated Genre Passages Lexile: 850L
specialist Latin Suffixes
available Greek and Latin
Paired Selections Differentiated Spelling
Roots Lists available
Genre: Science Fiction
A: “Melina Shows Her Mettle”
O: “Melina Shows Her Mettle”
ELL: “Melina Shows Her Mettle”
B: “Melina Shows Her Mettle”
Text Set 2: Interactive “Athena and Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Make Predictions Week 3 Week 3 Respond to Reading Project: What We Think
Read Aloud: Arachne” King Midas and the Vocabulary: Vowel Team Syllables Accuracy is Important
Weeks 3 and 4 “Pandora Finds a Genre: Drama/Myth Golden Touch
Genre: Drama
Elements of a Play Writing Process
A: Midas and the Donkey Ears Structural Analysis: Week 4 Write to Sources: Expository Writing Product: Bar Graph
Box” Lexile: NP Genre: Drama/Myth anguish, Theme
Essential Question: How do you (non-prose) Lexile: NP (non-prose)
Lexile: NP (non-prose)
Base Words in Phrasing Analyze the Prompt
Blast: “Snow Leopards”
decide what is important? O: The Naming of Athens Plot: Character Related Words Analyze the Sources: “Astronauts Who
ELL Scaffolded Paired Selection Lexile: NP (non-prose) Farm,” “Growing Vegetables in Space,”
possess, Development Week 4
Genre: Drama/Myth Shared Read “Carlos's Gift” ELL: The Naming of Athens “Spores in Space”
reward, r-Controlled Vowel
available Genre: Realistic Fiction Lexile: NP (non-prose) Plan: Organize Ideas
treasure, Syllables
Lexile: 640L B: Odysseus and King Aeolus Draft: Reference Sources
Differentiated Genre Passages Lexile: NP (non-prose)
wealth Structural Analysis: Revise: Peer Conferences
available Base Words Latin Suffixes
Paired Selections Grammar and Mechanics
Compound Differentiated Spelling Week 3: Adverbs
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Words Lists available Week 4: Adverbs that Compare
A: “It's Party Time!”
O: “The Perfect Present”
ELL: “The Perfect Present”
B: “Daria's Dream”
Grade 3 • Unit 6 • Scope and Sequence
Text Set Focus Read Aloud Shared Read Literature Anthology Leveled Readers Vocabulary Comprehension Phonics and Spelling Fluency Writing and Grammar Research and Inquiry
Text Set 3: Interactive “The Camping Trip” Anchor Text Main Selections Academic Rhythm and Week 5 Week 5 Respond to Reading Project: Tall Tales
Read Aloud: and “Bubble Gum” “Ollie's Escape” Vocabulary: Rhymed Verse Suffixes: -ful, -less, -ly Phrasing and
Week 5 “Show and Tell” Genre: Narrative Genre: Narrative
Genre: Realistic Fiction
entertainment, Expression
Writing Process Product: Tall Tale
A: Funny Faces Text Structure: Structural Analysis: Write to Sources: Expository Writing
Poetry Poetry humorous, Blast: “The Best
Essential Question: What makes Lexile: NP Lexile: NP (non-prose)
Lexile: 450L
Stanzas and Frequently Misspelled Rubric Minilesson: Relevant Evidence
you laugh? O: Too Many Frogs Events Words Analyze the Student Model
(non-prose) slithered
Paired Selection Lexile: 670L
Character Differentiated Spelling Grammar and Mechanics
Genre: Poetry ELL Scaffolded “The Gentleman ELL: Too Many Frogs Poetry Terms:
Perspective Lists available Week 5: Prepositions; Prepositional
Shared Read Bookworm” Lexile: 600L narrative poem,
available Genre: Narrative B: The Joke's On You rhyme, Figurative
Differentiated Genre Passages Poetry Lexile: 780L rhythm, Language
available Lexile: NP (non-prose) stanza
Paired Selections
Genre: Poetry
A: “My Cheeky Puppy”
O: “Pet Day”
ELL: “Cat and Dog”
B: “The Homeword Blues”
Week 6 Reading Digitally Fluency Connect to Content: Science Connect to Content: Social Studies Writing Presentation Options
Extend, Connect, and Assess Genre: Online Article Reader's Theater: Passages Passages Writing Process Reader’s Theater
“Life Boats” The Lion and the Genre: Biography Genre: Folktale Write to Sources: Expository Writing
Inquiry Space
Ostrich Chicks “Watching the Stars: The Story of “Why the Dog's Nose is Cold” Analyze the Prompt
Maria Mitchell” Analyze the Sources: “Why Do Animals Writing
Genre: Expository Text
Play?”, “Playgrounds Grow Up,” “Learning
Genre: Expository Text “About Folktales”
from Laughing Rats”
“Exoplanets Are Out of This World!”
Activities Plan: Organize Ideas
Activities Compare the Passages Draft: Transitional Strategies
Compare the Passages Plan Your Own Animal Tale Revise: Peer Conferences
Create Your Own Constellation Write Your Own Animal Tale