Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of… himself/herself during middle
and late adolescence
Performance Standards the learners shall be able to.. conduct self-exploration and simple
Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners would be able to:
● Attitude
II. CONTENT Understanding Conventions of Traditional Genres; Poetry, Fiction and Drama
A. References
B. Other Learning Resources Visual aides, pictures, and articles, laptop and speaker.
Ok, I’m glad that we are here again, learning another lessons
and especially, meeting new friends, teachers, as well as the Yes Ma’am
Before we begin the class this morning/afternoon, let us ask
(One student lead the prayer)
the guidance of almighty God and let us enlighten our mind
to completely understand the lesson this morning. Would
you please lead the prayer?
You’re right!
B. Activity/ Motivation
Let’s get started! Take a good look at this picture of a valley.
What are your thoughts on the picture? What feelings does
it invite? List down all the possible feelings experiences that Listing of information towards
the picture tries to convey to the audience. the image done by each group:
Group A, B, C, & D
C. Analysis/Presenting
examples of the
new lesson where
the concepts are
clarified In your group, I will be sending a piece of reading Every member of the group must
material regarding the topic today. Each member must be participated during their group
be cooperative enough to come up a good report after discussion. One representative
you brainstorming the information about the text. assigned to report the outcome.
After you gathered some information then write your
summary report on the manila paper and report to the
D. Abstraction Discussion:
E. Valuing: Finding
Practical Activity:
Applications of
Below is a poem about an underground river in Palawan,
Concepts and Skills which has become popular- and iconictourist attraction in
in Daily Living recent years. Pick out the different figurative languages that
entails evocative details while reading the text. What do you
think do the images symbolize?
This morning,
Of sea grasses
Awakened me
I followed
In front of my
Bamboo cottage.
I nearly stepped on
A parrotfish
And returned it
To the sea.
F. Generalization
Directions: Review the lesson on biases opinions and
unbiases opinions. Then write your reflection
in your English journal notebook by
completing the statements below.
I will apply
G. Assessment
Direction: Identification: Identify what is being ask in the following statement below.
__________1. It is a form if literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language.
__________2. Usually, poetry utilizes these types of ______ and _____ to evoke meaning.
__________4. Early poems evolved from ____ such as the Chinese Shijing, or from a need to retell oral
_________5. According to Laurence Perrine poetry uses __________ to achieve imagery elements of
the poems.
Assignment: Each student should have the following materials for their Portfolio: (a) a Journal
notebook where they shall write their reflections, assignments, answers to exercises, etc., (b) a large
brown or colored envelope or clear book where they shall store all the portfolio outputs, to be
submitted to their teacher at the end of each unit or as directed; and (c) several sheets of white paper
for drawings or other work assigned. Personalize their Journal notebooks
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
G.What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?