Separation and Purification of Lithium by Solvent Extraction and Supported Liquid Membrane Analysis of Their Mechanism - A Review
Separation and Purification of Lithium by Solvent Extraction and Supported Liquid Membrane Analysis of Their Mechanism - A Review
Separation and Purification of Lithium by Solvent Extraction and Supported Liquid Membrane Analysis of Their Mechanism - A Review
Received: 5 February 2016 Revised: 3 March 2016 Accepted article published: 11 March 2016 Published online in Wiley Online Library:
Separation and purification of lithium by solvent extraction and supported liquid membrane using various commercial and
non-commercial extraction has been reviewed. In solvent extraction, extraction by chelating extractants, acidic extractants,
solvation extractants and mechanism involved in the extraction has been discussed. Solvent extraction of lithium by solvation
extractants like; TOPO, DBM, TBP, and LIX and synergism of diketone with various solvation extractant combinations have been
reviewed. Finally, lithium extraction by supported liquid membrane using various extractants has been reviewed. The reported
processes mainly lacking in analysis of chemical mechanism involved in the lithium extraction using all these extractants are
analyzed and discussed.
© 2016 Society of Chemical Industry
Keywords: lithium; solvent extraction; separation and purification; supported liquid membrane
Solvent extraction of base metals, rare earth metals, and precious (a)
metals has been reviewed in the literature. The review regarding Agrochemicals, alloys,
separation and purification of lithium by solvent extraction and cement and concrete additives,
dyes and pigment 9%
supported liquid membrane (SLM), and analysis of their mecha- Lubricating greases
Rechargeable batteries 8%
nism has never been reported. The mechanism of solvent extrac-
29% Casting mold flux
tion of lithium is seldom discussed in the literature. In this paper powders 6%
the solvent extraction mechanism has been discussed thoroughly. Air treatment 5%
Polymer production 5%
(a) Brine
Lime Stone
Solar Evaporation
20% HCl Chlorination
Boric acid by
Solvent Extraction
Leaching product
Tails of Boron
Na2CO3 Carbonation
Lithium Carbonate Calcium and Magnesium
Precipitation Precipitate by Product
Lime Stone, Figure 3. Flow sheet for lithium recovery from brine
for extraction of lithium by several investigators. Lithium extrac-
tion by the polydentate structure of crown ether is governed
by Pearson’s hard–soft acid-base (HSAB) principle. The principle
states that hard acids prefer to bind to hard bases and soft acids
Leaching Tails prefer to bind to soft bases. The hard acids have small, highly
charged and non-polarizable acceptor atoms and soft acids are
larger and not so highly charged. The bonding between hard acids
Purification Mg(OH)3 and hard bases is dominated by electrostatic interactions, whereas
the bonding between soft acids and soft bases is primarily cova-
lent. Crown ethers utilizing ether oxygens as donor atoms, which
Na2CO3 Carbonation
are ‘hard base’ species, coordinate well with the hard acid, alkali
metal cations.21,22 Figure 4(a) shows possible conformations of
Separation Glauber Recovery alkali cations with crown ether; Fig. 4(b) shows the X-ray struc-
ture of alkali cations with crown ether, and Fig. 4(c) shows lithium
complexation with crown ether. Crown ethers showed various con-
formations after complexation according to the cation size, that is,
Lithium Carbonate Na2SO4
Production guest cations are generally located in the center of crown ethers;
by Product
however, the sandwich structure is formed if the cation size is too
Figure 2. (a) Lithium recovery by chlorination of clay; (b) lithium recovery large for the cavity size. Crown ethers have often been selected as
by roasting of clay ligands to form complexes with lithium ion because the oxygen
atom which is a hard base and preferably binds to the lithium ion
end-of-life of LIB, and expected overall world market future evo- as shown in Fig. 4(c).22,23
lution, recovery of lithium from various waste resources should be Bartsch and coworkers synthesized a series of novel crown-ether
a panacea for environment, economy and energy securities. Thus compounds in which the crown ether ring size systematically var-
achieving lithium recovery through recycling technology for these ied from 13 to 16 atoms. The bonding/extraction ability of syn-
waste materials is a challenge and an opportunity, too.19,20 Several thesized crown ethers towards Li+ extraction was investigated,
authors have reported solvent extraction (SX), and SLM for lithium and the extraction ability of crown ether decreased as the crown
extraction and purification is reviewed in this paper. ring size was varied as 14-crown-4 > 13-crown-4 ≥ 15-crown-5
> > 16-crown-4.24 – 26 This order was rationalized in terms of the
size fit concept.26 Based on cavity size, the diameter of cations, and
SOLVENT EXTRACTION OF LITHIUM binding constant, the appropriate crown ether can be chosen for
Solvent extraction of lithium by chelating extractants the selected alkali metal and its mixture (Table 1).
The polydentate structure of crown ether and crown ether deriva- Crown ethers with ionizable pendant arms are known to form
tive has a special reactivity toward lithium, and has been used stronger complexes with cations than their neutral counterparts
Table 1. Comparison of cation diameter, cavity size and binding constant crown ether interaction constants with alkali metal cations
because the anion provides an internal counter ion for a com- phosphoric acid moiety as an additional binding site of a pen-
plexed cation, as shown in Fig. 5(a)–(b). Ionizable armed crown dant arm was measured by solvent extraction and transport exper-
ethers introduce guest-ligating side arms to the crown rings iment. It was observed that the introduction of the pendant group
to form dynamic and three-dimensional complexes to extract to the dibenzo-14-crown-4 provided significant enhancement of
cations. Similarly, crown ethers with pendant arms with a donor the extractability and the transport rate of only Li+ ion rather
electron pair moiety form complex ionophores with cations along than other alkali metals.29 The mechanism for extraction of lithium
with main chain crown as shown in Fig. 5(c). The same is also true using dibenzo-14-crown-4 possessing an ionizable phosphoric
with aza crown ether with pendant arms, and a possible mecha- acid moiety is explained in Fig. 6(a).
nism is shown in Fig. 5(d). The various derivatives of crown ethers, Binding properties of ten different benzo-13-crown-4 com-
particularly armed crown ethers, are effective for the separation pounds and a series of 15 14-crown-4 derivatives to Li+ and Na+
and extraction of lithium, as has been reported in the literature. have been assessed by picrate extraction and the response of
Basically, two main groups of armed crown ether (side chain crown polymeric membrane electrodes. Variation in cation selectivity
ethers, and side chain aza crown ethers) have been reported for was observed as a function of the group that attached to the cen-
extraction of lithium, and are reviewed below. In the side chain tral carbon atom. Of the different groups, those attached to the
crown or aza crown ether, basically, three main groups of side central carbon atom of the three-carbon bridges in the ionophores
chains, i.e. carboxylic acid, aromatic carboxylic acid, and phospho- play the vital role in lithium extraction. For the benzo-13-crown-4
ric acid have been reported. Figure 5 shows the general mecha- series, only weak cation binding and low selectivity were observed.
nism for side chain crown ether and side chain aza crown ether. For the 14-crown-4 series, the 6,13-dimethylenyl-14-crown-4
Katayama et al. reported the synthesis of crown ethers carry- exhibited the highest Li+ selectivity in picrate extraction.
ing a pendant phenolic chromophore for recovery of lithium.27 In polymeric membrane electrodes, considerably higher Li+
The phenolic protons of these crown ethers after dissociation selectivity was observed with 6,6,13-tribenzyl-14-crown-4 and
provide lipophilic anions which can extract alkali metal cations 6,6,13,13-tetraethyl-14-crown-4 than with the commercially avail-
into 1,2-dichloroethane by forming highly-colored neutral metal able Li+ ionophore 6,6-dibenzyl-14-crown-4. The 14-crown-4
complexes. 15-crown-5 or smaller ring-sized reagents favored the compounds lacked Li+ selectivity but the matrix on ionophore
extraction of lithium ion, whence the 15-crown-5 type reagents selectivity had a profound influence on lithium.25
are sodium-selective but 18-crown-6 type reagents were generally Tsukube et al. reported that amine-armed aza-12-crown-4 is a
potassium-selective. Alkali metal selectivity depends on structural, suitable extractant for Li+ , which forms Li+ ion-specific ionophore
steric, and conformational parameters, and all play a very impor- via three-dimensional complexation for extraction.30 The extrac-
tant role.27 Katayama et al. reported that the following factors are tion mechanism of lithium using amine-armed aza-12-crown-4 is
very important for alkali metal/lithium ion extractability: (i) nature explained in Fig. 6(b). Similarly, Sakai et al. also synthesized a chro-
of the crown ether ring; (ii) nature of the pendant phenolic group; mogenic crown ether, i.e. 1-(2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)-1-aza-4,7,10
and (iii) geometry between the crown ether center and pendant trioxacyclododecane, chromogenic aza-12-crown-4 has a sig-
phenolic group. 15-crown-5 or smaller ring-sized reagents favored nificant for lithium ion extraction. The extractant constants
the extraction of lithium ion. The 15-crown-5 type reagents are for this aza-12-crown-4 were pK a1 = 5.77, pK a2 = 10.31, pK ex
sodium-selective whereas the 18-crown-6 type reagents were gen- (Li) = 10.18, and pK ex (Na) = 12.50, indicating significant selectivity
erally potassium-selective. However, these selectivities were not and extractability of lithium.31
absolute, and other structural parameters, steric and conforma- From the above study it is reasonably inferred that the ring
tional, must be considered to explain in detail the selectivity of the size of the crown ether, aza-crown ether, the derivative of the
individual reagents.27 crown ether and their ability to form ionophore, ring type plays
Synthesis and extraction behavior of (2-sym-dibenzo-14-crown- an important role for selective extraction of alkali metal in general
4-oxy)-acetic acid and hexanoic acid, which is an improved synthe- and lithium in particular. Similarly, the cation size of alkali metals
sis of carboxylic acid derivatives of dibenzo-14-crown-4 has been and their ratio in the aqueous solution also affect the selectivity of
reported. The (2-sym-dibenzo-14-crown-4-oxy) hexanoic acid is a extraction. Competitive solvent extraction of lithium from aque-
very good extractant for lithium as well as alkaline earth metal ous chloride solution of Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs using 0.25 mol L−1
ions.28 As commonly observed in the solvent extraction pro- each with 0.05 mol L−1 of crown ether and crown ether carboxylic
cess, dependence of the metal distribution on pH and ligand acid has been compared.32 Competitive and selective extrac-
concentration has been observed.28 Habata et al. synthesized tion alkali metals as the different ratio of Li+ /Na+ , which has been
dibenzo-14-crown-4 possessing an ionizable phosphoric acid moi- reported by Bartsch et al. has been reproduced in Table 2.32 Table 1
ety as an additional binding site of a pendant arm. The com- and Table 2 clearly show the possibility of lithium extraction and
plexing ability of dibenzo-14-crown-4 possessing an ionizable extraction efficiency depends on the cavity size of crown ether
(a) (a) Complexation of proton ionizable side chain crown ether with metal ions
X----H -
O O - H+ O O
+ M+ M+
(b) Complexation of proton ionizable side chain aza crown ether with metal
X----H X
+ M+ - H+ M+
(c) Complexation of side chain crown ether with metal ions
+ M+ M+
(d) Complexation of side chain aza crown ether with metal ions
+ M+ M+
Lithium extraction mechanism using ionizable phosphoric acid side chain
O -H + O O
+Li+ O O
Lithium extraction mechanism using side chain aza 12-crown-4
N O +Li+ N O N O +Li+ O
+ N +
Li Li
Figure 6. Representative figure for (a) complexation of proton-ionizable crown ether, (9) complexation of side chain aza crown ether with lithium ion.
Solvent extraction of lithium by solvating extractants solvent extraction based on various combinations of 𝛽-diketone
Several authors have reported extraction of lithium using solvating as chelate and a solvation as the ligand is reviewed below.
extractants, as summarized in Table 3. Solvent extraction of alkali Healy developed a formula for the alkali metal extracted species
ions in sodium perchlorate (NaClO4 ) ionic media with TOPO or as M(TTA)S2 (M = Li, Na, K or Cs), where S may be a phosphine
(Oct)3 PO in hexane was studied. The order of extraction follows the oxide, a phosphate, an alcohol, a ketone or an amide. The alkali
order Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+ ; i.e. the smaller the alkali cation metal-organic species forms due to the synergistic effect of TTA
the higher the ability of salvation with TOPO. In the above pro- and TOPO mixture as [M(TTA)(TOPO)2 ].46 Kim et al. reported the
cess, the logKex for Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs was calculated to be 2.29 ± 0.13, synergism of solvent extraction of trace lithium (5.76 × 10−4 mol
1.01 ± 0.14, 0.57 ± 0.22, 0.06 ± 0.1, –0.17 ± 0.21, respectively. The L−1 ) with TTA in the presence of TOPO. The species extracted was
extracted species for Li was [Li(TOPO)3 + (ClO4 )− ]. It is most proba- also determined to be Li(TTA)(TOPO)2 .47 Though the possibility of
ble that the interactions between the TOPO and the alkali metal Li(TTA)(TOPO) adduct cannot be ignored, the stability constant for
ion and perchlorate ion in the organic phase are electrostatic in Li-TTA/2TOPO was 150 times higher than for Li-TTA/TOPO and from
nature.44 The possibility of commercial use of the diketone, dip- the log–log analysis, species formation for extraction of lithium
ivaloylmethane (2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedione) has been was concluded to be Li(TTA)(TOPO)2. The diluents used for stud-
proposed.45 The possible chemical reaction of alkali metals in per- ies follow the order m-Xylene > Benzene > MIBK (methyl-isobutyl
chlorate media using TOPO can be explained using Equation (1): ketone) > n-hexane and chloroform for Li(TTA)(TOPO)2 formation.
[ ] The lithium was quantitatively extracted from basic solutions
M+ + ClO−4 + n (TOPO)Org ⇌ M (TOPO)+n ClO−4 Org (1) higher than pH 9 as an adduct Li(TTA)(TOPO)2 into m-xylene. The
logarithmic extraction constant (log Kex ) was 6.76.47 Harvianto
For solvent extraction of lithium, the synergism of a 𝛽-diketone et al. applied the TTA–TOPO mixture for extraction of lithium
as chelate and a solvation ligand like TOPO are very proficient seawater.48 Using TTA–TOPO 93% of lithium could be extracted.
in comparison with only a solvating extractant. 𝛽-diketone, like Lithium ion could be easily stripped by acidic solutions, the strip-
Thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTA) (commonly known as 2-Thenoyltri- ping efficiency decreases with pH of acidic solutions, and the kind
fluoroacetone, Alpha-Thenoyltrifluoroacetone, 4,4,4-Trifluoro-1-(2- of acid does not affect the stripping efficiency. By the same pro-
thienyl)-1,3-butanedione, TTB, or TTFA), and dibenzoylmethane cess, 65% of lithium can be extracted from seawater by this solvent
(DBM) (otherwise known as 1,3-Propanedione, 1,3-diphenyl-; extraction unless magnesium ion is precipitated prior to the sol-
𝜔-Benzoylacetophenone; Phenyl phenacyl ketone; 1,3- vent extraction process. Other metallic ions in seawater negate the
Diphenyl-1,3-propanedione; 2-Benzoylacetophenone; 1,3-Diphe- extraction efficiency of lithium ion.48
nylpropane-1,3-dione; omega-Benzoylacetophenone; Karenzu Ishimori et al. reported the extraction of lithium with TTA in
DK 2; Rhodiastab 83; NSC 6266) are frequently used for extrac- the presence of PHEN in various organic solvents. The extraction
tion of lithium. Similarly, salvation extractant TOPO, 1,10- equilibrium of alkali metals; Li+ , Na+ , and K+ in the presence
phenanthroline (PHEN) (commonly known as ortho-phenan- or absence of PHEN in chlorobenzene has been discussed. A
throline, 𝛽-phenanthroline, 1, 10-o-phenanthroline, 4, 5-diazaphe- remarkable synergistic effect which enhances the extraction of
nanthrene), 2,9-dimethyl-1,10- phenanthroline (DMP) (oth- lithium was observed in the presence of PHEN. High extractability
erwise named as 2,9-dimethyl-; Neo-Cuproin; 2,9-dimethyl- of lithium was attained in toluene, benzene, chlorobenzene and
o-phenanthroline; 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline; 2,9- o-dichlorobenzene. In the presence of PHEN, TTA extracted lithium
Dimethylphenanthroline are used for synergistic solvent extrac- as [Li(TTA)(PHEN)] over a wide concentration range of PHEN in the
tion of lithium. These combinations are also used for separation organic phase, whereas Na+ and K+ extracted as [Na(TTA)(PHEN)2 ]
of lithium from virtually inseparable alkali metals. Synergistic and [K(TTA)(PHEN)2 ] in the high concentration region. Metal
adducts formation, such as Li(TTA)(PHEN), Na(TTA)(PHEN)2 and DBM–TOPO studied above can be summarized as in Figure 7. As
K(TTA)(PHEN)2 were confirmed formed in the organic solu- the first step of the reaction, the 𝛽-diketones (TTA, DBM) ionize by
tion using slope analysis. Separation of lithium over sodium displacing protons and the ionized 𝛽-diketones form a chelating
and potassium in chloride solution in TTA and PHEN with complex with lithium. Finally, lithium 𝛽-diketone chelates form an
a solvent extraction system containing various diluents has adduct with solvation ligands like TOPO, PHEN, and DMP.
been reported. The maximum value of the separation factor of Umetani et al. investigated the synergistic solvent extrac-
lithium over sodium and potassium from chloride solution in tion of lithium and sodium into benzene or cyclohexane with
TTA and PHEN was observed, and was larger than that in the 4-benzoyl or 4-perfluoroacyl-5-pyrazolone and TOPO.53 Quanti-
TTA–TOPO–benzene system reported previously.49 Ishimori et al. tative extraction of lithium was achieved with 1-tolyl-3-methyl-
also reported synergistic selective Li+ extraction with TTA and 4-perfluoroacyl-5-pyrazolone and TOPO, where poorer extrac-
PHEN as well as TTA and DMP.50 High lithium extraction and tion of sodium was observed under the same conditions. The
selectivity over sodium and potassium using TTA with PHEN, and perfluoroacyl group at the 4-position of the pyrazolone ring
TTA with DMP has been reported. From the extraction equilibrium enhances maximum percentage extraction of lithium. Diluents
analysis formation of adduct complexes, such as Li(TTA)(DMP), have a significant effect on extraction. Cyclohexane as diluent
Na(TTA)(DMP), K(TTA)(DMP), and K(TTA)(DMP)2 in the DMP extract quantitatively but it depends upon the solubility of the
system, and Li(TTA)(PHEN), Na(TTA)(PHEN), Na(TTA)(PHEN)2 , extractant, whereas improved separation of lithium and sodium
K(TTA)(PHEN), and K(TTA)(PHEN)2 in the PHEN system has been could be achieved when benzene was used as a diluent.53 The
observed. The maximum value of the separation factor (104) same group reported solvent extraction of lithium and alka-
between Li+ and Na+ was found in the TTA-DMP system, which line earth metals with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-acyl-pyrazol-5-ones
was much higher than that in the TTA-PHEN system. However, the and TOPO. The synergistic extraction of magnesium, calcium,
application of all these reagents is difficult on a large scale due to strontium, barium, and lithium into cyclohexane or benzene con-
their high toxicity, possibly high price, high water solubility and taining 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-acyl-pyrazol-5-one(HA) and TOPO
poor solubility in conventional diluents.50 was investigated as a function of pH, HA, and TOPO concentra-
In an another report, Healy reported synergism for extraction of tion by Umetani et al.54 The extracted species were MA2 (TOPO)2
lithium from a mixture of dibenzoylmethane (DBM) and neutral (M = Mg, Ca, Sr), BaA2 (TOPO)3 and LiA(TOPO)2 when 4-benzoyl
donor solvents like phosphine oxide, a phosphate, an alcohol or compound was used as extractant. When the 4-trifluoro-acetyl
an amide. A large synergistic effect was observed in the extraction derivative was used, the extracted species were the same
of lithium and sodium by dibenzoylmethane (DBM) with neutral except for SrA2 (TOPO)3 .54 The extraction of calcium, magne-
donor solvents (S).The formulae of the synergistically-extracted sium, and lithium with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-stearoylpyrazol-
species are Li(DBM)S2 , Na(DBM)S2 , and UO2 (DBM)2 S where S may 5-one and with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-lauroylpyrazol-5-one was
be a phosphine oxide, a phosphate, an alcohol or an amide.51 studied and separation factors were determined. 1-Phenyl-3-
Quantitative and selective extraction of lithium from aqueous methyl-4-benzoylpyrazol-5-one in the presence of TOPO is also
solutions of alkali metal salts by TOPO and dibenzoylmethane suitable as an extractant for lithium whereas other alkali metals are
(DBM) has been reported. Lithium was readily extracted from extracted to only a limited extent.55 The synergistic liquid–liquid
aqueous solutions of alkali metal salts by forming a TOPO extraction of lithium and sodium with 4-acyl-5-pyrazolones hav-
adduct of lithium dibenzoylmethane (LiDBM) into dodecane ing bulky substituents and TOPO was investigated by Mukai
or p-xylene. In the presence of Na+ or NH4 + , lithium was extracted et al. Enhancement of the extraction of lithium with a mixture of
as LiDBM · 2TOPO species but in the presence of K+ , Rb+ or Cs+ 4-acyl-5-pyrazolones and TOPO was achieved, which was much
ions lithium was extracted as Li2 (DBM)2 · 2HDBM · 4TOPO.52 more than with only TOPO. Quantitative extraction of lithium was
The possible chemical reaction of lithium when using TTA with achieved by adduct formation with TOPO. A significant effect of
TOPO, TTA with PHEN, and TTA with DMP can be explained using organic diluents on the extraction of lithium was observed and
Equation (3), (4) and (5), respectively. The DBM with TOPO can be followed the order cyclohexane > > benzene > > chloroform. The
explained using Equation (7), as given below. maximum percentage extraction and the separation of lithium
and sodium were enhanced by introducing bulky substituents.56
TTA ⇌ TTA− + H+ (2) Umetani et al., Bukowsky et al., and Mukai et al. used
5-pyrazolone derivatives as chelating reagent with lithium
and the solvation extractant TOPO to obtain synergism.54 – 56
Li+ + nTTA− + m (TOPO)Org ⇌ [(Li (TTA)n (TOPO)m ]Org (3) Figure 8 shows a possible generalized extraction mechanism
using 5-pyrazolone derivatives as studied by Umetani et al.,
Bukowsky et al., and Mukai et al.54 – 56 As explained in Fig. 8,
Li+ + nTTA− + m (PHEN)Org ⇌ [(Li (TTA)n (PHEN)m ]Org (4)
4-perfluoroacyl, or 4-acyl or 4-benzoyl derivative of 5-pyrazolone
undergoes protonation, followed by lithium form bond substi-
Li+ + nTTA− + m (DMP)Org ⇌ [(Li (TTA)n (DMP)m ]Org (5) tuted to H+ . Lithium intra-molecular chelation with ketonic O.
Finally, the Li− 5-pyrazolone chelation forms an adduct with TOPO,
which synergies the lithium for better extraction.
DBM ⇌ DBM− + H+ (6) Seeley et al. reported extraction of lithium from neutral salt
solutions with fluorinated 𝛽-diketones.57 Lithium was selectively
extracted from near-neutral aqueous solutions of alkali metal salts.
Li+ + nDBM− + m (TOPO)Org ⇌ [(Li (DBM)n (TOPO)m ]Org (7) The selectivity of the fluorinated 𝛽-diketones for lithium over the
alkaline earth was found to be poor.57 For better extraction TOPO
The chemical reaction mechanism for the synergistic solvent was used along with fluorinated 𝛽-diketone and high separation
extraction of lithium using TTA–TOPO, TTA–PHEN, TTA–DMP and factors were obtained from sodium, potassium, rubidium, and
+ Li + + TOPO
Li Li O P (CH2)7CH3
-H+ O
F F F F F F (CH2)7CH3
Li-TTA Complex Li-TTA-TOPO Adduct
+ Li + + PHEN
Li Li
-H+ O O
O O + Li + O O
Li Li
TTA Li-TTA Complex Li-TTA-DMP Adduct
O OH + Li O + TOPO O
-H +
Li Li O P (CH2)7CH3
Figure 7. Synergistic reaction mechanism for (a) Li-TTA-TOPO, (b) Li-TTA-PHEN, (c) Li-TTA-DMP, and (d) Li-DBM-TOPO.
cesium. The mechanism by which this was achieved involves for- and its separation from sodium with the LIX 54–TOPO system were
mation of the trioctylphosphine oxide adduct of a lithium chelate further studied by Kinugasa et al. and LIX 54-TOPO system con-
of a fluorinated 𝛽-diketone, which is then readily extractable into sidered as the best system.59 Among all reported extractants, LIX
an organic diluent.57 Kunugita et al. studied the extraction of 51–TOPO and LIX 54–TOPO are the most effective extractant for
lithium and its separation from sodium in a sulfate system using extraction of lithium. Figure 9(a) shows Li-LIX 54-TOPO reaction
LIX 51 (𝛼- perflouroalkanoyl-m-dodecylacetophenone) and LIX 54 mechanism and Fig. 9(b) shows Li-LIX 51-TOPO reaction mecha-
(𝛼-acetyl-m- dodecylacetophenone).58 Either LIX 51 or LIX 54 alone nism. The reaction mechanism explained in Fig. 9 is very similar to
could not extract lithium. The extracted species of lithium and the mechanism explained in Figs 7 and 8.
sodium with the LIX 51–TOPO and LIX 54–TOPO systems were Recovery and separation of lithium from sodium in chloride solu-
Li(A(TOPO)1.3 ) and Na(A(TOPO)1.3 ), respectively, where A repre- tions using synergistic solvent extraction systems with LIX 54 and
sents the deprotonated LIX reagent.58 The extraction of lithium Cyanex 923 in ShellSol D70 has been studied by Pranolo et al.60 The
3 3
2 R 2 R 3 3
R R 2 R 2 R
R R (CH2)7CH3
-H+ O + TOPO
+Li N Li N
Li O P (CH2)7CH3
1 1
1 (CH2)7CH3
Li-LIX 54-TOPO Senergistic Reaction Mechanism
(CH 2 ) 7 CH3
O + Li+ O O
Li Li O P (CH 2)7CH3
H3C(H 2C) 6 H3C(H 2C) 6
H3C(H 2C) 6 H3C(H 2C) 6 (CH 2 ) 7 CH3
LIX 54 Li- LIX 54 Chelate Li- LIX 54 -TOPO Adduct
Li-LIX 51-TOPO Senergistic Reaction Mechanism
(CH 2)10CH3 (CH ) CH (CH 2)10CH3 (CH 2)10CH3
2 10 3
(CH 2 ) 7 CH3
O + Li+ O O
Li Li O P (CH 2 ) 7 CH3
F 3C F 3C F 3C
F 3C (CH 2 ) 7 CH3
LIX 51 Li- LIX 51 Chelate Li- LIX 51-TOPO Adduct
Figure 9. Synergistic reaction mechanism for (a) Li-LIX 54-TOPO, and (b) Li-LIX 51-TOPO.
Cyanex 923 extractant is a mixture of four trialkylphosphine oxides From the species shown on Table 3, Figs 7–9 and 10, synergis-
as follows: R3 P(O) R2 R’P(O) RR’2 P(O) R’3 P(O) where R = [CH3 (CH2 )7 ] tic extraction can be generalized as a combination of two com-
- normal octyl R’ = [CH3 (CH2 )5 ] - normal hexyl. Over 97% of lithium ponents. Of the two components, one is a solvating extract (S) as
was extracted at pH 11 from a synthetic solution with almost no the ligand and the other is an ionizable species like 𝛽-diketone or
extraction of sodium with synergistic solvent extraction systems pyrazolone derivative (HA) which form an Li–A chelate for solva-
with LIX 54 and Cyanex 923. In the synergistic solvent extraction tion reaction. The generalized chemical reaction for lithium using
system, a separation factor of 1560 was achieved for lithium over A–S can be explained using Equation (8) and Equation (9), where
sodium. The coextracted sodium was scrubbed from the loaded A stands for TAA or a DBM or a pyrazolone derivative and S is TOPO
organic solution using water, and lithium was readily stripped with or PHEN or DMP or Cyanex 923:
an acidic solution and complete stripping was achieved at an equi-
librium of 3.5.60 Figure 10 explains the lithium extraction mecha-
nism using LIX 54 and Cyanex 923. HA ⇌ A− + H+ (8)
Li O P (CH2)5CH3 Li O P (CH2)7CH3
H 3C(H 2C) 6
(CH2)5CH3 H 3C(H 2C) 6
m (CH2)7CH3
+ Li+
H3C(H 2C) 6 H3C(H 2C) 6
H3C(H 2C) 6
Li- LIX 54 Chelate
LIX 54
Li O P (CH2)7CH3 Li O P (CH2)5CH3
H 3C(H 2C) 6
(CH2)5CH3 H 3C(H 2C) 6
m (CH2)7CH3
O + Li + O
+ 12 Crwon 4 O O O
Li Ether Li
TTA Li-TTA Complex Li-TTA- 12 Crwon 4 Ether Adduct
Figure 11. Synergistic reaction mechanism for (a) Li-TTA-12 Crown 4 ether.
much higher selectivity method is required for separation and geothermal water, using a SLM of LIX54 and TOPO in kerosene.
determination of lithium in sea water which contains Na+ of 0.5 The model is based on fundamental mass transfer and kinetics
mol L−1 .63 Solvent extraction of lithium using different n-butanol mechanisms that account for all possible transport resistances.
has been reported.64 Lithium chloride extraction with n-butanol The model is used to investigate the effect of various extraction
has been studied using different concentrations of Li, Na, K and Ca conditions and membrane support characteristics. Reasonable
in chloride medium. Based on different process parameter opti- agreement is found between the predicted and the experimental
mizations a laboratory scale lithium recovery process has been results reported in the literature.68
proposed, where 99% pure lithium chloride recovery is indicated.64 New types of lipophilic phthalocyanine derivatives, hexadeca
Extraction of lithium halides including alkali halides by isopentyl (2,2,2-trifluoro-ethoxy) phthalocyanine and hexadeca(2,2,3,3,3-
alcohol has been studied. The extraction of metal halides follow pentafluoro- propoxy) phthalocyanine (abbreviated H2 Pc(TFE)16
the order Li > Cs > Na ≈ K which also depends upon extraction and H2 Pc(PFP)16 , respectively), has been prepared by Kondo et al.
in the anion order Cl < Br < I.65 Itoh et al. reported separation of and evaluated for lithium extraction by SLM.69,70 The extraction
trace lithium with 12-crown-4 ether and TTA. Though the report equilibria of alkali metals with H2 Pc(TFE)16 and H2 Pc(PFP)16 were
is about the determination of lithium at a ppb-ppm level, but investigated, and the extracted complexes and extraction equilib-
the same process can be used for lithium purification. Lithium rium constants of the metals were estimated. The extraction rate
extraction using TTA and 12-crown-4 ether in the various organic of lithium with extractant H2 Pc(TFE)16 was measured. The perme-
medium like benzene, cyclohexane, and o-dichlorobenzene has ation rates of alkali metals through a SLM containing H2 Pc(TFE)16
been investigated, among them o-dichlorobenzene was the best were measured. The transport selectivity of lithium was enhanced
medium for synergistic extraction of lithium. The TTA and the with increase temperature and showed a value of 1.61 at 318 K
12-crown-4 combination have a higher synergistic effect over against potassium. Sodium permeation is limited by the reaction
TTA and TBP. On the basis of these results, the extraction behav- process at the interface. For lithium and potassium permeation
ior of TTA chelate of lithium in o-dichlorobenzene followed by the diffusion of a complex in the membrane accompanying the
adduct formation with 12-crown-4 was indicated.66 Figure 11 reaction is considered to be the rate-controlling step. The extrac-
shows the mechanism of TTA–Li chelation followed by adduct for- tion process is considered to be limited by the diffusion of the
mation. extractant.70
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