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August, 2023
Adama, Ethiopia

I declare that the work done in the research project entitled “Effect of Work-Life Balance on
Employees’ Job Performance : The Case of NIB International Bank, Adama Branches” is my
original work under the supervision and guidance of Mulachew Haile (PhD). This work has
not been previously submitted to any higher institution for any diploma, degree or other
similar work.

Meaza Tasew ______________________

Name Signature Date


This is to certify that Meaza Tasew, has carried out her research work on the topic entitled
“Effect of Work-Life Balance on Employees’ Job Performance: The Case of NIB International
Bank, Adama Branches”. The study fulfills scientific requirements and accordingly endorsed
for submission to the department for the next level of evaluation deemed oral presentation
before the award of Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) to the candidate.

Mulachew Haile (PhD) ______________________

Name Signature Date


As members of thesis Approval Board of Examiner, we approve that we have read the thesis
prepared by Meaza Tasew, entitled “Effect of Work-Life Balance on Employees’ Job
Performance: The Case of NIB International Bank, Adama Branches” and submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Business Administration complies
with regulation of the university and meets the accepted standards as to originality and quality

Approved by Board of Examiners

__________________________ __________________ ________________

Internal Examiner Signature Date

__________________________ __________________ ________________

External Examiner Signature Date


First, I would like to express my special gratitude to my advisor, Mulachew Haile (PhD) for
his invaluable advice. My heartfelt thanks go to the respondents of this research who
cooperate me in providing valuable information sacrificing their precious time. I would also
like to thank the management and employees of NIB International Bank, Adama Branches
who cooperated and supported me during the data collection for this research. Last but not
least my deepest gratitude goes to my parents and friends for all they have supported me
financially and morally.

Thank you all.


ANOVA Analysis of Variance

WLB Work-Life Balance

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science


Acknowledgements v
List of Abbreviations vi
List of Tables x
List of Figures xi
Abstract xii
Chapter One 1
Introduction 1
1.1. Background of the study 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem 2
1.3. Research questions 3
1.4. Objectives of the study 3
1.4.1. General objectives 3
1.4.2. Specific objectives 4
1.5. Hypotheses 4
1.6. Significance of the study 5
1.7. Scope of the study 6
1.8. Limitations of the Study 6
1.9. Definition of Terms 7
1.10. Organization of the Research 7
Chapter Two 8
Review of Related Literatures 8
2.1. The Concept of Work Life Balance 8
2.1.1. Definition and concept of Work - life balance 8
2.2. Elements of Work Life Balance 9
2.3. Importance of Work Life Balance 10
2.4. Work Life Balance and General Organizational Performance 11
2.5. Work Life Balance as applied to the Banking Sector 13
2.6. Job performance 14
2.6.1. Job Performance Measurement 16
2.7. Work-life balance factors and job performance 17
2.7.1. Demographic Factors and Performance 18
2.7.2. Organizational Factors and Performance 19 Work Arrangement 19 WLB policies and programs 19 Organizational Support 20
2.8. Conceptual Framework 21
Chapter Three 22
Research Methodology 22
3.1. Research Design 22
3.2. Research Approach 22
3.3. Sources of Data 23
3.4. Sampling Design 23
3.4.1. Population of the Study 23
3.4.2. Sample size 23
3.5. Data collection tool 24
3.6. Method of Data analysis 24
3.7. Validity 25
3.8. Reliability 25
3.9. Ethical considerations 26
Chapter Four 27
Result and Discussions 27
4.1. Background Information of the Respondents 27
4.2. Description of the Level of Employees Performance 29
4.2.1. Describing the Level of Work-Life Balance of Employees 30
4.3. Organizational Factors of WLB 31
4.3.1. Working Time arrangement (Flexible working time) 31
4.3.2. Organizational Support (Employees Assistance Program) 33
4.3.3. WLB Policy (Leave Program) 35
4.4. Relationship between Selected Work-Life Balance Organizational Factors
and Employees Performance 37
4.5. The Influence of Work-Life Balance Organization Factors on Job
Performance 39
4.6. Discussions of the Major Findings 43
Chapter Five 46
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations 46
5.1. Introduction 46
5.2. Summary of the major finding 46
5.3. Conclusion 48
5.4. Recommendations 49
References 51
Appendix 53


Table 3.1. Population 23

Table 3.2. Cronbach’s Alpha result measures 26

Table 4.1. Background Information of the Respondents 27

Table 4.2. Respondents' Job Performance Rating 29

Table 4.3. Measuring work-life balance of employees 31

Table 4.4. Respondents’ degree of agreement on the role played by employee assistance
programs 34

Table 4.5. The relationship between work-life balance organizational factors and job
performance 37

Table 4.6 Model summary of multiple regression of work-life balance factors 39

Table 4.7. ANOVA result of multiple regression model 39

Table 4.8. Coefficients of organizational factors of WLB 40


Figure 1 Conceptual framework of work-life balance factors influencing employees’ job

performance. 21

Figure 2 Availability of flexible working hour management at NIB International Bank 32

Figure 3 Respondents’ degree of agreement on the role played by work time arrangement 32

Figure 4. Type of leave policy at NIB International Bank 35

Figure 5. Type of leave policy that employees taken mostly at NIB International Bank 36

Figure 6. Respondents’ degree of agreement on role played by leave program 36


Work–life balance is a concept including the proper prioritization between work and lifestyle.
This study was undertaken to examine the effect of work-life balance factors on job
performance in different branches of NIB International Bank in Adama City. Based on the
review of literature, the study identified three organizational factors which include: work time
arrangement, WLB program (leave program), and organizational support (assistance
program). and investigates their influence on job performance. Thus, the study has employed
an explanatory and descriptive research design in the interpretation of the data collected
through questionnaires and interviews. Accordingly, a whole sample of 122 clerical and non-
clerical employees have participated. The analysis is made using descriptive statistics;
Pearson Correlation, Multiple Regression Model, and ANOVA. The findings further indicate
that a positive and substantial relationship was found between selected organizational factors
and job performance. Among them, organizational support and working time arrangement,
and leave program are significant predictors of job performance. In addition, it was revealed
that the perception of WLB and level of job performance significantly vary with different
marital statuses. Based on these findings, it was recommended to the organization to improve
the assistance program and working time arrangement and to give more focus to WLB
incentives, and factors and suggestions for other researchers are also forwarded.

Key Words: Work-life balance, Job Performance, WLB Program, Working Time Arrangement
& Organizational Support



1.1. Background of the study

Work–life balance is a concept including the proper prioritization between work and lifestyle.
It is the skill to be able to balance between work and personal life and to stay prolific and
competitive at work while maintaining a happy, healthy home life with sufficient leisure, in
spite of having work pressure and endless activities which involve your time and attention
(Neera 2015).

Employees who have a work-life balance feel their lives are satisfied both inside and outside
of work (Byrne, 2005), and they experience minimal struggle between work and non-work
roles. Those who achieve this balance tend to have higher levels of satisfaction with their jobs
and life in general, as well as lower levels of stress and depression (Byrne, 2005). From an
employer’s viewpoint, encouraging work-life balance may attract new hires, help reduce
turnover and absenteeism, and increase the chances of employees voluntarily engaging in
“pro-social” behaviors that rise above and beyond their job requirements. However, findings
are mixed with respect to effects of employee work-life balance on the company’s outcome.
For example, having family-friendly work policies, when a firm uses good management
practices overall, does not detract from profitability, but may not always increase profits. All
in all, evidence recommends a work strategy of “running yourself ragged” has costs both for
meeting performance goals and enjoying life; the employee and the organization benefit most
when workers experience greater balance between what they do on and off the clock (Filimon

According to Hamidi (2005) the pressures of work, for those in work, have been intensifying
in recent decades. Factors such as the advancement of information technology and
information load, the need for speed of response, the importance attached to quality of
customer service and its implications for constant availability and the pace of change with its

resultant upheavals and adjustments all demand the employees’ time and can be sources of

The area of work–life research in that work-family conflict has been shown to have an
unfavorable relation with variety of variables associated with employee work life, home life,
and general health and well-being; greater health risks for working parents, lowered
performance in the parental role, lowered productivity at work, less life satisfaction, anxiety,
and work stress (Hamidi, 2005).

In this study a particular interest was to look at some highlighted independent variables,
namely demographic factor (marital status) and organizational factors (work time
arrangement, organizational support and work-life balance program) and their relationships
and effects toward employees’ job performance. This interest was originated from the rising
need for organizations to cater to employees’ demand for more flexible policies in terms of
matters which are related to life besides that in the workplace.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

As Susi (2010) a changing economy and an aging workforce can join together to create an
employment environment where competent employees who are unhappy in their current
situations are motivated to find a new place to "hang their hats." A highly engaged workforce
is 50% more productive than an unengaged workforce Susi (2010). Work-life balance is
increasingly important for engagement. The majority of HR professionals (78%) feel
employee engagement is important or extremely important to business success. Employee
engagement has emerged as a critical driver of business success in today's competitive
marketplace. Employee engagement is increasingly viewed as a “win-win” strategy for
companies, employees, and their communities alike.

However, studies or focus has been made towards addressing the issue of work-life balances
and employees’ job performance in this country, Ethiopia too. Besides, this study has focused
specifically to see if the relations between lives at the work place and whether there is any
interference to the employees’ family and their own life management and also towards their
job performance at NIB International Bank. Nowadays work-life balance is becoming harder
to achieve due to increasing work demand, the need for speed and globalization of businesses.

Recently in Ethiopia, the banking Sector has evolved drastically, commercial banks are
becoming very competitive and this has resulted in coming up with measures geared towards
attracting new customers and retaining the existing ones in order to have a larger market
share. Banks are now bringing in more profits by being customer focused. In order to attain
this, they have increased their opening hours, introduced more services, opened up more
branches and have adopted the latest IT infrastructures. This has led to their employees
working longer hours, having a greater and more complex workload, being moved from one
branch to another, therefore, experiencing a lot of work pressure and creating a culture of poor
work-life balance resulting to their employees becoming highly dissatisfied with their jobs.

Most studies focus on demographic factors that affect work-life balance. As a result, this
study has been carried out based on organizational dimensions that affect work-life balance on
employee’s performance at NIB International Bank, Adama Branches.

1.3. Research questions

• What is the level of employee performance at NIB International Bank?

• What is the level of work-life balance of employees at NIB International Bank?
• What is the relationship between selected work-life balance organizational factors
and employees’ job performance of employees at NIB International Bank?
• What is the effect of work-life balance organizational factors on employees’ job
performance at NIB International Bank?

1.4. Objectives of the study

1.4.1. General objectives

The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of work-life balance on
employees’ performance at NIB International Bank.

1.4.2. Specific objectives

i. To explore the current level of employee performance

ii. To investigate the level of work-life balance of employees at NIB International Bank.
iii. To examine the relationship between selected work-life balance organizational factors
and employees’ job performance at NIB International Bank.
iv. To investigate the effect of work-life balance organizational factors on employees’ job
performance at NIB International Bank.

1.5. Hypotheses

Researchers suggested that the human resource management of an organization should

develop effective policies such as adequate mentoring, support, flexible working hours,
reducing workload, and many others that can reduce employees’ work-life conflict.
Employees who are pleased with their personal and professional achievements are more likely
to achieve the organizational goal (Dousin et al., 2019). While the work-life conflict has been
shown to have a negative impact on employee job performance and satisfaction (Dousin et al.,
2019), work-life balance has been found to improve employee satisfaction and job
performance in various industries and countries (Mendis and Weerakkody, 2017; Thevanes
and Mangaleswaran, 2018; Victoria et al., 2019; Obrenovic et al., 2020; Rini et al., 2020;
Preena, 2021). It is documented that medical doctors’ job satisfaction and performance are
influenced by their perceptions of flexible working hours and supportive supervision (Dousin
et al., 2019). Besides, there is ample empirical evidence that job satisfaction can positively
influence employee job performance (Krishnan et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2019; Abdirahman et
al., 2020). Based on the above research findings, the following hypotheses are developed:

(Ho) There is statistically significant and positive relationship between Work

Arrangement (Flexible working time) and employees’ job performance
(H1) There is no statistically significant and positive relationship between Work
Arrangement (Flexible working time) and employees’ job performance
(Ho) There is statistically significant and positive relationship between Organizational
Support (Employees Assistance program) and employees’ job performance

(H2) There is no statistically significant and positive relationship between
Organizational Support (Employees Assistance program) and employees’ job
(Ho) There is statistically significant and positive relationship between Work Life
Balance Policies (Leave program) and employees’ job performance
(H3) There is no statistically significant and positive relationship between Work Life
Balance Policies (Leave program) and employees’ job performance

1.6. Significance of the study

This study will benefit organizations because it focusses on the effect and relationship
between work-life balance and job performance. Understanding this problem gives
organizations an in depth understanding of how far work-life balance requires the attention of
the management. Work–life balance problems have only been recently recognized as a rising
phenomenon, even though its symptoms have emerged from the surface years before.
Therefore, the study highly anticipates that the results of this study will have the following

• It will serve as a reference for upcoming new researchers on related topics in doing
• It will become a motivator factor for scholars in the area to conduct scientific research
in relation to work-life balance policies and practices in Ethiopia; hence this area is not
well studied by local scholars.
• It will provide accurate informative to the policy makers, so that they can use it as
input in their human resource policy development and rearrangement and as a result to
keep once organization productivity and efficiency.
• It will also improve employees and society awareness on work-life balance issues as
well as its importance for organizations and job performance

1.7. Scope of the study

Geographically, the scope of the study is limited only on the clerical level and non-clerical
level of employees of NIB International Bank, Adama Branches. The study is limited due to
resource constraint especially time and financial problems, as a result the target group is
limited to one private bank in Adama, which is NIB International Bank.

1.8. Limitations of the Study

Work life balance organizational factors (working time arrangement, assistance program and
leave program) significant predicator employee performance. This reflects that as employees
perceive flexible working time arrangement, leave and assistance program, their performance
towards their job increases. On the process of doing this study, the researcher had faced
different limitations:

• Unavailability of enough secondary data source. Hence the topic is reasonably new and not
well considered in our country. There was a problem of accessing up to date relevant data
for the study, but this study had tried to compensate the shortage of secondary data source,
by observing the situation and by asking comprehensive and detailed question for
• The most challenging problem that this study had faced was data collection process since,
the bank different branches were located in different area of the city and this was very
difficult to travel each and every place and collect data. So, the study had seen another
mechanism to reach the targeted respondents by recruiting data collectors to finalize the
paper with in deadline.
• The other limitation was time and money. Hence the study needed a long period of time to
collect data and this process is also having a major impact on the budget; by providing
different solution like the above mechanism this study had tried to eliminate its expense
and time consumption.
• Another limitation of this study was examining work-life balance at a particular point in
time, despite indications that the phenomenon of work-life balance is a constantly

changing social process. A further limitation was that the research had conducted the
research only on one organization, and the results is thus not to be generalized to other

1.9. Definition of Terms

Work-family balance is defined as “satisfaction and good functioning at work and at home,
with a minimum of role conflict” (Clark, 2000).

Work-life balance is defined as “the absence of unacceptable level of conflicts between work
and non-work demands” (Greenblatt, 2002).

Work-life balance as “the extent to which an individual is equally engaged in – and equally
satisfied with – his or her work role and family role”. Work-life balance consists of three
components; time balance, involvement balance and satisfaction balance (Greenhaus, Collins
& Shaw, 2003)

1.10. Organization of the Research

This study is organized in to five major chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction
of the study, while the second chapter focused on the review of the related literature. Chapter
three dealt with the research approaches followed to conduct the study and discuss research
design and methodology in detail. The fourth chapter presented result and discussion. Chapter
five includes summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations.



2.1. The Concept of Work Life Balance

2.1.1. Definition and concept of Work - life balance

Work-life balance (acronym WLB) is the separation between work life and personal life of an
employee in the organization. It is the boundary that one creates between the professional life,
career advancement, personal life or any other segment that makes up the life of an individual.
Apart from the career life these segments include family, personal growth, fitness and health,
community relations and friendship. Finding the balance between career and personal life has
always been a challenge for working people (Raisinghani & Goswami, 2014).

Some widely used definitions of work-life balance, found in the literature, are listed below:

“Work-family conflict is defined as a form of role conflict characterized by the incongruence

between responsibilities of the home and workplace which are mutually incompatible”
(Greenhaus and Beutell, 1985).

Work-life balance for any person is having the “right” combination of participation in paid
work (defined by hours and working conditions) and other aspects of lives. This combination
will change as people move through life and have changing responsibilities and commitments
in their work and personal lives (Frone, Russell, & Cooper, 1992).

Work−Life balance has become a primary concern to employers and policy makers in the
banking sector because of the time that bank employees spend in the bank. Their work
pressures are likely to spill over to their home life. On the other hand, the effects of not
spending much time at home, or with non-work related programs, their home pressures might
also spill over and affect work productivity. It is important, therefore, that programs be
deliberately implemented to create a balance between the two domains. There is need for a

situation where what is gained in the work domain might become a positive spillover to the
home domain, and vice versa. For instance, work opportunities and resources can be utilised to
encourage growth and better functioning in the home domain. This spillover theory has been
proved useful in explaining how positive or negative experiences can be transferred from one
life role to the other.

A number of scholars have defined Work Life Balance differently. One of the most common
definitions of work life balance is by Tomlinson (2016) who says that it is the division of one's
time and focus between working and family or leisure activities. However, this definition is a
bit too simplistic and can be enhanced. It is at this point that Lowe (2005) proposes that work
life balance is a term commonly used to describe the balance that a working individual needs
between time allocated for work and other aspects of life. In essence, as posited by Hall &
Richter (1998), the practice of work life balance are not a one size fits all affair. They depend
on the organization and the form of organizational culture in that organization. The definitions
may differ but the underlying goal is the transition from looking at work-life balance practices
exclusively as a means of accommodating individual personnel with care giving tasks to
identifying their input to organizational performance (Kalliath and Brough, 2008). In the
same line, Tomlinson (2016) contends that work life balance is generally about employees’
feeling that their work does not interfere with their home affairs and so that they can operate
as great employees, but also as great family members.

2.2. Elements of Work Life Balance

The best way to understand work life balance is by understanding the elements that make up
work like balance. As proposed by Beauregard, (2006) work life balance involves among other
things, track your time, determining your priorities, set specific personal and organizational
objectives and scheduling them productively. It also involves establishing boundaries between
work and home life, taking care of employee health and nurturing family/relationships. By
extension, Kumar, (2013) suggests that this includes, flexi time, supporting children’s
education, employees’ participation in volunteer work, or facilitate phased retirement. Flexi
time allows employees, to determine, or be involved in determining, the start and end times of

their working day, provided a certain number of hours is worked. This can allow them to meet
family or personal commitments/emergencies, enable employees to respond to both
predictable and unpredictable circumstances, during the day or to reduce their commuting time
by starting and ending work before or after the rush hour (Kumar, 2013).

Another key and upcoming areas of work life balance is what is called, Telecommuting.
According to Kalliath and Brough (2008), this also called, 'telework' or 'telecommuting.’ This
form or work life balance is said to be advantageous for workers by allowing them: to
organize their work day around their personal and family needs; to decrease work-related
expenses; to reduce commuting time; and to work in a less stressful and disruptive
environment (Grant, 2007).

In addition, a compressed work week is an arrangement whereby employees work longer

shifts in exchange for a reduction in the number of working days in their work cycle. This can
be beneficial for employees in terms of additional days off work and reduced commuting time,
whereas employers can extend their daily operating hours, with less need to resort to overtime
(Hill and Hawkins, 2012). There are some employees who may decide to pick up work on
part time basis. In some companies, the idea of part time has been embraced as a form of work
life balance, as mentioned by Duncan, (2004), Part-time arrangement which allow employees
with health problems, disabilities or limited disposable time like students to participate in the
labor force, develop their skills and obtain work experience. Also, Job sharing is an
arrangement which allows two employees to jointly fill one fulltime job, with responsibilities
and working time shared or divided between them. Job sharing may be appropriate where
opportunities for part-time jobs or other arrangements are limited (Casper & Harris, 2008).

2.3. Importance of Work Life Balance

It has been noticed that the spillover of negative aspect of work into an employee’s personal
life can lead to job exhaustion, disruption of relationships with family and friends, loss of
enjoyment, and increased stress (Hill and Hawkins, 2012). Work-life balance is therefore
important because it helps create and maintain supportive and healthy work environments,

which will enable employees to have balance between work and personal responsibilities and
consequently strengthen employee loyalty and productivity (Lowe, 2005). Also, it has been
observed by Beauregard, (2006) that, individuals who are persistently tied to their jobs deal
with the symptoms of stress and burnout. If a person does not have time to relax and recharge,
their ability to do their job decreases and their performance level suffers. Therefore, from a
management point of view, it is important to encourage a person to take time off from work
instead of putting in long hours.

Creating a schedule that allows a person to do activities they enjoy will help them to be better
employees, friends, and family members. Once the time to work is over the person needs to
learn to walk away from their work and not answer work calls. This type of balance is not easy
to achieve because there will always be people who want to make demands on an individual’s
time. People need to learn that it is okay to say no and only agree to take on additional tasks if
they are important (Duncan, 2004). In an endeavor to explain about the significance of work
life balance, Lazar (2010) suggests those employees who have some form of control over their
working environment tend to suffer less stress-related ill-health, with clear implications for the
concept of work-life balance. That is, without creating a work-life balance a person isn’t able
to take time to enjoy the life they have worked so hard to create. They aren’t available for
friends and family members, and often take their stress out on the ones they love. They can
also suffer from illness and physical disorders that stem from prolonged stress such as heart
disease, alcoholism, and even diabetes (Lowe, 2005).

2.4. Work Life Balance and General Organizational Performance

This review applies to work life balance as applied generally to the performance of an
organization, even those that are not in the banking sector. The term performance, in this
context, implies the accumulated end result of all the organization’s work process and
activities (Casper & Harris, 2008). Employee Performance Management is a process for
establishing a shared workforce understanding about what is to be achieved at an organization
level. It is about aligning the organizational objectives with the employees’ agreed measures,
skills, competency requirements, development plans and the delivery of results. It was found

in a study by Casper & Harris, (2008) that, competing demands between work and home have
assumed increased relevance for employees in recent years. As a result of the demographic
and workplace changes such as rising numbers of women in the labor force, an ageing
population, longer working hours, and more sophisticated communications technology
enabling near constant contact with the workplace.

In response to these changes and the conflict they generate among the multiple roles that
individuals occupy, organizations are increasingly pressured to implement work practices
intended to facilitate employees’ efforts to fulfil both their employment related and their
personal responsibilities (Rapoport, Bailyn, Fletcher, & Pruitt, 2002). All of these factors, in
turn, affect job performance, direct and indirect absenteeism costs, costs associated with the
loss and replacement of valued employees, customer satisfaction, and organizational
productivity; although the formal evaluation of work-life practices is often difficult because of
the problem of calculating the costs and benefits of different strategies, some companies have
attempted to quantify the outcomes of specific policies (Beauregard, 2006).

Productivity is critical for the long-term competitiveness and profitability of organisations.

Studies have showed that the experience of work-life balance is positively related to
employees’ performance and organizational performance as well (Casper, W. J., & Harris
2008). More specifically, work-life balance has been shown to have positive outcomes, such
as low turnover intention, improvement of performance, and job satisfaction. Work-life
balance has a positive effect on employee’s affective commitment to their organisations
(Casper et al., 2011). That is, the experience of work-life balance generates feelings of loyalty
to the organization and increases affective commitment. Affective commitment is an
emotional attachment to the organisations or the employers which can cause employees to
want to remain with the organisations.

The experience of psychological well-being and harmony in life helps employees concentrate
on their work, resulting in better performance. Studies have found that work–life conflict is
associated with stress, depression, and a variety of stress-related poor health and mental health
effects, and that such ill health increases work absenteeism, turnover, and low morale (Emslie

et al., 2004). In their narrative review, (Beauregard and Henry, 2009) observed evidence for a
positive effect of organizational work-life balance practices on recruitment, retention,
attendance (including turnover intention), and productivity. One explanation is that employees
reciprocate with increased loyalty, effort and productivity in exchange for the organization’s
practical assistance with managing work-life demands, and in appreciation for the
organization’s indication of care and concern as demonstrated by work-life policies and
practices (Beauregard and Henry, 2009). There is a wealth of information that outlines the
advantages of offering flexible and special leave arrangements to employees in terms of
improving staff recruitment, reducing turn-over, absenteeism and the costs associated with all
this as well as increasing employee satisfaction and performance.

2.5. Work Life Balance as applied to the Banking Sector

This review applies to work life balance as applied specifically to the banking sector. The
Banking industry is a fast growing industry especially with the entry of private sector and
foreign banks have brought various essential changes in the banking industry. The threat of
work- life imbalance is highly noticeable in banking industry (Beauregard, 2006). As reported
by Garg & Rastogi (2006), employees in the banks take painful effort to deliver the various
needs of its customers. Work deadlines are getting compact and the individual's jobs are
loaded and added with quality output. As a result of work pressure, it becomes hard to
maintain balance between professional and family life. The output of the banking sector is
dependent on the quality of human resources. The basic function of human resource
development is to facilitate performance improvement, measured in terms of finance
indicators of operational efficiency and quality of financial services provided. The twin
challenges faced by the banks' managements are that of retaining the prevailing employees and
providing a satisfying work environment for all employees (Ametorwo, 2016).

Insufficient work life balance is a challenge that poses a big risk to banking workers’
wellbeing, their performance as well as the organisational performance (Wambui, 2017).
Numerous bank employees often have problems in endeavoring to balance employment
responsibilities with their social life. Given the benefits of work-life balance practices and the

potential to help improve employee job performance in terms of increased organisational
commitment, job satisfaction, reduction on the turnover rate, ECO Bank has for instance,
introduced programs to assist the employees in achieving a balanced work life which include;
flexible working hours, employee assistance programs and leave programs. However there is
no study which has been carried out to determine the success of the work-life balance
programs at the bank. It is against this background that the study sought to determine the
effects of organizational work-life balance programs on employee job performance at ECO
Bank Kenya. (Kamau, J. M., Muleke, V., Mukaya, S.O. & Wagoki, J. 2013).

Bank is a customer oriented services industry. Efficacy of customer service is related with
progressive operation. In the competitive banking industry, customer satisfaction is considered
as the essence of success. Organizations operating in service industries should consider service
quality a key strategic issue for the business success (Spathis, 2004). Those service providers
who establish a high level of service quality retain a high level of customer satisfaction; they
also obtained a sustainable competitive advantage. Research indicates that companies with an
excellent customer service record reported a 72% increase in profit per employee, compared to
similar organizations that have demonstrated poor customer service; it is also five times
costlier to attract new customers than to retain existing customers (Duncan, 2004). The
outcome of good work-life balance is very viable by creating a good customer service, culture
of honesty and trust where staff can admit to home problems and get support (Maxwell and
McDougall, 2004). Hall and Ritcher (1998) argued that the employee needs to have clear
boundaries between the two domains and some degree of separation, too much overlap
between work and home can cause employee burnout and dissatisfaction. This may suggest
that when people are happier with their work role and family life, they will be more likely to
help others and be more enjoyable to work with.

2.6. Job performance

Performance is defined as the record of outcomes produced on a specified job function or

activity during a specified time period (Benardin and Russel, 1998). According to this
definition performance is set of outcomes produced during a certain time period. Hence the

researchers have developed the working definition of employee performance for study
purpose is that, “achievement of targets of the tasks assigned to employees within particular
period of time”.

According to Campbell (1990) performance is related to that which the individual that is hired
do in fulfilling her / his duties and the activities that can be examined and measurable are
reflected. According to business dictionary employee performance is the job related activities
expected of a worker and how well those activities were executed.

The organization success depends on the employee performance.

Performance could be described in various ways. It could be an act of accomplishing or

executing a given task (Okunola, 1990). It could also be described as the ability to combine
skilfully the right behaviour towards the achievement of organizational goals and objectives
(Olaniyan, 1999). Peretemode (1996) argued that job performance is determined by the
worker‘s level of participation in the day to day running of the organization. Job
performances are typically determined by the motivation to work hard and high
motivation means greater efforts and higher performances (Mitchell, 1982). Thus, it can be
said that motivation is to push workers towards improved performance and increased
productivity (Tung, 1981). Also the managements ‘concern has increased for the employees
for keep them motivated on the job (Mitchell, 1973). Employers use a wide range of
motivational techniques including monetary incentives, goal setting, job enlargement,
behaviour modification, participation, award and recognition plans, discipline, and

Performance is described as the attained result of skilled workers in some specific situations
(Prasetya & Kato, 2011). Robbins (2001) indicated that when employee feels happy about
work related tasks then their performance is increased and he/she performs tasks in better

Organizations need highly performing individuals in order to meet their goals, to deliver the
products and services they specialize in, and finally to achieve competitive advantage.

Performance is also important for the individual employee. Accomplishing tasks and
performing at a high level can be a source of satisfaction, with feelings of mastery and pride.
Low performance and not achieving the goals might be experienced as dissatisfying or even
as a personal failure. Moreover, performance if it is recognized by others within the
organization is often rewarded by financial and other benefits. Performance is a major
although not the only prerequisite for future career development and success in the labour
market. Although there might be exceptions, high performers get promoted more easily within
an organization and generally have better career opportunities than low per- formers (Scotter
and Motowidlo, 1996).

Job performance consists of the observable behaviour that people do in their jobs that are
relevant to the goals of the organization and that can be scaled (measured) in terms of each
individual‘s proficiency (that is, level of contribution) (Campbell, Cloy, Oppler & Sager,
1993).Job performance is of interest to organizations because of the importance of high
productivity in the workplace. Campbell (1990) explains that performance is not the
consequence of behaviour, but rather the behaviour themselves. In other words, performance
consists of the behaviour that employees actually engage in which can be observed.

In the context of work settings, the performance of all individuals that makes up the
organization is targeted towards the achievement of the goals of the organization. The overall
productivity of the organization is hinged on the performance of each individual within the
organization. Contemporary organizations in today ‘s context are characterized by such
constantly changing dynamics as complexity of customization and competitiveness,
importance of people rather than strategies; reliance on technology and the rise of knowledge
economy both for the individual employees and the organization as a whole among many
other organizational issues (Prasetya & Kato, 2011).

2.6.1. Job Performance Measurement

Hakala, (2008) and Armstrong, (2006) in discipline of human resource management, the
following indicators for measuring employee performance suggested and they include:

• Quality that can be measured by percentage of work output that must be redone or is
• Customer satisfaction that can be measured by the number of royal customers and
customer feedback.
• Also, timeliness, measured in terms of how fast work is performed by the employee
when given a certain task;
• Absenteeism/tardiness observed when employees absent themselves from work;
• And achievement of objectives measured when an employee has surpassed his/her set
targets, he/she is then considered to have performed well to achieve objectives.

2.7. Work-life balance factors and job performance

Employees have an increased concern about balancing their work and personal lives (Vallone
& Donaldson, 2001). This is the result of a world of work characterised by change and
increased demands on time, energy and work commitment (Burke, 2000). Furthermore, the
concern is not limited to a specific group of employees as research in industrial countries has
shown that employees across different organisational levels and with different family
structures are concerned with achieving a better balance between working life, family
obligations, leisure and socialising (Papalexandris & Kramar, 1997). An inability to create a
balance between work and personal life could influence employees’ effectiveness and
productivity in the workplace (Elloy & Smith, 2003).

As Nick, Kretschmer and Reenen (2006) good management will result work life balance and
work-life balance will result higher productivity. This shows us how work life balance is
important to productivity.

The relationship between banking industry and performance of its workers is an essential
element for the economy and for a country in general. The level of performance that satisfied
workers exhibit is greater than those who are unsatisfied. If the organization is a service
organization, then it is highly essential for employees to have job satisfaction. The
organization can derive better customer service from such employees who show high level of
commitment to the organization. This commitment of employees can be achieved through
WLB programmes (Yasbek, 2004; Islam, 2006).

2.7.1. Demographic Factors and Performance

Thriveni and Rama (2012) examined a significant relationship between demographic variables
namely; age, experience, marital status, income, type of family, number of dependents and
perception of work- life balance among women employees in Bangalore city, India. They also
articulated the importance of these relationships for designing appropriate policies for
employees to deal with work life balance issues.

Burke (1997) on the other hand, found that organizational values, associated with high
performance and involvement, created an environment that may make it more difficult for
employees to achieve or even wish to achieve balance in their work and life roles. Apart from
the job characteristics and organizational values, Papalexandris and Kramar (1997) stated that
individual variables could also influence work-life balance. These included: Age, Sex,
Qualifications, Pay, Professional aspirations, Family, Attitudes and Expectations and priorities
assigned to the various roles of both partners.

As Balaji (2014) it is becoming highly important to study what women undergo in their career
path as they will be handling their family as well as at the same time the stress and work
pressure is for more than others has a lot of time. Job, kid and house management and
everything is put under criteria. It is clear from the current study that married women
employees indeed experience work family conflict while attempting to balance their work and
family live. Thus, organizations need to formulate guidelines for the management of work
family conflict since they are related to job satisfaction and performance of the employees.
Besides, employee whose work life and personal life is balanced and is ethical can be fair and
honest to his customer and bring about quality of service in an organization as (Goveas, 2011)

2.7.2. Organizational Factors and Performance Work Arrangement

To have flexible working hour in an organization significantly influence employee job

performance by enabling a balance between, personal commitment, responsibilities and
organizational roles, duties of an employee. Flexibility in working hours enhanced employee
motivation and commitment to the organization. Leave from work created a change of
environment and a break from the daily working environment. This has a lot of impact on
employees’ psychological well-being, eliminating fatigue, and work related stress which
translated to better employee performance after the leave (Kamau, Muleke, Makaya &
Wagoki, 2013).

When there is interference between work and family roles obviously the performance of such
an employee at the workplace will be jeopardized. As a result, the employee will lose reward
because of non-performance and be unsatisfied. The study describes that the dimension of
conflict has adverse effects on the organisational commitment, while a good management of
WLB augment job performance (Aryee, Srinivas & Tan, 2005).

In his study Pronk (2005) specifically mentioned flexible working hours and childcare as
WLB benefits that instantly enhance performance. He said suitable childcare and pick-up and
drop-off time for kids are main concerns for the employees. Organisation’s effort to solve
these challenges has a direct impact on job performance (Pronk, 2005). If employees are
worried about personal responsibilities then they lose focus and their performance is impaired
(Prebble, 2005). Work-life conflict, which is the absence of WLB, is a cause of diminishing
employee job performance (Chaudhry, Malik, & Ahmad, 2011). WLB policies and programs

In the opinion of Kakkos and Trivellas (2011), in Greece the bankers do not seem to lay much
stress on the acceptance from peers or respect from their supervisors before they can perform
better at the job. Similarly, fringe benefits, which satisfy employees’ existence needs do not

significantly enhance performance. The pay (existence needs) does not influence job
performance but rather prevents dissatisfaction. Rather, the study shows that in the banking
industry in Greece job performance is greatly influenced by personal growth. At the same
time both male and female employees’ stress evidently has a negative influence on the job
performance. He suggested that, banks should introduce WLB programmes to develop a
unified and consistent organisational culture. Instead of fringe benefits employees should be
rewarded by a fair personal growth scheme. Suitable training programmes should be offered
to ensure career development of employees. If the organisation encourages healthy workplace,
then the stress will be controlled and job performance will be high.

As Lockwood (2003) said factors global competition, personal live-family value and ongoing
work force professionals can assist their companies to capitalize on these factors by using
work-life initiatives and policies like different type of leave policy to gain a competitive
advantage in the market place. It also describes how work-life balance is important for
employees’ performance and wellbeing. It says work-life balance have potential to
significantly improve employees’ morale, reduce absenteeism and retain organizational
knowledge particularly difficult economic times. In today’s global market place, as companies
aim to reduce costs, it falls to the human resource professionals to understand the critical
issues of work-life balance and conclude by saying work-life balance policy offer a win-win
situation for employees and employers. Organizational Support

Job satisfaction and work pressure have a positive influence on job performance. Moreover,
the perceptions of employees about WLB support directly influence job performance. The
more the perceived employer support the more the job performance (Forsyth and Polzer,
2007). Furthermore, better recruitment, maintenance of skilled staff and high morale of
employees are some of the WLB programmes that apparently a business can assume to
improve job performance and enhance productivity (Drew, Humphreys & Murphy, 2006).

Finding revealed that the level of job performance among respondents is relatively medium
and both organizational policies and supervisors support are significant in determining
employees’ job performance. Therefore, it is recommended that organization and management
should enhance the organizational policies related to work-life balance and the skills or
supervisors to play effective roles in increasing employees’ performance. (Humidi, 2005)

Villiers & Kotze (2003) found that work-life balance is a personal issue that varies across time
and situations and the underlying conflict experienced pertains to role overload and role
interference. The most significant work life conflict arises from complex work place issues,
including managing change, supervisory and technical competences, leadership, roles and
accountabilities and culture solutions to address the workplace issues, as well as the
development of individual balance enabling skills are suggested.

2.8. Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables

Work Arrangement
(Flexible working

Work Life Balance Dependent variable

Policies (Leave
Employee performance

support (Employees
Assistance Program)
Figure 2-1 Conceptual framework of work-life balance factors influencing employees’ job

(Source: Kamau, et al. 2013)



This chapter has presented details of the research design and methodology. This includes the
research design, sample size and sampling technique, data source and collection method,
procedure of data collection, and questionnaire. In addition, this section has presented the
statistical techniques utilized to analyze the information and how the surveyed data was
processed and resented.

3.1. Research Design

This study has utilized a financial institution (bank). The primary aim of this study was to
investigate how employees work performance is affected by work-life balance factors. To
achieve this objective, explanatory type of research design was employed. Explanatory type of
research design has attempted to clarify why and how there is a relationship between two or
more aspect of situation so that, in this study the explanatory research design has helped to
explain, understand and predict the cause and effect relationship between variables that is
work- life balance factors independent variables (level of WLB with 10 items, flexible
working time arrangement with 5 items, assistance program with 7 items, leave program with
5 items) and job performance dependent variable (with 9 items).

3.2. Research Approach

Both quantitative and qualitative approach were employed. Quantitative method was
considered as it is more appropriate to determine the extent of a problem, issue by quantifying
the variation. This study has also assessed the relationship between work-life balance and
employees’ performance so that it has answered the question of the research by quantifying
the variation also quantitative research answers questions through a controlled deductive
process, allowing for the collection of numerical data, the prediction, the measurement of
variables, and the use of statistical procedures to analyse and develop inferences from the
data. Whereas qualitative approach has strengthened the outcome of quantitative analysis.
3.3. Sources of Data

The main source for this study was both primary and secondary data source. The main sources
of primary data were respondents who are at both clerical level and non-clerical level
employees of NIB International Bank Adama Branches. While secondary data source was
different documentations.

3.4. Sampling Design

3.4.1. Population of the Study

This research has targeted on both clerical level and non-clerical level employees of the Bank.
The research has considered all the eight (8) branches with 122 employees of NIB
International Banks in Adama (NIB International Bank Adama District, 2023).

3.4.2. Sample size

The total number of both clerical level and non-clerical level employees of the Bank is quiet
enough to be considered as the sample for the research. Thus, all the 122 employees of all
eight (8) branches of NIB International Banks in Adama were taken as samples.

Table 3.1. Population

Branch name Number of Employees

Clerical Non-Clerical
Mehal Arada Branch 10 8
Adama Branch 11 10
Denbela Branch 7 8
Berecha Branch 6 7
Menehariya Branch 11 8
Ginb Gebeya Branch 7 7
Amede Branch 6 4
Moenco Branch 4 8
Total Sample 62 60

Thus, the sample size for this research will be 62 + 60 = 122

3.5. Data collection tool

Primary and secondary data collection tools were employed, some of the tools employed in
collecting primary data was structured questionnaire, phone interview, and observation were
employed. Furthermore, books, articles, and various related journals will be used.

The questionnaires were adapted from standardized questionnaire by Kamau, et al. 2013 and
modified to the context of the study area. The questionnaires had both open and closed-ended
questions. It was then be enclosed in postal envelope and distributed to be filled at appropriate
time when they were not busy.

The questionnaires were self-administering by respondents. Some of the questions require

respondents to indicate their level of agreement to the items in the research model. Items in the
questionnaire were measured using a five-point Likert Scale, with 1 representing “Strongly
Disagree” and 5 representing “Strongly Agree”.

3.6. Method of Data analysis

Data from the completed questionnaires was organized by editing, coded, tabulated and
checked for any errors and omissions. Both Quantitative and qualitative methods of data
analysis were employed. The data collected from primary and secondary sources through
interview, questionnaires and document review was analyzed through SPSS version 25
statistical software for analysis and presentation of the data through the statistical tools used
for this study, namely descriptive analysis, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient
and multiple regression analysis (Multiple linear regression model) were done to understand
by how much each independent variable explains the dependent variable.

Employees Performance = f (Work Life Balance Policies (Leave program), Flexible work
arrangement, Organizational support)

EP=α+ β1WLBP+ β2 FWA + β3OS+ e


EP = Employees Performance

WLBP= Work Life Balance Policies

FWA= Flexible work arrangement

OS= Organizational Support

e = model error term

3.7. Validity

Validity is the extent to which the results really measure what they are supposed to measure.
Since the study used census study the scores represent the variable they are intended to
address. Moreover, as Uma (2000) suggests adaption of items used by previous researchers is
advisable because of the approval of content validity and criterion related validity of these
items by previous scholars. The variables that were used in the study were taken from review
of related literature.

3.8. Reliability

Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test is used to test the internal consistency of the instrument.
Coefficient of 0.7 is a commonly used as the cut of point of acceptable reliability according to
Hair et al. (2010).

A pilot survey was conducted on 10 employees’ government organization. This preliminary

analysis helped to determine whether the questionnaires were reliable and valid for data
collection. Cronbach‘s alpha values for all constructs except one were above the recommended
0.70 value, indicating good reliability Hair et al. (2010). For work overload, the alpha
coefficient was 0.654, approaching Hair‘s recommendation of 0.70.

Table 3.2. Cronbach’s Alpha result measures

Variable No of items Cronbach’s Alpha(α)

Work life balance factors
Work-Life Balance Policies (Leave 5 0.654
Flexible work arrangement 5 0.733
Organizational support 5 0.880
Employee performance 6 0.930

3.9. Ethical considerations

Ethics is important as it helps in explaining reasons standing behind human behavior.

Teleological theories on ethics with their concept of utilitarianism used to serve as the main
explanatory factor driving human behavior in economics. However, nowadays other groups of
ethic theories are examined by various authors as a helpful tool to ground theoretical models
of human behavior. Moreover, teleological, deontological and virtue ethics have several
similarities and equal explanatory power depending on the level of analysis, conceptual
models and theoretical boundaries of the studied phenomenon. Traditional drivers of human
behavior examined in classical economic models are based on the assumptions of rationality
that stems from the philosophical concepts of utilitarianism and maximization of pleasure and
self-interest. Though this is a valid conjecture, there are other motives making human behavior
models more complicated, but at the same time more able to explain and predict real life.

Thus, a letter explaining about the purpose, method and anticipated benefit of the study was
attached to each questionnaire. Furthermore, the data collector informed the respondents on
the benefit of the study. All the study participants were explained about their full right to
refuse or withdraw from part or all of the study. Written consent is obtaining from each
participant and confidentiality of the study subjects was maintained.


This chapter presented a discussion of the final results and the process through which the
results were obtained. In addition to this, background information of respondents was
presented. Finally, the statistical methods of analysis were discussed. Concurrently, the result
obtained from analysis was also compared with the literature review summary to confirm if
they are consistent.

4.1. Background Information of the Respondents

Table 4.1. Background Information of the Respondents
Parameters Frequency Percent
Education Level Diploma 4 3.0
Bachelor's 90 74.0
Master's 28 23.0
Total 122 100.0
Age 25 - 30 Years 14 11.7
31 - 35 Years 43 35.5
36 - 40 Years 33 26.8
>40 Years 32 26.0
Total 122 100.0
Work Experience 0 - 4 Years 11 9.1
5-9 Years 25 20.3
10 -19 Years 59 48.5
20 - 30 Years 20 16.0
>31 Years 7 6.1
Total 122 100.0
Marital Status Married 102 83.5
Unmarried 19 15.6
Widow 11 9
Total 122 100.0
Having Children No 36 28.1
Yes 86 71.9
Total 122 100.0

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

Characteristics of the respondents are depicted in Table 4.1. Educational background of the
respondents’ reviled that the majority (74%) of the respond had first degree level. The rests
23%, and 3% had MA degree and diploma respectively. This implies that the majority of
employees under this study area are first degree holder.

The respondents’ age in the study area has indicated that 11.7%, 35.5%, 26.8 and 26% of the
population were between 25-30, 31-35, 36-40, and 41 and above years of age respectively.
This shows that the majority of employees are above the age 31 years.

On the subject of work experience in NIB International Bank the survey result indicated that
the majority of the respondents (48.5%) were between 10-19 years of experience and (20.3%
and 16% were between 5-9 and 20-30 years of work experience in the bank respectively). The
rest 9.1% & 6.1% of the population were in 0-4 years and 31 and above years of work
experience in the bank.

From the total 53.7% current position had job grade 12, the respondents who were job grade
13 are (27.3%) and around (8.7%) the respondents are job grade 14 and (4.8%, 3.5%, 1.3%
and 0.9%) of the respondents were job grade 15, 16, 17 and 18. From this result one can say
that this study has targeted respondents that have higher work position and the data showed
that when we go upward on the organization structure, the number of women staffs at top level
will decline and get zero.

Marital status of the respondents, from the total 83.5% were married women, 15.6%
respondents were unmarried and the rest 9% were widow. Thus, this showed that the majority
of the respondents are married.

In terms of having children, (28.1%) of respondents had no children and the majority of the
respondents (72.9%) have children. This showed that the majority of the employee had

4.2. Description of the Level of Employees Performance

When the mean score is between 0 and 1.89 the degree of perception is interpreted as very
low; 1.90-2.69 is low; 2.70 -3.49 is moderate; 3.50 -4.2 is high; and 4.30 -5.00 is very high
(Zaki and Ahmad, 2017). The employee job performance level was determined using a self-
rating questionnaire on a scale of 1-5 as shown in the findings in Table 4.2. Generally,
employees of NIB International Bank Adama Branches rated themselves highly performing on
45% of performance parameters. The majority agreed that meeting deadlines, ensuring
priorities at work, working independently, and achieving targets always with a mean of 3.80,
3.92, 3.79 & 3.71 respectively. On the other hand, employees also rated themselves as neutral
on their arriving to work on time and their overall attendance and use of time effectively with
means of 3.22, 3.03, and 3.23. Respondents were also neutral on their general satisfaction with
their work with a mean of 3.45. In addition, they were neutral on their supervisors’ satisfaction
with their performance with a mean of 3.29.

Table 4.2. Respondents' Job Performance Rating

Please Indicate the degree to which you agree to the following statements.

Strongly Agree=5 Agree=4 Neutral=3 Disagree=2 Strongly disagree=1, N=122

Job Performance Mean Std. Deviation
Arriving to work on time 3.22 .927
Meeting deadlines at work 3.80 .877
Ensuring priorities at work 3.92 .793
Overall attendance 3.03 .909
Using time effectively 3.23 .871
Working independently 3.79 .809
Achievement of targets always 3.71 .864
I am generally satisfied about my job 3.45 .935
Is your supervisor generally satisfied with 3.29 .715
your job performance

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

The findings on this study concurred with other research findings. As Kamau et al. (2013),
Humidi (2005) and Lockwood (2003) concluded that of WLB organizational factors like,

work arrangement (flexible working hour), WLB Policy (Leave program) in an organization
significantly influence employee job performance by enabling a balance between, personal
commitment, responsibilities and organizational roles, duties of an employee.

4.2.1. Describing the Level of Work-Life Balance of Employees

Table 4.3 below sought to establish the level of agreement to various aspects of the work-life
balance level of employees. According to the findings, the respondents agreed that they often
usually work long hours as shown with a mean of 3.80. Respondents feel that they don’t spend
much time socializing/relaxing with their partner/seeing family in the week with a mean of
3.95. Employees also agreed that they took work home most evenings with a mean of 4.26.
Employees also work late or at weekends to deal with paperwork without interruptions with a
mean of 4.39. They also feel relaxed and forget about work issues is hard to do with a mean of
4.41. The study further established the effect of work stress on my health with a mean of 4.11.

On the other hand, employees agreed that their relationship with their partner is suffering
because of the pressure or long hours of work with a mean of 4.24. Employees have also
agreed that their family is missing out on their input, either because of a shortage of time to
discuss with them, finding time for hobbies, leisure activities, or maintaining friendships and
extended family relationships is difficult and their family is missing out on my input, either
because they don’t see enough of them too tired by a mean of 4.48, 4.52 and 4.54
respectively. This implied that respondents are facing problems in balancing work and
personal life which means their personal and work life is not balanced.

Table 4.3. Measuring work-life balance of employees

Indicate the degree to which you agree to the following statements. Strongly
Agree=5 Agree=4 Neutral=3 Disagree=2 Strongly disagree=1, N=122
Work-life Balance level Mean Std. Deviation
At some moment, because the job demands it, I usually work 3.80 .953
long hours
There isn’t much time to socialize/relax with my partner/see 3.95 1.023
family during the week
I have to take work home most evenings 4.26 .897
I often work late or at weekends to deal with paperwork 4.39 .863
without interruptions
Relaxing and forgetting about work issues is hard to do 4.41 .870
I worry about the effect of work stress on my health 4.11 .980
My relationship with my partner is suffering because of the 4.24 .891
pressure of long hours of my work
My family is missing out on my input, either because 4.48 .838
I don’t see enough of them/am too tired
Finding time for hobbies, leisure activities, or maintaining 4.52 .854
friendships and extended family relationships is difficult
I would like to reduce my working hours and stress levels 4.54 .833
but feel I have no control over the current situation

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

4.3. Organizational Factors of WLB

In NIB International Bank, there are different kind of organization support provided to
employees that can help improving work life balance like different kind of leave policy,
financial support in different way like saving and emergency credit service depending on the
organizations rules and regulations.

4.3.1. Working Time arrangement (Flexible working time)

According to the information gathers from human resource manager of NIB International
Bank, there is no flexible working hour management at the organization that is implemented.
The normal working hour is 41 hours/week. In addition, the below will show us respondents
response on the availability of the arrangement and degree of agreement on the importance of
flexible working hour arrangement.
Figure 4-1 Availability of flexible working hour management at NIB International Bank

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

As the above Figure 4.1. indicated, the majority 83.1% of respondents said that there is not
flexible working hour management at NIB International Bank, the rest 16.9% of the
respondents said there is flexible working time management at NIB International Bank.

Figure 4.2 Respondents’ degree of agreement on the role played by work time arrangement

Indicate the degree to which you agree to the following

statements. Strongly Agree=5 Agree=4 Neutral=3 Disagree=2
Strongly disagree=1, N=122
Flexible Flexible working Attendance and Flexible Flexible hours
working hours hours allow to punctuality has working hours allows to
allow to balance focus more on improved as a motivate and balance working
personal the job at work result of give sense of and personal life
commitments utilizing flexible satisfaction and
working hours wellbeing

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

The above Figure 4.2 sought to establish the level of agreement on the role played by flexible
working time arrangement. According to the findings the respondents agreed to all of these
aspects, the respondents agreed that flexible working hours allow to balance personal life
commitments by a mean of 4.15, that allow to focus more on the job at work time by a mean
of 4.43, and attendance and punctuality improves as a result of utilizing flexible working
hours by a mean of 4.55, and also employees agreed that flexible working hours allows to
balance working and personal life as well as gives motivation, a sense of satisfaction and
wellbeing by a mean of 4.67 and 4.60 respectively.

4.3.2. Organizational Support (Employees Assistance Program)

According to NIB International Bank regulation, there are financial supports in credit and
saving form. Interest free credit service is for employees that have 1-year experience and
above. Employees that have more than four years of experience, will get 6 times of their
monthly salary whenever they need financial support and on the other hand, employees that
are within 1 – 3years, will get 2 times of their monthly salary. There is also saving account
that is for the employees of NIB International Bank and this will support employee with
emergency financial need up to 45,000 Birr. There is also Insurance system that secures
employees regarding any job-related accidents and health related problems.

There are also different kind of credit service that helps employees to have their own house
and other facilities. NIB International Bank also provides financial support to academic
expenses to its employees depending on their working experience and grade level.

Table 4.4. Respondents’ degree of agreement on the role played by employee assistance
Indicate the degree to which you agree to the following statements. Strongly
Agree=5 Agree=4 Neutral=3 Disagree=2 Strongly disagree=1, N=122
Employee Assistance Programs Mean Std. Deviation
There is non-financial and financial support in the 3.73 1.190
working environment whenever there is load of work and
family matters to handle
There are health programs like stress management and 4.00 1.013
other kind of health program
Support in family situation increased loyalty to the 4.12 .975
company as well as to balance family commitments
Financial support makes staff to be more committed and 4.33 .862
motivated at work as well as to fulfil personal
Counseling has enabled staff to carry out assignments 4.62 .613
with expected degree of independency and efficiency
Health programs kept employees contributing at work as 4.62 .742
well as at home
Organizational support (financial and nonfinancial) helps 4.66 .678
to balance work and personal life commitments

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

According to the above Table 4.4., the presence of employee assistance programs at NIB
International Bank has had its own impacts on individual employees which translated to
employee performance. Employees has agreed that, there is formal and informal support in the
working environment whenever there is a load of work and whenever there is family matters
to handle with mean 3.73, Employees also agreed on the availability of 4.00, Employees also
agreed on the availability of support in family situation increased loyalty to the company as
well as agreed on financial support makes staff to be more committed and motivated at work
as well as to fulfil personal commitments with mean of 4.33 and 4.62. Employees has agreed
on counseling has enabled staff to carry out assignments with expected degree of
independency and efficiency and health programs kept employees contributing at work as
well as at home with mean of 4.62. On the other hand, they have agreed on the organizational
support (financial and non-financial) helps to balance work and personal life commitments by
a mean of 4.66.

4.3.3. WLB Policy (Leave Program)

On the other hand, Figure 4.3. below, showed how much respondents know the different type
of leave program at NIB International Bank and how many of them are using each policy.

Figure 4.3 Type of leave policy at NIB International Bank

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

Based on the above Figure 4.3, most of respondents around 56%, mentioned that sick, annual
and parental leave are available in NIB International Bank. 17% of them listed annual and sick
leave are the only available leave in NIB International Bank. 16% of the respondents
mentioned sick, annual, parental and other type of leave policy are available in the
organization. The remaining 10% and 1% of the respondents mentioned sick, annual, parental,
study, other type of leave policy and annual and other type of leave in the organization.

Figure 4.4 Type of leave policy that employees taken mostly at NIB International Bank

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

Based on the above Figure 4.4, most of respondents around 48%, has taken sick, annual and
parental leave. 23% of them has only taken annual and sick leave. 15% of the respondents
mentioned sick, annual, parental and other type of leave policy are available in the
organization. The remaining 8% and 7% of the respondents has taken sick, annual, parental,
study, other type of leave policy and annual and other type of leave at the organization.

Indicate the degree to which you agree to the following

statements. Strongly Agree=5 Agree=4 Neutral=3
Disagree=2 Strongly disagree=1, N=122
Employees feel Leave improves Leave helps to Leave has good Leave helps to
motivated after employee handle personal effects on balance working
leave attendance rate commitments employees and personal life
emotional health responsibilities
and ability to effectively
perform their job

Figure 4.5 Respondents’ degree of agreement on role played by leave program

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

The study on the Figure 4.5 sought to establish the level of agreement on the role played by
leave program. According to the findings the respondents agreed that leave motivate
employees and improve attendance rate by mean of 4.39 and 4.49 respectively. Employees
also agreed that leave allows to handle personal commitments, has good effect on emotional
health, on employees’ job performance and help to balance working and personal life
responsibilities with mean of 4.65, 4.75 and 4.83 respectively. From this one can conclude
that leave program will make employees to be more effective at their job.

4.4. Relationship between Selected Work-Life Balance Organizational

Factors and Employees Performance

As observed from the total respondents’ responses. Work-life balance organizational factors
have an effect on employees’ performance also understanding and giving attention to the
above topic is low in the organization as well as within the employees.

So as to determine whether there are significant relationships between the organizational

factors of work-life balance and job performance, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was
Hence, Table 4-6 below presents the results of Pearson correlation on the relationship between
work-life balance selected organizational factors and job performance.
Table 4.5. The relationship between work-life balance organizational factors and job
Flexible Assistance Leave Job
Working Program Program Performance
Job Pearson .556** .653** .501** 1
Performance Correlation
Sig. (2tailed) .000 .000 .000
N 122 122 122 122
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

As it is clearly indicated in the above Table 4.5., a medium level of positive relationship was
found between flexible working arrangement and performance (r =.556, p < .01), leave
program and performance (r = .501, p < 0.01), and a substantial level of positive relationship
was found between employees’ assistance program and performance (r = .653, p < .01), which
are statistically significant at 99% confidence level. This implies that at a 1% level of
significance it was discovered that the respondents’ flexible working time, assistance program
and leave program played a significant role in determining the job performance of employees
of NIB International Bank Adama Branches.

This revealed that the work-life balance factors grouped under organizational factors reported
more or less a substantial relationship to the general performance of the job. Therefore, the
research question that there is to measure the degree of association between selected WLB
organizational factors and employees’ job performance among employees of NIB International
Bank Adama Branches indicated a positive substantially significant relationship between
WLB organizational factors and job performance. This would imply that the better
management of flexible working hours, assistance, and leave programs, the better the job
performance of respondents.

The findings of this study concurred with other research findings. As Kamau et al. (2013),
Humidi (2005), and Lockwood (2003) concluded that WLB organizational factors like work
arrangement (flexible working hours), and WLB Policy (Leave program) in an organization
significantly influence employee job performance by enabling a balance between, personal
commitment, responsibilities, and organizational roles, duties of an employee. Flexibility in
working hours enhanced employee motivation and commitment to the organization. Leaving
work created a change of environment and a break from the daily working environment. This
has a lot of impact on employees’ psychological well-being, eliminating fatigue, and work-
related stress which translated to better employee performance after the leave. Also, as Forsyth
and Polzer (2007) and Villiers & Kotze (2003) found WLB programs, work arrangement, and
organizational support have a positive influence on job performance. Moreover, the
perceptions of employees about WLB support directly influences job performance. The more
the perceived employer support the more the job performance.
4.5. The Influence of Work-Life Balance Organization Factors on Job

Preliminary analyses were performed to ensure that there were no violations of the
assumptions of normality, multi-collinearity, and homoscedasticity. Since correlation does not
mean causation, multiple regressions are computed in order to analyze the impact of selected
organizational factors of WLB on job performance. The table below presents the results of the
influence of organizational factors on job performance.

Table 4.6 Model summary of multiple regression of work-life balance factors (working time
arrangement, organizational support, and leave program) as an independent variable on the job

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Square Estimate
1 .740a .548 .542 .3780577
a. Predictors: (Constant), Leave Program, Flexible Working Time, Assistance Program

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

The results as shown in Table 4.6 indicated that the three independent variables explained
54.2% of the variation in the dependent variable. Therefore, the remaining 45.8% is explained
by other factors that were not considered in this study.

Table 4.7. ANOVA result of multiple regression model

Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
1 Regression 39.294 3 13.098 91.641 .000b
Residual 32.445 227 .143
Total 71.739 230
a. Dependent Variable: Mean JP
b. Predictors: (Constant), Leave Program, Flexible Working Time, Assistance Program

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

The F-ratio in the ANOVA table above (Table 4.7) tests whether the overall regression model
is a good fit for the data. The table shows that the independent variables statistically
significantly predict the dependent variable, F (3, 227) = 91.641, p< .05 (i.e., the regression
model is a good fit for the data). Therefore, the influence is significant that p=0.000.

From the above discussions in describing organizational factors of WLB and job performance,
the positive perception of organizational factors and neutral feeling of the staff about their job
performance shows there are other factors that affect job performance and it is confirmed in
the regression result as 45.2% is explained by other factors.

With the general influence of organizational factors of WLB, Table 4.8. shows the
unstandardized Beta coefficients that present the contributions of each variable to the model.
Unstandardized coefficients indicate how much the dependent variable varies with an
independent variable when all other independent variables are held constant. The t and p
values showed the significance of the impact of the independent variables on the dependent

Table 4.8. Coefficients of organizational factors of WLB

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.

Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) -.194 .264 -.734 .463
Flexible Working Time .308 .047 .330 6.558 .000
Employees’ Assistance .385 .044 .467 8.752 .000
Leave Program .142 .065 .119 2.182 .030

a. Dependent Variable: Mean Job Performance

Source: (Own Survey, 2023)

Table 4.8 above revealed that the unstandardized coefficients B column gives us the
coefficients of the independent variables in the regression equation including all the predictor
variables as indicated below:

Predicted Job Performance score = -.194 + .308 (Flexible working time) + .385 (Employees’
assistance program) + .142 (Leave program)

Table 4.8 above further shows that, all the explanatory variables included in this study can
significantly explain at a 95% confidence level to the variation on the dependent variable.

The unstandardized beta coefficient column shows the contribution that an individual variable
makes to the model. It is the average amount the dependent variable increases when the
independent variable increases by one unit (all other independent variables are held constant).
Thus, the largest influence on job performance is from the employees’ assistance program
(.385) and the next is flexible working time (0.308). On the other hand, leave program with a
beta value of (.142) is the lowest predictor of job performance when it is compared with the
other explanatory variables under study. Furthermore, the study has discussed based on the
beta value of their coefficients. Table 4.8 above presents all the variables included in the
model and their contribution in predicting job performance. The value provides information on
the contribution of each independent variable. The beta’s largest value contributes the most.

(Ho) There is statistically significant and positive relationship between Work

Arrangement (Flexible working time) and employees’ job performance

(H1) There is no statistically significant and positive relationship between Work

Arrangement (Flexible working time) and employees’ job performance

Flexible working time is the second largest contributor to the variation in the dependent
variable (job performance). From the Table above The Positive Unstandardized Beta-value of
0.308 indicates that flexible working time arrangement has a direct (positive) influence on job
performance which is statistically significant at a 95% confidence level as p=0.000. In other
words, it means that as flexible working time increases by 1 unit job performance also
increased by 0.308 units and vice versa.

This reflects that as employees perceive flexible working time arrangements, the level of
performance towards their job increases. As such, the research question is answered.

(Ho) There is statistically significant and positive relationship between Organizational
Support (Employees Assistance program) and employees’ job performance

(H2) There is no statistically significant and positive relationship between

Organizational Support (Employees Assistance program) and employees’ job

In the above table, the largest unstandardized beta coefficient is 0.385, which is for activities
of organizational support. This means that this variable has a direct influence and it makes the
strongest unique contribution in explaining job performance when the variance explained by
all the other variables in the model is controlled for. Statistically, the result interprets that
when organizational support increases by 1 unit job performance will also increase by 0.385
unit and vice versa. Moreover, the large t-value (t-8.752) and corresponding low p-value (p<
0.05) which is significant, Supports the result for this dimension which had the highest beta
coefficient. Thus, the research question here is also answered.

(Ho) There is statistically significant and positive relationship between Work Life
Balance Policies (Leave program) and employees’ job performance

(H3) There is no statistically significant and positive relationship between Work Life
Balance Policies (Leave program) and employees’ job performance

The leave program ranks third place with the unstandardized beta coefficient values of 0.142.
This shows the positive and significant influence on the dependent variable with 0.05 levels as
it appears p =0.03. Thus, the research question is answered because it does appear to
significantly contribute to the total variation in job performance.

Generally, Table 4.6 depicts the variables entered and the fit of the model in which R-squared
and adjusted R-squared were presented. It is evident that through the estimation technique,
three variables predicted 54.2% of the variance in job performance. The model was
statistically significant. Moreover, from Table 4.8 it is clear that these three predictor variables

statistically and significantly determine the variation in job performance, at a 95% confidence

The findings of this study concurred with other research findings. As Kamau et al. (2013),
Humidi (2005), and Lockwood (2003) concluded that of WLB organizational factors like,
work arrangement (flexible working hours), WLB Policy (Leave program), and assistance
program in an organization significantly influence employee job performance by enabling a
balance between, personal commitment, responsibilities, and a organizational roles, duties of
an employee. Flexibility in working hours enhanced employee motivation and commitment to
the organization. Leave from work created a change of environment and a break from the daily
working environment. This has a lot of impact on employees’ psychological well-being,
eliminating fatigue, and work-related stress which translated to better employee performance
after the leave. Also, as Forsyth and Polzer (2007) and Villiers & Kotze (2003) found WLB
programs, work arrangement, and organizational support have a positive influence on job
performance. Moreover, the perceptions of employees about WLB support directly influences
job performance. The more the perceived employer support the more the job performance.

4.6. Discussions of the Major Findings

The study observed that there is higher level of imbalance on work and personal life
management with in employees of NIB International Bank Adama Branches. Based on the
analysis of the study, respondent agreed with higher mean 4.54 on the preference to reduce
working hours and stress levels, but feel that have no control over the current situation and on
the other hand staffs agreed with lower mean, 3.80 on long working hour related to other
specified measurements. Also, staffs agreed on limited time to socialize, worry about effect of
work stress, relationship with partner is suffering by pressure of work, took work home, often
work late, relaxing and forgetting about work is hard, family are missing out on their input and
finding time for hobbies, leisure activities with mean of 3.95, 4.11, 4.24, 4.26, 4.39, 4.41, 4.48
and 4.52 respectively.

The staff performance measurement was established through self - rating. Staff rated
themselves own punctuality in attendance rated and overall attendance rate, followed by low
effective time management and have mentioned neutral on supervisors’ performance rating.
Responder were neutral on their overall attendance, arriving on time, using time effectively,
their supervisor generally satisfaction and their satisfaction on their job with mean of 3.03,
3.22, 3.23, 3.29 and 3.45. On the other hand, they were agreed on achievement of targets
always, working independently, meeting deadlines at work and ensuring priorities at work
with mean of 3.71, 3.79, 3.80 and 3.92.

First the analysis of the study found medium level of positive relationship between employee
job performance and the flexibility in working hours in the organization (r =.556, p < .01), a
clear indicator that having a flexible working system could influence the way employees
executed their jobs. But the human resource officer of NIB International Bank Adama
Branches has mentioned on the interview that there is not flexible working hour arrangement
at NIB International Bank Adama Branches.

Analysis of the results revealed that there is a substantial level of positive relationship
between employees’ assistance program and performance (r = .653, p < .01) at NIB
International Bank Adama Branches. This means that, presence of employee assistance
programs at NIB International Bank Adama Branches had its own impacts on employees’

Employees are entitled to an annual leave of 18 days within the calendar year. In addition,
organizations introduce other forms of leaves that are convenient for their staff like wedding
mourning leave. The study observed a medium level of positive relationship between leave
program and performance (r = .501, p < 0.01) at NIB International Bank Adama Branches.

Flexible working time is the second largest contributor to the variation in the dependent
variable (job performance). From chapter 4, The Positive Unstandardized Beta-value of 0.308
indicates that flexible working time arrangement has direct (positive) influence on job
performance which is statistically significant at 95% confidence level as p=0.000. In other

word, it means that for every one-unit increase in flexible working time, there would be
0.308-unit increase in job performance.

Based on the analysis part of the study, the largest beta coefficient is 0.385, which is for
activities of organizational support. This means that this variable has a direct influence and it
makes the strongest unique contribution in explaining job performance, when the variance
explained by all the other variables in the model is controlled for. Statistically, the result
interprets that for every one-unit increase in organizational support, there would be 0.385-unit
increase in job performance.

Leave program ranked in the third place with beta coefficient values of 0.142. This shows the
positive significant influence with the dependent variable with 0.05 levels as it appears p
=0.03. This implies that performance increases as leave program scores increase. We would
expect that for every one- unit increase in leave program, there would be a .142-unit increase
in job performance.

Generally, as chapter 4 of this study depicts the variables entered and the fit of the model in
which R-squared and adjusted R-squared were presented. It is evident that through estimation
technique, three variables predicted 54.2% of variance in job performance the rest 45.8%
predicated by other variables that did not considered by this study.



5.1. Introduction

In this chapter the summary of the major findings, conclusion, recommendations and
suggestion to further research are discussed. For clarity purpose, the conclusions are based on
the research objectives of the study. Based on the findings of the study recommendations are
made to organizations, to employees and suggestion for other researchers.

5.2. Summary of the major finding

This research was conducted in NIB International Bank Adama Branches with the prime
intent of critically assessing the factors affecting work-life balance and performance of
employees. Specifically, the study attempted to investigate factors that affecting work-life
balance, to assess the organizational factors and to recommend possible solution to alleviate
the problem. Based on the objectives and the findings of the study had discussed below.

 The study observed that there is higher level of imbalance on work and personal life
management with in employees of NIB International Bank Adama Branches. Based on
the analysis of the study, respondent agreed with higher mean 4.54 on the preference
to reduce working hours and stress levels, but feel that have no control over the current
situation and on the other hand staffs agreed with lower mean, 3.80 on long working
hour related to other specified measurements. Also, staffs agreed on limited time to
socialize, worry about effect of work stress, relationship with partner is suffering by
pressure of work, took work home, often work late, relaxing and forgetting about work
is hard, family are missing out on their input and finding time for hobbies, leisure
activities with mean of 3.95, 4.11, 4.24, 4.26, 4.39, 4.41, 4.48 and 4.52 respectively.

 The staff performance measurement was established through self - rating. Staff rated
themselves own punctuality in attendance rated and overall attendance rate, followed
by low effective time management and have mentioned neutral on supervisors’
performance rating. Responder were neutral on their overall attendance, arriving on
time, using time effectively, their supervisor generally satisfaction and their
satisfaction on their job with mean of 3.03, 3.22, 3.23, 3.29 and 3.45. On the other
hand, they were agreed on achievement of targets always, working independently,
meeting deadlines at work and ensuring priorities at work with mean of 3.71, 3.79,
3.80 and 3.92.
 First the analysis of the study found medium level of positive relationship between
employee job performance and the flexibility in working hours in the organization (r
=.556, p < .01), a clear indicator that having a flexible working system could influence
the way employees executed their jobs. But the human resource officer of NIB
International Bank Adama Branches has mentioned on the interview that there is not
flexible working hour arrangement at NIB International Bank Adama Branches.
 Analysis of the results revealed that there is a substantial level of positive relationship
between employees’ assistance program and performance (r = .653, p < .01) at NIB
International Bank Adama Branches. This means that, presence of employee
assistance programs at NIB International Bank Adama Branches had its own impacts
on employees’ performance.
 Employees are entitled to an annual leave of 18 days within the calendar year. In
addition, organizations introduce other forms of leaves that are convenient for their
staff like wedding mourning leave. The study observed a medium level of positive
relationship between leave program and performance (r = .501, p < 0.01) at NIB
International Bank Adama Branches.
 Flexible working time is the second largest contributor to the variation in the
dependent variable (job performance). From chapter 4, The Positive Unstandardized
Beta-value of 0.308 indicates that flexible working time arrangement has direct
(positive) influence on job performance which is statistically significant at 95%

confidence level as p=0.000. In other word, it means that for every one-unit increase in
flexible working time, there would be 0.308-unit increase in job performance.
 Based on the analysis part of the study, the largest beta coefficient is 0.385, which is
for activities of organizational support. This means that this variable has a direct
influence and it makes the strongest unique contribution in explaining job
performance, when the variance explained by all the other variables in the model is
controlled for. Statistically, the result interprets that for every one-unit increase in
organizational support, there would be 0.385-unit increase in job performance.
 Leave program ranked in the third place with beta coefficient values of 0.142. This
shows the positive significant influence with the dependent variable with 0.05 levels as
it appears p =0.03. This implies that performance increases as leave program scores
increase. We would expect that for every one- unit increase in leave program, there
would be a .142-unit increase in job performance.

Generally, as chapter 4 of this study depicts the variables entered and the fit of the model in
which R-squared and adjusted R-squared were presented. It is evident that through estimation
technique, three variables predicted 54.2% of variance in job performance the rest 45.8%
predicated by other variables that did not considered by this study.

5.3. Conclusion

The primary objective of this study was to examine the effect of WLB factors on employee
performance in NIB International Bank Adama Branches. The study has been successful in
accomplishing its four research objectives. Thus, the following are conclusions drawn based
on the finding of the study:

 Employees of NIB International Bank Adama Branches have no balanced working life
and personal life. Their personal and family life is imbalanced and they are affected by
work stress and also they are not getting time to maintain friendships and extended family
relationships was difficult for the respondents. Employees felt that they have busy
working life and have missed important times with their family.

 Employees of NIB International Bank Adama Branches have an average performance
level since they are not satisfied enough with the present WLB program provided by the
organization. Respondents has neutral feeling on their satisfaction at work and time
related issues at the organization and on the opposite side, they are good at achieving
target, working dependently, ensuring priorities and meeting deadline.
 Work life balance organizational factors (working time arrangement, assistance program,
and leave program) has a positive and significant relationship with employee
performance. Flexibility in working hours permitted employees to balance between their
personal life commitments such as family and personal development and work. As a
result, flexibility in working hours also allowed the staff to focus more on their job while
at work without divided attention with little worries on their personal commitments.
Employee health programs keep the work force healthy therefore making them to be able
to contribute always to the organization. Utilization of health programs improves the
psychosocial welfare of staff enabling them to relate well with each other at their home as
well as at work place. This translates into improved attendance rates by employees.
Employees felt motivated after going for leave, their attendance was improved, and when
asked, they indicted that leave from work had good effects on employee emotional health,
this enabled staff to reduce work related stress and performed better in their duties at
home as well as at work place

5.4. Recommendations

The study on the basis on the findings and conclusions made recommends that:

 Management of NIB International Bank Adama Branches have to make sure that their
strategies include different work life balance incentive that will encourage employees to be
more productive on their job as well as on their personal life.
 Managers has to implement flexible working time arrangement in the organization. It
significantly supports work life balance by enabling a balance between personal
commitments and responsibilities and organizational roles and duties of an employee.

Flexibility in working hours enhanced employee motivation and commitment to the
 The management have to encourage their employee to fix their leave at their convenient
period after performing all their work-related duties. Even if this study shows a lowest
value of leave in predicting performance level, leave from work created a change of
environment and a break from the daily working environment. This has a lot of impact on
employees’ psycho-social well-being, fatigue elimination, and work-related stress which is
interpreted to better employee performance after the leave.
 Management have to create child care assistance service this will help the employee
which are crèche services, day nursery and after school childcare. This issue was also
raised by almost all respondents that have children.
 In ensuring the psychosocial wellbeing of staff, the ministry of labor shall consider
revising the existing labor laws to have mandatory staff welfare programs run by the
 Organizations in the banking industry due to the nature of the job and precision required in
undertaking the jobs have to exploit leave program as a way of rejuvenating their
employees by coming up with more innovative methods of implementing them rather than
the traditional annual leave systems.

In general, transforming the work place pro-actively using a condition of well- designed WLB
initiatives for the employees will yield competitive advantage as it will increase employee job
performance, satisfaction and commitment to organization.


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Questionnaire to be filled by Employees


Dear Respondents:-

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your generous time and honest prompt
Objective: This questionnaire is designed to collect information about the above research topic.
The information that your respond shall be used as primary data in my case research which I am
conducting as partial requirements of Master’s Degree at Harambe University.
Therefore, the information gathered will be used fully and with due attention for academic purpose
only and I would like to assure you that the data collected will not be misused in any ways.
General Instructions

• There is no need of writing your name.

• In all cases where answer options are available please tick (√) the answer in the
appropriate box.
• For questions that demand your opinion, please try to honestly describe as per the
questions on the space provided.

Part I: Background Information

1. Gender
Male  Female 
2. Age
Under 20 years old  21-30 years old  31-40 years old 
41-50 years old  51-60 years old  over 60 years 
3. Educational status
College Diploma  Bachelor’s degree 
Master’s degree  Doctoral degree 
4. Marital status
Single  Married  Divorced  Widow  Separated
5. Have child/children
Yes  No 
6. Work Experience
< 5 years  5-10 years  10-20 years  >20 years 
II. Part II
In this part of the questionnaire, there are questions that are related issues of work – life balance.
Therefore, you are required to give your opinion, to what extent your working life and personal
life are balanced.
Measuring Work/ Life Balance Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
No agree (5) disagree
(4) (3) (2)
At some moment, because the job
2.1 demands it, I usually work long
There isn’t much time to
2.2 socialize/relax with my partner/see
family in the week
I have to take work home most
I often work late or at weekends to deal
2.4 with paperwork without
Relaxing and forgetting about work
issues is hard to do
I worry about the effect of work stress
on my health
My relationship with my partner is
2.7 suffering because of the pressure or
long hours of my work
My family are missing out on my
2.8 input, either because I don’t see
enough of them/am too tired

Finding time for hobbies, leisure
activities, or to maintain friendships
and extended family
relationships is difficult
I would like to reduce my working
hours and stress levels, but feel I have
no control over the current


In this part of the questionnaire, there are questions that are related organizational factors of work
– life balance and its effect on your job performance. Therefore, you are required to give your
opinion, to what extent this factors are affecting your performance.
No. Role played by Flexible Working Hours
There is a flexible
working hour
3.1 Yes No
management at
your organization
Strongly Agree Strongly
Neutral (3) Disagree (2)
agree (5) (4) disagree (1)
Flexible working
3.2 hours allow to balance
personal commitments
Flexible working hours
allow to
focus more on the job
at work
Attendance and
punctuality has
3.4 improved as a result of
utilizing flexible
working hours
Flexible working
hours motivate and
3.5 give sense of
satisfaction and
Flexible hours allow
3.6 to balance working
and personal life

Role played by Employee Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
No. agree (5) disagree
Assistance Programs (4) (3) (2)
There is non-financial and
financial support in the working
3.7 environment whenever there is
load of work and family matters
to handle
There are health programs like
stress management and other
kind of health
There is job related counselling
3.9 service that employees are
getting from the organization?
Financial support makes staff
to be more committed and
motivated at work as well as to
fulfil personal commitments
Counseling has enabled staff to
carry out assignments with
expected degree of
independency and efficiency
Health programs kept
3.12 employees contributing at work
as well as at home
Organizational support
(financial and non-
3.13 financial) helps to balance
work and personal life

No. Role played by leave policy on employee performance
What kind of leave
3.14 policy are there in your Sick Parental Annual Study Other
What kind of leave did
you ever take?
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree (5) (4) (3) (2) disagree (1)
Felt motivated after the
Leave improve
3.17 employee attendance
Leave helps to handle
personal commitments
Leave has good effects
employees’ emotional
health and ability to
their job
Leave helps to balance
working and personal
3.20 life

IV. Part IV
In this part of the questionnaire, there are questions that are related your job performance and your
performance level.
Strongly Strongly
Job Performance Agree Disagree
No agree Neutral (3) disagree
Measures (4) (2)
(5) (1)
4.1 Arriving to work on time
4.2 Meeting deadlines at work
4.3 Ensuring priorities at work
4.4 Overall attendance
4.5 Using time effectively
4.6 Working independently
4.7 Achievement of targets always
4.8 Not receive warning
Are you generally satisfied
with your job
Is your supervisor generally
4.10 satisfied with your job
V. Part V
In this part of the questionnaire, there are questions that are related demographic and
organizational factors of work – life balance and its effect on your job performance.
No Work/life balance and job performance
5.1 You think if there is a good organizational policy that support work life balancing issues,
you will be more efficient and effective on your job?
Strongly agree
Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2)
(5) Strongly disagree (1)
5.2 You think that if you have good work-life balance, you will be more effective and efficient
on your job?
Strongly agree
Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2)
(5) Strongly disagree (1)
5.3 You think that if employees have good work-life balance, the organization will be more
effective and successful?
Strongly agree
Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2)
(5) Strongly disagree (1)
5.4 What do you recommend to improve your work and life balance?
5.5 Do you have additional comments?
Thank you very much for your time


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