2023 CXL DesignTradeoffs IEEE Micro
2023 CXL DesignTradeoffs IEEE Micro
2023 CXL DesignTradeoffs IEEE Micro
Abstract—DRAM is a key driver of performance and cost in public cloud servers. At the same
time, a significant amount of DRAM is underutilized due to fragmented use across servers.
Emerging interconnects such as CXL offer a path towards improving utilization through memory
pooling. However, the design space of CXL-based memory systems is large, with key questions
around the size, reach, and topology of the memory pool. At the same time, using pools requires
navigating complex design constraints around performance, virtualization, and management.
This paper discusses why cloud providers should deploy CXL memory pools, key design
constraints, and observations in designing towards practical deployment. We identify
configuration examples with significant positive return of investment.
2 IEEE Micro
40 of CPU cores are scheduled for VMs, 6% of
Stranded Memory [%]
memory is stranded. This grows to over 10%
95th Percentile when ∼85% of CPU cores are allocated to VMs.
20 th
5 Percentile This makes sense since stranding is an artifact
10 of highly utilized nodes, which correlates with
highly utilized clusters. Outliers are shown by the
60 70 80 90 error bars, representing 5th and 95th percentiles.
CPU Cores Scheduled
[a] Stranding vs.
CPU utilization
in this Cluster [%] At 95th , stranding reaches 25% during high uti-
lization periods. Individual outliers reach more
Servers Servers
Rack 6 Rack 7
3.2. VM Memory Utilization in Azure
Dataset. We perform measurements on the same
0 15 30 45 60 75 100 general-purpose production clusters. For un-
[b] Stranding over time Time [Days] touched memory, we rely on guest-reported mem-
Figure 1: Memory stranding. (a) Stranding increases ory usage counters cross-referenced with hyper-
significantly as more CPU cores are scheduled; (b) Strand-
visor page table access bit scans. We sample
ing changes dynamically over time.
memory bandwidth counters using Intel RDT [12]
for a subset of clusters with compatible hardware.
Finally, we use hypervisor counters to measure
of a bidirectional ×8-CXL port at a typical non-uniform memory access (NUMA) spanning in
2:1 read:write-ratio roughly matches an 80-bit dual-socket servers, where a VM has cores on one
DDR5-4800 channel. socket and some memory from another socket.
March-April 2023
Slowdown: performance under all remote Local: 115ns, remote: 255ns (222%)
memory relative to all local memory Local: 78ns, remote: 142ns (182%)
Spark GAPBS TPC-H SPEC CPU 2017 2x
Slowdown (%)
Not run on red
60 insufficient DRAM
per NUMA node
P1 → P13 YCSB A→F ML/Web, etc. bc, bfs, cc, pr, sssp, tc Queries 1 → 22 501.perlbench_r → 657.xz_s facesim, vips, fft, etc.
Figure 2: Performance slowdowns when memory latency increases by 182-222% (§3.3). Workloads have different
sensitivity to increased memory latency as they would see with CXL. X-axis shows 158 representative workloads; Y
represents the normalized performance slowdown, i.e., performance under higher (remote) latency relative to all local
memory. “Proprietary” denotes production workloads at Azure.
3.3. Workload Sensitivity to Memory Latency workload classes like graph processing (GAPBS)
We summarize previous experiments on la- are sensitive to both latency and bandwidth, and
tency sensitivity [2]. both effects are worsened on the 222% system.
Dataset. We evaluate 158 workloads across pro-
4. The Memory Pool Design Space
prietary workloads, in-memory stores, data pro-
Designing a memory pool involves multiple
cessing, and benchmark suites. They run on dual-
hardware components and design choices that
socket Intel Skylake 8157M, with a 182% latency
expand with every new CXL release. To limit
increase for socket-remote memory, or AMD
complexity, we focus on two design aspects:
EPYC 7452, with 222% latency increase. We
1) whether to provide connectivity via CXL
normalize performance as slowdown relative to
switches or through CXL multi-headed devices
NUMA-local performance.
(MHDs) [5, §2.5] and 2) how large the con-
Latency sensitivity. Figure 2 surveys workload structed pool should be to maximize return-on-
slowdowns. Under a 182% increase in memory investment (ROI). We discuss a particular set of
latency, we find that 26% of the 158 workloads choices suitable for general-purpose cloud com-
experience less than 1% slowdown under CXL. puting. Other use cases may see different sets of
At the same time, some workloads are severely choices and tradeoffs.
affected with 21% of the workloads facing >25%
slowdowns. Overall, every workload class has at 4.1. Components
least one workload with less than 5% slowdown CXL memory controller (MC) devices act as
and one workload with more than 25% slowdown a bridge between the CXL protocol and memory
(except SPLASH2x). Our proprietary workloads devices such as DDR5 DRAMs. Today’s MCs
are less impacted than the overall workload set typically bridge between 1-2 CXL ×8 ports and
with almost half seeing <1% slowdown. These 1-2 80b channels of DDR5 (e.g., [13]).
production workloads are NUMA-aware and of- CXL switches behave similar to other network
ten include data placement optimizations. switches in that they forward requests and data,
Under a 222% increase in memory latency, we without serving as an endpoint. Physically, CXL
find that 23% of the 158 workloads experience switches will likely share many characteristics
less than 1% slowdown under CXL. More than (e.g., port count) with PCIe switches, due to using
37% of workloads face >25% slowdowns — a the same physical interface. For the purposes of
significantly higher fraction than on the 182% this analysis, we assume that switches with 128-
emulated latency increase. We find that the pro- lanes (16-ports) of CXL are used to build a fabric
cessing pipeline for some workloads, like VoltDB, layer.
seems to have just enough slack to accomodate A CXL MHD essentially combines a switch
the smaller 182% latency increase with significant and a memory controller in a single device.
pipeline stalls for 222% latency increase. Other Specifically, the MHD offers multiple CXL ports
4 IEEE Micro
Pool designs with multi-headed device (MHD)
2-8 Core/LLC CXL CXL ACL MC & Load to use
Socket CPU MHD /Fabric Port Port NOC DRAM 155ns, 182%
40ns 25ns 5ns 25ns 15ns 45ns
16 Core/LLC CXL Re- CXL ACL MC & Load to use
Socket R CXL MHD 180ns, 212%
R /Fabric Port timer Port NOC DRAM
Pool R
40ns 25ns 5+20+5ns 25ns 15ns 45ns
. DDR5 Core/LLC CXL Re- CXL ARB CXL Re- CXL ACL MC & Load to use
Socket CPU
R CXL Switch R MHD /Fabric Port timer Port NOC Port timer Port NOC DRAM >270ns, 318%
Pool R
40ns 25ns 5+20+5ns 25ns 20ns 25ns 5+20+5ns 25ns 15ns 45ns
Pool designs with only switches and single-headed memory controller (MC)
CXL Switch MC
2-8 Core/LLC CXL CXL ARB CXL CXL MC & Load to use
Socket CPU CXL Switch MC /Fabric Port Port NOC Port Port DRAM >190ns, 224%
Pool CPU
40ns 25ns 5ns 25ns 20ns 25ns 5ns 25ns 45ns
CXL Switch MC
16 Core/LLC CXL Re- CXL ARB CXL Re- CXL MC & Load to use
Socket CPU
R CXL Switch R
MC /Fabric Port timer Port NOC Port timer Port DRAM >250ns, 294%
Pool R
40ns 25ns 5+20+5ns 25ns 20ns 25ns 5+20+5ns 25ns 45ns
CPU CXL DDR5 Core/LLC CXL Re- CXL ARB CXL Re- CXL MC & Load to use
Socket CPU R
R Switch R Switch R MC /Fabric Port timer Port NOC Port timer Port DRAM >345ns, 405%
Pool R
40ns 25ns 5+20+5ns 25ns 20ns 25ns 5+20+5ns 25ns 45ns
Figure 3: Pool size and latency tradeoffs. Small pools of 8-16 sockets add only 75-90ns relative to NUMA-local
DRAM. Latency increases for larger pools that require retimers and a switch.
March-April 2023
Pool DRAM minimum amount of cluster memory corresponds
6 IEEE Micro
DRAM, and other standard infrastructure (e.g. Infra 2x MC Cost savings
network interface cards (NICs), power delivery, 1x
overhead 0.5x MHD from Figure 4
management controllers, boards, etc.). Within this
March-April 2023
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2 IEEE Micro