Standard For Insulation Co Ordination 3058912

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Substation Standard

Insulation for Co-ordination

These standards created and made available are for the construction of Energy Queensland
infrastructure. These standards ensure meeting of Energy Queensland's requirements. External
companies should not use these standards to construct non-Energy Queensland assets.

If this standard is a printed version, to ensure compliance, reference must be made to the Energy
Queensland internet site to obtain the latest version.

Approver Carmelo Noel

sset Standards
General Manager Asset

If RPEQ sign off required insert details below.

Energy Queensland

Certified Person name and Position Registration Number

John Lansley RPEQ 6371

Manager Substation Standards

Abstract: The aim of this document is to establish guidelines for insulation co-ordination within
Energy Queensland. This document describes the functional requirements for substation insulation
co-ordination and the integration of insulation co-ordination systems into a substation. This is to
ensure the safety of personnel, the general public and network assets.

Keywords: Insulation, co-ordination, overvoltage, low frequency, transient, lightning, switching

surge, surge arrester, protection, standard

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Standard for Insulation Co-ordination
Table of Contents
1 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 1

2 References ...........
........................................................................................................................... 1

3 Definitions and abbreviations

abbreviations................................................................................................ 2

4 Performance and Ratings ...

..................................................................................................... 6

4.3.1 .............................................................................................................. 9
General ................

4.3.2 Self-restoring insulation ......................................................................................9


4.3.3 insulation...............................................................................9
Non-self-restoring insulation 9

4.3.4 Insulation behaviour at power frequency voltage and temporary overvoltages ...9
. 9

4.3.5 Probability of disruptive discharge under impulse voltage ..................................9


5 Overvoltage protective devices and their characteristics


5.1.1 ................................................................................................ 11
Surge arresters ............

5.1.2 Application
pplication of surge arresters
arresters........................................................................... 11

5.1.3 Surge arrester earthing ..........

.................................................................................... 12

5.1.4 Surge arrester separation distance

distance................................................................... 12

5.1.5 Safety factor

factor..................................................................................................... 12

5.1.6 Additional
dditional considerations ................................................................................. 12

5.1.7 impedance.................................................................................... 12
Pole footing impedance

5.1.8 ................................................................................ 12
Reducing lightning surges ..

5.1.9 lines................................................................... 12
Insulator design for overhead lines

6 Insulation co-ordination.......................................................................................................
co-ordination 13

6.3.1 Design data and parameters ............................................................................

... 16

6.3.2 ...................................................................................... 16
Design considerations ....

6.3.3 ................................................................................................. 16
Design outputs .......

nnex A 17

Informative 17

Types of overvoltages
overvoltages............................................................................................................... 17

nnex B 21

Informative 21

Insulation co-ordination checklist – example ..........

............................................................................. 21

Annex C 22

Informative 22

Historical overview of standards................................................................................................ 22

Annex D 23

Revision history ........................................................................................................................ 23

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Standard for Insulation Co-ordination
List of Tables

Table 4-1 - Substation equipment insulation ratings as outlined in the Substation Standard for
(STNW3015)................................................................................ 6
Substation Primary Plant Rating (STNW3015)

Table 4-2 - System temporary overvoltage characteristics .............................................................. 8

Table 5-1 - Surge arrester locations ............................................................................................... 11

Table of Figures

Figure 4-1 - Classes and shapes of overvoltages, standard voltage shapes and standard withstand
................................................................................................. 7
voltages tests (IEC 60071.1, 2019) ..

Figure 4-2 - Overvoltage representation of magnitudes and durations. (Volker Hinrichsen, 2020) .. 8

Figure 6-1 Insulation Co-ordination Procedure (IEC 60071.1, 2019) ............................................. 15

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Standard for Insulation Co-ordination

1 Overview

Insulation co-ordination is the arrangement of insulation levels of different components in the

substation. This is required so that if an insulation failure occurs, it would be confined to the place
on the system where it would result in the least damage, be the least expensive to repair and
cause the least disturbance to the continuity of supply. In addition to the substation equipment
normal operating voltage, it will be subjected to different types of overvoltages. It is required to
select dielectric strength of equipment in relation to the voltages which can appear on the system
for which the equipment is intended and taking into account the service environment and the
characteristics of the available protective devices.

Ergon Energy and Energex have adopted a set of standard rated withstand voltages, minimum
clearances, and a specified outage rate for direct lighting strike shielding. Therefore, insulation co-
ordination studies are shortened to the task of reducing overvoltage stresses on equipment by
providing adequate surge protection by selection and positioning of surge arresters.

1.1 Purpose and scope

This document provides an overview of insulation levels, voltage stresses and procedures for
insulation co-ordination studies.

The aim is to minimise equipment damage and network outages due to overvoltages so far as
reasonably practicable.

This document does not cover specific aspects of insulation co-ordination such as lightning strike
shielding and selection of surge arresters. They are covered in other documents and application

2 References

The following documents and standards were used in the development of this joint EQL standard.

2.1 Legislation, regulations, rules and codes

(Queensland Electrical Safety Act, 2002) (Queensland Government)

(Queensland Electrical Safety Regulation, 2013) (Queensland Government)

(Queensland Electricity Act, 1994) (Queensland Government)

(Queensland Electricity Regulation, 2006) (Queensland Government)

(Queensland Work Health and Safety Act, 2011) (Queensland Government)

(Queensland Work Health and Safety Regulation, 2011) (Queensland Government)

(National Electricity Rules, 2023) (AEMC)

2.2 Energy Queensland controlled documents

Energex | Ergon Energy- (RED 1909 STNW3013)-Clearances in air (Substation standard)

Ergon Energy-(STNW3033)-Selection of Surge Arresters (Substation standard)

Ergon Energy-(STNW3355)-Standard for Sub-transmission Overhead Line Design (Line design


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Standard for Insulation Co-ordination
2.3 Energy Queensland other documents
Ergon Energy-(STNW3015)-Primary Plant Ratings (Substation standard)

Ergon Energy-(STNW3028)-Substation Earthing (Substation standard)

Ergon Energy-(STNW3032)-Substation Direct Lightning Strike Shielding (Substation standard)

2.4 Other sources

(AS 60099.4:2022) (Standards Australia)

Surge arresters. Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems (Australian

(AS 2067, 2016) (Standards Australia)

Substations and high voltage installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. (Australian Standard)

(IEC 60071.1, 2019) (IEC)

Insulation co-ordination – Part 1: Definitions, principles and rules. (IEC Standard)

(IEC 60071.2, 2023) (IEC)

Insulation co-ordination - Part 2: Application guidelines (IEC Standard)

(IEC 60071-4, 2004) (IEC)

Insulation co-ordination - Part 4: Computational guide to insulation co-ordination and modelling of

electrical networks (IEC Standard)

(IEEE 1313.2) (IEEE)

IEEE Guide for the Application of Insulation Coordination. (IEEE Standard)

2.5 Other documents

Juan A. Martinez-Velasco, Francisco González Molina, 2015, POWER SYSTEM TRANSIENTS –
Temporary Overvoltages in Power Systems viewed August 2020

Volker Hinrichsen, Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters in High-Voltage Power Systems Fundamentals Ed.
3.0 Siemens viewed August 2020,

3 Definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply.

Continuous voltage Considered having constant r.m.s value, continuously applied to any pair of
terminals of an insulation [(IEC 60071.1, 2019), modified].

Earth fault factor (k) At a given location of a three-phase system, and for a given system
configuration, the ratio of the highest RMS phase-to-earth power-frequency
voltage on a healthy phase during a fault to earth affecting one or more
phases at any point on the system to the RMS phase-to-earth power-

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Standard for Insulation Co-ordination
frequency voltage which would be obtained at the given location in the
absence of any such fault (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

External insulation The distances in atmospheric air, and the surfaces in contact with atmospheric
air of solid insulation of the equipment which are subject to dielectric stresses
and to the effects of atmospheric and other external conditions, such as
pollution, humidity, vermin, etc. (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Highest voltage for equipment (Um) The highest r.m.s. value of phase-to-phase voltage for which
the equipment is designed in respect of its insulation as well as other
characteristics which relate to this voltage [(IEC 60071.1, 2019), modified].

Highest voltage of a system (Us) The highest value of operating voltage which occurs under
normal operating conditions at any time and at any point in the system [(IEC
60071.1, 2019),modified].

Impedance earthed (neutral) system A system where the neutral point is connected through an
impedance (resistor/reactor) to reduce the prospective earth fault current. For
a line-ground fault, the unfaulted phases may rise above normal operating
voltages. The ratio between the upstream positive and zero sequence
impedance and the neutral impedance will affect the earth fault factor.

Insulation co-ordination Selection of the dielectric strength of equipment in relation to the operating
voltages and overvoltages which can appear on the system for which the
equipment is intended, and taking into account the service environment and
the characteristics of the available preventing and protective devices.

The "dielectric strength" of the equipment is meant here as its rated insulation
level or its standard insulation level (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Insulation failure Failure of insulation is the most common cause of problems in electrical
equipment. The purpose of insulation is to prevent the flow of electric current
between points of different potential in an electrical system.

Internal insulation The internal solid, liquid, or gaseous parts of the insulation of equipment which
are protected from the effects of atmospheric and other external conditions
(IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Lightning impulse protection level (Upl) Maximum permissible peak voltage value on the terminals
of a protective device subjected to lightning impulses under specific conditions
(IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Lightning impulse withstand voltage (LIWV) or basic insulation level (BIL): The electrical
strength of insulation expressed in crest value of a standard lightning impulse
under standard atmospheric conditions. The standard lightning impulse is an
impulse voltage having the front time 1.2 μs and a time to half value of 50 μs
(1.2x50 μs).
Nominal Voltage of a System (Un): A suitable approximate value of voltage used to designate the
identity of a system (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Non self-restoring insulation Insulation which loses its insulating properties, or does not recover
them completely, after a disruptive discharge (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

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Standard for Insulation Co-ordination
Overvoltages (OV) Between one phase conductor and earth or across a longitudinal insulation
having a peak value exceeding the peak of the highest voltage of the system
divided by √3 or between phase conductors having a peak value exceeding
the amplitude of the highest voltage of the system (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Performance criterion The basis on which the insulation is selected so as to reduce to an

economically and operationally acceptable level the probability that the
resulting voltage stresses imposed on the equipment will cause damage to
equipment insulation or affect continuity of service.

This criterion is usually expressed in terms of an acceptable failure rate

(number of failures per year, years between failures, risk of failure, etc.) of the
insulation configuration. See Substation Direct Lightning Strike Shielding SS-
1-8-2 for more information [(IEC 60071.1, 2019), modified].

Rated insulation level: A set of standard withstand voltages which characterise the dielectric
strength of the insulation.

Rated withstand voltage The value of the test voltage, applied in a standard withstand voltage
test that proves that the insulation complies with one or more required
withstand voltages.

Note 1 to entry: It is a rated value of the insulation of the equipment.

Representative overvoltages (Urp) Overvoltage assumed to produce the same dielectric effect on
the insulation as the overvoltage of a given class occurring in service due to
various origins (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Required withstand voltage (Urw) The test voltage that the insulation must withstand in a
standard withstand test to ensure that the insulation will meet the performance
criterion when subjected to a given class of overvoltages in actual service
conditions and for the whole service duration. The required withstand voltage
has the shape of the co-ordination withstand voltage, and is specified with
reference to all the conditions of the standard withstand test selected to verify
it (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Self-restoring insulation Insulation which completely recovers its insulating properties within a short
time interval after a disruptive discharge (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Service reliability The ability of a power system to meet its supply function under stated
conditions for a specified period of time.

Short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (PFWV) also referred to as ACWV The
electrical strength of insulation expressed in r.m.s value of a standard short-
duration power frequency voltage under standard atmospheric conditions. The
standard short-duration power frequency voltage is a sinusoidal voltage with
frequency between 48 Hz and 62 Hz, and duration of 60 s.

Standard rated withstand voltage (Uw) Standard value of the rated withstand voltage as specified
in this document (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Statistical LIWV/BIL (or SIWV/BSL) The crest value of a standard lightning (or switching) impulse
for which the insulation exhibits a 90% probability of withstand (or a 10%
probability of failure) under specified conditions applicable to self-restoring

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Surge arrester (SA) A protective device for limiting surge voltages on equipment by diverting surge
current and returning the device to its original status. It is capable of repeating
these functions as specified.

Switching impulse protective level (Ups) Maximum permissible peak voltage value on the terminals
of a protective device subjected to switching impulses under specific
conditions (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Switching impulse withstand voltage (SIWV) or basic switching impulse insulation level (BSL): The
electrical strength of insulation expressed in crest value of a standard
switching impulse.

Switching overvoltage A transient OV in which a slow front, short duration, unidirectional or

oscillatory, highly damped voltage is generated (usually by switching or faults).
T1 = 20-5000 µs, T2 < 20000 µs.

The standard lightning impulse An impulse voltage having a front time of 1.2 µs and a time to half
value of 50 µs.

The standard short duration power frequency voltageA sinusoidal voltage having a frequency
between 48 Hz and 62 Hz, and duration of 60 s.

The standard switching impulse An impulse voltage having a time to peak of 250 µs and a time to
half value of 2500 µs.

Transient overvoltage Short duration overvoltage of few milliseconds or less, oscillatory or non-
oscillatory, usually highly damped (IEC 60071.1, 2019).

Withstand voltage Value of the test voltage to be applied under specified conditions in a
withstand voltage test, during which a specified number of disruptive
discharges is tolerated [(IEC 60071.1, 2019), modified].

3.2 Abbreviations
The following acronyms appear in this standard.

AS Australian Standard
BIL Basic Insulation Level
CFO Critical Flashover
EQL Energy Queensland Limited
FFO Fast-front overvoltages
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
k Earth fault factor
kc Co-ordination factor
ks Safety factor
Kt Atmospheric correction factor
LIWV Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage also referred to as Basic Insulation
Level (BIL)
OV Overvoltage
p.u. Per unit
PSCAD/EMTP Power System Computer Aided Design / Electromagnetic Transients
SIWV Switching impulse withstand voltage
SFO Slow-front overvoltages

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SM Station class arrester – Medium duty type
TOV Temporary power-frequency overvoltage
Um Highest equipment voltage
Un Nominal voltage
Ur Surge diverter rated voltage level
Urw Required withstand voltage
Us Highest voltage of a system
Uw Standard rated withstand voltage
VFFO Very-fast-front overvoltages

4 Performance and Ratings

4.1 Ranges for highest voltage for equipment

Two standard rated withstand voltages are sufficient to define the rated insulation levels of the
equipment (IEC 60071.1, 2019):

 For equipment in range I: Above 1 kV to 245 kV:

o the standard rated lightning impulse withstand voltage and,
o the standard rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage.
 For equipment in range II: Above 245 kV:
o the standard rated switching impulse withstand voltage, and
o the standard rated lightning impulse withstand voltage.
Within substations, equipment insulation shall meet the required withstand voltages outlined in
Table 4-1. These insulation levels have been predetermined and are discussed in the Substation
Primary Plant Rating Standard (STNW3015).

Table 4-1 - Substation equipment insulation ratings as outlined in the Substation Standard for
Substation Primary Plant Rating (STNW3015)

Rated Short duration Rated lightning

power frequency impulse withstand
Nominal Voltage Highest Voltage
withstand voltage voltage
kV kV

kV kVp
11 12 28
22 24 50
33 36 70

66 72.5 140 325

110 123 230 550

275 650
132 145
(230) (550)
460 1050
220 245
(395) (950)

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Standard for Insulation Co-ordination
NOTE: 1. Values in brackets specify lower acceptable LIWV and PFWV ratings for cable connected

4.2 Origin and classification of voltage stresses

The voltage stresses on insulation (IEC 60071.1, 2019) have been classified with reference to the
shape of the voltage wave, which determines their effect on insulation and protective devices,
without reference to the cause of overvoltages, as shown in Figure 4-1 below.

Figure 4-1 - Classes and shapes of overvoltages, standard voltage shapes and standard withstand
voltages tests (IEC 60071.1, 2019)

It is conventional to express overvoltages as a ratio in terms of per unit (p.u.) of the peak value of
overvoltages to the peak value of phase-to-earth of the highest voltage for system and or

ℎ . . = √2 × .

The relative magnitude and duration of overvoltages are illustrated in Figure 4-2

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Figure 4-2 - Overvoltage representation of magnitudes and durations. (Volker Hinrichsen, 2020)

Table 4-2 - System temporary overvoltage characteristics below outlines the typical magnitudes of
temporary overvoltages in p.u. and typical fault times. Further information is provided in 0.

Table 4-2 - System temporary overvoltage characteristics

Magnitude of Overvoltage
Temporary Overvoltage Cause (p.u.) Fault time
Fault Overvoltage (Effectively earthed) 1.3 Less than 1 second
Fault Overvoltage (Impedance earthed) 1.3 - 1.73 Less than 3 seconds
Load Rejection (Moderately extended) < 1.2 Up to 7 minutes
Load Rejection (Extended system) 1.5 A few seconds
Load Rejection (Resonance &
3 Until cleared
Transformer Energisation 1.5 to 2.0 May last for seconds
Longitudinal Overvoltage A few seconds to several
(synchronisation) minutes
Slow Front Overvoltage (Line
2.8 to 3.0 -
Energisation Ph-E )
Slow Front Overvoltage (Line 1.55 x Line Energisation Ph-E
Energisation Ph-Ph ) Fault level
Slow Front Overvoltage (Fault initiation 2(k-1)
max.) k = earth fault factor
Slow Front Overvoltage (Fault clearing
2.0 -
Slow Front Overvoltage (Switching of < 2.0 (Ph-Ph)
capacitive or inductive current) < 3.0 (Ph-E)
2.0 (Without restrike)
Switching (Lightning Type) -
3.0 (With restrike)

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Standard for Insulation Co-ordination
4.3 Insulation characteristics
4.3.1 General
Several factors which influence the dielectric strength of insulation include:

 The magnitude, shape and polarity of the applied voltage

 The type of insulation (gaseous, liquid, impurity and local inhomogeneities)
 The physical state of the insulation medium (temperature, pressure and other ambient
conditions, mechanical stresses)
 Prior duty on the insulation
 Chemical effects
 Conductor surface effects
Insulation may be classified as either self-restoring or non-self-restoring.

4.3.2 Self-restoring insulation

The breakdown of air is strongly dependent on the gap configuration, wave shape and polarity of
the surge and on ambient conditions. For outdoor insulators, the effects of humidity, rain and

on the surface of the insulation also become important. For metal enclosed gas-insulated systems,
the effect of the internal pressure, temperature, local inhomogeneities and impurity play an
important role.

4.3.3 Non-self-restoring insulation

In liquid insulation, particle impurities, bubbles caused by chemical and physical effects or local
discharges can drastically reduce the insulation strength. The amount of chemical degradation of
the insulation may tend to increase with time. The same is valid for solid insulation. In this case,
the mechanical stress may also affect the insulation strength.

4.3.4 Insulation behaviour at power frequency voltage and temporary overvoltages

Generally, discharge under power frequency voltage in normal operating conditions and under
TOV will be caused by progressive deterioration of the insulating properties of the equipment or by
exceptional reductions in insulation withstand due to severe ambient conditions.

Rain, fog, dew formation together with pollution can drastically reduce insulation strength.

4.3.5 Probability of disruptive discharge under impulse voltage

Non-self-restoring insulation
There are no methods presently available for determining the probability of a disruptive discharge
of non-self-restoring insulation. Therefore, the probability of a withstand is assumed to be 100% at
or below LIWV and SIWV. However, for stresses above the LIWV and SIWV level the probability of
withstand is assumed to be zero.

Partial discharge in non-self-restoring insulation is not covered in this standard.

Self-restoring insulation
For self-restoring insulation, the probability of flashover may be described by an insulation strength
characteristic curve. This curve has two basic parameters, the Critical Flashover (CFO),
corresponding to the 50% probability of flashover for single impulse application, and a normalised

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standard deviation . may be taken as 0.03 p.u. for lightning impulse voltages and 0.06 p.u. for
switching impulse voltages.

4.4 Acceptable failure rates

The performance of an insulation system is determined by the number of insulation failures while in
service. This is based on the voltage stresses imposed on equipment which cause damage to
equipment insulation or affect continuity of service. The Insulation Co-ordination Application
Guidelines (IEC 60071.2, 2014) provides the following general guidance on acceptable failure

 Substation equipment: 0.001/year to 0.004/year depending on repair times or (250 to

1000 years mean time between failure (MTBF)).
 Overhead lines 0.1 to 20 failures / 100km /year (depending on design of line, lightning
protection on line, tower footing resistance among other factors).
 Switching overvoltages: 0.01 to 0.001 per operation.
Minimum MTBF design targets to be used for the Ergon and Energex network are specified in
Substation Direct Lightning Strike Shielding Standard (STNW3032).

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5 Overvoltage protective devices and their characteristics

5.1.1 Surge arresters

Surge arresters are designed to limit the magnitude of overvoltage across their terminals to an
acceptable voltage. Spark gaps shall not be used in EQL.

The main type of surge arrester currently employed within the EQL networks is the metal-oxide
surge arresters without gaps, type SM or higher (IEC 60099-4, 2014), although gapped silicon-
carbide arresters may still exist in older installations.

5.1.2 Application of surge arresters

Table 5-1 provides a guide to locations of where surge arresters are to be installed within a
substation to ensure insulation co-ordination.

Table 5-1 - Surge arrester locations

Case / Equipment Surge Arrester Requirement

Equipment connected to an Location at feeder bay entrance/exit.
overhead line
Overhead line to cable transition For distribution, sub-transmission and transmission high voltages.
Power transformer On all HV open bushings, located on separate structure no more than
5m from the bushings or located on bracket attached to the

Arresters are not required:

 On transformer cable boxes
 On plug-in connected bushings
 Where the LIWV of the winding exceeds both the inductive
transferred voltage and initial spike voltage
 Connected directly to cables and completely shielded by an
earthed enclosure, and the next transitions to overhead
conductors are protected by surge arresters.
 The neutral is directly earthed
 Impedance-earthed neutral bushings on uniformly-insulated
Gas insulated switchgear (GIS) and For switchgear with lower LIWV rating connected by mixed
MV switchboards overhead/underground feeder, 2 x surge arresters to be installed at
overhead transition pole and next pole back.
Capacitor bank and shunt reactor At the line terminals, no more than 5m from terminals
Reclosers Arresters at HV bushings to take account of lower LIWV (where
Underground cable sheaths (33kV In addition to the primary insulation, protection of the outer cable
cables and above) jacket or oversheath may also be required. Sheath voltage limiters
(SVL’s) may be required to reduce transient and steady state voltages
to acceptable levels on the cable screen/sheath to prevent puncture of
the cable jacket/oversheath. In the absence of an insulation co-
ordination study specific to the cable, the following SVLs shall be
 33kV – 3kV
 66kV – 4.5kV
 110/132kV – 6.0kV

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There are no surge arrester requirements for the following equipment;
 Outdoor equipment such as instrument transformers, disconnectors and circuit breakers
should be adequately protected by the surge arresters installed on feeder line entry.
 Wave Traps. Phase-to-earth protection is not provided for this equipment since
flashover would occur at the support insulators. Furthermore, manufacturers provide a
protective device for low voltage components of the tuning pack.

5.1.3 Surge arrester earthing

To adequately protect substation equipment through the use of surge arresters, both the
equipment being protected and surge arresters shall be connected to the substation earth grid.
Arrester footing resistance also has an impact on travelling waves from surges.

See (RED 364) Sect 3.3-3.6 and (STNW3028) for more information.

5.1.4 Surge arrester separation distance

The shorter the distance between the surge arrester and the equipment to be protected, the better
is the protection against overvoltages.

5.1.5 Safety factor

The following safety factors (Ks) should be used as a minimum when using protective devices,
such as metal-oxide surge arresters (IEC 60071.2, 2014).
 Internal insulation: Ks = 1,15
 External insulation: Ks = 1,05

5.1.6 Additional considerations

Other considerations for substation insulation co-ordination include:
1. Pole footing impedance
2. Reducing wavefront of incoming lightning surges
3. Lightning surges under surge arrester discharge current

5.1.7 Pole footing impedance

Reducing the footing resistance of the overhead earth wire on towers or poles adjacent to the
substation will lessen the incidence, steepness and magnitude of lightning surges entering the
substation. See Section 8.5.2 of Standard for Sub-transmission Overhead Line Design
(STNW3355) for more information.

5.1.8 Reducing lightning surges

The magnitude and wavefront rise time of any lightning surge entering a substation from a
connecting feeder can be reduced by;
 Increasing the lightning shielded zone of feeders out from the substation.
 A lower surge impedance for HV underground cable reduces the impulse voltage
transmitted into the substation, even for short lengths of cable. Transitions between
overhead and underground cable will include a set of surge arresters as well.

5.1.9 Insulator design for overhead lines

Outage rates for overhead lines can be reduced by increasing the number of insulator discs. This
also reduces back flashovers from strikes to the overhead earth wire. However, it also allows
higher-magnitude strikes to phase conductors to pass into the substation, which can adversely
affect insulation co-ordination.

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An additional disc is required at the where the overhead line landing span terminates at the
substation landing structure.

6 Insulation co-ordination

6.1 General
Insulation co-ordination within substations is required to achieve acceptable service reliability by
minimising the risk of insulation failure to major plant and equipment. This is achieved by a
combination of the following:

 Determination of voltage stresses

 Minimum insulation levels for substation equipment
 Limitation of voltage stresses, through the use of protective devices, shield wires and
improved earthing.
A new or review of an existing insulation co-ordination study is NOT required if;

 Surge arresters are installed at locations in accordance with Table 5-1 - Surge arrester
 The selection of surge arresters and selection of pollution level has been in accordance
with Selection of Surge Arresters (STNW3033). The response to power frequency of
external insulation of equipment becomes important when contamination is present.
The external insulation must be designed for contamination severity.
 Equipment LIWV values are selected in accordance with Table 4-1 - Substation
equipment insulation ratings.
 Substation sites are protected from direct lightning strikes by adequate shielding in
accordance with Substation Direct Lightning Strike Shielding Standard (STNW3032).
 Sites meet minimum overhead earth wire shielding distance of the overhead lines
entering or leaving major substations and associated feeder structure footing
resistances according to section 8.5.5 of Standard for Sub-transmission Overhead Line
Design (STNW3355).
 Equipment clearances shall maintain electrical safety and maintenance requirements.
The minimum air clearance requirements shall be as per the Clearances in Air Standard
(RED 1909 STNW3013).

6.2 Insulation co-ordination objectives

The objective of insulation co-ordination study is to minimise the risk of equipment failure and
outages due to overvoltages as far as reasonably practical. This can be achieved by:

Defining the rated insulation level of the equipment. Lightning impulse and short duration power
frequency withstand voltage for the range I voltages (Um up to 245 kV) is required (IEC 60071.1).

Switching studies may be required at lower voltages in special applications (e.g. non-standard
configurations) using the methods outlined in the Insulation Co-ordination Application Guidelines
(IEC 60071.2) and/or simulation studies. PSCAD / EMTP software shall be used where computer
modelling is required.

Substation sites should be protected from direct lightning strikes by adequate shielding in
accordance with Substation Direct Lightning Strike Shielding Standard (STNW3032).

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Equipment clearances shall maintain electrical safety and maintenance requirements as per the
Clearances in Air standard (RED 1909 STNW3013).

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6.3 Procedure for insulation co-ordination
The procedure for insulation co-ordination consists of the selection of the highest voltage for the
equipment together with a corresponding set of standard rated withstand voltages which
characterise the insulation of the equipment needed for the application.

The general procedure can be summarised by the following steps for insulation co-ordination:

Figure 6-1 Insulation Co-ordination Procedure (IEC 60071.1, 2019)

The requirements for equipment insulation are already predetermined via a set of withstand
voltages, as outlined in clause 4.1The process of insulation co-ordination is reduced to the
selection and suitable placement of adequate overvoltage protective devices to limit voltage
stresses on equipment insulation.

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6.3.1 Design data and parameters
The following items are design inputs for a substation insulation co-ordination study and design;

 Substation single line diagram

 Substation equipment insulation withstand levels
 System voltages, system impedance, system earthing, and pollution levels
 Characteristics of protective devices such as surge arresters
 Incoming/outgoing feeder configuration, e.g. underground or overhead feeder, overhead
earth wire /cable sheath configuration details

6.3.2 Design considerations

The following overvoltages should be considered;

 Continuous and temporary over-voltages

 Slow front and
 Fast front over-voltages
The study should consider all operational scenarios that may cause system overvoltage including
capacitor and reactor switching.

The detailed procedure for the calculation of overvoltages in 6.3.2 is outlined in Annex G of the
Insulation Co-ordination Application Guidelines (IEC 60071.2). The Computational Guide to
Insulation Co-Ordination and Modelling of Electric Networks (IEC 60071-4) gives examples of the
insulation co-ordination procedure if using PSCAD / EMTP.

6.3.3 Design outputs

The following items are the design outputs to be produced to identify the major substation
insulation co-ordination design and installation requirements and is to include, but not limited to,
the following:

 Determination of locations and details of overvoltage protective devices shown on

substation design drawings; (updated SLD if modification have been made)
 Calculations to determine surge arrester ratings and evaluation of protective ratios and
margins (separation distances) using (STNW3033) Selection of Surge Arresters
 Completed checklist for Insulation Co-ordination Report in 0

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Annex A
Types of overvoltages

A.1. Continuous power-frequency voltages

The continuous power-frequency withstand voltage of the insulation can be defined as the highest
equipment voltage, Um.

A.2. Temporary overvoltage

Temporary overvoltages can be defined by an amplitude-duration characteristic. The four main

types of temporary overvoltages are:

 Fault overvoltages
 Load rejection overvoltages
 Transformer energisation overvoltages
 Longitudinal overvoltage during synchronisation

A.3. Fault overvoltage

Earth faults produce temporary power-frequency phase-earth overvoltages on the healthy phases.
The temporary overvoltage between phases or across longitudinal insulation normally does not

The amplitude of the temporary overvoltages depends on system earthing. In effectively earthed
systems, the TOV is about 1.3 p.u. and the duration, considering backup protection, is generally <
1 s.

In impedance earthed systems, the TOV is about 1.73 p.u. or greater the duration is generally less
than 10 s with earth fault clearing or undefined in systems without fault clearing. The amplitude of
fault overvoltages depends on the earth fault factor of the system. Calculation of earth fault factor
is given in (STNW3033) Selection of Surge Arresters.

A.4. Load rejection overvoltages

Temporary overvoltages caused by load rejection are a function of the load rejected, system
topology after rejection and the characteristics of the sources. In a system with relatively short lines
for full load rejection, the temporary overvoltage is < 1.2 p.u. and the duration of the overvoltage
may be up to several minutes.

In a system with long lines, the temporary overvoltage may be 1.5 p.u. or more, the duration of the
overvoltage may be in the order of a few seconds.

Resonance and ferroresonance should also be considered as part of load rejection overvoltages.
Temporary overvoltages arise from the interaction between capacitive elements (lines, cables,
capacitors) and inductive elements having non-linear magnetising characteristics (transformers,
shunt reactors). These types of overvoltages can have a magnitude of 3.0 p.u. and last until the
condition is cleared.

A.5. Transformer energisation overvoltages

The temporary overvoltages resulting from transformer energisation typically have a magnitude in
the range of 1.5 to 2.0 p.u. and may last for seconds.

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A.6. Longitudinal overvoltage during synchronisation

Longitudinal overvoltages may occur during synchronisation of generators to the network, due to
phase opposition. (Martinez-Velasco & Molina, 2015) The magnitude of the overvoltage is 2 p.u.
and may last from a few seconds to several minutes.

A.7. Slow front overvoltage

Slow-front overvoltages (SFO) typically have a duration of tens to thousands of microseconds and
tail durations in the same order of magnitude, with an oscillatory nature. The representative voltage
shape of the SFO is the standard switching impulse, 250/2500 µs, as seen in Figure 4-1.

SFO generally arise from:

 Line energisation and re-energisation

 Faults and fault clearing
 Switching of capacitive or inductive current
 Load rejection
 Distance lightning strikes to conductors and overhead lines

A.8. Line energisation and re-energisation overvoltages

In the earlier defined ranges for Um, in range I switching overvoltages generally do not constitute a
serious problem and therefore insulation co-ordination is primarily based upon the lightning
overvoltage in overhead line systems.

In range II, however, overvoltages due to closing and re-closing of single-phase or three-phase are
of great importance in the selection of system insulation.

Line switching overvoltages may be reduced through the use of the following:

 Pre-insertion of resistors on the circuit breakers

 Controlled closing of the breaker
 Surge arresters
The typical phase-to-earth switching overvoltages at the end of a line have a magnitude of 2.8 to
3.0 p.u. when pre-insertion of resistors on the circuit breakers are not used. Where surge arresters
are used at the end of the line the overvoltage is limited to the surge arrester SPL, typically 70% of
the typical overvoltage magnitude.

Phase-to-phase switching overvoltages are typically 1.55 times the phase-to-earth switching
overvoltages. The use of surge arresters will limit the overvoltage to approximately twice the SPL
of the arrester.

Longitudinal switching overvoltages, in synchronised systems, have the same polarity as the
operating voltage. Thus, longitudinal insulation is exposed to a lower overvoltage than the phase-to
earth overvoltages. In non-synchronous systems longitudinal insulation can be subject to opposing
polarities at each end, with different overvoltage levels. One terminal will be subject to energisation
overvoltages while the other terminal is subject to the peak of the operating voltage, with each
terminal having opposite polarities (IEEE 1313.2, R2005).

A.9. Fault and fault clearing overvoltages

Within the previously defined ranges in clause 4.1, range I and sometimes range II, high switching
overvoltages can arise at the initiation of an earth fault or load rejection. Conservative estimates of
maximum levels are:

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 Fault initiation maximum is equal to (2k-1) p.u.
 Fault clearing maximum is equal to 2.0 p.u.
Where k is the earth fault factor of the system.

A.10. Switching of capacitive or inductive current overvoltages

Where switching is concerned, the following operations should be considered:

 Interruption of motor starting current

 Interruption of transformer or reactor magnetising current
 Switching arc furnace and their transformers
 Switching of unloaded cables and capacitor banks
 Interruption of currents by high voltage fuses
In range I defined in clause 4.1, the switching of inductive or capacitive current can give rise to
overvoltages, which may require attention, however, are generally not of great concern.

In range II, overvoltages due to restrikes or re-ignitions of the arc of a switching device during
interruption of capacitive current such as unload of lines, cables or capacitor banks can produce
extremely high overvoltages.

The energisation of capacitor banks produces overvoltages at the capacitor location, line
terminations, transformer & remote capacitor banks and at the cables.

The phase-to-earth energisation transient at the switched capacitor location should be less than
2.0 p.u. while phase-to-phase should be less than 3.0 p.u. (Martinez-Velasco & Molina)

The phase-to-phase transient at the line terminations can be 4.0 p.u. or in some cases higher due
to travelling wave reflection.

The higher phase-to-phase overvoltages are mostly associated with floating capacitor banks.

The chopping of inductive current produces high overvoltages due to the transformation of
magnetic energy to capacitive energy and should therefore also be considered.

A.11. Slow-front lightning overvoltage

Slow-front lightning OV originate from lightning strike to a phase conductor of long lines (>100 km)
when the lightning current is sufficiently small to cause flashover and sufficient distance from the
considered location. As the time to half-value rarely exceeds 200 μ and amplitude is not critical for
the insulation, slow-front lightning OV, therefore, are usually neglected.

A.12. Fast front overvoltage

Fast Front Overvoltages (FFO) have time to crest/peak typically within the range of 0.1 to 20 µs.
The standard voltage shape of the FFO is shown in Figure 4-1. This is represented as the standard
lightning impulse 1.2/50 µs.

FFOs as a result of the following:

 Shielding failure
 Backflash
 Induced voltage
 Switching

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A.13. Shielding failure

Shielding failure is usually as a result of lightning strikes to the phase conductors. For shielding
failures, the voltage on the struck phase is random.

A.14. Backflash

Backflash is due to lightning strikes to the line shielding system, such as an overhead earth wire
which flashes over to the phase conductors. The incoming surges caused by the backflash are
more severe than those caused by shielding failures.

Backflash usually occurs on a phase with power frequency voltage that is opposite in polarity to the
surge voltage. The maximum longitudinal overvoltage is the difference between the lightning
overvoltage on one terminal and the power frequency voltage of the opposite polarity on the other
terminal of the switching device.

A.15. Induced voltage

Voltages are induced in overhead lines when lightning strikes to ground are in close proximity to a
line, thus inducing an overvoltage in the phase conductors. For strikes close to the substations,
lightning overvoltages between phases have approximately the same magnitude as those for

A.16. Lightning type overvoltages due to switching

Lightning type overvoltages, caused by switching, are a result of the connection or disconnection of
nearby equipment. This produces voltage surges with similar wave shapes of shorter duration to
the standard lightning surge, as seen in Figure 4-1. Generally, these short duration and fast-rising
surges are oscillatory. Therefore, the insulation strength for this wave shape is closer to that of the
standard lightning impulse than that of the standard switching impulse.

Maximum values of these overvoltages are approximately:

 2.0 p.u. for switching without restrike

 3.0 p.u. for switching with restrike

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Annex B
Insulation co-ordination checklist – example

This Standard identifies the minimum insulation co-ordination requirements for the design and
construction of major substations.

Item Description Completed/Actioned

Insulation Co-ordination

Major substation lightning protection designed to the acceptable shielding

1. Yes/No/NA
level (STNW3032, 2007)

2. Down conductors and earthing requirements met (STNW3028, 2011) Yes/No/NA

3. Equipment minimum insulation level requirements are met as per Table 4-1 Yes/No/NA

4. Electrical clearance requirements are met (RED 1909 STNW3013, 2018) Yes/No/NA

Insulator pollution minimum creepage requirements are met (Pollution Class

5. Yes/No/NA

6. Surge arrester selection minimum requirements are met (STNW3033, 2008) Yes/No/NA

7. Surge arrester connection requirements are met Yes/No/NA

8. Surge arrester location requirements are met as per Table 5-1 Yes/No/NA

Overhead earth wire requirements for incoming overhead lines are met
9. Yes/No/NA
(STNW3355, 2018)

If answered NO to any question 1-9:

10. Insulation co-ordination design inputs are documented Yes/No/NA

Insulation co-ordination designed complies with IEC 60071 all applicable

11. Yes/No/NA
Switching studies be required at lower voltages for special applications (e.g.
12. Yes/No/NA
non-standard configuration).

13. Insulation co-ordination design outputs are documented Yes/No/NA

Where a detailed insulation co-ordination study is required, it is recommended that the insulation
co-ordination report be structured as per the following:

 Input data and methodology

o Discusses the input data used, the methodology adopted and the development of
the PSCAD/EMTP model (if applicable) and for the studies.

 Results and discussion

o Discuss the results from the fast front lightning studies. Could also include lightning
incidence probability and stroke magnitude calculations in this section.

 Conclusions and recommendations

o Summarise the case studies, draws conclusions and presents the main
recommendations arising from the studies.

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Annex C
Historical overview of standards

These standards have been revised, redesignated and withdrawn over the years to align with
international standards. This Annex has been added to detail these changes.

Australian Standards

(AS 2067, 2016) Calls upon (AS 1824.1, 1995) (AS 1824.2, 1985).

Note AS1824, Parts 1 and 2 have been withdrawn due to age.

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Annex D

Revision history

Revision Version Author Description of change/revision

date number

01/01/2020 1 Tara-lee Revised to incorporate IEC 60071-1:2019 due to

MacArthur Australian Standards being withdrawn.

Clause 5.1 IEEE and AS ranges for equipment and

insulation level removed

Table 5-3 Surge arrester locations added

Determination of creepage distance removed as this

section is covered in other standards and specifications.

Clause 6.3 General procedure for insulation co-ordination

revised to IEC 60071-2

Update to the documentation required and checklist for

procedure included in Annex B.

June 2023 2 John Lansley Update format ECM audit. Moved legislation to Section 2.

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