03 Ppe
03 Ppe
03 Ppe
• Perform hand hygiene for at least 20 seconds with alcohol hand rub or
soap and water. Ensure hands are completely dry before donning gloves.
• Touch only a restricted surface of the glove (at the top edge of the cuff)
and create an opening.
• Insert five fingers into the opening and gently pull the cuff over the wrist.
• Take the second glove with the bare hand and touch only a restricted glove
surface corresponding to the wrist.
• Pull glove cuff towards wrist to cover as much skin as possible and secure
• Grasp the outer edge of the glove near the wrist with the opposite gloved
hand. Ensure skin of forearm does not touch the outer glove surface.
• Peel the glove away, turning it inside out.
• Hold the glove in the other gloved hand
• Remove the second glove by inserting two ungloved fingers under the
glove cuff and peel off the glove.
• Remove gloves by rolling it down the hand and turning it into a bag
containing both gloves. Discard gloves safely according to your facility’s
• Perform hand hygiene for at least 20 seconds with alcohol hand rub or
washing with soap and water.
• Medical gloves are recommended to be worn for two main
1. To reduce the risk of contamination of health-care workers hands
with blood and other body fluids.
2. To reduce the risk of germ dissemination to the environment and of
transmission from the health-care worker to the patient and vice
versa, as well as from one patient to another.