PG DataCenters NetZero

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Are we on the way to climate-neutral data centers?
Experts from Rolls-Royce Power Systems provide an outlook.

Where Friedrichshafen, Germany The data center market is booming worldwide. According to the
results of a study by the Borderstep Institute, the energy consumption
of data centers in the EU alone was 76.8 TWh in 2018. The estimates
show a 28% increase to 98.52 TWh by 2030. On the way to climate
neutrality, this electricity must also be generated green. What role
do diesel generators play in this? And the fuel cell? Energy experts
Tobias Bertler (Senior Manager Direct Sales & Business Development
APAC), Ryan Murphy (Sales Lead for Data Center Solutions in North
America) and Dario Schilling (Senior Manager Direct Sales for Mission
Critical Backup Solutions) from Rolls-Royce Power Systems provide
an outlook.
Germany Friedrichshafen

Posted on March 21, 2022 by Silke Rockenstein,
Images by Rolls-Royce Power Systems, Robert Hack.
How concerned about sustainability are data center operators when What can you say about the North American data center market?
it comes to back up power? Ryan Murphy: The North American data center market continues
Tobias Bertler: Data center operators are very interested in to grow exponentially, over 35% CAGR, and is expected to exceed
sustainable backup power solutions. This is partly because the entire $90 billion USD by 2027. This growth is led by the dominance of
data center market is dominated by the large technology companies, hyperscale data center customers through both their own
which are very much in the public eye and feel a social responsibility construction and record lease deals with colocation providers.
to reduce their carbon footprint. This has also moved data center There has been a lot of consolidation in the market as the players
emergency power systems into the fore. Although they have only a seem to get larger and more sophisticated. These customers are
few operating hours, gigantic capacities with a very high available not only demanding higher quality and reliability in their products,
power are being built for these mission-critical data centers. but also greener solutions moving forward such as HVO fuel, exhaust
aftertreatment, battery energy storage, and hydrogen.
Is there still a big demand for diesel gensets from data center
operators? How is the European data center market developing in terms of
Tobias Bertler: Definitely. Today every mission-critical data center has economic growth and sustainability?
backup power systems built into it that typically run on diesel fuel. Dario Schilling: Our European markets continue to see a dynamic
Rolls-Royce Power Systems delivered over the course of the years development in terms of double digit percentage growth and demand
approximately a total capacity of 5 GWe emergency power units into for new sustainable power solutions. The movement of increased
the global data center business. The exceptional situation caused by digitalization in our life and the amplified demand for data in
the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years showed once again how connection with the latest 5G technology, will continue to shape
important it is to ensure an uninterrupted power supply for sensitive the overall requirements for new Data Center capacities. Further
and critical infrastructures such as global continuous Internet traffic. governmental regulations and consideration for more sustainable
This was also demonstrated in our diesel emergency power systems power supply continue to influence the technology development in
business. We have also further expanded our range of power supply the short term of our robust diesel backup power solution and for a
systems for mission-critical applications with the acquisition of Kinolt long term shift to other possible solutions as our Gas Generators,
as a leading company for dynamic UPS systems. Diesel gensets Hydrogen fuel cells and smart small scale energy networks. The key
currently offer the highest safety and most coherent technical challenge for us is to satisfy both requirements for fast deployment of
characteristics for mission-critical energy systems. future Data Center capacity and as well working on the technology
shift towards more sustainable solutions.
How do you reduce emissions from your diesel generators?
Tobias Bertler: We have different ways of reducing emissions from What alternatives for backup power supply for data centers do you
diesel gensets: we continue to work on reducing exhaust emissions see on the way to climate neutrality?
through internal engine measures and we offer exhaust gas Tobias Bertler: We see it as important to expand renewable energies
aftertreatment systems. We provide different, flexible and project- and Power-to-X technologies, make alternative fuels available,
specific solutions for the very heterogeneous market, where there prepare combustion engines for alternative fuels, and develop
are different directives and legislation depending on the region. alternative energy and propulsion systems. We see great potential in
hydrogen as a fuel. The numerous initiatives by various countries to
further expand the infrastructure are also encouraging.

“Diesel gensets currently offer the

highest safety and most coherent
technical characteristics for
mission-critical energy systems.”

Tobias Bertler
Senior Manager Direct Sales & Business Development
APAC at Rolls-Royce Power Systems

Helping data centers towards Net Zero. 02

Which sustainable solutions will Rolls-Royce Power Systems bring In what ways can fuel cells be used for data centers?
to market? Ryan Murphy: Strong arguments for using and promoting the fuel cell
Ryan Murphy: Rolls-Royce Power Systems is taking concrete steps technology for data center are high reliability, scalability and the
towards climate-neutral solutions with its own sustainability program ability to reduce both pollutant and climate-damaging gas emissions
“Net Zero at Power Systems”. With this, Rolls-Royce’s Power Systems to zero. With their modular design, fuel cell systems are easily
business unit has set itself the target of saving 35 per cent of adaptable to match output with demand, and their low maintenance
greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 2019 using new requirements and low running costs also make them attractive.
technologies. This near-term target plays an important role in the The greatest plus point arises when the fuel used is regeneratively
Rolls-Royce Group’s ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 produced hydrogen because it allows both pollutant and climate-
at the latest. In addition to new technologies, a key element in damaging gas emissions to be reduced to zero. Fuel cell systems
achieving these targets is the release of key mtu combustion engine can also be easily integrated at a later date and grow with it when a
products to run on sustainable EN 15940 fuels such as e-diesel data center expands. This makes fuel cell systems a long-term and
and second-generation biofuels as early as 2023. We are further future-proof investment.
developing our mtu gas engine portfolio for power generation Fuel cells can play a central role for CO₂-free data centers (see
and cogeneration to run on hydrogen as a fuel and thus enable a graphic). In the future, the basic power requirements of a data center
climate-neutral energy supply. Already today, gensets powered by could be covered by solar and wind power plants instead of from the
mtu Series 500 and Series 4000 gas engines can be operated with public power grid, as has been the case to date. If sufficient “green”
a gas blending of 10 percent hydrogen. Still in the course of 2022 electricity is available, hydrogen can be produced from water by
operation with a hydrogen content of 25 percent will be possible. electrolysis and stored on site. In addition, the hydrogen demand can
After intensive tests on test benches and pilot installations at be covered by a supply network that will be available in the future
customers in 2022, Rolls-Royce will continuously market new and used to operate the fuel cell: It would immediately take over the
mtu Series 500 and Series 4000 gas engines beginning in 2023 for supply of the data center to maintain the infrastructure in the event
use with up to 100 percent hydrogen, and on a design to order basis of a power failure.
conversion kits to allow already installed gas engines in the field to
run on 100% hydrogen.
Rolls-Royce is to develop complete mtu hydrogen fuel cell solutions
based on cellcentric’s fuel cell modules that emit nothing other than
water vapour. This will enable C02-free, climate-neutral generation of
emergency power for data centers and many other mission critical
applications. We commissioned a fuel cell demonstrator in 2021 and
plan to bring a further demonstrator plant in the megawatt range
operative online in 2022. The first pilot plants with customers will be
installed in 2023, with Rolls-Royce launching standard production
fuel cell systems in 2025.

For a CO₂-neutral power supply

Rolls-Royce Power Systems plans to offer an integrated
complete emergency power solution from 2025.
This includes the fuel cell system, a UPS system, the
batteries and the hydrogen infrastructure.

Power supply with fuel cells

Rolls-Royce Power Systems is currently testing
sustainable and climate-friendly power supply
based on fuel cells at the headquarter in

Helping data centers towards Net Zero. 03

Is the use of synthetic fuels approved in accordance with EN 15940 Is it possible to connect emergency generators in data centers
for driving mtu generators? to the grid for control reserve and thus support the expansion of
Tobias Bertler: For the synthetic fuels according to EN 15940, we have renewable energies?
run extensive tests on the test bench and also in the field in recent Ryan Murphy: Absolutely! Emergency gensets offer excellent
years and released GtL and HVO already for our Series 4000 G03/04 conditions for feeding control reserve into the power grid and thus
powergen engines. The synthetic EN 15940 fuels GtL (Gas-to-Liquid) compensating for fluctuations in the grid (frequency and voltage)
and HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil), which are produced using the caused by the increased integration of renewable energies. The
Fischer-Tropsch process are very similar to diesel in terms of their gensets can thus play a significant role in supporting the energy
properties. They also offer some advantages, such as storage stability, transition (and integration of renewables). To this end, there are
which is much better compared to conventional diesel (especially various capacity markets in different countries in which to participate
with increased bio content). HVO is largely made from biological and create another source of income. For many years, Rolls-Royce
feedstocks and can be produced in a CO₂-neutral manner. Power Systems has had cooperative agreements with various national
and international companies that enable our gensets to be integrated
What about biodiesel – is it a viable fuel given the sporadic use of into the respective capacity markets.
gensets that are only used at back-up power?
Tobias Bertler: Biodiesel has a higher bio and water content and thus
has a poorer storage capability than regular diesel. Biodiesel is more
susceptible to aging due to microorganisms in the fuel and can even
tip over. This is referred to as the “diesel plague”, where a bio-sludge
forms in the fuel that can cause equipment malfunction and damage.
Since fuel is often stored for long periods in emergency power
systems, we view this fuel rather critically for this area. We consider
other alternative fuels, such as the synthetic EN 15940 and e-fuels, to
be more suitable for this purpose. Nevertheless, we have approved
an admixture of 7 % biodiesel, as is common today in fuels according
to EN590, without any further measures. For blending up to 20%
biodiesel, we recommend various accompanying measures such as
additives, a tank maintenance system or engine flushing.

Developing sustainable solutions to meet challenges in the drive to secure a sustainable future and meet our social responsibility.
and power generation sectors is the principle strategic objective As a leading supplier of power for safety-critical installations and
of Rolls-Royce’s Power Systems business unit with its products and integrated drives for marine, heavy off-road and rail applications, we
solutions brand mtu. Our environmentally and climate-friendly have been reliably partnering with our customers for over 110 years.
technologies make a major contribution to the energy revolution

Rolls-Royce Group

The Rolls-Royce name, Rolls-Royce badge and Rolls-Royce monogram logos are registered Trade Marks of Rolls-Royce plc

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