Roadmap On Hydrogen Standardisation
Roadmap On Hydrogen Standardisation
Roadmap On Hydrogen Standardisation
March 2023
Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1. Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 5
2. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 ECH2A WG on Standardisation – Tasks and expectations ............................................................ 8
3. Scope of the roadmap ................................................................................................................... 10
4. Standardisation.............................................................................................................................. 11
4.1 Aim of Standards ......................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Explanation of the European standardisation process and timelines ......................................... 11
4.3 Global standardisation activities ............................................................................................... 12
4.4 Hydrogen standardisation landscape .......................................................................................... 13
4.5 Activities related to hydrogen standardisation in other organisations ...................................... 14
4.6 Pre-normative research............................................................................................................... 15
4.7 Regulatory and standardisation framework................................................................................ 15
5. Methodology at the basis of the roadmap .................................................................................... 17
5.1 Identification of the standardisation topics ................................................................................ 17
5.2 State of development and timeline ............................................................................................. 18
6. Results of clustering, prioritisation and complementary needs ................................................... 18
6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 18
6.2 Cluster: Hydrogen production ..................................................................................................... 19
6.2.1 RCS Framework .................................................................................................................... 19
6.2.2 Technical needs and timeline ............................................................................................... 19
6.3 Cluster: Infrastructure – Transmission and Distribution T&D ..................................................... 20
6.3.1 RCS Framework .................................................................................................................... 20
6.3.2 Technical needs and timeline ............................................................................................... 22
6.4 Cluster: Industrial application ..................................................................................................... 23
6.4.1 RCS Framework .................................................................................................................... 23
6.4.2 Technical needs and timeline ............................................................................................... 25
6.5 Cluster: Mobility .......................................................................................................................... 26
6.5.1 RCS Framework .................................................................................................................... 26
6.6 Cluster: Energy – Sector integration including power generation sector ................................... 31
6.6.1 RCS Framework .................................................................................................................... 32
6.6.2 Technical needs and timeline ............................................................................................... 32
6.7 Cluster: Building – Residential application .................................................................................. 32
6.7.1 RCS Framework .................................................................................................................... 32
6.7.2 Technical needs and timeline ............................................................................................... 34
6.8 Cluster: Cross-cutting .................................................................................................................. 34
6.8.1 RCS Framework .................................................................................................................... 35
6.8.2 Technical needs and timeline ............................................................................................... 36
6.9 Prioritisation ................................................................................................................................ 37
6.10 Complementary needs .............................................................................................................. 38
7. Implementation ............................................................................................................................. 39
Annex I – ECH2A WG on Standardisation Members and Observers ..................................................... 43
Annex II – Identified standardisation topics from the ECH2A WG on Standardisation ........................ 45
Annex III – CEN-CENELEC, ISO-IEC Technical Committees .................................................................. 100
Annex IV – Activities related to hydrogen standardisation in other organizations ............................ 102
Annex V – More details on legal and technical framework for mobility modalities ........................... 106
Annex VI – Pre-normative research (PNR) activities in the Clean Hydrogen Partnership .................. 114
Annex VII – Pre-normative research (PNR) in the European Partnership on Metrology .................... 116
Annex VIII - Examples of hydrogen standardisation in ISO and IEC .................................................... 119
1. Executive Summary
The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (ECH2A) brings together industry, public authorities, civil
society and other stakeholders to support the large-scale deployment of clean hydrogen technologies
by 2030. ECH2A identified, soon after its launch, the need for a robust and harmonised standardisation
framework. That led to the creation of a dedicated Working Group (WG) on hydrogen standardisation
in February 2022. This WG on Standardisation was tasked with the development of a standardisation
roadmap and as a result it was able to:
• make a comprehensive analysis of ongoing hydrogen related standardisation activities;
• establish a comprehensive overview of standardisation gaps/priorities and needs along the
whole value chain;
• increase information exchange about and improve the awareness of, future and ongoing
standardisation activities;
• streamline standardisation ideas emanating from different initiatives;
• schedule topics in a timeline;
Common European and international hydrogen standards are key to the successful roll out of hydrogen
technologies and applications. Considering the complexity of the technologies as well as the time
needed to develop standards representing the ‘State of the Art’ (typically requiring a few years), a
development plan with priorities for such standards should be established and be initiated as soon as
It is essential that standards are developed in a timely fashion ensuring alignment with the
legal/regulatory framework and development of technologies.
In the roadmap, more than 400 topics are listed and are “clustered” along the segments of the
hydrogen value-chain.
A simple visualisation tool is proposed to quickly identify the state of play of standardisation activities.
Some segments are already well addressed (mentioned as “under development”) such as gas cylinders
and building-residential applications meaning that most of these standards should be in place soon.
Whereas a few other segments such as industry (commercial/industrial/process heat) and mobility
(aviation, maritime and heavy-duty and road vehicles) will require the development of new standards.
Finally, the prioritisation work allowed to identify issues for which pre-normative research activities
are needed; to name a few; safety aspects (e.g. material compatibility, leakage) or issues linked to
different energy carriers.
Beyond the identification of individual standardisation topics, the WG on Standardisation identified in
the roadmap a number of issues, namely complementary needs that are required to facilitate the
implementation. The most important ones are the following:
Finally, the WG on Standardisation issued a set of key actions which should pave the way for new
hydrogen standards to accelerate the roll out of large-scale hydrogen solutions.
Key action 1: Integration of the identified standardisation topics list into the standard-setting process
at EU level (CEN-CENELEC) and international level (ISO-IEC).
Key action 2: Prioritise, as a first step approach, topics that are not yet directly addressed in specific
standardisation committees; topics that need further technical understanding to allow for
identification of standardisation needs; topics that are horizontal and therefore relevant for different
segments of the hydrogen value chain.
Key action 3: Get broader stakeholder engagement in the standardisation process by sending experts
to the relevant standardisation committees.
Key action 4: Call on the European Commission to support the hydrogen standardisation process by
issuing standardisation request(s).
Key action 6: Strengthen the coordination of the overall process, including with relevant Horizon
Europe Partnerships.
This roadmap reflects the work of the Working Group on Standardisation on Hydrogen set-up in the context of
the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. The list of standardisation issues and priorities identified do not
necessarily represent the position of individual members of the Alliance.
2. Introduction
2.1 General
The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (ECH2A) supports the large-scale deployment of clean
hydrogen technologies by 2030 by bringing together renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production,
transport, storage, demand in industry, mobility and other sectors. It aims to promote investments
and stimulate the roll-out of clean hydrogen production and use.
Set up in July 2020, the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance is part of the EU’s efforts to ensure industrial
leadership and accelerate the decarbonization of industry in line with its climate change objectives. Its
members come from industry, public authorities, civil society and other stakeholders.
The creation of the ECH2A is one of the measures foreseen by the European Industrial Strategy and
the EU Hydrogen Strategy to support the emergence of a European hydrogen economy. The targets of
the Hydrogen Strategy have been more recently strengthened by FitFor551 and REPowerEU2, which,
among several other measures, attribute to renewable hydrogen an important role in diversifying gas
supplies and in reducing the dependence on fossil fuels, and the energy dependence from Russia. To
achieve these goals, REPowerEU proposes a Hydrogen Accelerator to double the previous EU target to
20 million tons of hydrogen production and imports by 2030 and to enable the development of a
hydrogen-compatible infrastructure.
This European policy framework for hydrogen aims at a massive deployment of hydrogen technologies
and systems in the EU in the coming years spanning the required manufacturing capacities, supply
chains and dedicated infrastructures. One of the enablers for this transformation of the industrial and
energy system is the availability of a robust and harmonised standardisation framework. Technical
work for this transformation has been ongoing for several years, producing European and international
standards which have facilitated the development of research and innovation and demonstration and
pilot projects. However, this standardisation process was not designed in view of the current projected
acceleration to large-scale deployment. The production, transport, storage and use of hydrogen ten or
hundred fold quantities greater than those available today calls for the adaptation and improvement
of the existing standardisation framework notably for industrial productions and usage. Regarding
specifically the safety dimension, it is also paramount to guarantee safe solutions to increase the
market and users’ confidence in the uptake of hydrogen technologies. Coherent and shared safety
principles and approaches need to be informed by new pre-normative research, to guarantee an
acceptable safety level in the presence of greater volumes of hydrogen being deployed across society
at large, and therefore affecting more directly the population.
In line with the new European standardisation strategy, this new fit-for-purpose standardisation
framework should be developed for and in Europe strengthening European leadership in the various
international standardisation bodies where standards and technical regulations are developed for
world-wide applications.
2030 climate target on the way to climate neutrality, Brussels 14.07.2021, COM/2021/550 final
REPowerEU Plan, Brussels, 18.05.2022, COM/2022/230 final
The wide breadth and complexity of the hydrogen value chain and rich diversity of hydrogen
applications imply a multitude of diverse standardisation needs. Standardisation already has started
for many segments. This needs to be brought into a comprehensive overview.
There is a clear need for better coordination and coherence of standardisation activities on hydrogen
and a more strategic approach to this issue in order to achieve the EU policy objective to deploy
hydrogen on a large scale in line with the Fitfor55, REPowerEU and industrial policy objectives.
The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance published a report3 back in October 2021, identifying the lack
of hydrogen standards as an important barrier to the roll out of hydrogen technologies and
applications. Consequently, it established a dedicated Working Group on hydrogen standardisation.
When joining the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, NGOs issued a declaration stating that they (i) agree to engage
and contribute to the deployment of renewable hydrogen in terms of supply, demand and distribution as this promotes
the rapid phase-out of the use and production of all fossil fuels in order to reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement.;
(ii) thus do not consider fossil fuel based hydrogen as a short- or long-term solution; and (iii) contribute to targeting
the use of renewable hydrogen specifically to those sectors and industrial processes which are hard to decarbonise
(steel, cement and basic chemicals, aviation, shipping and heavy good vehicles).
1. identify issues, gaps, challenges and priorities for the existing standardisation framework along
the entire value chain,
2. develop a roadmap.
It is not the goal of the WG to design or develop standards. This is the mandate of the European
standardisation bodies CEN, CENELEC, and/or of their international counterparts ISO or IEC.
The WG on Standardisation has been formed based via a call of expression of interest open to all
members of the ECH2A. It is composed of 44 members, most of which are experts involved in
standardisation committees at national, European and international levels who are very
knowledgeable on standardisation processes and projects. The WG on Standardisation has been
Report of the Alliance Roundtables on Barriers and Mitigation Measures, October 2021
An EU Strategy on Standardisation Setting global standards in support of a resilient, green and digital EU
single market, COM(2022) 31 final
complemented with representatives of CEN and CENELEC and representatives of National
Standardisation Bodies. The list of experts and observers is provided in Annex I.
Thanks to the involvement of CEN and CENELEC representatives it has been possible to also take into
Thus, the work of the WG on Standardisation also builds on the previous work done by CEN-CENELEC
(see in particular cross-references in the standardisation list Annex II).
The WG on Standardisation organised itself in six subgroups, composed of 8-12 members, reflecting
the structure of the Alliance and its roundtables. One additional subgroup was established to address
cross-cutting issues.
The roadmap has been written via continuous exchanges between all the members of the WG on
Standardisation. The ECH2A Roundtables provided additional input and commented on the draft list
of identified standardisation topics to ensure that the entire hydrogen value-chain is covered.
Figure 2 - Schematic representation of the process followed for the elaboration of the roadmap
3. Scope of the roadmap
This roadmap covers standardisation needs for the entire hydrogen value chain, from production,
distribution, transport and storage to end-use applications (Figure 3). It considers hydrogen as an
energy carrier available in the following forms:
• liquid hydrogen
• gaseous hydrogen
o pure (100% H2)
o hydrogen-natural gas (H2NG), H2 blends
• others:
• Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC)
• Liquid Inorganic Hydrogen Carrier (LIHC)
• ammonia (NH3)
• methanol (CH3OH)
• OxyHydrogen (HHO)
It was agreed at the start of the process that the roadmap would not discriminate between different
forms of hydrogen. Therefore, “clean hydrogen” means renewable and low-carbon hydrogen and is
simply referred to as hydrogen in this document. It is also not the intention of the roadmap to
discriminate between different hydrogen production pathways.
The roadmap represents the collective view of the members of the WG on Standardisation. It does not
represent the views of the European Commission nor its services that facilitate the work of the
European Clean Hydrogen Alliance.
4. Standardisation
4.1 Aim of Standards
A standard is a technical document designed to be used as a rule, guideline or definition. It is a
consensus-built, repeatable way of doing something. Standards are created by bringing together all
interested parties such as manufacturers, consumers and regulators of a particular material, product,
process or service who agree on common specifications and/or procedures that respond to the needs
of business, meet consumer expectations and guarantee acceptable levels of public safety. Standards
are part of the knowledge economy that underpins European industry and society. They facilitate
innovation and promote the adoption of new technologies. Standardisation bodies operate at national,
regional or international level.
The European Standardisation System is unique in the world and strictly respects the founding
principles defined by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the field of standardisation, namely
coherence, transparency, openness, consensus, voluntary application, independence from special
interests and efficiency.
Thanks to the work and involvement of an impressive number of experts nominated by CEN and
CENELEC Members, as well as experts representing societal stakeholders (consumer organisations,
environmental organisations, trade unions), SMEs and all relevant stakeholders (e.g. business and
industry associations, public authorities, trade associations , etc.), European standardisation
deliverables are market-driven and take into account the public interest as well as the concerns and
priorities of society at large. An essential required characteristic of a European Standard is that it
results from consensus of all parties participating in the drafting of standardisation deliverables.
Although technically anyone can propose work that will result in a European Standard, at CEN and
CENELEC the work is usually channeled by their members (the CEN National Standardisation Bodies
and the CENELEC National Committees). If enough CEN and/or CENELEC members are willing to be
involved in the development process, the work is then assigned to a CEN and/or CENELEC Technical
Committee (TC) in the field concerned. At the same time, ‘standstill’ is enforced on all national work
surrounding the same topic. Once the Technical Committee is established, mirror committees of
stakeholders at national level decide on the national contributions regarding the development of the
standard. In addition to the CEN and/or CENELEC members, Technical Committees also include a
number of observers, such as ISO/IEC members, the European Commission/EFTA, European partners
including Annex I organisations, external European industry associations and other affiliate bodies.
Indeed, only by including all relevant stakeholders can CEN and CENELEC deliver standards fit for
purpose: not only reflecting ‘State of the Art’ technical requirements but also take into account digital,
social/environmental/societal challenges.
Once the proposal for a standard has been evaluated and approved, the proposal goes on to the
drafting stage which is based on consensus-building. When the draft standard is finalised, it goes up to
public enquiry open to all interested parties. When the enquiry is over, the votes and comments on
the standard are evaluated and depending on the result, the draft standard is either published or
additionally worked upon and subsequently submitted to formal vote. This process lasts, on average
for 2,5 - 3 years (see details on the dedicated CEN and CENELEC webpages).
Once published, European Standards shall be implemented by the CEN and CENELEC Members, with
the obligation to withdraw any national standard that would conflict with the European Standard.
Hence, one European Standard becomes the national standard in all 34 Member countries of CEN and
CENELEC, ensuring a common level of quality, safety, security and sustainability. This guarantees that
a manufacturer has easier access to the market of all the member countries when applying European
Standards and this also applies whether the manufacturer is based in a member's territory or not.
Both organisations are working according to the same principles and similar procedures than CEN and
CENELEC. Through their members from approximately 170 countries, they bring together experts to
share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards
that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.
Examples of hydrogen standardisation by ISO and IEC are provided in Annex VIII.
The European standardisation bodies are part of a dynamic ecosystem, a global standardisation
community that is constantly evolving in response to the ever-changing needs of our societies, a fast-
moving global economy and the rapid rate of technological innovation. CEN and CENELEC have
dedicated agreements with the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), promoting the benefits of European Standards to
international trade and markets harmonisation. The high level of convergence between European and
international standards is facilitated by the ongoing technical cooperation between CEN and ISO
(Vienna Agreement) and between CENELEC and IEC (Frankfurt Agreement).
• framework for the optimal use of resources and expertise available for standardisation work;
• mechanism for information exchange between international and European Standardisation
Organisations (ESOs) to increase the transparency of ongoing work at international and
European levels.
In the frame of their long-standing technical cooperation agreements with ISO (Vienna Agreement)
and IEC (Frankfurt Agreement) CEN and CENELEC continuously encourage the alignment of European
Standards to international ones. This agreement facilitates the development of ISO and IEC standards
to support European legislative and policy needs and are valuable tools for the promotion,
dissemination and implementation of ISO and IEC Standards in Europe. These agreements avoid the
duplication of work and structures, thus allow expertise to be focused and used in an efficient way to
the benefit of international standardisation.
CEN and CENELEC are fully engaged in joining forces with all willing actors to look for international
solutions: CEN and CENELEC have a tradition of supporting the primacy of international standards by
ISO and IEC thus ensuring a global level playing field.
For some sectors, specific global entities are setting requirements that need to be mentioned even if
standards cannot refer to these due to their principally voluntary character. To name a few:
For Maritime IMO, the International Maritime Organisation, is the specialist United Nations agency
with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and
atmospheric pollution by ships. (see Annex V)
For Mobility, UNECE The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe plays a role. As a
multilateral platform, UNECE facilitates greater economic integration and cooperation among its
member countries and promotes sustainable development and economic prosperity. UNECE provides
so called Global Technical Regulations to facilitate international cooperation within and outside the
region. For example, GTR No 13 on Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles and GTR N 110 for CNG in vehicles.5
UNIDO, the United Nation Industrial Development Organization supports countries to industrialise in
ways that foster digital and green transitions and accelerate progress with the Sustainable
Development Goals. One of the main objectives is to support sustainable supply chains by setting
global environmental and social standards, alongside knowledge and technology transfer to improve
quality and add value.
Regulation No 110 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN/ECE) — Uniform
provisions concerning the approval of I. specific components of motor vehicles using compressed natural gas
(CNG) in their propulsion system; — II. vehicles with regard to the installation of specific components of an
approved type for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) in their propulsion system
Figure 5 – European and international standardisation landscape for hydrogen topics
Note: The titles of the named standardisation committees in Figure 5 are provided in Annex III. Further
details about certain international standardisation committees (e.g. ISO/TC 197 and IEC/TC 105) are
given in Annex VIII.
For example, since decades, the IEA dedicates specific attention to hydrogen and fuel cell topics in its
two Technical Collaboration Programmes (TCP): Hydrogen and Advanced Fuel Cells which run various
tasks dedicated to hydrogen safety and to other regulation, codes and standards (RCS) topics.
Annex IV provides information on the activities related to RCS (regulation, codes and standards) and
information regarding other organisations.
Many standardisation issues require aligned approaches at global level such as trade aspects
(definition of clean hydrogen and certification) and transport of hydrogen (maritime, etc.) that need
international interoperability and consensus. For this, there is a need to strengthen the cooperation
between inter-governmental bodies and standardisation bodies such as ISO and IEC, to identify early
enough in the process issues that would preferably be addressed at international level. For example,
hydrogen trade is a matter of governmental policies and international agreements and implies the
adoption of a common certification system for low-GHG emissions hydrogen.
Over the last years, several initiatives and instruments at the EU level have been focused on identifying
the needs for PNR activities on fuel cells and hydrogen technologies and addressing the needs for R&I
and coordination actions to support the development of RCS.
The following are the major European funding tools for PNR:
• the Clean Hydrogen Partnership (see Annex VI) and its precursor, the Fuel cells and Hydrogen
Joint Undertaking have played and will continue to play a major role in setting a PNR strategy
and funding PNR projects
• other European funding schemes of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme for research
complement the contribution of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership
• the Metrology partnership (EURAMET, see Annex VII)
• the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
Regarding the overarching EU climate and energy policies, the following non-exhaustive pieces of
legislation can be mentioned:
2021 establishing the framework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulations (EC) No
401/2009 and (EU) 2018/1999 (‘European Climate Law’)
• EU Hydrogen Strategy7
• FitFor55 package8
• Renewable Energy Directive9
• Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market package 10+11
• REPowerEU Plan and the Hydrogen Accelerator
• Directive for the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure of 201412, and the follow-up
Regulation proposal13
• Offshore Renewable Strategy14
Finally, the following are examples of more technical regulations making use of European
harmonised standards for their implementation:
climate-neutral Europe, COM(2020) 301 final, Brussels, 08.07.2020,
2030 climate target on the way to climate neutrality
2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources
for the internal markets in renewable and natural gases and in hydrogen, COM(2021) 803 final, 2021/0425
(COD), Brussels, 15.12.2021
for renewable and natural gases and for hydrogen, COM(2021) 804 final, 2021/0424 (COD), Brussels,
deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
alternative fuels infrastructure, and repealing Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council, COM(2021) 559 final, 2021/0223 (COD), Brussels, 14.07.2021
potential of offshore renewable energy for a climate neutral future , COM(2020) 741, Brussels, 19.11.2020 final
harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment and protective systems intended for
use in potentially explosive atmospheres
harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of pressure
appliances burning gaseous fuels and repealing Directive 2009/142/EC
Each section in Chapter 6 is dedicated to a specific hydrogen end-use application or supply-chain
element and provides a more complete list of the European Regulations to be considered for the
specific standardisation needs.
Finally, the general objectives of the EU standardisation regulation 1025/2012 and the new (2022)
European Standardisation strategy apply also to the hydrogen standardisation process.
The Forum underlines the importance of defining quality standards for hydrogen and supports the
Commission to mandate CEN and CENELEC to develop standards for the quality of hydrogen in the
hydrogen network and at end-users with the involvement of all relevant market participants.
The Forum stresses the importance of enabling the cost-efficient integration of renewable and low
carbon gases in the existing gas system. It is key to ensure that these gases have full access to wholesale
and retail markets, infrastructure and cross-border trade.
A list of approximately 400 standardisation topics were gathered. See Annex II.
In addition, a matching with the existing CEN-CENELEC draft work programme, elaborated in the
context of the potential hydrogen standardisation request and further identified topics by CEN -
CENELEC, was done in order to visualise which standardisation topic is already addressed by CEN-
CENELEC and which are additionally identified by the WG on Standardisation. This gives a
comprehensive picture of all topics and facilitates the overall implementation.
The number of mentioned topics reflects the wide scope and the diversity of standardisation topics.
This list represents a snapshot of standardisation knowledge of the involved parties at the time of
elaboration. Further topics will be identified over time.
The analysis of the identified topics has led to:
• a topic clustering and timelines based on the identified standardisation needs of the WG
subgroups (6.2 to 6.8),
• a prioritisation (6.9),
• the identification of complementary needs (6.10).
Based on the state of their standardisation the topics in the clusters were classified as (see 6.2 to 6.8.):
Clear milestones have to be defined by CEN, CENELEC, ISO or IEC in line with the prioritisation.
The matter has been organised around hydrogen applications and/or supply chain segments, here
called clusters:
• hydrogen production
• hydrogen infrastructure (transport, storage, delivery) - transmission and distribution (T&D)
• industrial applications
• mobility
• energy - sector integration including the power generation sector
• building - residential applications
• cross-cutting
In each of these clusters, the matter has been further grouped into ‘topics’. Each cluster section
provides a short introduction on the technologies/sectors involved, the reference to the specific
regulatory framework (RCS – regulations, codes and standards) and finally a list of technical needs and
their timeline.
The prioritisation was carried out from an over-arching view to identify horizontal topics and related
synergies and interdependencies for standardisation. Thus, it does not follow the cluster structure.
As standardisation is not a stand-alone action, complementary needs are identified that significantly
support the standardisation action.
6.2 Cluster: Hydrogen production
6.2.1 RCS Framework
The hydrogen value chain begins with the first stage: production. Here different technologies,
pathways' (water electrolysis, fossil or biological resources via SMR/ ATR, biomass, biomethane, and
waste) and input resources (power, water, fuels, electricity, waste, biomass, biomethane, others)
establish the energy vector hydrogen. Due to the anticipated international trade, hydrogen and its
carriers – as a significant pillar for decarbonisation and as a substitute for more polluting energy
sources – requires a global common standardisation system to avoid market fragmentation or barriers
to cross-border trade.
The production stage includes the purification and compression and possibly storage at the production
site. From the production stage other value chain steps are relevant and need to be considered as well,
such as hydrogen transportation, distribution, storage, transformation or end-uses.
The basis for this transition will be developed mainly via the FitFor55 package and the Hydrogen and
decarbonized gas market package but also with other regulations mentioned in section 4.7 above.
A series of legal, regulatory and standardised procedures and certifications are essential to enable
production facilities and equipment along the process and to ensure that the hydrogen produced
meets pre-established quality and emission requirements, including quantitative definitions of low-
carbon and renewable hydrogen, a robust methodology for and accounting rules for the GHG-emission
of the produced hydrogen (see cross-cutting aspects in section 6.8 below)
Standardisation framework
The European and international levels are the main sources of standardisation for hydrogen
production. For the further development of European standards, it is important that the potential draft
hydrogen standardisation request that has been in preparation between CEN and DG Energy is
updated and that additional requests be published as needed.
Depending on the regulatory frame that still needs to be completed, besides electrolysis, other low-
carbon production paths may exist, this might even include negative emission technologies.19 Along
with industry best practice, harmonised standards will be needed to ramp up production and ensure
technology leadership of European engineering technologies.
Electricity grid connections, Power to X technologies, as well as gas quality aspects are crucial parts to
standardise such as to facilitate hydrogen production. Taking into account material compatibility to
ensure safety, will also be needed and shall be developed from PNR activities to feed international
An interesting overview is given on: EU Policies | FCHObservatory
Pyrolysis - Potential and possible applications of a climate-friendly hydrogen production, DVGW
energie/wasser-praxis kompakt, October 2022 ( )
Figure 6: Cluster production – current status of standardization
Gas infrastructure conveys gases (e.g. natural gas and biomethane) to residential, commercial and
industrial end-users. It is technically possible to repurpose the existing natural gas infrastructure for
the storage and conveyance of hydrogen and its blends from the production to the end-use with a
limited extent of adaptations.
The existing infrastructure builds an essential and economic solution to convey hydrogen to the
applications, such as industry, using hydrogen as combustion fuel and/or feedstock. It facilitates the
transition from fossil natural gas to hydrogen and other low- and decarbonized gases and its blends.
Thus, the repurposing and possibly extension of the infrastructure builds a basic element of the take-
up of hydrogen market.
The repurposing of the infrastructure for hydrogen is a major contribution to the decarbonisation of
the energy system.
For gas infrastructure and its repurposing the legislation in section 4.7 above applies. The following are
of specific significance:
• A Gas Regulation proposal: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the
Council on the internal markets for renewable and natural gases and for hydrogen (recast)
COM/2021/804 final (revision of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009)
• Gas Network Codes for interoperability and data exchange (NC INT) – including gas quality
Standardisation framework
The European standards for on-shore gas infrastructure are mainly elaborated at CEN level, whilst the
standards for off-shore infrastructure are taken-over from international standards.
For the repurposing and extension of the existing infrastructure, an update of these European and
international standards is needed to include specific requirements on adaptation measures (choice of
material, sealings, safety aspects) and also assessment criteria to make the infrastructure fit for
purpose for hydrogen and to ensure its safety, operation and maintenance. This includes the provision
of appropriate hydrogen quality standards to ensure the safe conveyance and use of hydrogen and its
blends at end-use.
The revisions are well underway in the responsible CEN-CENELEC and ISO Technical Committees (e.g.
CEN/TC 234, CEN/TC 69, CEN/TC 235, CEN/TC 236, CEN/TC 237, CEN-CLC/JTC 6; ISO/TC 67 SC 2, CEN/TC
12, ISO/TC 197) for 100% of hydrogen and blends. Examples are the CEN/TS 17977 for hydrogen used
in repurposed natural gas systems and also the inclusion of hydrogen concentrations in the existing H-
gas quality standard EN 16726.
The standardisation work is coordinated by bilateral liaisons and also by exchange in the CEN Sector
Fora20 on Gas infrastructure and Gas utilization.
The following standardisation requests are driving the present European standardisation of gas
infrastructure and might need revision when the current draft legislation (see section 4.7 above) will
be adopted:
• M/017 Standardisation mandate to CEN in the field of equipment and installation for the
transmission and distribution of gas (Equ.& inst.-trans.& distr.-gas) EEC (PPD_93_38)
Procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and
telecommunications sectors
• M/71 Mandate to CEN for standardisation in the field of Pressure equipment (2014/68/EU
(PED_2014) - Pressure equipment (in revision)
• M/400 Gas quality - further standardisation request on H2 quality announced at Madrid Forum
• M/475 Mandate to CEN for standards for biomethane for use in transport and injection in
natural gas pipelines
• M/441 Measuring instruments for the development of an open architecture for utility meters
involving communication protocols enabling interoperability
A CEN or CEN-CENELEC Sector Forum builds an integral long-term interface amongst a number of Technical
Committees of a sector and relevant CEN partners. It deals with common problems, the monitoring of progress
of a work program and presenting CEN proposals for new fields of activities within the sector and across
sectors, as well as taking initiatives to avoid duplication of work.
• M/533 for alternative fuels infrastructure in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012
of the European Parliament and of the Council, to draft European standards
Further standardisation requests might be relevant for some specific aspects of infrastructure.
Furthermore, the coherence of the standards for infrastructure between the connection from
production to application would be much supported by a dedicated EC standardisation request to CEN-
CENELEC as it would give a comprehensive basis for coordination of all related standardisation
This should also be accounted for in the revision of the gas infrastructure standards needed to cover
the repurposing of existing and the building of new gas grids to ensure suitability of the existing
infrastructure or H2 and its blends with natural gas and biomethane.
Practically, new infrastructure for natural gas, currently in construction as a response to the energy
crisis, is built to be operated also with hydrogen at a later stage. These infrastructures are so-called
The extent and timeframe for revisions and new elaborations differ for each of the aspects and some
aspects also rely on further research results.
As an example - from the technical perspective – about 80% of the requirements in existing functional
system standards for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of gas infrastructure are
also applicable for hydrogen, e.g. depending on the component (e.g. transmission pipelines > 16 bar;
compressor stations). For other areas, research is on-going (see below).
The process for a potential EC standardisation request to CEN-CENELEC started already in 2016. A draft
document and possible first work programme is available. With the further development of the EC hydrogen
strategy, the Fit for 55 and RepowerEU initiatives and finally also with the ECHA work on a standardisation
roadmap, the process on the potential EC standardisation request has not been completed yet and will need a
new set-up.
The following aspects need specific attention for 100% H2 and blends:
• materials (steel, plastics, elastomers, sealings) and related effects (embrittlement, fracture
mechanics, permeation, leakages etc.)
• safety aspects of hydrogen/ explosion prevention and protection (ATEX, detection, odorization
• interoperability within the technical system, including injection
• gas quality
o hydrogen quality from repurposed grids
o hydrogen quality from different production technologies
o alignment of hydrogen quality standards between all stakeholders (all relevant CEN-
CENELEC/ISO-IEC TCs involving producers, pipeline operators, end-users, technology
providers such as LOHC.)
• volume in relation to energy content
• gas (underground) storage (CEN applied for an EISMEA project for PNR on the suitability of
steel casings and tubings)
• definition of hydrogen terminals/hydrogen infrastructure
o Standards needed for the handling of hydrogen and derivatives when using hydrogen
terminals and injecting into the hydrogen grid to avoid issues at interconnection points.
o The definition of hydrogen infrastructure in the “Hydrogen Package” and other
regulations/directives should secure technological neutrality for all technologies. Thus,
LOHC and other forms of carriers, to import hydrogen, should be able to access the
hydrogen system.
In the revision and drafting process, existing (industry) documents (ASME, EIGA), national standards
and/or codes of practice are used where technically appropriate (see repurposing above). Also this is
valid for findings from European (technical) associations, such as Marcogaz22 (infrastructure + gas
quality aspects, EASEE-gas23 (gas quality aspects), EU Prime Movers Group24 and others.
Examples of the first role are the production of renewable ammonia by using renewable hydrogen,
and the decarbonisation of the steel industry by using renewable or low-carbon hydrogen in
alternative ore reduction processes, replacing natural gas.
For the second role, renewable or low-carbon hydrogen can replace the hydrocarbon fuels used
traditionally in combustion aiming to produce heat or steam used in commercial and industrial
processes, or used as process heat for the production of e.g. glass.
MARCOGAZ – Hydrogen quality for blending with NG – Technical recommendations, published June 2022
EASSE gas – Hydrogen Quality Specification, published February 2022
Prime Movers Group (PMG) - Decarbonizing The Gas Value Chain, CHALLENGES, SOLUTIONS AND
RECOMMENDATIONS, published January 2022
In this section the two roles are considered separately in order to address their specific standardisation
The following high-level regulations and the cited in section 4.7 cover the valorisation of renewable
hydrogen and are supporting the development and implementation of technical measures for the
decarbonisation of industrial processes:
These Commission legislative proposals are still under trilogue discussions. They also depend on the
fixation of a methodology for the measure of the ‘carbon level’ of the hydrogen used (see section
cross-cutting topics).
For chemical processes, analytical and control equipment and possibly separation equipment (e.g.
membrane technology and/or pressure swing adsorption) will be required to keep the chemical
processes under a stable operation and possibly to use the hydrogen. An additional burden in global
competition is the cost of installing and operating this equipment. As separation processes always
require energy, the installation of equipment to keep the chemical value chain running is a matter of
debate in relation to other EU policies such as the EED and ETS, or financial aid.
The decarbonisation of the industrial heat sector is a challenge, due to the scarce availability of low-
carbon alternatives and therefore of high priority. There is a wide range of applications from
commercial heat applications through to industrial process heat applications which require high
amounts of energy and where hydrogen is seen as the alternative, renewable fuel for this subsector.
The basis for this transition will be developed together with the following regulations and those
mentioned in section 4.7. above:
the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from medium combustion plants
industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control)
machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 814/2013 of 2 August 2013 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for water heaters and hot
water storage tanks
Standardisation in the industrial heat sector is focused on the European level (e.g. CEN/TC 131, CEN/TC
186, CEN/TC 58) with the aim of fulfilling the essential requirements of the named European
For the further development of the European standards, it is important that the current draft
standardisation request on the Gas Appliances Regulation and the potential draft request on hydrogen
will be published as soon as possible.
Standardisation on the international level is done independently but with the aim of transferring as
many technical aspects as possible that are defined at European level to international standards.
According to industry, gas quality fluctuations caused by the use of hydrogen can be technically
managed, but there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution and individual assessments will be required as
applications and processes will be optimized for the typical (historical) natural gas quality at the exit.
For sensitive equipment and raw material processes a CEN proposal foresees the Wobbe index
variation limit of 3,7 MJ/m3 (at reference condition of 15°C/15°C). Solution complexity depends on the
specific application, installed equipment and expected hydrogen or by-product content. Installations
and industrial processes switching from natural gas to hydrogen may involve very high CAPEX which
need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
It is of high priority to update existing standards for the design and test of the application for the use
of H2 blends29 (e.g. materials, safety, performance, emissions, leakages, product testing, …) and 100%
H2 in the long-run. Therefore, it is important to define gas qualities in advance to adopt specific burner
designs. The hydrogen gas quality / impurities have a huge impact on e.g. the Wobbe Index and
therefore on the combustion process, efficiency and emissions. These potential influences need to be
evaluated and tested in pre-normative studies/lab tests.
Note: A joint Task Force of the CEN-CENELEC Sector Fora for Gas infrastructure, Gas utilization and
Energy management WG Hydrogen is investigating the hydrogen quality needs of industrial end-uses,
Blends up to 20 % H2 are currently basis of the considerations in the CEN Technical Committees, whilst some
stakeholder does not share the view on the use of hydrogen blends.
looking also into the impact of trace components and impurities and also into possible technical
mitigation solutions.
Additional technical adaptations like specific sensors or material aspects have also to be considered.
Specific field tests with various applications are needed in addition for the adopted burners.
In parallel it is important to update the existing European Standards for the use of 100% H2 and H2
blends to prepare the basis for certified burners. Therefore, harmonised test conditions need to be
defined and validated under lab conditions.
For the feedstock subsector it was only possible to identify a few topics in the timeframe of preparing
this roadmap. In order to develop a detailed work programme further work will be needed.
• road vehicles
• heavy-duty on and off-road vehicles
• railways
• maritime vessels
• aviation
• Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on
the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure - Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive
deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure, and repealing Directive 2014/94/EU of the
European Parliament and of the Council (AFIR).
• Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
• Regulations and standards are addressed by UNECE GTR (Global Technical Regulation). The
scope of phase two of the GTR 13 (Global Technical Regulation concerning hydrogen and fuel
cell vehicles) is dedicated to heavy duty vehicles (buses, long haul trucks).
• CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles
• CO2 emission performance standards for passenger cars and light duty vehicles
• Public procurement for clean vehicles
Annex V contains a more detailed overview of all the legal and regulatory framework of heavy-duty
vehicle related topics.
• Proposal for EU regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the use of
renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport and amending Directive 2009/16/EC
(FuelEU Maritime initiative)
• European Directive (EU) 2016/1629 laying down technical requirements for inland waterway
• Rhine Vessel Inspection Regulations on the Rhine and on the other waterways of the Union
Annex V contains a more detailed overview of all the legal and regulatory framework for maritime
related topics.
The general European regulatory framework for the authorization of rolling stock is based on the
Directive on the Interoperability of the Rail System within the EU 2016/797 and the Directive on
Railway Safety 2016/798. The use of hydrogen propulsion systems in the railway domain is managed
• The Rolling Stock - Locomotive and Passenger Technical Specification for Interoperability,
established in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Interoperability Directive and specifically its
Article 10 on innovative solutions,
• The Common Safety Methods, established in accordance with Article 6 of the Railway Safety
• Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on ensuring a level
playing field for sustainable air transport (ReFuelEU Aviation proposal)
• M/533 - Standardisation request addressed to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI in support of the
implementation of the Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels
• M/581 - Standardisation request to the European standardisation organisations as regards
communication exchange, electricity and hydrogen supply for road, maritime transport and
inland navigation in support of Directive 2014/94/EU and its planned revision under the
‘FitFor55 package.
European actors are leading international standardisation activities at CEN, CENELEC, ISO and IEC in
the relevant railway committees (CEN/TC 256, CLC/TC 9X, ISO/TC 269 and IEC/TC 9), with the aim to
provide a mature and proven in use input for future EU regulation. Regarding the on-board hydrogen
propulsion subsystem, work is proceeding at the ISO and IEC level through the IEC 63341 series:
All these documents are developed in active liaison/ cooperation between IEC/TC 9, IEC/TC 105 and
ISO/TC 197 and benefit from the strong involvement of European experts through CLC/TC 9X as this
project is a parallel development under Frankfurt Agreement.
Regarding the infrastructure subsystem, work is taking place within ISO/TC 269.
For the maritime sector, vessels are regulated by IMO – The International Maritime Organisation.
Further information on the contents and relations are given in Annex V.
For inland shipping the relevant standardisation body is not IMO but the European Committee for the
Development of Standards in the Field of Inland Navigation (CESNI). It was created in June 2015 by the
CCNR at the request of the European Commission. It brings together all the Member States of the
European Union as well as Switzerland, to draw up unified standards applicable both on the Rhine and
on the other waterways of the Union, in the field of technical prescriptions, professional qualifications
and information technology. Also, there is CEN/TC 15 in charge of inland navigation vessels.
In the framework of M/580, CEN/TC 268 is in charge of developing two standards for inland vessels:
• A European standard containing technical specifications with a unified solution for compressed
(gaseous) hydrogen refuelling points and bunkering for maritime and inland waterway
hydrogen-fuelled vessels
• A European standard containing technical specifications with a unified solution for liquefied
hydrogen refuelling points and bunkering for maritime and inland waterway hydrogen-fuelled
The standardisation work on this specific sector is just starting. Hydrogen for aviation decarbonisation
has recently been brought to the attention of International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO and one
of the challenges identified is to develop dedicated standards regarding hydrogen for aviation in
particular issues related to the safety framework (leakage, firefighting, safe handling of cryogenic H2,
…). Initial initiatives have been launched (see Annex V).
The following Figure 9 shows the main topics to be considered in the standardisation process on
mobility. Due to the complexity of the mobility segment the given topics are generic and further details
are given in the standardisation list (Annex II) and in the paragraphs below.
Figure 9: Cluster mobility – current status of standardisation
In the framework of M/533, CEN/TC 268 developed three standards for road vehicles:
Also, in the framework of the standardisation request M/581, CEN/TC 268 is entrusted with developing
two standards for heavy duty vehicles:
• A European standard containing technical specifications with a unified solution for hydrogen
refueling points dispensing compressed (gaseous) hydrogen for heavy duty vehicles
• A European standard containing technical specifications with a unified solution for hydrogen
refueling points dispensing liquefied hydrogen for heavy duty vehicles
The development of (international) standards for vehicle on-board hydrogen storage (350 bar, 500 bar,
700 bar, liquid, LOHC) and the safe integration of on-board H2 storage and hydrogen propulsion
systems and refueling infrastructure & processes will be necessary in road and rail transport to provide
the necessary framework. In the railway domain, the main challenge is to adapt the regulatory
framework for the authorization of rolling stock to trains with a hydrogen propulsion subsystem.
However, this requires a complete, mature and proven in use normative referential, which is now being
drafted (see above) and the adaptation of other relevant norms that did not consider this type of
propulsion technology (e.g Fire & Smoke).
It is only once this normative framework is fully available, that the sector will be able to propose the
relevant modification of the European regulatory framework for train authorization. It is expected that
a first set of complete norms should be available by 2025 and updated on the basis of project return
of experience by 2028. Prescriptive Regulatory changes before the availability of such a mature
normative framework would be counterproductive. Progress on the standardisation of hydrogen
refueling infrastructure for all mobility applications is also important to de-risk investments and reduce
costs. Standardisation of hydrogen refueling systems’ design and interface and of the building norms
for certifying HRS should be envisaged for a European widespread network to develop.
A secure regulatory underpinning for liquid carriers such as LOHC will also be vital to provide certainty
for hydrogen imports.
In the framework of the standardisation request M/580, CEN/TC 268 is entrusted with the
development of two standards for maritime (and inland) vessels:
• A European standard containing technical specifications with a unified solution for compressed
(gaseous) hydrogen refueling points and bunkering for maritime and inland waterway
hydrogen-fueled vessels
• A European standard containing technical specifications with a unified solution for liquefied
hydrogen refueling points and bunkering for maritime and inland waterway hydrogen-fueled
The following aspects need specific attention to enable a fast realisation of LOHC/fuel cell powertrains:
• Development of (international) standards for vessel on-board hydrogen storage (350 bar, 500
bar, 700 bar, liquid e.g. LOHC)
o Standards for new ship fuel types that will be required to achieve Fit for 55 goals are
needed. It is essential to start work on regulating for future zero-emission ships to
encourage first movers. The first on-ship fuel cell powertrains with an on-board liquid
organic hydrogen carrier release units are in development.
• Safe integration of on-board H2 storage and hydrogen propulsion systems
o Standards will be needed to provide a framework for the safe integration of on-board
H2 storage and propulsion systems where hydrogen or its derivatives (e.g. LOHC) are
used including on board hydrogen generation from hydrogen derivatives (e.g.
dehydrogenation of liquids such as LOHC).
• Integration of high-temperature applications in vessels
o Provide a framework for the integration of high-temperature applications (e.g.
dehydrogenation, high-temperature fuel cells and on-board fuel cell waste heat usage)
in inland and maritime vessels
• Refueling points and bunkering
o LOHC / liquid hydrogen derivative refueling points and bunkering for maritime and
inland waterway vessels – ISO 8217 “Petroleum Products – Fuel (class F)” applies to
• LOHC as an alternative fuel/fuel carrier
o The maritime on-board usage of LOHC as a hydrogen fuel carrier
• Safety issues for maritime transport, storage and use
o Guidelines for the use of hydrogen in its gaseous and liquid forms as well as its storage
in either of these or other forms (hydrides). LOHC needs to be added to ISO/TR
15916:2015 “Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems)
• Transport and storage:
o Lack of standards for marine bulk storage of hydrogen carriers (e.g. LOHC) covering
both existing and new terminals. This includes conversion services (liquefaction,
(de)hydrogenation, purification, etc.). Such standards will become increasingly
important to handle the envisaged future H2 imports.
o Standards are needed for the transport of renewable hydrogen via hydrogen carriers
(e.g. LOHC) for different transport pathways offshore, onshore and for inland hubs
(road, rail, shipping).
o Multi-modal transport will be needed to ensure optimal geographical coverage of
hydrogen supply.
Standardisation mapping will need to be further refined, as stakeholders from this segment did not
come forward to participate in the WG on Standardisation. From a legislative perspective it is
recommended, in conjunction with the standardisation mapping, to look into an AFI for aviation,
notably in the context of the future EU Regulation on Clean Aviation.
• the take-up and use of hydrogen in power and combined heat (CHP) and power generation
• flexibility of the grid.
It also addresses hydrogen storage and distribution of hydrogen networks as well as local grid and heat
distribution networks that reach out to local off-takers allowing for generating units to maximize their
efficiency and load factors.
Regarding power generation, existing turbines must be assessed on an individual basis as they have
been constructed to specific requirements agreed between operators and technology suppliers. For
the majority of engine power plants, only minor modifications will be necessary to allow for the use of
up to 25% by volume of H2 - depending on the base gas. In many cases it will be possible to upgrade
the plant for use with 100% by volume H2. Today's newly constructed power stations are usually
operated with natural gas but can be designed and built to be H2 ready. A paper providing a definition
for H2-ready engines was published by EUGINE in September 202130. Depending on the percentage of
hydrogen that the engine can handle three different "H2-Ready categories" are listed
Note: This cluster ‘sector integration’ is named ‘energy’ in the list with identified topics in Annex II.
Prime Movers Group (PMG) - Decarbonizing The Gas Value Chain, CHALLENGES, SOLUTIONS AND
RECOMMENDATIONS, published January 2022
6.6.1 RCS Framework
Legal and regulatory framework
Hydrogen brings many opportunities for the decarbonization of the energy sector as highlighted in the
Communication “Powering a climate-neutral economy: An EU Strategy for Energy System
Integration”31. This issue was brought forward in the FitFor55 package and the Hydrogen and
decarbonised gas market package.
The integration of the variable electricity generation sources expected in the short-medium term will
also require deployment of resources providing flexibility to the energy system. Together with energy
storage solutions, gas turbines (power generation) are also key assets for balancing the electricity
There is a policy need to better assess how (both as a fuel and a produced output) clean hydrogen shall
be introduced over time in power plants and CHP systems of differing forms based, for example on a
methodology in delivering the required decarbonised residual load.
Standardisation framework
The process of developing standards in this field is only starting. It requires much more research and
innovation activities.
Most standards still need to be developed and a lot of attention will have to be paid to safety aspects.
Together with the specific topics related to the energy conversion system, the overall concept of
energy infrastructure must also be considered.
For the sector integration, it was only possible to identify a few topics in the timeframe of preparing
this roadmap. In order to develop a detailed work programme further work will be needed.
Powering a climate-neutral economy: An EU Strategy for Energy System Integration, COM(2020) 299 final.
would require deep renovation to reduce CO2 emissions. It is of high priority to increase the renovation
rate (EU renovation wave) of the building stock but also to replace fossil fuels by renewable gases such
as hydrogen in addition to electrification.
The basis for this transition will be developed from the RSC defined in the FitFor55 package and the
Hydrogen and decarbonized gas market package. The following regulatory texts are of specific
There is an urgent need to develop and certify appliances (boilers, hybrids, thermally-driven heat
pumps, micro-CHP, etc.) which are able to run with alternative renewable gases such as hydrogen.
Standardisation framework
Standardisation in the residential heating sector is mainly carried out at the European level. Most
standards are harmonized with the Gas Appliances Directive.
• the draft standardisation request for Gas Appliance Regulation is finalised and published
• the potential standardisation request for hydrogen will be finalised and published.35
The process of updating the standards to make all heating appliances “100% vol. H2 ready”, enabling
them to cope with the various fluctuations in the methane/hydrogen mix, is well underway and is
expected to be fully completed by the end of this decade. In this area, several technical committees
are currently working on the necessary standardisation requirements for hydrogen. Meanwhile,
currently installed appliances cannot be re-certified or re-classified in general for hydrogen use due to
certification rules. As a result, a country-by-country / case-by-case approach is being applied, to ensure
that installed appliances are compatible when hydrogen blending is introduced into networks.
energy performance of buildings
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 813/2013 of 2 August 2013 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for space heaters and
combination heaters
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) No 812/2013 of 18 February 2013 supplementing Directive
2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the energy labelling of water
heaters, hot water storage tanks and packages of water heater and solar device
The process for a potential EC standardisation request to CEN-CENELEC started already in 2016. A draft
document and possible first work programme is available. With the further development of the EC hydrogen
strategy, the Fit for 55 and RepowerEU initiatives and finally also with the ECHA work on a standardisation
roadmap, the process on the potential EC standardisation request has not been completed yet and will need a
new set-up.
6.7.2 Technical needs and timeline
The relevant CEN Technical Committees are already elaborating and updating the relevant standards
for hydrogen use in buildings. The focus is on pure hydrogen and for a transition period for blending
with natural gas respectively biomethane.
It is of high priority to update existing standards for the design and testing of applications using 100%
hydrogen and H2 blends regarding e.g. materials, safety, performance, emissions, leakage, product
testing, etc.. Therefore, common test conditions have to be aligned with the relevant European
regulations. Additional experts have to be involved in the process and lab testing for the validation of
the standardised test conditions are needed especially for 100% H2.
Furthermore, it is important that all relevant technical standardisation committees dealing with
products and appliances used in buildings are involved to speed up this standardisation process.
As a basis for design developments, it is important to define and guarantee properly the gas quality
distributed in the pipelines locally/regionally and the related gas quality information communicated to
end-users (e.g. Wobbe Index). 36
Cross-cutting includes the topics that are relevant for different parts of the hydrogen value chain,
including global trade as a commodity. For the development of hydrogen trading in particular,
certification is an essential element of any transaction. Certification of hydrogen and its derivatives
would include information on compliance with standards and regulatory requirements and would be
verifiable against data on sustainability criteria such as environmental footprint and renewable energy
usage data. This would enable hydrogen and derivatives to be differentiated from other, more
polluting fuels and gases.
Prime Movers Group (PMG) - Decarbonizing The Gas Value Chain, CHALLENGES, SOLUTIONS AND
RECOMMENDATIONS, published January 2022
• energy/hydrogen carriers
• sustainability and origin of hydrogen, including Live-cycle-analysis (LCA) and Performance
Energy Factors (PEF)
• (voluntary) carbon credits
• approaches to guarantee public safety for new hydrogen applications and systems (safety
• metrology (see Annex VII)
• chains of custody: guarantees of origin, mass balance systems, book and claim systems
• training of personnel/education
In May 2022, the European Commission consulted on two proposed delegated acts clarifying EU rules
applicable to renewable hydrogen under the 2018 Renewable Energy Directive. The first proposal
covers renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBO) and sets the criteria for products that fall
under the ‘renewable hydrogen’ category.
The second proposal puts forward a detailed scheme to calculate the life-cycle emissions of renewable
hydrogen and recycled carbon fuels to meet the greenhouse gas emission reduction threshold set in
the Renewable Energy Directive. Both are still under trialogue discussions.
In addition to these two delegated acts, the Gas Directive – currently in revision – aims at defining low-
carbon hydrogen, gases and fuels based on life-cycle climate impacts. A delegated act will clarify EU
rules applicable to these energy carriers.
The 2018 Renewable Energy Directive called to expand the system of Guarantees of Origin to other
energy carriers, including hydrogen, while the proposal for revised Gas Directive refers to mass balance
systems as chain of custody systems for low-carbon hydrogen, gases and fuels.
Public safety
While industrial safety has been optimised along more than a century of hydrogen uses in chemical
and petrochemical processes, the development of a global hydrogen economy requires deployment of
hydrogen systems in areas of society where they have never been till now. This will probably imply the
movement of hydrogen quantity at many orders of magnitude higher than the level currently
The European regulatory framework already in place is able to cover, for example with the ATEX and
the PED directives and the related set of harmonised standards, the present needs. The work ongoing
at the international standardisation bodies ISO and IEC is also translating the general safety principles
and rules into hydrogen-specific requirements. However, the framework already in place must be
broadened and adapted to the new hydrogen applications. This effort must occur in parallel with the
improvements of general approaches and methodologies, in particular in the areas of risk assessment,
and mitigation, and risk-informed design.
6.8.2 Technical needs and timeline
Both, the domestic production and the import of hydrogen will be based on multiple modes and
The import of (renewable) hydrogen will play a role in the future. Hydrogen can be liquified or bound
to molecules that are easier to transport in liquid form (e.g. LOHC, HydroSil, KBH4,and others). To
enable the realisation of these options, it is important to establish standards for all viable modes of
transport. Furthermore, because of the need for a diversified hydrogen infrastructure, standards
should ensure coverage of all technologies.
Technical standards related to the quality, storage and handling of hydrogen carriers (e.g. LOHC,
HydroSil, KBH4, and others) will be needed to ensure reliable operation of plants and certainty along
the entire value chain.
It is crucial that sensing technologies provide reliable and comparable results when use to measure
and meter chemical and physical properties of hydrogen (such as quality and quantity, temperature
and pressure, etc.). To achieve this important need these technologies and systems have to be
calibrated with metrological references to ensure traceability and proper validation in documentary
Measurement solutions for quality assurance and assessment, leak detection, energy content, storage
or flow metering of hydrogen in gaseous or liquified form and in hydrogen carriers (e.g. LOHC), are not
metrologically validated and standardised yet and therefore cannot be widely adopted in the hydrogen
value chain.
Moreover, a new, standardised and harmonised methodology is needed to calculate the GHG footprint
of hydrogen systems along their entire value chain. In combination with a set of robust and hydrogen-
specific sustainability criteria, this methodology will allow for the assessment of the sustainability of
the hydrogen produced domestically or imported.
Credible systems to determine and certify the sustainability criteria of the produced and imported
hydrogen and derivates are paramount. In the supply chains, hydrogen and derivates from different
sources and technologies might be mixed. Yet, consumers willing to pay a premium for renewable
hydrogen must be given reliable information about the actual nature of the hydrogen or derivative
delivered, which requires the development of credible chain of custody systems, such as mass balance
systems or guarantees of origin.
Similarly, to PNR activities, there will be a need to ensure a communication channel between the work
of the WG on Standardisation, CEN-CENELEC and the Metrology Partnership
6.9 Prioritisation
To enable a functioning hydrogen market requires in the end that all systems, processes, equipment
and applications are ready to be operated with hydrogen. Prioritisation here means giving a specific
focus on aspects that need more intensive attention and action to facilitate either the initiation of
standardisation processes or to develop requested contents, without neglecting standardisation that
is already on a good track.
Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge that – due to the manifold parallel working technical
standardisation committees - several standardisation topics can be treated in parallel by the experts.
The list of identified standardisation topics (see Annex II) shows that in some parts of the value chain
topics are already well addressed and are advanced in the standardisation process; their publication
could be expected within the next two - three years. For other parts there are standardisation topics
that have been identified but not yet in process or that have not been allocated to CEN-CENELEC/ ISO-
IEC Technical Committees or for which information in the WG on Standardisation is not yet mature.
The analysis of the standardisation list showed that it is important to introduce a prioritisation of
standardisation activities in order to better coordinate/ streamline the standardisation activities.
Under this context the following three aspects should be treated under high priority:
Horizontal aspects:
Some topics are indicated by several WG subgroups (see Annex II). This emphasises their horizontal
relevance for different sectors.
Their processing should be given a higher priority due to the fact that other standardisation projects
depend on their finalisation. The following Table 1 summarizes these horizontal aspects and their
details. It is not considered exhaustive.
installation refueling
liquid hydrogen
gaseous hydrogen
other carriers
LIHC - Liquid Inorganic Hydrogen Carrier & HydroSil
energy / hydrogen carrier
KBH4 and other solid H2 carriers
metal hydride (e.g. iron pellets)
measurement (e.g. quality and volume)
metrology efficiency
Topic to be developed
Identified standardisation topics which were not able to be assigned to an existing project or
standardisation committee are highlighted in the standardisation list in Annex II and should also be
dealt with as a priority. Additional efforts are needed to get e.g. all the stakeholders involved and find
consensus on how the standardisation of these topics could commence as soon as possible.
Examples are standards for different hydrogen carriers such as Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers
(LOHC) or refueling stations. Here additional efforts are needed to identify and/or establish the
relevant standardisation committees, get experts involved within them and start the work on
standardisation as soon as possible.
Pre-normative research efforts were also highlighted in the standardisation list set out in Annex II as
needing to be given enhanced priority, since they build an important bridge between innovations and
early standardisation needs.
An example would be material compatibility studies to assess the impact of hydrogen on components
or piping.
Fortunately, in many areas these studies are already ongoing as set out in the roadmap’s summary of
ongoing pre-normative research projects.
For examples on pre-normative research partnerships, reference is made to Annexes VI and VII.
b) The publication of standardisation requests, which are mandates of the European Commission
(EC) to prepare specific standards:
The cooperation between EC and CEN-CENELEC needs to be further streamlined and speeded-
up to achieve a coherent set of standardisation requests for all parts of the hydrogen chain,
including the review of existing draft standardisation requests and the establishment of
additional requests.
Especially for the topics for which no standardisation committees exist or are active,
stakeholders (e.g. ECH2A members, European associations, consumer organisations) need to
pro-actively involve themselves in the standardisation bodies or CEN standardisation liaisons
or partners.
For some topics the standardisation committees are already active, nevertheless additional
expertise should support the efficiency of the standards’ drafting process.
The limited level of technical detail in this document shows that further input of stakeholder,
including members of the European Clean HYdrogen Alliance, is needed to come to the full
d) The need for an overall coordination of H2 standardisation activities focusing on the technical
needs of industry, coordination on pre-normative research (PNR) with Horizon Europe
Partnerships and the alignment with EC policies and legislation and the implementation
capacity of CEN-CENELEC:
With a view to the actual transition and technical dimension it is crucial to bring the needs,
knowledge and policies of all parties together to come efficiently to a coherent set of standards
at reasonable terms.
Aligned standards at global scale are supporting the global and economic ramp-up of hydrogen
technologies. From the European perspective, active involvement by European parties
including leadership in the European and international standardisation processes are crucial
to satisfy the EC policies and European industries’ expectations.
7. Implementation
For the ramp-up of the European hydrogen economy it is essential that standards are available for the
European stakeholders in time and that these standards are in line with the targets set by the European
decarbonisation agenda.
Figure 13 – Achievements of the WG on Standardisation
This roadmap gives a comprehensive overview on ongoing and missing standardisation topics along
the whole hydrogen value chain, sets priorities, puts the topics in a timeline and clusters the main
aspects of the specific hydrogen segments.
The list of collected standardisation topics (see Annex II) is not exhaustive. The topics mentioned
represent a snapshot of standardisation knowledge of the WG on Standardisation members and CEN-
CENELEC standardisation representatives at the time of elaboration; further topics will certainly be
identified over time.
Next to the standardisation topics additional complementary needs are highlighted in this roadmap,
which are essential for streamlining the standardisation process. An effective and time optimized
implementation of hydrogen standards is essential and can only be achieved:
As consequence of the investigations, the WG on Standardisation comes to the following key actions:
Key action 1: Integration of the standardisation topics list into the standard-setting process at EU
level (CEN-CENELEC) and international level (ISO-IEC)
The ECH2A roadmap should be integrated into the work programme of the relevant standardisation
bodies at CEN-CENELEC.
Whilst acknowledging the status of the national standardisation bodies (being members with voting
rights) and CEN and CENELEC (cooperation partners) towards ISO and IEC, an efficient communication
and information sharing procedure also needs to be established to enhance overall cooperation.
Key action 2: Prioritisation
To enable the hydrogen take-up, finally standards are necessary for the entire value chain.
Prioritisation, in a first step, needs to ensure that all topics are actively dealt with in standardisation.
Therefore, prioritisation here is targeted to streamline the standardisation activities.
The final schedule of implementation should be determined by CEN-CENELEC based on the upcoming
EC legislation and with help of the specific expertise in the dedicated technical committees depending
on the
It is acknowledged that many topics could be standardised in parallel due to committee structure in
A broader stakeholder engagement is essential for the development of standards. Therefore, the WG
on Standardisation requests the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance members and further stakeholders
to better commit and verify/ensure their representation and input of expertise into the
standardisation process. For SMEs and start-ups this task can be done via industrial associations.
Similarly, it is key that the European Commission, the European Standardisation Organisations and
their national members, the National Standardisation Bodies, effectively facilitate participation of
societal stakeholders (environmental, consumer and employee organisations) and SMEs in the drafting
of the relevant standardisation deliverables as indicated in the Standardisation Regulation 1025/2012
and EU Strategy on Standardisation.
This Roadmap can be used to inform stakeholders about the ongoing standardisation projects and
facilitate their exchange with the National Standardisation Bodies for involvement.
Key action 4: Call on the European Commission to support the hydrogen standardisation process
The WG on Standardisation calls on the European Commission to support the standardisation process
• reflecting these needs in the EC Annual Union Work Programme for European standardisation
• issuing one or more standardisation requests covering the whole supply and value chain;
• providing funding for standardisation, its coordination and especially pre-normative research
in the segments of the value chain that are at the beginning of the process but also in those
sectors for which standardisation is already ongoing;
• providing clarification together with CEN-CENELEC on harmonised terminologies in legal and
normative documents (e.g. low carbon hydrogen).
The European Commission should make best efforts to ensure that the necessary policy framework
and legal requirements are put in place for the standardisation deliverables to underpin their
The WG on Standardisation should continuously monitor and support the ongoing standardisation
process in order to:
• create awareness and transparency of the ongoing standardisation in the ECH2A Forum;
• identify further needs of pre-normative research and standardisation topics and
communicating to the standardisation bodies;
• motivate ECH2A members to actively participate (encouraging nominations via National
Standardisation Bodies) in technical standardisation committees;
• inform ECH2A members about the progress of standardisation;
• update the Standardisation Roadmap on a regular basis.
Key action 6: Strengthen the coordination of the overall process, including relevant Horizon Europe
The WG on Standardisation considers Partnerships as the most efficient way to realize pre-normative
research at European level. It strongly recommends to continue and possibly extend the cooperation
between the Partnerships, the European Commission and the standardisation bodies:
Annex I – ECH2A WG on Standardisation Members and Observers
JORDAN Jon North Sea H2 Ports and Maritime Community United Kingdom
RAVINEL Baptiste Cellcentric Germany
List of Observers
Annex II – Identified standardisation topics from the ECH2A WG on Standardisation
A list of approximately 400 standardisation topics were gathered by the members of the WG on Standardisation.
The number of mentioned topics reflects the wide scope and the diversity of standardisation topics. This list represents a snapshot of standardisation
knowledge of the involved parties at the time of elaboration. Further topics will be identified over time.
Table A2.1 – Standardisation topics identified by the WG on Standardisation and CEN-CENELEC
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT3 Industry combustion gas quality impact: x x EN 676 Forced draught burners for in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating quality aspects rate of change of Hydrogen content on gaseous fuels preparation ISO/TC
application side ISO 13577-2 Industrial furnaces and 244/WG 2,
associated processing equipment - Safety CEN/TC 186,
- Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling CEN/TC 57,
systems CEN/TC 269
RT3 Industry combustion air excess value is one of the main items and x EN 676 Forced draught burners for in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating quality aspects influence the flame properties gaseous fuels preparation ISO/TC 109,
ISO 13577-2 Industrial furnaces and ISO/TC
associated processing equipment - Safety 244/WG 2
- Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT3 Industry combustion flame temperatures x EN 676 Forced draught burners for in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating quality aspects gaseous fuels preparation ISO/TC
ISO 13577-2 Industrial furnaces and 244/WG 2
associated processing equipment - Safety
- Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling
RT3 Industry combustion flame radiation x EN 676 Forced draught burners for in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating quality aspects gaseous fuels preparation ISO/TC 109,
ISO 13577-2 Industrial furnaces and ISO/TC
associated processing equipment - Safety 244/WG 2
- Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling
RT3 Industry combustion measurement devices for the H2 content of x EN 676 Forced draught burners for in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating quality aspects the exhaust gas of 1,000 ppm, 2,000 ppm gaseous fuels preparation ISO/TC 109,
and 10,000 ppm ISO 13577-2 Industrial furnaces and ISO/TC
associated processing equipment - Safety 244/WG 2
- Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling
RT3 Industry combustion flame sensing in 100% H2 burners x EN 298 Automatic burner control systems in CEN/TC Y
heating quality aspects for burners and appliances burning preparation 58/WG 12,
gaseous or liquid fuels IEC/TC 72
RT3 Industry combustion oxygen level in gas x EN 676 Forced draught burners for in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating quality aspects gaseous fuels preparation ISO/TC 109,
ISO 13577-2 Industrial furnaces and ISO/TC
associated processing equipment - Safety 244/WG 2
- Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling
RT3 Industry combustion flash back x EN 676 Forced draught burners for in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating quality aspects gaseous fuels preparation ISO/TC 109,
ISO 13577-2 Industrial furnaces and ISO/TC
associated processing equipment - Safety 244/WG 2
- Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling
RT3 Industry combustion commissioning without adjustment of the x x EN 676 Forced draught burners for in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating quality aspects appliances without knowing the real-time gaseous fuels preparation ISO/TC 109,
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
gas quality distributed in blends with ISO 13577-2 Industrial furnaces and ISO/TC
hydrogen associated processing equipment - Safety 244/WG 2
- Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling
RT3 Industry combustion adaptive combustion controls x x EN 12067-2 Gas/air ratio controls for gas in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating quality aspects burners and gas burning appliances - Part preparation ISO/TC 109,
2: Electronic types ISO/TC
EN 676 Forced draught burners for 244/WG 2
gaseous fuels
ISO 13577-2 Industrial furnaces and
associated processing equipment - Safety
- Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling
RT3 Industry combustion adaptive combustion controls x x CEN/TR 17924 Safety and control devices in CEN/TC Y
heating quality aspects for burners and appliances burning preparation 58/WG 15
gaseous and/or liquid fuels - Guidance on
hydrogen specific aspects
EN 12067-2 Safety and control devices
for burners and appliances burning
gaseous or liquid fuels - Control functions
in electronic systems - Part 2: Fuel/air
ratio control / supervision of the
electronic type
RT3 Industry combustion sensor technology for flame detection x EN 298 Automatic burner control systems in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating quality aspects for burners and appliances burning preparation ISO/TC
gaseous or liquid fuels 244/WG 2,
EN 676 Forced draught burners for CEN/TC 58
gaseous fuels
ISO 13577-2 Industrial furnaces and
associated processing equipment - Safety
- Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling
RT3 Industry combustion flue gas sensors x EN 16340 Safety and control devices for in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating quality aspects burners and appliances burning gaseous preparation ISO/TC
or liquid fuels - Combustion product
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT6 Building combustion oxygen level in gas x CEN/TS 15502-3-3 and EN 16726 in CEN/TC partly
quality aspects preparation 109/WG 1,
234/WG 11
RT6 Building combustion flash back x CEN/TS 15502-3-3 and EN 437 in CEN/TC Y
quality aspects preparation 109/WG 1,
238/WG 1
RT6 Building combustion commissioning without adjustment of the x CEN/TS 15502-3-1 Gas-fired central in CEN/TC Y
quality aspects appliances without knowing the real-time heating boilers — Part 3-1 — H2NG and preparation 109/WG 1
gas quality distributed in blends with ACCF
RT6 Building combustion adaptive combustion controls x CEN/TS 15502-3-1 in CEN/TC Y
quality aspects preparation 109/WG 1
RT6 Building combustion adaptive combustion controls x x CEN/TR 17924 Safety and control devices in CEN/TC Y
quality aspects for burners and appliances burning preparation 58/WG 15
gaseous and/or liquid fuels - Guidance on
hydrogen specific aspects
EN 12067-2 Safety and control devices
for burners and appliances burning
gaseous or liquid fuels - Control functions
in electronic systems - Part 2: Fuel/air
ratio control / supervision of the
electronic type
RT2 T&D components/ x x EN 334 Gas pressure regulators for inlet to be CEN/TC 235 Y
equipment pressure regulators for the use with pressure up to 10 MPa (100 bar) identified
hydrogen and its blends with natural
RT3 Industry components/ installation of e.g. valves, pressure x x e.g. EN 331, EN 334, EN 13480 series, EN to be CEN/TC 236, Y
heating equipment regulators, pipeline in the buildings 15001 identified CEN/TC 235,
CEN/TC 234
RT5 Energy components/ combustion units x x to be identified to be to be N
equipment identified identified
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT2 T&D components/ steel pipe for pipeline transportation x x ISO 3183 Petroleum and natural gas to be CEN/TC 12 Y
CEN- equipment - systems industries — Steel pipe for pipeline identified
CENELEC pipes transportation systems - Annex M
RT2 T&D components/ pipes/material - plastic pipes x x EN 1555 series (polyethylene pipes, to be CEN/TC 155 Y
CEN- equipment - fittings and other assemblies) identified
RT1 components/ systems for hydrogen drying, separation, x several standards: Air compressors and in place ISO/TC N
Production equipment - compression and purification; compressed air systems 118/SC 6
purity product and functional standards for the
components and operation of these systems
RT2 T&D components/ safety shut-off devices x x EN 14382 Gas safety shut-off devices for to be CEN/TC 235, Y
equipment - inlet pressure up to 10 MPa (100 bar) identified CEN/TC 69
safety aspects
RT5 Energy components/ operation safety of compressors x x EN 1012-3 Compressors and vacuum to be CEN/TC 232 N
equipment - pumps - Safety requirements identified
safety aspects
RT2 T&D components performance requirements and tests for x x EN 14141 Valves for natural gas to be CEN/TC 69 Y
/equipment - valves for hydrogen/gas transportation in transportation in pipelines - Performance identified
valves pipelines requirements and tests
RT5 Energy components/ valves - power and heat generation x x EN 334 Gas pressure regulators for inlet to be CEN/TC 235 Y
equipment - pressures up to 10 MPa (100 bar) identified
RT5 Energy components/ valves - power and heat generation x x EN 12266-1 Industrial valves — to be CEN/TC 69 N
equipment - Testing of valves — Part 1: Pressure tests, identified
valves test procedures and acceptance criteria -
Mandatory requirements
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT2 T&D components/ equipment and devices installed in the gas x x EN 13942 Petroleum and natural gas to be CEN/TC 12 Y
CEN- equipment - chain - pipeline valves industries - Pipeline transportation identified
CENELEC valves systems - Pipeline valves (ISO 14313:2007
RT2 T&D components/ equipment and devices installed in the gas x x EN 13774 Valves for gas distribution to be CEN/TC 69 Y
CEN- equipment - chain - valves for MOP up to and including systems with maximum operating identified
CENELEC valves 16 bar pressure less than or equal to 16 bar -
Performance requirements -
RT5 Energy components/ sealing x x to be identified to be to be N
equipment - identified identified
RT7 Cross- digitalisation sensor networks to be identified to be to be N
cutting digital certificates identified identified
machine readable certificates
RT1 electrolysers electricity grid connection for ancillary x to be identified to be CEN/CLC JTC Y
Production services by electrolysers and regarding identified 6
power quality requirements -
standardisation (other than regulation on
system operation at national level) of
procedures for testing, inspection and
certification of facilities and performance;
Measurement and assessment of power
quality characteristics of grid connected
EU harmonised protocols for testing of low
temperature water electrolysers, JRC 2021
RT1 electrolysers control strategies for integrating x to be identified to be CEN-CLC/JTC Y
Production electrolysers with intermittent renewable identified 6
CEN- energies (mapping operational boundaries)
RT1 electrolysers electrolyser - development of measurement x to be identified to be CEN-CLC/JTC Y
Production methods and test procedures for identified 6
CEN- electrolyser performance dedicated to the
CENELEC needs of ancillary service requirements
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
heavy duty -
aviation -
RT2 T&D fuel cell aspects - fuel cell x to be identified to be IEC/TC 105 N
energy / identified
hydrogen carrier
RT4 Mobility gas engines combustion engines x to be identified to be to be N
identified identified
RT5 Energy gas engines gas engines including variable H2 x x EN 1834 series Reciprocating internal to be CEN/TC 270, Y
CEN- concentrations combustion engines - Safety identified ISO/TC 70
CENELEC requirements for design and construction
of engines for use in potentially explosive
RT3 Industry gas quality Wobbe index, oxygen x EN 16726 Gas infrastructure - Quality of under CEN/TC Y
heating aspects gas - Group H revision 234/WG 11
RT6 Building gas quality Wobbe index x x EN 16726 Gas infrastructure - Quality of under CEN/TC Y
aspects gas - Group H revision 234/WG 11
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT6 Building gas quality max. Hydrogen content allowed /guaranteed x EN 16726 Gas infrastructure - Quality of under CEN/TC Y
aspects for end-use gas - Group H revision 234/WG 11
RT6 Building gas quality rate of change of hydrogen content x CEN/TS 15502-3-1 Gas-fired central in CEN/TC N
aspects heating boilers ... preparation 109/WG 1
RT2 T&D gas quality adaptation of gas analysis methods - purity x x ISO 19229 Gas analysis — Purity analysis in ISO/TC 158 Y
CEN- aspects analysis and treatment of purity data and the treatment of purity data preparation
RT2 T&D gas quality sensors for concentration monitoring H2 and x x to be identified to be CLC/SC 31-9 Y
CEN- aspects H2NG identified
RT7 Cross- gas quality determination of gas quality parameters - x x EN ISO 6974 (series) Natural gas - to be CEN/TC 238 Y
cutting aspects Determination of hydrogen, inert gases and Determination of hydrogen, inert gases identified
CEN- hydrocarbons up to C8 and hydrocarbons up to C8 - Gas
CENELEC chromatographic
RT2 T&D gas quality Gas families and test gases for H2 x x EN 437 Test gases - Test pressures - under CEN/TC 238 Y
aspects - • Gas/hydrogen analysis methods Appliance categories revision
gas families / test • Gas/hydrogen quality monitoring
RT3 Industry gas quality appliance testing - x x EN 437 Test gases - Test pressures - in CEN/TC 238 Y
heating aspects - missing test gases Appliance categories; preparation
gas families / test
RT6 Building gas quality missing test gases for appliance testing x x EN 437 Test gases - Test pressures - in CEN/TC 238, Y
aspects - Appliance categories preparation CEN/TC 109/
gas families / test CEN/TS 15502-3-1 Gas-fired heating WG 1
gases boilers ...
CEN/TS 15502-3-3 Gas-fired heating
boilers ...
RT3 Industry gas quality gas quality measurement devices x x to be identified to be to be N
heating aspects - identified identified
metrology -
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT1 gas quality hydrogen and gas quality x ISO 14687 Hydrogen fuel quality — under ISO/TC 197 Y
Production aspects - quality control and measurement Product specification revision
purity methodologies (harmonized with CEN 17214)
purity of hydrogen
Impurities like inert gases Wobbe index from
repurposed infrastructure
RT2 T&D gas quality H2 quality in industry x x several standards to be CEN/CLC JTC partly
aspects - identified 6,
purity ISO/TC 197,
CEN/TC 234
RT2 T&D gas quality hydrogen quality in pipelines x CEN/TS XXX (WI 00234096) (1) in CEN/TC 234, Y
aspects - preparation CEN/CLC JTC
purity EN 17124 Hydrogen Fuel - Product (2) under 6,
Specification And Quality Assurance - revison ISO/TC 197
Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel
Cell Applications for Road Vehicles
RT3 Industry gas quality purity of hydrogen/ impurities like inert x CEN/TS XXX (WI 00234096) Gas in CEN/TC Y
heating aspects - gases/Wobbe index from repurposed infrastructure — Quality of gas — preparation 234/WG 11
purity infrastructure Hydrogen used in converted/rededicated
gas systems
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT3 Industry gas quality purity of hydrogen/ impurities like inert x ISO 14687:2019 Hydrogen fuel quality — under ISO/TC 197 Y
heating aspects - gases/Wobbe index as fuel Product specification revision
RT3 Industry gas quality purity of volatile blends max 30 % x EN 16726 Gas infrastructure - Quality of under CEN/TC 234 Y
heating aspects - gas - Group H revision
RT5 Energy gas quality purity of hydrogen/ impurities like inert x CEN/TS XXX (WI 00234096) Gas in CEN/TC 234 Y
aspects - gases/Wobbe index from repurposed infrastructure — Quality of gas — preparation
purity infrastructure Hydrogen used in converted/rededicated
gas systems
RT5 Energy gas quality purity of hydrogen/ impurities like inert x ISO 14687 Hydrogen fuel quality — under ISO/TC 197 Y
aspects - gases/Wobbe index as fuel Product specification revision
RT5 Energy gas quality purity of volatile blends x EN 16726 Gas infrastructure - Quality of (1) in CEN/TC 234, N
aspects - gas - Group H preparation CEN/CLC JTC
purity CEN/TS XXX (WI 00234096) Gas (2) under 6,
infrastructure — Quality of gas — revision ISO/TC 197
Hydrogen used in converted/rededicated
gas systems
ISO 14687 Hydrogen fuel quality —
Product specification
RT5 Energy gas quality max. hydrogen content allowed /guaranteed x CEN/TS XXX (WI 00234096) Gas (1) in CEN/TC 234, Y
aspects - for end-use infrastructure — Quality of gas — preparation CEN/CLC JTC
purity Hydrogen used in converted/rededicated (2) under 6,
gas systems revision ISO/TC 197
ISO 14687 Hydrogen fuel quality —
Product specification
RT6 Building gas quality purity x CEN/TS XXX (WI 00234096) Gas in CEN/TC 234 Y
aspects - infrastructure — Quality of gas — preparation
purity Hydrogen used in converted/rededicated
gas systems
RT2 T&D gas quality Methodologies for analysis and x EN 17124 Hydrogen Fuel - Product (1) in CEN/TC 268, Y
aspects - measurement of impurities in Hydrogen, Specification And Quality Assurance - preparation ISO/TC 197
norms for quality of hydrogen to all Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
quality utilizations way (including directing Cell Applications for Road Vehicles (2) under
measurement hydrogen to NG pipelines) revison
ISO 14687 Hydrogen fuel quality —
Product specification
RT2 T&D gas quality adaptation of gas analysis methods - x x EN ISO 6145 Gas analysis - Preparation of to be CEN/TC 238, Y
CEN- aspects - calibration of gas mixtures (H2NG) calibration gas mixtures using dynamic identified ISO/TC 193
CENELEC metrology volumetric methods
RT2 T&D gas quality adaptation of gas analysis methods - x x EN ISO 10715, Natural gas — Sampling to be CEN/TC 238, Y
CEN- aspects - sampling guidelines guideline identified ISO/TC 193
CENELEC metrology
RT5 Energy gas turbines Gas turbines including variable H2 x x EN ISO 21789 Gas turbine – Safety; as this to be ISO/TC 192 Y
CEN- concentrations standard details the minimum fuel system identified
CENELEC requirements, which would need to
ISO 3977-4 Gas turbines — Procurement
— Part 4: Fuels and environment
ISO 3977 Gas turbines – Procurement (all
parts); need to address reliability and
maintenance concerns
ISO 11042 (all parts) Exhaust gas
ISO 11086 Vocabulary
ISO 19859 Power generation applications
ISO 2314 Acceptance testing
ISO 19372 Microturbines
ISO 19860 Trend monitoring and data
ISO 18888 Acceptance tests – combined
cycle plant
RT1 gas/hydrogen material testing standards x x EN 1594 Gas infrastructure - Pipelines for under CEN/TC 234 Y
Production infrastructure maximum operating pressure over 16 bar revision
- Functional requirements
RT2 T&D gas/hydrogen pipelines for distribution of hydrogen and its x x EN 12007-1 Gas infrastructure - Pipelines in CEN/TC 234 Y
infrastructure blends with natural gas/biomethane for maximum operating pressure up to preparation
and including 16 bar -
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT2 T&D gas/hydrogen transmission pipelines for maximum x x EN 1594 Gas infrastructure - Pipelines for under CEN/TC 234 Y
infrastructure operating pressure over 16 bar including maximum operating pressure over 16 bar revision
non-metallic pipelines and including or - Functional requirements
complemented by the method of conformity
assessment for Hydrogen service
RT2 T&D gas/hydrogen welding of steel pipework used for hydrogen x x EN 12732 Gas infrastructure - Welding in place CEN/TC 234 Y
infrastructure and its blends with natural gas steel pipework - Functional requirements
RT2 T&D gas/hydrogen hydrogen injection facilities x x EN 17928-1 Gas infrastructure - Injection in CEN/TC 234 Y
infrastructure stations - Part 1 General requirements preparation
EN 17928-3 Gas infrastructure - Injection
stations -Part 3: Specific requirements
regarding the injection of hydrogen fuel
RT2 T&D gas/hydrogen installation pipework with an operating x x EN 15001-1/-2 Gas Infrastructure - Gas in CEN/TC 234 Y
infrastructure pressure greater than 0,5 bar for industrial installation pipework with an operating preparation
installations and greater than 5 bar for pressure greater than 0,5 bar for
industrial and non-industrial installations industrial installations and greater than 5
bar for industrial and non-industrial
installations - Part 1: Detailed functional
requirements for design, materials,
construction, inspection and testing
Part 2: Detailed functional requirements
for commissioning, operation and
RT2 T&D gas/hydrogen standards and technical rules linked to x x several standards in Y
ECH2A infrastructure retrofitting/blending and repurposing of preparation CEN/TC 234
Industry new pipelines, underground gas storages
and LNG terminals
RT2 T&D gas/hydrogen technical standards for infrastructure x several standards in Y
ECH2A infrastructure planning, infrastructure operation and preparation CEN/TC 234
Industry infrastructure maintenance
RT5 Energy gas/hydrogen design and stress calculation of the line pipe x x EN 1594 Gas infrastructure - Pipelines for under CEN/TC 234 y
infrastructure containing pure Hydrogen or H2NG blend maximum operating pressure over 16 bar revision
- Functional requirements
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT5 Energy gas/hydrogen industrial piping - pipes and sealing for gas x x EN 15001-1 Gas infrastructure - Gas to be CEN/TC 234 Y
infrastructure fuel system at the power plant installation pipework with an operating identified
pressure greater than 0,5 bar for
industrial installations and greater than 5
bar for industrial and non -industrial
installations - Part 1: Detailed functional
requirements for design, materials,
construction, inspection and testing
RT5 Energy gas/hydrogen pipes - material aspects - power and heat x x EN 12007-3 Gas supply systems — in CEN/TC 234 Y
infrastructure generation Pipelines for maximum operating preparation
pressure up to and including 16 bar – Part
3: Specific functional recommendations
for steel
RT6 Building gas/hydrogen installation of e.g. valves, pressure x x to be identified under CEN/TC 234 Y
infrastructure regulators, pipeline in the building revision
RT2 T&D gas/hydrogen missing construction/building norms for H2 x to be identified to be CEN/TC 234 partly
ECH2A infrastructure - storage in gaseous and liquid form identified
Industry hydrogen storage
RT2 T&D gas/hydrogen standards needed for the handling of x to be identified to be to be N
infrastructure - hydrogen and derivatives when using identified identified
hydrogen hydrogen terminals and injecting into the
terminal - hydrogen grid to avoid issues at
injection in grid interconnection points.
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT2 T&D gas/hydrogen underground storage surface facilities x x EN 1918-5 Gas infrastructure - in CEN/TC 234 Y
infrastructure - including requirements for each type of Underground gas storage - Part 5: preparation
storage components: piping, valves, burners, Functional recommendations for surface
compressors, treatment technology facilities
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT3 Industry harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 303-3 Heating boilers - Part 3: Gas- to be CEN/TC Y
heating standards H2 which is the basis for standard fired central heating boilers - Assembly identified 109/WG 3
preparation and product approval comprising a boiler body and a forced
(certification process) draught burner
EN 15502-2-7 Heating boilers - Part 2-7:
Specific standard for gas-fired central
heating units
RT3 Industry harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 203 Gas heated catering equipment - in CEN/TC 106 Y
heating standards H2 which is the basis for product approval series preparation
(certification process)
RT3 Industry harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 676 Forced draught burners for in CEN/TC 131 Y
heating standards H2 which is the basis for product approval gaseous fuels preparation
(certification process)
RT3 Industry harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 14394 Heating boilers - Heating boilers to be CEN/TC 57 N
heating standards H2 which is the basis for standard with forced draught burners - Nominal identified
preparation and product approval heat output not exceeding 10 MW and
(certification process) maximum operating temperature of 110
RT3 Industry harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 12953 series Shell boilers, to be CEN/TC 269 N
heating standards H2 which is the basis for standard EN 12952 series Water-tube boilers and identified
preparation and product approval auxiliary installations
(certification process)
RT3 Industry harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 17082 Domestic and non-domestic to be CEN/TC 180 N
heating standards H2 which is the basis for standard gas-fired forced convection air heaters for identified
preparation and product approval space heating not exceeding a net heat
(certification process) input of 300 kW,
EN 416 Gas-fired overhead radiant tube
heaters and radiant tube heater systems
for non-domestic use - Safety and energy
EN 419 Gas-fired overhead luminous
radiant heaters for non-domestic use -
Safety and energy efficiency
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT3 Industry harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 12309 Gas-fired sorption appliances to be CEN/TC 299 N
heating standards H2 which is the basis for standard for heating and/or cooling with a net heat identified
preparation and product approval input not exceeding 70 kW - series
(certification process)
RT3 Industry harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 1829-1 High-pressure water jet to be CEN/TC 197 N
heating standards H2 which is the basis for standard machines - Safety requirements - Part 1: identified
preparation and product approval Machines
(certification process)
RT3 Industry harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 50465 Gas appliances - Combined heat to be CEN/CLC JTC N
heating standards H2 which is the basis for standard and power appliance of nominal heat identified 17
preparation and product approval input inferior or equal to 70 kW
(certification process)
RT6 Building harmonized missing references to EN (gas safety -) x x EN 62282-3-100 Fuel cell technologies - to be CEN/CLC JTC N
standards standards that are (to be-) harmonised Part 3-100: Stationary fuel cell power identified 17
under GAR (eg EN 437 including reference to systems - Safety
test methods from eg EN 15502 series) (and possibly other (and possibly other
EN 62282 standards as well)
RT6 Building harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 13611 Safety and control devices for in CEN/TC 58, Y
standards H2 which is the basis for standard burners and appliances burning gaseous preparation ISO/TC 161
preparation and product approval and/or liquid fuels - General requirements
(certification process) all Part 2 standards:
EN 88-1, EN 88-2, EN 88-3, EN 161, EN
298, EN 12067-2, EN 126, ...
RT6 Building harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 15502 series Gas-fired heating boilers in CEN/TC N
standards H2 which is the basis for standard preparation 109/WG 1
preparation and product approval
(certification process)
RT6 Building harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 303-3 Heating boilers - Part 3: Gas- to be CEN/TC Y
standards H2 which is the basis for standard fired central heating boilers - Assembly identified 109/WG 3
preparation and product approval comprising a boiler body and a forced
(certification process) draught burner
EN 15502-2-7 Heating boilers - Part 2-7:
Specific standard for gas-fired central
heating units
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT6 Building harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 26 Gas-fired instantaneous water in CEN/TC 48 Y
standards H2 which is the basis for standard heaters for the production of domestic preparation
preparation and product approval hot water
(certification process) EN 89 Gas-fired storage water heaters for
the production of domestic hot water
RT6 Building harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 30 series Domestic cooking appliances in CEN/TC 49 Y
standards H2 which is the basis for product approval burning gas preparation
(certification process)
RT6 Building harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 203 series Gas heated catering in CEN/TC 106 Y
standards H2 which is the basis for product approval equipment preparation
(certification process)
RT6 Building harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 676 Forced draught burners for in CEN/TC 131 Y
standards H2 which is the basis for product approval gaseous fuels preparation
(certification process)
RT6 Building harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 17082 Domestic and non-domestic to be CEN/TC 180 N
standards H2 which is the basis for standard gas-fired forced convection air heaters for identified
preparation and product approval space heating not exceeding a net heat
(certification process) input of 300 kW
EN 416 Gas-fired overhead radiant tube
heaters and radiant tube heater systems
for non-domestic use - Safety and energy
EN 419 Gas-fired overhead luminous
radiant heaters for non-domestic use -
Safety and energy efficiency
RT6 Building harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 613 Independent closed-fronted gas- to be CEN/TC 62 N
standards H2 which is the basis for standard fired type B11, type C11, type C31 and identified
preparation and product approval type C91 heaters
(certification process) EN 509 Decorative fuel-effect gas
EN 14829 Independent gas-fired flueless
space heaters for nominal heat input not
exceeding 6 kW
RT6 Building harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 12309 series Gas-fired sorption to be CEN/TC 299 N
standards H2 which is the basis for standard appliances for heating and/or cooling identified
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
preparation and product approval with a net heat input not exceeding 70
(certification process) kW
RT6 Building harmonized missing standardisation request on GAR and x x EN 50465 Gas appliances - Combined heat to be CEN/CLC JTC N
standards H2 which is the basis for standard and power appliance of nominal heat identified 17
preparation and product approval input inferior or equal to 70 kW
(certification process)
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road standardisation of fuel cell modules for x to be identified to be to be N
ECH2A vehicles heavy duty applications e.g. “StasHH identified identified
mission” project.
RT4 mobility heavy duty / road accelerate the transition of tube trailers x to be identified to be to be N
ECH2A vehicles standard pressure to higher standard (500 identified identified
Industry bars) (Inland distribution archetype)
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road refueling points - Fuel cells x EN 17124:2022 Hydrogen fuel - Product to be CEN/TC 268 Y
CEN- vehicles specification and quality assurance for identified
CENELEC hydrogen refuelling points dispensing
gaseous hydrogen - Proton exchange
membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road refueling points - Outdoor points x EN 17127 ‘Outdoor hydrogen refuelling in CEN/TC 268 Y
CEN- vehicles points dispensing gaseous hydrogen and preparation
CENELEC incorporating filling protocols’
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road refueling system interface x ISO 13984:1999 ‘Liquid hydrogen — Land to be ISO/TC 197 Y
CEN- vehicles vehicle fuelling system interface’ identified
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road Liquid hydrogen as fuel x to be identified to be CEN/TC 268, Y
CEN- vehicles identified CEN/TC 326
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road liquid H2 transfer process & equipment - x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles cheaper testing materials identified identified
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road liquid H2 transfer process & equipment - x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles hoses identified identified
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road liquid H2 transfer process & equipment - x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles testing harmonized identified identified
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road LH2 refuelling connection devices - Land x EN ISO 17268 ‘Gaseous hydrogen land to be CEN/TC 268 Y
CEN- vehicles vehicle - liquid H2 transfer process and and vehicle refuelling connection devices’ identified
CENELEC equipment (hoses) (M/533)
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road CH2NG vehicles and engines - combustion x EN 16723-2 Natural gas and biomethane in CEN/TC 408 Y
CEN- vehicles - system - Effect of hydrogen on the for use in transport and biomethane for preparation
CENELEC combustion combustion on different engine types injection in the natural gas network - Part
2: Automotive fuels specification
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road CH2NG vehicles - Refueling station (Effect on x x EN ISO 16923 Natural gas fuelling stations under CEN/TC 326 Y
CEN- vehicles - components as compressor and storages) - CNG stations for fuelling vehicles revision
CENELEC combustion
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road refueling connection devices x EN ISO 17268 ‘Gaseous hydrogen land in CEN/TC 268, Y
CEN- vehicles - vehicle refuelling connection devices’ preparation ISO/TC 197
CENELEC components
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road CH2NG filling stations - related to billing x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - identified identified
CENELEC installation
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road CH2NG vehicles - Qualification methods for x x ISO 13985 Liquid hydrogen — Land to be ISO/TC 22, Y
CEN- vehicles - steel tanks for H2NG with hydrogen vehicle fuel tanks identified CEN/TC 408,
CENELEC installation concentrations above 2 vol% ISO/TS 15869 Gaseous hydrogen and ISO/TC 197,
hydrogen blends — Land vehicle fuel ISO/TC 58
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road bunkering safety risk - Harmonizing of x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - scenarios and data structures identified identified
CENELEC installation -
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road sensors for leak detection of H2 and H2NG x x ISO 26142:2010 Hydrogen detection in place ISO/TC 197, Y
CEN- vehicles - apparatus — Stationary applications and CLC/TC
CENELEC installation - possible additional standards 31/SC31-9,
safety JTC 6
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road hydrogen refueling points dispensing x to be identified in CEN/TC 268 y
vehicles - compressed (gaseous) hydrogen for heavy preparation
installation - duty vehicles
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road hydrogen refueling points dispensing x to be identified in CEN/TC 268 y
vehicles - liquefied hydrogen for heavy duty vehicles preparation
installation -
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road hydrogen connectors on hydrogen refueling x to be identified to be to be Y
vehicles - solutions (HRS); it is necessary to create a identified identified
installation - one standard for hydrogen pistol on HRS
refueling corresponding with one standard of
connector on the all hydrogen vehicles
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road standard for certifying hydrogen refueling x to be identified to be to be N
ECH2A vehicles - systems (to avoid certification by each identified identified
installation - hydrogen car manufacturer or by member
refueling state), especially valid for heavy duty
vehicles and buses.
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road metering - CH2NG filling stations (related to x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - billing) identified identified
CENELEC metering
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road Fuel cell systems for propulsion - Hydrogen x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - storage - remote monitoring and emptying identified identified
CENELEC storage tank towing/intervention
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road fuel cell systems for propulsion - Hydrogen x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - storage - location of fuel cells in heavy duty identified identified
CENELEC storage applications
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road transfer safety risk - Use of risk assessments x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety identified identified
CENELEC aspects
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road transfer safety risk - validated models for x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety assessing consequence identified identified
CENELEC aspects
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road crashing safety risk - first aid response x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety guidelines identified identified
CENELEC aspects
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road crashing safety risk - flare off the hydrogen x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety (compressed or liquefied) fuel tank on a identified identified
CENELEC aspects crashed or burnt out vehicle / empty storage
tanks after an incident or because of
different situations
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road crashing safety risk - flaring of H2 x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety identified identified
CENELEC aspects
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road crashing safety risk - master switch to x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety disconnect H2 system identified identified
CENELEC aspects
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road crashing safety risk - performance based x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety standards identified identified
CENELEC aspects
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road crashing safety risk - reporting formats x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety identified identified
CENELEC aspects
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road safety risk - fueling protocols for heavy duty x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety (Gaseous H2) identified identified
CENELEC aspects
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road safety risk - fueling protocols for heavy duty x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety (Gaseous H2) - communication system on identified identified
CENELEC aspects the transfer of H2; distribution trailer,
station and vehicle - Communications
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road safety risk - fueling protocols for heavy duty x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety (Gaseous H2) - communication system on identified identified
CENELEC aspects the transfer of H2; distribution trailer,
station and vehicle - communications
RT4 Mobility heavy duty / road safety risk - fueling protocols for heavy duty x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- vehicles - safety (Gaseous H2) - communication system on identified identified
CENELEC aspects
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT4 Mobility maritime fuel cell power systems - modelling tools/ x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- energy management prediction identified identified
RT4 Mobility maritime inland waterways -H2 powered boats x to be identified to be CESNI Y
CEN- identified
RT4 Mobility maritime integration of high-temperature applications x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- in inland vessels identified identified
RT4 Mobility maritime - maritime on-board usage of LIHC as a H2 x to be identified to be to be N
energy / fuel carrier identified identified
hydrogen carrier
RT4 Mobility maritime - maritime on-board usage of LOHC or KBH4 x to be identified to be to be N
energy / as a H2 fuel carrier identified identified
hydrogen carrier
RT4 Mobility maritime - safety of LIHC in maritime transport, storage x ISO/TR 15916 Basic considerations for the under ISO/TC 197, Y
energy / and use safety of hydrogen systems revision CEN/CLC/JTC
hydrogen carrier 6
RT4 Mobility maritime - Safety of LOHC in maritime transport, x ISO/TR 15916 Basic considerations for the under ISO/TC 197, Y
energy / storage and use safety of hydrogen systems revision CEN/CLC/JTC
hydrogen carrier 6
RT4 Mobility maritime - safety standards and classification for x to be identified to be to be N
ECH2A energy / hydrogen, ammonia, and methanol powered identified identified
hydrogen carrier - ships.
safety aspects
RT4 mobility maritime - technical standards related to the storage x to be identified to be to be N
ECH2A energy / and handling of hydrogen carriers (LIHC) identified identified
Industry hydrogen carrier -
RT4 mobility maritime - technical standards related to the storage x to be identified to be to be N
ECH2A energy / and handling of hydrogen carriers (LOHC) identified identified
Industry hydrogen carrier -
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT4 Mobility maritime - Standard for bunkering of compressed x to be identified in CEN/TC 268 Y
ECH2A installation - hydrogen for maritime application missing preparation and others to
Industry bunkering as well as qualification of pressure tanks be identified
with compressed H2 gas for maritime use –
suggested mitigation measure is to extend
non-maritime standards applications to
maritime use.
RT4 Mobility maritime - gaseous compressed hydrogen refueling x to be identified in CEN/TC 268 y
installation - points and bunkering for maritime and preparation
bunkering - inland waterway hydrogen-fueled vessels
RT4 Mobility maritime - liquefied hydrogen refueling points and x to be identified in CEN/TC 268 y
installation - bunkering for maritime and inland waterway preparation
bunkering - hydrogen-fueled vessels
RT4 Mobility maritime - LOHC/liquid hydrogen derivative refueling x to be identified to be to be N
installation - points and bunkering for maritime and identified identified
bunkering - inland waterway vessels
RT4 Mobility maritime - bunkering safety risk - validated models for x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- installation - assessing consequence identified identified
CENELEC bunkering -
safety aspects
RT4 Mobility maritime - bunkering safety risk - harmonizing of x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- installation - scenarios and data structures identified identified
CENELEC bunkering -
safety aspects
RT4 Mobility maritime - bunkering safety risk - use of risk x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- installation - assessments identified identified
CENELEC bunkering -
safety aspects
RT4 Mobility maritime - effective billing system x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- metrology identified identified
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT4 Mobility maritime - Development of (international) standards for x ISO 19886 series Gaseous hydrogen — to be to be N
ECH2A storage vehicle on-board hydrogen storage (350bar, Fuelling stations identified identified
500 bar, 700bar, liquid).
RT4 Mobility maritime - fuel cell systems for propulsion - hydrogen x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- storage storage - location of fuel cells in maritime identified identified
CENELEC applications (on board / below deck)
RT4 Mobility maritime - fuel cell systems for propulsion - hydrogen x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- storage storage - Onboard storage identified identified
CENELEC Technical report based on cooperation
between standardisation and regulatory
work (ESTRIN)
RT4 Mobility maritime - fuel cell systems for propulsion - hydrogen x to be identified to be to be Y
CEN- storage storage - swapping & fixed storage identified identified
RT4 Mobility maritime - inland waterways -storage of hydrogen x to be identified to be CESNI Y
CEN- storage (liquified and gaseous), identified
RT4 Mobility maritime - Integration of hightemperature applications x to be identified to be to be N
storage (e.g. dehydrogenation, high temperature identified identified
fuel cells and on-board fuel cell waste heat
usage) in inland and maritime vessels.
RT4 Mobility maritime - marine bulk storage of hydrogen carriers x to be identified to be to be N
storage (e.g. LOHC) covering both existing and new identified identified
terminals. This includes conversion services
(liquefaction, (de)hydrogenation,
purification, etc.).
RT4 Mobility maritime - Onshore and inland hubs (storage with x to be identified to be to be N
storage multi-modal access) standards identified identified
RT4 Mobility maritime - On-board storage of hydrogen carriers (e.g. x to be identified to be to be N
storage LOHC) on ships identified identified
RT4 Mobility maritime - On-board storage of hydrogen carriers and x to be identified to be to be N
storage direct usage on ships identified identified
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT4 Mobility maritime - vessel on-board hydrogen storage (350bar, x ISO 19886 to be to be N
storage 500 bar, 700bar, liquid e.g. LOHC, LIHC), (IGF Code (MSC.1/Circ 1455, 2013) identified identified
including for new ship fuel types
RT4 Mobility maritime - safe integration of onboard H2 storage and x EN IEC 60079 series Explosive to be CLC/TC 31 N
storage hydrogen propulsion systems where atmospheres identified
hydrogen or its derivatives (e.g. LOHC) are
used on-board, including the H2 generation
from hydrogen derivatives (e.g.
dehydrogenation of liquids such as LOHC) .
RT7 Cross- metrology adaptation of gas analysis methods - x x EN ISO 13443, Natural gas — Standard to be CEN/TC 238, Y
cutting reference conditions reference conditions identified ISO/TC 193
RT7 Cross- metrology - certification procedures to be identified to be to be N
cutting certification identified identified
RT7 Cross- metrology - energy content and metering of hydrogen in x to be identified to be to be N
cutting energy carrier LOHC identified identified
RT7 Cross- metrology - gas analysis instruments - Definition and x to be identified to be to be Y
cutting gas analysis harmonisation of key performance identified identified
CEN- requirements
RT3 Industry metrology - gas metering devices x x EN 12261, EN 1359, EN 14236, EN 12480, in CEN/TC 237, Y
heating measurement EN 17526, EN 12405-1, ISO 17089 preparation ISO/TC 30
RT5 Energy metrology - gas metering devices x x EN 12261, EN 1359, EN 14236, EN 12480, in CEN/TC 237, Y
measurement gas fuel system at the power plant EN 17526, EN 12405-1, ISO 17089 preparation ISO/TC 30
RT6 Building metrology - gas metering devices x x EN 12261, EN 1359, EN 14236, EN 12480, in CEN/TC 237, Y
measurement EN 17526, EN 12405-1, ISO 17089 preparation ISO/TC 30
RT7 Cross- metrology - quality and quantity metering of variable to be identified to be to be N
cutting measurement H2/natural gas mixtures in European identified identified
pipeline networks
RT7 Cross- metrology - determination of gas quality parameters - x x EN ISO 12213 series Natural gas - in CEN/TC 238 Y
cutting measurement calculation of compression factor Calculation of compression factor preparation
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT7 Cross- metrology - gas detection systems; development and x x EN 50194 Electrical apparatus for the under CLC/TC 216 Y
cutting measurement harmonisation of standards related to gas detection of combustible gases in revision
CEN- detection domestic premises (to revise for H2)
RT7 Cross- metrology - measurement of fluid flow x x ISO 5168 Measurement of fluid flow — to be CEN/TC 237, y
cutting measurement Procedures for the evaluation of identified ISO/TC 30
CEN- uncertainties
RT7 Cross- metrology - flow measurement for distribution ISO 10790 Measurement of fluid flow in to be CEN/TC 237, Y
cutting measurement closed conduits — Guidance to the identified ISO/TC 31
CEN- selection, installation and use of Coriolis
CENELEC flowmeters (mass flow, density and
volume flow measurements)
RT1 metrology - power performance x (1) EU harmonised protocols for (1) in place, VDI N
Production efficiency measurements of hydrogen generator testing of low temperature (2) in
systems (all technologies); water electrolysers, JRC 2021, preparation
method to assess and evaluate a (2) VDI 4634 Power-to-X; Hydrogen
system's efficiency Production
RT7 Cross- metrology - method for determining and specifying the to be identified to be to be N
cutting efficiency system efficiency of hydrogen technology identified identified
systems (efficiency factor)
RT7 Cross- metrology - method for determining and specifying the to be identified to be to be N
cutting efficiency system efficiency of hydrogen technology identified identified
systems (efficiency factor)
RT5 Energy power plants - valves and sealing for gas fuel system at the x x to be identified to be to be N
components power plant identified identified
RT5 Energy power plants - fire protection for plant x x EN ISO 16852 Flame arresters - to be CEN/TC 305 N
safety aspects Performance requirements, test methods identified
and limits for use
RT5 Energy power plants - plant safety concept x x to be identified to be to be N
safety aspects identified identified
RT5 Energy power plants - plant ventilation concept x x to be identified to be to be N
safety aspects identified identified
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT4 Mobility railways railway applications - rolling stock - fuel cell x EN IEC 63341-3 Railway applications - in IEC/TC 9, y
systems for propulsion - performance Rolling stock - Part 3: Fuel cell systems for preparation IEC/TC 105
requirements and test methods propulsion - Performance requirements
and test methods
RT4 Mobility railways - fuel cell systems for propulsion x EN IEC 63341-1 Railway applications – in IEC/TC 9 y
fuel cells Rolling stock – Fuel cell systems for preparation
propulsion - Part 1: Fuel Cell System
RT4 Mobility railways - rail vehicle hydrogen refueling equipment x to be identified in ISO/TC y
refueling preparation 269/AHG 2
RT4 Mobility railways - safe integration of on-board H2 storage and x EN IEC 63341 series Railway applications – in IEC/TC 9 N
ECH2A refueling hydrogen propulsion systems and refueling Rolling stock – Fuel cell systems for preparation
Industry infrastructure & process in road and rail propulsion
RT4 Mobility railways - fuel cell systems for propulsion - hydrogen x EN IEC 63341-2 Railway applications - in IEC/TC 9 y
storage storage system Rolling stock - Fuel cell systems for preparation
propulsion - Part 2: Hydrogen storage
RT3 Industry refiners hydrogen for refiners x to be identified to be to be N
feedstock identified identified
RT4 Mobility road vehicles hydrogen fuel - product specification and x EN 17124 Hydrogen fuel - Product in place CEN/TC 268 y
quality assurance - proton exchange specification and quality assurance -
membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel
road vehicles cell applications for road vehicles
RT4 Mobility road vehicles hydrogen retrofit – internal combustion x to be identified to be CEN/TC 268 N
engine retrofit identified
RT4 Mobility road vehicles slow fuelling stations – need fueling protocol x EN 17127 Outdoor hydrogen refuelling to be CEN/TC 268 Y
and requirements. points dispensing gaseous hydrogen and identified
incorporating filling protocols
RT4 Mobility road vehicles - CH2NG vehicles+ determination of gas x EN 16723-2 Natural gas and biomethane under CEN/TC 408 Y
CEN- gas quality quality parameters in relation with H2NG for use in transport and biomethane for revision
CENELEC aspects and H2/biomethane (incl. variations) injection in the natural gas network - Part
2: Automotive fuels specification
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT4 Mobility road vehicles - gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refueling x EN ISO 17268 Gaseous hydrogen land in place CEN/TC 268 y
installation - connection devices vehicle refuelling connection devices
RT4 Mobility road vehicles - outdoor hydrogen refueling points x EN 17127 Outdoor hydrogen refuelling in place CEN/TC 268 y
installation - dispensing gaseous hydrogen and points dispensing gaseous hydrogen and
refueling incorporating filling protocols incorporating filling protocols
RT4 Mobility road vehicles - hydrogen refueling system testing and x to be identified to be CEN/TC 268 partly
installation - verification methodology identified
RT4 Mobility road vehicles - minimum State of Charge (SoC) requirement x EN 17127 Outdoor hydrogen refuelling to be CEN/TC 268 Y
installation - for hydrogen refueling systems points dispensing gaseous hydrogen and identified
refueling incorporating filling protocols
RT4 Mobility road vehicles - Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) or Site x EN 17127 Outdoor hydrogen refuelling to be CEN/TC 268 Y
installation - Acceptance Testing (SAT) requirements of points dispensing gaseous hydrogen and identified
refueling hydrogen refueling system (HRS) are not incorporating filling protocols
RT4 Mobility road vehicles - standard for certifying hydrogen refueling x to be identified to be to be N
ECH2A installation - systems (to avoid certification by each H2 identified identified
Industry refueling car manufacturer)
RT1 safety aspects gas grid connection devices & assemblies, x x EN 17928 Gas infrastructure - Injection in CEN/TC 234 Y
Production materials, measurement equipment, stations - preparation
operational issues, etc. Part 1 General requirements
Compatibility of materials in devices and Part 3: Specific requirements regarding
operational matters in both production and the injection of hydrogen fuel gas
transmission systems (and also in the mixing
station) must be considered, for hydrogen
and natural gas requirements.
RT4 mobility safety aspects missing standards on safety/pressure limits x to be identified to be to be N
ECH2A in H2 transportation. identified identified
RT6 Building safety aspects cooking appliances and space heaters - x x EN 30 series to be CEN/TC 62, Y
(indoor) air quality (e.g. polluting, poisoning) identified CEN/TC 49
due to combustion of H2 (cooking
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RT7 Cross- safety aspects - leakage related safety risks (safety, leakage x x to be identified to be to be Y
cutting leakage related hydrogen characteristics) - validation identified identified
CEN- models
RT2 T&D safety aspects - determination of testing method for the x x EN ISO 6892-1:2020 Metallic materials - to be CEN/TC N
material hydrogen tolerance of metallic and non- Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at identified 459/SC 1,
compatibility - metallic materials in specific environment room temperature ISO/TC 164
gas/hydrogen including consideration of the contact of the
infrastructure test piece with the test environment EN ISO 6892-2:2018 Metallic materials -
Tensile testing. Part 2: Method of test at
elevated temperature
RT2 T&D safety aspects - corrosion of metals and alloys x x EN ISO 7539-11 Corrosion of metals and to be CEN/TC 262, N
material alloys. Stress corrosion cracking. Part 11: identified ISO/TC 156
compatibility - Guidelines for testing the resistance of
gas/hydrogen metals and alloys to hydrogen
infrastructure embrittlement and hydrogen-assisted
RT5 Energy safety aspects - Gas detection and explosion risk assessment x x EN ISO/IEC 80079-20-1 Explosive to be CEN/TC 305 N
potential atmospheres - Part 20-1: Material identified
explosive characteristics for gas and vapour
atmosphere classification - Test methods and data
RT5 Energy safety aspects - Explosion protection - power and heat x x ISO 80079-36 & 37 for non-electrical to be CEN/TC 305 N
potential generation equipment and IEC/TS 60079-46 for identified
explosive equipment assemblies
RT7 Cross- safety aspects - harmonised/compatible standards to to be identified to be CEN/TC 305 N
cutting potential facilitate import/export of equipment with identified maybe in
explosive requirements combination
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RT3 Industry safety aspects - hydrogen material compatibility for x x EN 676 Forced draught burners for in CEN/TC 131, Y
heating material combustion technologies gaseous fuels preparation ISO/TC
compatibility ISO 13577-2 Industrial furnaces and 244/WG 2
associated processing equipment - Safety
- Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling
RT3 Industry safety aspects - elastomers x x EN 549 Rubber materials for seals and to be CEN/TC 208 Y
heating material diaphragms for gas appliances and gas identified
compatibility equipment
RT5 Energy safety aspects - material compatibility (metal, hydrogen x x EN ISO 6892-1 Metallic materials. Tensile to be CEN/TC 459, N
material embrittlement) testing. Part 1: Method of test at room identified ISO/TC 164
compatibility temperature
• EN ISO 6892-2 Metallic
materials. Tensile testing. Part 2: Method
of test at elevated temperature
• EN ISO 6892-3 Metallic
materials. Tensile testing. Part 3: Method
of test at low temperature
RT5 Energy safety aspects - material compatibility (metal, hydrogen x x EN ISO 7539-11 Corrosion of metals and to be CEN/TC 262, N
material embrittlement, corrosion) alloys. Stress corrosion cracking. Part 11: identified ISO/TC 156
compatibility Guidelines for testing the resistance of
metals and alloys to hydrogen
embrittlement and hydrogen-assisted
RT6 Building safety aspects - hydrogen material compatibility for x x CEN/TR 17924 Safety and control devices in CEN/TC Y
material combustion technologies for burners and appliances burning preparation 58/WG 15
compatibility gaseous and/or liquid fuels - Guidance on
hydrogen specific aspects
EN 13611 Safety and control devices for
burners and appliances burning gaseous
or liquid fuels"
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
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aspects sation identifiy
RT6 Building safety aspects - material compatibility: lubricants, rubber, x x EN 377 Lubricants for applications in in CEN/TC 208 Y
material elastomers, sealing materials appliances and associated controls using preparation
compatibility combustible gases except those designed
for use in industrial processes
EN 549 Rubber materials for seals and
diaphragms for gas appliances and gas
EN 682 Elastomeric seals - Material
requirements for seals used in pipes and
fittings carrying gas and hydrocarbon
EN 751 (part 1 to 3) Sealing materials for
metallic threaded joints in contact with
1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases and hot
water ...
RT2 T&D safety aspects - sealings and connections x x EN 13090:2001 to be CEN/TC 108 Y
CEN- material Means for resealing threaded joints of identified
CENELEC compatibility gas pipework in buildings
RT2 T&D safety aspects - sealings and connections x x EN 682:2002/A1:2005 Elastomeric seals - to be CEN/TC 208 Y
CEN- material Materials requirements for seals used in identified
CENELEC compatibility pipes and fittings carrying gas and
hydrocarbon fluids
RT2 T&D safety aspects - sealings and connections x x EN 377:1993+A1:1996 Lubricants for to be CEN/TC 108 Y
CEN- material applications in appliances and associated identified
CENELEC compatibility controls using combustible gases except
those designed for use in industrial
RT2 T&D safety aspects - sealings and connections x x EN 751 series under CEN/TC 208 Y
CEN- material Sealing materials for metallic threaded revision
CENELEC compatibility joints in contact with 1st, 2nd and 3rd
family gases and hot water
Part 1: Anaerobic jointing compounds
Part 2: Non-hardening jointing
Part 3: Unsintered PTFE tapes
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RT1 safety aspects - odorisation of hydrogen and its blends with x ISO/TR 16922 Natural gas - Guidelines for in ISO/TC 193 Y
Production odorisation natural gas - choice of odorants odorizing gases preparation
RT3 Industry safety aspects - hydrogen odorisation x ISO/TR 16922:2022 Natural gas - in ISO/TC 193, Y
heating odorisation Odorization preparation CEN/TC 234
(future Technical Specification - TS)
RT6 Building safety aspects - odorisation x ISO/TR 16922 Natural gas - Guidelines for in ISO/TC 193, Y
odorisation odorizing gases preparation CEN/TC 234
RT5 Energy safety aspects - Explosion protection for plant x x EN ISO/IEC 80079-0 Explosive to be CEN/TC 305 N
potential atmospheres – Part 0: Equipment – identified
explosive General requirements
atmosphere EN ISO/IEC 60079-1 Explosive
atmospheres – Part 1: Equipment
protection by flameproof enclosures "d"
IEC 60079-20-1 Explosive atmospheres –
Part 20-1: Material characteristics for gas
and vapour classification – Test methods
and data
EN ISO/IEC 60079-29-1 Explosive
atmospheres - Part 29-1: Gas detectors -
Performance requirements of detectors
for flammable gases
EN ISO/IEC 60079-14 Explosive
atmospheres – Part 14: Electrical
installations design, selection and
EN ISO/IEC 60079-10-1 Explosive
atmospheres - Part 10-1: Classification of
areas - Explosive gas atmospheres
RT7 Cross- safety aspects - a special risk assessment procedure for EN 15198 Methodology for the risk under CEN/TC 305, N
cutting potential assemblies like compressors intended for assessment of non-electrical equipment revision IEC/TC 31,
explosive use in hydrogen applications and components for intended use in IEC/TC 31/SC
atmosphere potentially explosive atmospheres 31M [Non-
IEC/TS 60079-46 Explosive atmospheres - electrical
Part 46: Equipment assemblies equipment
IEC 80079-36 Explosive atmospheres - and
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RT2 T&D storage - hoop wrapped composite gas cylinders x EN 12257 Transportable gas cylinders - in place CEN/TC 23 N
gas cylinders Seamless, hoop-wrapped composite
RT2 T&D storage - non-refillable, small transportable, steel x EN 16509 Transportable gas cylinders. in place CEN/TC 23 N
gas cylinders cylinders of capacities up to and including Non-refillable, small transportable, steel
120 ml containing compressed or liquefied cylinders of capacities up to and including
gases (compact cylinders) - design, 120 ml containing compressed or
construction, filling and testing liquefied gases (compact cylinders).
Design, construction, filling and testing
RT2 T&D storage - specification for the design and construction x EN 13293 Transportable gas cylinders - in place CEN/TC 23 N
gas cylinders of refillable transportable seamless Specification for the design and
normalized carbon manganese steel gas construction of refillable transportable
cylinders of water capacity up to 0,5 litre for seamless normalised carbon manganese
compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases steel gas cylinders of water capacity up to
and up to 1 litre for carbon dioxide 0,5 litre for compressed, liquefied and
dissolved gases and up to 1 litre for
carbon dioxide
RT2 T&D storage - specification for the design and construction x EN 1964-3 Transportable gas cylinders - in place CEN/TC 23 N
gas cylinders of refillable transportable seamless steel gas Specification for the design and
cylinders of water capacities from 0,5 litre construction of refillable transportable
up to and including 150 litres - Part 3: seamless steel gas cylinders of water
Cylinders made of seamless stainless steel capacities from 0,5 litre up to and
with an Rm value of less than 1100 MPa including 150 litres - Cylinders made of
seamless stainless steel with an Rm value
of less than 1 100 MPa
RT2 T&D storage - battery vehicles and multiple-element gas x EN 13807 Transportable gas cylinders - in place CEN/TC 23 N
gas cylinders containers (MEGCs) - design, manufacture, Battery vehicles and multiple-element gas
identification and testing containers (MEGCs) - Design,
manufacture, identification and testing
RT2 T&D storage - specification for the design and construction x EN 12862 Transportable gas cylinders - in place CEN/TC 23 N
gas cylinders of refillable transportable welded aluminium Specification for the design and
alloy gas cylinders construction of refillable transportable
welded aluminium alloy gas cylinders
RT2 T&D storage - refillable welded steel gas cylinders - Design x EN 13322-1:2003/A1 Transportable gas in place CEN/TC 23 N
gas cylinders and construction - carbon steel cylinders - Refillable welded steel gas
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RT2 T&D storage - periodic inspection and testing, in situ x EN 16753 Gas cylinders - Periodic in place CEN/TC 23 N
gas cylinders (without dismantling) of refillable seamless inspection and testing, in situ (without
steel tubes of water capacity between 150 l dismantling) of refillable seamless steel
and 3 000 l, used for compressed gases tubes of water capacity between 150 l
and 3 000 l, used for compressed gases
RT2 T&D storage - refillable seamless aluminium alloy gas x EN ISO 7866:2012/A1:2020 Gas cylinders - in place ISO/TC 58, N
gas cylinders cylinders - design, construction and testing Refillable seamless aluminium alloy gas CEN/TC 23
cylinders - Design, construction and
RT2 T&D storage - quenched and tempered steel cylinders and x EN ISO 9809-1 Design, construction and in place ISO/TC 58, N
gas cylinders tubes with tensile strength less than 1 100 testing of refillable seamless steel gas CEN/TC 23
MPa cylinders and tubes - Part 1: Quenched
and tempered steel cylinders and tubes
with tensile strength less than 1 100 MPa
RT2 T&D storage - quenched and tempered steel cylinders and x EN ISO 9809-2 Design, construction and in place ISO/TC 58, N
gas cylinders tubes with tensile strength greater than or testing of refillable seamless steel gas CEN/TC 23
equal to 1 100 MPa cylinders and tubes - Part 2: Quenched
and tempered steel cylinders and tubes
with tensile strength greater than or
equal to 1 100 MPa
RT2 T&D storage - normalized steel cylinders and tubes x EN ISO 9809-3 Design, construction and in place ISO/TC 58, N
gas cylinders testing of refillable seamless steel gas CEN/TC 23
cylinders and tubes - Part 3: Normalized
steel cylinders and tubes
RT2 T&D storage - stainless steel cylinders with an Rm value of x EN ISO 9809-4 Design, construction and in place ISO/TC 58, N
gas cylinders less than 1 100 Mpa testing of refillable seamless steel gas CEN/TC 23
cylinders and tubes - Part 4: Stainless
steel cylinders with an Rm value of less
than 1 100 Mpa
RT2 T&D storage - refillable seamless steel tubes of water x EN ISO 11120 Gas cylinders. Refillable in place ISO/TC 58, N
gas cylinders capacity between 150 l and 3000 l - Design, seamless steel tubes of water capacity CEN/TC 23
construction and testing between 150 l and 3000 l. Design,
construction and testing
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
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RT2 T&D storage - construction of composite cylinders x e.g.: ISO 11119-1, -2, -4 and -4; ISO 11515 to be ISO/TC 58 N
gas cylinders standards that are applicable for use with etc Gas cylinders - Design, construction identified
hydrogen on European level and testing of refillable composite gas
cylinders and tubes
RT2 T&D storage - gas cylinders -inspection at time of filling x e.g.: EN ISO 18119 Gas cylinders - to be ISO/TC 58, N
gas cylinders and for the periodic inspection and testing Seamless steel and seamless aluminium- identified CEN/TC 23
alloy gas cylinders and tubes - Periodic
inspection and testing;
EN ISO 11623 Gas cylinders - Composite
construction - Periodic inspection and
RT2 T&D storage - closures and accessories x e.g.:EN ISO 10297:2014/Amd 1:2017 to be ISO/TC 58, N
gas cylinders Gas cylinders — Cylinder valves — identified CEN/TC 23
Specification and type testing —
Amendment 1: Pressure drums and tubes;
EN ISO 11117 Gas cylinders — Valve
protection caps and guards — Design,
construction and tests;
EN ISO 15996 Gas cylinders — Residual
pressure valves — Specification and type
testing of cylinder valves incorporating
residual pressure devices;
EN ISO 23826 Gas cylinders — Ball valves
— Specification and testing etc...
RT5 Energy storage - material selection and testing x EN ISO 11114-4 Transportable gas in place CEN/TC 23, Y
gas cylinders cylinders — Compatibility of cylinder and ISO/TC 58
valve materials with gas contents — Part
4: Test methods for selecting steels
resistant to hydrogen embrittlement
RT2 T&D storage - selection of metallic and non-metallic x EN ISO 11114-4 Transportable gas to be CEN/TC 23 Y
gas cylinders - materials for pipelines and pressure cylinders — Compatibility of cylinder and identified
material equipment and their testing valve materials with gas contents — Part
compatibility 4: Test methods for selecting steels
gas/hydrogen resistant to hydrogen embrittlement
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
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RT1 storage - design and stress calculation of pressure x x EN 13445-1 Unfired pressure vessels - to be CEN/TC 54 N
Production pressure vessels vessels containing pure hydrogen or natural Part 1: General identified
gas blend
RT1 storage - design and stress calculation of pressure x x EN 13480-2 Metallic industrial piping - to be CEN/TC 267 N
Production pressure vessels vessels containing pure hydrogen or natural Part 2: Materials identified
gas blend.
RT4 mobility storage - technical standard for vessel tank pressure, x to be identified to be CEN/TC 268, N
ECH2A pressure vessels for tank typology or tank volume – establish identified CEN/TC 54
Industry standards in terms of type of tanks to be
filled in and pressure so that the filling
protocol of the station is adapted to the
majority of river vessels.
RT5 Energy storage - pipes and sealing for gas fuel system at the x x EN 13480-2 Metallic Industrial Piping - to be CEN/TC 267 N
pressure vessels - power plant Part 2: Materials identified
RT5 Energy storage - design, stress calculation, material selection x x EN 13480-2 Metallic industrial piping. Part to be CEN/TC 267 N
pressure vessels - of pressure vessels and material testing of 2: Materials identified
safety aspects station piping system (underground storage)
RT5 Energy storage - design and stress calculation of pressure x x EN 13445-1 Unfired pressure vessels - to be CEN/TC 54 N
pressure vessels - vessels containing pure hydrogen or H2NG Part 1: General identified
safety aspects blend
RT5 Energy storage - material compatibility x x EN 13445-2 Unfired pressure vessels - to be CEN/TC 54 N
pressure vessels - material selection of pressure vessels Part 2: Materials identified
safety aspects - containing pure hydrogen or H2NG blend
RT1 sustainability and environmental management for concrete x x ISO 13315-2 Environmental management under ISO/TC 71 partly
Production origin and concrete structure; definition for for concrete and concrete structures — revision
calculation of efficiency, key performance Part 2: System boundary and inventory
indicators (KPI), GHG emissions, certification data
of origin
RT3 Industry sustainability and fertilizer production - labelling of x to be identified to be to be N
feedstock origin renewable/low-carbon H2/NH3 identified identified
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
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RT7 Cross- sustainability and definitions for carbon footprint of LIHC x EN 16325 Guarantees of Origin for under CEN/CLC JTC Y
cutting origin - based hydrogen need to be added to EN electricity, gaseous hydrocarbons, and revision 6,
emissions / GHG - 16325 hydrogen,and heating & cooling. CEN/CLC JTC
energy/hydrogen 14
RT7 Cross- sustainability and x EN 16325 Guarantees of Origin for under CEN/CLC JTC Y
cutting origin - definitions for carbon footprint of LOHC electricity, gaseous hydrocarbons, and revision 6,
emissions / GHG - based hydrogen need to be added to EN hydrogen,and heating & cooling CEN/CLC JTC
energy/hydrogen 16325 14
RT7 Cross- sustainability and definition of production system boundaries, x EN 16325 Guarantees of Origin for under CEN/CLC JTC Y
cutting origin - including electrolysers and other electricity, gaseous hydrocarbons, and revision 6,
guarantee of technologies of production of hydrogen and hydrogen,and heating & cooling CEN/CLC JTC
origin - other equipment (BOP) as basis for 14
efficiency aspects efficiency calculation and key performance
indicators (KPI) and also all emissions (scope
1-4) and impact categories attributable to
upstream, for the purposes of certification
of origin
RT3 Industry sustainability and ammonia production x to be identified to be to be N
feedstock origin - emissions metrology for determining GHG emissions identified identified
RT3 Industry sustainability and fertilizer produced from renewable/low- x to be identified to be to be N
feedstock origin - emissions carbon H2/NH3 identified identified
/ GHG metrology for determining GHG emissions
RT3 Industry sustainability and mass balance method chain of custody x to be identified to be to be N
feedstock origin - emissions identified identified
RT4 Mobility sustainability and missing Well-to-Wheel standard for GHG x ISO TS 19870 Methodology for in ISO/TC 197 N
ECH2A origin - emissions emissions measurement Determining the Greenhouse Gas preparation
Industry / GHG Emissions Associated with the Production,
Conditioning and Transport of Hydrogen
to Consumption Gate
contribution issue / topic standardisation gap details / description 100% H2 H2NG standards status of relevant TC CEN/CE
by horizontal standardi- NELEC
aspects sation identifiy
RT7 Cross- sustainability and calculation of the carbon footprint of EN ISO 14040 Environmental to be CEN/SS S26, N
cutting origin - emissions hydrogen carbon capture and utilization / management — Life cycle assessment — identified ISO/TC 207
/ GHG storage (CCU, CCS) including solid carbon - Principles and framework
boundaries, flows, benchmark EN ISO 14044 Environmental
management — Life cycle assessment —
Requirements and guidelines
EN ISO 14067 Greenhouse gases —
Carbon footprint of products —
Requirements and guidelines for
RT7 Cross- sustainability and emission factors for carbon footprint to be identified to be to be N
cutting origin - emissions calculation and GHG emission savings. identified identified
RT7 Cross- sustainability and carbon footprint benchmarks x to be identified to be to be N
cutting origin - emissions Technologies for production of low-carbon identified identified
ECH2A / GHG hydrogen production and co-production:
Production fossil with CCS, waste to hydrogen, a.o.
RT7 Cross- sustainability and emission factors for carbon footprint x x to be identified to be to be N
cutting origin - emissions calculation / GHG emission savings identified identified
/ GHG increasing transparency and comparability
for hydrogen production technologies
RT7 Cross- sustainability and benchmark system for different types of low x to be identified to be to be N
cutting origin - emissions carbon H2 production based on emissions identified identified
RT7 Cross- sustainability and live cycle analysis for CCU - criteria for x EN ISO 14040+A1 Environmental to be to be N
cutting origin - emissions granting a carbon credit from co-produced management - Life cycle assessment - identified identified
/ GHG substances to the produced hydrogen lower Principles and framework
carbon footprint - 14044:2006+A1:2018+A2 Environmental
mass balance in order to certify only a management - Life cycle assessment -
fraction of the hydrogen as being “Green” Requirements and guidelines
EN ISO 14067 Greenhouse gases - Carbon
footprint of products - Requirements and
guidelines for quantification
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Annex III – CEN-CENELEC, ISO-IEC Technical Committees
Technical Title
CEN/TC 12 materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and
natural gas industries
CEN/TC 15 inland navigation vessels
CEN/TC 23 transportable gas cylinders
CEN/TC 48 domestic gas-fired water heaters
CEN/TC 49 gas cooking appliances
CEN/TC 54 unfired pressure vessels
CEN/TC 57 central heating boilers
CEN/TC 58 safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous or liquid
CEN/TC 62 independent gas-fired space heaters
CEN/TC 69 industrial valves
CEN/TC 74 flanges and joints
CEN/TC 106 large kitchen appliances using gaseous fuels
CEN/TC 109 central heating boilers using gaseous fuels
CEN/TC 131 gas burners using fans
CEN/TC 155 plastics piping systems and ducting systems
CEN/TC 180 decentralized gas heating
CEN/TC 181 dedicated liquified petroleum gas appliances
CEN/TC 186 industrial thermoprocessing - safety
CEN/TC 208 elastomeric seals for joints in pipework and pipelines
CEN/TC 234 gas infrastructure
CEN/TC 235 gas pressure regulators and associated safety devices for use in gas
transmission and distribution
CEN/TC 236 non industrial manually operated shut-off valves for gas and particular
combinations valves-other products
CEN/TC 237 gas meters
CEN/TC 238 test gases, test pressures, appliance categories and gas appliance types
CEN/TC 244 measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - dormant
CEN/TC 256 railway applications
CEN/TC 262 metallic and other inorganic coatings, including for corrosion protection and
corrosion testing of metals and alloys
CEN/TC 264 air quality
CEN/TC 267 industrial piping and pipelines
CEN/TC 268 cryogenic vessels and specific hydrogen technologies applications
CEN/TC 269 shell and water tube boilers
CEN/TC 270 internal combustion engines
CEN/TC 282 installation and equipment for LNG
CEN/TC 299 gas-fired sorption appliances, indirect fired sorption appliances, gas-fired
endothermic engine heat pumps and domestic gas-fired washing and drying
CEN/TC 305 potentially explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection
CEN/TC 326 natural gas vehicles - Fuelling and operation
CEN/TC 399 gas turbines applications - safety
CEN/TC 408 natural gas and biomethane for use in transport and biomethane for injection
in the natural gas grid
CEN/TC 411 bio-based products
CEN/TC 459 ECISS - European Committee for Iron and Steel Standardization
CEN/SS S26 environmental management
CEN-CLC/JTC 14 energy management and energy efficiency in the framework of energy
CEN-CLC/JTC 6 hydrogen in energy systems
CEN-CLC/JTC 17 fuel cell gas appliances
CLC/TC 9X electrical and electronic applications for railways
CLC/TC 31 electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres
CLC/TC 57 power systems management and associated information exchange
CLC/TC 216 gas detectors
IEC/TC 9 electrical equipment and systems for railways
IEC/TC 31 equipment for explosive atmospheres
IEC/TC 57 power systems management and associated information exchange
IEC/TC 72 automatic electrical control
IEC/TC 105 fuel cell technologies
ISO/TC 8 ships and marine technology
ISO/TC 17 steel
ISO/TC 20 aircraft and space vehicles
ISO/TC 22 road vehicles
ISO/TC 30 measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits
ISO/TC 58 gas cylinders
ISO/TC 67 oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy
ISO/TC 70 internal combustion engines
ISO/TC 71 concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete
ISO/TC 109 oil and gas burners
ISO/TC 118 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment
ISO/TC 156 corrosion of metals and alloys
ISO/TC 158 analysis of gases
ISO/TC 161 Controls and protective devices for gas and/or oil
ISO/TC 164 mechanical testing of metals
ISO/TC 192 gas turbines
ISO/TC 193 natural gas
ISO/TC 197 hydrogen technologies
ISO/TC 244 industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment
ISO/TC 255 biogas
ISO/TC 265 carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage
ISO/TC 269 railway applications
ISO/TC 291 domestic gas cooking appliances
ISO/TC 301 energy management and energy savings
Annex IV – Activities related to hydrogen standardisation in other
Hydrogen Council
The Hydrogen Council, a global CEO-led initiative to advance the role for hydrogen in the energy
transition globally, was launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2017. It Comprises
close to 145 multinational companies representing the entire hydrogen value chain. Using its global
reach to promote collaboration between governments, industry and investors, the Council provides
guidance on accelerating the deployment of hydrogen solutions around the world.
The Hydrogen Council also serves as a resource for safety standards and an interlocutor for the
investment community, while identifying opportunities for regulatory advocacy in key geographies.
It recently performed a gap analysis and identified over 400 RCS gaps through desktop review,
interviews and expert review. These gaps list was then refined within its members and led to 13 key
gaps across 7 segments reported hereafter:
The RCS gaps covered mainly fall into safety performance and costs categories and apply to the
production of hydrogen and its use for mobility. Worth to mention is that all gaps have been rated as
highly critical and should be addressed within 2 to 3 years. Important to mention also is that these
gaps have been mapped versus activities at ISO, IEC and other standardisation bodies. The progress
status of the different RCS gaps is summarized on the figure below.
The progress status of the different RCS gaps is summarized on the figure above.
IPHE – International partnership for hydrogen and fuel cells in the economy
The IPHE is an international inter-governmental partnership. Its objective is to facilitate and accelerate
the transition to clean and efficient energy and mobility systems using hydrogen and fuel cell
technologies across applications and sectors. This partnership provides a forum for sharing information
on initiatives, policies and technology status to accelerate the cost-effective transition to the use of
hydrogen and fuel cells in the economy. IPHE Working Group on regulations, codes, standards and
safety issued in 2021 a high-level gap analysis of regulatory areas for actions. This work aimed in first
instance to inform governmental administration of the overarching challenges and priorities therefore
it did not enter in the technical details provided by the work of the Hydrogen Council.
A heat map of the critical areas identified by the IPHE is given in the picture below (red is considered
most critical, orange is moderately critical, and yellow is less critical). Each of the main topics in grey
in the table have been further handled in more details in other tables[1].
The results indicate that there are broad regulatory gaps for deployment of hydrogen technologies,
particularly as the industry scales up and expands beyond road transportation. Critical areas of focus
for regulatory improvements include the regulatory framework for inclusion of hydrogen in the natural
gas system, both at the point of distribution and at the point of transmission. For hydrogen refuelling
infrastructure, gaps exist primarily around scale-up and the use of liquid hydrogen, though these gaps
lean primarily toward R&D needs. The most critical gaps for hydrogen mobility/transportation appear
to be around acceptance of non-road transportation modes (rail, marine, aviation); feedback here and
through the 2020 Research Priorities Workshop indicates a need for international collaboration,
particularly where the IMO is concerned. More broadly, results of the survey determined that safety,
including maintenance requirements, approvals, and inspections, is a priority and safety improvements
should be incorporated into efforts to address the other gaps identified.
IPHE working paper, Compendium of Regulatory Areas for Action in Hydrogen Infrastructure and
Mobility/Transportation Technologies, (2021) available at
IRENA’s membership comprises 167 countries and the EU. Together, they decide on the Agency’s
strategic direction and programmatic activities, in line with the global energy discourse and priorities
to accelerate the deployment of renewables-based energy transitions worldwide.
IRENA is implementing a project entitled “Quality Infrastructure (QI) for Green Hydrogen: technical
standards and quality control for the production and trade of renewable hydrogen”[1] . The objective
of the project is to develop a comprehensive roadmap for the development and implementation of
the Quality Infrastructure services -standards, testing, certification, metrology- needed to scale-up a
global green hydrogen production and trade. The project team for the past 4 months has been
undertaking desk research on the existing quality infrastructure tools that are available for green
hydrogen production and trade. The findings from this desk research will greatly inform the
development a roadmap on the development of the quality infrastructure to overcome existing
quality, sustainability, and safety challenges in green hydrogen production and trade – which is a key
output of this project.
IRENA report, January 2023 - Creating a global hydrogen market: Certification to enable trade
Annex V – More details on legal and technical framework for mobility
The following table contains an overview of all the legal and regulatory framework of maritime (M)
and heavy-duty (HD) related topics. The first column shows important directives and policy
publications (shown in light blue). Out of these publications goals and programs can be formulated
(shown in white). The second column shows related directives and other programs for the directives,
policy publications, goals, and programs. For the road map, the start and finish dates are given in the
last two columns for all goals and programs.
Roadmap activity Related legislation Start End
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID) - HD -Directive 2014/94/EU,
-Proposal for a Regulation on the deployment
of alternative fuels infrastructure
-Fit for 55
-Hydrogen refueling points accessible to the public to ensure AFID (directive) 2026 tba
the circulation of hydrogen-powered motor vehicles, including
fuel cell vehicles
-Hydrogen refueling points accessible to the public to ensure Fit for 55 (legislature) ongoing 2030
the circulation of hydrogen-powered motor vehicles, including
fuel cell vehicles
CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty -Regulation (EU) 2019/1242
vehicles - HD -Regulation (EU) 2018/956
-Review of regulation Regulation (EU) 2019/1242: Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 2023 tba
• 2030 target and possible targets for 2035 and 2040;
• inclusion of other types of heavy-duty vehicles, including
buses, coaches, trailers, vocational vehicles and
considerations of EMS (European modular system);
• the ZLEV incentive mechanism;
• real world representativeness of the CO2 emission and
energy consumption values;
• role of synthetic and advanced alternative fuels produced
with renewable energy;
• possible introduction of a form of pooling;
• level of the excess emission premium;
• the possibility of developing a common methodology for the
assessment and reporting of the full life-cycle CO2 emissions
of heavy-duty vehicles.
-Targets for reducing the average (fleet-wide) emissions from Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 ongoing 2025
new trucks and other heavy goods vehicles for 2025 and 2030
ongoing 2030
-The CO2 emission standards for new heavy-duty vehicles Regulation (EU) 2018/956, Regulation (EU) already 2025
regulation will see average emissions of trucks and heavy 2019/1242 ongoing
goods reduced by 15% by 2025
-Financial penalties in case of non-compliance with the CO2 Regulation (EU) 2018/957 2025 tba
targets are planned. The level of the penalties is set to €6,800
per gCO2/tkm in 2030.
-The CO2 emission standards for new heavy-duty vehicles Regulation (EU) 2018/958, Regulation (EU) ongoing 2030
regulation will see average emissions of trucks and heavy 2019/1242
goods reduced 30% by 2030
-Financial penalties in case of non-compliance with the CO2 Regulation (EU) 2018/959 2030 tba
targets are planned. The level of the penalties is set to €6,800
per gCO2/tkm in 2030.
-Super-credits system for early uptake of ZLEV Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 2019 2024
-Benchmark-based crediting system for uptake of ZLEV Regulation (EU) 2019/1243 2025 tba
EU Emission Trading System (ETS) - HD/M -Directive 2003/87/EC
-Council Directive 96/61/EC
-Reduction of overall CO2 emission by 40% by 2030 -Directive 2003/87/EC ongoing 2030
(compared to 1990 levels) in the EU, through an ETS-covered -Council Directive 96/61/EC
CO2 emission reduction target set at 43% (by 2030 compared
to 2005 levels).
-ETS II -Directive 2003/87/EC tba tba
-Council Directive 96/61/EC
-In 2024, the obligation imposed would be to hold a GHG -Directive 2003/87/EC 2024 tba
emission permit and report fuels placed on the market. -Council Directive 96/61/EC
-From 2026 onwards, regulated entities would have to -Directive 2003/87/EC 2026 tba
surrender the corresponding allowances, based on the carbon -Council Directive 96/61/EC
intensity of the fuels placed on the market.
-The cap would be set, based on the Effort Sharing Regulation -Directive 2003/87/EC ongoing 2030
and it would gradually decrease to 43% in 2030, compared to -Council Directive 96/61/EC
2005 levels. No free allowance allocation is envisaged by the
EU Green Deal - HD/M '-EU Green Deal Communication COM (2019)
640 final
-European Climate Law
-European Industrial Strategy
-Clean Hydrogen Alliance
-European Circular Economy Action Plan
-Communication on European Green Deal
Investment Plan COM(2020)
-Proposal to force alternative fuel use for commercial vessels EU Green Deal 2025 tba
of 5,000 gross tonnes+, while the ship is at an EU port, on a
voyage between EU ports and 50% of the energy when
departing from or arriving to an EU port.
-Proposal to decrease annual average carbon intensity by 2% EU Green Deal 2025 tba
in 2025 and by 6% by 2030 and then further by 5-year periods
until 2050. The final target is to have a 75% reduction of 2030 tba
carbon intensity in comparison with 2020. ongoing 2050
-Full climate neutrality in EU, implementation of H2 EU Green Deal ongoing 2050
infrastrucutre for maritime & heavy duty
EU Energy System Integration Strategy under the EU Green -Powering a climate-neutral economy: An EU
Deal - HD/M Strategy for Energy System Integration -
European Commission Communication
COM(2020) 299 final
-European Parliament resolution on a
European strategy for energy system
-to be updated x x x
EU Hydrogen Strategy under the EU Green Deal - HD/M -Hydrogen Strategy – European Commission
Communication COM(2020) 301 final
-Hydrogen refueling station deployment- for 1 million Hydrogen Strategy 2025 tba
recharging and refueling stations in the EU for sustainable
transport fuels
European Climate Law - HD/M -EU Green Deal Communication COM (2019)
640 final
-European Climate Law
-Communication on European Green Deal
Investment Plan COM(2020) 21 final
-Commission has ongoing a wide legislative review process in EU Green Deal Communication COM (2019) 2021 tba
July 2021. This review includes the adoption of new legislation 640 final
and revisions of significant parts of the existing legislation in European Climate Law
the fields of energy, climate and transport. Regulation on
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (instead of the current
directive) and new legislation relating to: Fuel EU Maritime
Industrial Policy and State Aid - HD/M -EU Green Deal Communication COM (2019)
640 final
-2020 Industrial Strategy
-European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
-European Hydrogen Strategy
-In 2022 ECH2A will launch two specific working groups on H2 2020 Industrial Strategy 2022 tba
martime and heavy duty related topics.
-The Commission is launching the Renewable and Low-Carbon European Clean Hydrogen Alliance 2022 tba
Fuels Alliance currently under preparation and which focuses European Hydrogen Strategy
on giving access to aviation and waterborne transport to
these fuels.
Innovation Fund (Financed by the EU ETS) - HD/M -Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)
2019/856 of 26 February 2019 supplementing
Directive 2003/87/EC
-The Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) ongoing 2030
programmes for demonstration of innovative low-carbon 2019/856
technologies. The Fund may amount to about €25 billion up to
2030. Relating to martime and Heavy-duty H2 projects.
Expected at least 8 rounds of funding.
Public procurement for clean vehicles - HD -Directive 2009/33/EC on the promotion of
clean road transport vehicles in support of
low-emission mobility (amended by Directive
(EU) 2019/1161)
-Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement
-Directive 2014/25/EU on procurement by
entities operating in the water, energy,
transport and postal services sectors
-Directive 2014/23/EU on the award of
concession contracts
-EU Green Deal Communication COM (2019)
640 final
-European Industrial Strategy
-European Circular Economy Action Plan
-Green Public Procurement
-The Clean Vehicle Directive (CVD) (Directive 2009/33/EC, Directive 2009/33/EC 2-aug-21 31-dec-25
amended in 2019 by Directive (EU) 2019/1161) sets
procurement targets expressed as minimum percentages of
clean vehicles in the total number of road transport vehicles
covered by the aggregate of all contracts referred to in Article 1-jan-26 31-dec-30
Renewable Energy Directive - HD/M Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of The European
Parliament and of The Council of 11
December 2018 on the promotion of the use
of energy from renewable sources
-to be updated x x x
Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy - HD/M -EU Green Deal Communication COM (2019)
640 final
-Taxonomy: Final report of the Technical
Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (March
-Commission Delegated Regulation amending
Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139 as
regards economic activities in certain energy
sectors and Delegated Regulation (EU)
2021/2178 as regards specific public
disclosures for those economic activities
-The Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy was published Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy ongoing 2050
by the European Commission on 9th December 2020.EU Fit-for-55 package
transport greenhouse gas emissions will have to be cut by 90% FuelEU Maritime Regulation
by 2050. The Strategy lays out the European Commission
roadmap to achieve these goals in the next ten years. With
transport as a major end-use for hydrogen, the Strategy is
therefore highly relevant for the hydrogen sector.
-As part of the Fit-for-55 package, the Commission proposed a Fit-for-55 package 2020 2050
new regulation for maritime fuel. The FuelEU Maritime FuelEU Maritime Regulation
Regulation proposal is to stimulate fuel switching to
alternative fuels. From January 2030, container ships and
passenger ships at EU ports would also have to connect to
onshore power supply and use it for all energy needs while at
berth, with some exceptions. The proposed timetable sets a
decrease of average carbon intensity by 2% in 2025, 6 % in
2030 and then further by 5-year periods till 2050. In 2050, the
carbon intensity should be 75% compared to the 2020 base
-For hydrogen refueling stations: 500 in 2025 and 1,000 in Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy 2025 2050
2030, up from 144 currently. Whereas the need identified by
the industry is larger, 1,500 HRS would be needed by 2030 for
the heavy-duty sector, as stated by the industry, target-based
rolling out of hydrogen refueling infrastructure across the
TEN-E will help incentivise the switch to hydrogen mobility
solutions and tackle the chicken-and-egg-problem. The
Strategy also forecasts a substantial share of hydrogen (31-
40%) and of e-fuels (10-17%) in the road transport sector in
Sustainable finance (incl. R&D) under the EU Green Deal -
-to be updated x x x
Taxation - HD/M -EU Green Deal Communication COM (2019)
640 final
-Directive 2003/96/EC1 (‘Energy Taxation
-Proposal for a Directive restructuring the
Union framework for the taxation of energy
products and electricity (recast)
-to be updated x x x
CESNI - M CESNI/PT (21) 43 – Com. FR
CESNI/PT (21) 44 – Com. DE
-To draft requirements for the use of alternative fuels on CESNI/PT (21) 43 – Com. FR 2022 2023
inland navigation vessels, with the support of the temporary CESNI/PT (21) 44 – Com. DE
working group CESNI/PT/FC
storage of hydrogen (liquified and gaseous)
-Update Of ES-TRIN related to H2 topics 2023 tba
Related directives - HD/M
-Directive 2014/90/EU makes the minimum SOLAS Directive 2014/90/EU of the European 2014 tba
requirements mandatory in the EU. Several countries outside Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014
the EU area also automatically approve and accept products on marine equipment
with M.E.D. 96/98/EC authorization. This Directive applies to
equipment placed or to be placed on board an EU ship and for
which the approval of the flag State administration is required
by the international instruments, regardless of whether the
ship is situated in the Union at the time when it is fitted with
the equipment. The directive covers types of marine
equipment that fall under following International Conventions
developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO):
•SOLAS 1974: Life–saving appliances/navigation
equipment/radio equipment •MARPOL 1973: Marine
-Directive 2009/45/EC introduces uniform rules on new and Directive 2009/45/EC of the European 2009 tba
existing passenger ships and high-speed passenger craft, when Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009
both categories of ships on safety rules and standards for passenger
and craft are engaged on domestic (intra- EU) voyages. ships
Article 6 defines the general safety requirements for
passenger ships. Article 9, introduces Additional safety
requirements, equivalents, exemptions.
The Directive also states that member states may adopt
additional measures and adopt measures allowing equivalents
for the detail requirements laid down in Annex 1 to the
Directive, according to a stated procedure. Chapter II–2 of
Annex 1, is specifically on requirements with respect to fire
protection, detection and extinction.
-Directive 2009/16 introduces within the EU a port State Directive 2009/16/EC on port State control 2009/2013 tba
control system based on the inspections performed within the and Directive 2013/38/EU amending Directive
Community and the Paris MOU. It’s purpose is to increase 2009/16/EC on port State control
compliance with international and relevant Community
legislation on maritime safety, maritime security, protection
of the marine environment and onboard living and working
conditions of ships of all flags; It does so by establishing
common criteria for control of ships by the port State and by
harmonising procedures on inspection and detention
-The Directive covers situations where dangerous substances Directive 2012/18/EU of the European 2012 tba
may be present (e.g. during processing or storage) in Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012
quantities exceeding certain thresholds. on the control of major-accident hazards
It establishes. involving dangerous substances
The Directive is relevant for both the approval of bunkering /
landing installations as well as on board transport of hydrogen
-The Directive describes the rules and regulations for all actors ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU - covering 2014 tba
in the value chain, with respect to ensuring that only safe equipment and protective systems intended
equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres are for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
sold and applied. It provides regulation of how the equipment
shall be constructed, produced and documented, as well as
the rules for CE-labelling. The Directive is relevant for the
approval of landing / bunkering installations
-The Directive applies to the design, manufacture and Directive 2014/68/EU of the European 2014 tba
conformity assessment of pressure equipment and assemblies Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014
with a maximum allowable pressure greater than 0.5 bar. on the harmonisation of the laws of the
Technical requirement and classification according to an Member States relating to the making
ascending level of hazard, depending on pressure, volume or available on the market of pressure
nominal size, the fluid group and state of aggregation, as well equipment.
as conformity assessment procedures are defined.
The Directive is relevant for the approval of landing /
bunkering installations
-Directive 2007/46 establishes a framework for the type Directive 2007/46/EC of the European 2007 tba
approval of motor vehicles classes M (passenger cars and Parliament and of the Council of 5 September
busses), N (trucks), O (trailers), and of systems and 2007 establishing a framework for the
components intended for such vehicles Specific technical approval of motor vehicles and their trailers,
requirements concerning the construction and functioning of and of systems, components and separate
vehicles is laid down in subsequent regulatory acts, the technical units intended for such vehicles
exhaustive list of which is set out in Annex IV. The UNECE
Regulations5 listed in Part II of Annex IV are recognized as
being equivalent to the corresponding separate directives or
regulations in as much as they share the same scope and
subject matter
-Regulation (EC) No. 79/2009 (hydrogen regulation) amends Regulation (Ec) No 79/2009 Of the European 2009 tba
Directive 2007/46 with the aim to specify harmonized safety Parliament and of the Council Of 14 January
requirements for hydrogen-powered vehicles based on an 2009 on Type-Approval of Hydrogen-Powered
internal combustion engine or a fuel cell. Motor Vehicles, and Amending Directive
Regulation 79/2009 lays down fundamental provisions on 2007/46/EC
requirements for the type–approval of motor vehicles with
regard to hydrogen propulsion, for the type–approval of
hydrogen components and hydrogen systems and for the
installation of such components and systems.
-Regulation 406/2010 contains detailed technical Commission Regulation (EU) No 406/2010 of 2010 tba
specifications and test procedures, including, but not limited 26 April 2010 implementing Regulation (EC)
to: No 79/2009 of the European Parliament and
• Administrative provisions for EC type-approval of a vehicle of the Council on type–approval of hydrogen–
with regard to hydrogen propulsion (Article 2) powered motor vehicles
• Administrative provisions for EC component type-approval
of hydrogen components and systems (Article 3)
• Requirements for the installation of hydrogen components
and systems designed to use liquid hydrogen on hydrogen
powered vehicles
• Requirements for hydrogen containers designed to use
compressed (gaseous) hydrogen
• Vehicle identification requirements
-Regulation 692 / 2008 contains inter alia general Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 of 2008 tba
requirements for type-approval and other provisions related 18 July 2008 on type-approval of motor
to the application for EC type-approval of a vehicle with vehicles with respect to emissions from light
regard to emissions and access to vehicle repair and passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5
maintenance information and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair
Regulation 630/2012 extends the scope of Regulation (EC) No and maintenance information
692/2008 to hydrogen fuel cell vehicle Commission Regulation (EU) No 630/2012 of
12 July 2012 amending Regulation (EC) No
692/2008, as regards type–approval
requirements for motor vehicles fuelled by
hydrogen and mixtures of hydrogen and
natural gas with respect to emissions, and the
inclusion of specific information regarding
vehicles fitted with an electric power train in
the information document for the purpose of
EC type–approval
-The AFID establishes a common framework of measures for Directive 2014/94/EU of the European 2014 tba
the deployment of Parliament and of the Council of 22 October
2014 on the deployment of alternative fuels
infrastructure (AFID)
1. IMO only covers vessels – anything that takes place onshore – i.e. bunkering, fuel storage in
ports is OUTSIDE THE SCOPE of IMO mandate
2. IMO doesn’t do any standards on hydrogen itself - fuel quality/purity is not within the scope
of IMO activities.
3. IMO releases technical regulations for the design of hydrogen ships – both ships carrying
hydrogen as cargo as well using hydrogen as fuel (both in ICE and FC).
4. Carriage of chemicals in bulk is covered by regulations in SOLAS (international regulations
addressing safety of life at sea) and MARPOL (pollution prevention). Both Conventions require
chemical tankers built after 1 July 1986 to comply with the International Code for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code).
5. Other constraints come from variable ship operation profiles, trading routes, weather
conditions, ship payload, layout, volume, weight requirements and - of course – cost –
effectiveness. Under such complex conditions, Flag Administrations, which have the
jurisdiction to approve vessels for operation, are reluctant or unable to accept novel disruptive
technologies such as FC and H2 without the clarity of a solid marine regulatory prescriptive
framework (Regulations, Rules, Code and Standards) at International (IMO) level.
6. For ships carrying hydrogen as cargo, the relevant piece of ‘guidelines’ from IMO is the IGC
Code (i.e.: International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied
Gases in Bulk):
a. The IGC Code currently does not specifically provide requirements for carriage of
liquefied hydrogen in bulk by sea.
b. This has been tacked by interim guidelines included in: “Recommendations for
carriage of liquefied hydrogen in bulk” (see Resolution MSC.420(97) adopted on 25
November 2016).
c. To mention that there is nothing for compressed hydrogen as cargo
7. For ships using hydrogen as fuel the key one is –“IGF Code = International Code of safety for
ships using gases and other low-flashpoint fuels”. As hydrogen is a gaseous fuel, the general
IGF code may apply. However, in the current version of this Code, regulations related to
functional requirements are intended only for natural gas. It is nevertheless of utmost
importance for the shipbuilding industry to have instruments for the use of other low-
flashpoint fuels and Fuel Cells. The IGF Code provides general indications for a goal-oriented
approach for the approval of such installations, to introduce novel technologies, designers and
operators can only rely upon a performance-based technology qualification process,
supplemented by complex safety assessment methodologies.
8. According to the IGF code, in the absence of specific normative provisions, the use of other
low flash point fuels, including hydrogen, can be approved on the basis of an alternative
design. This approach means that safety, reliability and dependability of the systems shall be
proven equivalent to that achieved with traditional fuels and machineries.
9. Alternative design assessment is governed by the Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS II-1/55).
Alternative design is the process by which the safety and reliability of systems must be
demonstrated to be equivalent to that achieved by comparable new and conventional
machines (main and auxiliary) that use fuel oils. It requires that extensive safety assessment
methodologies (e.g. HAZID, risk assessments and explosion analyses) are carried out and that
several functional requirements are fulfilled. Unfortunately the entire approval process is
lengthy and costly, and relies on individual Flag State interpretations of the requirements.
10. There have been some recent developments in the right direction – as in September 2021 IMO
has adopted “Interim Guidelines for the Safety of Ships using Fuel Cell Power Installations”.
However , this power installation does not cover the part of hydrogen storage This is a huge
step forward for ships using fuels cells – H2 + ICE is still a problem though.
11. This is the extent of direct IMO activities related to hydrogen. Yet there are also several others
indirect, including:
a. Recommendation on safety measures for existing vehicle carriers carrying motor
vehicles with compressed hydrogen or natural gas in their tanks for their own
propulsion as cargo (SOLAS regulation II-2/20-1)
b. Guidelines affecting other alternative fuels based on hydrogen – such as ammonia for
example (e.g. standards on use of low-flashpoint fuels).
1. SAE AIR6464; EUROCAE/SAE WG80/AE-7AFC Hydrogen Fuel Cells Aircraft Fuel Cell Safety
Guidelines, STANDARD by SAE International, 02/05/2020:
“The document defines the technical guidelines for the safe integration of Proton Exchange Membrane
(PEM) Fuel Cell Systems (FCS), fuel (considered to be liquid and compressed hydrogen storage types
only), fuel storage, fuel distribution and appropriate electrical systems into the aircraft.
Note: Today PEM systems and fuel storage represent the most mature FCS technology and currently
forms the basis for this standard. Other types of fuel cell systems and fuels (including reforming
technologies and electrolyzes), may be covered by a further update to the document.”
2. AS6858 “Installation of Fuel Cell Systems in Large Civil Aircraft”, This is a joint SAE/EUROCAE
development. The document will be released as both an SAE Aerospace Specification (AS) and
a EUROCAE Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard (MASPS):
“This document defines the technical requirements for the safe integration of gaseous hydrogen
fueled Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Systems (FCS) within the aircraft. Most of the
technical concepts and approaches covered by this document represent current industry "best
practice". Others require specific approval from the procuring activity before use. This requirement
for approval is not intended to prohibit their use; but rather to ensure that the prime contractor has
fully investigated their capability to perform reliably and to be sufficiently durable under the required
conditions and that the prime contractor can present substantiating evidence for approval before the
design is committed to.”
Annex VI – Pre-normative research (PNR) activities in the Clean
Hydrogen Partnership
The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertakings (FCH JU, FCH 2 JU37) have been supporting since 2008
the development of hydrogen-specific RCS through different activities. The JU has been supporting
projects, through research grants, performing PNR activities along the hydrogen chain, from the
hydrogen production to end-uses, covering also cross-cutting issues where needed (e.g., safety-related
aspects). More than 24 project,s with a total cost of more than 64 million euros and a total EU
contribution of more than 43 million euros, have encompassed both research activities and desk
research activities in view of supporting RCS developments.
A special place is taken by project HYLAW, which has provided an analysis of the legal and
administrative barriers blocking the widespread commercialisation of hydrogen technologies in Europe
in general and in 18 EU member States, while recommending solutions to overcome the challenges.
Another relevant initiative has been conducted by the CERTIFHY project and follow up initiatives which
have assessed the necessary market and regulatory conditions to develop the complete design and
initiate a unique European framework for renewable and low-carbon hydrogen guarantees of origin.
Furthermore, the FCH 2 JU set up the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory (FCHO)38, an observatory
that provides data (statistics, facts and analysis) and up to date information about the entire hydrogen
sector, which includes a Policy & Incentives and Regulation, Codes and Standards module that provides
users with a comprehensive overview of the most relevant policies, rules and standards that directly
or indirectly affect the development and deployment of the hydrogen technologies covered by the
The Clean Hydrogen Partnership or Clean Hydrogen JU39 is the successor of the FCH2 JU under Horizon
Europe programme for research and innovation and will continue supporting projects performing PNR
activities within its Horizontal area 1: Cross-cutting issues. Moreover, the CleanH2 will set up a
Regulations, Codes and Standards Strategy Coordination (RCs SC) Task Force which will coordinate and
monitor the strategy related to RCS within the JU Programme with the ultimate goal of increasing the
EU impact in RCS development in Europe (and beyond), with the main focus but not limited to
List of PNR projects, ongoing in 2021, supported by the FCH 2 JU.
Pre-normative research for safe use of liquid
PRESHLY 2018-21
The standardisation issues, gaps, challenges, and priorities along the entire hydrogen chain identified
by the WG will, on many occasions, require pre-normative research activities. The need for R&I and
coordination actions to support the development of RCS can be further developed by the CEN-CENELEC
SFEM WG H2, as the long-term collaborative framework with major bodies for strengthening
cooperation between regulatory work, which then will be addressed through the different EU
instruments, also so-called implementing bodies, such as the Clean Hydrogen. Therefore, there will be
a need to ensure a communication channel between the work of the WG, the CEN-CENELEC SFEM WG
H2, and implementing bodies such as the Clean Hydrogen.
Annex VII – Pre-normative research (PNR) in the European Partnership
on Metrology
The European Partnership on Metrology (the ‘Metrology Partnership’)40, is an Institutionalised Public-
Public European Partnership as referred to in Article 10(1), point (c), of Regulation (EU) 2021/695,
jointly undertaken by Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and Türkiye (the ‘Participating States’).
The Metrology Partnership is managed by EURAMET, the European Regional Metrology Organisation
and a non-profit association under German law. EURAMET also coordinates the European Metrology
Networks with one of them focusing on ’Energy Gases’ and in particular hydrogen.
Standardisation framework
EURAMET and The European Metrology Network for Energy Gases provide measurement science
expertise to society and industry to support the implementation of the energy transition to renewable
gaseous fuels.
The involvement of EURAMET’s EMN Energy Gases on hydrogen standardisation is currently the
• Close cooperation between EURAMET and CEN-CENELEC (STAIR EMPIR platform): within the
context of metrology research, STAIR (joint strategic Working Group to address
Standardisation, Innovation and Research) co-operates with EURAMET by identifying
metrology research needs with impact on standardisation
• Normative calls under EMPIR (European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research)
or the Metrology Partnership with topics focused on measurement methods, reference
materials and metrological requirements.
Activities related to hydrogen include standardisation in the EMN for Energy Gases’ Strategic Research
Flow metering of renewable gases (biogas, biomethane, hydrogen, syngas and mixtures with natural
gas) - Short Name: NEWGASMET.
Development of renewable energy sources is encouraged by the European Renewable Energy Directive
2009/28/EC and by the European Green Deal. Renewable gases like biogas, biomethane, hydrogen or
syngas can be used for this purpose. As they have characteristics that are slightly different from well-
known natural gas, the industry needs to study their impact on available flowmeters and to
demonstrate their compliance with the Measuring Instruments Directive 2014/32/EU. The objective
of the present project is to publish reliable data that is needed by the metrological and industrial
community, and to provide recommendations on renewable gas measurement with adapted gas meter
This European project addresses the need of large-scale energy storage, which is required for a shift
to renewable energy supply. Such storage is required to supply energy at peak times when renewable
sources fluctuate. A possible solution for energy storage is large-scale use of hydrogen. Metrological
traceability in the energy infrastructure for hydrogen storage is crucial. Thus, improved knowledge of
chemical and physical properties of hydrogen as well as traceable measurements and validated
techniques are imperative.
Current barriers to mass implementation of hydrogen in transport arise from European Directive
2014/94/EU and International organisation of legal metrology (OIML) recommendations that must be
met by all European hydrogen refueling stations (HRS). This project will address these issues and will
develop metrology that will enable hydrogen to become a conventional fuel and support the European
energy transition. The project will tackle measurement challenges in hydrogen flow metering,
hydrogen quality control and hydrogen sampling and fuel cell stack testing.
Metrology infrastructure for high-pressure gas and liquified hydrogen flows - Short Name:
This project is the first large-scale industry project that will provide the necessary metrological
infrastructure (and traceability) required to address the measurement challenges that are currently
faced by the hydrogen industry. This will support growth in several sectors (mobility, fuel cells, liquified
hydrogen). The aim of this project is to ensure measurement traceability in the hydrogen distribution
chain. Therefore, critical flow Venturi nozzles will be established as standards for use with high
pressure gas and a traceability route for liquified hydrogen will be created. Without these measures,
verifiable measurements are not possible, and hydrogen will not be accepted as an environmentally
friendly fuel.
The aim is to provide the primary standards, test facilities, validated methods and good practice that
gas industry need to perform key measurements required to decarbonise the gas grid, including
through 100% hydrogen and hydrogen enriched natural gas. Key measurements that the project focus
on include flow metering, gas composition, physical properties and leak detection.
The aim of the project is to provide better standards for the safe application of hydrogen, flow
measurement, hydrogen quality assessment and custody transfer. Together with outcomes from
previous projects, an infrastructure will be established that provides measurement data that are fit for
demonstrating compliance with regulations and contracts. These will help ramping up the use of
hydrogen and society to adapt to using hydrogen instead of fossil fuels.
Annex VIII - Examples of hydrogen standardisation in ISO and IEC
One important ISO Technical committee on Hydrogen is ISO/TC 197 “Hydrogen Technologies”. It is
focused on standardisation in the field of systems and devices for the production, storage, transport,
measurement and use of hydrogen.
• ISO 22734: Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis — Industrial, commercial, and
residential applications. In particular, two new parts:
o Part 1, on dynamic performance/ safety.
o Part 2, on testing for grid service.
• ISO 19880: Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations. In particular, four new parts:
o Part 5, update regarding dispenser hoses and hose assemblies.
o Part 6, on fittings.
o Part 7, concerning O-rings.
o Part 9, on sampling.
• ISO 19885: Gaseous Hydrogen – Fuelling protocols for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles. In particular,
three new parts:
o Part 1, about general requirements.
o Part 2, on communications.
o Part 3, on high flow fuelling protocols for heavy duty road vehicles.
• ISO 19887: Gaseous Hydrogen — Fuel system components for hydrogen fuelled vehicles.
Besides, a Joint Working Group (JWG) has been set up with TC 22/ SC41.
• ISO/TR 15916: Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems. A revision is foreseen
with regards to the (i) materials compatibility table, and (ii) a new chapter will be included on
LH2 (as a result of FCH 2 JU Project PRELSHY).
A new Subcommittee has recently been created (ISO/TC 197/ SC1), focused on applications
‘requirements of hydrogen technologies at large scale and in horizontal energy systems, where:
• Hydrogen plays a central or significant role and where overlap or blending with other fuels and
energy carriers and systems is considered.
• Different expertise and approaches are required due to different global technical regulations.
This TC is currently very active and 13 standards or projects are now under development. Besides, it is
worth to mention that the “new“ focus is on beyond road vehicles (on top of the classic performance
testing methods):