Online-Based Management of New Student Admission Selection For Postgraduate Study Programs at State Islamic Colleges 95-111
Online-Based Management of New Student Admission Selection For Postgraduate Study Programs at State Islamic Colleges 95-111
Online-Based Management of New Student Admission Selection For Postgraduate Study Programs at State Islamic Colleges 95-111
Abstract: Colleges are institutions that hold educational accounts. The role and information
technology is in the management of human resources and students as the main customers in this
education. The new student admissions information system is one of the information methods in
higher education governance. Currently, the information technology infrastructure at UIN Sunan
Gunung Djati Bandung is not sufficient to develop business process solutions using information
systems. The purpose of this study is to create a new student information system architecture model
by utilizing TOGAF ADM to describe business functions related to information systems. The design
in this study uses the TOGAF model in the form of three parts. The first part is an analysis of the
initial state of the organization, which includes Initial phase, requirements management, architectural
vision, and business architecture. The second part discusses the enterprise architecture, which consists
of two phases: information systems architecture and technology architecture. The third part is to find
answers to enterprise architecture problems in the opportunities and solutions phase. The purpose of
this research is to develop a strategy to ensure that the information system to be used is adaptable and
that all activities related to new students are integrated with the information system. Blueprint vision
of the new student admissions information system architecture is the need for a web-based information
system. In addition, the blueprint business architecture and information systems architecture produce
academic information systems that support the process of introducing new students. The blueprint
technology architecture makes the design of the network infrastructure and server technology used.
The blueprint of opportunities and solutions produces a solution gap analysis of the current system
and an analysis of the results system that will be developed at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
The management of the selection of new student admissions becomes very important if
it is related to the purpose of establishing a postgraduate program in tertiary institutions. The
postgraduate program consisting of a master's program (S-2) and a doctoral program (S-3) aims
to produce graduates who are not only able to master and develop science and technology,
but also become centers of scientific study/research that are recognized nationally and
internationally (Tinggi & Hamzah, n.d.)
Based on these considerations, the quality of postgraduate output at the State Islamic
Religious Colleges (PTKINs) is largely determined by the quality of the input. Therefore, the
input (prospective students) of PTKINs must be selected through a valid and reliable selection
system, taking into account the real needs of society and recognition nationally and
internationally. The selection of new student admissions must be a means for universities to
get the best input. Therefore, it is important to renew the acceptance system for selecting new
students at the postgraduate PTKINs, especially when it is related to the quality of learning
and student achievement.
Efforts to improve the registration and acceptance of new students in higher education
today can use information technology-based architecture. One of them is the use of enterprise
architecture methods. There are various methods that can be used in designing enterprise
architecture, including the Zachman Framework, the Federal Enterprise Architecture
Framework (FEAF), the DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF), the Treasury Enterprise
Architecture Framework (TEAF), and The Open Group Architectural Framework
(TOGAF)(Minoli, 2008).
The aim of the practice of admitting new students at PTKIN is to select prospective new
students who are academically qualified so that they are able to attend and complete education
at PTKIN in accordance with the time limit and applicable regulations. Expanding access to
education for Indonesian people regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, social position and level
of economic ability. Creating a valid and reliable new PTAIN admissions system that can be
accounted for academically and juridically. In this context Entreprise Architecture (EA) is
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is often referred to as the initial planning or design related
to a company. Basically EA itself is intended to create a blueprint to optimize the target to be
achieved. EA is effective enough to carry out analysis, design, planning, and implementation
of a company in order to achieve successful strategy development and implementation/ [19]
EA can minimize redundancies (data duplication), complexity, and business risks associated
with Information Technology (IT) investments. In doing so, EA provides a blueprint for an
effective IT strategy and guides the controlled evolution of IT in a way that delivers business
benefits in a cost-effective manner. So using EA will support existing business functions. [19]
Meanwhile, several definitions of Enterprise Architecture (EA) are interpreted as a collection
of organizations that have a set of goals. From this, Enterprise Architecture can also mean an
entire corporation, a government agency, a single department, a corporate division or a chain
of interconnected organizations(Thorn, 2007).
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is often referred to as the initial planning or design related
to a company. Basically EA itself is intended to create a blueprint to optimize the target to be
achieved. EA is effective enough to carry out analysis, design, planning, and implementation
of a company in order to achieve successful strategy development and implementation/ [19]
EA can minimize redundancies (data duplication), complexity, and business risks associated
with Information Technology (IT) investments.
Undang Syaripudin & Jaja Jahari/ Online-Based Management of New Student Admission Selection for Postgraduate Study
Programs at State Islamic Colleges
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In doing so, EA provides a blueprint for an effective IT strategy and guides the
controlled evolution of IT in a way that delivers business benefits in a cost-effective manner.
So using EA will support existing business functions. [19] Meanwhile, several definitions of
Enterprise Architecture (EA) are interpreted as a collection of organizations that have a set of
goals. From this, Enterprise Architecture can also mean an entire corporation, a government
agency, a single department, a corporate division or a chain of interconnected
organizations(Thorn, 2007).
EA provides quite a lot of benefits for an organization. EA enables organizations to
comprehensively review Information Technology (IT) status and organizational goals guided
by IT. The benefits of EA itself can be grouped into 5 (five) advantages, namely:
Reducing complexity. Complex systems that are difficult to manage can lead to a lot of
errors and reduce efficiency. As mentioned above, EA appears as a solution to the complexity
of systems in organizations. Therefore, reducing system complexity is one of the biggest
expectations of organizations from EA. This simplifies system management with the right
tools. EA reduces system complexity by detecting and terminating processes that are not
contributing to the target to be achieved.
Standardization. EA helps standardize processes and applications resulting in better
stability. Standard processes will increase efficiency while reducing risks that may be
encountered. EA can also standardize IT processes and IT infrastructure effectively. Better IT
infrastructure will lead to more successful outcomes.
Reducing time. EA saves time for IT staff as it will enable optimization of IT tools and
processes. This prevents bigger problems by allowing the cause of the problem to be detected
more quickly. Therefore EA will reduce the loss of time and labor caused by certain
Cost saving. EA eliminates unprofitable processes. It also includes unnecessary repetitive
processes. This results in significant resource and cost savings. In addition, EA saves IT
budgets by optimizing IT infrastructure.
Change analysis. EA gives organizations greater agility and adaptability. This means being
able to analyze and respond to changes in industry complexity more quickly. IT strategies and
processes can be adapted to new models or updated as changes occur(Schelp & Stutz, 2007).
This study seeks to conduct a study on the selection management of new student
admissions at online-based Islamic Religious Colleges, especially at PTKINs. This study seeks
to describe the model of acceptance of new postgraduate students since the online registration
period, a test system with two Computer Based Test (CBT) methods and interviews to obtain
qualified prospective students according to established standards.
Literature Review
Information technology architecture is a detailed description of the various information
processing assets required to fulfill business objectives, the rules for managing them, and the
information related to them. Information technology architecture focuses on the basic levels
Undang Syaripudin & Jaja Jahari/ Online-Based Management of New Student Admission Selection for Postgraduate
Study Programs at State Islamic Colleges
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enterprise architectures. The core method of the TOGAF framework is called the Architecture
Development Method (ADM) (Forda & Kurniawan, 2017).
TOGAF divides enterprise architecture into 4 (four) categories as shown in Figure 1.
The four categories include:
Business Architecture
Describes how the business process runs in order to achieve the goals of an organization.
Application Architecture
Describes how a particular application is designed and its interaction patterns with other
Data Architecture
Describes how to manage, store, and access various data in the company.
Technical Architecture
An overview of the hardware and software infrastructure that supports the application
and how it interacts. ADM is a generic method that contains a set of activities used in
modeling enterprise architecture development. This method can also be used as a guide or
tool for planning, designing, developing, and applying information system architectures to
organizations(Forda & Kurniawan, 2017).
Through this phase common tools and methods there are several modeling variants, such as:
BPMN, IDEF and UML can be used to build the required model.
Information System Architecture
This stage places more emphasis on information system architecture development
activities. Defining the information system architecture in this stage includes data architecture
and application architecture that will be used by the organization. Data architecture focuses
more on how data is used for the needs of business functions, processes and services.
Meanwhile, application architecture places more emphasis on how application needs are
planned using the Application Portfolio Catalog, and focuses on the application model to be
designed(Ross, 2003). Techniques that can be used include: Application Communication
Diagrams, Application and User Location Diagrams and others.
Technology Architecture
This phase is the phase of building the required technology architecture, starting from
determining the type of technology candidate required by using the Technology Portfolio
Catalog which includes software and hardware. This stage in the process also considers the
alternatives needed in the selection of technology(Scheer & Schneider, 2006). The techniques
used include Environment and Location Diagrams, Network Computing Diagrams, and
Opportunities and Solution
This stage is a phase that puts more emphasis on re-identification than the previous
phase (enterprise architecture, business, data, applications, and technology). Through this
stage a collaborative pattern is sought between business and IT company stakeholders (Bustos,
N.D.). This collaborative effort to assess the readiness of the organization's business
transformation, identify opportunities, solutions, and identify all implementation constraints.
The key to this phase is focusing on business value, flexibility, coordination and compromise.
Migration Planning
At this stage an assessment will be carried out in determining the migration plan of an
information system. Usually at this stage for modeling using an assessment matrix and
decisions on the main and supporting needs in the organization for the implementation of
information systems.
Implementation Governance
This stage emphasizes how the architecture constrains the implementation project and
monitors it as it builds. The focus of this stage is the preparation of a reference regarding the
management implementation that has been carried out. Management that has been carried
out includes management of information technology (IT), organizational management, and
management of architecture. Mapping of these stages can be integrated with the framework
created for management from the Information Technology Governance Institute (ITGI).
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Through the architectural modeling described earlier, the study process carried out by
the author was carried out through several stages. As for the process that will be taken in the
deployment of enterprise architecture model construction in a system that helps various
activities at the UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung institution, the authors carry out a series
of stages which can be described as a whole as shown in Figure 1.
The enterprise architecture design process starts from the preliminary phase to the
TOGAF ADM technology architecture. Analysis of each phase is carried out to obtain a
blueprint. Detailed explanation of the stages of enterprise architecture design consisting of
the preliminary phase and requirements management in the company as follows:
Undang Syaripudin & Jaja Jahari/ Online-Based Management of New Student Admission Selection for Postgraduate Study
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Preliminary Phase
This stage includes preparatory activities for developing architectural capabilities
including TOGAF customization and defining architectural principles. The goal of this phase
is to convince everyone involved that this approach is for the success of the architectural
Architecture Vision
This phase is the start of the architecture development cycle which includes defining
the scope, identifying stakeholders, drafting the architecture vision, and submitting it for
approval to start architecture development.
Business Architecture
This phase includes the development of enterprise architecture to support the agreed
architectural vision. At this point, common modeling tools and methods can be used to build
the required model.
Information System Architecture
This phase is more focused on the development of information system architecture. The
definition of information system architecture at this stage includes data architecture and
application architecture that will be used by the organization. Data architecture focuses more
on how data is used for functional requirements, processes and business services. The
technique that can be used is class diagrams.
Technology Architecture
This stage is the stage of building the desired technology architecture, starting from
determining the type of technology candidate required by using the Technology Portfolio
Catalog which includes software and hardware. In this stage, the alternatives needed in the
selection of technology are also considered.
Preliminary Phase
The preliminary stage is the early step in planning the preparation of Enterprise
Architecture (EA). This step is carried out to determine how EA is made and implemented.
The input stage and the output stage in this step can be observed from Figure 3.
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In this step input is obtained from important concepts from the Sunan Gunung Djati
State Islamic University, Bandung and the system that is currently running. The steps are
obtained from the formulation of the problems found at the Sunan Gunung Djati State
Islamic University, Bandung, determining the scope and introducing architectural principles.
The output stage tested in this step is an Architectural framework and Architectural Principles
consisting of business field architecture, information architecture, application architecture
and technology architecture that match the wishes of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic
University, Bandung. This principle describes the character of EA who grew up at the Sunan
Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung.
The current system, such as the New Student Admissions Committee, Academic
Section staff, and newly appointed students can be seen in Figure 4. This figure shows the
process of the new student information system at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic
University, Bandung.
Architecture Vision
The architectural vision of this model can be seen in Figure 5.
In the architecture vision phase input is obtained through the organizational history,
such as the vision, mission and goals of the organization. Through this stage, the business
strategy is then analyzed using SWOT analysis to analyze the internal and external business
scope. The steps in this phase then use the identification of related stakeholders and the
resulting output is a value chain diagram. The value chain of Sunan Gunung Djati State
Undang Syaripudin & Jaja Jahari/ Online-Based Management of New Student Admission Selection for Postgraduate Study
Programs at State Islamic Colleges
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Islamic University, Bandung, describes input as a business architecture stage that has two
functions, namely the main function and support function.
Fig. 6. Value Chain of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung
Figure 6 shows the value chain of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University,
Bandung, where there are 2 (two) activities, namely the main activity and supporting activities.
The main activities consist of several activities, including: Admission of New Students,
Education and Lectures, Graduation and Alumni, Research and Community Service.
Enterprise Architecture Design
The Enterprise architecture design was carried out at the Sunan Gunung Djati State
Islamic University, Bandung, applying the TOGAF ADM framework. As explained above, the
TOGAF ADM framework starts from several stages, namely the stages of business architecture,
information system architecture, and technology architecture.
Business Architecture
Services at the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung which were
developed are centered on improving student academic services. The service developed is new
student acceptance based on enterprise architecture as an enhanced service. This service is
inseparable from one of the foundations of compulsory higher education services to carry out
New Student Admissions. A good student admissions system is one of the factors that can
attract prospective students to continue their education at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic
University, Bandung. This process can become a business process for the main services of
Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung as can be seen in Figure 7.
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Functional Decomposition diagrams describe how the capacities and duties of each
division or part of the enterprise (company) are significant to business activities. The diagram
patterns the functional aspects of each division of the company. There are 19 functional non-
academic and 14 functional academic baseline targets at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic
University, Bandung.
New Student Admissions business techniques like this place an emphasis on organizing
New Student Admissions. This starts from the planning stage (Planning) for New Student
Admission, New Student Admission Promotion, until finally prospective students re-register.
The results of organizing each new student admissions process can be described in Table 1.
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Figure 9 shows a business architecture scheme at the Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic
University, Bandung, whose system was developed to meet the needs of the academic process.
These needs include the New Student Admissions Information System. This system was
developed so that the New Student Admissions process is far more accurate, efficient and
effective in its organization. This can be seen when the business processes in the New Student
Admissions system are related to each other. This relationship describes the relationship
between the four subjects, namely prospective students, study program promotion committee
team, new student admission committee team, academic staff, and the chancellor.
This application is also addressed to prospective students when carrying out the
entrance test. The process is carried out through the inclusion of a pin code that has been
obtained by prospective new students so that they can enter the exam test system. The New
Student Admissions Committee has the right to determine and prepare exam materials that
will be taken by prospective new students. Then, after completing the test, prospective new
students will wait for the results and be entered into this system and can be accessed anywhere.
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Fig. 12. Relationship Matrix between Data Entities and Business Functions
Figure 12 describes the relationship between the business function and data of newly
enrolled student entities and teaching and learning activities. Through it can be described
diagonally. The cells colored "Green" become markers that are arranged from “top-right” to
“bottom-right” which still stabilizes the consistency of the business organizational function.
Figure 13 describes the relationship between data entities and the business function of
admitting new students and teaching and learning activities. Annotated color markers, such
as green, are designated as updating, viewing, and creating. Meanwhile, the yellow marker is
only limited to describing it as a reference.
refined. In addition, assigning business value to the data will indicate the business criticality
of the application elements that can be obtained. Diagrams can also describe data replication
and system ownership of the main reference that will be used as data. Through this process,
two copies can be described and the master-copy relationship between them (Söbke et al.,
2013). This diagram includes services that encapsulate data, subjects residing within the
application, and accessing data encapsulated within the application.
Based on the research output that has been explained in sync with the research stages,
the following conclusions can be drawn: First, the academic business process information
system for new students at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung has been
successfully analyzed using TOGAF ADM and value chain technology. Based on the study
results, the environmental system used in the academic process of the Sunan Gunung Djati
State Islamic University Postgraduate Program, Bandung consists of three main activities,
namely New Student Admission, Selection System, and Online. Second, the development of
an enterprise architecture model at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung
is based on the five phases of TOGAF ADM, which are based on the vision architecture phase
to the opportunities and solutions phase. The results of this study indicate that the
information system architecture vision of student admissions has now become the need for
information systems based on web technology. Additionally, business architecture,
information systems architecture, and technology architecture all produce blueprints for
academic information systems that assist the new hiring process. The results of the analysis of
opportunities and solutions provide a comparison of the old system with the new system at
Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung.
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