Applying - COBIT - 5 - in - Higher - Education - INTERNASIONAL
Applying - COBIT - 5 - in - Higher - Education - INTERNASIONAL
Applying - COBIT - 5 - in - Higher - Education - INTERNASIONAL
Currently, IT Governance has emerged as essential in higher education institutions.
Yanosky and Caruso (1) addressed that governance, organization, and leadership were the top
10 strategic issues to determine the university's strategic success. Corporate governance is
defined as a term that seems to represent a framework that includes aspects of corporate
governance and the business management aspects of an organization (2). Achieving good
governance related to corporate strategy and achievement of performance measures, enables
the organization to focus on what will be the main driver of business in the future.
Corporate governance refers to overall goal of management and governance with the
objectives achieved by aligning strategic and management objectives in line with expectations
(3). To keep IT as value added in a higher education institution, it needs to apply IT
governance so that all factors and dimensions become synergistic and increases expected
return of investment. With IT governance, it is expected that convenience and improved
services for stakeholders in higher education environment enables to enhance with the
application of IT (4). Leaders and corporate policy makers are required to think creatively to
find various breakthrough strategies that can create synergies, which contribute optimally in
achieving corporate goals. Therefore, effective information management and efficient use of
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2nd Nommensen International Conference on Technology and Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (2018) 012108 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/420/1/012108
2. Literature Review
2.1.Information Technology Governance (IT Governance)
IT Governance is a structure of relationships and processes that enables to direct and control
an organization in achieving its goals by providing added value when balancing risk by
adjusting IT and business processes of the company (7). IT Governance emerged as a bridge
between business scope and IT, that enables to narrow gap between the applied technology
and accordance with the expected. IT governance is not a separate management, instead of a
part of corporate management. The benefits of IT Governance itself are essentially very
difficult to quantify because it involves in handling the intangible assets (5).
2.2.Corporate Governance is the Company's Strategic Imperative
Good corporate governance is a mandatory framework for all organizations to survive.
Corporate Governance is required to transform the legacy of applications, organizational
structures, and fragmented processes (both manual and automated) into an integrated
environment with optimal processes responsive to change and delivery of business strategy
2.3.COBIT 5 Framework
COBIT 5 is a comprehensive framework that helps enterprises to create optimal values from
IT, by maintaining a balance between realizing benefits, optimizing risk levels and resource
use(6). COBIT 5 enables information and relates technology to be governed and managed in a
holistic manner for the whole enterprise, taking in the full end-to-end business and functional
areas of responsibility, considering the IT-related interests of internal and external
stakeholder. The COBIT 5 principles and enablers are generic and useful for enterprises of all
sizes, whether commercial, not-for - profit or in the public sector (8).
The COBIT 5 Principles comprised of(8): (1) integrator framework, provides a basis for
integrating effective frameworks, standards and other practices. It enables building products
from a consistent knowledge base; (2) driven by stakeholder value, refers to stakeholder
analysis and the role of governance. COBIT 5 refers to governance is about negotiating and
deciding the best interests of different stakeholder values; (3) business focus and context.
COBIT focuses on shaping organization goals and objectives. It provides a through and end-
to-end enterprise perspective (IT and non-IT business functions). It also enables to link
between business information and IT function; (4) enabler-base. COBIT enables shaping
scope of governance, roles, activities and relationships; (5) clear distinction between
governance and management.
2.4.COBIT 5 Process Capability Model.
COBIT 5 enables to assess the enterprise process capability that comprises of six levels such
as(9): (1) level 0: Process incomplete. At this stage the process has no goal to achieve; (2)
level 1: The process is done. The process already exists and achieves its own goals; (3) level
2: successful process, is implemented in a series of activities, such as planning, monitoring
and adjusting activities. The results are established, controlled and maintained; (4) level 3: a
predefined process. This level has process definition and process deployment as attribute; (5)
level 4: The process can be predicted. This level implements the process within the specified
2nd Nommensen International Conference on Technology and Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (2018) 012108 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/420/1/012108
limits that enable the achievement of the results of the process. It is known as “process
management” and “process control” as the process attribute; (6) level 5: Optimizing process,
applies the process in a way that enables achievement of relevant, current and projected
business objectives. This level has "process innovation" and "process optimization" as the
process attribute. COBIT 5 requires sequential achievement to proceed with higher level.
2.5.IT Security
Beznosov and Besnosova addressed there are three factors that affect the effectiveness of
information security control such as (10)(11): (1) human factor, are defined as those related to
cognition at the individual level, as well as culture and interaction with others. Adoption of
security practices poses several challenges for security practitioners. For example, effective
interaction and communication are needed to achieve mutual understanding of security risks
among various stakeholders. Kraemer and Carayon (12) define human error as the cause of
computer accidents and inhumane but unintentional computer security such as accidental
programming errors that cause the computer to crash under certain circumstances (11). A
person's attitude and personal factors have a profound effect. In order to run the organization
effectively, it needs people who have a high sense of responsibility as well as emotion
management; (2) organizational factors, is an aspect related to the organizational structure,
including size and managerial decisions surrounding IT security. Kankanhalli et al. (13)
proposes a model that links organizational factors such as organizational size, top
management support, and types of industries with the effectiveness of information security
control in organizations. Based on their studies, they concluded that management support is
positively related to the implementation of preventive security efforts. They found that
organizations that invested more resources in control to prevent poor security practices,
performs better than preventive actions in smaller measures (11). The existence of good
management and full support from the leadership to employees can be a good factor in
controlling the security of the organization. The article applies the role of organizational
factors that enables to reduce the potential risk that can damage the security of campus data;
(3) technological Factors, involves technical solutions such as applications and protocols.
Audestad(14) explains that one reason for not achieving 100 percent security is due to the
complexity of the technology. This complexity makes it very difficult for decision makers to
manage the big picture and design a security policy that covers all possible system
configurations. Jiwnani and Zelkowitz (15) describe system security testing as a long,
complex, and expensive process. They propose a taxonomy to classify vulnerabilities and help
security practitioners in prioritizing resources to improve them (11). Provision of resources
whether human resources or equipment that support operations must be in accordance with
current state of technology.
COBIT as an IT management model, applies two major internal control models such as:
holistic operating control model and focusing on the IT control model. COBIT provides a
high-level guide to IT resources, including data, applications, techniques, hardware and
personnel. It enables to achieve organizational goals through risk balancing and direction and
control measures (16).
3. Research Method.
The article applies COBIT 5 framework in a school of computer that located in North
Sulawesi, STMIK MBM. The STMIK MBM is established on the 2003, and has become one
of the popular schools in North Sulawesi. The data gathering method comprises of observation
2nd Nommensen International Conference on Technology and Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (2018) 012108 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/420/1/012108
and interviews to major stakeholders in managerial levels and above, such as: secretary and
head of programmers, directors, CEO of the school, and school managers including IT
manager. There are total 12 persons were involved as major respondents. The data gathering
also involves with the plan of the school to deliver e-learning system that enriches learning
EDM01 Ensure there Analyzes the need for IT governance at Provide a good IT governance system with
are STMIK MBM and regulates IT ongoing system analysis. This is made to
governance governance processes and practices ensure and oversee the processes such as
arrangements appropriately supported by the vision and current learning management system, and
and mission the organization. academic and staff resource management,
maintenance etc. associated with IT, must truly have their
effectiveness in line with the vision and
EDM02 Ensuring IT governance planning done to manage The existence of investment in the IT field,
profit investment in IT can be a profit center must be efficient in terms of cost and time.
instead of cost center. Evaluation needs to be made to examine the
overall IT investments and current business
process, to ensure they will deliver benefits
as expected.
EDM03 Ensure risk Ensure IT management is used to Ensure that the risks analyzed can be
optimization understand and minimize risks that will addressed. Current risks such as slow access
occur both internally and externally. to intranet, data integrity, and IT security
issue should be well identified and managed
to minimize errors in IT governance.
EDM04 Ensure Ensure the availability of adequate Ensuring the need for resources (people
resource resources, people and processes and can training, enhancing business process, update
optimization manage IT governance well with respect to IT technology) can adapt to changing
cost efficiency. management (expectation) and school’s
objective to implement e-learning system.
EDM05 Ensure Ensure that IT governance must be Ensure good communication with
transparency transparently reported to stakeholders and stakeholders (collaboration system and
to stakeholders overseen the management process. director’s dashboard) and report on IT
governance processes (reporting system) in
accordance with existing regulations and in
line with campus strategy (ie. comply with
accreditation and DIKTI report, and
financial reports).
2nd Nommensen International Conference on Technology and Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (2018) 012108 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/420/1/012108
EDM03.02 Evaluate student data Migrating the management of student data from manual to systematic by
processing process. utilizing the use of IT.
EDM03.03 Evaluate the use of student Supervise and evaluate the process of student data processing
data processing application systematically as well as maintenance system to be adjusted with current
program. technology development.
Make a list of risk and application of Developing risk management procedure to avoid loss in the
academic data processing application academic data.
systematically to reduce student data loss
Migrating the management of academic The design of academic data processing system should be
EDM03.02 data from manual to systematic by utilizing adjusted to the needs and operations in organisation. The
the use of IT. effectiveness of risk management is necessary to avoid
design and efficient errors in terms of cost and time.
Supervise and evaluate the process of Evaluation of the process of using academic data
academic data processing systematically as processing system should be done periodically to see if
EDM03.03 there are errors in the program so that it can be repaired
well as maintenance system to be adjusted
with current technology development. immediately.
Monitoring and determining what resource Make a list of the needs of all available resources to support
requirements are currently required based the smooth operation of the use of academic data
on the results of the analyzes that have been processing system. Equipment to support the course of the
EDM04.01 conducted and should be in accordance with program must be provided with complete and in accordance
existing rules and taking into account the with the needs.
effectiveness and efficiency of IT
governance objectives.
2nd Nommensen International Conference on Technology and Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (2018) 012108 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/420/1/012108
Train and direct human resources also set Human resources in STMIK MBM must be trained
other resource specifications to suit the properly in order to use the program and perform the task
EDM04.02 needs of academic data processing. properly. Fulfillment of resources needs to be adjusted to
budgeted costs.
Observe and analyze the work performance Problem solving that occurs during the running of the
of existing resources so that later can be campus operations by using a systematic application
EDM04.03 reported and can be changed. program, must be resolved immediately and must continue
to monitor the performance of existing resources.
6. Conclusion
COBIT 5 framework as an effective IT governance framework enables to provide good
reference for STMIK MBM. COBIT 5 enables to address the issues of IT and business
integration that frequently creates major problems in the school. COBIT 5 has advantages to
provide effective guidance and strategies in STMIK MBM with several benefits such as
providing a good solution in business and IT governance, analyzing and delivering resource
performance, and creating IT governance can maximize and deliver time and cost benefits.
There are 3 important factors that determines the success of COBIT implementation, such as:
human, organization and technology. Those three factors enable to lower the security risk in
data management, improve IT service and access for all stakeholders.
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